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May 23, 2019 1:23 AM
Jan 2018
Crocospect22 said:
It's already 7 episodes but ugh, okay i might be overreacting since the show still airing, but i just can't stand this show any longer. The characters aren't interesting and could be annoying, dialogues are shit and many moments are cringeworthy, the story well it's just there but nothing makes anything special about it (Something i shouldn't expect, but many people said this show has a good story so i had my expectation first but it failed, at least in the anime version), the pace felt so fast even me as the non-manga reader could feel that isn't right, and the villains are lame. Don't get me wrong, i like watching dumb anime, they could provide a weird sense of fun sometimes, but idk i can't enjoy this show as much as them.

Probably because this anime brought a great promise at first way before it was aired, ai have seen people said this anime could top The Hero Shield or other isekai anime like Slime-kun since they said the story would be dark so fast and it also has great actions, yes i know those anime aren't perfect but IMO it's still a lot better than this anime which is why i really had a quite expectation at first. But so far nah, it's just an utter garbage IMO.

And i don't read the manga, so this is pure my opinion about the anime only..
But well my opinion probably getting neglected away anyway so who cares..

I don't remember anyone saying this series was dark . All the ones I have seen have said it's light hearted and slice of life with a plot of do you mean shield hero and slime

No one really said slime was dark either they said it was more light hearted slice of life with a few dark momments like the orc eating there own and other races and the orges home being destroyed etc . It isn't till later on that the series goes darker a few people mentioned

With sheild hero I have no clue that's the only isekai I have no interest in watching , I heard they changed rapth quite alot in the from manga and LN she wasn't hestiant to kill and just made her into a merch cashgrab
Mattinator95May 23, 2019 1:30 AM
May 23, 2019 3:16 AM

Jul 2014
elementex said:
Crocospect22 said:

Slime isn't a great anime, and yes the rating is overrated but i don't see any reasons this show could be better than slime, everything just feels lame, i don't know are you joking or not unless you give the points..

many points

-slime has no romance
-side characters in slime are way too bland and way too many
-slime has i-win button predator, and is basically invincible. While shin isn't even op he just has more knowledge and practice doing magic in a better way, he's not invincible and he worked for his powers unlike slime
- comedy is better, fan service is better
- no overarching villain in slime so far just a bunch of random stuff happening, compared to a clear main villain in kenja no mago with a good backstory and development.

The only points I would give for slime would be slightly better animation and slightly better world-building

- Not every anime must have romance, and not all romance being included in anime are turn out to be good, and kenja no mago romance pretty much just shallow (At least in the anime since i don't read the manga), there is no part of should we call a "good" development with "memorable" moments whatsoever, what we had always awkward teasing moments when Shin suddenly turn into a beta male everytime he got teased with Sicily.
- That's arguable, if you think that way in that case it's because the story, he is building a kingdom which equals to a nation, and friending a lot of people in the process, and many of them are actually have a pretty good backstory and interesting personality. And back again, what makes you think Kenja no Mago side characters are better than them? So far there is no appeal or something that makes them likeable as supporting characters, they are just plain boring IMO and their personality isn't something you would like to praise as well, they are kind of people who keep following the mc's tail everywhere, it's like when you are friending a popular person in your school in hope that will boost your popularity as well.
- What? Both are invincible idk what are you talking about, yes Shin is doing a training or something but in the end he would just stomping down his enemies easily, both are overpowered with bullshit powers.
- Again arguable, dude Kenja no Mago comedy is bad everything feels forced, cringy, and meh, actually i found both comedy in the anime aren't really good, but by saying Kenja no Mago has a good comedy like saying Nichijou has a good romance, which doesn't make any sense, also less fan services would be better, especially if the anime tries to focus on story more, not saying fan services are bad, some of them could be enjoyable as well, but you are saying it like it's a plus point and really that important.
- Random stuff? Okay, you clearly didn't watch the anime properly so i don't want to explain since it would waste a time, again what part makes you think the villain in Kenja no Mago has a "good" backstory with "good" development? I might have feeling we watch a completely different anime at this point, it's just mediocre imo. those are not some valid points you gave, in the end you only keep saying "this good, that bad" without actually telling and enlight me in detail what makes them so.
Crocospect22May 23, 2019 8:20 AM
May 23, 2019 3:19 AM

Jul 2014
Mattinator95 said:
Crocospect22 said:
It's already 7 episodes but ugh, okay i might be overreacting since the show still airing, but i just can't stand this show any longer. The characters aren't interesting and could be annoying, dialogues are shit and many moments are cringeworthy, the story well it's just there but nothing makes anything special about it (Something i shouldn't expect, but many people said this show has a good story so i had my expectation first but it failed, at least in the anime version), the pace felt so fast even me as the non-manga reader could feel that isn't right, and the villains are lame. Don't get me wrong, i like watching dumb anime, they could provide a weird sense of fun sometimes, but idk i can't enjoy this show as much as them.

Probably because this anime brought a great promise at first way before it was aired, ai have seen people said this anime could top The Hero Shield or other isekai anime like Slime-kun since they said the story would be dark so fast and it also has great actions, yes i know those anime aren't perfect but IMO it's still a lot better than this anime which is why i really had a quite expectation at first. But so far nah, it's just an utter garbage IMO.

And i don't read the manga, so this is pure my opinion about the anime only..
But well my opinion probably getting neglected away anyway so who cares..

I don't remember anyone saying this series was dark . All the ones I have seen have said it's light hearted and slice of life with a plot of do you mean shield hero and slime

No one really said slime was dark either they said it was more light hearted slice of life with a few dark momments like the orc eating there own and other races and the orges home being destroyed etc . It isn't till later on that the series goes darker a few people mentioned

With sheild hero I have no clue that's the only isekai I have no interest in watching , I heard they changed rapth quite alot in the from manga and LN she wasn't hestiant to kill and just made her into a merch cashgrab

Yeah i am a bit overreacting about the dark part, but believe me there are some people telling me the story would be really dark especially it mostly came from manga readers, and i've seen some in youtube comments as well which i know it couldn't be a valid point.

But in the end i just felt underwhelmed since i feel being betrayed to give a quite expectation to this anime and it disappointed me so far..
May 23, 2019 4:08 AM

Nov 2013
EcchiGodMamster said:

yo save me from these ecchi haters :v]

wait, what? where? im not going to scroll the comments

lol i guess he stopped caring, but anyway, it was number 33

anyway, haven't seen you comment much lately =o
favorite "new girls" from fall <3 (lol i only watched these) ... click sig for older seasons
May 23, 2019 4:14 AM

Mar 2012
winddevil1 said:
EcchiGodMamster said:

wait, what? where? im not going to scroll the comments

lol i guess he stopped caring, but anyway, it was number 33

anyway, haven't seen you comment much lately =o

Its just your typical crybaby npc comment trying to sound mature...

"Hey guys, look how awesome i am for maintaining the status quo of priproitizing story and rejecting fanservice"

Oh so original... what a unique thought

... not interested in responding

The industry doesnt care what ppl like him think so I'm getting better at not caring as well

EcchiGodMamsterMay 23, 2019 4:28 AM
May 23, 2019 4:30 AM
Jan 2018
I didn't even know this series was popular enough to get a anime . The same with the mom Isekai .

We also have a otame game iskei coming , didn't I ask to make my abilitys average, So what I'm a spider . Acendance of the bookworm ( which seems to be different from the others as she is weak and only has interest in books ) . We got the mmo game iskeai and if aurfieta and something else .

Wonder how long it will take for Kuma Kuma Kuma bear to get an anime
May 23, 2019 7:24 AM
Aug 2018
Crocospect22 said:
elementex said:

many points

-slime has no romance
-side characters in slime are way too bland and way too many
-slime has i-win button predator, and is basically invincible. While shin isn't even op he just has more knowledge and practice doing magic in a better way, he's not invincible and he worked for his powers unlike slime
- comedy is better, fan service is better
- no overarching villain in slime so far just a bunch of random stuff happening, compared to a clear main villain in kenja no mago with a good backstory and development.

The only points I would give for slime would be slightly better animation and slightly better world-building

- Not every anime must have romance, and not all romance being included in anime are turn out to be good, and kenja no mago romance pretty much just shallow (At least in the anime since i don't read the manga), there is no part of should we call a "good" development with "memorable" moments whatsoever, what we had always awkward teasing moments when Shin suddenly turn into a beta male everytime he got teased with Sicily.
- That's arguable, if you think that way in that case it's because the story, he is building a kingdom which equals to a nation, and friending a lot of people in the process, and many of them are actually have a pretty good back story and interesting personality. And back again, what makes you think Kenja no Mago side characters are better than them? So far there is no appeal or something that makes them likeable as supporting characters which i mean i found them are just boring and their personality isn't something you would like to praise, they are like the people who keep following the mc's tail everywhere like you are friending with a popular person in your school so that will boosting your popularity as well.
- What? Both are invincible idk what are you talking about, yes Shin is doing a training or something but in the end he would just stomping down his enemies easily, both are overpowered with bullshit powers.
- Again arguable, dude Kenja no Mago comedy is bad everything feels forced, cringy, and meh, actually i found both comedy in the anime aren't really good, but by saying Kenja no Mago has a good comedy like saying Nichijou has a good romance, which doesn't make any sense, also less fan services would be better, no fan services is even better.
- Random stuff? Okay, you clearly didn't watch the anime properly so i don't want to explain since it would waste a time, again what part makes you think the villain in Kenja no Mago has a "good" backstory with "good" development? It's just mediocre imo. It's not some valid points, if in the end you just "this good, that bad" without actually telling me in detail what make it so.

Don't bother trying to have a meaningful debate with this guy, when he said this anime was better than One Punch Man or Mob Psycho I just assumed he is an hidden agent or is related to the author in some your good and valid points are wasted.

Mattinator95 said:
I didn't even know this series was popular enough to get a anime . The same with the mom Isekai .

We also have a otame game iskei coming , didn't I ask to make my abilitys average, So what I'm a spider . Acendance of the bookworm ( which seems to be different from the others as she is weak and only has interest in books ) . We got the mmo game iskeai and if aurfieta and something else .

Wonder how long it will take for Kuma Kuma Kuma bear to get an anime

Apparently this series sold over 3 million copies LN+manga so must be pretty popular. Also isekai mom's LN art was drawn by pochi, I'll let you do the research. ;)
DjangoUnchained2May 23, 2019 9:58 AM
May 23, 2019 9:35 AM

Feb 2019
the protagonist does not even care if there is a spy or something because after a demon infiltrated I do not understand how someone does not tell him to be careful really this show should not be taken seriously because or else it would be much more ridiculous as did shield hero.}

@elementex you're talking too soon, at least let At least let the anime reach a point in the main plot before starting to say things that are certainly false.
May 23, 2019 10:00 AM
Aug 2018
RayReynolds said:
the protagonist does not even care if there is a spy or something because after a demon infiltrated I do not understand how someone does not tell him to be careful really this show should not be taken seriously because or else it would be much more ridiculous as did shield hero.}

@elementex you're talking too soon, at least let At least let the anime reach a point in the main plot before starting to say things that are certainly false.

According to LN readers the tone was always partial towards slice of life/light heartedness so since its adapting the LN if you were expecting something deep or darker you came to the wrong isekai.
May 23, 2019 10:10 AM
Apr 2019
Crocospect22 said:
elementex said:

many points

-slime has no romance
-side characters in slime are way too bland and way too many
-slime has i-win button predator, and is basically invincible. While shin isn't even op he just has more knowledge and practice doing magic in a better way, he's not invincible and he worked for his powers unlike slime
- comedy is better, fan service is better
- no overarching villain in slime so far just a bunch of random stuff happening, compared to a clear main villain in kenja no mago with a good backstory and development.

The only points I would give for slime would be slightly better animation and slightly better world-building

- Not every anime must have romance, and not all romance being included in anime are turn out to be good, and kenja no mago romance pretty much just shallow (At least in the anime since i don't read the manga), there is no part of should we call a "good" development with "memorable" moments whatsoever, what we had always awkward teasing moments when Shin suddenly turn into a beta male everytime he got teased with Sicily.
- That's arguable, if you think that way in that case it's because the story, he is building a kingdom which equals to a nation, and friending a lot of people in the process, and many of them are actually have a pretty good backstory and interesting personality. And back again, what makes you think Kenja no Mago side characters are better than them? So far there is no appeal or something that makes them likeable as supporting characters, they are just plain boring IMO and their personality isn't something you would like to praise as well, they are kind of people who keep following the mc's tail everywhere, it's like when you are friending a popular person in your school in hope that will boost your popularity as well.
- What? Both are invincible idk what are you talking about, yes Shin is doing a training or something but in the end he would just stomping down his enemies easily, both are overpowered with bullshit powers.
- Again arguable, dude Kenja no Mago comedy is bad everything feels forced, cringy, and meh, actually i found both comedy in the anime aren't really good, but by saying Kenja no Mago has a good comedy like saying Nichijou has a good romance, which doesn't make any sense, also less fan services would be better, especially if the anime tries to focus on story more, not saying fan services are bad, some of them could be enjoyable as well, but you are saying it like it's a plus point and really that important.
- Random stuff? Okay, you clearly didn't watch the anime properly so i don't want to explain since it would waste a time, again what part makes you think the villain in Kenja no Mago has a "good" backstory with "good" development? I might have feeling we watch a completely different anime at this point, it's just mediocre imo. those are not some valid points you gave, in the end you only keep saying "this good, that bad" without actually telling and enlight me in detail what makes them so.

Any romance is better than no romance by a lot especially if the character designs are good which I think they are.
We know the mc will always win in these anime, but there is something said for the wonder of how they will win. When the mc has a broken ability they can use to just autowin every time such as one punch or predator it makes any fight they have boring because you know they can’t lose. At least with Shin we get to wonder how they will win, because there’s so many ways. Nuke, vibrating sword, light manipulation, the possibilities are endless
May 23, 2019 10:28 AM

Dec 2018
elementex said:
Crocospect22 said:

- Not every anime must have romance, and not all romance being included in anime are turn out to be good, and kenja no mago romance pretty much just shallow (At least in the anime since i don't read the manga), there is no part of should we call a "good" development with "memorable" moments whatsoever, what we had always awkward teasing moments when Shin suddenly turn into a beta male everytime he got teased with Sicily.
- That's arguable, if you think that way in that case it's because the story, he is building a kingdom which equals to a nation, and friending a lot of people in the process, and many of them are actually have a pretty good backstory and interesting personality. And back again, what makes you think Kenja no Mago side characters are better than them? So far there is no appeal or something that makes them likeable as supporting characters, they are just plain boring IMO and their personality isn't something you would like to praise as well, they are kind of people who keep following the mc's tail everywhere, it's like when you are friending a popular person in your school in hope that will boost your popularity as well.
- What? Both are invincible idk what are you talking about, yes Shin is doing a training or something but in the end he would just stomping down his enemies easily, both are overpowered with bullshit powers.
- Again arguable, dude Kenja no Mago comedy is bad everything feels forced, cringy, and meh, actually i found both comedy in the anime aren't really good, but by saying Kenja no Mago has a good comedy like saying Nichijou has a good romance, which doesn't make any sense, also less fan services would be better, especially if the anime tries to focus on story more, not saying fan services are bad, some of them could be enjoyable as well, but you are saying it like it's a plus point and really that important.
- Random stuff? Okay, you clearly didn't watch the anime properly so i don't want to explain since it would waste a time, again what part makes you think the villain in Kenja no Mago has a "good" backstory with "good" development? I might have feeling we watch a completely different anime at this point, it's just mediocre imo. those are not some valid points you gave, in the end you only keep saying "this good, that bad" without actually telling and enlight me in detail what makes them so.

Any romance is better than no romance by a lot especially if the character designs are good which I think they are.
We know the mc will always win in these anime, but there is something said for the wonder of how they will win. When the mc has a broken ability they can use to just autowin every time such as one punch or predator it makes any fight they have boring because you know they can’t lose. At least with Shin we get to wonder how they will win, because there’s so many ways. Nuke, vibrating sword, light manipulation, the possibilities are endless

Someone forgot that the predator ability is not infallible. The same series showed it when Milim or charybdis appeared, which he could not use since they were much more powerful than a simple dog or a pig, the anime does not specify it well, but it has a likelihood ratio the stronger the target, less likely it is to have effect, the anime did not get far enough to show when the battles began to be strategic above all, also the series focused much more on politics and worldbuilding than anything else, it's not as if they constantly invent villains that defeat immediately.
May 23, 2019 12:27 PM
Apr 2019
Fede_5000 said:
elementex said:

Any romance is better than no romance by a lot especially if the character designs are good which I think they are.
We know the mc will always win in these anime, but there is something said for the wonder of how they will win. When the mc has a broken ability they can use to just autowin every time such as one punch or predator it makes any fight they have boring because you know they can’t lose. At least with Shin we get to wonder how they will win, because there’s so many ways. Nuke, vibrating sword, light manipulation, the possibilities are endless

Someone forgot that the predator ability is not infallible. The same series showed it when Milim or charybdis appeared, which he could not use since they were much more powerful than a simple dog or a pig, the anime does not specify it well, but it has a likelihood ratio the stronger the target, less likely it is to have effect, the anime did not get far enough to show when the battles began to be strategic above all, also the series focused much more on politics and worldbuilding than anything else, it's not as if they constantly invent villains that defeat immediately.

But he used on the tsundere dragon who’s definitely calamity level at least and ifrit is also super powerful, orc lord as well. Just way too much inconsistency. At least kenja is consistent with its plot
May 23, 2019 1:00 PM

May 2018
The last time I've check that exercising doesn't decrease the size of a girl's breast it it is naturally large and moreover if it's implanted... The last time I've check that the older a woman the more her breast sags despite how fit she is...... now where did that stupid original creator got that stupid idea?????
May 23, 2019 1:10 PM

Jul 2014
elementex said:
Crocospect22 said:

- Not every anime must have romance, and not all romance being included in anime are turn out to be good, and kenja no mago romance pretty much just shallow (At least in the anime since i don't read the manga), there is no part of should we call a "good" development with "memorable" moments whatsoever, what we had always awkward teasing moments when Shin suddenly turn into a beta male everytime he got teased with Sicily.
- That's arguable, if you think that way in that case it's because the story, he is building a kingdom which equals to a nation, and friending a lot of people in the process, and many of them are actually have a pretty good backstory and interesting personality. And back again, what makes you think Kenja no Mago side characters are better than them? So far there is no appeal or something that makes them likeable as supporting characters, they are just plain boring IMO and their personality isn't something you would like to praise as well, they are kind of people who keep following the mc's tail everywhere, it's like when you are friending a popular person in your school in hope that will boost your popularity as well.
- What? Both are invincible idk what are you talking about, yes Shin is doing a training or something but in the end he would just stomping down his enemies easily, both are overpowered with bullshit powers.
- Again arguable, dude Kenja no Mago comedy is bad everything feels forced, cringy, and meh, actually i found both comedy in the anime aren't really good, but by saying Kenja no Mago has a good comedy like saying Nichijou has a good romance, which doesn't make any sense, also less fan services would be better, especially if the anime tries to focus on story more, not saying fan services are bad, some of them could be enjoyable as well, but you are saying it like it's a plus point and really that important.
- Random stuff? Okay, you clearly didn't watch the anime properly so i don't want to explain since it would waste a time, again what part makes you think the villain in Kenja no Mago has a "good" backstory with "good" development? I might have feeling we watch a completely different anime at this point, it's just mediocre imo. those are not some valid points you gave, in the end you only keep saying "this good, that bad" without actually telling and enlight me in detail what makes them so.

Any romance is better than no romance by a lot especially if the character designs are good which I think they are.
We know the mc will always win in these anime, but there is something said for the wonder of how they will win. When the mc has a broken ability they can use to just autowin every time such as one punch or predator it makes any fight they have boring because you know they can’t lose. At least with Shin we get to wonder how they will win, because there’s so many ways. Nuke, vibrating sword, light manipulation, the possibilities are endless

"Any romance is better than no romance"
I keep saying this and saying it again, not every anime or even movies are always good when romance is involved and not every anime that has no romance automatically bad, there are a lot occasions many anime without any romance turn out to be great in the end, it's like you are saying looking on your comments by inderictly you despise anything that any anime offer when they don't include any romance to their story, which is just ridiculous and idiotic. Just because you are a romance "maniac" doesn't mean all non-romance anime are shit, this is so stupid, you should change that brainless mindset.

"At least with Shin we get to wonder how they will win" So does with Slime, Rimuru has so many abilities as well, many of his fights like fighting Ogres, Orc Lord, Golem not always rely on his swallow ability and likely using various abilities he achieved. He couldn't even defeat Charybdis at his state at that moment and has to ask Milim to defeat that monster. Oh c'mon why are you so presistent to backing up this anime when literally many people felt underwhelmed by this, i won't questioning anything if you praise and like this anime a lot because it's your taste, but you keep adding more and more non-sense points to your argument and deny people opinion with not very convincing points.
Like too much inconsistency on what? The slime anime is clearly showing and explaining it every single time whenever troubles came or when he achieved new powers, that's why his inner monologues always exist to explain those things to us every time in every occassion. And you also said Kenja is "more" consistent with the plot, what consistent? Which one? Youd didn't address anything clear here. Again in the end you just keep coming with "This always good, that always bad" type of arguments which is i am afraid you are probably just trolling at this point. If you just keep coming with this then there is no point to continue this argument, since it's pointless anyway, so bye enjoy your show and goodnight..
Crocospect22May 24, 2019 12:49 AM
May 23, 2019 1:27 PM

Nov 2010
Damn this is cringy af
May 23, 2019 1:29 PM

Feb 2019
^There are beautiful animes like mushishi that is audiovisual oniric poetry, according a @elementex logic lack of romance makes it inferior to kenja no mago, ok
May 23, 2019 1:39 PM
Oct 2018
I'm not sure whether i am became an elitist or this anime just cringy as hell. Usually i do like isekai animes, with OP main character, and slightly romance. But this one just... I don't know what to say 😅
May 23, 2019 2:25 PM
Jan 2019
Hot spring at Sicily place❤️
May 23, 2019 3:29 PM
Apr 2019
RayReynolds said:
^There are beautiful animes like mushishi that is audiovisual oniric poetry, according a @elementex logic lack of romance makes it inferior to kenja no mago, ok

Yes, to me any anime without any romance at all is a waste of production costs
May 23, 2019 3:45 PM
Aug 2018
Bingki-san said:
I'm not sure whether i am became an elitist or this anime just cringy as hell. Usually i do like isekai animes, with OP main character, and slightly romance. But this one just... I don't know what to say 😅

No your normal this is just an anime that is trying to do the least while also attracting the most which is fine by me everyone has to earn a living right?😂
elementex said:
RayReynolds said:
^There are beautiful animes like mushishi that is audiovisual oniric poetry, according a @elementex logic lack of romance makes it inferior to kenja no mago, ok

Yes, to me any anime without any romance at all is a waste of production costs

DjangoUnchained2May 23, 2019 3:50 PM
May 23, 2019 5:58 PM
Jan 2016
I am glad to see shin's friends in other groups tauhging a lesson to that arrogant members from knight academy!

Sieg getting the information about training from Aug was hilarious!

The other guy with hatred for the other cause her beloved confessed to him, feels bad! xD

Damn, they are improved a lot, thanks to Shin!

Maria telling that Shin and Sicily were all time cozy with each other, and Sicily's servants telling Shin to give her a happy life together, their reaction was priceless!

We got some bath scenes with girls, with some heartwarming moments abotu friendship, also hyped to see that training camp!
May 23, 2019 7:02 PM

May 2015
Another show with a pointless scene of women groping each other uhhh, I enjoyed this show at the beginning but it starting to drag, I feel like we missed out on development of character and powers, it all seems rushed, expect the relationship between Shin and Sicily. Just fuck or even admit it already.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is shit
May 23, 2019 7:04 PM

Feb 2009
elementex said:
FireFistYK said:
Is it bad that I think that Shin and Maria would be better for each other? Their chemistry is great and Sicilly is kinda boring. As opposed to other "nice girl" characters like Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket, she's kind without any substance behind it.

Sizilien is angel incarnate, Tohru is cringe incarnate

yo seriously one you smoke crack or something?? everything you say is purposefully meant to flip laptops

May 23, 2019 7:19 PM
Apr 2019
DarcyD said:
elementex said:

Sizilien is angel incarnate, Tohru is cringe incarnate

yo seriously one you smoke crack or something?? everything you say is purposefully meant to flip laptops

Just because I have a different opinion than you? Get real kid.
May 23, 2019 7:21 PM

Feb 2009
elementex said:
DarcyD said:

yo seriously one you smoke crack or something?? everything you say is purposefully meant to flip laptops

Just because I have a different opinion than you? Get real kid.

these aren't just different opinions...this is just nonsense you've posted at this point. and i'm going to ignore the insult because i realize that you actually just say things to irritate?? but i digress.

May 23, 2019 7:25 PM
Aug 2018
elementex said:
DarcyD said:

yo seriously one you smoke crack or something?? everything you say is purposefully meant to flip laptops

Just because I have a different opinion than you? Get real kid.

Your statement is pure irony cause you debate worse than a primary school kid. I liked death marched even with all its faults but I would never defend it like you do this anime. Also he may be asking as a concerned citizen....
DjangoUnchained2May 23, 2019 7:28 PM
May 23, 2019 7:26 PM
Apr 2019
Luroon said:
Another show with a pointless scene of women groping each other uhhh, I enjoyed this show at the beginning but it starting to drag, I feel like we missed out on development of character and powers, it all seems rushed, expect the relationship between Shin and Sicily. Just fuck or even admit it already.

The scene lasted 5 min and they talked about some important stuff in there. Calm down
May 23, 2019 7:29 PM
Apr 2019
DjangoUnchained2 said:
elementex said:

Just because I have a different opinion than you? Get real kid.

Your statement is pure irony yet you debate worse than a primary school kid. I liked death marched even with all its faults but I would never defend it like you do this anime. Also he may be asking as a concerned citizen....

Death march is indefensible unlike this anime
May 23, 2019 8:44 PM

May 2015
elementex said:
Luroon said:
Another show with a pointless scene of women groping each other uhhh, I enjoyed this show at the beginning but it starting to drag, I feel like we missed out on development of character and powers, it all seems rushed, expect the relationship between Shin and Sicily. Just fuck or even admit it already.

The scene lasted 5 min and they talked about some important stuff in there. Calm down
XD From the looks of the discussion board You're the one who needs to calm their titties, but I can understand a lot of people don't mind that kind of fan service. Its not my cup of tea but its used over and over for a reason. Either way with or without the scene the anime is still a bit of a disappointment.
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso is shit
May 23, 2019 11:34 PM
Dec 2018
FireFistYK said:
Is it bad that I think that Shin and Maria would be better for each other? Their chemistry is great and Sicilly is kinda boring. As opposed to other "nice girl" characters like Honda Tohru from Fruits Basket, she's kind without any substance behind it.

well i agree maria as a character is so well written. Her interaction is appealing and so entertain. Well if i put between her and sicily. sicily is a girl that will i date but maria is a woman that i will to married.
May 24, 2019 2:13 AM
Feb 2009
even granny gets a fan service awesome lol
May 24, 2019 11:17 AM

Dec 2014
so the training camp... well glad they didn't focus on service scenes
May 24, 2019 3:09 PM

Jun 2015
onsen episode! how cliche

this show burned out fast
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
May 24, 2019 4:10 PM
Apr 2019
Niveen_Sleem said:
onsen episode! how cliche

this show burned out fast

I would hardly call 5 minutes of onsen an onsen episode. This episode was great because we got some great development for the s class students
May 24, 2019 6:09 PM

Nov 2017
I think Aug is a very interesting character. Anyone else thinks so ?
I frown at recent installments of Persona and Trails of Cold Steel that introduce harem-like elements in the story.

We need more JRPGs like the past Lunar series, where there are multiple romantic pairings in the party other than for the protagonist and main heroine.
May 24, 2019 6:39 PM
Apr 2019
Ehurvaks said:
I think Aug is a very interesting character. Anyone else thinks so ?

Ya, he’s the perfect contrast to shin, kinda like the shikamru to Naruto
May 24, 2019 7:42 PM

Dec 2018
Fede_5000 said:

Someone forgot that the predator ability is not infallible. The same series showed it when Milim or charybdis appeared, which he could not use since they were much more powerful than a simple dog or a pig, the anime does not specify it well, but it has a likelihood ratio the stronger the target, less likely it is to have effect, the anime did not get far enough to show when the battles began to be strategic above all, also the series focused much more on politics and worldbuilding than anything else, it's not as if they constantly invent villains that defeat immediately.

But he used on the tsundere dragon who’s definitely calamity level at least and ifrit is also super powerful, orc lord as well. Just way too much inconsistency. At least kenja is consistent with its plot

He did not use the power of the dragon, he is sealed in a force field he only received the plus to receive a name, Ifrit defeated him because he could only make fire attacks and Rimuru is immune to heat, the orc lord, rimuru had difficulty eating it, actually him had to convince him to stop resisting.
May 24, 2019 9:05 PM
Jan 2019
fanservice and boring talk about treadmill to reminds you that the character does not belong to this world.
May 24, 2019 10:48 PM

Nov 2017
Next episode preview is out : That little girl has the same hair color as Aug, so is she....?
I frown at recent installments of Persona and Trails of Cold Steel that introduce harem-like elements in the story.

We need more JRPGs like the past Lunar series, where there are multiple romantic pairings in the party other than for the protagonist and main heroine.
May 25, 2019 7:38 AM

Apr 2017
Oooh, next episode is gonna be that one, many of you will be surprised <3
May 25, 2019 12:38 PM
Apr 2019
Ehurvaks said:
Next episode preview is out : That little girl has the same hair color as Aug, so is she....?

May 25, 2019 8:48 PM

Jun 2013
elementex said:
Crocospect22 said:

Slime isn't a great anime, and yes the rating is overrated but i don't see any reasons this show could be better than slime, everything just feels lame, i don't know are you joking or not unless you give the points..

many points

-slime has no romance
-side characters in slime are way too bland and way too many
-slime has i-win button predator, and is basically invincible. While shin isn't even op he just has more knowledge and practice doing magic in a better way, he's not invincible and he worked for his powers unlike slime
- comedy is better, fan service is better
- no overarching villain in slime so far just a bunch of random stuff happening, compared to a clear main villain in kenja no mago with a good backstory and development.

The only points I would give for slime would be slightly better animation and slightly better world-building

No, Kenja no Mago is garbage. You are way too easily pleased by mediocre animation and generic, forgettable characters and a plot riddled with regurgitated tropes to give an unbiased opinion. Let alone compare this to Slime. Romance does not automatically improve a series, most of the time, it ruins it. This episode is a perfect example of that.

Dude, do you seriously want to talk about bland characters? Kenja no Mago's character design is extremely generic. No one would recognize the main character or any of the other recycled character designs in this series.

The comedy in Kenja no Mago is extremely forced and panders to an audience that is quickly satiated by trite jokes that offer no decent punchline. There has been zero development in Kenja no Mago. You are watching this series with rose-colored glasses and refuse to see it for its mediocrity.

That part where the knights were flexing in front of the girl plus that one white-haired boy who was mistaken for a girl, just look how the side characters are poorly animated. This series has shit quality and honestly, anyone who says otherwise should not be taken seriously. There are tons of better isekai genre series out there and this is not one of them. At this point, I am seriously convinced you are just trolling.
May 25, 2019 10:01 PM
Apr 2019
Bibimbapski said:
elementex said:

many points

-slime has no romance
-side characters in slime are way too bland and way too many
-slime has i-win button predator, and is basically invincible. While shin isn't even op he just has more knowledge and practice doing magic in a better way, he's not invincible and he worked for his powers unlike slime
- comedy is better, fan service is better
- no overarching villain in slime so far just a bunch of random stuff happening, compared to a clear main villain in kenja no mago with a good backstory and development.

The only points I would give for slime would be slightly better animation and slightly better world-building

No, Kenja no Mago is garbage. You are way too easily pleased by mediocre animation and generic, forgettable characters and a plot riddled with regurgitated tropes to give an unbiased opinion. Let alone compare this to Slime. Romance does not automatically improve a series, most of the time, it ruins it. This episode is a perfect example of that.

Dude, do you seriously want to talk about bland characters? Kenja no Mago's character design is extremely generic. No one would recognize the main character or any of the other recycled character designs in this series.

The comedy in Kenja no Mago is extremely forced and panders to an audience that is quickly satiated by trite jokes that offer no decent punchline. There has been zero development in Kenja no Mago. You are watching this series with rose-colored glasses and refuse to see it for its mediocrity.

That part where the knights were flexing in front of the girl plus that one white-haired boy who was mistaken for a girl, just look how the side characters are poorly animated. This series has shit quality and honestly, anyone who says otherwise should not be taken seriously. There are tons of better isekai genre series out there and this is not one of them. At this point, I am seriously convinced you are just trolling.

Idk why you even quoted this when you didn’t make any counterpoints about anything other than the comedy and the characters which is 100% just your opinion.
It is clear to me you aren’t really watching this show properly and probably skipping too because you don’t even seem to know what is going on in this show. I am sorry but you are the one who is being biased here, and watching the show with dark-colored sunglasses
May 25, 2019 10:22 PM

Jun 2013
elementex said:
Bibimbapski said:

No, Kenja no Mago is garbage. You are way too easily pleased by mediocre animation and generic, forgettable characters and a plot riddled with regurgitated tropes to give an unbiased opinion. Let alone compare this to Slime. Romance does not automatically improve a series, most of the time, it ruins it. This episode is a perfect example of that.

Dude, do you seriously want to talk about bland characters? Kenja no Mago's character design is extremely generic. No one would recognize the main character or any of the other recycled character designs in this series.

The comedy in Kenja no Mago is extremely forced and panders to an audience that is quickly satiated by trite jokes that offer no decent punchline. There has been zero development in Kenja no Mago. You are watching this series with rose-colored glasses and refuse to see it for its mediocrity.

That part where the knights were flexing in front of the girl plus that one white-haired boy who was mistaken for a girl, just look how the side characters are poorly animated. This series has shit quality and honestly, anyone who says otherwise should not be taken seriously. There are tons of better isekai genre series out there and this is not one of them. At this point, I am seriously convinced you are just trolling.

Idk why you even quoted this when you didn’t make any counterpoints about anything other than the comedy and the characters which is 100% just your opinion.
It is clear to me you aren’t really watching this show properly and probably skipping too because you don’t even seem to know what is going on in this show. I am sorry but you are the one who is being biased here, and watching the show with dark-colored sunglasses

Sweetheart, there is no right or wrong way to watch a show. All these isekai shows are the same. This one just happens to be a terrible one that wasn't properly defecated by the studio that handled it.
May 26, 2019 6:19 PM
Jan 2019
Hahahaha, how much confidence do Shin's companions have xD. By increasing their magical power, they have made a great improvement. To the point that fighting with demons seems "easy" 😂. We'll see if they have such confidence when they face the demonoids 😅.

"Please, offer our Lady Sicily a long and happy life together" ... it is more than obvious that Shin and Sicily will end together 😅. I just hope that no tragedy happens: 'v.

I was hoping to see a little more of the Fanservice of the thermal baths for ladies xD, but at least I laughed with Shin's deduction about the breasts "If you work too much, you could end up reducing your breasts.When you move a lot, you burn fat. you exercise too much, you lose the fat of your breasts too ". Tremendous data, Shin! LOL 😂.

The camp will be fun.

PS: For some reason, I remembered when Kazuma, Aqua, Megumin and Darkness traveled to the City of Hot Springs xD.
May 28, 2019 11:58 PM
Apr 2019
EP 8 is close, I can’t sleep.... too excited. Send help
May 30, 2019 11:56 AM
Feb 2019
Great seeing the knights interact with the Ultimate Magic Research Society (except for the knights fawning over Sizilien. Like calm down, there is more than one healer, you'd hope)! Also, as proven by Popoptan, hot tub scenes make everything better!

Tune in next time when Shun creates a gate and the Ultimate Magic Research Society teams up with One-Punch Man!
Jun 1, 2019 1:21 AM

Mar 2019
Really don't like this op... But other than that the shows certainly gotten better since the pilot.
Jun 4, 2019 8:39 AM

Apr 2018
What a BUSTY episode. It's nice to watch something like this before a war
Jun 5, 2019 2:44 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
That scene near the end was quite nice to see, really enjoying marathoning this show, the pacing isnt too fast, which makes it even better to watch alot of them at once.
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