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Feb 27, 2019 11:08 PM
Nov 2018
Demyx_IX said:
2ego said:

Hmm? So, you care about them, and you even deleted them! Hahahaa that's pathetic! Heard about a thing called ACCEPTING criticism? Probably haven't... I said I won't reply to you in THAT thread, this one is a completely different matter, since the contents of the discussion differentiate.

No, what's 'pathetic' is someone deciding to write something inflammatory on someone's profile, knowing full well that they had no way to respond. It's also quite cowardly to, wanting to do something like that without the fear of what their response will be. Honestly, you're lucky that I made the mistake of deleting the messages before the admins could see what you had written. Who knows if we'd even be here arguing about this, AGAIN. By the way, nothing you wrote on my profile could be considered criticism in the slightest bit.

But hey, just goes to show how childish and immature you are by bringing the drama from the other thread here. Especially since I was more than willing discuss what you had written about this week's episode.

inb4 you blame me for making you look like the bad guy, and not taking responsibility for your actions. Just like in the other thread's discussion.

SSL443 said:

The plot armor was when she didn't get chewed into a feathery pulp on the way down.

Pretty much this, I really don't understand why the dragon didn't chew up a 6 foot tall, overweight not!chocobo.

It's a zombie dragon not a dragon.
1. They don't get hungry the dragon was reanimated was due to a fragment of dragon core which has the conscious of one of the four sacred beasts Great dragon refused to die in hands of a human.
2. The anime overdid it when it comes to design of zombie dragon. It still has rotten flesh and torn body and no metabolic system to dissolve filo.
Feb 27, 2019 11:11 PM

Dec 2016
Dhyan_manu said:
It's a zombie dragon not a dragon.
1. They don't get hungry the dragon was reanimated was due to a fragment of dragon core which has the conscious of one of the four sacred beasts Great dragon refused to die in hands of a human.
2. The anime overdid it when it comes to design of zombie dragon. It still has rotten flesh and torn body and no metabolic system to dissolve filo.

So why the hell did it swallow her? If it was to kill her, that makes it even more unlikely that it wouldn't have torn her up.
Feb 27, 2019 11:16 PM
Nov 2018
dakenzi97 said:
This episode was dissapointing honestly... Predictable and we didn't even get to see the power of his shield he just burned dragons tail a bit... After all that buildup and high hopes after that 1v1 duel and great episodes so far it just didn't felt on par with the previous events.. :/

Don't worry you will see it's full power during next wave. If they had shown it now it would decrease the epicness of shield of rage 2.

SSL443 said:
Dhyan_manu said:
It's a zombie dragon not a dragon.
1. They don't get hungry the dragon was reanimated was due to a fragment of dragon core which has the conscious of one of the four sacred beasts Great dragon refused to die in hands of a human.
2. The anime overdid it when it comes to design of zombie dragon. It still has rotten flesh and torn body and no metabolic system to dissolve filo.

So why the hell did it swallow her? If it was to kill her, that makes it even more unlikely that it wouldn't have torn her up.

As I said it doesn't have intelligence to chew and swallow something it's just a walking corpse. If filo was a bit bigger enough that it couldn't swallow then it would definitely chew it like any other zombie would have.
BarnaldMar 2, 2019 1:40 AM
Feb 27, 2019 11:21 PM

Aug 2012
Comander-07 said:
I was expecting something better, atleast it wasnt as boring as the last EP, but with the episode title of curse shield I expected more drama.

So its confirmed all the other heroes are idiots.

Also, this has been buggin me for a while, but now they actually talked about getting stronger. Why does he care more about money than grinding exp? As I see it he should be spending 95% of his time leveling up to be safe. Why is he suddenly acting as if he only cares about money? Is the leveling part implied but skipped? I guess farming mob would be boring, but atleast talk about it please.

Also, raphi ages with her level, will she look like a granny at lvl 100? Will she look like a Jojo character at lvl 100? Doesnt she actually age anymore and that was just 5 minutes of convenient writing or "Araki forgot"?

I really want this series to be special, the feel good isekai is already slime, so this should be the mature one.

But well its barely half of a cour so far, I guess we have room to improve, or rather go back to where it started. Im really glad this gets 2 cours, otherwise this would probably sort of suck.

PS: do only the heroes see the world with an UI overlay? Or donother characters get that as well and nobody talks about it because its normal?
1. He stil needs to pay for lodgings and food and clothes 2. There some limits on how much you can farm exp . For going beyond a certain level you need cash 3. Naofumi has little offense power so he must rely heavily on his team. Thus he needs to have them equiped with the latest weapons and armor. Going against a high level monster with low rank equipment wont do. Remember that Raphtalia weapons do not level up while she gains exp.
Feb 27, 2019 11:21 PM

Nov 2011
Dhyan_manu said:
Demyx_IX said:

No, what's 'pathetic' is someone deciding to write something inflammatory on someone's profile, knowing full well that they had no way to respond. It's also quite cowardly to, wanting to do something like that without the fear of what their response will be. Honestly, you're lucky that I made the mistake of deleting the messages before the admins could see what you had written. Who knows if we'd even be here arguing about this, AGAIN. By the way, nothing you wrote on my profile could be considered criticism in the slightest bit.

But hey, just goes to show how childish and immature you are by bringing the drama from the other thread here. Especially since I was more than willing discuss what you had written about this week's episode.

inb4 you blame me for making you look like the bad guy, and not taking responsibility for your actions. Just like in the other thread's discussion.

Pretty much this, I really don't understand why the dragon didn't chew up a 6 foot tall, overweight not!chocobo.

It's a zombie dragon not a dragon.
1. They don't get hungry the dragon was reanimated was due to a fragment of dragon core which has the conscious of one of the four sacred beasts Great dragon refused to die in hands of a human.
2. The anime overdid it when it comes to design of zombie dragon. It still has rotten flesh and torn body and no metabolic system to dissolve filo.

1. I know that it was a zombie dragon, and why it reanimated itself without any outside interference. I read the LN.
2. That actually hurts your reasoning more than help it.
Feb 27, 2019 11:22 PM

Aug 2012
Fede_5000 said:
Omg whats with people wishing for filo to die? What sick fetish do you guys have? This ep was way better then the manga just wished the fight were longer but this isnt a shonen they dont have the time and this was basically a teaser for the curse shield it wasnt even fully powered up yet.

Some people dont understand his hate. What not to understand? He hates this world for summoning him and throw him to the trash and having his only 2 people that he can trust die in front of him and for what? Just to clean other heroes screw ups? To help a country who demonized him? If he doesnt get mad at that he really is a saint.

I really liked this episode and i cant wait for more specialy when the other heroes learn on what naofumi ben doing

Aniteku said:
Omg whats with people wishing for filo to die? What sick fetish do you guys have? This ep was way better then the manga just wished the fight were longer but this isnt a shonen they dont have the time and this was basically a teaser for the curse shield it wasnt even fully powered up yet.

Some people dont understand his hate. What not to understand? He hates this world for summoning him and throw him to the trash and having his only 2 people that he can trust die in front of him and for what? Just to clean other heroes screw ups? To help a country who demonized him? If he doesnt get mad at that he really is a saint.

I really liked this episode and i cant wait for more specialy when the other heroes learn on what naofumi ben doing

The people do not want Filo to die, we wants the anime to be constant with his tone since at first he showed how the protagonist suffered a huge injustice without any reason, BUT now everything goes very well and beautiful, it's like the goblin slayer that kind of anime that the first episode is a clickbait so that people get hooked only so that after so that later forget about that and go down a more generic path
Firo is really OP. Is not about people not wanting her to die.

SSL443 said:
Comander-07 said:
Also, this has been buggin me for a while, but now they actually talked about getting stronger. Why does he care more about money than grinding exp? As I see it he should be spending 95% of his time leveling up to be safe. Why is he suddenly acting as if he only cares about money? Is the leveling part implied but skipped? I guess farming mob would be boring, but atleast talk about it please.

They also need to make a living, as well as buy gear. And since the kingdom has cut off all support they have no other income, unlike the other heroes.

Narratively it makes sense, but to be honest watching him go around in a cart skrimping for every spare penny he can get is sorta boring. I'm surprised that he hasn't been given trouble by the merchants guild, or fined for operating without a business license, or whatever.

Comander-07 said:
Also, raphi ages with her level, will she look like a granny at lvl 100? Will she look like a Jojo character at lvl 100? Doesnt she actually age anymore and that was just 5 minutes of convenient writing or "Araki forgot"?

Convenient writing. The timescale is so compressed in this series that she needs to basically grow up overnight in order to be strong enough to fight the first waves.
Cleckeroo said:

Please. He's "suffered" little to none. Even in the first episode, the armorer confronts him about the alleged rape and gives him some clothes. So he doesn't even start with nothing. Then it shows him camping outside of town, but it's a Mediterranean climate so it's not like he's in danger from cold or exposure. Within days he's making money selling stuff to the point he can repay his debt to the armorer and splurge on a slave. The only stigma he faces is a bit of muttering behind his back. Now, he's known better for being something to do with a Hallowed Chicken or whatever, than he ever was for being a rapist. Oh, the indignity of it all!

Bottom line, this show has done a horrible, horrible job at portraying anywhere near the degree of suffering or trauma that is implied by Naofumi flipping out and going full emo.

But he's not desperate. He can shove whatever shit he likes into his shield and make medicine, spermicide, or who knows what else. I'm surprised he can't make a full home-cooked Japanese meal with it by now.

He needs to survive in the waves so he needs money to buy some gear for Filo and Raphtalia, he is desparate to survive during wave attacks. If you think that the Cursed shield is OP you're dead wrong, if that shield is OP it will obliterate that dragon in a Shield bash.
He has a business licence of sorts. Remember the fat dude merchant.
BarnaldMar 2, 2019 1:39 AM
Feb 27, 2019 11:26 PM

Feb 2016
Mediocre episode bit at least better than last week
Feb 27, 2019 11:26 PM

Dec 2016
Dhyan_manu said:
As I said it doesn't have intelligence to chew and swallow something it's just a walking corpse. If filo was a bit bigger enough that it couldn't swallow then it would definitely chew it like any other zombie would have.

More headcanon and asspull explanations that are not given anywhere in the actual show.

I could just as well say that zombies like brains so it should have split her skull open and sucked out the goop inside and make as much sense as what you're talking about.
Feb 27, 2019 11:30 PM

Aug 2012
Cleckeroo said:
SSL443 said:

That's not desperation. Please go look up what it means and then get back to me with specific examples.

But the wave wasn't endless and they did defeat the boss. The show never indicated there should be any doubt that they would defeat the wave.

The wave is endless if you don't defeat the boss early, the monsters are continuously spawning endlessly. Of course it that wont indicate any doubt because it's just the start of the wave the other heroes are OP that time.

Naofumi doesn't know what to do if another wave hits and they are still undergeared so Naofumi will do anything to earn money but in a right way, but because he pissed the King and doesn't want to support him anymore. So he needs to earn his money and save as much as possible.
Actually the wave has a time limit. But if you do not defeat the wave boss he will be added to the next wave. Or at least this is how I saw it.
Feb 27, 2019 11:36 PM

Aug 2018
nightcrawlercyp said:
Cleckeroo said:

The wave is endless if you don't defeat the boss early, the monsters are continuously spawning endlessly. Of course it that wont indicate any doubt because it's just the start of the wave the other heroes are OP that time.

Naofumi doesn't know what to do if another wave hits and they are still undergeared so Naofumi will do anything to earn money but in a right way, but because he pissed the King and doesn't want to support him anymore. So he needs to earn his money and save as much as possible.
Actually the wave has a time limit. But if you do not defeat the wave boss he will be added to the next wave. Or at least this is how I saw it.

Yep I clearly forgot about but still the spawning of monsters are endless during the countdown and before you defeat the boss.
Feb 27, 2019 11:39 PM

Dec 2017
SSL443 said:
BlackLatias said:
The waves aren't even endless. What you can kind of get from the anime is, that if you defeat the boss the wave ends.
And if anyone is interested, here are some more infos on waves, depending on where the anime might end it will be explained at some point (or maybe not).

But on the whole Naofumi thing, I wouldn't even call him desperate (at least not now, only in specific moments later on). He's more pragmatic? At least in the LN it always seemed that way to me. He know he lacks money to get gear, food and literally anything, so he just does what he needs to survive (it seems to me that way, even in the anime). And he is kind of an asshole about it, that's true.
Personally I grew to like his personality, but the anime just can hold anything to the LN in that regard, since it is out of Naofumi's pov and as a reader you just get to know him on a deeper level.

Thanks for the info on the waves, that kind of fits with my impression based on how it was portrayed in the anime; I didn't get any sense of real urgency that they needed to defeat X enemies or risk being overwhelmed. Most of the conflict that episode centered around protecting the village.

Pragmatic is a good word for it. It's definitely true that he is doing whatever it takes to survive, but there isn't a sense that he is hopeless or believes that he won't succeed no matter what he does.

I actually think the next wave should mention some of it. At least if the anime includes it, which it absolutely should, as it is important information.
There also should be more at one point, since

There actually really isn't. I believe in the LN Naofumi is more annoyed about any kind of possible royal interference than he is desperate because of it. He is actually annoyed nearly 24/7 (exaggerating here) about anything in that world.
But since the anime is kind of rushing it fails to convey certain things. And while I still like the anime and the series as a whole, at this point I don't feel comfortable with my given score anymore. But I am maybe going to wait until the next wave and if they screw that up, then I'll have to adjust my score.
Feb 28, 2019 12:03 AM

May 2015
Captain Japan has a book for a shield. That book must be THICC!

Fast Guard? So Big Guard but without M.Barrier?

Well Filo stopped listening and this is what happens. Captain Japan should have paid a visit to Celadon City first to get the Rainbowbadge...

Oh, so the Curse Shield is X Factor. Got it!

Does Filo have poison immunity? And how did it have the reflex to throw up as it was being eaten? That's just weird...

Raphtalia's been cursed, so Captain Japan's going to need to fetch some holy water. This episode showed that he needs Raphtalia with him to keep his sanity whenever he loses control with the Curse Shield...
Feb 28, 2019 12:07 AM

Feb 2019
What this episode was missing is consequences. Every problem was immediately deus-ex-machinaed.

It’s okay to look back at the past, just don’t stare too long

Feb 28, 2019 12:10 AM

Aug 2018
BlackLatias said:
SSL443 said:

Thanks for the info on the waves, that kind of fits with my impression based on how it was portrayed in the anime; I didn't get any sense of real urgency that they needed to defeat X enemies or risk being overwhelmed. Most of the conflict that episode centered around protecting the village.

Pragmatic is a good word for it. It's definitely true that he is doing whatever it takes to survive, but there isn't a sense that he is hopeless or believes that he won't succeed no matter what he does.

I actually think the next wave should mention some of it. At least if the anime includes it, which it absolutely should, as it is important information.
There also should be more at one point, since

There actually really isn't. I believe in the LN Naofumi is more annoyed about any kind of possible royal interference than he is desperate because of it. He is actually annoyed nearly 24/7 (exaggerating here) about anything in that world.
But since the anime is kind of rushing it fails to convey certain things. And while I still like the anime and the series as a whole, at this point I don't feel comfortable with my given score anymore. But I am maybe going to wait until the next wave and if they screw that up, then I'll have to adjust my score.

I made a mistake for saying desperate in how Naofumi is acting towards to the villagers and I admit that was my bad, for answering the question on what point of the story that he is desperate is the part that he bought a slave to fill that offensive role to his party. At first he is against it because he knows that it will make his reputation more worse, the second he heard the line " Slaves will never betray you" he change his mind immediately prior to what happened to him at the 1st episode.

Also it is endless while the time is on countdown and until you defeat the boss, they just keep spawning and spawing until you meet those requirements.
Feb 28, 2019 12:19 AM

Sep 2014
Unfortunately, the series is really suffering from bad directing. It really felt they actually put no effort this episode in terms of narrative which made the whole Curse series reveal feeling like a cheap DEM and nothing more than that. They couldn't even portray the character reactions on Filo's "supposed" death in a convincing way and also include the slave seal which would make it look that Naofumi was partially at fault for her "death". Pretty disappointing really. If this keeps up, I will just stick to the LN.
Feb 28, 2019 12:39 AM

Aug 2018
MonkeyDHunter said:
Unfortunately, the series is really suffering from bad directing. It really felt they actually put no effort this episode in terms of narrative which made the whole Curse series reveal feeling like a cheap DEM and nothing more than that. They couldn't even portray the character reactions on Filo's "supposed" death in a convincing way and also include the slave seal which would make it look that Naofumi was partially at fault for her "death". Pretty disappointing really. If this keeps up, I will just stick to the LN.

I agree with you, I have the same problem regarding their facial expressions, it felt like they didn't care about Filo at all. But that's only problem but in the end I enjoy it and the execution of the Curse series is spectacular but it felt short.
Feb 28, 2019 12:40 AM

Dec 2016
Cleckeroo said:
I made a mistake for saying desperate in how Naofumi is acting towards to the villagers and I admit that was my bad, for answering the question on what point of the story that he is desperate is the part that he bought a slave to fill that offensive role to his party. At first he is against it because he knows that it will make his reputation more worse, the second he heard the line " Slaves will never betray you" he change his mind immediately prior to what happened to him at the 1st episode.

Again, I think you are projecting an interpretation onto the character that isn't actually depicted. Maybe the source material does a better job at that, but as was said above his buying a slave came off as a pragmatic or resigned choice.

I think it would have been more effective if he HAD actually been portrayed as desperate, but they didn't choose to do that.
Feb 28, 2019 12:45 AM
Feb 2019
SSL443 said:
Dhyan_manu said:
It's a zombie dragon not a dragon.
1. They don't get hungry the dragon was reanimated was due to a fragment of dragon core which has the conscious of one of the four sacred beasts Great dragon refused to die in hands of a human.
2. The anime overdid it when it comes to design of zombie dragon. It still has rotten flesh and torn body and no metabolic system to dissolve filo.

So why the hell did it swallow her? If it was to kill her, that makes it even more unlikely that it wouldn't have torn her up.

The Chicken jumped straight into his mouth. Chewing would leave the dragon unable to fight Naofumi and Raphtalia. Have you tried spewing toxic fumes from your mouth while you are munching on a giant chicken? You're more likely to accidentally spit the chicken out (alive) than to swallow your meal.

Besides which fighting adventurers with your mouth full is just rude.
Codi_Lee said:
Is no one worried about the title of the next episode, "Melty"? Hate that bitch.

What's to be worried about? Tragic fates always happen to characters in the episodes bearing their names.
Cleckeroo said:
Codi_Lee said:
Wait, what? Who is Melty then?

If a character hasn't been introduced yet, you say NO ONE!

I was looking forward to getting Myne-sama's tragic backstory, or her death next episode. As such is tradition when anime name their episodes after characters.
Feb 28, 2019 12:50 AM
Jan 2018
MonkeyDHunter said:
Unfortunately, the series is really suffering from bad directing. It really felt they actually put no effort this episode in terms of narrative which made the whole Curse series reveal feeling like a cheap DEM and nothing more than that. They couldn't even portray the character reactions on Filo's "supposed" death in a convincing way and also include the slave seal which would make it look that Naofumi was partially at fault for her "death". Pretty disappointing really. If this keeps up, I will just stick to the LN.
Yes, starting from story telling to visual portrayal of characters is really bad, it affects the lack of emotion, if anyone complains that this episode is bad, then I agree as a reader of novels and manga, I think for those of you who are interested in this series, you should read novels and manga, believe me you will be impressed
Feb 28, 2019 12:54 AM

Aug 2018
SSL443 said:
Cleckeroo said:
I made a mistake for saying desperate in how Naofumi is acting towards to the villagers and I admit that was my bad, for answering the question on what point of the story that he is desperate is the part that he bought a slave to fill that offensive role to his party. At first he is against it because he knows that it will make his reputation more worse, the second he heard the line " Slaves will never betray you" he change his mind immediately prior to what happened to him at the 1st episode.

Again, I think you are projecting an interpretation onto the character that isn't actually depicted. Maybe the source material does a better job at that, but as was said above his buying a slave came off as a pragmatic or resigned choice.

I think it would have been more effective if he HAD actually been portrayed as desperate, but they didn't choose to do that.

I'm not projecting it. It clearly shows that he lacks offensive capabilities to level up. What's the next thing you can come up when the MC is lacking defensive capabilities?

The show will not spoonfeed all the information to you even if you are an anime only fan. You need to observe how they interact to each other and how the MC thinks with that kind of state.
Feb 28, 2019 1:34 AM

Jul 2014
Interesting that the problem in this episode was once again caused by one of the other Heroes, which just goes to show that Naofumi is the only one of them so far who seems to be actually taking this world seriously rather than just considering it a video game (although we've not seen enough of the Bow Hero to judge him, really). The Curse Shield was an interesting concept, even if it doesn't fully make sense just yet (but it will surely be explained in due course), but the fakeout with Filo's death was a little bit tacky in all honesty.
Feb 28, 2019 1:48 AM

Apr 2012
SSL443 said:
Janethan23 said:
Reptiles swallow their food. Look it up.

It's a dragon in a story, comparisons with biology are invalid.
Actually it is valid. Almost all fantasy animals have a referenced animal in reality as their base. Majority of their traits were based of real animals so for anyone claiming otherwise should really do some research on how these fictional beast were inspired from.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Feb 28, 2019 2:02 AM

Jun 2013
They CG'd my favorite fat chicken! D: It was so OBVIOUS!!!!! and the dragon too.

Fuck that overgrown zombie Yoshi fucking swallowing up my fat ass chicken and cursing Raph.

LOL at Raph asking if my fat chicken threw up the crystal.

Fuck the sword hero for killing that dragon but not cleaning up the rotting flesh. He's the root cause of all of this. Chicken and raccoon wouldn't have suffered.
Feb 28, 2019 2:10 AM

Dec 2016
Cleckeroo said:
I'm not projecting it. It clearly shows that he lacks offensive capabilities to level up. What's the next thing you can come up when the MC is lacking defensive capabilities?

You are projecting desperation onto a character where none exists because YOU think their situation is desperate, regardless of how the character is actually behaving.

Cleckeroo said:
The show will not spoonfeed all the information to you even if you are an anime only fan. You need to observe how they interact to each other and how the MC thinks with that kind of state.

That's a bit ironic given you clearly aren't doing this yourself.

And enough with putting words in my mouth. I do not want information "spoonfed" to me, I want characterization. Proper use of narrative technique is NOT "spoonfeeding", for crying out loud.

Alternate_Wraph said:
The Chicken jumped straight into his mouth. Chewing would leave the dragon unable to fight Naofumi and Raphtalia. Have you tried spewing toxic fumes from your mouth while you are munching on a giant chicken? You're more likely to accidentally spit the chicken out (alive) than to swallow your meal.

Janethan23 said:
Actually it is valid. Almost all fantasy animals have a referenced animal in reality as their base. Majority of their traits were based of real animals so for anyone claiming otherwise should really do some research on how these fictional beast were inspired from.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.
Feb 28, 2019 2:24 AM

Aug 2016
jaxensounds said:
From the point of view of someone with no knowledge of the manga or webnovel, this episode is quite a dissapointment.

I mean, the build up to Naofumi's Rage Shield was awesome, but the tension suddenly just dropped when Firo was shown to be alive, and is the one who actualy killed the dragon. The true power of Curse Series isn't really shown clearly, ruining all the hype that's been happening for the past week. This episode just lost tension way too quickly.

Exactly what i thought. There was just like two minutes of tension and then all gone.
Ego = 1 / Knowledge | "More the Knowledge Lesser the Ego, Lesser the Knowledge More the Ego." Albert Einstein
My ratings:
Feb 28, 2019 2:24 AM

Aug 2018
SSL443 said:
Cleckeroo said:
I'm not projecting it. It clearly shows that he lacks offensive capabilities to level up. What's the next thing you can come up when the MC is lacking defensive capabilities?

You are projecting desperation onto a character where none exists because YOU think their situation is desperate, regardless of how the character is actually behaving.

Cleckeroo said:
The show will not spoonfeed all the information to you even if you are an anime only fan. You need to observe how they interact to each other and how the MC thinks with that kind of state.

That's a bit ironic given you clearly aren't doing this yourself.

And enough with putting words in my mouth. I do not want information "spoonfed" to me, I want characterization. Proper use of narrative technique is NOT "spoonfeeding", for crying out loud.

Alternate_Wraph said:
The Chicken jumped straight into his mouth. Chewing would leave the dragon unable to fight Naofumi and Raphtalia. Have you tried spewing toxic fumes from your mouth while you are munching on a giant chicken? You're more likely to accidentally spit the chicken out (alive) than to swallow your meal.

Janethan23 said:
Actually it is valid. Almost all fantasy animals have a referenced animal in reality as their base. Majority of their traits were based of real animals so for anyone claiming otherwise should really do some research on how these fictional beast were inspired from.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.

This isn't mentioned in the LN this is my perspective as a viewer and reader.

The situation of Naofumi in that part is really hopeless you can't deny that even it isn't mentioned in anime or LN. Buying a slave is a desperate move for Naofumi because he has no choice but to buy if he wants to survive, you always rely on narratives that you ignore the situation of character and what possibilities could happen in the future based on the character's decision.

If you want characterization I recommend you to drop it now. Because I admit that the characterization of this arc is pretty weak.
Feb 28, 2019 2:36 AM

Apr 2012
Demyx_IX said:
I know they do, do you know what they don't do? Other than snakes, they don't swallow something whole that makes their neck/throat bulge out to nearly twice its original size. They also don't catch something that would be a tight fit in their mouth, without biting into it. LOOK IT UP

I am a staunch defender of the series and it's writing, just ask SSL that, but that shit? That shit was stupid as fuck. At least with the LN I could picture the dragon with a huge ass mouth/neck
If your basis is only snakes then you don't have a well informed assessment of how reptiles eat. I studied Zoology before changing majors so I have a good grasp on these things. Iguanas, komodo dragons, alligators, geckos etc swallow their prey if they're smaller than their heads. It's only necessary for them to bite or chew at times if their prey is larger, struggling or they have competing animals that try to steal their food. I can even elaborate on how a reptiles jaw is way different than ours in relation to how elastic they can be to accommodate larger food.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
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Feb 28, 2019 2:42 AM
Aug 2018
The cursed part felt edgy because it was poorly executed, which made the rage felt unjustified. The part where he heard Raphtalia's voice and returned to his senses felt rushed. It had no emotional impact on me. Also replacing the letters with numbers was cringe-evoking. Unless this world is a video game and someone was typing to him, I see no reason for it.
People with low average anime scores don't have high standards. They are just bad at choosing good anime to watch.
Feb 28, 2019 2:45 AM

Aug 2018
SSL443 said:
Cleckeroo said:
I'm not projecting it. It clearly shows that he lacks offensive capabilities to level up. What's the next thing you can come up when the MC is lacking defensive capabilities?

You are projecting desperation onto a character where none exists because YOU think their situation is desperate, regardless of how the character is actually behaving.

Cleckeroo said:
The show will not spoonfeed all the information to you even if you are an anime only fan. You need to observe how they interact to each other and how the MC thinks with that kind of state.

That's a bit ironic given you clearly aren't doing this yourself.

And enough with putting words in my mouth. I do not want information "spoonfed" to me, I want characterization. Proper use of narrative technique is NOT "spoonfeeding", for crying out loud.

Alternate_Wraph said:
The Chicken jumped straight into his mouth. Chewing would leave the dragon unable to fight Naofumi and Raphtalia. Have you tried spewing toxic fumes from your mouth while you are munching on a giant chicken? You're more likely to accidentally spit the chicken out (alive) than to swallow your meal.

Janethan23 said:
Actually it is valid. Almost all fantasy animals have a referenced animal in reality as their base. Majority of their traits were based of real animals so for anyone claiming otherwise should really do some research on how these fictional beast were inspired from.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.

Let's make a truce now because this is getting nowhere, let's just respect each others opinion and how we translate the whole story. Besides this is a 25 episode anime many things can happen in the future episodes.

Also sorry for putting my words in your mouth I didn't meant to do that but yeah I've done it.
Feb 28, 2019 2:46 AM

Aug 2012
Cleckeroo said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
Actually the wave has a time limit. But if you do not defeat the wave boss he will be added to the next wave. Or at least this is how I saw it.

Yep I clearly forgot about but still the spawning of monsters are endless during the countdown and before you defeat the boss.
yes, but I would not say endless. Their spawning speed seems constant for the duration as they have to pass through the portal(s), so they are limited by the size of the portal(s).
Feb 28, 2019 4:05 AM

Dec 2018
likemanga said:
I know that a lot of people are arguing left and right about the anime adaptation and about whether this is good or bad. I read the manga and watched the anime. It is not as good as fan claim it to be. It is not as bad as people try to make it. I think all agree though, is that the first episode is gripping, and it helped set up the story that makes people want to vouch for the heroes. Undoubtedly, the Shield Hero would be popular enough to create its copy cat like the going to be adapted Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou, Dungeon Seeker, and Heal Hero, ...

One thing I realize is when I watch Dororo is that even though Hhyakkimaru's his father sacrificed him to the demon, and he now lost everything a human could have (ability to see, talk, feel, or even survive, and all of that is caused by the one person who is supposed to love him most). His father was supposed to make me angry, a lot angry. I was supposed to sympathize with Hyakkimaru. But, I didn't feel the enraging that the Bitch character create. And, I didn't feel like empathizing for Hyakkimaru as much as I did with Naofumi.

As I am reflecting on the reason why Shield Hero hooked me at first, or same with Arifureta Shokugyou de Sekai Saikyou, Dungeon Seeker, and Heal Hero,... I now realized that the greatest pain I could imagine is getting cucked be a girl.

Now, I am dealing with the biggest crisis in my life. Has reading too much hentai and accidentally stumbling upon too many NTR has shaped my survival instinct as a human?

gripping? On the contrary, it is the worst episode, it is only cheap victimization towards the protagonist only to force our sympathy towards him when he had not even been given some personality or characterization or even another reason to support him, not simply submit him to an unfair situation so that later let's praise everything he does when he even surrounds himself with women who are hot as if he were a harem...
Feb 28, 2019 4:16 AM

Apr 2012
SSL443 said:
Janethan23 said:
Actually it is valid. Almost all fantasy animals have a referenced animal in reality as their base. Majority of their traits were based of real animals so for anyone claiming otherwise should really do some research on how these fictional beast were inspired from.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.
Excuse me, but did you just dismiss my first reply as "not valid" when you stated that real biology doesn't apply to a fantasy animal such as a dragon?
I've backed my comments with viable and plausible information then you do a 180° and say it "doesn't matter." Your insistence of your point btw is narrow minded and one dimensional when you disregard an equally if not a more viable argument presented to you. Just stop with your attempts at confirmation bias already.

Oh btw; for those who got triggered with Firo getting temporarily annexed to the afterlife should really take a step back and realize that kind of "twist" in a story has been done countless times in all forms of media entertainment throughout history. So being surprised and annoyed about it is just hypocritical.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
To add users to the Ignore list: (1) Go to Account settings (2) Click Forum tab and toggle down (3) Type or paste user name on entry box (4) Click Add and you're done.
Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Feb 28, 2019 4:20 AM

Sep 2014
Just some quick thoughts, I unironically think that this episode is the weakest so far.

- Jarring CGI, I don't mind it but its definitely a minus
- Fight feels rushed
- The scene leading to Raphtalia getting hurt could be better expounded on
- Their emotions not getting conveyed properly, feels rushed(?)

Other than that, characterization (especially Naofumi) is still on point so I'm glad that's one thing they are still doing right with. Cursed shield also opens up more questions than answers, that got my intrigue too.

Otherwise it felt like it could have work better if it were 2 episodes instead.
veridiancityFeb 28, 2019 4:44 AM
Feb 28, 2019 4:26 AM

Feb 2017
Idk about you guys but this is what episode 8 looks like to me 😂
Feb 28, 2019 5:09 AM

Feb 2014
Naofumi's curse shield looked scary, but badass at the same time. The way that he smirked as he said 'burn!' at the zombie dragon was really cool, but at the same time, seeing him losing control to his venomous rage had me hoping that he would snap out of it.

As I was thinking of that, Raphtalia came to save the day as she got Naofumi to regain his senses, but at the cost of getting hit by a severe curse. Filo, who almost looked as if she got bloody killed earlier, was able to take down the dragon from the insides of its belly and acquired the purple core inside of it.

The whole fight was good from start to finish, with some nice visuals, animation and even the CG for the dragon looked good and its movements was pretty decent too. =)

Naofumi also gave a nice genuine smile after the battle which delighted both Raphtalia and Filo. Sadly, he turned sown the offer of sleeping with both girls and they pouted in response. Cute. =3
Feb 28, 2019 5:16 AM
Jan 2018
Cleckeroo said:
SSL443 said:

You are projecting desperation onto a character where none exists because YOU think their situation is desperate, regardless of how the character is actually behaving.

That's a bit ironic given you clearly aren't doing this yourself.

And enough with putting words in my mouth. I do not want information "spoonfed" to me, I want characterization. Proper use of narrative technique is NOT "spoonfeeding", for crying out loud.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.

This isn't mentioned in the LN this is my perspective as a viewer and reader.

The situation of Naofumi in that part is really hopeless you can't deny that even it isn't mentioned in anime or LN. Buying a slave is a desperate move for Naofumi because he has no choice but to buy if he wants to survive, you always rely on narratives that you ignore the situation of character and what possibilities could happen in the future based on the character's decision.

If you want characterization I recommend you to drop it now. Because I admit that the characterization of this arc is pretty weak.
what do you mean by characterization in a weak arc, for me it is exactly the opposite, this episode is very rushed starting from when Raphtalia is injured, fighting with dragons, even when the shield curse starts to active at least they have to explain a few sentences to make the audience understand

veridiancity said:
Just some quick thoughts, I unironically think that this episode is the weakest so far.

- Jarring CGI, I don't mind it but its definitely a minus
- Fight feels rushed
- The scene leading to Raphtalia getting hurt could be better expounded on
- Their emotions not getting conveyed properly, feels rushed(?)

Other than that, characterization (especially Naofumi) is still on point so I'm glad that's one thing they are still doing right with. Cursed shield also opens up more questions than answers, that got my intrigue too.

Otherwise it felt like it could have work better if it were 2 episodes instead.
yes I also agree, anime is very rushed, as if they are lazy and don't care

Cleckeroo said:
SSL443 said:

You are projecting desperation onto a character where none exists because YOU think their situation is desperate, regardless of how the character is actually behaving.

That's a bit ironic given you clearly aren't doing this yourself.

And enough with putting words in my mouth. I do not want information "spoonfed" to me, I want characterization. Proper use of narrative technique is NOT "spoonfeeding", for crying out loud.

None of this matters. The point is that the bird survived what could easily have been established as a fatal encounter; the point that the other characters believed that it was until the reveal that she survived.

Let's make a truce now because this is getting nowhere, let's just respect each others opinion and how we translate the whole story. Besides this is a 25 episode anime many things can happen in the future episodes.

Also sorry for putting my words in your mouth I didn't meant to do that but yeah I've done it.
I am tired of hearing the same sentence from some people where they assume that everything will be explained in the next episode just because of the number of episodes 25, hey bro, are you an LN reader or Manga, you should know that explanation material about damned shields is only at the end of volume 2 , and it's over now in the anime, indeed the next bow in volume 3 we will see a curse shield but that is only as a new weapon belonging to naofumi, it will not explain the debate with naofumi the damned shield
BarnaldMar 2, 2019 1:38 AM
Feb 28, 2019 5:48 AM

Aug 2018
Raphtalia1 said:
Cleckeroo said:

This isn't mentioned in the LN this is my perspective as a viewer and reader.

The situation of Naofumi in that part is really hopeless you can't deny that even it isn't mentioned in anime or LN. Buying a slave is a desperate move for Naofumi because he has no choice but to buy if he wants to survive, you always rely on narratives that you ignore the situation of character and what possibilities could happen in the future based on the character's decision.

If you want characterization I recommend you to drop it now. Because I admit that the characterization of this arc is pretty weak.
what do you mean by characterization in a weak arc, for me it is exactly the opposite, this episode is very rushed starting from when Raphtalia is injured, fighting with dragons, even when the shield curse starts to active at least they have to explain a few sentences to make the audience understand

Because it's rushed, I know that this arc is supposed to be decent atleast but the fact that is rushed makes it weak. I'm a LN reader and a Manga reader too, the guy doesn't want me to explain right out of the source material.
Feb 28, 2019 6:03 AM

May 2018
Since episode 07 this anime only gets worse lol; a 2/10 because the opening and the ending are just too good, otherwise, utterly bad show. I wouldn't have started this if I knew it would go this way, ugh.

    Grant me one hour on love's most sacred shores
    To clasp the bosom that my soul adores,
    Lie heart to heart and merge my soul with yours
Feb 28, 2019 6:36 AM
Jan 2018
does anyone pay attention to the design of the damned shield in this episode, it looks really bad unlike LN or manga that describes the design well, why does the studio try to change the design, is there any of you who can provide an answer to that?
Feb 28, 2019 7:10 AM

Apr 2009
This is how the manga is but people here are annoying as usual expecting something so dark when in reality that is not how the manga over all is.
Feb 28, 2019 7:47 AM

Nov 2011
Janethan23 said:
Demyx_IX said:
I know they do, do you know what they don't do? Other than snakes, they don't swallow something whole that makes their neck/throat bulge out to nearly twice its original size. They also don't catch something that would be a tight fit in their mouth, without biting into it. LOOK IT UP

I am a staunch defender of the series and it's writing, just ask SSL that, but that shit? That shit was stupid as fuck. At least with the LN I could picture the dragon with a huge ass mouth/neck
If your basis is only snakes then you don't have a well informed assessment of how reptiles eat. I studied Zoology before changing majors so I have a good grasp on these things. Iguanas, komodo dragons, alligators, geckos etc swallow their prey if they're smaller than their heads. It's only necessary for them to bite or chew at times if their prey is larger, struggling or they have competing animals that try to steal their food. I can even elaborate on how a reptiles jaw is way different than ours in relation to how elastic they can be to accommodate larger food.
Yo, they taught you about how dragons from different works of fiction eat in college?! That's amazing, who knew that a college would do that!

Less snarky response; we're not talking about iguanas, komodo dragons, alligators, or geckos. We're talking about a mythological creature that has been reanimated. So you can't just say; "Yep, that's exactly how a zombie dragon eats its food." When there's no real life counterpart to compare with.

Also, the anime shows a red liquid spraing out as if the dragon pierced Filo. So there's that too.
Feb 28, 2019 7:49 AM

Mar 2012
Some people are defending this episode to much and others are dissing it to much.

Did i feel it was underwhelming compared to the ln? Yes, Was it bad enough to make me drop this show and forget everything that has been shown already? Nope.

I still can't believe there are fans here who have been into anime for years and are still this disappointing cause a scene or two was not how they imagined. Most anime can never capture the imagination you had of a scene when you read the source material as each one imagines it differently. That said, it was still a decent episode and it got the point across and if it accomplishes that than that is enough and just keep moving forward.

There are worst adaptations out there. This ep certainly is not bad enough that you have to drop it and call it an a disaster. 8.5/10 for me.
Feb 28, 2019 8:06 AM

Oct 2018
Seeing what Naofumi's like when he's angry, I can't imagine how he would react if something happened to Rapthalia

He would probably destroy everything around him and kill everyone he would see
Feb 28, 2019 8:16 AM
Oct 2018
i don't understand why he get angry he always can buy another slave if one or both of them die
Feb 28, 2019 8:22 AM

Jul 2016
i felt the battle could have been longer, there was no built up, the manga has more emotional thing to it. im a bit disappointed but not bad
Feb 28, 2019 8:25 AM

Nov 2011
Samoan said:
i don't understand why he get angry he always can buy another slave if one or both of them die
Maybe because he developed a relationship with both of them? He's cold/cynical, not heartless.
Feb 28, 2019 8:27 AM
Jan 2019
If filo would die, i would also die.
Feb 28, 2019 8:41 AM

Dec 2016
Janethan23 said:
Excuse me, but did you just dismiss my first reply as "not valid" when you stated that real biology doesn't apply to a fantasy animal such as a dragon?
I've backed my comments with viable and plausible information then you do a 180° and say it "doesn't matter." Your insistence of your point btw is narrow minded and one dimensional when you disregard an equally if not a more viable argument presented to you. Just stop with your attempts at confirmation bias already.

It doesn't matter because quibbling and theorizing over something that is not elaborated on in the anime is pointless. What matters is the narrative, not supposition about the mechanics of world-building. You can say all you want that dragons are based on real animals, none of that matters unless those parrallels are corroborated by story canon.
Feb 28, 2019 8:50 AM

Oct 2014
Cleckeroo said:
Devil_Slayer said:
Meh I didn't like this episode that much tbh.

IIRC in the manga it was his fault that Filo got eaten because her slave mark shocked her when she didn't listen to him, hence why he got nuts.

His reaction to filo getting eaten was pretty weak, it's not like he lost his mind the moment she got eaten and he has no reason to hate the other 2 heroes at this point no? it seems like was just consumed by evil thoughts rather then madness tbh

It's still his fault tbh because he called her while kicking in mid air causing Filo to be distracted, but yeah the slave mark is the one that distract Filo in the Manga.

The animation failed to exaggerate his rage while seeing Filo was eaten, instead the anime shows flashbacks of Filo during episode 5-8. The Curse will fuel his flames in his heart to exaggerate his rage.

Edited: I also imagined that his flames are black rather than red.

Isn't the black stuff not from the Shield of Rage but rather from the
AFAIK it's a seperate shield, but maybe I am remembering wrong.
Feb 28, 2019 11:16 AM

Dec 2018
Stark700 said:
Geez, Naofumi is getting stronger everyday in this series. The fight felt kinda strange though especially against that dragon.

I mean, Naofumi practically went berserk to fight and unleashed his builtup rage after Firo's fakeout death. The monster he fought was also unusually strong since its body wasn't properly discarded at the time. Quite an action packed episode. At least they managed to survive through that. Raphtalia got injured quite a bit.

I love this show so much!! I love how this show really brings out Naofumi character and how that one lie,literally affects him and he has struggle to not overcome with hate. Sadly in real world you don't have dragons to let your rage out but have deal with innerly, also not ashamed to say I cry when filo gets eaten :(
Feel free to check my anime list profile and my twitter account The Future Is Ani1!! For all things anime!! I hope you have great day!!
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