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So does anyone else besides me no longer feel sorry for what happened to Mio?

Feb 19, 2019 1:20 PM
Feb 2016
This isn't a clickbait thread fyi. This is a legitimate question I've had on my mind.

So like the majority of others during episode 5 and 6, I would definitely say I saw the red flags surrounding her job that she had at night and how she was "selling her body" to make money in order to buy the rice for her and the children. When she died in episode 6, I'd say I did get sad for her and Hyakkimaru given how he was liking her I believe.

Although looking back on it, I don't know if I should still feel bad for her or not. Here's what I mean. She was "working" at night for the Sakai clan other enemy and then she decides to go "work" for the Daigo Clan the next night as well. She went back and forth between the two for the next few days thinking it would be a good idea, even though that was stupidly risky when one side would start growing suspicious of her actions and whether or not she was a spy for any given side.

And later at the end, we find out that the Daigo army she was already "pleasuring" saw her going over to the Sakai clan the night before, thus leading the Daigo troops to killing her and the children the next day thinking they were spies. Not only that, but when Dororo confronted her about her night job in episode 6, she basically brushed it off and said "it's to survive", even though she indirectly causes her own death and the children's as well because of her stupid actions.

Looking back on that, I honestly just brush her death off now since she basically caused her and the children's deaths by raising the Daigo clan's suspicions about what she was doing. In all honesty, she should've got a different job if it meant keeping her dignity and remaining alive, because in the end it wasn't worth it.
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Feb 19, 2019 1:23 PM

Jul 2015
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes
LoathsomeFeb 19, 2019 1:26 PM

Feb 19, 2019 1:25 PM

Jun 2014
How can you not feel bad? It's not like she willingly led the soldiers to kill the children. It's more like she was willing to take on more risk involving her work and put herself in more danger for the sake of the kids
Feb 19, 2019 1:43 PM
Feb 2016
scrg said:
How can you not feel bad? It's not like she willingly led the soldiers to kill the children. It's more like she was willing to take on more risk involving her work and put herself in more danger for the sake of the kids

Yes, but her going to both sides at the same time but different nights cause one of them to act and kill her based on their suspicions of her. So un-ironically, the risks she took did lead them to their deaths. And in the end, her risks mean nothing if she's gonna die in the end if she took a safer job that wouldn't have resulted in their deaths. That's why I no longer feel bad for her
Swag_AkatsukiFeb 19, 2019 1:59 PM
Feb 19, 2019 1:50 PM
Feb 2016
Loathsome said:
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes

Honestly, you're right there. She had a great design and I was about to love her until they pulled that prostitute and then death shit on her. And just like that, her character felt flat to me.
If they removed all that and had her travel with them and Hyakkimaru, I feel that would've been a much more enjoyable story to see than just doing what they did with her
Feb 19, 2019 2:05 PM

Jul 2015
Supersky said:
Loathsome said:
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes

Honestly, you're right there. She had a great design and I was about to love her until they pulled that prostitute and then death shit on her. And just like that, her character felt flat to me.
If they removed all that and had her travel with them and Hyakkimaru, I feel that would've been a much more enjoyable story to see than just doing what they did with her

The only fact is that she left some impact on the show/hyakkimaru but they clearly didnt want to involve it later on. For some reason and she became kind of bland nonimpactfull character with close to zero meaning, but thats just my opinion.

Feb 19, 2019 2:11 PM
Aug 2018
Supersky said:
Loathsome said:
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes

Honestly, you're right there. She had a great design and I was about to love her until they pulled that prostitute and then death shit on her. And just like that, her character felt flat to me.
If they removed all that and had her travel with them and Hyakkimaru, I feel that would've been a much more enjoyable story to see than just doing what they did with her

The night job element rly added to her character imo, sure it might be a grab for pity but it shows how much shes willing to put herself through for the sake of the orphans. Im not sure how such blatant characterization can make a character feel more flat but okie
Sure you could say she inadvertently killed the orphans but thats not through her own intent, its just a tragic circumstance. Tbh im glad they didnt go the route of making her a love interest, she serves hyakkimaru better as somewhat of a martyr and in reality all she would do is slow hyakki and dororo down - she cant fight and would never abandon the orphans, who would all be liabilities as well. Her fate was very intentional from the start and i appreciate how it was used to develop hyakki , i have a feeling she will continue to motivate him more later on, esp with the rice seeds.

And lmao some of yall are heartless she literally died and witnessed everything she sacrificed her body for be destroyed and youre saying she asked for it oml
Feb 19, 2019 2:22 PM
Feb 2016
Epicgamerxd said:
Supersky said:

Honestly, you're right there. She had a great design and I was about to love her until they pulled that prostitute and then death shit on her. And just like that, her character felt flat to me.
If they removed all that and had her travel with them and Hyakkimaru, I feel that would've been a much more enjoyable story to see than just doing what they did with her

The night job element rly added to her character imo, sure it might be a grab for pity but it shows how much shes willing to put herself through for the sake of the orphans. Im not sure how such blatant characterization can make a character feel more flat but okie
Sure you could say she inadvertently killed the orphans but thats not through her own intent, its just a tragic circumstance. Tbh im glad they didnt go the route of making her a love interest, she serves hyakkimaru better as somewhat of a martyr and in reality all she would do is slow hyakki and dororo down - she cant fight and would never abandon the orphans, who would all be liabilities as well. Her fate was very intentional from the start and i appreciate how it was used to develop hyakki , i have a feeling she will continue to motivate him more later on, esp with the rice seeds.

And lmao some of yall are heartless she literally died and witnessed everything she sacrificed her body for be destroyed and youre saying she asked for it oml

I didn't say she asked for it, but her choices trying to care for the kids is what I feel led to me not liking her much in the end. Her willingness to do that work ended up putting the rest of those kids in harms way, so I don't see how that's a positive for her if that does the opposite of what she wanted

And no the night job element didn't add any character to her, it made her only noticeable trait of her being a prostitute. To me that's pity points of a character and it doesn't do much to make me care for her either. If she died later on if she went to travel with them and didn't go through any of this (prostitution and all), then that'd be fine cuz we'd have seen her develop and grow closer to Hyakkimaru. But instead they kill her off the next episode and all that pity/sadness I had for her was gone.

And so what if she sacrificed her body for the kids? They also died because of her due to the troops's suspicions with her going back and forth between them each night. She should've left the village with them to go to a better place instead of staying there and dying because of her work. In all honesty I'd say she deserved it for taking a stupid job in the first place
Feb 19, 2019 2:44 PM

Oct 2010
To each their own, but I don't really consider "she reap what she sow" an excuse to show lack of empathy. People commit mistakes. That doesn't make their tragedies less tragic. You either find them tragic or not and that's on you, but it's absolutely off-putting to talk about dramatic resonance as if it was something that only stands to the "merits" of the character.
Feb 19, 2019 2:44 PM
Aug 2018
Supersky said:
Epicgamerxd said:

The night job element rly added to her character imo, sure it might be a grab for pity but it shows how much shes willing to put herself through for the sake of the orphans. Im not sure how such blatant characterization can make a character feel more flat but okie
Sure you could say she inadvertently killed the orphans but thats not through her own intent, its just a tragic circumstance. Tbh im glad they didnt go the route of making her a love interest, she serves hyakkimaru better as somewhat of a martyr and in reality all she would do is slow hyakki and dororo down - she cant fight and would never abandon the orphans, who would all be liabilities as well. Her fate was very intentional from the start and i appreciate how it was used to develop hyakki , i have a feeling she will continue to motivate him more later on, esp with the rice seeds.

And lmao some of yall are heartless she literally died and witnessed everything she sacrificed her body for be destroyed and youre saying she asked for it oml

I didn't say she asked for it, but her choices trying to care for the kids is what I feel led to me not liking her much in the end. Her willingness to do that work ended up putting the rest of those kids in harms way, so I don't see how that's a positive for her if that does the opposite of what she wanted

And no the night job element didn't add any character to her, it made her only noticeable trait of her being a prostitute. To me that's pity points of a character and it doesn't do much to make me care for her either. If she died later on if she went to travel with them and didn't go through any of this (prostitution and all), then that'd be fine cuz we'd have seen her develop and grow closer to Hyakkimaru. But instead they kill her off the next episode and all that pity/sadness I had for her was gone.

And so what if she sacrificed her body for the kids? They also died because of her due to the troops's suspicions with her going back and forth between them each night. She should've left the village with them to go to a better place instead of staying there and dying because of her work. In all honesty I'd say she deserved it for taking a stupid job in the first place

When i said some ppl think she was asking for it i wasnt talking abt you sorry fammm
Still idkk ig it boils down to the moral dilemma of whether or not someone desperate should sell their body. Imo mio and the orphans relocating was not exactly feasible bc the samurai that dismembered the kids would prob pick them off even easier now and also ofc being amputees most of them are even less mobile and needier than normal kids. The show addressed the prostitution dilemma when dororo mentioned how his mom would never sell her body no matter how dire the consequences, alluding to the conflict, and mio herself felt as if her soul was tainted because of her job when hyakki looked at her. This disparity being acknowledged in-show gives your opinion as well as mine credence tbhh. She wasnt doing it because she wanted to, it was either that or let the orphans go hungry, they were kinda trapped and she was the only able bodied person that could help them out so she had to do less than ideal work that could pay well (rich samurai - ×2 when she took jobs from two clans)
I felt as if the prostitute element, altho it did lend pity towards mios character, also characterized her as self sacrificing and resilient, if not the most farsighted. Perhaps she thought the samurai would only kill her and not the innocent orphans? Or perhaps the only reason she started working for two different clans in the first place was to support the added burden of hyakki and dororo arriving (as we can assume she had never been accused of being a spy before or else she would be dead). At her core she was/is a plot device to motivate hyakki and not some unnecessary side character that we are to forget about forever, and the seeds suggest hyakki will think about her a lot more moving forward. Personally i think the show set mio into such a tragic situation in a way that avoids being just suffer-porn, altho thats not to say theres no suffering...
Idk im prob pretty biased anyway this is probably the most pleased ive been with a seasonal show since made in abyss at least, i get ppl disagree with me but idk i think the mio episodes were masterfully done especially compared to the manga
Feb 19, 2019 2:47 PM
Feb 2016
Epicgamerxd said:
Supersky said:

I didn't say she asked for it, but her choices trying to care for the kids is what I feel led to me not liking her much in the end. Her willingness to do that work ended up putting the rest of those kids in harms way, so I don't see how that's a positive for her if that does the opposite of what she wanted

And no the night job element didn't add any character to her, it made her only noticeable trait of her being a prostitute. To me that's pity points of a character and it doesn't do much to make me care for her either. If she died later on if she went to travel with them and didn't go through any of this (prostitution and all), then that'd be fine cuz we'd have seen her develop and grow closer to Hyakkimaru. But instead they kill her off the next episode and all that pity/sadness I had for her was gone.

And so what if she sacrificed her body for the kids? They also died because of her due to the troops's suspicions with her going back and forth between them each night. She should've left the village with them to go to a better place instead of staying there and dying because of her work. In all honesty I'd say she deserved it for taking a stupid job in the first place

When i said some ppl think she was asking for it i wasnt talking abt you sorry fammm
Still idkk ig it boils down to the moral dilemma of whether or not someone desperate should sell their body. Imo mio and the orphans relocating was not exactly feasible bc the samurai that dismembered the kids would prob pick them off even easier now and also ofc being amputees most of them are even less mobile and needier than normal kids. The show addressed the prostitution dilemma when dororo mentioned how his mom would never sell her body no matter how dire the consequences, alluding to the conflict, and mio herself felt as if her soul was tainted because of her job when hyakki looked at her. This disparity being acknowledged in-show gives your opinion as well as mine credence tbhh. She wasnt doing it because she wanted to, it was either that or let the orphans go hungry, they were kinda trapped and she was the only able bodied person that could help them out so she had to do less than ideal work that could pay well (rich samurai - ×2 when she took jobs from two clans)
I felt as if the prostitute element, altho it did lend pity towards mios character, also characterized her as self sacrificing and resilient, if not the most farsighted. Perhaps she thought the samurai would only kill her and not the innocent orphans? Or perhaps the only reason she started working for two different clans in the first place was to support the added burden of hyakki and dororo arriving (as we can assume she had never been accused of being a spy before or else she would be dead). At her core she was/is a plot device to motivate hyakki and not some unnecessary side character that we are to forget about forever, and the seeds suggest hyakki will think about her a lot more moving forward. Personally i think the show set mio into such a tragic situation in a way that avoids being just suffer-porn, altho thats not to say theres no suffering...
Idk im prob pretty biased anyway this is probably the most pleased ive been with a seasonal show since made in abyss at least, i get ppl disagree with me but idk i think the mio episodes were masterfully done especially compared to the manga

I like the spider-woman episode more than these ones really. But still, her ways of thinking for doing what she did was dumb. This is probably one of the weaker things I find about the show really, since I didn't feel much pain afterwards. I love the show don't get me wrong, but these episodes could've been taken our or have her do a different job where the kids end up getting killed and she decides to travel with them.

Besides, no one likes a thot
Feb 19, 2019 11:50 PM
Nov 2018
Supersky said:
Epicgamerxd said:

The night job element rly added to her character imo, sure it might be a grab for pity but it shows how much shes willing to put herself through for the sake of the orphans. Im not sure how such blatant characterization can make a character feel more flat but okie
Sure you could say she inadvertently killed the orphans but thats not through her own intent, its just a tragic circumstance. Tbh im glad they didnt go the route of making her a love interest, she serves hyakkimaru better as somewhat of a martyr and in reality all she would do is slow hyakki and dororo down - she cant fight and would never abandon the orphans, who would all be liabilities as well. Her fate was very intentional from the start and i appreciate how it was used to develop hyakki , i have a feeling she will continue to motivate him more later on, esp with the rice seeds.

And lmao some of yall are heartless she literally died and witnessed everything she sacrificed her body for be destroyed and youre saying she asked for it oml

I didn't say she asked for it, but her choices trying to care for the kids is what I feel led to me not liking her much in the end. Her willingness to do that work ended up putting the rest of those kids in harms way, so I don't see how that's a positive for her if that does the opposite of what she wanted

And no the night job element didn't add any character to her, it made her only noticeable trait of her being a prostitute. To me that's pity points of a character and it doesn't do much to make me care for her either. If she died later on if she went to travel with them and didn't go through any of this (prostitution and all), then that'd be fine cuz we'd have seen her develop and grow closer to Hyakkimaru. But instead they kill her off the next episode and all that pity/sadness I had for her was gone.

And so what if she sacrificed her body for the kids? They also died because of her due to the troops's suspicions with her going back and forth between them each night. She should've left the village with them to go to a better place instead of staying there and dying because of her work. In all honesty I'd say she deserved it for taking a stupid job in the first place

She didn't deserved it and i'm not sure why would you say that, the reason that she didn't deserved it mostly is because the ones that killed her thought that she was a spy and she wasn't, also prostitution is not a great job and everything but working as one doesn' t make you deserving of being killed that's just straight sadism and i don't share that opinion.
LiedElfenFeb 19, 2019 11:53 PM
Feb 19, 2019 11:57 PM

Jun 2015
Supersky said:
scrg said:
How can you not feel bad? It's not like she willingly led the soldiers to kill the children. It's more like she was willing to take on more risk involving her work and put herself in more danger for the sake of the kids

Yes, but her going to both sides at the same time but different nights cause one of them to act and kill her based on their suspicions of her. So un-ironically, the risks she took did lead them to their deaths. And in the end, her risks mean nothing if she's gonna die in the end if she took a safer job that wouldn't have resulted in their deaths. That's why I no longer feel bad for her

Theres only so much you can do during times of war without recommendations. Getting another job AS A WOMAN was impossible.
In the name of Allah, the Gracious, the Merciful. | You know what I hate the most? People who aren't free. They're no more than cattle.
Feb 20, 2019 3:07 AM
Dec 2016
Women in Muromachi era had various jobs including blue collar jobs like construction worker. They were generally more free than early-modern women.
Unfortunately, discrimination against sex workers began around this era. That might have had a bad effect on Mio's life choices.
The thing is that Tezuka didn't necessarily intend to do a commentary on real historical issues.
People in the 60s regarded the middle age history as a metaphor of modern problems largely because of the Marxism. Plus, people didn't have much information in those days.
Tezuka victimized marginal people and women for those two reasons.
To sum it up, Mio didn't had other choice because Tezuka thought so.
That was not totally wrong since there is still a problem of poverty and violence. But "Why Mio didn't do something different" is a quite vague/meta question. Many women could have done much more things in that situation but that was not the problem in Mio's story.
e_hobaFeb 20, 2019 5:14 AM
Feb 21, 2019 5:54 AM
Aug 2017
Loathsome said:
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes

You are a heartless monster. Sure sure she doesn't have many screentime but she is an example of what women have to do in order to survival in that time period and in modern time too. You are a person lacking empathy.
Feb 21, 2019 6:10 AM
Jul 2018
jal90 said:
To each their own, but I don't really consider "she reap what she sow" an excuse to show lack of empathy. People commit mistakes. That doesn't make their tragedies less tragic. You either find them tragic or not and that's on you, but it's absolutely off-putting to talk about dramatic resonance as if it was something that only stands to the "merits" of the character.

People often do everything to survive or for a little bit better living. I think in general it's better to distance myself from judging things I know nothing about / if I don't know how the situation feels like.
removed-userFeb 21, 2019 6:29 AM
Feb 21, 2019 6:23 AM

Nov 2012
I immediately realized what kind of night job makes Mio. Apparently she and the women of the time, living in conditions of war, had no choice but did so. Although Dororo showed that it's always been an option. It is clear that her character was introduced for a dramatic component, which acted on Hyakkimaru. Honestly, I feel sorry for Mio, but this was decreed... She shouldn't have been "to work" in two opposing camps.

P.S. Read something about prostitution in Japan in different periods on Wikipedia. To be honest, it has been absolutely eye opening. Was slightly shocked.
Akagi-kunFeb 21, 2019 6:31 AM
Feb 21, 2019 6:31 AM
Feb 2016
Maneki-Mew said:
jal90 said:
To each their own, but I don't really consider "she reap what she sow" an excuse to show lack of empathy. People commit mistakes. That doesn't make their tragedies less tragic. You either find them tragic or not and that's on you, but it's absolutely off-putting to talk about dramatic resonance as if it was something that only stands to the "merits" of the character.

People often do everything to survive or for a little bit better living. I think in general it's better to distance myself from judging things I know nothing about / how the situation feels like.

I understand that and I get more of what she was trying to do now. But I feel the main reason I'm not as sympathetic towards her death was that she went to both camps instead of just one. If she only went to one, then I'd be fine with that. But since she went to both and got herself killed because of that, that's why I can't really feel sorry for her
Feb 21, 2019 6:35 AM
Aug 2017
what kind of job you think she could get that make quick and good money? Most jobs even maid-servant required introduction and recommendation. Japanese have an apprentice system, where if you want to work at a specific store like clothing store or sake brewery, you need to start at apprentice level and have to live at the store with salary near to nothing since the master deducted the living expense from it. You think Mio could provide for the kids by doing that? Being hunter or fisherman is for men. Another job for women is diver for pearl but that needs experience and also dangerous since you had to dive without any gear. Being farmer needs land.
Even men at that time resorted to being thieves and robbers. And there were male prostitutes too.
So what could an orphan teenager girl do? If she was alone, she could become a nun, a helper at some temples or an apprentice at some stores but she had to care for the disabled orphan. She could live a better life without them but chose to sacrifice for them.
And actually, those soldiers were really paranoid due to the war. Prostitutes or performers usually work for all sides like that, not only Mio. It is not Mio's fault. What happened was due to soldiers not valuing human's lives. Soldiers usually treat peasants like trash. They would steal, kill the peasants and rape the women. There is no guarantee their wouldn't kill her and the children even if she didn't do that.
Feb 21, 2019 6:41 AM

Nov 2012
Himawari9 said:
what kind of job you think she could get that make quick and good money?

I agree. There was no other job for quick money.
Feb 21, 2019 6:58 AM

Jul 2015
Himawari9 said:
Loathsome said:
she reap what she sow rip
edit; and seriously she wasnt an important character so we obviously forget it fast, since she had screentime for like 10minutes in 2 episodes

You are a heartless monster. Sure sure she doesn't have many screentime but she is an example of what women have to do in order to survival in that time period and in modern time too. You are a person lacking empathy.

Well i'm pretty emotionless but i didn't mean it this way (well tbh i dont give a fuk about her anyways but thats not the point) , if u read the thread u should know that i was just answering his question

Feb 21, 2019 7:10 AM
Jul 2018
I didn't feel much sorry for mio, we only got to see her for like 2 episodes, I felt more sorry for hykkimaru for being sad at her death
Feb 21, 2019 9:07 AM
Feb 2016
laviha said:
I didn't feel much sorry for mio, we only got to see her for like 2 episodes, I felt more sorry for hykkimaru for being sad at her death

that's honestly how I felt when watching the episodes
Feb 21, 2019 10:02 AM
Jul 2018
Supersky said:
Maneki-Mew said:

People often do everything to survive or for a little bit better living. I think in general it's better to distance myself from judging things I know nothing about / how the situation feels like.

I understand that and I get more of what she was trying to do now. But I feel the main reason I'm not as sympathetic towards her death was that she went to both camps instead of just one. If she only went to one, then I'd be fine with that. But since she went to both and got herself killed because of that, that's why I can't really feel sorry for her

Welp, that happens. I don't think most people would act that logically. These assholes gave her not so much more than a little bit food. I guess they wanted her to come back asap.
Feb 21, 2019 10:04 AM
Feb 2016
Maneki-Mew said:
Supersky said:

I understand that and I get more of what she was trying to do now. But I feel the main reason I'm not as sympathetic towards her death was that she went to both camps instead of just one. If she only went to one, then I'd be fine with that. But since she went to both and got herself killed because of that, that's why I can't really feel sorry for her

Welp, that happens. I don't think most people would act that logically. These assholes gave her not so much more than a little bit food. I guess they wanted her to come back asap.

well obviously, since she is an attractive girl. The world's a cruel and unfair place, but given how this was the norm back when women had no other work then it does make sense in a way. Still sad though
Feb 21, 2019 2:30 PM
Aug 2018
Supersky said:
This isn't a clickbait thread fyi. This is a legitimate question I've had on my mind.

So like the majority of others during episode 5 and 6, I would definitely say I saw the red flags surrounding her job that she had at night and how she was "selling her body" to make money in order to buy the rice for her and the children. When she died in episode 6, I'd say I did get sad for her and Hyakkimaru given how he was liking her I believe.

Although looking back on it, I don't know if I should still feel bad for her or not. Here's what I mean. She was "working" at night for the Sakai clan other enemy and then she decides to go "work" for the Daigo Clan the next night as well. She went back and forth between the two for the next few days thinking it would be a good idea, even though that was stupidly risky when one side would start growing suspicious of her actions and whether or not she was a spy for any given side.

And later at the end, we find out that the Daigo army she was already "pleasuring" saw her going over to the Sakai clan the night before, thus leading the Daigo troops to killing her and the children the next day thinking they were spies. Not only that, but when Dororo confronted her about her night job in episode 6, she basically brushed it off and said "it's to survive", even though she indirectly causes her own death and the children's as well because of her stupid actions.

Looking back on that, I honestly just brush her death off now since she basically caused her and the children's deaths by raising the Daigo clan's suspicions about what she was doing. In all honesty, she should've got a different job if it meant keeping her dignity and remaining alive, because in the end it wasn't worth it.
Nope I agree with you a lot, even though I never felt bad for her at all. I expected her to enjoy the pleasure and her saying that made my hunch 100% correct, anyone else that still feels bad for her are naive, just be glad that are you aren't that. Especially when she is trying to take care of children, her "job" being penetrated by dudes is absolutely despicable and deserves no sympathy, there are other jobs out there to make money, not selling yourself.
Feb 21, 2019 4:51 PM

Mar 2013
Grandassassin said:
Nope I agree with you a lot, even though I never felt bad for her at all. I expected her to enjoy the pleasure and her saying that made my hunch 100% correct, anyone else that still feels bad for her are naive, just be glad that are you aren't that. Especially when she is trying to take care of children, her "job" being penetrated by dudes is absolutely despicable and deserves no sympathy, there are other jobs out there to make money, not selling yourself.
There's nothing pleasurable about having sex with multiple men every night in those circumstances. Sex when you aren't aroused is uncomfortable at best and excruciating at worst. We could see by the bruises that they hurt her, she would be in fear of disease and pregnancy, and her belief that her soul was horribly tainted shows how taxing it was on her emotionally as well.

I don't know what job you expected an unskilled, homeless teenage girl in that time and place to get that would pay well enough for her to feed herself and at least 5 dependents.
90s J-rock was our aesthetic peak.
Feb 21, 2019 5:01 PM

Jul 2016
I feel bad. She worked her hardest to give the best life to the kids and herself only to end up dying.
Feb 22, 2019 6:17 AM
Aug 2018
Yandere_Yuuya said:
Grandassassin said:
Nope I agree with you a lot, even though I never felt bad for her at all. I expected her to enjoy the pleasure and her saying that made my hunch 100% correct, anyone else that still feels bad for her are naive, just be glad that are you aren't that. Especially when she is trying to take care of children, her "job" being penetrated by dudes is absolutely despicable and deserves no sympathy, there are other jobs out there to make money, not selling yourself.
There's nothing pleasurable about having sex with multiple men every night in those circumstances. Sex when you aren't aroused is uncomfortable at best and excruciating at worst. We could see by the bruises that they hurt her, she would be in fear of disease and pregnancy, and her belief that her soul was horribly tainted shows how taxing it was on her emotionally as well.

I don't know what job you expected an unskilled, homeless teenage girl in that time and place to get that would pay well enough for her to feed herself and at least 5 dependents.
yeah you are right sex is uncomfortable when you arent aroused but one thing you need to understand, She does have a choice to not have sex with those men, you act like that’s the only way for her to get money, there are certain jobs that require status but there are jobs like a shrine maiden, innkeeper (look up women’s jobs in the edo period) or jobs similar to that so she can make money, making excuses of her being talentless and homeless doesn’t give her the benefit of the doubt or pity. Obviously you weren’t paying attention to the conversation with dororo when she brushed it off acting like there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, she was the cause of her and the children’s death. Another thing to where is the money she’s getting for having sex with those men? There is none, she is just having sex with those men without getting paid, she is just stealing stuff like those rice paddy’s which cause their death, one more thing what about the children? What if one of the children gets curious to see what job she does at night, what would happen if they stumble onto her doing that “job” how would they react? what would they do? What happens if they confront her about it? What kind of trauma would take a toll on the child after witnessing something like that? Those are questions you need to ask yourself instead of feeling bad for her, assuming she had no choice and she can’t find any other job then fucking a bunch of dickbrain degenerates.
GrandassassinFeb 22, 2019 8:06 AM
Feb 22, 2019 8:53 AM

Mar 2013
Grandassassin said:
yeah you are right sex is uncomfortable when you arent aroused but one thing you need to understand, She does have a choice to not have sex with those men, you act like that’s the only way for her to get money, there are certain jobs that require status but there are jobs like a shrine maiden, innkeeper (look up women’s jobs in the edo period) or jobs similar to that so she can make money, making excuses of her being talentless and homeless doesn’t give her the benefit of the doubt or pity. Obviously you weren’t paying attention to the conversation with dororo when she brushed it off acting like there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, she was the cause of her and the children’s death. Another thing to where is the money she’s getting for having sex with those men? There is none, she is just having sex with those men without getting paid, she is just stealing stuff like those rice paddy’s which cause their death, one more thing what about the children? What if one of the children gets curious to see what job she does at night, what would happen if they stumble onto her doing that “job” how would they react? what would they do? What happens if they confront her about it? What kind of trauma would take a toll on the child after witnessing something like that? Those are questions you need to ask yourself instead of feeling bad for her, assuming she had no choice and she can’t find any other job then fucking a bunch of dickbrain degenerates.
Boy. Best get your facts straight before telling me to Google it.

First of all, Dororo is not set in the Edo period. The Edo period was peacetime; Japan was unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, culture flourished and modernisation began to pick up pace on the back of the introduction of European science. This doesn't concern us. We're talking about the Sengoku period, where hundreds of clans across Japan were too busy killing, raping, pillaging and backstabbing each other to get much else done.

Become a shrine maiden, you say? You think they take any girl off the street? Far from it. In any case, many shrine maidens had turned to prostitution by this age because the shrines couldn't afford to pay them. See here: academic article

Innkeeper? She's supposed to set up an inn with... whose money?

If you paid attention you'd see she was being paid in food, rice, what on earth would be the point of suffering at the hands of those men for nothing? She would take whatever she could get for payment, she had to feed those children every single day. What makes you think she stole the seed rice?

As for "think of the children!!", I think you're trying to apply modern-day morals to ancient Japan. Children grew up fast in these days. People weren't puritanical about sex. Pederasty was common among the samurai and Buddhist monks in particular. I mean, what do you think would happen if they found out about it? It wouldn't be the end of their worlds. Dororo understood.
90s J-rock was our aesthetic peak.
Feb 22, 2019 9:52 AM
Aug 2018
Yandere_Yuuya said:
Grandassassin said:
yeah you are right sex is uncomfortable when you arent aroused but one thing you need to understand, She does have a choice to not have sex with those men, you act like that’s the only way for her to get money, there are certain jobs that require status but there are jobs like a shrine maiden, innkeeper (look up women’s jobs in the edo period) or jobs similar to that so she can make money, making excuses of her being talentless and homeless doesn’t give her the benefit of the doubt or pity. Obviously you weren’t paying attention to the conversation with dororo when she brushed it off acting like there was nothing wrong with what she was doing, she was the cause of her and the children’s death. Another thing to where is the money she’s getting for having sex with those men? There is none, she is just having sex with those men without getting paid, she is just stealing stuff like those rice paddy’s which cause their death, one more thing what about the children? What if one of the children gets curious to see what job she does at night, what would happen if they stumble onto her doing that “job” how would they react? what would they do? What happens if they confront her about it? What kind of trauma would take a toll on the child after witnessing something like that? Those are questions you need to ask yourself instead of feeling bad for her, assuming she had no choice and she can’t find any other job then fucking a bunch of dickbrain degenerates.
Boy. Best get your facts straight before telling me to Google it.

First of all, Dororo is not set in the Edo period. The Edo period was peacetime; Japan was unified under the Tokugawa shogunate, culture flourished and modernisation began to pick up pace on the back of the introduction of European science. This doesn't concern us. We're talking about the Sengoku period, where hundreds of clans across Japan were too busy killing, raping, pillaging and backstabbing each other to get much else done.

Become a shrine maiden, you say? You think they take any girl off the street? Far from it. In any case, many shrine maidens had turned to prostitution by this age because the shrines couldn't afford to pay them. See here: academic article

Innkeeper? She's supposed to set up an inn with... whose money?

If you paid attention you'd see she was being paid in food, rice, what on earth would be the point of suffering at the hands of those men for nothing? She would take whatever she could get for payment, she had to feed those children every single day. What makes you think she stole the seed rice?

As for "think of the children!!", I think you're trying to apply modern-day morals to ancient Japan. Children grew up fast in these days. People weren't puritanical about sex. Pederasty was common among the samurai and Buddhist monks in particular. I mean, what do you think would happen if they found out about it? It wouldn't be the end of their worlds. Dororo understood.
even if it doesn’t take place on the edo period and takes place in sengoku period, there are still jobs you can do that dosent involve having sex, when I said innkeeper and shrine maiden I just added examples that doesn’t involve endangering yourself and others, Justifying her actions and saying that she has no choice it’s just an excuse, “oh poor mio, she is such a tragic character, I feel so sorry for her because she has no way out and she has no other way of making money” is nothing more than a sad pathetic excuse to not better yourself. This “think of the children”. There reason why I’m saying this is because any children that is exposed to shit like rape, sex, drugs, abuse, and anything else that is incomprehensive will traumatize a child and/or get them thinking that’s the way to live, especially the ages that the children are in the show, they are not even fully developed and have a lack of understanding of what’s going on with the situation. FYI, I was paying attention to the show, I didn’t see anything that is vital to her and the child’s survival because the people who came to her house murdering her were assuming she was a spy getting information about their whereabouts in the war, also where they stash rice paddies so she can steal them, and guess what she did stole the rice paddies.
BarnaldMar 23, 2019 11:11 AM
Feb 23, 2019 9:27 PM
Dec 2016
There were some fictional stories about slaves and prostitutes in Muromachi period.
Abduction and human trafficking were sometimes the ultimate goal of the wars.
Thugs and poor farmers' illegitimate sons joined the wars to get some women, livestock, and grain.
Discrimination against prostitutes already existed in that era so their situation was quite different from Shirabyoushi or Asobime in the ancient period. We cannot say that they were not forced to do their jobs in Muromachi period. They were even under the control of official organization and taxed by them.
This story takes place specifically in the 1470s to 1480s. It's true that prostitutes in that era were different from the ones in Edo period but they were not free travelers anymore.
In a Muromachi period story called Oguri Hangan, a heroine is sold to a brothel by a slave dealer but she refuses to become a prostitute. The owner threatens her saying he'd cut her tendons and made her into a lame farm guard (that kind of slaves did exist in that era) but she didn't become a prostitute to the end.
That is totally different from Mio's story but we can learn what kind of situations women were in. Tezuka tried to make it as vague as possible cuz Dororo was a shonen manga. We grown-ups can read much more things between the lines. There were more harsh stories behind Mio. Dororo is kinda allegory mixed from middle age history and modern day message.
e_hobaFeb 24, 2019 2:36 AM
Feb 25, 2019 6:29 PM
Jun 2017
In the manga she wasn’t even that important on top of that they competely changed her character. In the manga the kids & her were killed because they were told to leave & didn’t obey
Feb 25, 2019 7:27 PM
Jul 2013
Of course I feel bad for Mio.. She was at absolute rock bottom and doing whatever she could to survive and care for the children. However she is a minor character, her only real purpose in the story is to show exactly what kind of world they live in and develop Hyakkimaru's character. so ultimately the writer doesn't really want you to pity her, but Hyakkimaru instead.
Feb 25, 2019 7:35 PM
Feb 2016
PastMasters said:
In the manga she wasn’t even that important on top of that they competely changed her character. In the manga the kids & her were killed because they were told to leave & didn’t obey

Wait are you serious?!? Why didn't they just keep it like that for this adaptation, it still would've made sense.
Feb 25, 2019 7:55 PM
Jul 2013
Supersky said:
PastMasters said:
In the manga she wasn’t even that important on top of that they competely changed her character. In the manga the kids & her were killed because they were told to leave & didn’t obey

Wait are you serious?!? Why didn't they just keep it like that for this adaptation, it still would've made sense.

The manga has almost nothing in common with this adaptation except character names and the premise. lol I think that this adaptation is much better story though.
Feb 26, 2019 3:16 AM
Jun 2017
redaxe13 said:
Supersky said:

Wait are you serious?!? Why didn't they just keep it like that for this adaptation, it still would've made sense.

The manga has almost nothing in common with this adaptation except character names and the premise. lol I think that this adaptation is much better story though.
it definitely is better but they ruined her character lmao
Feb 26, 2019 4:54 AM

Jun 2012
She needed to do it, it was the only option to support the kids. Let's say she stuck to one camp; maybe that is enough money to feed them, but doing both is the only hope of building a better life for the kids. So yeah it was a risk that went horribly wrong but she didn't have much choice either.
Shoot first, think never.
Mar 4, 2019 11:15 AM
Jul 2017
Looks like someone getting triggered by prostitution theme *sigh*

Yeah i kinda feel bad for her and thread like this make me feels more bad for her

Of course she go to both camp, she just selling her body for food she never know about the consequence since she just teenage girl trying to survive if she know or at least smart enough about that she will become the real spy already *sigh*
Mar 5, 2019 10:50 AM

Jul 2017
I wish I could nuke this thread from existence. I've never seen so many insensitive, closed-minded, braindead "people" in just one place.
Mar 5, 2019 11:12 AM
Jul 2018
Supersky said:
This isn't a clickbait thread fyi. This is a legitimate question I've had on my mind.

So like the majority of others during episode 5 and 6, I would definitely say I saw the red flags surrounding her job that she had at night and how she was "selling her body" to make money in order to buy the rice for her and the children. When she died in episode 6, I'd say I did get sad for her and Hyakkimaru given how he was liking her I believe.

Although looking back on it, I don't know if I should still feel bad for her or not. Here's what I mean. She was "working" at night for the Sakai clan other enemy and then she decides to go "work" for the Daigo Clan the next night as well. She went back and forth between the two for the next few days thinking it would be a good idea, even though that was stupidly risky when one side would start growing suspicious of her actions and whether or not she was a spy for any given side.

And later at the end, we find out that the Daigo army she was already "pleasuring" saw her going over to the Sakai clan the night before, thus leading the Daigo troops to killing her and the children the next day thinking they were spies. Not only that, but when Dororo confronted her about her night job in episode 6, she basically brushed it off and said "it's to survive", even though she indirectly causes her own death and the children's as well because of her stupid actions.

Looking back on that, I honestly just brush her death off now since she basically caused her and the children's deaths by raising the Daigo clan's suspicions about what she was doing. In all honesty, she should've got a different job if it meant keeping her dignity and remaining alive, because in the end it wasn't worth it.

I didn't really think of it that deeply, but those are actually some valid points imo. Tbh I found Dororo's mother's death far more sad than Mio's.
Mar 5, 2019 3:07 PM

Aug 2017
Mio never should have play for both sides.
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In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
Mar 6, 2019 2:56 AM
Jul 2018
This thread reeks of Idol fan-types. The ones throw a tantrum because they find out their idol has a boyfriend and suddenly she's a slut.

Mio didn't have a choice really. All the crops and villages would have been destroyed so the enemy cant resupply. She could walk the kids as far away as she could but they'd probably starve to death on the way.

Also the "she could become an inn keeper" comment. Hahaha. Fucking naivety...
Mar 6, 2019 3:34 AM

Jul 2013
She wasn't on the anime for enough time for me to really care about her, besides Dororo and Hyakkimaru no one appears for many episodes and this thread will very probably go until the end of the anime, if I had someone to feel sorry for was for Hyakkimaru, guy fell in love with a bitch and she died when his feelings just begun to flourish for her, he didn't deserve that, he don't deserve anything bad that happens on his life tbh.
I . A M . D E A D !  C O N T I N U E ?

Mar 11, 2019 12:57 PM

Mar 2014
She did what she had to do so she and the kids could survive in a warzone and she and innocent kids were murdered. What even is this topic?
Mar 11, 2019 7:09 PM
Jan 2018
The answer’s actually simple which is you moved on. Therefore you start viewing the scene logically instead of emotionally
Mar 12, 2019 1:32 AM

Jun 2016
She was a whore who runs a risky business and should've been aware of that risk.
Mar 12, 2019 1:00 PM

Mar 2014
^It's more the fact that people seem to blame Mio for doing whatever she needed to do or could do as a woman to survive and provide for the kids. Yes, her work led to their deaths, but it's kinda dumb to not realise that without her work they would have probably starved long ago.

Failing to see the tragedy is indeed insensitive.
May 13, 2019 9:59 AM

Apr 2016
do you have brain damage
moe moe ichijou seiya

May 13, 2019 11:04 AM

Mar 2016
You endeavor and move on with life after a loved one has passed away. Simple as that.
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