Forum Settings
Feb 21, 2019 5:11 AM

Jul 2009
This thread is where admins handle stuff for MAL Interviews. @Golden_Scarlett has already given permission to use this club as an unofficial discussion forum.

Our first goal is to fulfill the checklist below for the revival of the club. Feel free to add more items as you see fit.

  • Create a new layout ✓ (fixing)
  • Update the list of interviews
  • Update the list of benefactors
  • Make a Discord server for admins and officers
  • Discuss nomination guidelines with admins and officers
  • Contact Bored_Ronin, ituhata, exxi, and RobinOneOfMaany to check if they are still interested in making cards and signatures
  • Contact SuzakuTsubasa and UltimateDeath to check if they are still interested in becoming interviewers
  • Create the editing test
  • Write the recruitment announcement
  • Write the revival announcement

- All GFX makers except ituhata are returning
- All interviewers are returning

Message to GFX maker

Message to Interviewer

Positive Reply

Negative Reply

Discord Inquiry
SkittlesFeb 23, 2019 9:30 PM
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Feb 21, 2019 5:18 AM

Jul 2009
This is my proposed layout. I utilized a magazine style to mimic tabloids with celebrity interviews. This is not the final version; I can always change it depending on feedback.

Speaking of feedback, you can criticize or compliment it any way you want. You can say it's "gay", "faggy", "homoshit", "aids", or whatever, but please give constructive criticism too.

Feb 21, 2019 5:34 AM

Sep 2015
Your watermark could stand to be a bit smaller tbh ._. It always looks kind of tacky to have more than just a tiny percent of a percent of the layout dedicated to just pointing out that you made it, if you ask me.

Other than that, ghey

Feb 21, 2019 5:46 AM

Jul 2009
Manaban said:
Your watermark could stand to be a bit smaller tbh ._. It always looks kind of tacky to have more than just a tiny percent of a percent of the layout dedicated to just pointing out that you made it, if you ask me.

Other than that, ghey

Thanks. I was actually trying to make it as small as possible, but seems like it's still a bit too big. Also wanted to find something to fill the right bottom space. Gonna change it soon then.

also u rite, its aids
Feb 21, 2019 5:47 AM

Apr 2016
The dearer you hold a memory the more painful it becomes.

Feb 21, 2019 6:05 AM

Jul 2009

Your pearls of wisdom will be noted, good sir
Feb 21, 2019 6:20 AM

Apr 2016
Skittles said:
Your pearls of wisdom will be noted, good sir

Well, why thank you dear comrade :>
The dearer you hold a memory the more painful it becomes.

Feb 21, 2019 8:38 PM

Jul 2009
2019 Staff Recruitment

Hello everyone!

For our first initiative to revive the club, we are announcing a recruitment for two interviewers. We are looking for enthusiastic people who are knowledgeable about the MAL community, willing to work with others, and can write decently in English. Most of all, you must have a positive attitude. Should you possess these qualities and are interested in becoming an interviewer, now is your chance!

As for our second initiative, we are looking for two editors. Editors will be tasked with proofreading the interviews before their publication. Candidates willing to apply for this position are expected to be highly proficient in the English language. They should be able to not only pinpoint major grammatical errors and formatting mistakes, but also make revisions without altering the essence of the interview. I will also be editing the interviews, just so you know.

How to apply
  1. Send me an application through PM. Include your desired position, your reason for applying, and why you would make a good addition to the team. Once you have sent your application, post a notification in this thread.
  2. Accepted interviewer applicants will undergo preliminary testing. You will be given the chance to interview two nominated users of your choice as your evaluation test. Depending on your performance, you will be given the position.
  3. Editor applicants will be given an editing test. Read the instructions, complete it within the allotted time frame, and PM it back to me. Obtaining a sufficient result will land you the position.

There is no application deadline, but recruitment will end once we find a suitable number of candidates.

Good luck!
SkittlesFeb 23, 2019 3:31 AM
Feb 22, 2019 3:30 AM

Jul 2009
MAL Interviews: Revival Edition

MAL Interviews is Alive!?
Sort of. After several staff issues, sudden transfers of ownership, and dozens of other management hiccups, MAL Interviews will now be restarted for the second (or was it third?) time. With untended names piling frantically in the nominations thread, we have come to realize that there is still a high demand for interviews, prompting us to spring the club back to life. And so we will!

Since @/Daconator and @/TimetoRepent have bid their farewells, activities in the club have effectively come to a grinding halt. To get things running again, I held a lengthy discussion with the remaining admins and requested to become the club's director for the time being. I will also be interviewing, editing, and making graphics for the club.

Whether or not the club will return to its glory days is up for question, but at least we won't see it unceremoniously die off just yet. For now, let us go over some updates.

Recruiting Interviewers and Editors
It should be no surprise to most of you that our staff team's numbers have been dwindling. Since this problem is of the utmost concern, we will begin the club's revival phase by announcing a call for new hands.
  • Interviewers—The primary workforce of the club. We are looking for enthusiastic people who are knowledgeable about the MAL community, willing to work with others, and can write decently in English. Most of all, you must have a positive attitude. Should you possess these qualities and are interested in becoming an interviewer, now is your chance!
  • Editors—A newly introduced position. Editors will be tasked with proofreading the interviews before their publication. Candidates willing to apply for this position are expected to be highly proficient in the English language. They should be able to not only pinpoint major grammatical errors and formatting mistakes, but also make revisions without altering the essence of the interview.

Why the need for editors? In the past, we have received complaints about interviews being difficult to read or downright ilegible. Moreover, the club would often outsource editors (such as myself) for support. We believe that creating an in-house editing team would be the best course of action. Rest assured that editors will only proofread interviews for technical errors, nothing more. Interviews will not be censored or have their contents altered in any way.

For more information about recruitment, [INSERT LINK HERE]please read this thread.[INSERT LINK HERE] Since most of our GFX makers are still active, we will not be recruiting anymore for now.

I look forward to working with all the new candidates!

New Layout, New Beginning
What's the best way to show we're serious about reviving the club? By giving it a new layout, of course! Actually I'm joking, I'm not sure either. To that end, I have crafted a magazine-style layout with clickable stickers to help navigate through the club easier.

In the future, we are planning to decorate more sections of the club.

Going Over the Nominations
Starting today, we will be taking a closer look at the highly neglected nominations thread. For those new to the club, this is where users are often selected (but not always) to be the next interview candidate. If you wish for a specific user to be interviewed, don't be afraid to mention their name in the thread. You can even nominate yourself should you wish!

Please be aware that this is not the only way for users to be nominated as we have other conditions. Mass voting a specific user will not guarantee them to be appointed; in fact, it might be the opposite!

Collecting Your Cards and Signatures
Because most of our GFX makers are thankfully still active, the GFX request thread will continue to operate. If you have already given an interview but have not requested a card or signature, do so now!

That will be all for now! Let's hope the club stays afloat this time!
SkittlesFeb 23, 2019 2:14 AM
May 4, 2019 4:42 AM

Oct 2015
Could you tell us about yourself?

I’m 24 years old at the time of writing this, though I might be 25 by the time this interview goes up seeing as my birthday is coming up. In any case, I’m a university student living in Stockholm, Sweden. I used to study materials science for a few years before but I eventually came to the conclusion that I probably didn’t want to spend the rest of my life in that field so I started looking around for options.

Eventually I started studying UX design last year instead and I haven’t really looked back since. Easier and more fun, yet still probably a lot more useful on today’s job market as well. Currently I’m doing an internship for it so I’ve had to do a lot of user tests and mobile app designing lately but it’s all in good fun. I also started living alone a few months ago after I finally got my own apartment, so overall I’m pretty satisfied with where my life is at these days.

How did you choose your username?

Well I’ve had it for around 11 years by now so it’s just something that stuck with me. It doesn’t originate from MAL or have anything to do with anime. Honestly it’s just a pretty stupid Swedish pun in gamer lingo which I thought was oh so clever when I was like 14 when I first came up with it.

Basically I was still playing Counter-Strike back when I was in middle school and for a while I was part of a clan that was primarily playing on so-called “break” maps. Essentially they were maps where you could shoot and destroy walls and the general environment in various ways to create new pathways, kind of like Minecraft blocks. The clan’s theme was that every member had to pick the name of a bird as their handle, and since the break maps we played on involved a lot of wall-banging as far as kills go (which is also known as haxxing over here at least), I decided to go with “the woodpecker” as my handle, or “hackspetten” in Swedish. Then I just switched the letters up a bit to actually make it related to the game and thus made it HaXXspetten instead, pronounced identically. That’s about it really. I know it’s stupid but well there you go.

The weirdest part was that once I started high school like two years later, I found out one of my new classmates actually had a class on his Modern Warfare 2 account that he’d named HaXXspetten as well, so that was a minor identity crisis.

Could you give us a brief history of your time on MAL?

I’ve been a member for just over six years now so it’s been a while. I’d like to say I’ve been through a number of different eras in that time though. The first couple months after I joined the site I didn’t really do anything on MAL other than utilize the list feature. Then I slowly started exploring the forums, a couple clubs, started writing reviews occasionally etcetera and just gradually grew into it.

I think in particular around 2014-2016 was when I was the most active on the site. For a while I was probably one of the most active users on the site and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t somewhat addicted to it. I started hanging out on the forums way too much, trying to communicate with too many people, wrote numerous reviews every new season, etcetera. At some point I also started just goofing around with some of my closer friends on the site and since I was always quite outspoken about how much I loved imoutos, some people just started referring to me as “Onii-chan” when chatting with me. It was probably only meant as a joke at first but I guess over time I began to build up this online persona of sorts that I used in a light roleplay sense where I was kind of the unofficial Onii-chan of MAL or something.
This was particularly emphasized when one of my friends decided to create a fan club for me on MAL on his own accord which got truly over-the-top as it was basically 100+ other other users all pretending to be my imoutos and wanting my love and attention, and although it wasn’t particularly long-lived, it clearly made some people look at me even more as this Onii-chan guy or something along those lines. Not that I particularly minded as it was all in good fun, but unfortunately it also meant that every once in a while I had to deal with some random idiot who clearly couldn’t understand that you’re not supposed to take it seriously and started acting like I was hitting on young girls or something. That could get pretty tiring at times.

In any case that time is past now. Yes there are still a few people I still talk to that call me Onii-chan even to this day but it’s not very common. Also, ever since MAL’s infamous period of darkness last summer, I haven’t really spent a whole lot of time on the site itself anymore. I haven’t written as many reviews, I almost never go to the forums for more than a few minutes a time every now and then and let’s be honest, 99.9% of all the chatting people do with each other is on Discord nowadays rather than in clubs or on the forums, so that’s where I usually hang out too. Because really, why shouldn’t I? I mean this is MAL we’re talking about. A site where you can’t even edit club comments in the year 2019. Good joke.

Speaking of which, I have also been an admin for the Anime Guild club since... sometime in 2016 I think? Anyway that’s where most of my regular anime discussions and contacts are located in the last couple years, but again primarily via their Discord server. Sometimes I talk in the Harem & Ecchi Club’s server too. I’ve never really bothered with MAL’s official server though. Too normiefied and generalized.

Any users you like/dislike? Why?

In the past I could’ve mentioned more people on either side of that equation but again, these days I don’t really talk much with people on MAL so I don’t particularly have much to say about individual MAL users anymore. But I guess just off the top of my head (in no specific order), some of the people I talk to on Discord at least include Silyon, Akuma-chi, BlueSkylark, RisaK, vladkob, Swtos, Rayaxe, Ericonator, LoneWizzy, DarkYuzuko, Tofna, Manaban, Manjuu, Jokuc, Volunteer, iasuru, js_Vegnagun, Eternal-, MisaoAino, brainiac1530 and a bunch of others. Oh and there’s this guy called Mei-o_Scarlett too but nobody likes him.

How did you get into anime/manga?

Mostly coincidence really. I was at some party at a friend’s house back in 2012 and I saw he had some copies of the Love Hina manga on his shelf, and out of curiosity I asked if I could borrow them to read. He said sure and so I did. However, he didn’t have the full collection so after I finished the volumes he had I started looking around online to see if there was a way to read the remaining volumes on the internet, which I found out was actually quite easy on any major manga scan library site. So I finished it, and afterwards I used the same sources to try to find other series to read at random, one after another.

I repeated that pattern every so often for the following six months or so, until one day one of my internet friends started speaking about this visual novel game he’d gotten called Katawa Shoujo. At the time I had never heard of the term visual novel before but again, out of curiosity I tried downloading it too, and afterwards found my way to VNDB where I started playing titles one after the other by my own whims.

Then from there I started trying out some of the anime adaptations that some of those games had in similar fashion, and from there transitioned into watching various anime as well. And thus I was suddenly following all three of those mediums. I eventually started reading light novels occasionally as well but that wasn’t until much further down the line.

What other hobbies do you have outside of anime/manga and MAL?

A number of things. Video games would be the most obvious one, mainly strategy games and RPGs for me (I only play on PC though). I play board games as well though and have quite a lot of them at home, though of course that’s only when I actually have friends over to play with but we try to arrange board game nights every so often, which is always one of my monthly highlights.

I also swim regularly and I enjoy that quite a lot. I also follow football quite actively as a sport. I don’t play it myself anymore though but I did it for many years when I was younger at least. As far as the professional scene goes though, I don’t really have any particular team that I cheer for over all others. I guess I just like watching entertaining games and underdog stories etcetera rather than hope for one specific team to win everything every year. I don’t really care about the Swedish league because it sucks, I really just follow the big ones from around Europe as well as international football of course.

For the last year and a half or so I’ve also started collecting some more cutesy clothes and stuff that I sometimes put on for fun, though I haven’t really done that very much in the last few months. Been focusing more on school than anything else since the turn of the year.

Tell us about your transition from being MAL's number 1 Onii-chan, to MAL's biggest trap

Why can’t I be both? In all seriousness, first of all I’m not a trap. I’ve never claimed or assumed to be one. Some people (most commonly trans girls) even find that term offensive due to its technical implications. I don’t really care about that personally but I do think anyone who would go around calling themselves a trap is a memer at best, arrogant at worst. I guess calling me a twink would be more accurate, or a femboy when I actually put some effort into it, but no more than that.

Anyway I wouldn’t say I’ve really transitioned away from being an Onii-chan, it’s more just that I’m not hanging out on MAL in the same way anymore as mentioned so that part of me has just been taking the sidelines for the most part in recent times.
But eh I’m not sure what to say here really. I guess I was dating someone for a time whom also suggested I try cross-dressing sometime while we were together, and I thought it was surprisingly fun so I ended up exploring the topic a bit further on my own after we later broke up. Thankfully the internet has the answers to everything these days so I ended up meeting a lot of like-minded people online that I hung out with for quite a large portion of last year. Thus over time I gradually ended up buying more and more cute clothes, cosplay sets and accessories, and I also started being more active with keeping up on stuff like full body hair removal and skincare just to stay fresh and smooth. I’d always wanted to do that anyway because body hair is pretty yucky so in a sense it was killing two birds in one stone.

Nowadays I live by myself as mentioned previously so if I want to just casually walk around my apartment during the day in kawaii clothes then there’s nothing stopping me exactly. But doing that all the time would also make it lose its appeal I think so in reality I don’t really do stuff like that particularly often. Plus it’s a bit annoying having to change into normal clothes every time I need to go out to buy groceries or head to my part-time job etcetera. We’ll see, I guess if/when I get a new girlfriend or boyfriend I might get better opportunities to use my wardrobe more, but for the moment it’s mostly just sitting there.

What’s the creepiest person you’ve met on Pornhub?

Honestly people on Pornhub usually just watch videos without commenting or messaging others much. Sometimes I’ll get a ping from someone on it but it’s rarely anything major. If we’re talking about creeps then I’ve gotten way more weird stuff from other places such as Tumblr, Reddit, Fetlife or just Discord in general. It’s hard to just single out one guy though but I guess I can divide the typical creeps into three general categories:

1) The guys that expect me to satisfy their particular weird kinks despite me having absolutely nothing to do with those in the first place. Some people are evidentially into some really messed up things as I’m sure anyone that’s spent enough time on the internet is painfully aware of.

2) People that pay no heed to logistical and practical challenges when making their requests or demands. For example I remember one guy on Tumblr who seemed to unironically expect me to move all the way to America with the simple reasoning that “here you can get BBC”. I mean okay then, seems totally reasonable...

3) Guys that just overstep their boundaries so far into wtf territory that I’m just left speechless trying to think of a response. Perhaps the most memorable moment there was about a year ago when someone on Discord that I’d never talked to before suddenly sent me a DM which was basically a wall of text (prob around 1000 words) where he tried to argue and explain in-depth about how he wanted me to change my workout routine, diet and start taking hormones so that I one day over time could live up to his standards of “what a trap is supposed to look like”. What my actual opinion on the matter was didn’t seem particularly relevant to him. As I later noticed though, he pretty much had the highest standards imaginable and was openly criticizing literally everyone he saw in the server we shared for the pettiest reasons and everybody hated him, so go figure.

How are you so kawaii?

By adding “uguu~” or “nano desu” to the end of all my sentences.

Favourite place in the world?

I’ve travelled a lot over the years and been to 20+ different countries. It’s hard to pick just one place as the best though. But to mention some, I think as an overall country then Iceland is the most beautiful one I’ve visited. I’ve also been to a lot of shorter weekend trips and similar to famous cultural cities which have been quite memorable, such as Athens, Vienna and Prague for example. Hiking in the mountains in the middle of the Atlantic on the Portuguese island of Madeira was another lovely experience. A few years ago I also went to Dubrovnik in Croatia which is also the original recording site for King’s Landing in Game of Thrones so that was pretty interesting.

Of course that is not to say that I don’t like things here back home in Sweden. I think it’s a quite lovely country to live in really, but since it’s so mundane for me as a citizen I can’t really think of it as something particularly exotic in the same way.

Most embarrassing moment?

I don’t know really. Nothing in particular comes to mind. I think I tend to avoid situations where I might find myself in that kind of awkward position instinctively. I think being forced to go up and solve a problem on the whiteboard when I’m not sure I have the correct solution is a very uncomfortable feeling, but I’d say that’s closer to fear than embarrassment. But in all honesty I’m not sure.

What are your three sizes?
Last time I measured I got 32/28/33.5 inches or 81/71/85 cm. That’s what I’ve roughly used as guidelines when shopping girls’ clothes at least.
Mei-o_ScarlettMay 5, 2019 9:30 PM
So embarrased with Tensura fans and the fandom, how have we degraded
May 13, 2019 12:21 AM

Oct 2015
What do you think about the community and people on MAL’s forums?

Like I said, I’m not particularly active on MAL anymore, but in my experience it’s... pretty diverse, as is to be expected of such a large community. Some people are very nice and friendly to talk to, whereas others are either toxic or create threads so stupid it boggles the mind that they’re seemingly not trolling. Anime is mainly aimed at teenagers though so it’s not so strange that there is a lot of immaturity in this community. It’s just the way it is. I try to keep a tight-knit group of people I talk to regularly about anime rather than to reach out to any living soul I see though so it doesn’t really concern me too much. However, when I see other people keep coming back to the forums only to get hurt by the level of cancer going on in some threads it just makes me feel sad that they can’t make themselves stop going there. MAL is cute, but can also be a quite facepalm-worthy place at times.

What makes an anime good or bad for you?

If you want the tl;dr answer then I guess just whether it’s entertaining or not. But to expand a bit, in my mind for an anime to be really good it should either a) be so addictive it makes me want to watch the next episode immediately after finishing one, or b) stand out as something truly special in my memories even a long time after finishing it instead of just being something I end up forgetting about as soon as the season is over.

I try to watch most genres of anime though and to see them for their own intents and purposes rather than to assume that any one premise is automatically any better or worse than another. It’s always annoyed when people try to force their own biased perspectives on others and somehow claim them to be absolute truths, especially when that entails watching shows they know aren’t their type just to gloat and trash talk them. There is way too much group mentality and bandwagoning in the anime community unfortunately but I try to resist and fight it as best I can, as I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions on things.

I guess if I had to mention one thing then I tend to like anime with a lot of mind games and battle of wits in them a lot, though I can’t say that’s particularly common to see unfortunately.

Are you still up for dating or just naughty play?

Just doing hookups with people isn’t particularly fun in my experience. I mean I’ve tried it but... it’s difficult to relax and to feel comfortable with someone you barely know so I’m not doing that anymore. That being said, I wouldn’t say I’m necessarily looking for a full-blown relationship again right now; I don’t really mind the freedom of being single. But if I’m going to play around with someone then at the very least I’d like to be able to consider ourselves genuine friends that are perfectly capable of doing other things together for fun as well, because relationships that have nothing in common outside the bedroom aren’t exactly very healthy or sustainable in the long run. Unfortunately most people that message me are just older guys looking to irresponsibly sleep around with others which doesn’t interest me at all, so it’s easier said than done finding locals that are actually worth a damn.

How does it feel to have porn of yourself posted for everyone to see online?

Well if I had a problem with it I obviously would never have done it in the first place so that kind of speaks for itself. Of course that doesn’t mean I’d like anyone I actually know IRL to find out obviously but that’s a different matter. The thing is, within the femboy community it’s not just common but even expected of people to be super open about their sex lives with each other. It’s like some sort of unspoken rule that if you want to look at others then you should let them see you too, etcetera. So I guess I was naturally lured into it just by socializing with like-minded people and it just felt like the obvious thing to do.

At this point that initial phase has long since passed and I don’t really create new content all that often anymore, but I’m still making some money on the side from it if nothing else so I can’t complain. And 99% of the feedback I’ve been getting is positive so I guess it’s not so bad for helping to boost your self-esteem either.

What would be the reaction if someone were to leak your Pornhub account to your workplace and what would be their reaction?
My workplace is very much a solo experience since we all work by ourselves whilst listening to music or something so we don’t really communicate or befriend each other all that much (at least not for those of us who work part-time). So most people probably wouldn’t care because they barely know me anyway. But of course I’m sure it’d surprise people. I mean it’s not like I go around in public saying that I occasionally cross-dress, that I’m bisexual or that I’ve got a bunch of lewds online exactly because I have absolutely no reason to. It’s hard to say exactly how people would react though. It’s so individual. Some people are very judgmental whereas others are open-minded and don’t really seem to care either way. I guess my supervisors would probably give me a stern talking to but it’s not like I’d have broken any rules so what could they do really? Not like I have a very high profile part-time job that requires upholding a high degree of professionalism as far as public appearance goes anyway.

What are your plans for the future after university?
The school I’m going to is quite closely associated with a bunch of companies (they even largely decide our curriculum) so I’m pretty much guaranteed to get employed at one of them as soon as I graduate so I guess that’s what I’m going to do. I don’t know what exact UX role I’d get if so though and I don’t know which one I would like yet, but I still have about a year to figure that out. I’ll probably try to stay in Stockholm if possible but you never know how things will turn out on that front. Depends on what kind of offers I’ll get.

So embarrased with Tensura fans and the fandom, how have we degraded
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