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King's Game
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Nov 13, 2017 6:05 PM

Apr 2014
oh I'm on fire? guess its time for my backstory wth xD sldkfja;ldkfj
Nov 14, 2017 4:19 AM

Jan 2017
Anybody notice the shot of their car at 03:00? It looks tiny...

How big is that road?

Sidenote: One of the characters said "Chiemi-chan ga" in Japanese. That's just funny.
The_FlatlineNov 14, 2017 4:29 AM
Nov 14, 2017 8:10 AM
Mar 2017
Dont relate anime logic with real life logic xD
Nov 14, 2017 8:55 PM

Feb 2016
This show just keeps getting funnier and funnier! Was it 8 deaths this episode? Please, just keep them coming! Also, I love how hardly any adults are shown on screen. What was the taxi driver thinking that whole time? The bad animation isn't helping either... or is it? Hahaha!
Nov 15, 2017 3:36 AM

Dec 2014
ok so everyone one was dead except of MC and Chiemi...but was the first game ended then... each episode is so depressing
Nov 15, 2017 6:07 PM
Jun 2017
the most tragic episode so far... i mean that Dice game sure is a massacre plus Ria was on fire...
Nov 15, 2017 10:07 PM

Dec 2012
So in the previous episode Chiemi decided to not answer Nobuaki's calls repeatedly. And then in this episode, it's like Nobuaki completely forgot about it and was just happy to see her. If someone can provide an explanation for that, I'd be happy to hear it. And don't get me started on Ria's explanation about the deaths being caused by viruses and extreme hypnosis.
Nov 15, 2017 11:22 PM
Jun 2016
The only reason why I'm even still watching this show is because I've watched half and I'm too far in to quit.

This anime is TERRIBLE. I've never seen such a shoddy story line. It's like the writers were trying to make the next big school horror anime like Another and just fell flat on their faces.

The way that the characters die is almost laughable; Naoya's death basically had me yawning although you could tell that they were trying to go for a tear-jerking atmosphere.

Also, isn't it convenient how Ria was able to talk WHILE ON FIRE for a full three minutes?! Her clothes burned off (of course), but her skin and hair were like "nah, not today Satan"

I really hate this show xD But watching how it just tops itself each week on how terrible it is really gives me a good laugh.
Nov 15, 2017 11:43 PM

Jun 2014
I could take on all the bullshit happening in the previous episodes, but this one was fucked up on another interdimensional level.
Nov 16, 2017 1:20 AM

Mar 2009
xMonokuAnnex said:
I'm sorry but this is supposed to be comedy right? Human diseas sent by e-mail, higurashi rip-off and girl set on a FUCKING FIRE stripping and giving halfassed "motivational" speach at the end.
Seriously i was laughing my ass off for the last few minutes of this episode. However, I have to say, that neck twisting scene creeped me out.

Has to be a comedy. There's really no other explanation. The deaths are hilarious and stupid. Ria's talking and still typing while on fire for about 5 minutes. The text message's all so dumb. I'm just going to take this as a comedy.
Nov 18, 2017 7:53 AM

Apr 2009
Not to mention details of the sheer absurdity of Ria's death scene, here's some icing on the cake of ridicule:

Did I just see 3 fidget spinners among the tools of abuse Ria's father used on her?
Nov 28, 2017 1:54 PM
Oct 2015
when i watched this episode i felt like watching :

a romantic comedy ripoff with an yandere alien and white haired burning hot predator
Nov 29, 2017 2:10 AM

Apr 2016
When the started to turn over his shoulders, the best!!! kekeke
Dec 8, 2017 5:21 AM

Nov 2009
LightofHeart said:
oh I'm on fire? guess its time for my backstory wth xD sldkfja;ldkfj

It is unrealistic at times even for an anime. I thought that in the first or second ep when someone died brutally in front of everyone else and they were upset, sure but that type of thing would have traumatized most people for life. The fire scene was cringe worthy. Um hello, aren't you in pain? She stayed in character at least. Farewell Snow Queen Ria. Btw what happened to my yandere girl Natsuko? Was she killed off already and I overlooked it?

The explanation of the virus, that it spreads through the internet is just plain silly. Strangely enough I'm enjoying this even with its glaring flaws. It's become a guilty pleasure of mine. It's far from boring but I'm prepared for a stupid ending. The OP reminds me of Deadman Wonderland. This is the end, this is the end.. Catchy.

SayakaMagica said:

Did I just see 3 fidget spinners among the tools of abuse Ria's father used on her?

Hmm. I was too focused on the metal screw butt plug. Or just a screw? Who knows. The brutality in this is a breath of fresh air.
Dec 9, 2017 4:05 PM
Oct 2014
couldn't stop laughing
Dec 9, 2017 9:53 PM

Jun 2013
That kid, Keita's head twisting around was fucking hilarious, that's some Junji Ito shit right there. If you've ever read Red Turtleneck by Junji Ito then you'll know what I mean lol

Jesus Fucking Christ, Naoya needs to get punched in the fucking face. SAY HIS GODDAMN FUCKING NAME! When that Abe guy got slugged, he should've said his name immediately. Ugh.

Naoya's death wasn't touching, it was fucking stupid. The fact that the Ousama Game thing is because of a virus is not highly convincing, an asshole virus that blows off your fucking hand when you try to answer a call from your crush.

Ria is a fucking badass, best girl most definitely. She was burning the fuck up and was still hacking using her computer. Still that part was also funny because who the fuck doesn't scream when they're burning?
Dec 13, 2017 10:15 PM

Nov 2012
genius programmer father = genius programmer daughter
> I guess her father "infected" her with talent -_-

real life virus traveling through internet
> wow, real virus becoming computer virus, and then vice versa

everyone becomes a shit character before their death
> as usual

burning to a crisp, voice calm as f--k
> can't even fathom this sh-t

the logic in this series making me dumb with each passing episode..........
Dec 15, 2017 4:22 PM

Jul 2012
Poor Naoya :( How could anyone hate these characters? Really extreme anime !!!
張大です for 張大勇督察
Jan 7, 2018 1:01 PM
( ̄y▽ ̄)╭ Ohohoho.

Jul 2013
I should probably feel bad for laughing at all of those gruesome deaths... But I can't XD

Lmao Ria is burning and doesn't give a fuck about it. Sure, she still had so much to talk about, can't die too quickly!

I will show no mercy for you
You had no mercy for me
The only thing that I ask
Love me mercilessly
Oct 19, 2018 12:52 AM

Sep 2013
I was enjoying this episode up until the white haired chick started talking at the end. It's a fucking computer virus? And she just keeps talking as she burns to death?

They should at least have had her hair gradually burn away. It's like it was magic fire that didn't actually do any damage.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Dec 10, 2018 9:07 PM

Oct 2017
omg when that boy's head got twisted all the way around and then he was like "Oh look it's back :)" xD
Jan 16, 2019 7:50 AM

Dec 2018
That neck twisting punishment... I feel how much it hurts from my screen.

And WTF with Ria hacking the King's game ? So I just assume her father abuses her and teach her programming, seems convenient.

"Mission Completed" after finish hacking that game lol, idk whether it's coming from the king or the laptop itself.

And lastly Ria's death was laughable and epic and the same time. The ending song fits her death scene.
He who smiles in a crisis has found someone to blame.
Mar 1, 2019 7:42 PM

Mar 2018
Kings Game = Virus

Bestest anime ever.
Apr 18, 2019 7:04 AM
Mar 2018
I don't usually do this but ok:

-Who the hell is Toshiyuki? Didn't remember we have two of them (I suppose we weren't supposed to know either)
-How did Toshiyuki #1 dash and punch Toshiyuki #2 covering like 5 metres in half a second?
-Okay the hacking animation really sucked, just Ria spamming keys (the animators were so lazy to animate this they just used a faster version of Ria typing instead of doing actual animating)
-Everyone getting decapitated in matter of seconds, but our bud Naoya seemed to get spared a little longer by the king (Because you know, he has got to get that dramatic "goodbye my dear friend" out of the way. Pretty convenient)
-I think this anime is confusing computer viruses with biological ones
-Ria was on fire for a whole minute and 40 seconds without a single sign of burn in her body (Because you know, thats what happens when you strip half naked while on fire)

Well at this point we all know this anime is supposed to be trash, but i may aswell keep watching to see what's gonna happen next.
Nov 5, 2019 6:27 PM
May 2019
What a bloodbath this was. Sucks that Naoya died, but I guess it was to be expected. Ria was by far the most interesting character though, IMO.
Nov 29, 2019 4:46 AM
Jan 2019
It went back XD as the head turned around. Rias death honestly I like how they attempted to make it epic. The girl went through so much abuse she felt no pain. But The virus theory was silly.
Jan 19, 2020 8:40 AM
Mar 2018
Eeeeeeerm..., I am finally at a loss of what to say so I will say the only thing that hasn't been obliterated from my mind by this ridiculous anime, "RIA, LIKE A BOSS"!!!
Feb 4, 2020 11:34 PM

Jan 2020
MISSION COMPLETED. LMAO, Anonymous would be proud.
Nov 9, 2020 2:19 PM

Apr 2018
A virus lmao Ria walking and speaking like everything is fine while she's absolutely on fire is hilarious
Dec 9, 2021 9:19 AM

Sep 2018
Holy shit, this episode was a 10/10 experience. The hilarious deaths, the game being a virus that sets people on fire and makes their heads fall off through the power of hypnotic suggestion, that hacking scene, and Ria stripping and nonchalantly chatting while burning to death to top it all of? Comedy of the decade.
Oct 26, 2023 12:19 AM

Dec 2012
Yikes, that was just bad. I mean, the idea of a virus that preys on the power of suggestion is quite novel and the village setting is starting to give me Shiki vibes. It's just a shame that this lacks all wit & intrigue, making the big reveal yet another WTF moment. Welp, looks like the flashbacks are coming to an end and we can get back to the present where Natsuko has likely whored herself out to everyone in order to try to kill Nobuaki (for whatever reason).
Mar 16, 2024 3:02 PM
Oct 2017
Jul 9, 2024 11:38 PM
Jun 2024
My opinion from episode 01 to 06 guys, I didn't think the anime were like that, to me it doesn't seem like horror or terror, it's more like a comedy, laugh, don't you feel pain when you burn? Was she anesthetized? It's not criticizing the author but where are the girl's screams? One of the worst deaths is being burned. I swear I tried but there's no way not to laugh at almost every death, the only one that brought tears was Naoya, but I still have a character apparently alive, but let's see if I'm more impressed in the end. It's not bad, but I give it a six.
Sep 8, 2024 8:50 AM

Mar 2020
What the hell did I just watch that just happened in that episode? It doesn't make any sense xD

One minute, it's a virus. Then another, it's a computer virus. And she tried to hack the computer virus Why is she only doing it now? And damn, we're talking about the government of scientists, it just took us 6 episodes to get people to finally ask important and interesting questions It's ridiculous, at the end, they throw the music at you like there's something hypant xD
Dec 3, 2024 5:45 AM

Mar 2024
What the f.............

It was interesting order that would have caused fights and hating in any case. Well im just glad that this bastard in tracksuit with a disgusting face died. He pissed me off from the very beginning.

But its sad that girls died, they were cute.

And damn what a guro it is. It reminds me of Elfen Lied but ofc its drawn worse here.

Now about the explanation of game.
Damn what was that lol
I even rewatched the moment of explanation twice. So the kings game began as a human virus and then this virus moved to the internet. This is complete nonsense.
Its as if flu or covid became internet virus.
You wont see this even in sci-fi and cyberpunk and here we have that in anime that takes place in modern time.
Maybe its more interesting than typical magic or something like that but damn thats too crazy.

And then Ria starts to burning and... she doesnt give a damn.
It should be funny, but for some reason i thought she was really cool. Like she is the girl made of steel or something.
She should have lit a cigarette from her own burning body and said something like "bye losers".
If i dont die like that i refuse to die at all.
I want to be like her. Ria is cool.

And well now its obvious that this anime takes place in a world where police dont exist (but the ambulance does). 8 kids corpses, 7 dismembered and one burned. Of the entire class only two survived. And not a single mention of the police for entire time.
Well they all probably live in a cruel world. In a world where you can be dismembered and no one will search the killer, only the ambulance will come and collect the remains (probably). Its amazing how they even lived to the school.
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