Sep 16, 2018 5:02 AM
Before you make a Character, please read the Club Guide and the rules below. Character Rules (Yes, I completely copied these rules from somewhere else. You know why? Cause they work, and my brain doesn't!) 0) There is no rule #1 1) You have been decieved >:) 2) You are not allowed to add powers, skills, techniques, or additional equipment in any part of your character except the Abilities and Equipment section. New characters get three slots for this. 3) Requesting to delete a character can be done in the Requests thread. 9 times out of ten it will be approved. 4) After your character has been approved, you are not allowed to edit original character creation post without an approved request in the proper request thread. Failure to comply will result in voiding your character, and they will need to be re-approved and their progress reset. 5) Originality must be provided to a certain degree. You can't just take a character from an anime or any other media and claim it as your own. (Pictures of anime characters are fine. Just don't steal their personalities and names.) 6) In this RP, Immortality is defined as being unable to die of natural causes, such as disease and age. This does not make you invincible, and therefore is allowed for story purposes, and not as a power. 7) No, your character cannot be from the veil. Power Rules 1) The power is not allowed to change the enemy player character in any way. Examples including but not limited to changing the characters thoughts, emotions, controlling their body. Even illusion will be heavily moderated. These rules are much less important against enemy creatures played by the GMs. 2) The power is not allowed to be overpowered e.g. mind reading, causing death by touch. 3) You can't have powers that can see the past/future or read/change time in any way. The only exception is to alter your perception of the flow of time. 4) The power cannot go against the Rules of Godmodding 5) Teleportation is allowed, but you need severe limitations on it to be approved. 6) The power shouldn't be able to knock out the enemy with only one hit if the enemy is of a similar rank. 7) There are no Implied powers. If your power doesn't state it, it won't do it. 8) In Abilities and Equipment, you have the choice of having multiple pieces of gear, a bunch of spells, a martial fighter, or traits. Or s mix thereof. Characters start out with 3 slots for these, and more can be obtained through the natural progression. You don't have to use all three if you don't want to. 9) Items under rank F, are detrimental to the character and give other slots more room. It can permit powers above your rank or even give you an extra slot. 10) F rank powers are to be weak and simple. 11) If you powers are posted without a cooldown, then we will either ask for one, or severe limits on them. Racial Rules 1) There are no Implied powers. Just because you have wings, doesn't mean you can fly. This requires a Trait be used to define it. 2) If you are gonna be Extraterrestrial, I'm gonna require some details about the race. Be creative, be unique, be bizarre. This the thread in which you post a character for approval. Upon completion of the character, an admin will judge it depending on it's powers. However, the full sheet will be looked at, and creativity and interesting character designs will be rewarded. To begin read the design rules and copy the sheet from the code text. Replace the items enclosed in paranthesis with the requested information. Do not assume we regularly check work in progress posts. We don't. You have to post the completed sheet or notify us that it's done or it will be forgotten. Quick XP Reference *Stats, Slots, and Character ranks cost the same amount. *Remember that Slots cannot be more than one rank above your character rank. Rank E = 100 XP Rank D = 225 XP Rank C = 500 XP Shell Characters Shell Characters are characters that I make because I had an Idea for powers, but not a character. So I find an image, give it a name, and fill out the powers. If you want the char, message me, and Ill send you the code. Aria Grace Sila Noam Character Sheet [Spoiler="Character Sheet"] [B][u]Name:[/u][/b] (character's full name/alias/or nickname) [B][u]Race[/u][/b] (The Race as described by the guide) [B][u]Species[/u][/b] (the specific species of the race chosen if applicable) [B][u]Gender[/u][/b] (yes, even automatons have genders.) [B][u]Age[/u][/b] (how old is your character) [B][u]Rank:[/u][/b] (Default rank for new Characters is F) [B][u]Faction:[/u][/b] (Which Faction are you in? Putting Freelance disables the Fame System and Faction Titles for the character.) [b][u]Picture:[/u][/b] [spoiler][img] (Paste Picture URL of your character here) [/img][/spoiler] [b][u]Equipment and Abilities [/u][/b] (copy the following spoilers for additional powers or equipment) [spoiler] [B]Name:[/b] (name it something cool) [B]Type:[/b] (Equipment, Skill, Magic Type?) [B]Rank:[/b] (Anything below F is a detriment to your character.) [B]Effect:[/b] (in short, technical terms, what does it do?) [B]Description:[/b] (The long winded, fancy description of what your power is, how it works, and what it does.) [/Spoiler] [b]Stats:[/b] (You have a total of 500 xp available for use on both skills and stats.) [spoiler=Stats] [list] [*][color=green][b]Vitality (VIT)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=gray][b]Xera Energy (XRA)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=red][b]Strength (STR)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=blue][b]Endurance (END)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=yellow][b]Speed (SPD)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=cyan][b]Agility (AGI)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=purple][b] Perception (PER)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=orange][b]Willpower (WIL)[/b][/color] - Rank F [*][color=magenta][b]Luck (LUK)[/b][/color] - Rank F [/list][/spoiler] [B][u]Skills:[/u][/b] (what skills has your character developed over their life, these will mostly be social traits. Such as cooking, singing, knifeplay, etc. Things determined by your RP skill like "Master Swordsman or perfect shot" do not belong here.) [B][u]Personality:[/u][/b] (the parts of your character that makes them interesting. Who are they, what are they like? What do they eat? What wierd things do they do? Make it well fleshed out.) [B][u]Bio:[/u][/b] (Where did they come from, what happened? What are the circumstances or events that shaped them? Interesting stories are much appreciated) [B][u]Lifestyle:[/u][/b] (Based on their bio you can build off how you think they live as people, roaming the streets to luxury. However, if they live in luxury you must give good reason as to why they would be doing such) [b][u]Starting Assests:[/u][/b] (Based off their lifestyle here you will assert more specifics. Broad things such as an abode and overall what objects of note they possess) [B][u]Other:[/u][/b] (an auxiliary slot for things that don't exactly belong in the aforementioned categories) [/Spoiler] |
ByakugaranApr 28, 2019 2:29 AM
Sep 21, 2018 4:03 PM
When I made my example character, I made it knowing I was going to complete a really long thing which was a cool idea in my head to give you an E rank and a D rank slot. Built my entire character around it even. And so, in an effort to cover my own ass, and promote active iniative; I offer you this. The first six characters to get approved receive a free E rank, and D rank slot to fill in the request thread. (AKA 325 xp) Why six you ask? Well yes it is a bizarre number to choose. But I feel it would have been odd to have my character, finished as an example for the rest, be one of five. So, it being one of six means five remain he says, being an admin. I should also mention that: Only one character is eligible per Roleplayer. What was this idea that got scrapped you ask? Well, find out by completing a particular Index Foundation Mission. Furthermore! An admin can make a character with the extra slots as well. Or, on becoming an admin, add the slots to the character. But in order to keep them you will need to assist in the club somehow. If you join as an admin, then quit, i will personally lock the powers behind a perfectly plausible IC excuse. Or so he claims - Soup. Why you always do this to me =3= Bonus slots receivers: That's it people! No more approval bonus! If your WIP has them, please remove them. |
ValkanDec 9, 2018 1:14 PM
Oct 23, 2018 9:15 PM
Approved Name: Alexis Malachite Race Heteromorph Species Wolf Gender Female Age 34 Rank: Rank F Faction: The Collectors Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Iron Will Type: Item (Weapon) Rank: D Effect: Heavy Impact, spherical Maul made of conductive iron. Description: "This house of mine stands strong." An engraving steels this heavy iron maul as a weapon of sweeping devastation, and a mainstay of an iron fortress. The massive weapon would normally be impossible for Lexi to wield, but by her Ferromancy, she can lift it with a good degree of effort. Name: Iron Spike Type: Summoning Rank: E Effect: -Launches a five inch long, centimeter wide spike of pure iron in a linear tragectory. -Piercing Damage -1 post cooldown -Does not fade away -Is essentially a big, one shot every other post bullet Description: From her Ferromancy, she conjures a iron spike from her palm and fires it with telemagnetic force. The iron is in no way special, and once it hits something it will either stop or lose speed. Name: Resonation Type: Enchantment Rank: F Effect: -Causes one Iron object to resonate and produce a loud and extremely irritating sound. -Does a small amount of accoustic damage to those with an aversion. -Lasts for one post with a three post cooldown Description: By adjusting it's Magnetic field, the metal begins to vibrate at it's Resonation frequency. Producing the sound similar to dragging a violin arm accross the strings with no skill. That sound. Name: Polar Forces Type: Spellweave Rank: F Effect: -Can stick to, or push off of iron surfaces. Description: Adjusting magnetics in her gloves/shoes allows her to exert a pulse jump or to stick to iron surfaces. Name: Iron Studded Grips Type: Item (Gear) Rank: F Effect: -Required for certain actions Description: A pair of iron studdened gloves and boots allow her to exert her power with her hands, therefore she keeps them on her at all times. Stats:
Skills: -Decent understanding of the biologically of microbes -Can perform field surgery on humans and Automaton -She has a steady hand with a pen. -Lesrned how to bake for her son. Personality: She has a very short fuse, and has a tendency to not think about things too hard, and act on her own misinformation. However, this temper of hers is but a symptom of the deeper issues. Now that she has a good life, she is afraid of everything she has. Because it can be taken away, and it would hurt. She openly supports Artio of New Pantheon, and prefers her food spicy. Extremely spicy. Unimaginable pain spicy. She prefers neo-classical music and reads frequently. She has a neutral opinion of herself, and is a raging alcoholic when out and about. Bio: She was raised believing she had telemagnetic powers, and she often used it as a means for entertainment. As a village girl, she helped her father in the workshop. Fixing people's things. It wasn't until a Necromancer and a band of his undead "pirates" tried to raid the village. Everyone's lives were saved by the guards. She decided she wanted to be a guard as well to protect everything she cared about. Her training revealed the particularities of her ability. It wasn't magnetism, it was Iron. She learned how to "make the iron sing" and often helped the miners find hidden veins. She was trained by the villages captain, a wielder of a large maul named Iron Will. She was trained in the sword, gun and halberd. Eventually choosing the larger heavier halberd. Using her Ferromancy as the locals called it she could wield the massive weapon to excellent effect. The Village was attacked a few years later by actual pirates this time. This time they weren't so fortunate. The enemy was an excellent strategist named Howard Claratine, and while Alexis put up her best fight. An impressive fight. Using the weight of her weapon in wide sweeping attacks. So much that Claratine was thoroughly impressed. After she was subdued, he stopped his men and gave her a long look. "You have two options. My men will use you as relief and kill you like the others, or... You can use that arm for me, and fight with us." These were his words as he took her mentors Maul and slung it over his shoulder. She accepted his offer and began running with them. For four years she fought.along side them. Became a monster. And even forgot why she hated it. Eventually she became one of them. Drank with them, sang with them, plundered with them. It was one day after a particularly nasty battle that they plundered a large amount of alcohol. And everyone was far drunker than usual at these parties. She ended up sleeping with seven men while drunk. It was a month later she realized she was pregnant. These men were comrades, but she knew them well enough to know they would sooner kill her than deal with her child. So come next bonfire, she poisoned everyone with venom found at their last plunder. She took their riches, and Howard's Maul, and ran. Selling off the stolen goods to pay her bounty and buy a home. She joined the Collectors through the office in Karn, and after she had her son, she began working easy jobs to take care of her child and herself. Life had taken an unexpected turn for the better. She loves her son, and would spill no end of blood in his defense. But she worries that her past is lurking around every corner. That after nine years of a relatively normal life, something bad was gonna happen. And she would die a thousand deaths before she would let anything happen to her son. Other: Request a thread for her house in Karn City. |
Darth_LewdiousDec 14, 2018 7:20 AM
Nov 26, 2018 9:44 AM
Approved Rohan Azuron "Don't worry, there is always time." Name: Rohan Azuron Race Human Gender Male Age 25 Rank: F Faction: None yet Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Beyonder's Touch Type: Spellwork Rank: D Effect: Enables variable degrees of telekinesis on up to two focus points, with a 20 meter range of sight. If object is small and/or light enough (basketball) the number of simultaneous uses and strength if launched doubles. Right before appearing, space will be visibly distorted before the actual effect begins and continue until it stops. Description: Employing merely his mind, Rohan is capable of molding the space around him. Pull, push, lift, drag, Rohan can do it in up to two different locations at a time. He also has control over the speed and strength of said actions. Base limit would be around 100 kilograms of weight. Effect output increases with Willpower. Abuse of this skill for prolonged periods of time or excessive effort will result in negative effects on Rohan. Name: Compression Blast Type: Spellwork Rank: E Effect: Strong blast of psionic-powered kinetic energy. 5 uses with a 3 turn cooldown. Description: A shockwave projected from Rohan's hands, ranging from 20 centimeters to 2 meter diameter. The smaller the diameter, the stronger the blast (from a good punch, to a cannonball). The range of effective use also varies depending on the diameter of the blast: 0.5 meters at 2 meters and 20 meters at 0.2 meters. The blast speed is based on Willpower. Name: PsiBlade Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: Slash/Pierce attacks of psionic nature extending from any limb. 2 uses with a 2 post cooldown. Description: Projection of air from any one of his limbs through a very narrow space, causing a sharp and fast edge to be produced, as if extending a slightly white, crystal clear blade from any of his limbs shaped the way he desires. Said projection can be up to 50 centimeters long. Name: Glide Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: Psionic levitation up to 10 centimeters away from any surface. Can be used in dashes up to 20 meters once per turn. Description: Almost instinctively, Rohan is capable of taking off the ground and hover over it with ease. He can't rise too much above, however. Name: Arachne's Amulet Type: Bound item Rank: F Effect: Increases luck by 1 rank. Tops at C. Description: An arrowhead-shaped pendant, carefully weaved out of extremely thin silver threads with a blue gem on it. Stats:
Skills: -A very skilled juggler. -Adept in multilingualism. -Wide survival knowledge. Personality: Being the first iteration of himself both capable of remembering his past lives and not losing his sanity, Rohan is a positive man from the get-go. Even when facing huge adversities, such as living in Nowhere for a very long time, he'll try his damn best to look for a way out. He likes to listen and being talked to a lot, it makes him forget how lonely he feels, even if he tries to hide it behind sarcasm and jokes. However, he is serious and respectful if he thinks the situation requires it, he's had hundreds of years to learn to have tact after all. Bio: Thomas Stark, Kalam Rutger, Oswald Reitz, Sain Rile, Finn Samzas and Edward Pherae. Six men, six completely different times, completely different families and completely different upbringing. What ties them together? Simple. They are all different incarnations of the same man. How does this involve Rohan? He is the seventh person in which their original, Constantine Abingdon, has reincarnated in. Out of the seven, Rohan is the fourth incarnation to possess knowledge of his previous lives, and of them, he is the one that possesses the most. Usually, this knowledge manifests in traces of thoughts and memories of said lives. This knowledge turns out to be very dangerous, as it corrupts the minds of the incarnations that have it, slowly turning them into unstable and irrational madmen. Rohan is the exception to this as, even though he remembers the most out of his previous lives, he is aware that their memories are within him and are not toxic products of his imaginations. How? He theorizes that it is due to being born on Nowhere and his long stay there. Nowhere is the name Rohan has given to the empty and Infinite vast expanse in which he has spent all of his life. Luckily for him, his knowledge from past lives keeps him distracted from not going insane with all that nothing he was in. However, the lack of company is starting to hurt him. Seeing as, as much as his vast memories and feelings from previous lives distract him from his own, he longs for proper memories, proper socialization, proper happiness... One he can call his own. Despite possessing all that knowledge, he still struggles to remember what brought him to his current situation. With the never ending darkness clouding the sky above, Edward stood there, at the top of the tower that symbolized despair. Bloodied, bruised and certainly beaten. He had gone all out, used every trick, every ace up his sleeve, every ounce of energy he could muster... Yet his opponent barely had a scratch on him. With a smug grin, his enemy had been playing with him, having Edward believe there was a chance. There was none. Once Edward's futile attempt to continue standing in his way bored him, his enemy, the world's enemy, destroyed him without a second thought. Being killed in such way, made even the True Beyonder's spell on Edward's soul to lose stability, banishing it to the abyss. However, the True Beyonder's magic managed to barely withstand the attack, and therefore preventing Edward's soul to be lost forever. The magic needed a lot of time to stabilize again and continue its cycle however, so the poor soul's only choice, was to wait. Meanwhile, on the other side, the next incarnation's body was born. Not knowing about his true self, Rohan wandered the streets of many places alone, learning to live with what little he had to find. Struggling with a failing memory and a constant sense of disconnection with reality, which made him even feel like he literally didn't exist at times, and a constant dream of reaching a place. Rohan hopes this is the place that will properly bring him to life. What does that mean? He'll have to wait and see. Other:-25 is just an approximate of his mental age. He's lived in what he calls "Nowhere" for an indefinite amount of time, which he cannot measure. |
ValkanDec 8, 2018 10:09 PM
Dec 3, 2018 3:52 PM
Approved Name: Celcei V-01(Cel) RaceExtraterrestrial GenderFemale SpeciesVirillian (immortal bloodline) Rank:F Faction:The Index Foundation Age 24 Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name:Kitsune Type:Enchantment Rank:D Effect: Weapon energizing: ability to turn inanimate objects that she touches into an energy based weapon. Plasma Damage (Fire and Electric). Description: When these objects become energized, they can easily cut through most materials with little resistance (such as metals and normal world substances, wood, brick, dirt and the likes). Upon energizing, the object is permanently (for non-bound items) weakened, and is destroyed if hits something that can resist it . Requirements: The object must be longitudinal, although it can cut through metal it cannot cut through steel walls or thick mediums quickly, and when attempted the weapon acts similar in chemical nature to molten rock. Some common items that can be energized include: poles, twigs, swords, sticks, and ropes/cords. Although when energized the item can cut through most material, the item used can still be broken with other energized weaponry such as a highly electric current (like lightning). Cooldown: 2 posts, each object used can only be used once to slice through a target, and then is discarded (Animation is choppy=play at 1.5 or 1.25x speed, sound irrelevant, ends at 0:45) Name:A gift from the Vile King Type:Trait Rank:G Effect:Blindness Description: When the Deathless lord of Urabas damaged Cel’s eyes, he replaced her eyes with crystalline artifacts that stopped the healing of her cornea, preventing her sight from returning through natural methods. Name:Helios Plate TypeBound Item Rank:E Effect:Armor, defense Description: A hardened carbon armor (equivalent in defense to iron, however lighter) thinly lined with alexandrite, this Deathless cursed set from the Skadian ice fields of Virillia provides both durability and free movement due to it's design with carbon, making the armor sturdy yet light. (Displayed in character appearance). Full body minus head, however, the alexandrite lining is allocated only on the upper thigh and forearm pieces. Stats:
Skills: She has excellent hearing and memory, she pays extremely close attention the vibrations given off from her surroundings. Cel has learned to remember the locations of subjects of interest (from people to objects), should a conflict occur. Military training alongside swordplay used in battles with the Deathless has led to a solid foundation in Cel's combat experience. Personality: Cel, in short, is seemingly serious, the lower half of her face cannot express emotion, her eyes do not dilate, and she speaks only rarely. She judges each being she comes across by the way that they speak, and if they do not speak then she takes action to either escape or kill the threat. Cel got into the habit of collecting the swords of others, whether it be by defeating them in combat, or by stealing. Bio: Celcei kur Malak is the daughter of the former Virillian Imperial Army’s General, Kevlavillia kur Malak. After K and Shun overthrew the old dictatorship on Virillia, Shun appointed K as the new army’s general. Eventually Shun died, while K, an immortal nephilim, continued his military service under the Shun nobility. Virillia’s second moon crashed into the planet after an experiment for planetary teleportation was successful. Although originally meant as a way to escape the imminent collapse of their system's sun, the whole planet was translocated right in front of the moon’s orbital. The impact alone killed 97% of all life on the planet, with after-effects destroying the majority of recognizable civilization. K ended up washed up on mainland shore a month after the impact, the island base where he worked had been removed from the map by one of the many tsunamis caused from the impact. Kevlavillia ended up building his home underneath the rockbed of the beach in order to survive the rapidly changing environment. About a century later, the planet had stabilized, and a new world order stemmed from a rare breed of immortal Virillians who had survived the impact. Any survivor that did not serve one of the ‘Deathless’ was enslaved or slain. The Deathless split into several factions while maintaining an agreement to control Virillia by destroying all knowledge of the past world, bringing the new era of 'gods' and kingdoms. K decided to have children to carry on his legacy in the event that he himself would be slain for possesing such knowledge. One of the two children created was Celcei. Celcei was created as a mix between K’s immortal nephilim bloodline and artificial virillian technology. She was trained, as most Virillian children are, to be a child soldier and soon grew to be very cold in nature. In the proxy wars of Urabas, a desert country in which the majority of foreign elements on Virillia arise from, Celcei lost both of her eyes and damaged the nerves in the lower half of her face while struggling against one of the Deathless. Despite her imminent death, she was saved by K, who used the last of his resources from the age of technology to translocate Celcei and her sibling to Earth. (Comments: Virillian moons are about the size of Earth, however Virillia is about the size of Jupiter.) Other: |
ValkanDec 7, 2018 11:09 AM
Dec 4, 2018 10:37 AM
Approved Name: Akira Race Heteromorph Species White Hair Cat GenderMale Age 23 Rank: F Faction: , The Index Foundation Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Flames Of Fuji Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: A ball of Flames. Description: Name after a god of Fire. The call forth flames and shoots from his hand. Has a range of 15 feet and expans to cover 3 in. 1 use with 2 post cool down Name: Divine Light Type: Spellwork) Rank: E Effect: Employs Holy Light to heal minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. 2 use with 2 post cool down Description: Employs Holy Light from his hand to heal minor cuts, scrapes, and bruises. Name: Feline Form Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: +1 Perception Description: Gets +1 Perception when not Deaf Name: Claws Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Has Claws Description: Can use his claws to Fight unarmed. Stats:
Skills: Climbing: A great climber. Baker: Good at baking. Personality: He is kind but hard. He believed most can do better then they are and try to push them to do there beast. He dislikes dirty things and often is cleaning things. Bio: Due to his skill in magic and how fast he can learn. His tribe leader sent him to Lords Of The Red. A Faction from his clan. It a group of talented mages that study all kinds of magic. It was there he studied magic and swordplay. After some time he left not quite done with his training but wanted to join The Index Foundation |
ValkanDec 8, 2018 8:39 PM
Dec 4, 2018 12:21 PM
Dec 5, 2018 3:11 PM
Approved Name: Jonathan Harker Race: Supernatural Species: Vampire Gender: Male Age: 22 Apparent Age: 19 Rank: F Faction: IAHD Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Hrunting Type: Bound Item (Weapon) Rank: F Effect: A normal sword that deals slashing damage. Description: A seemingly normal sword that Jonathan inherited from his father. On closer inspection, there are several runes engraved into the base of the blade, but Jonathan has not noticed these yet. Although it seems like a normal sword, it is incredibly important to Jonathan nonetheless. Name: Shade Shot Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: Launch a projectile formed from nearby shadows. Description: Jonathan steals the shadow of a nearby object and shapes it into a projectile that he launches at the enemy from his hands. The projectile has an effective range of twenty meters, and can travel that distance in one second. It deals shadow elemental damage on impact. This ability has a cooldown of two posts. Name: Blackened Blade Type: Enchantment (Weapon) Rank: F Effect: Cloak a weapon in shadow. Description: Jonathan cloaks the weapon that he is currently wielding in darkness, increasing its deadliness. Any weapon cloaked in darkness deals shadow elemental damage in addition to the weapon’s physical damage type. This ability lasts for a maximum of four posts, and has a cooldown of three posts from the time it is deactivated. Stats:
Skills: Jonathan is quite good at playing the guitar, as that was one of the few ways he could spend his free time. He is also a fairly good tracker, being able to identify the tracks of different creatures and follow their trails, and can even detect their scent if he focuses hard enough. As far as lack of skills go, Jonathan is completely incapable of swimming, a result of living inland for his entire life. Personality: Jonathan is a surprisingly approachable person. Despite the hardships he's faced, he tries to maintain a positive attitude. He has a fairly strong sense of justice, but is admittedly a bit of a hippocrite, as he himself has had to feed on innocent people from time to time to prevent himself from succumbing to frenzy. He goes out of his way not to kill any of his victims, and on some occasions has even tried asking for permission to suck someone's blood. He doesn't blame himself for what happened to his village, but nonetheless has a strong drive to become stronger so that he can prevent a tragedy like that from happening again. Bio: Jonathan was an average country boy, living with his family in a small rural town. Jonathan's dad was a retired mercenary, and had moved to the countryside with Jonathan's mother to enjoy a life of peace and quiet. There wasn’t much for Jonathan to do in such a small town aside from go to school, so he would ask his father to give him lessons on how to use swords, or to tell him stories about his adventures as a mercenary. He dreamed of one day becoming a mercenary himself, hunting monsters and adventuring to new lands that he could only imagine. This peaceful daily life came to an end when Jonathan's village was attacked by a frenzying vampire. Wanting to protect the village, Jonathan stole his father's old sword from the attic and rushed out to face the vampire. He succeeded in wounding it, but it ultimately proved too powerful of a foe for him, and the vampire took Jonathan's life. Jonathan awoke three days later surrounded by scattered corpses and an ocean of blood. Jonathan couldn't decide whether he was lucky or cursed. His skirmish with the vampire somehow resulted in him becoming a vampire himself. Regardless, he knew what he had to do. He had been given a second chance. Jonathan would track down that vampire and kill it at all costs. Jonathan now wanders from village to village, chasing down rumors of vampire attacks. Along the way, Jonathan joined the IAHD in hopes of facing powerful enemies and becoming strong enough to avenge his hometown. Other: Being a vampire, Jonathan possesses no shadow and casts no reflection. He doesn't need as much sleep as a human, so he takes naps whenever he feels tired, whether it be midnight or midday. yes my backstory is dark and edgy. deal with it |
ValkanDec 7, 2018 11:09 AM
Dec 5, 2018 10:57 PM
Dec 6, 2018 9:11 AM
Approved Name: William Garrett Race Human Gender Male Age 19 Rank: F Faction: The Index Foundation Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Xera Sensor Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: Senses all Xera sources in a 5m area around the user. Can also be focused on a single object in direct contact with the user, revealing some properties of that object's Xera. Can be used once every three posts. Description: A sonar-like technique developed to aid in area recon. Spreads Xera particles on the surrounding area to detect magic traps and hidden objects, as well as being useable to determine the very basic properties of a specific artifact's Xera, such as alignment in relation to the user (good, evil, neutral) and a very primitive sense of power magnitude. Name: The Devil & The Lady Type: Bound Item (Coin) Rank: E Effect: Upon being tossed, the coin grants one of two effects depending on the side it shows upon landing:
The effects lasts for 3 posts, and the coin can be flipped twice a day; further attempts to toss the coin will have no effect whatsoever, with the coin seemingly losing all magical properties during this time. The coin toss itself isn't affected by Luck and cannot be interfered with in any way (including external interference), being a guaranteed 50/50 chance. Description: A beautiful and intricate coin overflowing with magic energy, clearly perceivable as not being normal even at first glance. One side is golden, bearing the likeness of a smiling lady, whilst the other is black and features a grinning devil. Rumors say the coin was brought into existence before the birth of mankind, as the aftermath of a contest between a devil and a goddess. The goal was to find out who was the luckiest between the two, and the chosen method was the supposedly fairest type of gamble in existence: a coin toss. The loser was to be trapped inside the coin for eternity, becoming a good luck charm for the winner. In the end, the impossible outcome came to be: the coin landed sideways, crowning destiny as the winner and both competitors as the losers. With that unpredictable twist of fate, the contract came into effect and trapped the two in opposite sides of the coin, where they remain to this day. It is said one can call on their powers by flipping the coin, with no guarantee as for which one will hear the gambler's plea. Name: Everlasting Vow Type: Bound Item (Katana / Shortsword) Rank: F Effect: The weapons cannot be brought further than 10m from each other; attempting to do so immediately triggers a contrary force that pulls the weapons together again. Also, any damage or effect caused to either weapon is immediately mirrored on the other. Both weapons deal slashing damage with attacks. The shortsword leaves a small purple seal upon striking a target, lasting for one post. Hitting the seal with the katana causes orange flames to quickly envelop the mark before it explodes, causing a small amount of damage and igniting the hit area in an orange and purple flame. Description: A set of two ancient Hellstone weapons: a katana and a shortsword. Although they can't be ignited anymore, each weapon still gives off a faint glow of their own: the katana's is a pure and unwavering orange, while the shortsword gives off an attractive yet innocent purple aura. A mysterious force binds the weapons together, preventing them from being separated and causing them to shine more brightly the closer together they are. Stats:
Personality: Extremely curious and hardworking, it's no surprise that Will decided to follow the same path as his father, a former explorer. He loves the thrill of meeting the unknown and uncovering the stories behind mysterious discoveries, but hates having to deal with any bureaucracy involved in these, especially filling huge, technical reports; he'd much rather extensively describe the most interesting aspects and simply go over the most boring parts. Will is also an avid artifact collector, trait born from the "souvenirs" his father brought home. Bio: Will is the eldest of two children, born and raised in the peaceful town of Karn. His father, Lawrence, was an explorer who made a living by indexing all sorts of discoveries, from old ruins to mysterious species. Even after meeting and falling in love with Laura, a simple yet beautiful artisan, Lawrence didn't quit his job. William Garrett was the first children of the couple, exhibiting the same insatiable curiosity of his father even as a child. He loved and treasured any and all "souvenirs" his father brought home from the long expeditions, tinkering with them for hours on end. Once, he even managed to convince his father to bring him on a safe expedition to what little remained of an ancient forest, where the boy managed to find a pair of enchanted weapons dating from hundreds of years ago, whose origin was shrouded in complete mistery. The boy held onto them dearly, as his very first discovery. Lawrence only started to consider changing jobs after Laura's second pregnancy; he was steadily growing older, and that line of work brought its own large share of dangers. Destiny, however, forced him to retire earlier than expected: a wrong step in a tomb costed Lawrence an arm, and he took that as a warning to retire before things got out of hand. Despite that, William was hardly discouraged by the accident; his dream of being an explorer like his dad far outweighed any possible dangers, and his mother couldn't convince him to change his mind. On the day he left to chase his dream, William received one good luck charm from his father: an intricate ancients coin that is said to give luck to its owner. |
ValkanDec 7, 2018 11:10 AM
Dec 7, 2018 11:02 AM
Dec 7, 2018 11:05 AM
Dec 7, 2018 2:03 PM
Approved Name: Abygail Fleur Race Human Species Witch Gender Female Age 21 Rank: F Faction: International Association of Human Defense. Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Pursue Rose Type: Summoning Rank: D Effect: It Tracks people/things down Description: Aby summons a beautiful pink rose that is capable of tracking down a target. After summoning the Rose, she touches it while thinking of the target. The Rose then acts as a compass that leads Aby to her designated target. Aby must have seen and touched the Target in order to track it down. If Aby cannot get near the target, she could also use an item belonging to the target, to track it down. The item must be of recent use. Aby would then throw the item into the flower and be able to track down her target. The target must be within one kilometer of Aby. Name: Pink Orchid bombs Type: Summoning Rank: E Effect: Orchid flowers that explode in contact with movement. Description: Aby can summon up to six pink orchid bombs. These bombs only explode with contact of a moving target. Aby uses them more as traps then in combat. Upon explosion, the bombs arent enough to kill someone, but can injure someone. For example, if someone steps on one of her bombs, the bomb would cause injury to the foot and won’t go beyond the foot area. She can use this ability for two post before needing a 2 post cooldown. Name: Vines of despair Type: Summoning Rank: F Effect: Vines that attack Description: Aby can summon pink vines with all types of pink flowers and thorns attached. She can use this to attack her target. She can create up to 6 vines at a team. These vines come out of her finger tips and extend in length for about 15 feet. The vines themself are as strong as a whip but can be combined together for a more powerful attack. This ability has a two post use and two post cooldown. Name: Hope Rhododendron Type: Summoning Rank: F Effect: A flower that heals Description: A large Rhododendron forms and makes a barrier around its target. This will heal the target. It will take up to one post to heal small wounds and 3-4 posts to heal medium sized wounds. The barrier itself is not that strong and if attacked, the barrier will break. Right now this is more of a healing ability as opposed to a protection ability. If the barrier is interrupted by an attack than the healing effects will stop and the person inside it would take the attack.. Name: Buttercup Wings Type: Morphic Rank: F Effect: Enables Aby to fly Description: Wings of pink buttercups form in Aby’s back. This enables her to fly for small periods of time and she can only fly for fifteen feet above her takeoff point. She can use flight for one post with one post cooldown Stats: (You have a total of 500 xp available for use on both skills and stats.)
Skills: cooking, gymnastics, singing, dancing Personality: Abygail is super jolly and active, very nice and friendly with everyone around her. She is the type to help any person that needs help, even if she knows the person or not. she is somewhat naive, very trusting from the beginning. she believes that people deserve second chances and opportunities. She can seem to be easily backstabbed. She's very fond of cute things, being very girly and speaking in a somewhat childish way. she is actually very smart and wise. She also has a big seductive side that even she isn’t fully aware of. However, that might just not be her true side. She is forgiving, but that doesn't mean she will forget and won't hold a grudge on you. She seems easy to backstab, but she always has her guard up. If betrayed, Abygail will switch personalities completely. She will hate you and do everything in her power to make sure your miserable. She is the the type that she loves hard but she also hates hard. She possesses a very strong bloodlust that she hides underneath her cute girly side.... just don’t get on her bad side.... Bio: Aby is a crane princess, she was born to a noble family of witches. Due to her families wealth, she was always being protected. She never had to worry about being attacked despite the harsh times. She had the best trainers at her side and always worked hard to impress her parents. One day, her castle was attacked by monsters and everything was at the brick of destruction. Despite all of this, she was saved. She and her family was saved by one hero. This hero was from the International Association of Human Defense. As of that they she swore she become a hero. She wants to be able to save people and become the number one hero! Other: just let me know which abilities I can have and which I can save for later. |
Sakura_megamiDec 10, 2018 9:09 PM
Dec 8, 2018 4:58 PM
Approved Luna Beleth Name: Luna Beleth Race Human Species Human Gender Female Age 21 Rank: F Faction: (IAHD) Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Lost Eye Type: Trait Rank: I Effect: She has lost one eye. Description: During her childhood she lost her right eye. For some reason it's not possible to cure it. Name: Beleth - Birthright Type: Trait Rank: E Effect: Judgement of distance, space, size and volume near perfect at any range. Description: Bloodline heritage from being the last remaining survivor. Name: Misdirection Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: Draws opponents attention away, lowering their accuracy and ability to notice. (D) rank perception or higher is immune. Lowers opponents perception by 1 rank when Luna Beleth is being observed. Description: It’s best to waste the effort of others... Name: Blade Creation Type: Summon Rank: E Effect: Create a martial weapon of any type up to a maximum length of 6 feet, and weight up to 50 pounds. She can only summon weapons to her hand. All weapons start at a durability that of titanium. After 2 posts the durability is equal to steel. After 3 posts their durability is glass and after that it shatters and disappears. Description: They say one of the Beleth's was not quite dead or alive. No one knew what happened as years passed on. However heirs to the title begun to display traits of being able to manifest weapons. For some reason this ability has been culminated with Luna. Stats:
Skills: No notable skills. Personality: Charismatic tsundere, longing for the glory days of her family, she would not stop at nothing to realize that dream. Bio: When Luna Beleth was born, it was considered the end of the bloodline, her mother was an outsider. And she did not initially inherit her spatial awareness from her father. Rejected of both her glory days due to humanity’s progressing decline and of her lineage, she was told stories of the past. Stories that kindled a dream inside her. There isn’t much known what happened after. Luna couldn’t remember what had happened. An accident of sorts, and no one could give out an answer what had happened. The girl had become an orphan over night. Wounded, she had lost one eye and another was robbed of vision. She lived a cold life in an orphanage, forgotten. And when she was giving up with hope... She could start to see shapes. But not the way how she had remembered. She had claimed her birthright. It was a paragon of hope for her. The candle everyone thought was dead, had become a roaring torch. It wasn’t an end but a new beginning. |
Darth_LewdiousDec 12, 2018 2:35 PM
Dec 8, 2018 7:13 PM
Dec 8, 2018 7:16 PM
Dec 9, 2018 10:54 AM
Dec 10, 2018 2:15 PM
Dec 12, 2018 10:12 PM
Approved Name: Sarah Race Supernatural Species Dark Sylvari Gender Female Age 18 Rank: F Faction: Freelance Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Dark Growth Type: Summon Rank: F Effect: Can grow thorns, creeps, ivies, and fungi at will Description: Unlike most Sylvari that are about green heathy plants the Dark Sylvari tends to grow creeps, ivies, and fungi. This is at will but dose nothing for the most part but may poke some feet if they dont have on somthing. Name: Kindling Type: Trait Rank: J Effect: Strong Aversion to Fire Damage! Description: Being a plant race fire can do a lot of damage. Name: Roots Type: Trait Rank: f Effect: water and sunlight can heal!! Description: Being a plant race she can heal moderate wounds as long as she is connected to a source of water and sunlight. She has to be in bouth sun light and water to heal. 4 post cooldown. Cant move when she healing. Name: Root Spear Type: morphic Rank: F Effect: A wood spear that comes from the ground. Description: She jabs her hand into the ground. Her hand then travels underground and form a spear. It is the size of two hands put together but is 4 feet long. It comes from beneath a target. Being how it use it cannot be used where there is no natural ground. It does puncture. Can go 8 feet infront of her underground
Skills: Pillow making: She is a master at making soft pillows. Personality: 1: Sunny days 2: Water 3: Dark color things. Dark brown the most. 4: Boys 5: Cats 6: Dogs 7: Applesauce to were on her face 8: Vinegar to Drink 9: Woods 10: Rainy Days 1: Hot dray days Needs more water 2: Fire It not kind to her after all 3: Green 4: Plums 5: Rabbits 6: Meat 7: Ice She a bit odd in some ways not getting some of the things most humans do. She does not ever say I and tends to poke the person she wants to talk to. Other than that she is kind most of the time and like many fey like to play pranks on people. She will do what she can to keep friends and most others safe but if it a friend or some she does not know about to die she would save the friend. Bio: A Dark Sylvari is very rare and only one is born ever 50 years. She was one of them and was cast out for they only can kill plants. However there are others that been casted out and took her in. One of them is a old man that tould her tails of the humans and the past. He talk how humans use to kill each other and destroy the wourld and about the black beast. Wanting to know more and why they kill every thing she ranaway and arived in a city. It was not what she belived it would look like. She liked it and wanted to know why so many would fight and kill if they had places like this and were the black beast are. (note the man was very old and did not know much about the black beast so she a bit behind on history lol) Other: She was thirsty and saw some Vinegar one day and drinks it thinking its water. It made her feel odd and happy. If she had to put it in human terms she would say it made her drunk. |
Darth_LewdiousDec 14, 2018 6:21 PM
..... :'( |
Dec 13, 2018 12:11 AM
Approved Name:Abi Levi Race Supernatural Species Hybrid Nephilim Gender Female Age 25 Rank: F Faction: Freelance Picture: Is 9"8' Equipment and Abilities Name: Radiance Type: Weapon/ Bound Rank: E Effect: Her mother's sword. Description: A long sword her mother used to fight the darkness long ago. Dose slash damage Name: Sparkling Mystic Armor Type: Summoning Rank: F Effect: When in any variety of light, create a set of vambrace with gauntlets made of Holy Light, that Deal Holy Light damage Description: She holds her hand out to some kind of light and draws power from it. This gives her Xeraphic Light energy to use. She mixes it with her what little Nephilim blood she has to change it to Holy Light and make a set of vambrace with gauntlets. She can use them to punch enemies and do minor blunt damage. Take 3 posts to charge. Last 3 posts. When activated the light from vambrace with gauntlets glow and make light and cover a 15-foot range. This light does nothing other then let one see. Name: Holy Sun Type: Summoning Rank: F Effect: A ball of holy light. Description:Summons a ball of holy light above her. All allies in the light are Minor healed (each post heal a light heal). At the same time if any undead that touches the light they are turned (fear) (If undead willpower is greater than her Xera Energy they will not be turned) The light covers a 5 ft area and last 3 posts. Turn last1 post. It has a cooldown of 3 posts. Stats:
Skills: Hunter: She good at hunting and tracking. Survive: Good at living outside in the wilds. Cook: She great at cooking. Tea Maker: Good at making Tea. Personality: She is often happy and like camping in the woods. She will often help others even if not ask. Hunting Being in the woods. Eating Deer Being made fun of due to size Being asked about her mother and father Bio:She does not talk about her family or past. Here great-grandparents were in many battles when the darkness was around. She never likes that she was so big. So she often went to the woods to be alone. It was there that she grew up and enjoy having a lot of freedom. She does go and sell things to towns when she needs some Lumin. She was giving the weapons of members of her family from long ago that were used in fighting the dark beast. This being said she does not have the strength to use the bow. @Darth_Lewdious |
Darth_LewdiousDec 25, 2018 11:37 PM
Dec 14, 2018 2:35 PM
Approved Name: Paper Crown King Race: Human Species: :-D Gender: Not telling :^P Age: 19 Rank: F Faction: Being considered by the Apex Company. Picture: Equipment and Abilities: Name: A Born Mute Type: Trait Rank: I Effect: PCK cannot talk. Description: PCK was born among the unfortunate beings that could not express concepts through spoken word. While the root cause of this affliction avoids discovery, it is presumed to have come as a side effect of their abnormal physique. Name: Combo Authority Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: Increase in physical damage based on the amount of consecutive hits. Increase: 10% per hit, Limit: 200% Damage (100% total increase), Reset: 1 post with no hits, getting damaged, getting debuffed, willingly resetting the counter. Description: Thanks to their abnormal physical condition, PCK is capable of subconsciously increasing the force of their physical attacks by completely focusing on the enemy. This focus, however gets easily broken by getting distracted from fighting, not connecting an attack, letting tension drop and the like, making it a somewhat unreliable tool. Name: Plushie Ruler Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Reduces blunt damage. Description: As a part of the abnormalities in their physique, PCK possesses a soft to the touch body reminiscent to that of a plushie. PCK can also become "completely soft" by briefly forcing their muscles to relax, at which point the body becomes shock-absorbent and thus resistant to direct impact. Duration: Instant/1 post; CD: Once per rest. The softness at activation is comparable to a quality plushie. Degree of resistance is determined at the admins' discretion. Name: Buster Legistlative Type: Skill Rank: E Effect: Focuses all of PCK's excess energy into a single blow. Description: The Paper Crown King's body produces way more energy than it can normally use, causing notable amounts of it to be stored idly. As such, in order to not waste energy, the PCK has developed the ability to release all the excess in a single powerful attack. Usable from 5 (+50% addom to current strength) and peaks at 15 (+150%) connected attacks. Intermediary amounts of hits scale appropriately. Stacks cumulatively with Combo Authority. Tears their gloves, but doesn't quite rip them apart. Stats:
Skills: Excellent penmanship Personality: As their mask would imply, the Paper Crown King is a sincerely happy and kooky person from the bottom of their heart. There is little they enjoy more hugging their favorite people, eating some sweet-ish pizza and having swell time drinking beer and sharing their opinion despite their disability. Just all around someone you'd want at your parties. Bio: About 19 years ago, a strange child was born on the scummy streets of Neito City. This bo--... gi--... child had a body that did not conform to definitions of normal. The heart was straight in the dead center of their chest, the irises changing color everyday, even the hair just grew at whatever pace it felt like. But despite all the rumors flying around everywhere and the people who'd call them a freak, PCK made the most out of their life, considering themselves as somewhat of an exception to the world's design. They were the king of a new race of weirdo's that started with them and them only! Albeit a king worth only a crown made of cardboard. But what made PCK the fighter they are today? Well, that would have come from training under their father, a man on the paycheck of the Apex Company who felt the streets of Neito were too risky for a child to roam unprepared. But as children grow up, they get rowdy, and PCK ventured out to the alleys, masking the appearance of the born freak, and made a reputation for themselves. The vicious man who roams the street, the ruler of the alleys... the king with a paper crown. Other: Who's the pretty princess? Not you Krop, that's for sure. |
ValkanDec 25, 2018 10:13 AM
Dec 14, 2018 11:02 PM
Approved Amphinomis "What is beautiful is good, and who is good will soon be beautiful" Name: Amphinomis Race: Supernatural Species: Nymph Gender: Female Age: Young Adult Apparent (She is immortal). Rank: F Faction: Freelancer Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Resilience of the Nymph Type: Trait (Passive) Rank: E Effect:
Description: Amphinomis is a Nymph, a spirit of nature incarnate as a beautiful young woman. Her close connection with water concedes her with many boons, her spirit connected forever with all bodies of water. _____________________________________ Name: Water Whip Type: Skill Rank: F Effect:
Description: Amphinomis after a successful blow will follow up by kicking the opponent with a strength comparable to a whip, her blows enhanced by water to do damage to them. _____________________________________ Name: Aquatic Strike Type: Skill Rank: F Effect:
Description: Amphinomis strikes violently with the force of the tides, hitting pressure points and blocking movement in select parts of the body. _____________________________________ Name: Water Pankration Type: Trait Rank: F Effect:
Description: Amphinomis naturally knows the way of the Gods to fight, she is agile and strong when not wielding weapons, and prefers to rely on herself only to deal the final blow. Stats:
Personality:"She who was born from the Ocean shall speak then, and vanish when there is no life in need of me." I voiced then, I knew my destiny from the start, but I could not have predicted that my genesis was a matter so simple. It is only fitting my end shares an equal simplicity. Bio: "Is there anything more important than us?" A simple question, one that had come to me before I even existed, words that did not make any justice to the moment, to the feeling, to unity. There is only one of Us; We have to protect that, together. Other: She is a mature woman and looks like a young adult, even though she is not sure of her own age. Be gentle with her uwu!! |
AmphinomisMay 7, 2019 11:19 PM
Dec 17, 2018 1:06 PM
Dec 18, 2018 9:00 PM
Approved 💀 Kouga Shin 💀 Race: Human || Gender: male || Age: 35 || Rank: F || Faction: none yet Equipment and abilities: Name: Kouga-ken (Fuma Shuriken)
Name: Kouga-enma (Fuma Shuriken + 5 meter steel chain)
Name: Enma (5 meter steel chain)
Skills: Shin is considered as a master of closed combat. He practices his bones and muscle rigorously every single day to be as flexible as possible. Personality: Shin is as quite as a lonely candle light in the middle of darkness, his deep voice can only be heard once in a while. He only follows an order from those that can pay him sufficient amount of golds or other precious artifacts. He does not quite concern to anything that involve honor or wisdom. Bio: Like a lonely wolf in the middle ice field, like a falling leaf in the cold of autumn, Shin is a lonely assassin, not knowing his past, and therefore detached to his own identity. He is relatively famous not as a human, but as a shadow that lurks in the darkness, as the image of the bringer of the death. Shin does not concern much about his identity, or even his past. For him, this life is gold coins scattered on the fleshes and blood, to get wealthier every single day. Shin measure his own value, and his capacity proportionally to his wealth, and therefore kindness and wisdom are alien to his heart and senses. There are no such things as friends or the love of women, for Shin, those ideas are obstacles that needs to be banished from consciousness, and therefore those who are close to him are equivalent to those who are the furthest from his blackened heart, and thus death is the price for those who love him. |
ValkanJun 1, 2019 2:25 PM
Dec 21, 2018 10:37 AM
Approved Victor Ozbern "What about a little dance?" Name: Victor Ozbern Race Human Gender Male Age 31 Rank: F Faction: Apex Company Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Sun and Moon Type: Bound Weapon Rank: F Effect: Two single-edge, slightly curved swords. Description: A couple of swords forged by a master blacksmith in Naijon, as a gift for finishing his training. Moon, the one he wields with his left hand if he uses both at the same time, is slightly shorter than the other one. Name: Draw Blitz Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: When drawn from its sheathe, Victor performs an attack with +1 rank speed. Has a one post cooldown. Description: Victor mastered the art of drawing his sword at incredible speeds. Perfect to catch enemies off guard. Name: Speed Charge Type: Spellwork Rank: F Effect: a 5 meter dash at +1 rank speed. Usable once every 4 posts. Description: Quickly charging himself with electric energy, Victor uses it to speed himself up over a short distance. Visible as small streaks of red lightning running across his body while he dashes. Usable in tandem with Draw Blitz for a deadly result. Stats:
Skills: -Great dancer -Able to swim very fast -A very skilled traceur -Drives as good as he loves it Personality: Just like most other warriors from Naijon, Victor has a strong sense of honor. However, living in Neito made his own warped, as he is not afraid of breaking the rules if the situation demands it. He is very cocky at times and even can be a full-blown showoff occasionally. Despite his shortcomings he is always willing to help those in need... As long as he thinks they deserve it, he shows them how ruthless he can be otherwise. Victor is an extremely loyal person with those he considers his friends or his family, but his trust is just as hard to earn. It is rare, but seldom Victor appears to be really bloodthirsty. Bio: Born in the distant island of Naijon, Victor was raised among the Ozbern warrior clan. In it, he was not raised solely by his parents, since the clan was very knit together, most adults helped him when he needed something. That also applied for when he started his warrior training at age 12, and like most of the clan, he was a natural at it. He thoroughly enjoyed his training, he did so much, that even when the usual age of the Ozbern members finished their training at age 19. He left for an inhabited island nearby, where he studied the art of battle in solitude for 6 more years before returning to Naijon, where his clan considered those years of extreme value for them. His clan was so happy with the result of his self imposed training, that they immediately considered him a seasoned warrior, even granting him a title: Crimson Flash. Victor stayed in Naijon for about a year, planning on where to truly start his journey as a warrior. Eventually, he decided to just go wherever the wind took him, exploring the nearby islands for a while before going to the main continent. Since he wanted to test how bad people could get, he settled down on a small apartment in Neito, where he stayed when not exploring. Living in Neito made him see just what he was looking for, seeing how bad people could go. Staying there for so long, made him eventually start to change his own way of thinking. Recently, he even signed with the Apex Corporation, where he has seen jobs he would have never done 3 years ago, yet he knows they are pretty much a necessity for the current world. |
ByakugaranJan 11, 2019 11:01 AM
Dec 25, 2018 10:09 AM
Dec 25, 2018 11:36 PM
Dec 27, 2018 3:38 PM
Approved Name: Ayano – The Mad Bullet Dancer Race Human Gender Female Age 22 Rank: E Faction: Apex Company Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Borrowed Arsenal Type: Exotic Rank: D Effect: Always find the bullets to reload any gun that she is currently handling as long as the minimum quality of the bullets don't exceed the rank of this skill. The bullets come from a varying list of: Gold, Silver, Iron, Ultraviolet (light), Incendiary (fire | thermite), Rubber (non-lethal), Lead, Titanium. Description: Ayano entered a cursed pact with a supernatural entity. She can reload most weapons by just finding the bullets and clips to reload the gun. In return she dedicates her life and existence for shooting things dead. Period. She can only reload weapons at the speed that they are typically reloaded at, and she just conveniently appears to always pull out the necessary ammunition to do so. When she reloads her weapons, she has a fiery glare in her eyes. Sometimes being mistaken as a demon, although she really isn't. The bullets summoned with the skill are still warm to touch like they were freshly made and have a lingering scent of smoke and residual ash. Each bullet has a small message engraved to it of meticulous detail. The bullets appear from smoke that disappears almost as quickly as it appears. Name: Onii-chan Type: Bound Item Rank: F Effect: A six-chambered revolver. Description: A pink revolver, embroidered with golden decorations. Quite common firearm. Touching it with or without her permission typically ends up with you getting shot at. (Not touching also gets you shot) Name: Friends in High and Low Places Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: VIP access to most of the nightclubs and bars. Alongside with open tab. However Lumen rewards from mission are reduced by 50%. Description: Poor management of wallet, gambling... And such. Combined with a trigger-happy personality. She has been drinking on most of the places, and shown with enough money to open up a tab. She typically leaves a good impression, that allows her tabs to grow up over time. Unfortunately some of her debtors are more persistent, and most of her mission rewards tend to go straight to the debtors bank accounts instead of her own personal account. Despite of being officially labeled bankrupt, she still somehow manages to funnel some of the money back into her own pockets. She doesn’t have to pay for a place to sleep either. <This is typically that she is thrown to the brig to sober up for next morning. Guards rarely lock down the doors behind her.> In the rare occasions that she isn’t thrown to the brigs, the barkeepers typically let her sleep at the back. Stats:
Skills: Gambling, Drinking, Making Friends, Guns, Telling the "truth". Personality: A wildcard. Adrenaline junkie. Acts first, asks permission later. One of her favorite things is pulling the trigger of her gun. Unfortunately her typical night out ends up with her being thrown at the brig to sober up. She also loves stray animals, and takes care of them. Typically her care towards animals is repaid by others, sheltering her in. Bio: Hangover => Bar => Brig => Hangover. The unfortunate story of her life. Repeated again, again and again. Except on the odd days when she actually manages to get a job and actually manages to not be too drunk to mess it up. (Or lose it to a competitor) She has been like this for as long as she can remember. She often makes stories that she is an orphan and that her family died in a monster attack. The size of her family and the number of siblings change from night to night. In truth her dad was a deadbeat drunk and her mother left when she was young to remarry. It didn’t take long for her to escape home and never return. Making friends and stories as she went by. Legends tell that there was an old man who fell in love with her drunken stories. On that night in a side-alley, she was blessed with a remarkable ability of reloading any weapon with bullets. No one quite knew how the bullets were getting in there but it was at that point when she became known as a rowdy troublemaker. Earning her the alias; Mad Bullet Dancer. Although she is known to be very social when she is drunk, she almost never teams up with anyone. She doesn't take anything seriously either. Other: 100 xp is used for rank E to get access to D rank skills. 75 xp is left-over. |
Darth_LewdiousJan 2, 2019 11:25 PM
Jan 1, 2019 2:52 PM
Approved Name: Prototype-000 Race Automaton Species Pre-War Chassis Gender Male Age 300 Rank: F Faction: Freelance but likly to join the one that finds him. Picture: Equipment and Abilities: Name: Xera Blade Type: Equipment/Bound Item Rank: F Effect: A energy Blade power by Xera energy. Description: A blade built into his arm. When need it pop out of his wrist and into his hand. The blade like him is power by pure Xera energy. It dose both Xera and slash damage. Name: Xera Blast Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: A short-range blast of rawconcussive force Description: Hold out his hand and changes the Xera energy from his power core. It comes out in a 5 ft wave that is 2 foot wide. It dose minor concussive force damage .It has E rank knock back. Charge time of 2 post. Can be use twice befor a 7 turn cooldown if used more then three times he shuts down. Name: Xera Dome Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: Make a dome of Xera energy to stop attacks. Description: Vents open up on his body and let out Xera energy. This Xera energy then forms a 5-foot dome around him. Any in the dome has E rank endurance. it has a 3 post cooldown and can only be use 3 times befor shutdown. Is a 1 time shildi Name: Upgrade Type: Trait Rank: None Effect: He slowly Upgrades without any help. Description: Due to his long slumber and how his Xera core was made it let him slowly upgrades over time. (not this was on accident and none know this would happen.) ( Manly to explain how he get stronger and new abilities. Has no use other then that lol.) Name: Incompleted Type: Trait Rank: J Effect: Was made using new tech that was not fully understood. Description: Do to Xera energy being new when he was made the ones that made him did not know how it worked. As such if he uses many of his skills to much without letting his Xera energy recharge he can shut down. Take 8 post to recharge Stats:
Skills: None Personality: Unknown till awaken. Bio: Long ago when Xera energy first introduced into the world there were some scientists that wanted to use it to make the most advanced A.I. the could. One that could learn on its own. Over the first month they work around the clock to make a core that used this new energy and a body that can handle it. Being as it was new they were unsure if it would work. Three days before the first attack they started him up and tried to teach him some things. He was able to learn and at a fast rate. However, after the first few attacks they shut him down thinking he could become one. However, that did not stop them from working more and more on him. After it was found out how strong the black best were. The group known as Eruvian that was funding them had them change him into one that could fight the black beast. They over the next few months they work on this and finish it. They were in the middle of programming him in a pod they made to house him when one of the black beast attack and killed them all. He now waits for a war that has ended long ago in a lab that is lost to time. Other: He is still somewhat advance even now. @Darth_Lewdious Made change to dome as asked |
Darth_LewdiousJan 2, 2019 12:44 AM
..... :'( |
Jan 1, 2019 4:12 PM
Approved Name: Eliza "Glyph" Rosemary Race Human Gender Female Age 21 Rank: F Faction: Apex Company Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Twin daggers Type: Bound Item Rank: F Effect: Two Daggers that mainly deal puncture damage. Possesses minor slashing capabilities. Description: Twin daggers that are double pronged (will show a picture) so they can catch other weapons. The daggers have wires tied at the end which will be explained in the next ability slot. Picture: Name: Zip Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: Allows Eliza to use her daggers or special wires with carabiner clips as a grappling hook to pull enemies in, or zip to another location. Description: Duel daggers and carabiner clips that are tied with wires are fastened onto a motorized pulley system that is on Eliza's belt. She can use this system to throw her daggers towards an object and if caught she can then swing or get instantly pulled toward that object (similar to link's hookshot in the legend of zelda). She can also pull people towards her if they have been tied up with the wires and if they do not weigh a lot. Example of ability: Notice how the main character (long black trench coat) uses his daggers and other wires to fling around or swing around on. Name: Copy-Cat Type: Enchantment Rank: F Effect: Replicates an ability that touches Eliza. Description: Eliza has an enchantment rune placed inside her metal arm so she can absorb any ability(of the same rank or lower than the enchantment) that touches her. Once absorbed, she can replicate that exact ability. It must be some sort of physical ability that TOUCHES her in order to absorb and copy it (She can only copy abilities that are in ability slots, she cannot copy any personal characteristics such as if a character has wings UNLESS they have an ability slot move that involves those wings.). The absorption also negates the damage that should would have received from the ability. The enchantment will last on Eliza until she copies an ability. The copied ability has a forced duration of 3 posts, however the original abilities duration and CD are bound within those 3 posts.(meaning that if it's a one post use, it will only last one post no matter what. The two extra duration posts would then be extra CD.) Copycat has a 1 post CD. The duration of the ability only begins once she uses the ability. Note: She only copies the ability, she does not steal it from the other user. The other user can still use the same ability. Also, just because she copies the ability does not mean she will know the most effective way to use it. Stats:
Personality: Eliza can be quite sarcastic and may seem rude at first glance, but she tries her best to be kind to others. However, most of her personality is just a cover-up as she generally dislikes most people. She will attempt to avoid others unless required and can be quite stubborn. Eliza's biggest pet peeves are repeating herself and asking others for help. Bio: Was founded as a baby by two bounty hunters in the destroyed city of Carran which was once destroyed by malfunctioned Automatons. Both the bounty hunters were female, one was tan with a huge bust, named Za'rek. The other was a pale short girl named Adylen. Both of them decided to raise Eliza and teach her how to survive. Eliza spent the rest of her life learning skills from her new family. She learned basic survival skills, combat skills, and etc. At the age of 18 Eliza went on a bounty hunt with Adylen and Za'rek but the bounty was a setup by an army of bandits. All 3 fought to the best of their capabilities but Adylen and Za'rek sacrificed themselves so Eliza could escape. Eliza spent the next 2 years slaughtering every bandit group she could find. She would hunt down bandit groups, night and day. She would kill them in the most painful ways imaginable. She would find bounties specifically asking for bandit leaders. While she had never had a high amount of Xera flowing within her, at the age of 20 she discovered she could absorb and copy the abilities of others. After discovering this ability she decided to put her skills to good use. While she was invited to the IAHD because of her copy-cat ability, Eliza decided to join the Apex Company to stick with her bread and butter which is kicking ass and collecting bounties. Other: |
Split_v1May 12, 2019 1:02 PM
Jan 2, 2019 12:14 AM
Jan 2, 2019 11:24 PM
Jan 5, 2019 12:07 PM
Approved Name: Marcus “Adian” Fore Race automaton (race is not obvious from appearance) Species Gender Male Age Unknown Rank: F Faction: The Index Foundation Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: S.P.E.A.R (Self Powered Assembler Enabling Replication) Type: Bound Item Rank: F Effect: strong, durable, lightweight spear that deals slashing/piercing damage Description: Seemingly a normal spear made of carbon nanotubes. Name: A.D.I.A.N (Anthropomorphic Defence Interface Aiding Navigation) Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Provides out of combat healing for ADIAN ADIAN uses part of his reserve for a minor heal in combat to reduce his bleeding state by one tier, 1 post activation time CD 4 posts. 1 Long rest must take place between major heals. Description: S.P.E.A.R creates enough nanomachines to keep a reserve of up to 25% of ADIAN’s total mass for major/minor recovery. Recovery must be done out of combat. Inside his body is a complete nanoscopic foundry. All but one of its core functions are inactive, missing or inaccessible. Name: Robotic physiology/Psychology Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Does not possess blood however when injured he will lose energy and pieces of his body similar to bleeding. Is more vulnerable to the Electricity (Thul) damage type Posses a bonus to willpower No natural/organic healing Cannot taste Description: for a majority of purposes an A.D.I.A.N unit is comparable to your average human it sees with eyes hears with ears feels all that a human would at least physically. Stats:
Skills: - has a very good knowledge and understanding of technology (obviously) - A knack for languages perhaps due to repurposed code he finds learning languages especially easy -has perfected the art of ventriloquism Personality: Has a very detached personality a cold calculating exterior, he is very open with his intentions leaving very little close to his chest or hidden, unless such actions were deemed necessary for his prolonged own survival. However even then interactions between himself and others even of his own kind always seem to leave him confused with a lot to process leading to hour long stretches of inactivity always leading to a single conclusion Organics are weird and other automatons must know something he does not to sustain better relations. Bio: Marcus Adian Fore was originally created as a refuse recycling unit taking trash and turning it into something useful day in and day out. Over the years of neglectful operation the unit would skim code and knowledge from any repurposed trash for self improvement. Eventually all this mashed knowledge and code from uncountable sources coalesced into a form of intelligence. Though even with sentience even if a very basic form he found himself wondering learning growing however always staying on the fringe away from anything and everything that posed a remote danger. Then the idea was formed to perform modifications on its self to improve its fragile form. So it did it reformed its fabricator that once repurposed trash into the first appropriate form it found in its records. It would go on to note in these records the worriers always existed with a weapon so it went on to create one of those as well. However a slight miscalculation was made during the re-fabrication and much of the TRASH MASTER MARK IV’s programming and gathered data were lost corrupted and or destroyed. With its sentience intact and a new form it struggled to gather what few pieces remained forming them into the most logical solutions possible even if they were a bit convoluted. Other: (an auxiliary slot for things that don't exactly belong in the aforementioned categories) EDIT 4 JAN 15 removed, skill. |
ValkanJan 22, 2019 12:08 PM
Jan 5, 2019 3:07 PM
Approved Name:Jack Espinosa Race: Human Gender: Male Age: 22 Rank:F Faction:IAHD Picture: He has long, deep-red hair and very unusual eyes(a mix of red and yellow with flecks of gold) characteristics he wasn’t born with but rather acquired due to the consistent usage of his ability: Equipment and Abilities Name: The Coin of Equivalent Exchange Type:Exotic Magic Rank:F Effect:To oversimplify it, this power allows Jack to inrease certain stats to a max of C for 2 turns by ‘taking’ ranks off of other stats(to a minimum of J).Ex:decrease VIT to increase STR etc. Etc. In non-meta terms, Jack sees it as enhancing certain physical attributes of his at the expense of other attributes. EX of his train of thought: I need to be stronger to complete this certain task, I guess I can sacrifice my speed as I won’t have to move much. Transaction: Speed- Strength. Description: COOLDOWN: The buff afflicted by this power lasts up to 2 posts although Jack can cancel it at will (meaning he can cancel it at 1 post theoretically, although the cooldown and the after-effects stay the same). At the end of the 2 turns (or 1 if cancelled early) the enhanced stat goes back down to normal and cooldown begins. The cooldown for this power is 4 posts, during which Jack’s resistances to all the elemental damage types drop significantly (Rank I), he can’t be healed by magic below rank D and he can’t use the coin or any other type of magic. The sacrificed stat however doesn’t automatically get restored at the end of the cooldown, but persists through it, increasing slowly at the ratio of 1 post per 2 ranks. If the decreased stat isn’t back to its normal level by the end of COOLDOWN, it persists for even more posts at the same ratio of 1 post:2 rank. EX: Base AGILITY is B rank, it gets decreased to L rank to buff another stat. It will take 1 post + [COOLDOWN] for AGILITY to go back to B rank. Thus, there is more risk when increasing stats exponentially. USAGE AND DRAWBACKS: GENERAL KNOWLEDGE; STEALING THE COIN The way this power works is that Jack flips the coin (horizontally, vertically, it doesn’t matter as long as it flips and lands on Jack’s hand) and thinks of which attribute to enhance and which attribute to decrease. The coin is pivotal to the activation of the spell, to the point where you could say that it is the spell. The coin is by all means a normal golden coin about 1 inch in diameter. Another peculiar trait of the coin is that everybody can use it if they know how to, even enemies. This theoretically makes it possible for other characters to use the coin, although not currently possible due to this power’s rank. Enemies however, if they have the know how and manage to steal it from Jack, can use it as they wish, with the same rules applying to them. It is even possible to steal the coin, although this would be quite difficult(Telekenisis, insane speed or strength to rip it straight out of his hand, stealth). If the coin’s more than 15 meters away from Jack, it will just disappear and emerge out of Jack’s left hand. HOW THE EXCHANGE SYSTEM WORKS;DRAWBACKS The system set in place for the stat ‘exchange’, works on a ratio, again. But before we get to that, I must clarify that not all stats can be affected by this power. There are 2 exceptions, namely [WILLPOWER] and [LUCK], which can not be increased nor decreased. All the other stats are fair play, they can be exchanged at will. I must also mention that currently, as the power is only rank F, it can only increase attributes up to C rank and decrease them up to J rank. All stats except XERA have a 2:1 ratio, meaning 2 decreases for 1 increase(Ex: STR [F]→STR[G] counts as 1 decrease. If decreased to [H] it counts as 2 and so on). XERA is special, as it requires a 3:1 ratio and is the only stat that can be increased but not decreased. The coin, when flipped, already uses up XERA charges so allowing more decreases would make no sense. If a stat is at E;C;A;SS;X;O rank it can’t be decreased all the way down to J except if buffing XERA, as there are an odd number of ranks below them( they can only go to K and since there are no .5 stats). So that leaves us with 6 stats that can be changed at will. I kept it fairly simple here, anything can be exchanged with everything. Since there are rarely going to be fights where Jack won’t need all 6 of these attributes to be in tip top shape, it will be a strategic sacrifice based on the strengths and weaknesses of the opponent. This is a versatile power but one with many drawbacks. If Jack sacrifices strength for speed, he might be able to move a lot faster for 2 posts but his attacks won’t do anything to the enemy till that stat is fully regenerated, and he cannot use the coin again immediately either. If he, for example, sacrifices VIT or END for STR he’ll be taking a huge risk as 1 hit means almost certain death. Even if he doesn’t get hit, If your VIT is lowered by a lot and STR is too high it is only logical that the body would not be able to deal with the force generated, leading to broken bones and ripped muscle tissue etc. Name: Orianna Type: Equipment (Sword) Rank: F Effect: It’s a two-handed sword made out of high-quality carbon steel, very sharp and optimized for slashing but perfectly capable of thrusting as well. The pommel is removable and can be thrown at enemies. Description: Something like a mix between a kriegsmesser and a saber, it’s about the length of a generic longsword but oddly enough is meant to be used with 2 hands. It sports a one sided and slightly curved edge with an adorned hilt. It has a small engraving at the base of the blade that resembles a water lily. Name: Monozume( Rough translation- Monster Claw) Type: Trait (Curse) Rank: L Effect: It is a very powerful curse, concentrated on his left hand. As a result his left arm (up to his shoulder) is covered in dark blue pulsating spots and lines that all connect to the back of his left hand and form a large black circle. Monozume has multiple effects on Jack’s body: His left arm is more susceptible to bleeding(Minor,Severe etc.) If the black circle in the back of his hand is struck with enough force and precision, he spontaneously combusts(Burning Status Effect) and extinguishes again after 3 posts(he can be extinguished sooner!) If the hand is struck again while he’s still on fire he gets paralyzed for 5 posts! If Jack gets seriously hurt (10% HP), he also loses feeling in his left arm and goes blind in his left eye until he is back up to full health. If the arm is directly exposed to sunlight, it catches on fire and is only extinguished once it’s out of the sun. Description: This curse seems to exist just to make Jack’s life as miserable as possible. Although he covers his whole left arm with bandages regularly, the curse aura permeates through them, and gives the bandages a dark-blue color. Ignoring the obvious physiological disadvantages this curse applies on Jack, it doesn’t really improve his social image as well. He is already a shady looking dude and walking around with pitch black bandages covering his left arm all the time doesn’t really help him out. It appeared when he first used the coin and it doesn’t seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. One of Jack’s main priorities has been to find someone powerful enough to strip him of this handicap, although he has had no such luck so far. The curse’s name, ‘Monozume’, is a term coined up by some guy Jack met in his travels. Although Jack didn’t like it at first, it kinda stuck with him and is a more convenient way to refer to the curse. Stats:
Skills: Due to his hunting experience, he has developed some basic survival skills like scouting the enviroment for basic information, setting up simple traps, foraging for food, skinning animals and cooking them etc. Years of combat training have taught him how to use most types of conventional weapons to a basic level(axes, maces, whips, bows, swords, daggers, staves, polearms). However he is supremely skilled at wielding a sword and a bow, thus making those his weapons of choice. Personality: Jack is a strange kind of person. Even after all he’s been through, he is a very gentle, caring individual and has the ability to empathise with anyone, even the monsters he slays. Although at times his way of thinking is challenged, his core values remain unchanged, be that due to his stubornness or due to his very stable sense of right and wrong. He is the type who watches and listens when others would be engulfed in rage, as he knows full well the destruction anger can cause. His biggest weakness(or his biggest strength depending on the circumstances) is that he doesn’t take care of himself as much as he should. To put it bluntly, he has no regard for his life. Jack, either when fighting or just out and about, is ready to execute the most insane tactics one can think of if the the need arises, even if those tactics are damn-near suicidal. According to him, if one gives up in a dire fight, their chance of survival drops to 0%, but if they keep struggling any way they can that chance increases to 0.1%. It doesn’t matter if the tactics you use leave you a gentle push away from death. In his eyes, a risky bet like that is quite easy to make when the other option is death. Bio: As he bolted throught the woods, his brain entertained various scenarios ranging from bad to horrible to the absolute worst case. He could feel that something wasn’t quite right, but he couldn’t comprehend the extent of the misfortune yet. The atmosphere however, was crushing. He could feel the malice in the air, slowly slithering its way into his bones. The forest was unbelievably quiet, no animal in sight. He had been running at full speed for god knows how long and had even taken a shortcut straight through the forest but he still couldn’t see the sun, the vegetation remained dense. It was as if the forest was stretching itself thin, just to stop him from getting out of it. The darkness of the forest was quickly enveloping him. But he didn’t stop… no, he was so terrified he couldn’t stop. He ran and ran and ran until he could run no more… He had to go to the Bell, he had to meet… Wait, who was he going to meet again? Soon enough he couldn’t see anything anymore, it was pitch black. Then, something shifted in the dark. The he felt something tug at his hair. By the time he understood what was happening, he was already dead… A gigantic flood swept over the forest. His life was swept away with it… Drencehed in sweat, drenched in terror, he tried to move but couldn’t lift a finger. There was shouting and then a blood-curdling, gut-wrenching, asphyxiated scream. He collapsed from the pain Images flashed one after the other, he couldn’t comprehend what was going on. Another scream echoed throughout the void, accompanied by a gentle voice in the back of his head. “Are you going to let this person suffer, you coward?”. And then another scream, this one weaker and lower in pitch. His ears rang and another voice, this one loud and agressive, bounced around in his skull: “Open your eyes you useless fool!”. No, that was the last thing he wanted. The screams continued, one after the other, each one weaker than the last. He had to hurry or there would be nothing left to save. He couldn’t breathe, he was completely drenced in… water. Suddenly, a bell rang in his head and it choked out the screams, a Bell of Urgency. His left arm moved on its own and tore something from his face. As he opened his eyes, he saw a vision of a gigantic landscape half-submerged in tar, something straight out of a fever dream. A light shone near him. His left hand reached out towards it and the voices now sang in unison: “Wake up, Jack”. He tried to inhale but all he took in was water. In a frenzied panic Jack tried to swim towards the light, towards the surface. He remembers barely making it to shore and coughing up a concerning amount of water… The rest was a blur of memories and emotions smashed together. He remembers seeing his friend’s corpse lying next to the lake, guts strewn across the shore, along with the game they had hunted that day. He remembers running towards his village at ludicrous speed, he remembers the searing pain in his left arm but… that’s about it. As much as he tries to remember, it seemes as if he is physically incapable of doing so… Even though he tries to deny it, a part of him isn’t even sure if he wants to remember the horrors he must have witnessed that day as he knows that amidst the memories swirling around his head, those were akin to a vortex, one that could easily sweep him away, away from himself, away from sanity… When he woke up, he was hugging his sword so tight his palms were bleeding. He quickly released his grip and cursed through clenched teeth. That had been a particularly vivid dream… It seemed as if he couldn’t forget such things even in his sleep. If it was even possible to forget such things… Jack sighed… |
ValkanJan 22, 2019 12:09 PM
I don't even know what to write in here. |
Jan 11, 2019 11:01 AM
Jan 15, 2019 12:36 PM
Shell Character Name: Aria Grace Race Heteromorph Species Dragonaga Gender Female Age 25 Rank: F Faction: Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Havoc Sphere Type: Bound Item Rank: J Effect: *-3 Ranks in Luck *Skills activated through the sphere has a 25% chance to attack a randomized target, self and allies included. *Floats around Aria on its own. Description: The Crowning achievement of a nameless chaos mage, this seemingly harmless sphere of pure gold brings disaster and misfortune to whoever or wherever it happens to be at or with. Name: Double Edged Shield Type: Chaotic Rank: F Effect: *Prevents one target from activating magic. *Self cannot activate the Havoc Sphere *Requires Havoc Sphere to be summoned. *Effect Lasts three posts. *After Duration Cooldown of two posts. Description: The Havoc Sphere can be convinced to ensnare the targets magic, preventing them from using it. However, the Sphere also seems to become unresponsive when it does so. Name: Synchronized Neural Lockup Type: Chaotic Rank: F Effect: *Completely Paralyzes and locks targets arms, shoulders, and neck. *Completely paralyzes and locks users lower body *Havoc Sphere must be active. *Lasts Two Posts *CD of 2 Posts Description: Her innate harmfulness to herself and everything around is made obvious by this fun trick. By sacrificing her ability to move her tail or waist, she can completely impede another persons ability to use their arms or neck. The Havoc Sphere does not give without taking. And it makes this very clear. Name: Desperate Gambit Type: Chaotic Rank: F Effect: *The Havoc Sphere transforms into a greatsword made of pure gold. *The blade deals C rank Slashing Damage *Every time the blade successfully hits the enemy, reduces users VIT and STR Stat by 1 rank. *If the users VIT or STR become I Rank, the next successful hit will desummon the blade(and the sphere obviously) and render the user unconscious *Has no set duration or cooldown. *Requires Havoc Sphere to be active. *Immune to Havoc Spheres passive ability. Description: The Havoc Sphere has the ability to change its form. its been seen as a horn once. As a fan that creates deadly gusts of wind. One form in particular, the Desperate gambit, is a sword that draws great power by extracting the users energy and life force with each successful hit. Drinking their power as tribute, it feasts upon the blood of its victims. The weapon can extract a great price. On everyone. Stats:
Skills: Personality: Bio: Other: |
Darth_LewdiousApr 7, 2019 7:51 PM
Jan 16, 2019 3:03 PM
Jan 16, 2019 3:05 PM
Jan 18, 2019 7:27 AM
Approved Name: Runox, Ayden Race Heteromorph Species Mostly human, partially devil Gender M Age 22 Rank: F Faction: The index Picture: His left eye is brown like his skin, his left is red like the skin that hides behind his white threads of hair. He's of average height and muscular body that his demonic features don't appear on. Equipment and Abilities Name: Satanic incarnation Type: summoning/Shamanism magic Rank: E Effect: Summons souls to possess items and obey his will for aid. Description: To go with the demonic aesthetic, Ayden started practicing magic to fend off against the gangsters that picked on him as a child. He could summon a few scary looking creatures, but they always faded away with time, and rarely remained for long enough to get the work done. He kept trying, but he could never extend their duration for long. When he started reading, he copied the technique of a fictional character to channel his summonings into existing objects. He can make 2 at a time. They have F in all their stats, except one of them that can have E in a single stat of his choice when he starts channelling his magic through them. Maximum summons at once: 2 Duration: 3 posts Cool down: 3 posts Name: Dagger Type: Equipment Rank: F Effect: it's sharp :D Description: It can be opened and closed too :DDD Name: Statuettes Type: Equipment Rank: F Effect: Used for his magic Description: Two wooden figurines of animals he made in his free time. With the effect of his magic, they expands and morph to look like real animals. Stats: (You have a total of 500 xp available for use on both skills and stats.)
Skills: Biaccented, good cook, witty, sneaky, plays with knives, and a good student of math and science Personality: Curious and with a mind open for any kind of knowledge, Ayden has found great motivation in finding information on. No matter what form it took, he always found joy in learning. It was his hobby and primary source of income. There was always something interesting to get out of it. If not, he would never bother with it. That's the rule he lives by, it's either excitingly interesting, or it has nothing to do with him. And the same applies for people. While he is not anti social, Runox would much avoid anyone who can't prove arousing of his curiosity. Not much can be told about him if those who know him were asked. He isn't exactly a mysterious figure, but his attitude, his style, even his language varies from situation to another as he finds appropriate for every occasion. He often tells lies to create situations he could benefit from, or to find himself a way out of ones he would rather not be in. ((Hope that's enough, I'd rather show more of his personality as I play with him ^^")) Bio: As result of a work accident, this child would've been gotten rid of at the first possible chance, but his mother decided not to, and he was allowed to be born. He was raised in the slums by his mother till he was old enough to stand on two feet and prioritize survival over morals, how he had always seen her do, and was eventually left to grow up alone. Walking with a demon Heteromorph would never give her the looks her job depended on receiving after all. Runox was overwhelmed by guilt at first, it felt so wrong, but he eventually could do it without hesitation. It was easy as slipping his hand into someone's pocket and pulling it back, with whatever he could find in there. For long, he hadn't any other source of income. And eventually, it made him a good living. He just stole anything in his way, it always proved useful one way or another. Food, a wallet, a weapon, books, they all were of help for him. Actually, it let him discover much about himself. And he would often pay visits to the library. He found himself tempted to attain all that knowledge in these books. Books taught him English better than that he spoke with the hoods, and much more than he could ever have hoped to learn. He was acquainted with a few people who frequented the library, and would see the people of his class less often. He was growing so different from the people he had been raised with, and soon he decided he is better than them. With the help of some of his new acquaintances, he managed to get himself a place in a faction with interests that coincide with his. Other: |
ByakugaranFeb 9, 2019 2:44 PM
Jan 18, 2019 4:21 PM
Name: Velk Race Automaton Gender Male Age Unknown Rank: F Faction: Wandering Cartographer Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Will of the Automaton Type: Magic Rank: F Effect: The user can reshape a part of his body or fuse a metalic object with his body. Description: This magic cannot be used if the situation doesn't allow it. (Examples : Reshaping his arms into swords is possible only if there is a close combat fight. Fuse a fork and knife into his hand to eat.) It can also be used to repair the user (using metal parts to fuse it with his body). Stats: (You have a total of 500 xp available for use on both skills and stats.)
Skills: Hunting, Woodcutting, fighting, talking, writting, evaluating danger, smithing. Personality: Velk is a very calm robot, he doesn't show most of his emotions. He will protect those who he considers his allies but will flee if he knows the situation is too dangerous. Bio: After being created by the humans, "he" was put into stasis and transported to be stocked in an underground facility, located underneath the pacific ocean. Almost 200 years after the Black War, in a world where almost everything was destroyed, "he" didn't escape it either, his energy source was destroyed during the war. But due to the accumulation of Xera in the area and a lot of time spent in this environment his robotic skeletton came back to life, powered by Xera. Ruins of ancient time were surrounding him and no memories to live with, "he" was aimlessly wandering in those ruins, years after years. But one day a part of the facility collapsed and let the water of the pacific ocean came in, whilst being washed by the waves he ended up at the bottom of the sea, everything was dark, there was no life here. One day, after escalating an underwater slope for several months he found land, an island to be more precise. On this island was a small community of humans who survived the first wave of Xena, around 250 people. Among them were Heteromorphs and other creatures. The first person to find him was the elder of the village, Velk, a very old man who has lived a long and difficult life. He was the one who taught him to speak, read, farm, and even fight, to protect the elder if anything happened. For most of the people on this island it was the first time that they had seen an automaton, sometimes "He" was threatened by villagers, but the elder didn't accept those behaviors and punished those who tried to hurt "Him". 5 years have passed, the population on the island slowly decreased over time, food had become rare. The elder hasn't aged well and will be dying soon. On his death bed he told "Him" his life, the choices he made to shape this community into a better one. Those were his last words :"My biggest regret is that I never had the chance to see the world, once I'm gone, take my name and explore it for me". And thus, Velk the automaton was born. But the death of the elder didn't come with good consequences for the community, accusing the automaton of killing the elder. Standing there, taking the hits as if he didn't even notice the villagers, he watched his dead master. A villager came in with an axe and tried and kill him. *slash* the axe slipped on the metal of the automaton, finding it's place in it's wrist, and destroying his hand. As if possessed by a demon, he crushed the head of the villager who tried to kill him, defining him as a threat. Seeing this the other villagers tried to take down the beast, but never succeded. After 2 hours of chase they caught him in a trap, made sure he couldn't move and tried to behead him. "I can't die" he thought "I still have to explore the world". He forced himself out of his bindings. To this day he doesn't know how he knew how to do it, but he gathered the Xera in his body to his damaged limbs, regenerated them, and molded them at will. "I will not threaten you again, and I will be leaving now, I have a mission to accomplish." he said to the villagers. Nobody followed him as he disapeard into the ocean. He sworn to himself that he would never hurt anybody unless they are a direct threat to him. Today, the robot is still wandering in a new land. |
ThatOneTsukenoJan 18, 2019 4:32 PM
Jan 22, 2019 12:59 PM
Jan 25, 2019 12:56 PM
Approved Name: Ceylan Race Heteromorph Species Canine Gender Male Age 20 Rank: F Faction: The Collectors Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Aliza Type: Summon Rank: F Effect: Allows Ceylan to summon and desummon Aliza. [1] She can't be desummoned while being targeted by an enemy (to avoid exploiting the mechanic in order to dodge attacks). [2] She will always appear close to Ceylan (~2 meters maximum) when summoned, although desummoning can be done regardless of her distance from Ceylan. [3] She cannot leave the general area Ceylan is in (~4 kilometres maximum), and will be automatically desummoned if something would (forcefully) separate her from Ceylan in such a manner. Description: Ceylan, albeit unwillingly, was the one to release Aliza from the crystal in which she was sealed. As a result, their fates our now bound. Aliza's sheet can be found here. Name: Frail Type: Trait Rank: J Effect: Ceylan's strength and vitality are a rank lower. Buffs towards strength or vitality do not work on Ceylan. Debuffs towards strength or vitality are twice as effective against Ceylan. Description: Ceylan has never been strong, and has never been particularly healthy. He often fell ill, and he just can't seem to improve his health or strength by any means. Name: Staff of Light Type: Bound Item Rank: F Effect: A staff used both to help him appraise items and to focus his magic. Description: The Staff of Light (seen in his image picture), has a lens placed atop it. It can be used to redirect natural light, but also to generate a small ray of magical light. Magical light isn't strong enough to accurately light up an area. Using this lens to focus light on objects makes it easier to appraise their qualities, including the detection of enchantments (also part of his skills). Using this lens to shine light on people allows magic to be used on them (see spellwork). Name: Healing Light Type: Spellwork Rank: D Effect: Using his Staff of Light to shine light on people, he can heal their wounds. This light can heal medium-sized wounds when using both charges, and small wounds when using one charge. It has two charges before having 1 turn of cool-down. The light has a maximum distance of 30 meters. Description: Upon shining his light on someone, the light spreads around them with a gentle glow. This heals their wounds, causing the pain to turn into a tingling feeling, until no more wounds are present (or until no more wounds are cure-able). Stats:
Personality: In general, Ceylan is a calm person with a tendency towards choosing whatever option offers the least resistance. Even so, he tends to think and overthink on the regular, with a habit of seeing things in a pessimistic way. He dislikes openly letting it show when he likes or cares about somebody, yet he's kind at the core. Bio: Ceylan slowly placed the candle closer to the sheet of paper he was writing on. Dear sister, As promised, I am writing this letter to tell you about my experiences with the The Collectors. My first days were rather rough. Far more people knew about our father than I expected, as he was an even more famous as a sorcerer than he let us to believe. After his death, people were exited to hear that I was joining the company in his stead. Many people had high expectations of me, causing me to spent my first few days being a constant disappointment. To make matters more complicated, I ended up running into our half-sister. She's every bid as problematic as I feared, and I'm not sure what to do with her. Although we share the same mother, it feels like we couldn't be more different. Even so, I guess I'll try to make the best of it. Luckily enough, there were few whom managed to let go of the idea that I was there to live up to my father's legacy, and instead managed to value me for the skills I do possess. Thanks to them, I've been slowly getting more work, and some grew to respect me as an appraiser. That's what lead me to yesterdays events. I was asked to come along on an expedition, so that they would know which items were valuable enough to bring back. Deciding to seize this opportunity to advertise myself a bit, I gladly took the offer. Besides that, I was also hoping to impress them with the limited amount of supporting magic that I have learned to utilize. However, upon appraising one of the items, some sort of crystal, I accidentally set free a Demoness. Well, technically, 'setting free' isn't exactly the right way to phrase it. It's more like I bound our fates together. You see, it turned out that she was sealed in that crystal in order to pay for being too much of a troublemaker in her society. The only way to undo that, was for someone to 'shine true light' upon the crystal she was bound to. In my attempt to estimate how pure the crystal was, I ended up doing exactly that. Things aren't all bad, however, as she seems to be reasonable, and she's a capable fighter. There is only one thing that bothers me to no end; her insistence to refer to me as 'hime-sama'. After looking into it, I learned that this means 'princess'. From what I gathered, she used to be a princess herself, yet refused to behave as one. That's why one of the first things she told me, was the following: “Let's just get one thing clear, you may have been the one to save me, but I don't like seeing you as my knight in shiny armour. That's why I'll be the knight, and you'll be the princess.” Other than this minor annoyance, her presence is a surprisingly useful one. Thanks to her, I've got a strong guard around at all times, something that only few people can say. It will greatly help me during my work. Yours sincerely, Your brother. Having written the letter, Ceylan held it in front of him for a short moment, before surrendering the letter to the candle's flames. |
ValkanJan 28, 2019 6:59 PM
Jan 25, 2019 12:57 PM
Approved Name: Aliza Race Supernatural Species Demoness Gender Female Age 50 (+300 years of being unconsciously sealed in the crystal) Rank: F Faction: The Collectors Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Aliza Type: Summon Rank: G Effect: Aliza can only exist thanks to being summoned by Ceylan. [1] She can't be desummoned while being targeted by an enemy (to avoid exploiting the mechanic in order to dodge attacks). [2] She will always appear close to Ceylan (~2 meters maximum) when summoned, although desummoning can be done regardless of her distance from Ceylan. [3] She cannot leave the general area Ceylan is in (~4 kilometres maximum), and will be automatically desummoned if something would (forcefully) separate her from Ceylan in such a manner. Description: Ceylan, albeit unwillingly, was the one to release Aliza from the crystal in which she was sealed. As a result, their fates our now bound. Ceylan's sheet can be found here. Name: Flame Greaves Type: Bound Item Rank: F Effect: Aliza's greaves are capable of spewing forth flames. This gives her kicks a fire element. Description: In order to give her kicks a bit of an extra twist to it, Aliza designed these greaves to add some heat to them. Name: Pack A Punch Type: Skill Rank: F Effect: Aliza packs a real punch. Each successful hit can be followed up with a one rank quicker kick from her Flame Greaves Description: Aliza likes to get close and personal with people, which works best by punching and kicking them. Weapons just tend to get in the way, except for her greaves. After all, tenderizing the people with punches and then roasting them with fire-spewing greaves makes for an excellent combination. Stats:
Personality: She prefers the classical 'hit first, ask questions later' approach to most things in life. Having been bound to Ceylan she insist on being his 'knight in shiny armour', even though she has no armour and behaves far from knightly. Bio: Aliza was born a princess, but she refused to behave as such. She challenged stereotypes at every opportunity, becoming a warrior and using the most forceful and crude fighting styles she could, until her behaviour got so out of hand that she was sealed into a crystal. The idea was simple; she would only be freed from this prison once someone would be willing to take responsibility for her, by binding their fates together after shining 'true light' upon the crystal. These instructions got lost in history, and eventually a certain appraiser managed to accidentally bring her back into existence instead. (See also Ceylan's biography.) |
ValkanJan 28, 2019 7:00 PM
Jan 26, 2019 5:57 PM
Approved Name: Xaksaa Xonzez Race Extraterrestrial Species Yuanti Gender Male Age 23 Rank: F Faction: Wandering Cartographer Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Sunblade Type: Bound Item (Weapon) Rank: F Effect: Shortsword without special powers Description: Engraved in the handle of this sword is the sun, reminding the wielder to not lose hope in a difficult battle and to always be cheerful. A present of the tribe for the journey up ahead. Name: Moonrazor Type: Bound Item (Weapon) Rank: F Effect: Throwable Dagger, also usable in close combat with the off hand Description: Engraved in the handle of this dagger is the moon, reminding the wielder to see the light in a dim situation and to never lose hope. A present of the tribe for the journey up ahead. Name: Slithering Snake Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Normal Movementspeed while Sneaking Description: He can use his snakelike body to move quicker while staying low to the ground. Stats:
Skills: - Knows how to cook Meat in many different ways, vegetables and fruits arent really his thing. - Can dance the ritual sword dance, named "Lakharu-li", of his tribe. - Since he hasnt had much contact with the people of this world, he hasnt been able to properly practice the common language from here. He has sometimes problems finding the right words. Always lisps (since hes basically a snake). - Basic medical knowledge (atleast for the upper half of other species). Knows how to clean and bandage a wound. Personality: He always was one of the weaklings, so most of the times he tries to dodge confrontations. But he has always been a curious one. He likes to observe the people hes interested in, likes to hear their stories and learn new things. He likes to explore new places and find new things, and is very excited to tell his tribe about everything upon his return. But sometimes his curiousness overpowers his caution. Sometimes he asks questions that will be inappropriate for people of other cultures and most of the times it wasnt a good idea to look what this weird sound, coming from the depths of a cave, was. He gets bored pretty fast, if he has nothing to do. Bio: The Yuanti (other cultures call them snakepeople) are living in the jungles of the planet Kelvoria (mostly covered in jungles), which does not mean they live a secluded life. They live in tribes ruled by the eldest, who sit together in a council to discuss Politics. Their Tribes grow by trading with other tribes and other races and always hope to learn from another. Although they live a pretty simple lifestyle, they still are not far behind in research compared to other civilizations. A Childrens Way of life is determined by his strenghts and a child is not by their parents, they are raised by the whole tribe. If someone has great physical strength, he will be a builder or hunter. If someone shows intellectual strength and charisma, he will be send to the big cities as a researcher, trader or diplomat. If some show high agility, fast reactions and great perception, he will be scout. They have a codex, their law, that is strictly enforced in all of the tribes and is written by the council of the eldest. The biggest rule is, that if someone fails to contribute to the tribe in their job, they need to be reassigned. Xaksaa never thought he was good at something. As a kid he was pretty much average, he learned things pretty fast, but never stood out at something, except his agility. So growing up he was trained to be a scout. He learned to scout out new regions, what dangers could come from there and how to defend against them, which resources could be harnessed and so on. It was a pretty interesting job, since he likes exploring new things. One day his curiousness got the better of him. His group already secured a new area and they split up to explore. They never go tofar from each other just in case, but since they already looked for dangers, they werent really careful. He found a cave. Normally he would guess, that this is a home of an animal, but since tracks of such were nowhere to be found, he thought nothing of it. Until he heard a strange noise. Something he never heard before. Normally he would gather the other members of his group, but that would have meant that this thing or whatever it was could escape if it noticed him. He wanted to have atleast a look, what it is, nothing more. If he saw it, he would immediately run for it, he trusted in his speed. So he walked into the cave. As soon as he entered the dim area with his torch, he only felt pain. Something slit his torso open. He couldnt even see what it was. The feeling of pain filled his cries for help as he ran out the cave. He lost conciousness the moment his group found him. Since he failed his job, he had to be reassigned to another task. But he wasnt really qualified for one. The eldest thought for a long time, until special job came into discussion in the council. They wanted to learn more about civilizations on other planets and since in one of the big cities a transport to a planet called earth was to depart in a few months, they saw their chance. But they needed someone to do this journey. The other eldest didnt have someone to spare, all of their people were assigned a job. So the choice fell onto Xaksaa. He was to first depart to the city to learn the common language and basic culture of earth. When he would arrive at earth, his job was to explore it, what kind of technology there is, how the land is looking, what kind of history the planet and the people have, pretty much evertyhing that they dont already have written down in their archives. The perfect job for Xaksaa. |
ValkanJan 27, 2019 3:47 PM
Jan 27, 2019 3:44 PM
Jan 28, 2019 5:33 PM
Approved Lyn "Arice" Barde "God I'm way too ordinary. I need to stand out" Name: Lyn "Arice" Barde Race: Human Gender: Female Age: 24 Rank: F Faction: Freelance Picture: Equipment and Abilities Name: Prototype Bedivere Type: Trait Rank: F Effect: Arice's cybernetic arm which is a blunt weapon. If the sword is unsheathed from her forearm, her arm becomes a slashing weapon. Description: Arice's cybernetic arm isn't just for normal use, but also used as a weapon. Over her forearm however was a hidden blade that was the size of a regular sword in which allows her to deal slash damage. Name: Magus Orpheus Type: Summon Rank: F Effect: Arice summons three magic circles that fires a straight energy beam which can pierce (Two post cooldown) Description: Arice summons three magic circles with a snap that appear behind her in which condenses Arice's Xera energy into a condensed ball in which will be released into an energy beam that is shot where Arice points. The beam is thin like a water bottle, but fast like an arrow. The beam can cause pierce damage if she hits her target, however due to its rank, it can't pierce so deep. Name: Magus Humanity Type: Enchantment Rank: F Effect: Raises physical stat (vitality, strength, endurance, speed, agiliy) by a rank. (Temporary buff: two turns; three post cooldown) Description: Arice goes into close proximity with whomever she wants to strengthen. Once she comes in contact, she touches them, placing her hand on them for a brief moment. While in that moment, the seal on her hand will glow and its magic energy will course through her target, strengthening her target making them stronger, more agile, faster, or tougher. Stats:
Personality: Arice tends to be laid back on things. Usually letting conflicts play out if it arises, but tries to solve it fast when she is involved abundantly. She often tries to liven things up when the mood gets down in the dirt. She however is reserved, merely using her laidback, cheery personality a way to hide the dark and critical side of her. Arice usually likes to explore as a hobby and paint figures when she has time for herself. Wierd as it sounds, she sleeps with her cybernetic arm on, despite how uncomfortable she might be sleeping with it. She likes to eat meat, spending time outside and painting. She does dislike ice cream and wearing cute clothing. Bio: As a kid I always loved to see the wonders of the world. Many of which I was able to go with my family to see. Well not my family by blood, I just found them through living with them long enough. I was glad to be with them, roaming the broken lands that ended most of the humans. We always explored the land, hunted food for ourselves and rummaged ruins for relics and artifacts. It was a fun life, even when it had its down moments. We were all young kids, even I was a small little kid who wore mostly rags, walking barefoot. It was natural really and I didn't care even if I got lots of splinters, my feet adapted to it. It always lived within me, the wind blowing past me when I ran in the plains, the tropical smell of the jungle as we climbed trees and got splinters. They were all experiences I always lived with. It was a nice life, but nothing will ever last forever. Sorry for the obvious fall from grace, it is natural for stories like mine to end badly. I ended up losing my family to a monster. A dulluhan to be exact. It was so cliche too, we were at the edge of a cliff and my last family pushed me over the ledge as I see his body get cut in half. His intestines spilling out with his chest and stomach severed. The flames of the dulluhan looked down on me, the red glowing eye glaring at me as I fell from the cliff. I didn't know how I survived, all I knew was I ended up in a hospital, with my right arm gone. Completely amputated, gone, nowhere to be found. I had no energy to cry when I woke up, but that dulluhan forever haunted me in my sleep. It was always there, always making me see the same event. It was traumatizing, but what could I have done? I was only a child at that point. It doesn't haunt me so much anymore, but occasionally it likes to come back to haunt me. I couldn't care less if it did. After my hospitalization, I was rehabilitated and was asked questions, but I never spoke their language, always having another form of communication with my former family. They just decided to put me in an orphanage as someone taught me how to talk, read, write, all those things. The kids in the background never bothered me despite their murmuring about me. I didn't care, they never experienced what I had so I didn't care about what they thought. I did catch on to the new language they were giving me. I was still terrible at it at the time, but I was at least able to hold a normal conversation with someone. Math was my favorite though which was one of the reasons I have a major in Statistics. Though people may find it useless, but at the very least I'll have percentages to help me determine my decisions. Still it felt weird for me to live inside for so long, not being able to explore the world for fun. Over the years, I lived like a "normal" person in this city's society. Getting myself a part-time job, taking care of my health, living in my home as I attended college and stuff. My prosthetic arm was even upgraded to, at the very least, a metal arm. Nothing so special, just a metal arm, way stronger than my left arm in many ways, just needed some extra maintenance to take care of it. I then decided to do something out of the box. I wanted to do something more than just what this normal society was asking of me. I decided to go explore the world. And so I took a bag with me filled with camping gear, food, water, all the necessities for exploring. It was my first time outside the city and it was a breath of fresh air. I felt the outside air hit my face, the smell of the familiar plains hit my nose. I decided to go explore the land once again, for fun. Though the land was more dangerous now, I knew some tricks with getting around some predators of course. Eventually, I'd find a nearby ruin. Though it may have looked like it might've been already scavenged and researched, I knew some tricks and places that might be hiding things. And it turned out, I was fortunate in looking around. I had found a spell book filled with so much information on a magic called Magus magic. I knew this was a breakthrough and at 22, I had to study this. When I made it back to my home, I studied the language when I could. When I finally got the hang of the language, it told me I had to brand myself with a symbol to be able to use it. At first I found it fishy, but with no one to worry about me, I didn't care about my own life so I did it since I found no demerit in it other than pain. Even when it was burning into my hand, I still spoke the incantation the book told me to speak, the brand burns into my hand. Despite my screams of pain, the brand was planted into my hand, the book glowing bright, then fading. I knew this was a good thing, I knew by this time, I was able to use the magic I was reading before me. Now you read this and now you have read my entire story. Well... for now at least. I hope as a person I will grow both physically and mentally. Wish me luck reader and thanks for reading my life out. |
ByakugaranFeb 13, 2019 8:46 AM
Feb 4, 2019 11:05 AM
Feb 9, 2019 2:42 PM
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