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Aug 12, 2017 9:34 AM

Nov 2011
Decent amount focus on fighting Saint-Germain and Cagliostro this episode.

Even against all odds, these girls try to make best of their situation. That takes a lot of guts imo. Shirabe and Kirika make such a good team together.
Stark700Aug 12, 2017 2:40 PM
Aug 13, 2017 8:12 AM

Oct 2014
The Lack of Subs is getting bothersome.

Come on, Commie, make up for Crunchyroll being dicks and not licensing the season.
Aug 13, 2017 9:00 AM

Jun 2014
It's a blue dragon. Quick Hibiki, f***ing PUNCH IT! - was my natural reaction. lol Symphogear, never change xD

Not sure entirely what's going on, but from what I can tell, Saint-Germain's probably going to throw a coup d'etat sometime soon, Division 2 is trying to gain some sort of an advantage by recovering and researching the "fool's stone" left by Hibiki's Gungnir.

Also, the Faust Robeies underestimate vanilla Symphogear and get their asses handed to them, ha! :D
Aug 16, 2017 8:47 PM

Sep 2016
nothing really happening besides elfnein getting some upgrade material, kirika and shirabe quoting their own song lyrics and sinbad is still chilling as usual

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Aug 19, 2017 6:39 AM

Jan 2013
Finally found the episode subbed, although it is in spanish.
It seems it is subbed by

It seems that the search for the idiotyphal stone will lead to new power ups. Can't wait to see what will change. Ignite Module became quite boring for now.
Aug 19, 2017 3:25 PM

Jul 2013
You know, that Adan guy might not be the nicest person of Symphogear, but you can't negate he has the biggest swag of the series.
Aug 21, 2017 11:35 AM

Sep 2013
Hibiki's symphogear waste is the weakness to the philosopher stone XD
Kirika x Shirabe union beats the glasses girl.
Aug 21, 2017 1:07 PM

May 2015

Finally we get to see the Faust Robes in action! Time for some analysis!

Saint-Germain has a gun. What makes it special is that Saint-Germain can alter the bullet shot MID-FLIGHT. This means that she can quickly adapt to the necessary shot on a dime. From what we’ve seen, she’s got pierce shots, explosive shots, crystal shots, and Dragon Fang Shots. And if the bullets can be altered by alchemy, I can bet that she can convert them into elemental shots as well. She does have to reload though, so that’s how you’ll find the opening to attack. Still, that gun is a nightmare!

Prelati may be the smallest of the three, but she also wields the biggest and heaviest weapon: a Kendama. One clean hit from the ball of hurt and you’ll be knocked out with a loud GONG! I love that sound effect! Not only does it sound hilarious, but it also makes it sound like it really REALLY HURTS! With a weapon like that, Prelati is definitely terrifying in close quarters combat. Unfortunately heavy weapons have a weakness, and for Prelati, it’s her speed. You could see that she was struggling to evade Shirabe’s attacks near the end of the episode.

Best Waifu Cagliostro looks to be the most devastating of the three. Her ring allows her to cast different kinds of spells such as a barrier to deflect projectiles, and beams of light which can be shot en masse and curve in unorthodox directions to act as a shield or as projectiles to attack their targets. This makes Cagliostro the ideal support character of the trio. But as we saw, if she doesn’t control it properly, it can be a hazard to her teammates as well.

Prelati tanks the Front, Cagliostro provides backup support and suppressive fire, and Saint-Germain picks off the weakened foes from a distance. We got ourselves a formidable trio of villains here!

We got some sweet Miku time this episode. A good break from all the action going on. At least Hibiki was working on her homework this time.

So to counter the Philosopher’s Stone, we need the “Fool’s Stone?” I get it! Wise and powerful loses to stupid and reckless! We Symphogear now!

So the remains of Hibiki’s Gungnir byproduct is located in the facility that imprisoned Dr. Ver and the place where Chris defeated Leiur back in GX. Wait…Leiur? Maybe they might find Leiur’s remains, and then Elfnein can bring her back?! Bring back best doll Leiur please based Kaneko!

And we see Adam walking around naked again without a care in the world. I’m surprised that Cagliostro has not reacted to Adam’s nudist nature yet. Cagliostro is confirmed straight! But wait…If Cagliostro was once a man, then turns into a woman, and prefers women over men, does that make her gay or straight? Hmm…

Adam asks Saint-Germain “Your cause or your comrades?” Looks like Adam simply doesn’t care. He just wants what he wants. What will Saint-Germain do?
TarotistAug 21, 2017 1:13 PM
Aug 21, 2017 2:25 PM

Aug 2013
Well Saint-Germain's character is gonna be experiencing some mega-conflict come next week and such; sticking to this path will require a serious sacrifice and having that decision being foreshadowed by Hibiki while talking to Miku was something else. Boy the next 6 episodes of this is gonna be intense. And...unpopular opinion, I can't get with Cagliostro. I know she's supposed to be the tanned bae but I just can't take her seriously. I'm waiting for the next Symphogear user to drop a punch on that girl since she's just memetic at this point.
Don't believe the hype.
Aug 21, 2017 7:53 PM

Sep 2015
A blue dragon shot!? Please, Hibiki already one punch your "invincible" dragon before, she wouldn't give a damn about your little dragon.

Nice flashback of Miku and Hibiki. Though quite sad to see how much Hibiki being badly treated after the incident. Most girls would probably break or give up on life after being treated such. Might be because of Miku being Hibiki's sunshine.

Can't help but laugh at the fact even after all the linker problems solved, the ultimate problem of Ignite being easily defeated can only be solved by Hibiki's Fool's Stone. Though would it be okay with Hibiki? I mean the Fool's Stone came out from Hibiki after all, doesn't that basically mean part of Hibiki being merged with Hibiki? Would that double Hibiki's power? Would Hibiki remain Hibiki, or becoming something else?
'Real Money Talks'
- Kagayama Kaede
Aug 21, 2017 11:09 PM

Apr 2012
Favorite Episode of the Season so far! We got a whole lot of epicness this time around.

Hibiki dropping them words of wisdom this time - "You can't make a world where no one gets crushed if you have to crush people to make it." - I feel like Germain actually got what she meant, just didn't agree.

I think a better term for Hibiki's Sympho-waste would be 'Layman's Stone' rather than 'Fool's Stone'. I mean I get what they were going for, and it's hella funny, but 'Layman' sounds catchier and makes a more accurate contrast with the word 'Philosopher'.

Last fight was LIT! Arrow in Cagliostro's face, and Kirika and Shirabe freaking whooped Prelati's butt! I loved it! 10/10
Aug 23, 2017 6:32 PM

Sep 2015
Oh shit! Just found out what really happen in Hibiki's past.

Hibiki really is strong if she was able to endure all of that shit happens to her. Hopefully they will put more information regarding Hibiki's past in the series. Also, I want to see the others' reaction if they ever found out about it. Like, if there was a chance Hibiki and the others meet Hibiki's old classmates upon saving them from the noises.
'Real Money Talks'
- Kagayama Kaede
Aug 23, 2017 11:05 PM

Jun 2014
AoNeko90 said:
Oh shit! Just found out what really happen in Hibiki's past.


They showed us her past in previous seasons. Not trying to be an ass here but have you watched Seasons 1-3? You do realize this is the 4th season?
Aug 24, 2017 1:38 AM

Sep 2015
ramenshoujo said:
AoNeko90 said:
Oh shit! Just found out what really happen in Hibiki's past.


They showed us her past in previous seasons. Not trying to be an ass here but have you watched Seasons 1-3? You do realize this is the 4th season?

Yeah. I've seen all 3 seasons, even downloaded them. But I didn't know the details of how much shit happens to Hibiki. I've seen her desk been trashed/carved with insulting words to Hibiki. I've seen how her house looks like after the incident. But I just didn't know what makes them truly despise Hibiki and just why her father left her - might have been mentioned in the 3rd season on why her father left, but I forgot, don't want to remember her father. Also, i didn't know that her father actually fought against the family before he left.

So, yeah. I've watched all 3 seasons, but I just wanna know the extent/details of what happen after the incident. That's why I mentioned "what really happen in Hibiki's past".
AoNeko90Aug 24, 2017 1:59 AM
'Real Money Talks'
- Kagayama Kaede
Aug 24, 2017 6:56 PM

Apr 2014
i miss the Hibiki x Miku moments was really nice to get 1 this ep and then
Shirabe x Kirika team up was really nice

over all great ep and finally got that crazy Prelati been waiting on that to happen

looking forward to when ep 8 gets subbed
"one step at a time"
Aug 25, 2017 12:37 PM

May 2015
FateHero said:

I think a better term for Hibiki's Sympho-waste would be 'Layman's Stone' rather than 'Fool's Stone'. I mean I get what they were going for, and it's hella funny, but 'Layman' sounds catchier and makes a more accurate contrast with the word 'Philosopher'.

Actually, I just noticed something.

Episode 7's title is "Arcana 00"
The Major Arcana represented by the number zero is "The Fool".
The Fool is also known as the "hero" or "protagonist" of the story.
Hibiki is the protagonist of the Symphogear series.
According to Chris, Hibiki no baka.
So the girls need Hibiki's bakastone to counteract the philosopher's stone.

Very clever Kaneko. Very clever...

Also, an update on Symphogear XD Unlimited! If you guys are playing the game, a new event is going to begin, featuring EDGELORD HIBIKI!

Aug 25, 2017 11:42 PM

Jul 2009
Great episode! Glad to see Kirika and Shirabe team up once more!!

I hope to see more Maria and Tsubasa soon!!!
Aug 26, 2017 6:11 PM

Feb 2013
Kirika + Shirabe song = win

They seem to be settings things up for Adam to be the final bad guy, with the 3 bad-girls switching sides.
Aug 28, 2017 8:18 PM

Feb 2014
BurntJelly said:
They seem to be settings things up for Adam to be the final bad guy, with the 3 bad-girls switching sides.

I think that would be pretty cool! More for the Symphogear team! :D The whole sacrifice thing is creepy but supports this O_o

Kirika and Shirabe are so badass, I really liked their duet song and huge bladed yoyo vs the huge kendama!

I also like how they're making connections to the earlier seasons!
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Sep 1, 2017 4:26 PM

Mar 2008
Give me more Kiri and Shirabe. They definitely needed to get a room after that fight. Hibiki and Miku need to do the same. Just let the ships happen already producers, stop teasing us!
Sep 5, 2017 2:38 AM

Oct 2008
So Shirabe & Kirika can fight properly huh?
Lodgemaster is cruel, I don't think she'll sacrifice any of the two...

Sep 5, 2017 1:48 PM

Sep 2011
Oh, can't that's such a fitting name for the stone. haha
Sep 6, 2017 6:02 AM

Aug 2010
BurntJelly said:
Kirika + Shirabe song = win

They seem to be settings things up for Adam to be the final bad guy, with the 3 bad-girls switching sides.

The gayer the lyrics the stronger the unison :3
Nov 10, 2018 9:55 AM

Jul 2009
SomaHeir said:
Great episode! Glad to see Kirika and Shirabe team up once more!!

I hope to see more Maria and Tsubasa soon!!!

I finally managed to catch up with the last episode I watched. Damn, it took me a year of catching up, but better late than never. Not to mention watching it now BD anyways so this is good :)
Nov 22, 2018 12:04 PM

May 2016
Decent amount focus on fighting Saint-Germain and Cagliostro this episode.

Shirabe and Kirika make such a good team together.

Adam reiminds of Kagemaru from Ygo GX back when that show was still decent, but Adam is doing a better job than Kagemaru
Aug 20, 2019 3:55 PM

Apr 2012
Hibiki's stone is the Fool's Stone, lmao.
Dec 26, 2020 3:46 PM
scientia exitus

Mar 2020
Is this symphonygear AXV or the Bavarian doughnuts retreat? Anyway anytime they’re fighting NOT noise is awesome so this episode was a huge win nonetheless with TWO retreats

whiskey tango foxtrot

May 10, 2021 8:23 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Hibiki x Miku moments are always interesting.

At least Adam is more chill person while Dr. Ver.

SerafosDec 28, 2023 7:59 AM
Sep 16, 2023 10:25 AM
Nov 2010
I see nothing wrong with Saint Germain's plans. Every great change demands a sacrifice, and sacrificing millions to billions for the greater good and eternal peace is worth it. It's impossible to save everyone anyway. Keeping the status quo will result in the same number of deaths and extinction in the future.

This is why I don't agree with protagonists often. They are just prolonging the inevitable. They are concerned only for their inner circle of friends. What about the people who will keep dying and suffering on the other side of the planet these protagonists don't know about? Hibiki is a very naive & ignorant girl, just like the other half of this world living the good life.

The way those alchemists fight is so cool.
Adam is so badass. He reminds me of myself to an extent. I wonder who Saint Germain will sacrifice.

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