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Goblin Slayer (light novel)
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Oct 22, 2018 8:13 AM

May 2018
papsoshea said:
And this episode says it all. What was so dark and mature about this episode? The last few seconds? Everything that's 'dark' in this series is used in a cheap way. What did we learn about these new characters? Their race? Character class? We learn absolutely nothing of worth, these characters don't even have names - where is the characterization? Oh that's right, rape and senseless murder are characterization in Goblin Slayer.

The world building is near non existent, the 5 minute theory crafting of the goblins origins was just stupid, if they 'were' to come from the moon then how are they even made? There is no female goblins and goblins are written to procreate with any race - but the show (and manga) only show woman and female elves..... why you ask? So we can see cute loli girls or sexy girls with big tits getting raped gamer style! The setting is based on speculation, and people find this part interesting?

The characters designs just does not do this series any justice. And look how episode 3 performed, its losing steam here and on reddit, how can Goblin Slayer changed this around? Needs more rape! You know? The dark and 'mature' themes.

well hello, it's you again mr. elitist~
have you read the manga or LN? did you still consider GS is op?~

here some explanation to you, whether you care of not:
-what characterization do you mean? you clearly saw how the elf and dwarf having grudge, lizardmen being a rare gentle race who hunts beast. Are you too hateful to notice the characterization?
-you want to know their classes? read their goddamn nicknames you ignorant elitist.
-you consider GS story that goblins come from the moon is a serious talk? don't you understand what a folklore is? oh my god you're more dense than harem MC.
-people can enjoy everything they want, stop dictating what's right and wrong you goddamn elitist
-does it matter if it's losing steam here? hell, this anime is number one trending anime for two consecutive week, stop being ignorant elitist.
Oct 22, 2018 9:05 AM
Jun 2016
papsoshea said:
And this episode says it all. What was so dark and mature about this episode? The last few seconds? Everything that's 'dark' in this series is used in a cheap way. What did we learn about these new characters? Their race? Character class? We learn absolutely nothing of worth, these characters don't even have names - where is the characterization? Oh that's right, rape and senseless murder are characterization in Goblin Slayer.

The world building is near non existent, the 5 minute theory crafting of the goblins origins was just stupid, if they 'were' to come from the moon then how are they even made? There is no female goblins and goblins are written to procreate with any race - but the show (and manga) only show woman and female elves..... why you ask? So we can see cute loli girls or sexy girls with big tits getting raped gamer style! The setting is based on speculation, and people find this part interesting?

The characters designs just does not do this series any justice. And look how episode 3 performed, its losing steam here and on reddit, how can Goblin Slayer changed this around? Needs more rape! You know? The dark and 'mature' themes.

1)GS is not all about drama and dark tones
2)We learned a lot about the new characters, about their personality, job and culture.
3)The class of the elf is obvious, the other two will become clear int he next episode.
4)Names are not important, they tell nothing about a character unless the author wants to use "nomen omen"
5)If you don't see any world building you have serious problems or you are blinded by your hatred. Not only we get information about how the world was created but also about the laws of this world.
6)It's called folklore, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's way to tell the reader that nobody, or at least none of these charcters, knows where goblins come from. But if you really want to find out you could simply rewatch the intro of this episode. It's really obvious, if you think about it.
7) Please stop talking about rape, it's pathetic. The amount of rape si ridiculously small considering the setting. In the next episodes we won't see any more rape on screen, maybe only a small flashback of a few seconds.
8)Are you seriously asking if people find speculating interesting? Never heard of Lost?
9)Oh no, it's losing popularity, what are we gonna do? Oh wait, I know, nothing because it doesn't matter. If people stop watching it just means that it's not for them. They can leave any time... and so should you.
P.S.: I can't wait for the critics about my english writing skills, but I doubt I'll ever come here again. I simply wanted to point out how nonsensical all your criticism is.
Oct 22, 2018 9:18 AM

May 2018
papsoshea said:
Blue_Reaper said:

well hello, it's you again mr. elitist~
have you read the manga or LN? did you still consider GS is op?~

here some explanation to you, whether you care of not:
-what characterization do you mean? you clearly saw how the elf and dwarf having grudge, lizardmen being a rare gentle race who hunts beast. Are you too hateful to notice the characterization?
-you want to know their classes? read their goddamn nicknames you ignorant elitist.
-you consider GS story that goblins come from the moon is a serious talk? don't you understand what a folklore is? oh my god you're more dense than harem MC.
-people can enjoy everything they want, stop dictating what's right and wrong you goddamn elitist
-does it matter if it's losing steam here? hell, this anime is number one trending anime for two consecutive week, stop being ignorant elitist.

I can have my opinions and you can have yours. You don't have to feel the need to defend every differing opinion than yours with personal attacks.

- "We learn absolutely nothing of worth"

That is pretty much what I said and those things you mention don't make them important to care for.

- "What did we learn about these new characters? Their race? Character class"

This is pretty much what I said, thats basically the main details that were shown, in this episode, we were told their class but didn't learn their actual names - no different than NPC.

- "The world building is near non existent, the 5 minute theory crafting of the goblins origins was just stupid, if they 'were' to come from the moon then how are they even made?"

Basically the parts in bold was directed at most of the posts already made in this thread, many believe that this is the origin story. And in no way is my quote are along the lines that you made it out to be. If you re-read it properly you would know that. I emphasized "were" with 'were'. So the part where you're telling me if I took that "folklore" serious is already proven to be the opposite.

- "people can enjoy everything they want, stop dictating what's right and wrong you goddamn elitist"

More personal attacks for absolutely no reason than to blindly defend a show you really like. I am not dictating anything, I gave my opinion and I detailed it, nothing more.

- "does it matter if it's losing steam here? hell, this anime is number one trending anime for two consecutive week, stop being ignorant elitist."

Does it matter for you if it is? And trending here for 2 consecutive weeks was because of a 1-2 minute scene in episode 1 and it was a mixed reaction - thought the need to add context. Clearly I said that as of now, its starting to lose steam, this is just an observation which is interesting to me. No need to get upset. This is why I won't respond to you after this just like in the other thread from last week - you are too emotional, you constantly reply with personal attacks from beginning to end, you refuse to see other perspectives and you always feel the need to defend any criticism - the criticism you concede in the past thread was good..... until you contradicted all of those statements and went back to petty responses. And lastly, you take everything out of context like you did (once again) with my comments, you take what I say out of context and then add to it - putting words into my mouth that I didn't say - make assumptions then attack me based from those assumptions.

"What was so dark and mature about this episode?" - not dictating, its a question.
"Everything that's 'dark' in this series is used in a cheap way." - not dictating, just my opinion.

You get the point, no point quoting everything I said just to be Captain Obvious to spoon feed it to you. Also the "standards" thing you keep desperately trying to use against me in the past was just grasping at straws for the sake of damage control, you use so much fallacy. I am sure a lot would agree that any story having an abrupt ending is bad (fact) this is not my standards, this is general knowledge. Think back to every story that you have read in your life and removing the 'real' ending, now the story ends abruptly. - This is just one of many examples about that "standards" argument you had going on lol

For the record, I read the manga and I am upto date. Everything I thought before I read the manga is exactly what I predicted. Haven't read the LN, probably won't, not much of a difference - and do I still think Goblin Slayer is OP? My answer,

Now respond with your usual replies and personal attacks, I won't even check it because I know this won't be a real discussion just like last time. Continue your crusade on every opinion that differs from yours.

lol, this guy is actually mad at me XD
did you treat every people who didn't agree with you as people who can't discuss something?

-what is anything you consider worth? last time you talked you always talked ambiguously about narrative nonsense, can you give me an example of "something important"?

-did you seriously want names? in an anime where the main character didn't have an actual name? how can someone be this dense?

-if you already know that goblin moon part is a folklore, then why were you rant about it? for hate purpose? i thought you only give "real criticism" XD

-"and people find this interesting?" famous word for a hypocrite who always find a way to run from his own word

-i just responding to your comment saying "losing steam" like a bad thing, and you mad because i responded that in other site this anime is still a hot thing?

-you still bringing standards from previous arguments while i clearly didn't use this argument this time, looks like you start to accept that thing, good for you.
FYI, in previous argument i already make clear that the purpose of "standards argument" is because i reject objective criticism in media of art and entertainment, and you still didn't learn this.

you're saying you won't check it but i know you will check it and restrained yourself from replying XD
people like you are so easy to read.
Blue_ReaperOct 22, 2018 9:25 AM
Oct 22, 2018 9:32 AM

Apr 2018
Well that was a whole lot of nothing world-building.

We have elf now at least, so that's pretty cool.

Surprised to find such praise towards cheese in an anime.

Oct 22, 2018 10:03 AM

Jul 2016
Blue_Reaper said:
FrozenSheep said:
I love Goblin Slayer and all, but sometimes, I feel that they don't need to cramp all that fan-service.

I mean, the other episode, we really didn't need all those "cow girl" naked scenes. A single would've been enough to get the point across that she's... well, "thicc".

I don't want them to remove fan-service. However, I feel that a random shot at a naked girl, multiple times, throughout an episode is really not needed.

Do you consider the naked raped girls as fanservice?

No, it's not, though some may find it as that.

I can distinguish between "necessary evil" (Goblin's atrocious acts), which some may find disturbing, and random, uncalled fanservice which accomplishes nothing (cow girl).

Oct 22, 2018 10:15 AM

May 2018
papsoshea said:
Arylon said:

1)GS is not all about drama and dark tones
2)We learned a lot about the new characters, about their personality, job and culture.
3)The class of the elf is obvious, the other two will become clear int he next episode.
4)Names are not important, they tell nothing about a character unless the author wants to use "nomen omen"
5)If you don't see any world building you have serious problems or you are blinded by your hatred. Not only we get information about how the world was created but also about the laws of this world.
6)It's called folklore, it doesn't matter if it's true or not, it's way to tell the reader that nobody, or at least none of these charcters, knows where goblins come from. But if you really want to find out you could simply rewatch the intro of this episode. It's really obvious, if you think about it.
7) Please stop talking about rape, it's pathetic. The amount of rape si ridiculously small considering the setting. In the next episodes we won't see any more rape on screen, maybe only a small flashback of a few seconds.
8)Are you seriously asking if people find speculating interesting? Never heard of Lost?
9)Oh no, it's losing popularity, what are we gonna do? Oh wait, I know, nothing because it doesn't matter. If people stop watching it just means that it's not for them. They can leave any time... and so should you.
P.S.: I can't wait for the critics about my english writing skills, but I doubt I'll ever come here again. I simply wanted to point out how nonsensical all your criticism is.

1. But last week it was all about drama and dark tones according to many? That why most of the threads were "People who hate Goblin Slayer can't handle Dark and Mature themes". And now that we got episode 3 which was basically a slice of life with comedy, the transition from episodes 1-2 to 3 makes it even harder to take serious.

2. Their personalities are anime tropes, 'a lot' is exaggerated when it comes to jobs and culture.

3. This is not a point I made, re-read, basically you missed the part, "What did we learn about these new characters? Their race? Character class? We learn absolutely nothing of worth" - meaning the main points were race (self-explained with their cultures) and character class, nothing of worth, they info dumped the rest.

4. Names are important, this is why the characters who died in episode 1 was shallow because you don't know who they really are, a name is an identity which is characterization. Imagine watching another show where the only way you can identify the characters is "big tits lady with the witch hat', 'kawaii elf with the long ears'. Is preistess the only preistess in the series? Is elf the only elf in the series?

5. The world-building is non existent so far in the anime, everything in episode 3 was theory-crafting, learn it. And I also read the manga, there are many contradictions with the world building and Goblin Slayer (the character) gave us a perfect example where the elf was getting triggered that he wasn't prioritizing the demons. Goblins alone are weak, a villager could kill 1 or 2 but together they are strong - they wipe out livestock, villages and rape girls YET everyone seems to leave them alone because they are 'level 1 mob'. And the fact that rookies don't even know of this danger even when the goblin attacks are so common. This is like teens going to a nightclub where they KNOW its full of murderers and expecting it to all go well - very different from teens going to a nightclub but are also aware of the dangers. There is too many example that it deserves its own thread.

6. Re-read, clearly I am saying it is theory-crafting and it was directed to the comments in this thread that actually took that story seriously. Did you quote each one of them? No? Was it because they were speaking 'positive' about it?

7. No rape is important because its the only reason why this series is getting the attention its getting. Here is something about Goblin Slayer and rape and why rape can't be avoided when talking about Goblin Slayer (now I will also bring up stuff about the manga). It's a post I made last week.

8. I said the setting of some of thing introduced in this episode (so far in the anime) is based on speculation. And people that found Lost interesting doesn't mean anything, people can like anything, its an observation. I had the same observation when Lost was airing as to why people found it interesting when the setting is based on speculation.... well we all know how Lost ended and how dissappointed the fanbase was when everyone realized it.

9. Many Goblin Slayer fans were praising the show becoming the talk of the community and trending, despite most of it was from controversy and criticism. Now that its losing steam its "woopdiedoo so what?" and telling me to stop watching is laughable. Basically, you don't want me to have an opinion, and one cannot have an opinion that is informed unless he/she watches/experiences for himself/herself.

You didn't even explain what was nonsensical. Have a nice day.

hi, bc that guy wouldn't responded to your argument, i'll do a favor and help

1. who make this argument? you? people just said most of them who can't take the rape scene are snowflakes and hate edgyness. Find me any argument who state this or your argument is complete BS.

2. this guy reject anime trope wile giving OPM a 10/10 score XD

3. you hate info dump, but you also want more explanation. Can't wait for you to run from my arguments again.

4. another BS argument, even humans irl remember people for what they did, names is not always important. I bet you didn't remember the names of your elementary school friends if there are no social media~. Even OPM named cities using simple alphabet and you still rated it 10/10 XD

5. you know that there is a demon lord, you know that there is temples for girls who become goblin victim, you know that there is other races alongside humans, you know the world is at war with the new demon king. What kind of world building do you want? even if the story focuses better on world building, i know you will said that's an info dump.

6. yea, keep ranting about it if your read my previous post~

7. super BS argument. Last time you talked the rape is bad and lazy writing, why the hell now you said that the rape is important? HYPOCRITE.

8. you know shit about the fanbase, stop pretending you know everything based on your speculation.

9. your opinion is hate, not criticism. Even this guy know your arguments are just nitpicking because you hate how this show got popular while you hate it.

have a nice day elitist~
Blue_ReaperOct 22, 2018 10:21 AM
Oct 22, 2018 10:15 AM
Aug 2016
3 episodes in, all I can say that this anime is one of those "i'm gonna watch it to kill time while waiting for more interesting anime episodes to drop". For me atleast. It's not boring to watch, but the cast, their personalities, art style, setting is super common. I feel like I've seen an anime like this with a different plot more than enough by now to proudly say that I don't understand why this is higher in popularity than JoJo.
Oct 22, 2018 11:17 AM
Aug 2016
Blue_Reaper said:
papsoshea said:

1. But last week it was all about drama and dark tones according to many? That why most of the threads were "People who hate Goblin Slayer can't handle Dark and Mature themes". And now that we got episode 3 which was basically a slice of life with comedy, the transition from episodes 1-2 to 3 makes it even harder to take serious.

2. Their personalities are anime tropes, 'a lot' is exaggerated when it comes to jobs and culture.

3. This is not a point I made, re-read, basically you missed the part, "What did we learn about these new characters? Their race? Character class? We learn absolutely nothing of worth" - meaning the main points were race (self-explained with their cultures) and character class, nothing of worth, they info dumped the rest.

4. Names are important, this is why the characters who died in episode 1 was shallow because you don't know who they really are, a name is an identity which is characterization. Imagine watching another show where the only way you can identify the characters is "big tits lady with the witch hat', 'kawaii elf with the long ears'. Is preistess the only preistess in the series? Is elf the only elf in the series?

5. The world-building is non existent so far in the anime, everything in episode 3 was theory-crafting, learn it. And I also read the manga, there are many contradictions with the world building and Goblin Slayer (the character) gave us a perfect example where the elf was getting triggered that he wasn't prioritizing the demons. Goblins alone are weak, a villager could kill 1 or 2 but together they are strong - they wipe out livestock, villages and rape girls YET everyone seems to leave them alone because they are 'level 1 mob'. And the fact that rookies don't even know of this danger even when the goblin attacks are so common. This is like teens going to a nightclub where they KNOW its full of murderers and expecting it to all go well - very different from teens going to a nightclub but are also aware of the dangers. There is too many example that it deserves its own thread.

6. Re-read, clearly I am saying it is theory-crafting and it was directed to the comments in this thread that actually took that story seriously. Did you quote each one of them? No? Was it because they were speaking 'positive' about it?

7. No rape is important because its the only reason why this series is getting the attention its getting. Here is something about Goblin Slayer and rape and why rape can't be avoided when talking about Goblin Slayer (now I will also bring up stuff about the manga). It's a post I made last week.

8. I said the setting of some of thing introduced in this episode (so far in the anime) is based on speculation. And people that found Lost interesting doesn't mean anything, people can like anything, its an observation. I had the same observation when Lost was airing as to why people found it interesting when the setting is based on speculation.... well we all know how Lost ended and how dissappointed the fanbase was when everyone realized it.

9. Many Goblin Slayer fans were praising the show becoming the talk of the community and trending, despite most of it was from controversy and criticism. Now that its losing steam its "woopdiedoo so what?" and telling me to stop watching is laughable. Basically, you don't want me to have an opinion, and one cannot have an opinion that is informed unless he/she watches/experiences for himself/herself.

You didn't even explain what was nonsensical. Have a nice day.

hi, bc that guy wouldn't responded to your argument, i'll do a favor and help

1. who make this argument? you? people just said most of them who can't take the rape scene are snowflakes and hate edgyness. Find me any argument who state this or your argument is complete BS.

2. this guy reject anime trope wile giving OPM a 10/10 score XD

3. you hate info dump, but you also want more explanation. Can't wait for you to run from my arguments again.

4. another BS argument, even humans irl remember people for what they did, names is not always important. I bet you didn't remember the names of your elementary school friends if there are no social media~. Even OPM named cities using simple alphabet and you still rated it 10/10 XD

5. you know that there is a demon lord, you know that there is temples for girls who become goblin victim, you know that there is other races alongside humans, you know the world is at war with the new demon king. What kind of world building do you want? even if the story focuses better on world building, i know you will said that's an info dump.

6. yea, keep ranting about it if your read my previous post~

7. super BS argument. Last time you talked the rape is bad and lazy writing, why the hell now you said that the rape is important? HYPOCRITE.

8. you know shit about the fanbase, stop pretending you know everything based on your speculation.

9. your opinion is hate, not criticism. Even this guy know your arguments are just nitpicking because you hate how this show got popular while you hate it.

have a nice day elitist~

After reading all of this nonsense, I can only ask one thing. How in the world can you criticise a person for giving OPM a 10/10, while you give Goblin Slayer a 9/10. Honestly, how do you people not get bored of these generic "adventure fantasy (DEFINITELY NOT A VIDEO GaME SETTING) rpg with always the same characters but with different appearances" anime? It just really bugs my mind how someone can watch the same thing over and over, just with a different setting, and still say that it's good. I understand everyone has their taste, but it would be objectively stupid to even suggest that OPM is worse as an anime/manga than Goblin Slayer.
Oct 22, 2018 11:39 AM

Aug 2014
Delinqq said:

After reading all of this nonsense, I can only ask one thing. How in the world can you criticise a person for giving OPM a 10/10, while you give Goblin Slayer a 9/10. Honestly, how do you people not get bored of these generic "adventure fantasy (DEFINITELY NOT A VIDEO GaME SETTING) rpg with always the same characters but with different appearances" anime? It just really bugs my mind how someone can watch the same thing over and over, just with a different setting, and still say that it's good. I understand everyone has their taste, but it would be objectively stupid to even suggest that OPM is worse as an anime/manga than Goblin Slayer.

About people who watch this kind of stories. Let me talk about my personal experience.
I've grown up with traditional RPGs like Dragon Quest and the NES/SNES Final Fantasy. I grew up watching TV series such as Slayers, Dragon Quest, Orphen, Those who hunt elves, among others. I have played games like Golden Axe many times and my favorite beatem up is shadow over mistara. I have read books, manga and watched western movies with medieval setting, and I like role play style dungeons and dragons. Speaking of Japanese works, I love Record of lodoss wars and Mahoujin Guru Guru.

If you ask me if I get bored with these stories ... well the answer is no. Because I love these stories.

About OPM, is stupid to say Goblin Slayer is better than OPM, but is also stupid to say OPM is better than Goblin Slayer, we are comparing pears and apples, those series are not even the same genre.

Anyway I can understand the Blue_Reaper argument. The lack of names is the Goblin Slayer trademark.
The author said that he could not think of a good name for the MC and ended up taking advantage of that. It gives you more feeling of a DnD Campaign and their personalities are not purely anime tropes, they are more High Fantasy tropes mixed with anime tropes.
kofmasterOct 22, 2018 2:07 PM
Oct 22, 2018 11:46 AM
Aug 2016
kofmaster said:
Delinqq said:

After reading all of this nonsense, I can only ask one thing. How in the world can you criticise a person for giving OPM a 10/10, while you give Goblin Slayer a 9/10. Honestly, how do you people not get bored of these generic "adventure fantasy (DEFINITELY NOT A VIDEO GaME SETTING) rpg with always the same characters but with different appearances" anime? It just really bugs my mind how someone can watch the same thing over and over, just with a different setting, and still say that it's good. I understand everyone has their taste, but it would be objectively stupid to even suggest that OPM is worse as an anime/manga than Goblin Slayer.

About people who watch this kind of stories. Let me talk about my personal experience.
I've grown up with traditional RPGs like Dragon Quest and the NES/SNES Final Fantasy. I grew up watching TV series such as Slayers, Dragon Quest, Orphen, Those who hunt elves, among others. I have read books, manga and western movies with medieval setting, barbaros and I like role play style dungeons and dragons. Speaking of Japanese works, I love Record of lodoss wars and Mahoujin Guru Guru. I have played arcades games like Golden Ax many times and my favorite is shadow over mistara.

If you ask me if I get bored with these stories ... well the answer is no. Because I love these stories.

About OPM, is stupid to say Goblin Slayer is better than OPM, but is also stupid to say OPM is better than Goblin Slayer, we are comparing pears and apples, those series are not even the same genre.

Anyway I can understand the Blue_Reaper argument. The lack of names is the Goblin Slayer trademark.
The author said that he could not think of a good name for the MC and ended up taking advantage of that. It gives you more feeling of a DnD Campaign and their personalities are not purely anime tropes, they are more High Fantasy tropes mixed with anime tropes.

I understand your point about having experiences with similiar content over the course of your life. However, I feel like in situations like these, it's more to do with being content with a thing that you're used to, rather than wanting to explore new things.

I used to play dragon quest as a kid as well, however, the thing about dragon quest was that, the art style and the ''vintage'' feel of it really captured me. What i'm trying to say, is that even if things are similiar, the better ones prevail because they have their own little diamond that helps them go from mediocre to amazing, however, I personally feel that the main character of Goblin Slayer isn't enough to pull this anime to something worthy of praise.

However that is just my opinion*
Oct 22, 2018 11:58 AM

May 2018
Delinqq said:
Blue_Reaper said:

hi, bc that guy wouldn't responded to your argument, i'll do a favor and help

1. who make this argument? you? people just said most of them who can't take the rape scene are snowflakes and hate edgyness. Find me any argument who state this or your argument is complete BS.

2. this guy reject anime trope wile giving OPM a 10/10 score XD

3. you hate info dump, but you also want more explanation. Can't wait for you to run from my arguments again.

4. another BS argument, even humans irl remember people for what they did, names is not always important. I bet you didn't remember the names of your elementary school friends if there are no social media~. Even OPM named cities using simple alphabet and you still rated it 10/10 XD

5. you know that there is a demon lord, you know that there is temples for girls who become goblin victim, you know that there is other races alongside humans, you know the world is at war with the new demon king. What kind of world building do you want? even if the story focuses better on world building, i know you will said that's an info dump.

6. yea, keep ranting about it if your read my previous post~

7. super BS argument. Last time you talked the rape is bad and lazy writing, why the hell now you said that the rape is important? HYPOCRITE.

8. you know shit about the fanbase, stop pretending you know everything based on your speculation.

9. your opinion is hate, not criticism. Even this guy know your arguments are just nitpicking because you hate how this show got popular while you hate it.

have a nice day elitist~

After reading all of this nonsense, I can only ask one thing. How in the world can you criticise a person for giving OPM a 10/10, while you give Goblin Slayer a 9/10. Honestly, how do you people not get bored of these generic "adventure fantasy (DEFINITELY NOT A VIDEO GaME SETTING) rpg with always the same characters but with different appearances" anime? It just really bugs my mind how someone can watch the same thing over and over, just with a different setting, and still say that it's good. I understand everyone has their taste, but it would be objectively stupid to even suggest that OPM is worse as an anime/manga than Goblin Slayer.

because this guy is a complete hypocrite. He's not criticizing this series, he tries to feed his ego. You should see this guy is even posting how he hates GS community because his opinion was rejected.
I do love OPM and GS, i was using OPM as a analogy for this crook because he said "GS didn't naming his characters and using cliche anime trope" while GS and OPM is using a COMPLETE SAME FORMULA in naming and using cliche anime tropes, and he's rating OPM 10 while calling GS is shit.
Oct 22, 2018 12:00 PM

Aug 2014
Delinqq said:
kofmaster said:

About people who watch this kind of stories. Let me talk about my personal experience.
I've grown up with traditional RPGs like Dragon Quest and the NES/SNES Final Fantasy. I grew up watching TV series such as Slayers, Dragon Quest, Orphen, Those who hunt elves, among others. I have read books, manga and western movies with medieval setting, barbaros and I like role play style dungeons and dragons. Speaking of Japanese works, I love Record of lodoss wars and Mahoujin Guru Guru. I have played arcades games like Golden Ax many times and my favorite is shadow over mistara.

If you ask me if I get bored with these stories ... well the answer is no. Because I love these stories.

About OPM, is stupid to say Goblin Slayer is better than OPM, but is also stupid to say OPM is better than Goblin Slayer, we are comparing pears and apples, those series are not even the same genre.

Anyway I can understand the Blue_Reaper argument. The lack of names is the Goblin Slayer trademark.
The author said that he could not think of a good name for the MC and ended up taking advantage of that. It gives you more feeling of a DnD Campaign and their personalities are not purely anime tropes, they are more High Fantasy tropes mixed with anime tropes.

I understand your point about having experiences with similiar content over the course of your life. However, I feel like in situations like these, it's more to do with being content with a thing that you're used to, rather than wanting to explore new things.

I used to play dragon quest as a kid as well, however, the thing about dragon quest was that, the art style and the ''vintage'' feel of it really captured me. What i'm trying to say, is that even if things are similiar, the better ones prevail because they have their own little diamond that helps them go from mediocre to amazing, however, I personally feel that the main character of Goblin Slayer isn't enough to pull this anime to something worthy of praise.

However that is just my opinion*

Respect your opinion.

We all have favorite genres and favorite elements in a story. I love this kind of setting and you can really laugh at me if you want, but I feel empathy for Goblin Slayer (character). I don't think Goblin Slayer (story) is a masterpiece, however, even with some writting issues, it has several good things and I like the concept that suggest that the world is a DnD game, I can feel how much the author loves to play roleplaying games with his friends.
In fact, he never expected that his idea to become popular. He just wanted to create a story similar to the stories he grew up with. Goblin Slayer is simple and unpretentious.

It will not be a masterpiece, but it is a very entertaining story.
Oct 22, 2018 2:41 PM
Jun 2017
Lots of wifus. Good episode
Oct 22, 2018 2:59 PM

Apr 2012
FuMomo-kun said:
Elves and Dwarves being rivals is done too much. It's kind of boring by now. It may not be so boring if this is your first time seeing it.
Done too much? Just because Lord of rings sold this idea successfully doesn't mean others can't. It's only because of that movie every other production outside of it is considered piggybacking on that idea. I told you that different races, even by nationally, religion or status can have animosity towards each other because that's how things are. It's natural but you ignored what I said.

FuMomo-kun said:
I am okay with seductive women with big breasts, but they don't need to bounce, defying Physics, for no reason in a serious genre like this. In a fan service anime, I don't care how much they bounce.
I told you that the mage uses her looks to get some sort of advantage so it would be kinda safe to say she's probably using some sort of trick to maximize her appeal. I've been around women that could jiggle their huge breast similar to the mage's and all it takes is for them to gently stomp one foot or twitch their pectoral muscle. Physics is not an issue to women who want attention.

FuMomo-kun said:
I can tell it was supposed to be sweet when the protagonist put a blanket on Goblin Slayer, but the writers could have thought of something smarter. Blanket on armour is kind of funny.
You tell me what else she could've done with a limited resource she had. We all know for a fact they only brought a few necessities to use on their quest. You found it funny for the protagonist to give up her blanket as a sign of affection/appreciation towards her savior? Come on... if she was his personal valet I'll agree with you since it's her duty to make sure his comfortable but that isn't the case.

FuMomo-kun said:
By older women, I mean women in their twenties or late teens, who are older if you were to compare them to the child protagonist. I am not saying they should remove cute girls. It's just that those girls don't need moe designs as that is normally used in cute slice of life or harem genres. Even if the source material had one kind of design, I think the anime is allowed to change it to fit the story better. Also, if a character lives in a world where they can die any moment, the design needs to match that. (Like Historia from Snk. She's cute and weak, but not moe and colourful.)

I think Evangelion and Code Geass do a better job with balancing fan service, cute characters and a dramatic story. I hate mecha genre, but I fell in love with those two animes.
This is where I completely disagree; You obviously have no clue what you're talking about when it comes to source material being adapted to anime IN JAPAN. Majority of the time they have to stick with the source material almost 100% or else the fanbase would reject it and no studio would want to take that risk. The moe look and attitude will forever be part of the anime design regardless of theme or genre.
- You need to rewatch AOT because Crista back then for the most part was being the typical moe girl waifu type so for you to just say she was never portrayed having a moe feel is a lie. There are clips of Historia on YT using her cute moe charm to change the mood of people in dire situations.
- I can tell that you don't like the protagonist for some reason. You clearly hide behind the complaints you stated but it's indirectly towars the Priestess. She may be boring to some or useless but she hasn't acted in the typical moe cliche of being too positive, cheerful and cute in situations that mostly doesn't call for it. It's not her fault she's drawn in the moe look at least she doesn't act like one.
Janethan23Oct 22, 2018 9:39 PM
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
They should really do their whining at manga forums.

RayReynolds - SSL443 - Dr4kon - Nerdanimefan1992 - ToTheMountains - Fiveskies
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Problem solved, you'll never have to see someone trolling ever again because their post will be closed/collapsed.
Oct 22, 2018 3:00 PM
Aug 2014
that guitar riff at the end was epic!

anyone knows where's it from? song name or any yt link?
Oct 22, 2018 3:10 PM

Dec 2015
Muzashi said:
I need you guys, who are desperately in love with this holy anime, tell me what's this scene trying to communicate?

I am an uncultured swine, struggling to find the meaning of life in this beautiful world of Goblin Slayer. Please, enlighten me.
I need you, Muzashi, who are desperately in love with the holy Gurren Lagann, to tell me, what is this scene trying to communicate?
Please, enlighten me.
joe_g7Oct 22, 2018 6:15 PM
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Oct 22, 2018 3:34 PM

May 2015
NIce pair of tits.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
Oct 22, 2018 4:06 PM

May 2018
"Are you Goblins?" although hilariously funny was actually a mistranslation:
Oct 22, 2018 4:34 PM
Jun 2017
elf best girl, cant wait for some action/fight scenes
Fire Emblem anime when
Oct 22, 2018 8:07 PM
Feb 2018
Pretty good episode besides the CGI completely pulling me out of it almost every time the animate GS instead of drawing him, IDK if it saves time or money or what but almost every single time a show features CGI like this it completely pulls me out of it.
Oct 22, 2018 8:27 PM

Mar 2018
I like how goblin slayer acts bluntly towards literally everyone he faces xd. Hes those kind of people who do not like to waste any time, just get straight to the point.
Oct 22, 2018 9:59 PM
Jul 2018
I liked episodes 1 and 2 a lot. But I cannot understand why anyone would genuinely think that this was a good episode. It was generic high fantasy expository BS. The elf girl is incredibly annoying. This was an all around mundane episode.

joe_g7 said:
Muzashi said:
I need you guys, who are desperately in love with this holy anime, tell me what's this scene trying to communicate?

I am an uncultured swine, struggling to find the meaning of life in this beautiful world of Goblin Slayer. Please, enlighten me.
I need you, Muzashi, who are desperately in love with the holy Gurren Lagann, to tell me, what is this scene trying to communicate?
Please, enlighten me.

Seriously, what is even the point of complaining about fanservice in anime? If you don't like fanservice, you might as well not watch anime.
removed-userOct 22, 2018 10:05 PM
Oct 22, 2018 11:39 PM

Oct 2017
joe_g7 said:
Muzashi said:
I need you guys, who are desperately in love with this holy anime, tell me what's this scene trying to communicate?

I am an uncultured swine, struggling to find the meaning of life in this beautiful world of Goblin Slayer. Please, enlighten me.
I need you, Muzashi, who are desperately in love with the holy Gurren Lagann, to tell me, what is this scene trying to communicate?
Please, enlighten me.
There's a guy explaining this in detail
Oct 23, 2018 4:35 AM

Nov 2014
Aaaand that's not how to start off a scene of a character that is supposed to be calm and mysterious (kinda?)... yeah no my immersion was already broken with the really inappropriate tit jiggle and a blouse that seems to be slipping further and further down every time they pan away.

Still though, the choice of having the camera angle spin with the smoking pipe was.... erm... cool, I guess? I don't know...

In any case, seems like we got our main cast and an objective for the goblin slayer. With a scene of them walking in formation into the sunset, of course!
BurningSpiritOct 23, 2018 4:41 AM
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Oct 23, 2018 7:38 AM

Dec 2015
HeroicIdealism said:
Seriously, what is even the point of complaining about fanservice in anime? If you don't like fanservice, you might as well not watch anime.
Heck, I can see people not liking fanservice when it comes to GS (like how some people didn't like the comedy in Drifters). I won't fault people if they have legitimate criticisms, BUT any monkey can intentionally pick a fanservice scene and complaining that it's not "DeEp EnOuGh".
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Oct 23, 2018 10:03 AM

Oct 2017
Why do this elf acts like she's a kid or something and then claimed she's 2000?

Am I suppose to believe she's 2000 with her lack of knowledge, lack of experience and very cheesy attitude?(She didn't even know what type of Goblins there are)
I thought Goblin Slayer aims for realism, so why make a 2000-year-old elf so unrealistic? She acts literally like a teeneger ~ young adult.

Did author write like this or is this a problem of the Animation studio?
Have the author read Lord of the Ring before? If they want to aim for realism, at least make the age believable with appropriate attitude.

Don't tell me she's naive because she only live in the forest.
In Goblin Slayer's world, according to the setting, the monsters invade villages/ cities frequently, and lots of villages and cities got destroyed. There's no way elf in this world would be naive if they live 2000 years already.
Ventus_SOct 23, 2018 10:10 AM
Oct 23, 2018 10:10 AM

Aug 2014
Ventus_S said:
Why do this elf acts like she's a kid or something and then claimed she's 2000?

Am I suppose to believe she's 2000 with her lack of knowledge, lack of experience and very cheesy attitude?(She didn't even know what type of Goblins there are)
I thought Goblin Slayer aims for realism, so why make a 2000-year-old elf so unrealistic? She acts literally like a teeneger ~ young adult.

Did author write like this or is this a problem of the Animation studio?
Have the author read Lord of the Ring before? If they want to aim for realism, at least make the age believable with appropriate attitude.

Don't tell me she's naive because she only live in the forest, in Goblin Slayer's world, according to the setting, the monsters invade villages/ cities frequently, and lots of villages and cities got destroyed. There's no way elf in this world would be naive if they live 2000 years already.

We talked about that before.High elves lives more than 10k years and they don't use to left their territories,
They are hostile against other races and cultures, so a 2000 years elf is a young elf that never left the forest. In fact, the dwarf mocks her for that very reason.

"You don't know these things because you never left the forest"
kofmasterOct 23, 2018 10:14 AM
Oct 23, 2018 10:14 AM

Oct 2017
kofmaster said:
Ventus_S said:
Why do this elf acts like she's a kid or something and then claimed she's 2000?

Am I suppose to believe she's 2000 with her lack of knowledge, lack of experience and very cheesy attitude?(She didn't even know what type of Goblins there are)
I thought Goblin Slayer aims for realism, so why make a 2000-year-old elf so unrealistic? She acts literally like a teeneger ~ young adult.

Did author write like this or is this a problem of the Animation studio?
Have the author read Lord of the Ring before? If they want to aim for realism, at least make the age believable with appropriate attitude.

Don't tell me she's naive because she only live in the forest, in Goblin Slayer's world, according to the setting, the monsters invade villages/ cities frequently, and lots of villages and cities got destroyed. There's no way elf in this world would be naive if they live 2000 years already.

We talked about that before.High elves lives more than 10k years and they don't use to left their territories,
They are hostile against other races and cultures, so a 2000 years elf is a young elf that never left the forest.

Seriously I hate some cheap Japanese light writing like this, tagging a 2k age on a loli vampire/ monster and then act all tsundere/ childish.
Can't they make the time they live more realistic?

Even if they only live in forest, they should kind of act differently after a certain age because they already seen the same things so long/ so many times.
They should be more calm/ indifferent.

I read some novels portraying much realistic 2000 age entities.
Lord of the Ring being one ofc.
Oct 23, 2018 10:19 AM

May 2018
Ventus_S said:
kofmaster said:

We talked about that before.High elves lives more than 10k years and they don't use to left their territories,
They are hostile against other races and cultures, so a 2000 years elf is a young elf that never left the forest.

Seriously I hate some cheap Japanese light writing like this, tagging a 2k age on a loli vampire/ monster and then act all tsundere/ childish.
Can't they make the time they live more realistic?

Even if they only live in forest, they should kind of act differently after a certain age because they already seen the same things so long/ so many times.
They should be more calm/ indifferent.

I read some novels portraying much realistic 2000 age entities.
Lord of the Ring being one ofc.

Did the mecha of gurren laganns look realistic to you?
Oct 23, 2018 10:28 AM
Mar 2018
It's always the same retarded excuse lmao. They live in the forest 10 000 years and have no idea what's going on in the world and hostile to everything and everyone without a reason.
Oct 23, 2018 10:28 AM

Aug 2014
I don't see the problem, Deedlit was like that in Lodoss and nobody complainedabout her childish attitude.

They don't care about what happens outside their forest unless they are in danger. There are exceptions but that's the general idea about high elves.
kofmasterOct 23, 2018 10:34 AM
Oct 23, 2018 10:32 AM

Oct 2017
Blue_Reaper said:
Ventus_S said:

Seriously I hate some cheap Japanese light writing like this, tagging a 2k age on a loli vampire/ monster and then act all tsundere/ childish.
Can't they make the time they live more realistic?

Even if they only live in forest, they should kind of act differently after a certain age because they already seen the same things so long/ so many times.
They should be more calm/ indifferent.

I read some novels portraying much realistic 2000 age entities.
Lord of the Ring being one ofc.

Did the mecha of gurren laganns look realistic to you?

Did Gurren Lagann aim for realism and gore?

Goblin Slayer is trying to portray a realistic dark fantasy world isn't it?
That's its whole selling point no? Or you're telling me the selling point is harem?
Ok, then that elf makes total sense now.

When a show is trying to be serious about its setting/ world building/ characters, then I'm going to expect serious and tight setting/ world building/ characters. Simple as that.

You won't see me arguing about a comedy world like Konosuba being unrealistic.
Ventus_SOct 23, 2018 10:38 AM
Oct 23, 2018 10:34 AM

Aug 2014
Ventus_S said:
Blue_Reaper said:

Did the mecha of gurren laganns look realistic to you?

Did Gurren Lagann aim for realism and gore?

Goblin Slayer is trying to portray a realistic dark fantasy world isn't it?
That's its whole selling point no? Or you're telling me the selling point is harem?
Ok, then that elf makes total sense now.

No, isn't. Goblin Slayer portray a D&D dark campaign, not a realistic fantasy world.
Oct 23, 2018 10:37 AM

May 2018
Ventus_S said:
Blue_Reaper said:

Did the mecha of gurren laganns look realistic to you?

Did Gurren Lagann aim for realism and gore?

Goblin Slayer is trying to portray a realistic fantasy world isn't it?

Goblin slayer is a satire for D&D. If this series really aims to be realistic, they wouldn’t use moe girls at all.
Just because it has rape, killing, and blood doesn’t mean it wants to be realistic, look at any trigger anime.
Oct 23, 2018 10:41 AM

Oct 2017
Blue_Reaper said:
Ventus_S said:

Did Gurren Lagann aim for realism and gore?

Goblin Slayer is trying to portray a realistic fantasy world isn't it?

Just because it has rape, killing, and blood doesn’t mean it wants to be realistic, look at any trigger anime.

That's why Darling in the Franxx suck bulls.
It's trying to be what it is not. Trying to be serious/ complex/ meaningful/ realistic post apocalyptic world with its own unique society, but then fail to live up to that seriousness.

Gurren Lagann never tried to be one of those, and maintain its tone throughout the whole show, that's why it succeeded.
We never expect Gurren Lagann to be realistic , and the show never give me the vibe it's going to be realistic.
Oct 23, 2018 10:54 AM

May 2018
Ventus_S said:
Blue_Reaper said:

Just because it has rape, killing, and blood doesn’t mean it wants to be realistic, look at any trigger anime.

That's why Darling in the Franxx suck bulls.
It's trying to be what it is not. Trying to be serious/ complex/ meaningful/ realistic post apocalyptic world with its own unique society, but then fail to live up to that seriousness.

Gurren Lagann never tried to be one of those, and maintain its tone throughout the whole show, that's why it succeeded.
We never expect Gurren Lagann to be realistic , and the show never give me the vibe it's going to be realistic.

Well, the main selling points of this anime is actually about a bloodthirsty guy at all~
You can even count the rape scene as fanservice, bc even without the rape, the MC is still have enough motivation to be autistic about goblin~
Oct 23, 2018 11:00 AM

Aug 2014
This discussion no longer makes sense, since it has already been clarified that Goblin Slayer does not attempt to portray a realistic world. Goblin Slayer tries to potray a D&D Campaign.
Even the main novel has this prologue:

There's no point arguing about Gurren Lagann or Franxx here.
Oct 23, 2018 11:02 AM

Apr 2015
Suddenly turned into Golden Kamuy for half an episode.

I'm with it, at least it wasn't bad.
Oct 23, 2018 11:04 AM

Nov 2013
Species with a longer lifespan tend to grow up slowly. So it is entirely possible for a 2000 year old High Elf to act like a teenager. Since she is, for the standards of her kind, still a teenager.
You're a louse, Roger Smith. - R. Dorothy Wayneright
This is my fight! No Senpai, this is our fight! - Kojou Akatsuki & Yukina Himeragi
Oct 23, 2018 1:43 PM

Apr 2015
Next episode: Goblin Slayer vs.
Oct 23, 2018 3:10 PM
Jul 2018
well, looks like there isnt gonna be much to look forward to in this anime anymore, first ep was okay, second was okay and 3rd was super boring. After what they did at ep1 i doubt they can surprise anyone anymore lol.
Oct 23, 2018 6:02 PM

Sep 2011
Maybe someone can answer me here. Maybe I'm hearing things but was that Aoi Yuuki doing the opening narration this episode?
Oct 23, 2018 10:06 PM

Oct 2008
The party is now complete! and now, onto Goblin slaying spree!!!

Oct 24, 2018 12:06 AM
May 2018
I thought this episode was pretty good, had some lighthearted moments and that final scene was pretty cool as well.

I’m hyped for the next episode.
Oct 24, 2018 1:00 AM

Jul 2016
Red_Ranger_Wien said:
Maybe someone can answer me here. Maybe I'm hearing things but was that Aoi Yuuki doing the opening narration this episode?

Yup. Kinda expect her to play other roles as well, maybe

Oct 24, 2018 8:20 AM

Oct 2017
matias067 said:
The party is now complete! and now, onto Goblin slaying spree!!!

Inb4 elf girl getting raped.
Otherwise what else should we look forward to on this show?
Oct 24, 2018 9:19 AM

Jan 2011
This shit is boring even with the "super-duper seriousness" of the first episode it was corny. Now we go treated to lame as fucking party babble. The lore is typical, the animation is ass and the talking in between kills me. I'll stick around because it might get better and I've sat through worse. Disclaimer: not a judgment against those who like this show. Don't mind me.
Oct 24, 2018 10:25 AM

Oct 2017
kofmaster said:
SNDT said:

pfff don't make me laught. It's 2000 years, TWO FUCKING THOUSAND years. No matter who you are, where you live it's impossible to have a mental age of a teenager after 2000 years of life experience

2000 is not too much for a High Elf, you can't judge by a human mindset.

Also... 2000 years of experience... living on a forest without contact with the outside world. High elves are famous for despising other cultures considered barbaric.

Seriously, just because something has a longer life span doesn't mean they don't learn shit and act like children for 2000 years.

This is just delusional.

Just because a higher being can live for 1 million years, they could be intelligent after a few hundred years. They don't have to act like baby because the world is constantly changing despite their age. Proportion of age means literally nothing.

Just because their life expectancy is 10k doesn't mean their 2k mental age is equivalent to a 12~20 year old human.(1/5 of human) This is bad writing and highly assumptious without any base of reality.

As far as know, most of those fantasy setting have elves having mind-set and intelligence equivalent to human even when they're 20. They don't function like retards/ babies until 2k age. They don't age after a certain point (pretty early actually), but they become mature / have mature body well when they're at 0.1% of their life expectancy. (They don't stay as baby for 100+ years, which is around 1-year-old according to age scale of 10k )

They have functional mind and ability to make judgement as young as when they're at 0.1% of their life expectancy , meaning the scale of their age does not scale like what you said. There's a gap of 1980 years that're not accounted for according to this ignorant elf.
Oct 24, 2018 10:34 AM

Aug 2014
in D&D elves lives around 700+ years.

In fact, there is a manga about that thing:

They can, but they just have no hurry to mature. Their psychic maturity is about the same for humans and elves. Anyways is not the same to be wise as to be mature.
A 20 years elf will not act like a baby, But the rest depends on the campaign. A 90 years elf can act like a 15 years girl in love.
kofmasterOct 24, 2018 12:08 PM
Oct 24, 2018 10:52 AM
Jul 2018
I'm indifferent about this, because I really love Yato and like Holo very much too. They are both very old, but also a little bit teasy and in Yato's case childish side. But I love them, because they have this completely different side to them as well. They have a set of mature and kinda cynical opinions and a more serious to even darker (for Yato) personality.

I would be disappointed, if the high elf will be childish fanservice and nothing more troughout the whole story. That would be unbelievable. Even if their life span is longer, they experience the same things in 20, 50+ years like a human.
Tho, maybe she actually does have a different side and will show it somewhere in the next episodes.
removed-userOct 24, 2018 10:56 AM
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