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The Seven Deadly Sins
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Mar 17, 2015 4:06 PM

Oct 2011
AWESOME !!!!!!!!!

Melodias vs Henderiks

NnT vs Hendericks

Gowather did he do something to Guila??? Dat white glare from his glasses???

Hawk is the voice of reason.


Everyone vs Henderiks next week
Mar 18, 2015 12:10 PM

Oct 2011
everyone likes to cut off arms in this anime
Mar 18, 2015 1:32 PM

Sep 2011
Ban is so stupid good thing hawk(awsome speech) put some sense into him. King man up(finally) and jericho is safe, it would be a waste if she die(awsome rack).

dryfus dead and eli hurt, meliodas going in.

All vs hen

Good ep, final fight start next week, i wonder what hendric going to pull cause he is outnumber/outclass.
Mar 19, 2015 8:34 AM

Nov 2011
For good or bad, the good guys always win, the thing that changes is the time it takes to knock out the bad guy.
Narrative engaging and enjoyable, thanks to the fact that some mysteries are revealed.
Drawings and animations in the media, but never as mediocre quality.
I wonder if they make a second season of this show.
Mar 19, 2015 9:49 AM
Jul 2018
Wow that was awesome, I loved all of it. Especially Taizai vs Hendy, next episode will be torture to wait for.

terrablu2003 said:
I wonder if they make a second season of this show.

They're going to adapt about 100 chapters this season give or take a few and the manga currently is at chapter 118 so if a second season does happen it's going to take a while, a couple of years maybe. The manga got a boost in sales in Japan with the anime airing so I really hope it gets a second season.
Mar 20, 2015 11:15 AM

Dec 2008
Both in the manga and in the anime, this is the chapter/episode that made me dislike Ban the most. It's so frustrating how easily he gets blinded.

I'm hoping they don't end up pulling a Claymore and making an entirely new ending in these last two episodes.
Mar 22, 2015 6:53 AM

Jul 2009
Very good episode, it was nice to see sins and knights fighting together against Hendrickson.
Mar 23, 2015 5:56 PM

Jun 2008
Damn you Ban. Stop playing innocent. I see where your hand is. Naked Jericho is quite nice and the first time she looks really like a girl.

Hmm..So Hendriksen is getting his ass kicked. Surely it can't be that easy. Anyway i don't know. I think i preferred him as he was before. He looked more cool and dangerous without that hair and the muscle look. Now he just looks like stupid villain of the day kind of thing.
MonadMar 23, 2015 5:59 PM
Apr 2, 2015 8:00 AM

May 2010
LMAO that casual Hendy. Ban is awesome.

It's Jaicho.

On a side note - Man Arslan no Senki has a really catchy song (I think it's going to be the OP)
Apr 24, 2015 2:12 PM
May 2012
I would have preferred a 1v1, but oh well.
Let's see how this will go!!
May 3, 2015 6:14 AM

May 2012
Oh boy that build up! Can't wait to see what's next!
Jun 5, 2015 4:24 AM
Oct 2013
while zoro willing to sacrifice himself in order to let his captain achieve his dream, Ban try to kill his captain for his own good.loyalty at its best. what an asshole.
Jun 7, 2015 1:39 AM

Mar 2013
Ok, so is there any explanation for why Hendrickson was able to kill Dreyfus the second time he used his rotting attack and not the first time? I mean, "if at first you don't succeed, try try again" or something like that?
Jul 24, 2015 3:25 AM

Jun 2015
Pfffff, this tension, itá going to kill me!
Aug 22, 2015 3:03 AM

Dec 2008
ITS HEATED UP!!! ANd the ending where Ban infinitely whips hendrickson...classic Ban lol
Oct 10, 2015 9:18 AM

Jul 2015
Super king Awesome Episode
EPIC Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic Epic
Nov 6, 2015 7:26 AM

Jan 2012
things are getting interesting again.

Nov 10, 2015 11:56 PM
Jun 2013
man alot of "please kill me" stuff in this episode. Also i bet they wish they knew about the way to save the infected knights before instead of killing have to kill no eyes father. wow hendrickson sure is getting his ass kicked.
souledge94Nov 11, 2015 12:01 AM
Dec 3, 2015 4:13 AM

Jul 2013
so it's gonna be All of them against Hendrickson? that's cliche but we'll see.

Just 2 more episodes before this ends.. I'm missing Hawk already :(
Dec 20, 2015 8:23 PM

Dec 2012
NO! Elizabeth! Why didn't you protect her plot armor?

Jericho shaves? Nice. But no nipples? Disappointed.

Do you see what happens when you don't notice your imouto's? That has to stop.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Feb 24, 2016 1:58 PM

Sep 2012
oh man, why did ban save jericho

i'm happy guila is fine though

and shiiiit how strong is "hendy"

man... dreyfus death was ridiculous
Mar 7, 2016 12:05 AM

Sep 2012
Great episode................
Mar 14, 2016 5:36 PM

Jul 2013
Hendricksen big boss.
Bye Dreyfus, one final redemption for you o7
Mar 23, 2016 11:24 PM

Oct 2012
Well a better episode I guess

"Jaicho da"
Inoue Marina-san never stop playing Boke xD
"Signature removed"
Apr 8, 2016 10:39 AM

Feb 2016
Anyone here know why Ban shows up with his sacred treasure? or that wasn't his treasure? just a normal nunchaku? but Ban Bruce Lee was epic lol
''Ask not the Sparrow, how the Eagle soars'' - Kiryūin Satsuki
Apr 13, 2016 9:44 PM

Mar 2014
Stranglehold of the Holy War . Breaking Boundaries .
The Bond Between True Friends . Admirable ~ .
"The Guiding Hand of Light and The Bloodline of Darkness ."
Last Testament and Last Breath .
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 22, 2016 5:23 PM

Oct 2008
finished watching episode 22 from [Chyuu]
too intense episode! Hendy really got totally smacked by some members of Nanatsu no Taizai! I wanna see full demon form of Meliodas!
The big Demon that was experimented was finally showed-up!

May 18, 2016 9:03 AM

Feb 2016
hendricks laugh was certainly the best part of this episode even if it was short.
Jun 2, 2016 9:06 PM

Jun 2013
What is with all the koibitos? Elaine looks young enough to be Ban's daughter considering he's in his forties or something but then again she's a fairy and probably older than time itself.

King was so annoying in this episode. He already knows that Helbram was dead and is hesitating to kill even even though he killed him before when he went on a rampage in that village. Talk about inconsistency.
Jul 10, 2016 11:30 AM

Apr 2013
So Ban really went full retard and tried to kill Meliodas because a voice told him to... unfavourited :P
The last two episodse will be Hendrickson vs the world, I like how this turned out tbh.
Jul 29, 2016 11:04 AM

Feb 2015
To think Hendricksen is able to stand up against the Deadly Sins. He's pretty powerful. I'm guessing he's going to use that demon corpse for one last power-up for the finale.
Oct 27, 2016 3:14 AM
Oct 2015
tsubasalover said:
He's honest while battling. Oh, so KajiKaji's character is really a majin, and is related to the one who killed FukuJun's character's sister. He is allowing Suzuki-san's character to kill him, but not until the princess is saved.

Many battles are going on including the main culprit vs. his friend. Inoue-san's character finally met her brother (the character in chibi part in previous ep.), but the monster on her hurt him. Wow! KajiKaji's character sleeps and his sword doesn't fall down!

It took a while for FukuJun's character to decide to release his friend again. It seems like KajiKaji's character cured quickly with that majin power and fighting that culprit with anger. 7 sins fighting to release the majin from those holy knights left the job to belated returned holy knights and went to help KajiKaji's character. They found the majin while battle.

Chibi part with Inoue-san's character.

Two more eps.

WHO THE F*CK is KajiKaji /Suzuki/FukuJun? can you just name them base on the manga/anime ALONE? im actually TRIGERRED by you man!
Nov 4, 2016 9:14 PM

Sep 2015
At least Ban didn't kill the captain before he can save Elizabeth.
I feel like she will live. Poor Helbram getting back into this mess again. Gj Ban Jericho lives because of you.
Rip Dreyfus you died trying to make up for your sin 😭👍
Mar 1, 2017 2:03 PM

Dec 2016
Can't wait to see Hendrickson get fucked up!!
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Apr 17, 2017 6:40 PM

May 2015
Glad Hawk broke the 4 wall with Ban... in this case he was saying what I posted in last episode and what I was still thinking in this episode about Elaine not be happy with the method he has chosen to bring her back. Talking about Ban, at 14:20 minute mark watch what Ban does at the bottom of the screen... *drops* XD

Well time to kick some @$$, next chapter here I go!
Jul 23, 2017 7:23 AM

Feb 2016
We have an entire season where the heroes get thrashed, whether they are holding back or not is mute, to the point where they are on the ground unconscious and their friends are kidnapped... So many times Meliodas could've overwhelmed his enemy while being in control yet he needed to be carried away by Hawk or someone.

Now suddenly, they are overpowered super holy knights, and kicking a half demon-druid effortlessly... Come on, explain this madness.

I don't particularly like or dislike overpowered characters, I just don't understand how, through no character development or growth in general they are suddenly finding themselves kicking ass.
Nothing can happen until you swing the bat.
Sep 25, 2017 4:17 PM
Jun 2017
LloydDragneel said:
tsubasalover said:
He's honest while battling. Oh, so KajiKaji's character is really a majin, and is related to the one who killed FukuJun's character's sister. He is allowing Suzuki-san's character to kill him, but not until the princess is saved.

Many battles are going on including the main culprit vs. his friend. Inoue-san's character finally met her brother (the character in chibi part in previous ep.), but the monster on her hurt him. Wow! KajiKaji's character sleeps and his sword doesn't fall down!

It took a while for FukuJun's character to decide to release his friend again. It seems like KajiKaji's character cured quickly with that majin power and fighting that culprit with anger. 7 sins fighting to release the majin from those holy knights left the job to belated returned holy knights and went to help KajiKaji's character. They found the majin while battle.

Chibi part with Inoue-san's character.

Two more eps.

WHO THE F*CK is KajiKaji /Suzuki/FukuJun? can you just name them base on the manga/anime ALONE? im actually TRIGERRED by you man!

He's just an idiot... Or a presumptuos idiot...
Dec 26, 2017 12:40 AM

Jun 2016
If Ban continues with his weird obsession reviving his precious loli, I s2g he'll be included in the list of my most hated anime characters. -_- I understand if he fell in love with someone as interesting as Diane, but she's fucking not. She's just a random fairy who he spent time with for a week. Lmfao. My blood is boiling. Jesus fucking Christ.

Almost forgot that Helbram really was killed by King back then and was revived by Hendrickson. What an asshole. At least, Helbram passed on as himself. RIP HELBRAM!

Dreyfus died after being melted by Hendrickson. Ugh. RIP DREYFUS. You tried to redeem yourself and Elizabeth witnessed it. RIP!

SEVEN DEADLY SINS VS HENDRICKSON? Alright. And I wonder what that demon is, though I have a hunch that it's the Demon he got his powers from. Lmfao.

I hope Jericho's big brother is still alive. Jesus. Cut the girl some slack. Haha.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Mar 5, 2018 12:59 PM

Dec 2009
The creature that killed Elaine? WTF

Hendrickson vs everyone, and I feel like Hendrickson is actually going to hold his own.

5 of the sins together in that shot was awesome. Can't wait for the shot of all 7
Mar 17, 2018 2:31 PM

May 2016
I really love Ban's attitude " Hendy where did you get that" and savagely beating the shit out of Henriksen.
May 24, 2018 4:57 AM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
I like how Ban screams like Bruce Lee when he's fighting using his weapon. Good thing Ban understands the situation after Meliodas convinced him to settle their problems for later. He redeemed himself from slowing down Meliodas for a moment though, by healing Gil and Diane and also by smacking Hendricksen rapidly.

Now... The kingdom shall see for themselves that the 7 Deadly Sins are not what they have been told to believe. They're the one and true savior of the kingdom from the heinous plot that Hendricksen are committing! I really love how the Sins and the holy knights ended up working together to defeat their common enemy... It's time for the Sins to beat the hell out of Hendricksen's body! (Literally)

Alright, the 1 VS1 fight between Meliodas and Hendricksen was freaking intense. It's short but it sure as hell gave me the goosebumps! With those quick animations alongside those fitting OST, that fight was excellent!
ShadowkillZMay 24, 2018 5:01 AM
Oct 3, 2018 8:14 PM

Sep 2011
A little forced the way that Ban discovered about the Demon's corpse.

The battle was amazing, I loved the way that Hendricksen regenerate.

I'm sure that the woman voice tricked Ban. I even doubt that was really a goddess.

For a moment I really thought that Jericho was going to die. Fortunately everything turned out okay. Well, with the exception of Dreyfus.
Mar 9, 2019 7:32 PM

Jun 2015
im doubtful that the "goddess" ban saw is even a goddess at all honestly, just someone who wanted melodias's death for their own benefit.
hendrickson better get screwed up
Mar 14, 2019 10:43 AM
Aug 2018
anyone saw how Ban just dropped Jericho on the ground? 😭😂
Mar 22, 2020 5:40 PM

Mar 2019
Damn,this episode carries on from the last episode.I'm happy Ban and Capt'n are alright with each other,but that day will come.It was soo funny and bad-ass at the same time when Meliodas gave Hendrickson advices about the devil's power like he was his teacher.Same for the scene where Hendrick. said something about being honored to fight against "all" the Nanatsu no Taizai at the same time.How all 5 were just staying there(Ah,orgasmm).Even more for Ban!
Come on man,where is that Noragami season 3 masterpiece.We want it, Bones!

Apr 6, 2020 7:39 AM

May 2018
Selfish Ban lol. At least we'll see a great fight between Meliodas and Ban after this :D
Jul 18, 2021 11:16 PM
Aug 2020
King already killed Helbram twice yet couldn't kill his undead body...
Jan 1, 2023 3:29 PM

Mar 2010
That pig is the ream MC. The oats are calling.

Behold of my awesomeness~
controversial and/or sensitive topics likely devolve into the same repetitive, derogatory, abusive, and harassing comments can no longer be posted.
But my feels.
Jul 19, 2023 6:35 AM
Apr 2023
Seeing every single thing being resolved and Hendrickson almost defeated is so satisfying. And Ban just yeeting Gilthunder was very funny.
Jan 21, 2024 9:49 PM

Sep 2023
"There is no turning back now that you've woken up the demon... IN ME!"

Disturbed's Down With the Sickness really fits this show quite well. 👌

Ahhh man I feel so badly for King. He's steadily on the path to becoming my favorite character. I empathize with his emotional turmoil so much. I'm a sap 😭
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