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May 10, 2018 4:34 AM
Feb 2015
Tsarko said:
hawktr said:
I didnt get it!
How come i watched all the fate series in the universe and i dont get a lot things?

Spoiler from here .....

People say saber crippled archer because shiro didnt use command spell on him in that movie... How come u know that ? Vn ?
So archer was absent all the movie because he is injured ?

Nearly everbody came back after death ?
Rider come back ? How the fuck
Caster died came back as a corpes with old man. It is okay though.
so saber will come back ? Saber died !!!? wtf

How the hell there can be 2 assasins ? Caster said smthg like the real assasin.. And she set him free by using rulebreaker ? How come then that assasin bound with motou? Where did that second assasin (Hassan i think) come from if caster summoned the other asssasin and why it is bound to caster ?
I dont get the whole assasins plot there...

Not asking about that shadow thing.. Probably it will spoil the other movies but does it have a connection with assasin. He always fights with it or lure people to it...

And what is with that tofu scene i dont get it?
Somebody please enlighthen me..

I will try to explain for assassin. I may be wrong tho.
First Assassin, Sasaki Kojirou, never existed in history and shouldn't have been summoned but Caster is a unique mage so she was able to summon a servant. But because she is a servant she was only able to summon a fake assassin but fake assassin is enough for Grail War to start. Because there is a fake assassin, true assassin can still be summoned. And then fake assassin's body is used as a catalyst for summoning the true assassin. And as for why she used the rule breaker, I guess because true assassin was summoned from Sasaki's body he is was bound to Caster. After that true assassin made contract with Zouken. I think this is the most I can tell without spoiling.

Oh thank you for the explanation :)
May 10, 2018 6:41 AM

Jun 2016
When Archer said hes putting his personal buisness to the side is that a reference to the UBW route?

ive only watch zero and ubw so I have an idea of what was going on but a few plot points confused me, like that black and red thing, but im guessing all this will become clear in sequels?

May 10, 2018 7:14 AM
Jun 2016
This movie is really different compared to the other routes. A lot of plot twists and story changes. It was also intense and dark. Although, im still a Rin fan, the Shirou and Sakura pairing is interesting and beautiful. It shows that she will play a big role in the later movies. The action and animation were great as expected from ufotable. Im terribly waiting for lost butterfly but this is fine as of now, wouldn't want this amazing series to end right away!
May 10, 2018 7:23 AM

Jun 2015
This is how a real assassin look like. damn rip our Cu bro.
May 10, 2018 7:49 AM
Oct 2014
UchihaKz said:
When Archer said hes putting his personal buisness to the side is that a reference to the UBW route?

ive only watch zero and ubw so I have an idea of what was going on but a few plot points confused me, like that black and red thing, but im guessing all this will become clear in sequels?


Yes, to both of those.
May 10, 2018 11:00 AM

Feb 2015
-Riptide- said:

The real question though is, who did it better?

The one without worms
May 10, 2018 12:34 PM

Mar 2016
UchihaKz said:
When Archer said hes putting his personal buisness to the side is that a reference to the UBW route?

ive only watch zero and ubw so I have an idea of what was going on but a few plot points confused me, like that black and red thing, but im guessing all this will become clear in sequels?

there's already been quite a bit of hints being dropped as to what it is, but it's one of those "oh yeah" things that look obvious in hindsight like archer's identity
"I like young-girl sexual creations, Lolicon is just one hobby of my many hobbies," he says.
I ask what his wife, standing nearby, thinks of his "hobby".
"She probably thinks no problem," he replies. "Because she loves young boys sexually interacting with each other."
May 10, 2018 1:16 PM
Jul 2007
Loved the gore and edginess in this... they didn't hold back on that in some parts. I got garden of sinners vibes. I'm used to seeing the slow pace fights so this was a nice change of pace. Definitely amazing to finally see this animated... it's the darkest route.
May 10, 2018 3:36 PM

May 2015
Wow "true assassin" does not waste time. He is on rampage.

Rin is still best girl. ;)

Way darker and better than UBW. 10/10.
"The future is always blank. Only your willpower can leave footsteps there."

"Ruling over death means ruling over life. Death is the climax of life. To have the best death, you must honor life."
May 10, 2018 6:52 PM

Oct 2013
Loved the fights as always, felt like I was missing out sometimes though since I didn't
read the VN, but I think I kinda get the idea on most of the events that happened.

Here's a toast to another long wait for the second movie to come out with a blu-ray version.
May 10, 2018 7:18 PM

Nov 2015
F**king amazing movie. If the rest are as good or better than this. It could surpass Fate/zero. I really like the darker tone this movie took. Makes for more jaw dropping moments.Also it's quite interesting how the Assassin from F/Z was so weak, but this one is pretty strong. Of course he had help from that "thing". Seeing him beat Cu left me depressed. I really liked the approach of this movie. You can tell it's for the fate fans who have watched the previous shows. Which wastes less time on stuff we already know. Not to mention, in this movie. A lot of stuff is hidden and a mystery to us, compared to UBW. Such as that black creature that eats servants and people's motives. I really like that sort of story telling.

The CG was amazing especially during the cu vs true assassin fight. Ufotable can't let anyone down can they. Simply put, the action was amazing and done to such a fine detail. And... Poor Saiba. I wonder what her plans are for the next 2 movies.

Katsura janai, Zura da

May 10, 2018 7:35 PM
Jul 2007
glassknuckles said:

I think they did that for a lot of reasons: We already experienced "losing" her in UBW and in other routes, and in this movie we're constantly reminded of her failure/loss in Fate Zero by the music in this movie. So in the end, it would feel like "we've seen this already" and rehashed. Also, introducing that side of her raises more interest in the sequel rather than keeping people in the dark. They won't risk losing interest from Saber fans, and people riding the saber or fate zero train will definitely want to see what happens in the next chapter. But i do agree, complete despair could have worked too and is epic, but like I said, we've experienced it already with her from other timelines.
May 10, 2018 7:58 PM

Apr 2015
So the assassin with the samurai is what? a fake assassin? Also I know Rider is an important character here but how is she alive again? and saber is dead? no way! good movie though.. super stoked for the part 2
May 10, 2018 8:30 PM

Jul 2012
Thank you Ufotable, now for the next 6 months any action scene that I watch is gonna look like hot garbage to me, why do you keep doing this to me, god damn it.

On a serious note tho, really satisfied with the movie, probably because I'm totally biased towards Heaven's Feel, looking forward to Angra Mainyu...
May 10, 2018 8:43 PM

Apr 2012
Psychedelios said:
So the assassin with the samurai is what? a fake assassin? Also I know Rider is an important character here but how is she alive again? and saber is dead? no way! good movie though.. super stoked for the part 2

Yes, if you saw UBW, you may recall that Kojirou was summoned by Caster who broke the rules to do it. Normally, every Assassin summoned has to be one of the Hassans, leaders of the original group that gave rise to the word "assassin". Rider never died, she was pretty clearly alive and just materialized to heal.

And yes, she was much stronger in the end scene, it's not plot armor or anything like that, in the visual novel Shirou even commented that she was defeated in one blow by Saber so she should be no match, only to be surprised by how strong Rider was. Part of the mystery is why.
May 10, 2018 8:50 PM

May 2017
Ahhh i have finally seen it after waiting half a year for the blu-ray release

Things i liked -

Animation - Magnificent. It was almost perfect for my taste. I loved the dynamic and the high frame shots so much. Only fight scene i didn't like as much was the introduction between lancer and assassin when they were fighting on the cars (too much cgi). But the scene in the waters after that was just amazing. I wish ufotable would tone down the digital production a little and use more classic hand-drawn animation. They switched between cgi water and hand drawn water quite a lot during the fight. I always had an orgasm when i saw hand drawn water its just so much better.

Music - The emotional ost's or the normal ost's in general were pretty good. Wasn't the biggest fan of the combat ost's though.

Background art - Wow just wow. Subarashi.

Characters - Assassin is a fucking savage, how he ripped out and ate lancer's heart was insane. (seriously that fight was thrilling and had me on the edge of my seat, little bummed that we didn't get to see the full gaebolg)


Things i didn't like as much

The sound effects were a little over the top in some of the battle scenes but nothing huge. (im very sensitive to that)

I don't like that i have to wait another year now just to see how the story continues i haaate it ahh.. The 2nd movie is set to release in 2018. Pretty sure its going to release in Fall which pretty much means that i won't be able to see it until Spring 2019 when the blu-ray releases. And the same thing will happen to the 3rd movie.

I think the character art of ufotable is a little too smooth for my taste. I don't know why that is, maybe the lack of detail? not sure, its only a minor issue really, nothing big.

The combat scenes were too short for my taste. Especially Saber vs. Berserker was way too short. Lancer vs. Assassin had a reasonable length but then again i didn't enjoy the first part of the fight much, so the length wasn't really of much use in that case.

Overall 8/10 for me. Excited for the second movie which i will be watching in a fucking year lol.

Edit after rewatching - So I rewatched this after rewatching/completing fate/zero and that made this movie tenfold better. Knowing about all the background storys and the history of all the characters made this so so much better. I can't believe I said that I didn't like the battle OST as much. They were freaking insane. And the battles definitely weren't too short. Everything had balance, the story was moving at a very enjoyable pace. I also changed my opinion about ufotable's art/compositing. I thought it would be too smooth for my taste but now I just love everything about it. Movie went from a solid 8 to a strong 9. I never thought I would like something more after re-watching it.

I'll be seeing the second movie in the theaters tomorrow. So hyped.
shayed__Jan 26, 2019 1:14 AM
May 10, 2018 9:30 PM

Aug 2015
superzombie23 said:

That's fair enough.
OrangeMelon said:

The one without worms

May 10, 2018 11:29 PM

Jan 2017
superzombie23 said:
glassknuckles said:

I think they did that for a lot of reasons: We already experienced "losing" her in UBW and in other routes, and in this movie we're constantly reminded of her failure/loss in Fate Zero by the music in this movie. So in the end, it would feel like "we've seen this already" and rehashed. Also, introducing that side of her raises more interest in the sequel rather than keeping people in the dark. They won't risk losing interest from Saber fans, and people riding the saber or fate zero train will definitely want to see what happens in the next chapter. But i do agree, complete despair could have worked too and is epic, but like I said, we've experienced it already with her from other timelines.

Not really since we had something to save in UBW. But in this case, there is no hope whatsoever. Also there's a strong lack of Rin and Shirou alliance that was there in UBW. Its only a ceasefire here. You'll understand more when you watch the next part.
May 10, 2018 11:35 PM

Feb 2014
Is this the true successor to Zero?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 10, 2018 11:36 PM

Jan 2009
dasprn said:
Is this the true successor to Zero?

at least i think so
May 10, 2018 11:44 PM

Feb 2014
deg said:
dasprn said:
Is this the true successor to Zero?

at least i think so

Is it because it explains unanswered plots?
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 11, 2018 12:16 AM

Jan 2017
dasprn said:
deg said:

at least i think so

Is it because it explains unanswered plots?

Yes and also because certain other things happen that give answers to many of the questions. I wonder how ufotable will adapt the H-scenes in this route, since there is no way they could sidestep it because of the nature of the story. Well we could expect some action since this is a movie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
May 11, 2018 1:12 AM

Feb 2014
YourBoyKenny said:
dasprn said:

Is it because it explains unanswered plots?

Yes and also because certain other things happen that give answers to many of the questions. I wonder how ufotable will adapt the H-scenes in this route, since there is no way they could sidestep it because of the nature of the story. Well we could expect some action since this is a movie ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Well Thanks!
You're a man of culture as well XD
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

May 11, 2018 2:20 AM

Nov 2013
> 2018
> True FZ sequel meme is still alive

Mfw. Moving on.

Good movie. If you read the VN and knew what was going on, that is. I really loved the attention to detail here, and omg was that subtlety in a FSN Ufo adaptation?? No way!
May 11, 2018 6:29 AM

Jan 2017
I absolutely hate to use the word 'secondaries' and sound like a VN elitist or smth but when people state that ''Just ignore Fate and UBW route HF is the true sequel lul'' I just can't help it.I mean you might not like the other 2 routes that's fine but you cannot think of Fate stay night without mentioning 3 routes all together.You would understand if you had read the VN.All 3 routes complement one another as in each of them containing pieces of the same puzzle you cannot complete the puzzle without putting pieces all together.Each route revealing different plot element , giving different characters development and spotlight they deserve etc. When people scream muh plot hole duh plot hole (something that was revealed or explained in other 2 routes) watching half-assed adaptations or worse not even bother to watch them and yet still complain or ask millions of questions...I mean I get it.It's partially fault that there mostly being half-assed adaptations to begin with and obviously not everyone is going to or even want to read the VN.I'm just saying that FSN is all 3 routes combined and not just 'the true sequel' HF.I'd also say the all mighty Fate Zero is meant for people who know the full context of FSN.

That being said this movie is far from being a perfect adaptation of the source material.VN adaptations in general are very hard to handle.Because the story is simply meant to told in that medium and compared to manga adaptations they don't work out as nicely in anime mostly because of their length.Though adaptation wise it's not complete is still a great movie.They need to include Illya scenes in the second movie and more dialogue between Zouken and assassin to understand why he acknowledged him as his master as easily.I hope the 2nd movie will be out soon so we don't have to wait for a year and a half.
May 11, 2018 7:01 AM

Jul 2016
Boring, I couldn't stop yawning for the first 1 and half hour.
UBW is way far more interesting than this one in term of plot and character development of the main characters.
So, being normal makes you happy?
Does being normal guarantee happiness?
- Ritsuro (I Shall Never Return) -
May 11, 2018 7:46 AM
Jul 2018
Dhiafn said:
Boring, I couldn't stop yawning for the first 1 and half hour.
UBW is way far more interesting than this one in term of plot and character development of the main characters.
you better go to sleep
May 11, 2018 1:46 PM

Mar 2014
hawktr said:
I didnt get it!
How come i watched all the fate series in the universe and i dont get a lot things?

This is fate, I watched all the animes except for Deen studios' and I still can't get a thing about the Holy Grail system lol
May 11, 2018 2:04 PM

Nov 2013
EtoileSosso said:
hawktr said:
I didnt get it!
How come i watched all the fate series in the universe and i dont get a lot things?

This is fate, I watched all the animes except for Deen studios' and I still can't get a thing about the Holy Grail system lol
I really hope this is an exaggeration, because as terrible as the adaptations are at exposition, if there's one thing they got right then it's the holy grail war rules. And they did it at least 5 times too, so no excuses.
May 11, 2018 2:55 PM
Jun 2016
Did the VN showed Sasaki kiujirou vs true assasin? I wanna see that
May 11, 2018 3:05 PM
Oct 2011
Kokorowagurasu said:
Did the VN showed Sasaki kiujirou vs true assasin? I wanna see that

Nah. True Assassin was born from inside Kojirou. There was no Battle. Kojirou was eaten from inside.
May 11, 2018 7:50 PM
Jun 2015
Valaskjalf said:
Sakura is still as useless and annoying as ever I see.

Is this bait?
If it is, you got me.
If not, can't wait to see you eat your own words when movie 2 and 3 come out.
May 11, 2018 8:04 PM

Apr 2011
Alter_A said:
Valaskjalf said:
Sakura is still as useless and annoying as ever I see.

Is this bait?
If it is, you got me.
If not, can't wait to see you eat your own words when movie 2 and 3 come out.

Maybe, but she's still an irrelevant character in movie 1, and every single other fate stay night adaptation
May 11, 2018 10:19 PM

Dec 2007
Finally able to watch it. FU ufotable for not releasing it in the cinemas in the UK. It's been a while since I read the VN so it doesn't seem like they skipped much which is good. They made a few location changes but overall great movie and great adaptation! They should have extended the mabo tofu scene a little longer though. It wasn't enough to show off Kirei's struggle lol.

hawktr said:
People say saber crippled archer because shiro didnt use command spell on him in that movie... How come u know that ? Vn ?
So archer was absent all the movie because he is injured ?

This was shown in DEEN's anime adaption. They also showed in this movie a flash back clip during the music intro to reinforce that fact. Check the music intro again. It was only in the UBW route that Shirou stopped Saber from injuring Archer.

hawktr said:
so saber will come back ? Saber died !!!? wtf

Not asking about that shadow thing.. Probably it will spoil the other movies but does it have a connection with assasin. He always fights with it or lure people to it...

You will find these out in the next two movies. A lot of other stuff isn't explained yet which will be explained in the up coming movies. Relax for now :)
May 11, 2018 10:42 PM
Jul 2007
YourBoyKenny said:
superzombie23 said:

I think they did that for a lot of reasons: We already experienced "losing" her in UBW and in other routes, and in this movie we're constantly reminded of her failure/loss in Fate Zero by the music in this movie. So in the end, it would feel like "we've seen this already" and rehashed. Also, introducing that side of her raises more interest in the sequel rather than keeping people in the dark. They won't risk losing interest from Saber fans, and people riding the saber or fate zero train will definitely want to see what happens in the next chapter. But i do agree, complete despair could have worked too and is epic, but like I said, we've experienced it already with her from other timelines.

Not really since we had something to save in UBW. But in this case, there is no hope whatsoever. Also there's a strong lack of Rin and Shirou alliance that was there in UBW. Its only a ceasefire here. You'll understand more when you watch the next part.

I'm referring to how they ended it with the cliffhanger in UBW first cour. I've read the VN so I know what happens if you were implying I didn't with the "you'll understand more". :P But anyways, comparing the cliffhanger of this movie and cliffhanger of UBW first cour... you get my point. They want to emphasize Sakura more and instill different kinds of emotions that we haven't felt in other routes.
eraltergMay 11, 2018 10:47 PM
May 11, 2018 10:48 PM
Jan 2015
Valaskjalf said:
Alter_A said:

Is this bait?
If it is, you got me.
If not, can't wait to see you eat your own words when movie 2 and 3 come out.

Maybe, but she's still an irrelevant character in movie 1, and every single other fate stay night adaptation
Irrelevant in the movie? You must not have paid attention to anything at all.
My Queens

May 11, 2018 10:51 PM
Oct 2014
Alter_A said:
Valaskjalf said:
Sakura is still as useless and annoying as ever I see.

Is this bait?
If it is, you got me.
If not, can't wait to see you eat your own words when movie 2 and 3 come out.

He's not going to eat them because most of her screen time has been cut.
May 12, 2018 1:42 AM

Mar 2014
Botato said:
EtoileSosso said:

This is fate, I watched all the animes except for Deen studios' and I still can't get a thing about the Holy Grail system lol
I really hope this is an exaggeration, because as terrible as the adaptations are at exposition, if there's one thing they got right then it's the holy grail war rules. And they did it at least 5 times too, so no excuses.

Never said I never understood the Holy Grail rules though(7 Master who each have a Servant to kill each other..) . If I have to give an exemple then it's just that I never understood the thing with the corrupted Holy Grail from F/Z or what Angra Manyu is supposed to be.
May 12, 2018 2:14 AM

Aug 2009
EtoileSosso said:
Botato said:
I really hope this is an exaggeration, because as terrible as the adaptations are at exposition, if there's one thing they got right then it's the holy grail war rules. And they did it at least 5 times too, so no excuses.

Never said I never understood the Holy Grail rules though(7 Master who each have a Servant to kill each other..) . If I have to give an exemple then it's just that I never understood the thing with the corrupted Holy Grail from F/Z or what Angra Manyu is supposed to be.
That's because no route that was animated so far had an explanation for it.

Heaven's Feel is the route that explained the history of teh war and how it was corrupted.And that wont be shown till probably the 3rd movie.

Also a reason why FZ is a mess without HF.
May 12, 2018 2:25 AM
Oct 2014
EtoileSosso said:
Botato said:
I really hope this is an exaggeration, because as terrible as the adaptations are at exposition, if there's one thing they got right then it's the holy grail war rules. And they did it at least 5 times too, so no excuses.

Never said I never understood the Holy Grail rules though(7 Master who each have a Servant to kill each other..) . If I have to give an exemple then it's just that I never understood the thing with the corrupted Holy Grail from F/Z or what Angra Manyu is supposed to be.

The upcoming movies will explain it, unless ufotable skips the explanation.

If you have other questions, just ask the fans, they're used to doing the anime's job and explaining things.
May 12, 2018 2:48 AM

Jan 2017
superzombie23 said:
YourBoyKenny said:

Not really since we had something to save in UBW. But in this case, there is no hope whatsoever. Also there's a strong lack of Rin and Shirou alliance that was there in UBW. Its only a ceasefire here. You'll understand more when you watch the next part.

I'm referring to how they ended it with the cliffhanger in UBW first cour. I've read the VN so I know what happens if you were implying I didn't with the "you'll understand more". :P But anyways, comparing the cliffhanger of this movie and cliffhanger of UBW first cour... you get my point. They want to emphasize Sakura more and instill different kinds of emotions that we haven't felt in other routes.

Oh I guess I misunderstood what you were trying to imply then because I completely agree with you on the comparison and the feelings part.
May 12, 2018 3:09 AM
Jan 2016
Sakura haters gonna het.
Rider is one of my favourite servants but seeing her get utterly rekt by Saber was still fun.
Shinji is still an asshat.
Action was great, i love how they adapted the True Assassin.
Aimer in the credits - +1 instantly, i love her.
May 12, 2018 3:18 AM

Jan 2017
DanteRU0312 said:
Sakura haters gonna het.
Rider is one of my favourite servants but seeing her get utterly rekt by Saber was still fun.
Shinji is still an asshat.
Action was great, i love how they adapted the True Assassin.
Aimer in the credits - +1 instantly, i love her.

Well said except the Shinji part. He got a lot more characterization in the movie, I mean he is still a scumbag but he is not one-dimensional like previously thought.
May 12, 2018 4:38 AM

Aug 2017
I like how good written this movie is.

*It's more gore than the other Fate.

*Kotomine feels more like an ally xD. Lol that lunch scene.

*Lancer is dead!!

*I was thinking that we have to pass AGAIN the scene with Lancer attacking Shirou, Rin and Archer, and Shirou summoning Saber. Thanks that all happened pretty fast.

*I hated Sakura when i watched the original Fate, she was really annoying. Surprisingly she is more nice in his route. SEMPAIIII.

*Assassin seems to be too OP. He defeated Lancer, Caster, Saber and the other Assasin. Something is not ok!!

*How Rider come back?

*Comedy 10/10.

*The beginning give you the proper time to establish a relation between Sakura and Shirou. So this route exist only if Shirou decides to talk to Sakura more and not split in the fight between Saber and Archer like Fate and UWB. Hmm, good point.

*The animation is godlike. Lancer-Assassin was my favourite fight in the entire movie. Music is decent.

*Zouken as main antagonist is threatening. He is the master of Assasin and wants to do something with the Grial. Creppy Shadow!! Rider as main servant? Cool.

*The pacing is great.

Overall, it was a very good movie. It feels more like a true sequel of Zero. 8/10

NurguburuMay 12, 2018 4:48 AM
BANZAI NIPPON. Nippon is the Land of freedom. Nippon is the Land of Peace. Nippon is the Land of Justice and Prosperity.

In Nippon, we trust.

We love Nippon, we love Anime. Anime love us, Nippon love us. 日本
May 12, 2018 5:09 AM

Jul 2016
Botato said:
> 2018
> True FZ sequel meme is still alive

Mfw. Moving on.

Good movie. If you read the VN and knew what was going on, that is. I really loved the attention to detail here, and omg was that subtlety in a FSN Ufo adaptation?? No way!

Yeah, I think that kind of mindset shouldn't be like that, right. Cause in the first place, F/Z light novel is made after F/SN visual novel, so it should be F/Z became as it is because of the whole F/SN VN. All routes had their fair share of influenced in the creation of F/Z, not just because of HF route.
May 12, 2018 5:14 AM

Apr 2016
Great surprise and better that i could imagine!!!
May 12, 2018 5:14 AM
Oct 2014
Nurguburu said:
*Assassin seems to be too OP. He defeated Lancer, Caster, Saber and the other Assasin. Something is not ok!!

Not really, Kirei says that Assassin class servants don't have high combat skills, and that it would be impossible for Lancer to lose in a normal battle.

You can see Assassin taking advantage of the shadow in his fight against Lancer and Saber, luring them into a trap and then using his Noble Phantasm when they have to deal with two opponents all of a sudden.

For Caster, he had taken her master as a hostage and was super close to her. and for Kojiro, he came out of his corpse, so that wasn't even a fight.
Nurguburu said:
*How Rider come back?

She didn't die after the fight with Shinji, but was low on magical energy and went into spirit form.
May 12, 2018 5:26 AM
Aug 2015
Story 9/10
Characters far more expressive than UBW 9/10
Animation 10/10
Art wish the character designs were a bit more detailed but that’s a non-issue 9/10
The OST for this movie was so god damn good, it’s a shame that it’s not available on Spotify or Apple Music. 10/10
This is the first time in a very long time that I’ve enjoyed a movie this much animated/live action. For me this was an instant 10/10.
May 12, 2018 5:55 AM

Jul 2017
This is what I was waiting for!
BlackReaper__Dec 30, 2018 1:11 PM
May 12, 2018 6:15 AM

Oct 2017
Story is probably by far the weakest part of the whole movie.

The pacing is so off, seems like just moving on one event to another without considering the connection and transition.

There're some shock factor of each events because of gore , but it is not a really good way of telling the story. It looks like I'm watching the visual novel instead of an anime, which I'm just going over events one by one.
The difference is I can finish the visual novel at my own pacing, where as this movie only showcase 1/3 of the plot which still hasn't make any sense yet because it's just 1/3 of the events happening right now, making the story a mumble jumble right now where the movie is ended.

Also you HAVE to watch UBW first in order to make any sense of this movie.

Also the plot armor/ plot convenience of Shirou in this movie is as strong as the one in UBW, which annoys me to no end when I watch it too.
The transition between the light-hearted daily life and gore and then back to light-hearted daily life is quite immersion breaking too.

The use of music in this movie is also weird/ lackluster, with 70% silent part with no music, and then just insert music in when event happens, instead of naturally bland in music to accompany or build up the situation. Also none of the tracks are that memorable to me.

This movie probably would be much better for people who finished the original FSN game. Since I didn't play the game, it is really not good of a movie to me right now, with very weak beginning and ending.

If not for the absolutely gorgeous animation , art, and expressive characters, this movie wouldn't even get pass a 6 for me. But thanks to it, I can give it a low 7 at least.

Ventus_SMay 12, 2018 6:31 AM
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