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Sword Art Online Alternative Gun Gale Online (light novel)
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Apr 7, 2018 10:04 PM

Sep 2015
Alright, I'm going to address the two most commonly mentioned topics because goddamn it is getting a bit irritating. I talked to someone in ep1 discussion, and noticed this being brought up. This isn't targeted at the person but I took notice of this overly-common confusion.

The short and simple thing first. Pink is used for desert camouflage. I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage. The most famous examples are the British SAS in world war II. There are other examples but they aren't as famous.
As Neil deGrasse Tyson said, "First get your facts straight. Then distort them at your leisure."

Next is that the game is NOT a battle-royale, never was and never will be.
The game mode you see in SAO2 and this current spin-off is a TOURNAMENT! It means that this is not the gameplay you experience on the daily basis.
Secondly, it isn't even battle royale to begin with! It is called Free For All. In a battle-royale, you are in a SURVIVAL setting with NO equipment looking for whatever you can to survive and fight. The goal is to be the last man standing.
Free For All is a mode where you have equipment from the start and simply fight to the death. Bullets of Bullets is a single-player free for all. Squad Jam is a team-based free for all.
So no, it's not PUBG or fortnite. Even if it was battle royale, GGO existed way before it and there are certainly a lot more older battle-royale games out there. Its not "PUBG the anime" as some of you like to call it.

So what type of game is GGO? Its a MMORPG. No its not a FPS... Well technically it is since all if not most VR games are first person. However GGO's game design does not follow the typical FPS formula. It is in every sense of the word a MMORPG.

So why is it a MMORPG? Here's why:

1) Open world. Almost no FPS are open world. The few that have a open world certainly have a small map or is not a massively multiplayer online game.

2) PVE gameplay. Lots of FPS have no PVE gamemode. Those that do are in a survival setting, defending against waves of enemies that get progressively harder. Usually these enemies are military in nature though zombies had been popularized by CoD. There's no such thing as a 'boss' in a FPS or at least one you can say that is extra hard compared to the grunts. In a FPS, you don't hunt mobs, you defend against them.

3) Item drop. Almost non-existent. In vast majority of war games, you get boxes for either daily log in or victories of some sort if at all. You do not get it from kills, especially ones against mobs. Also never heard of a FPS that lets you loot player items permanently. There are plenty of games that you can pick dead player's weapons but certainly not keep them after the round.

4) Leveling and stats. No... They do not exist. You cannot increase performance in strength, dexterity or agility. Closest thing to that are perks in games such as battlefield or CoD. In more realistic games, they don't exist at all such as Arma3, Squad, or Verdun/Tannenberg. And obviously, you won't be learning 'skills.' All the players either can grapple, knife fight, roll or no one does.
This is also why the pink loli is so fast, she specialized in the AGI build. You would know this if you read the original LN, read the spin-off, or watched GGO arc.

5) Bars, clubs and stores. You do not physically go to any location other than a battlefield. FPS are mostly in a game-room format. Even with Oculus rift shooter games, this still remains true. There's no such thing as a social area for you to hangout. You hangout in your menu screen, using squad or global chat or something.

But you know what type of games are open world, have PVE hunting grounds, social locations, leveling and a skill tree? MMORPGs.
So there you have it. Any other common questions that needs tackling?

EDIT; yes I get it, she wanted to wear pink. yes, I know gamers tend to prefer cosmetics over performance most of the time.
zcv45Apr 10, 2018 4:38 PM
Apr 8, 2018 12:48 PM

Jun 2017
But one of the character claimed he was playing a battle royale

Apr 8, 2018 12:54 PM
Jul 2018
i agree with everything but the pink camo thing, she just wanted to look cute, she couldn't find any clothes so she just made herself all pink including her gun, because in real life she has no interest in fashion i'm guessing because of her height.
Apr 8, 2018 1:00 PM
Dec 2017
i agree with what your saying but in the episode someone said "This is what i love about battle royales"
Apr 8, 2018 1:08 PM

Mar 2014
Will Death Gun issue be mentioned? Or this is chronologically before that thing? Or way after? Or during?

Will SAO classic cast do cameos or small participations in the plor? At least they will be mentioned (like, lolSinon and Kiri-ko)?
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Apr 8, 2018 1:44 PM

Jan 2017
Fabris said:
Will Death Gun issue be mentioned? Or this is chronologically before that thing? Or way after? Or during?

Will SAO classic cast do cameos or small participations in the plor? At least they will be mentioned (like, lolSinon and Kiri-ko)?

We don't know yet. It's just one episode in, not much info re: time frame or if there will be any crossover to main series. Personally I kind of hope they keep it separate/alt universe and the time frame isn't important, but that's just me.

Apr 8, 2018 1:55 PM

Jun 2016
zcv45 said:
The short and simple thing first. Pink is used for desert camouflage. I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage. The most famous examples are the British SAS in world war II. There are other examples but they aren't as famous.
As Neil deGrasse Tyson said, "First get your facts straight. Then distort them at your leisure."
And even if this wasn't the case, many players would have used a pink bunny outfit regardless either just cause or to troll their opponents. That's just how people are, everyone who played online games with even a moderate level of player customization should be aware of this by now.
Apr 8, 2018 3:37 PM

Sep 2015
Fabris said:
Will Death Gun issue be mentioned? Or this is chronologically before that thing? Or way after? Or during?

Will SAO classic cast do cameos or small participations in the plor? At least they will be mentioned (like, lolSinon and Kiri-ko)?

This is actually during or after Alicization arc. So well after GGO arc.
Apr 8, 2018 5:20 PM

Sep 2014
zcv45 said:
Pink is used for desert camouflage. I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage.
Not this pink, its just a pink skin because thats how players are. You would know since well .. there is a desert but instead they go to the city. The SAS pink was way way lighter, closer to grey.

zcv45 said:

Next is that the game is NOT a battle-royale, never was and never will be.
The game mode you see in SAO2 and this current spin-off is a TOURNAMENT! It means that this is not the gameplay you experience on the daily basis.
Just because fortnite and PUBG have twisted what a battle royal is this does not mean that GGO is not also a BR. BR has nothing to do with gathering resources and equpment, thats just a feature, a BR is just a fight till only one (team) is left standing. A FFA is by its very essence not teambased. A tournament puts teams against each other multiple times, this doesnt. So yes, it is PUBG the anime, just without starting naked.

zcv45 said:

So what type of game is GGO? Its a MMORPG. No its not a FPS... Well technically it is since all if not most VR games are first person. However GGO's game design does not follow the typical FPS formula. It is in every sense of the word a MMORPG.

Its a mix of both. the original setting is a MMORPG, and in that MMORPG you play an FPS. The match they showed in EP1 is not in a MMORPG, its neither massive nor is roleplaying involved.
The map is just that, a big map. Just because the only FPS you know is CoD, does not limit every other FPS to its content.

Like, everything is wrong. Everything. Thats amazing.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 8, 2018 5:48 PM

Mar 2014
zcv45 said:
Fabris said:
Will Death Gun issue be mentioned? Or this is chronologically before that thing? Or way after? Or during?

Will SAO classic cast do cameos or small participations in the plor? At least they will be mentioned (like, lolSinon and Kiri-ko)?

This is actually during or after Alicization arc. So well after GGO arc.

Are there cameos from OG!SAO chars?
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Apr 8, 2018 8:55 PM

Sep 2015
Comander-07 said:
zcv45 said:
Pink is used for desert camouflage. I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage.
Not this pink, its just a pink skin because thats how players are. You would know since well .. there is a desert but instead they go to the city. The SAS pink was way way lighter, closer to grey.

zcv45 said:

Next is that the game is NOT a battle-royale, never was and never will be.
The game mode you see in SAO2 and this current spin-off is a TOURNAMENT! It means that this is not the gameplay you experience on the daily basis.
Just because fortnite and PUBG have twisted what a battle royal is this does not mean that GGO is not also a BR. BR has nothing to do with gathering resources and equpment, thats just a feature, a BR is just a fight till only one (team) is left standing. A FFA is by its very essence not teambased. A tournament puts teams against each other multiple times, this doesnt. So yes, it is PUBG the anime, just without starting naked.

zcv45 said:

So what type of game is GGO? Its a MMORPG. No its not a FPS... Well technically it is since all if not most VR games are first person. However GGO's game design does not follow the typical FPS formula. It is in every sense of the word a MMORPG.

Its a mix of both. the original setting is a MMORPG, and in that MMORPG you play an FPS. The match they showed in EP1 is not in a MMORPG, its neither massive nor is roleplaying involved.
The map is just that, a big map. Just because the only FPS you know is CoD, does not limit every other FPS to its content.

Like, everything is wrong. Everything. Thats amazing.

"I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage."-I clearly mentioned that her pink is more pink than in real-life.
Also just because you are camoed up for the desert doesn't mean you should go to the desert. if the city has superior tactical positions, then you will most definitely going to go there.
It is very stupid to think you are restricted to terrain dedicated to your camouflage.

No, battle royale is starting with little to nothing. traditionally starting equipment has always been called free for all. It's quite clear that this has been the consensus for years before PUBG came out. The reddit page is 3 years old, PUBG came out late last year so it didn't twist anything at all.

As for it being a FPS, it is not. The "first episode" is a tournament. I thought that is pretty obvious. Tournaments aren't going to be massively multiplayer but guess what? They exist in traditional RPGs where you duel in an arena or map/dungeon. A tournament doesn't dictate the game type.
In GGO you are in a open world and you sign up for it just like in a RPG you would sign up for a tournament. Have you even seen the original GGO anime? It seems obvious you haven't or else you can easily tell it is a MMORPG. But TBH, I find it funny you brought actual role-playing. 90% of players in MMORPG don't even role play. You find more role-playing in simulators because its actually immersive. Seriously bringing up role playing in a RPG sounds like you never played one before or played very few at the least.

I can list you majority if not all of the FPS games and they do not have a open world system with mob hunting. There's no physical social location or shop.
Not just CoD.
Arma, Verdun, battlefield, warrock, Counterstrike, Heroes&generals and plenty more.
the only thing that makes this a 'FPS' is because it is VR which is usually first person to begin with. other than that it has no FPS element at all.
zcv45Apr 8, 2018 9:14 PM
Apr 8, 2018 9:34 PM

Feb 2014
A character in the episode literally said "Battle Royale" and the protagonist admited that her pink uniform is a bad camouflage.
Apr 8, 2018 10:14 PM

Sep 2015
thewiru said:
A character in the episode literally said "Battle Royale" and the protagonist admited that her pink uniform is a bad camouflage.

Someone else explained she picked her clothes for customization reasoning. However the anime only really said that it stood out in the forest. Which it should since pink is a desert camouflage. That's why M gave her the poncho.

As for battle-royale, majority of western games consider battle-royale differently. You can either call it cultural difference or simply misusing the term. It isn't the first time that had happened. Think of it like this, we consider anime as Japanese animations but Japanese call any animation anime regardless of origin.
Apr 9, 2018 12:39 AM

Aug 2010
I wonder why none of those "special forces" guys or even the huge "I-know-everything" guy never thought about playing the smallest character possible to create? It's not like it's brand new experience for all the players, they should have known that smaller profile gives combat advantage.
Apr 9, 2018 1:12 AM

Sep 2007
Thanks OP for this explanation. This is the first ever SAO-verse series I've decided to watch and honestly, even if it wasn't, this first episode was a bit confusing.
Apr 9, 2018 1:16 AM

Mar 2016
vanetz said:
Thanks OP for this explanation. This is the first ever SAO-verse series I've decided to watch and honestly, even if it wasn't, this first episode was a bit confusing.

I mean don’t you need to watch SAO II to have a feel of ggo’s world? I think it’s a mistake to jump into this cause it’s a spin off with different story and characers or the good old broken record “no kirito”
Apr 9, 2018 3:25 AM

Sep 2014
zcv45 said:
Comander-07 said:
Not this pink, its just a pink skin because thats how players are. You would know since well .. there is a desert but instead they go to the city. The SAS pink was way way lighter, closer to grey.

Just because fortnite and PUBG have twisted what a battle royal is this does not mean that GGO is not also a BR. BR has nothing to do with gathering resources and equpment, thats just a feature, a BR is just a fight till only one (team) is left standing. A FFA is by its very essence not teambased. A tournament puts teams against each other multiple times, this doesnt. So yes, it is PUBG the anime, just without starting naked.

Its a mix of both. the original setting is a MMORPG, and in that MMORPG you play an FPS. The match they showed in EP1 is not in a MMORPG, its neither massive nor is roleplaying involved.
The map is just that, a big map. Just because the only FPS you know is CoD, does not limit every other FPS to its content.

Like, everything is wrong. Everything. Thats amazing.

"I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage."-I clearly mentioned that her pink is more pink than in real-life.
Also just because you are camoed up for the desert doesn't mean you should go to the desert. if the city has superior tactical positions, then you will most definitely going to go there.
It is very stupid to think you are restricted to terrain dedicated to your camouflage.

No, battle royale is starting with little to nothing. traditionally starting equipment has always been called free for all. It's quite clear that this has been the consensus for years before PUBG came out. The reddit page is 3 years old, PUBG came out late last year so it didn't twist anything at all.

As for it being a FPS, it is not. The "first episode" is a tournament. I thought that is pretty obvious. Tournaments aren't going to be massively multiplayer but guess what? They exist in traditional RPGs where you duel in an arena or map/dungeon. A tournament doesn't dictate the game type.
In GGO you are in a open world and you sign up for it just like in a RPG you would sign up for a tournament. Have you even seen the original GGO anime? It seems obvious you haven't or else you can easily tell it is a MMORPG. But TBH, I find it funny you brought actual role-playing. 90% of players in MMORPG don't even role play. You find more role-playing in simulators because its actually immersive. Seriously bringing up role playing in a RPG sounds like you never played one before or played very few at the least.

I can list you majority if not all of the FPS games and they do not have a open world system with mob hunting. There's no physical social location or shop.
Not just CoD.
Arma, Verdun, battlefield, warrock, Counterstrike, Heroes&generals and plenty more.
the only thing that makes this a 'FPS' is because it is VR which is usually first person to begin with. other than that it has no FPS element at all.
zcv45 said:
Comander-07 said:
Not this pink, its just a pink skin because thats how players are. You would know since well .. there is a desert but instead they go to the city. The SAS pink was way way lighter, closer to grey.

Just because fortnite and PUBG have twisted what a battle royal is this does not mean that GGO is not also a BR. BR has nothing to do with gathering resources and equpment, thats just a feature, a BR is just a fight till only one (team) is left standing. A FFA is by its very essence not teambased. A tournament puts teams against each other multiple times, this doesnt. So yes, it is PUBG the anime, just without starting naked.

Its a mix of both. the original setting is a MMORPG, and in that MMORPG you play an FPS. The match they showed in EP1 is not in a MMORPG, its neither massive nor is roleplaying involved.
The map is just that, a big map. Just because the only FPS you know is CoD, does not limit every other FPS to its content.

Like, everything is wrong. Everything. Thats amazing.

"I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage."-I clearly mentioned that her pink is more pink than in real-life.
Also just because you are camoed up for the desert doesn't mean you should go to the desert. if the city has superior tactical positions, then you will most definitely going to go there.
It is very stupid to think you are restricted to terrain dedicated to your camouflage.

No, battle royale is starting with little to nothing. traditionally starting equipment has always been called free for all. It's quite clear that this has been the consensus for years before PUBG came out. The reddit page is 3 years old, PUBG came out late last year so it didn't twist anything at all.

As for it being a FPS, it is not. The "first episode" is a tournament. I thought that is pretty obvious. Tournaments aren't going to be massively multiplayer but guess what? They exist in traditional RPGs where you duel in an arena or map/dungeon. A tournament doesn't dictate the game type.
In GGO you are in a open world and you sign up for it just like in a RPG you would sign up for a tournament. Have you even seen the original GGO anime? It seems obvious you haven't or else you can easily tell it is a MMORPG. But TBH, I find it funny you brought actual role-playing. 90% of players in MMORPG don't even role play. You find more role-playing in simulators because its actually immersive. Seriously bringing up role playing in a RPG sounds like you never played one before or played very few at the least.

I can list you majority if not all of the FPS games and they do not have a open world system with mob hunting. There's no physical social location or shop.
Not just CoD.
Arma, Verdun, battlefield, warrock, Counterstrike, Heroes&generals and plenty more.
the only thing that makes this a 'FPS' is because it is VR which is usually first person to begin with. other than that it has no FPS element at all.

If you know you are not on a desert only map, you dont pick pink camo. Its just for style.
A Battle Royal setting has been around in anime for decades. A Battle Royal means nothing else than letting people, or teams, fight till only 1 remains. This is not a torunament lmao. Sure, such matches can be part of a tornament, but the fighting style is not one. Putting 10 teams on 1 map is not a tournament.

Battle Royal in games now are just mixed with the survival and gathering equipment part because thats a hot trend, right now and when stuff like Day Z and H1Z1 originally came out. This is nothing to do with the original meaning of a Battle Royal though.
With a relatively small amount of people on one map its not an MMORPG. Its a FPS. When they leave the match and chill around in the city, thats the MMORPG part.

Do you even know what MMORPG stands for? something like massive multiplayer ... and something with role playing maybe?

Everything you wrote is just wrong and misleading for people new to this.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Apr 9, 2018 4:49 AM

Nov 2009
GGO is RPG in the meaning it has stats and skills and builds stuff like that.
That's why LLENN, with her build specialized in speed, can run ridiculously fast, but other people can't do that. On the other hand, it's the big guy who has to carry stuff for her - she can't afford to carry much stuff.

Speaking of role-playing, people do a little of that in GGO. For example, the machinegun squad, who are all using machineguns even though it's a suboptimal choice. But the setting is a hardcore post-apocalyptic world, and GGO is very competitive, so you would not see much roleplaying. People who like talking and pretty dresses mostly play Alfheim Online, where you can be a fantasy fairy.

About pink clothes

LIquId4T0r said:
I wonder why none of those "special forces" guys or even the huge "I-know-everything" guy never thought about playing the smallest character possible to create? It's not like it's brand new experience for all the players, they should have known that smaller profile gives combat advantage.

In SAO-verse, most VRMMO generate your appearance randomly. The original SAO the game allowed people to customize their avatars to their heart's content, but all the games described after that used random appearance generation. Well, actually, that's just two games (ALO and GGO), so we don't know how normal is that.
Customizing randomly-assigned appearance costs real money, and seems to mean just opportunity to randomly generate once again, so few people do that. I can imagine greedy executives smiling and rubbing their hands looking at profits.
LLENN just got lucky.

"Special forces" guys would not even bother trying to do that, because they're all "Realism!". I mean, they just rage-quit when LLENN was running in circles around them with superhuman speed.
We don't know much about the big guy, but I suspect most guy players like looking big and strong like that. I mean, what would you do if you suddenly got a girl-like body like Kirito did in SAO II?
flannanApr 9, 2018 4:56 AM
Apr 9, 2018 9:35 AM

Feb 2014
LIquId4T0r said:
I wonder why none of those "special forces" guys or even the huge "I-know-everything" guy never thought about playing the smallest character possible to create? It's not like it's brand new experience for all the players, they should have known that smaller profile gives combat advantage.

Because that's not the point, the point is to test their skills for IRL combat.
Apr 10, 2018 1:09 AM
Jul 2012
The pink thing is just that she wanted to be cute.

Some people just want to stick out even if it hurts them blending in a bit.
Its why Call of Duty had stuff like

before they actually went crazy with cosmetics in lootboxes

Heck people used to hack Socom Confrontation(a super serious and competitive game) just to change their uniforms to ridiculous colors that weren't actually available like neon orange, green, blue, etc.
Some others that didn't hack it picked white and snow camo for every setting.
Apr 10, 2018 1:14 AM

Nov 2014
I thought every gamer knew that fashion > stats. No need to explain pink clothes, she might just like pink.
Apr 10, 2018 1:20 AM

Oct 2014
She just wants to look cute because pink and lolis are cute.
Apr 10, 2018 2:46 AM
Apr 2016
Your just making bland assumptions. It's pink because she thinks it's cute.
Apr 10, 2018 4:36 PM

Sep 2015
Comander-07 said:
zcv45 said:

"I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage."-I clearly mentioned that her pink is more pink than in real-life.
Also just because you are camoed up for the desert doesn't mean you should go to the desert. if the city has superior tactical positions, then you will most definitely going to go there.
It is very stupid to think you are restricted to terrain dedicated to your camouflage.

No, battle royale is starting with little to nothing. traditionally starting equipment has always been called free for all. It's quite clear that this has been the consensus for years before PUBG came out. The reddit page is 3 years old, PUBG came out late last year so it didn't twist anything at all.

As for it being a FPS, it is not. The "first episode" is a tournament. I thought that is pretty obvious. Tournaments aren't going to be massively multiplayer but guess what? They exist in traditional RPGs where you duel in an arena or map/dungeon. A tournament doesn't dictate the game type.
In GGO you are in a open world and you sign up for it just like in a RPG you would sign up for a tournament. Have you even seen the original GGO anime? It seems obvious you haven't or else you can easily tell it is a MMORPG. But TBH, I find it funny you brought actual role-playing. 90% of players in MMORPG don't even role play. You find more role-playing in simulators because its actually immersive. Seriously bringing up role playing in a RPG sounds like you never played one before or played very few at the least.

I can list you majority if not all of the FPS games and they do not have a open world system with mob hunting. There's no physical social location or shop.
Not just CoD.
Arma, Verdun, battlefield, warrock, Counterstrike, Heroes&generals and plenty more.
the only thing that makes this a 'FPS' is because it is VR which is usually first person to begin with. other than that it has no FPS element at all.
zcv45 said:

"I personally feel like her pink is a bit too close to 'hot pink' but yes pink is used as desert camouflage."-I clearly mentioned that her pink is more pink than in real-life.
Also just because you are camoed up for the desert doesn't mean you should go to the desert. if the city has superior tactical positions, then you will most definitely going to go there.
It is very stupid to think you are restricted to terrain dedicated to your camouflage.

No, battle royale is starting with little to nothing. traditionally starting equipment has always been called free for all. It's quite clear that this has been the consensus for years before PUBG came out. The reddit page is 3 years old, PUBG came out late last year so it didn't twist anything at all.

As for it being a FPS, it is not. The "first episode" is a tournament. I thought that is pretty obvious. Tournaments aren't going to be massively multiplayer but guess what? They exist in traditional RPGs where you duel in an arena or map/dungeon. A tournament doesn't dictate the game type.
In GGO you are in a open world and you sign up for it just like in a RPG you would sign up for a tournament. Have you even seen the original GGO anime? It seems obvious you haven't or else you can easily tell it is a MMORPG. But TBH, I find it funny you brought actual role-playing. 90% of players in MMORPG don't even role play. You find more role-playing in simulators because its actually immersive. Seriously bringing up role playing in a RPG sounds like you never played one before or played very few at the least.

I can list you majority if not all of the FPS games and they do not have a open world system with mob hunting. There's no physical social location or shop.
Not just CoD.
Arma, Verdun, battlefield, warrock, Counterstrike, Heroes&generals and plenty more.
the only thing that makes this a 'FPS' is because it is VR which is usually first person to begin with. other than that it has no FPS element at all.

If you know you are not on a desert only map, you dont pick pink camo. Its just for style.
A Battle Royal setting has been around in anime for decades. A Battle Royal means nothing else than letting people, or teams, fight till only 1 remains. This is not a torunament lmao. Sure, such matches can be part of a tornament, but the fighting style is not one. Putting 10 teams on 1 map is not a tournament.

Battle Royal in games now are just mixed with the survival and gathering equipment part because thats a hot trend, right now and when stuff like Day Z and H1Z1 originally came out. This is nothing to do with the original meaning of a Battle Royal though.
With a relatively small amount of people on one map its not an MMORPG. Its a FPS. When they leave the match and chill around in the city, thats the MMORPG part.

Do you even know what MMORPG stands for? something like massive multiplayer ... and something with role playing maybe?

Everything you wrote is just wrong and misleading for people new to this.

Did you watch the episode? They clearly said there was a desert area in that map. The map had a jungle, desert, city, river and several other biome. Seriously, the whole atmosphere of GGO is supposed to be a barren wasteland, there's not much camouflage more suited than desert-based colors.

Except it is a tournament in GGO. It is called 'squad jam.' SO yes it is a tournament.
Squad Jam is not representative of GGO at all since that's really not the primary gameplay.
The episode where Sinon was fighting the boss and PKing with Dyne was GGO gameplay. By every sense of the word, that was a MMORPG.
PKing grinding players is a textbook case of a RPG.

You are bringing in what MMORPG stands for? Seriously? How many people role play in any MMORPG? People rarely ever role play in an actual MMORPG.
You should play some MMORPGs because only a minority role play. Majority just grind and then go right in to PVP and PKing.
Also MMO is used for FPS games too. It just refer to a large server of players capable of playing together. You don't need to be in the same match as them to be a MMO. MMOFPS, MMORTS? Ever heard of those? Clearly not since you probably aren't a gamer since this stuff is common knowledge.
Whats not a MMO is split-screen, single player only, or games where you have to create a local server.
zcv45Apr 10, 2018 4:43 PM
Apr 11, 2018 12:45 AM

Sep 2007
DragonSlayer_19 said:
vanetz said:
Thanks OP for this explanation. This is the first ever SAO-verse series I've decided to watch and honestly, even if it wasn't, this first episode was a bit confusing.

I mean don’t you need to watch SAO II to have a feel of ggo’s world? I think it’s a mistake to jump into this cause it’s a spin off with different story and characers or the good old broken record “no kirito”

I hoped since it's a spin-off it would not require watching the "main" SAO series (and it shouldn't, ideally). I also hoped it would not be as stupid as the "main" SAO. And I hope Kirito won't be in this. I am, in fact, THE target audience of this series.
Apr 11, 2018 2:21 PM

Jun 2016
vanetz said:
DragonSlayer_19 said:

I mean don’t you need to watch SAO II to have a feel of ggo’s world? I think it’s a mistake to jump into this cause it’s a spin off with different story and characers or the good old broken record “no kirito”

I hoped since it's a spin-off it would not require watching the "main" SAO series (and it shouldn't, ideally). I also hoped it would not be as stupid as the "main" SAO. And I hope Kirito won't be in this. I am, in fact, THE target audience of this series.

You don't need to watch the main series for this one but knowing the main series gives you some perspective on what players/items are capable of doing. The MC doesn't seem to be nearly as OP if you know that basically everyone can run an agility build and do the exact same thing.
Apr 11, 2018 5:14 PM
Jan 2017
LIquId4T0r said:
I wonder why none of those "special forces" guys or even the huge "I-know-everything" guy never thought about playing the smallest character possible to create? It's not like it's brand new experience for all the players, they should have known that smaller profile gives combat advantage.

Because they are playing themselves for combat training, they don't care about winning, but about gaining experience.
Apr 11, 2018 11:25 PM

Nov 2009
vanetz said:
DragonSlayer_19 said:

I mean don’t you need to watch SAO II to have a feel of ggo’s world? I think it’s a mistake to jump into this cause it’s a spin off with different story and characers or the good old broken record “no kirito”

I hoped since it's a spin-off it would not require watching the "main" SAO series (and it shouldn't, ideally). I also hoped it would not be as stupid as the "main" SAO. And I hope Kirito won't be in this. I am, in fact, THE target audience of this series.

Well, I am not sure how the anime will go, but it was entirely possible to do so with the novel.

I still think it's stupid to let other people's hate bandwagon to influence you to the point you don't watch SAO and hate Kirito despite never watching SAO.
Apr 12, 2018 4:11 AM

Sep 2007
flannan said:
vanetz said:

I hoped since it's a spin-off it would not require watching the "main" SAO series (and it shouldn't, ideally). I also hoped it would not be as stupid as the "main" SAO. And I hope Kirito won't be in this. I am, in fact, THE target audience of this series.

Well, I am not sure how the anime will go, but it was entirely possible to do so with the novel.

I still think it's stupid to let other people's hate bandwagon to influence you to the point you don't watch SAO and hate Kirito despite never watching SAO.

"Hate" is too strong of a word for this. I just can't find it in me to care about SAO enough to watch it. I got bored of the "people get stuck in a virtual MMO" premise back when it was called .hack//Sign. Maybe someday I'll watch the first 14 episodes (apparently it's all downhill after that point), I dunno. One thing's for sure, there definitely have been better series with similar premises since SAO had come out.
Apr 12, 2018 5:53 AM

Nov 2009
vanetz said:
flannan said:

Well, I am not sure how the anime will go, but it was entirely possible to do so with the novel.

I still think it's stupid to let other people's hate bandwagon to influence you to the point you don't watch SAO and hate Kirito despite never watching SAO.

"Hate" is too strong of a word for this. I just can't find it in me to care about SAO enough to watch it. I got bored of the "people get stuck in a virtual MMO" premise back when it was called .hack//Sign. Maybe someday I'll watch the first 14 episodes (apparently it's all downhill after that point), I dunno. One thing's for sure, there definitely have been better series with similar premises since SAO had come out.

In my personal experience, the only "stuck in a game" anime that can compare to SAO is Log Horizon.
Also, .hack//sign was horribly boring, so I can understand why you don't want to see it.
Apr 13, 2018 11:58 AM

Sep 2015
vanetz said:
flannan said:

Well, I am not sure how the anime will go, but it was entirely possible to do so with the novel.

I still think it's stupid to let other people's hate bandwagon to influence you to the point you don't watch SAO and hate Kirito despite never watching SAO.

"Hate" is too strong of a word for this. I just can't find it in me to care about SAO enough to watch it. I got bored of the "people get stuck in a virtual MMO" premise back when it was called .hack//Sign. Maybe someday I'll watch the first 14 episodes (apparently it's all downhill after that point), I dunno. One thing's for sure, there definitely have been better series with similar premises since SAO had come out.

The problem with Hack is that animes are just part of the conglomerate that they have created that consists of video games, light novels and anime. Seeing only the anime without knowing all the content behind it is a waste of time
Apr 13, 2018 3:24 PM
Jul 2018
Her outfit color makes her stand out but with that kind of skill, I suppose it is a plus.
Apr 14, 2018 10:49 AM

Sep 2007
flannan said:
Also, .hack//sign was horribly boring, so I can understand why you don't want to see it.

The soundtrack was pretty good, though. Yuki Kajiura rules.
Apr 14, 2018 11:16 AM
Apr 2016
If it was not obvious before, it should be now - the colour choice is based on mentality, not functionality. If someone still can't fathom that, well, pew pew pew.
Apr 14, 2018 11:23 AM
Apr 2016
christoff522 said:
LIquId4T0r said:
I wonder why none of those "special forces" guys or even the huge "I-know-everything" guy never thought about playing the smallest character possible to create? It's not like it's brand new experience for all the players, they should have known that smaller profile gives combat advantage.

Because they are playing themselves for combat training, they don't care about winning, but about gaining experience.

It's like banging against the wall, really. The refuse the actual information from the episode, and then go over again to spit that nonsense about "SpEcIaL fOrCeS" or something else just to provide some fuel to the hate-culture they can't help but be a part of. 2nd episode left no room for any believe-ability debate, anyone trying to start one is either denying reality and context, or profoundly mad (possibly both definitions)
Apr 14, 2018 11:35 AM

Feb 2015
Basically "GGO: Alternative is shit because SAO S2 is"

Anyway, got quite wtf at the end of GGO though, I thought for sure she's a loli! I got baited. SMFH.

Now I know that buff guy is a shota.
Apr 14, 2018 11:43 AM
Apr 2016
_Ako_ said:
Basically "GGO: Alternative is shit because SAO S2 is"

Anyway, got quite wtf at the end of GGO though, I thought for sure she's a loli! I got baited. SMFH.

Now I know that buff guy is a shota.

And in the end they meet and it becomes love from the first sight. That would be so warm, SO ECSTATIC (as I want myself a tall girl...), but, well, the main idea is getting over the social awkwardness due to her height, love story might not be in a focus.
Apr 14, 2018 10:03 PM
Jan 2018
Don’t have time to post a paragraph over anime. 1) Free for all isn’t elimination/survival it’s about who can get the most points, in GGO if you died it was game over in a free for all you just respawn and try to reclaim the point you lost. 2) I do not think a survival setting/looting is necessary for a Battle Royale as you mention, it’s mainly about survival so regardless of what tools you bring your main goal is to survive; Game developers don’t apply Battle Royale’s this way because it is stupid and would take too much effort to balance the weapons in order to appease the community, just because it hasn’t been applied like how alternative online applies it doesn’t mean it isn’t a Battle Royale. Aaaaand I wrote an essay.
Apr 28, 2018 12:03 AM
Jul 2017
Well late comment but-
There was a manga called battle royale which inspire a movie in japan. That movie inspire an english movie(hunger game). That english movie inspire a game (hunger game, later change to surviver game)). Then many more game copyed that concept. After that a hit game name h1z1 come whoes developer also make another game name pubg. These game were so hit that it inspire a sao ggo alt.

And in the manga battle royal, the players got guns before the game start. There were things like red zone, battle ground shrink etc.

Well i might be wrong. Correct me if i am :-}
Apr 28, 2018 10:47 AM
Apr 2018
Eft (escape from torkov) is the game id say closest reps this show it is a fps mmo, you lvl skills like endurance or vitality, you can perma loot players shit, its got mobs called scavs and they are planning on realising their open world soon (i hope) scavs will have bosses that are equipped with good gear, so yea i think that is a good representitive of this anime @zcv45

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