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Mar 15, 2008 9:58 PM

May 2007
Eh, I really disliked how the show ended. Not the ending in particular, but the way they went about it. This show pretty much up through episodes 20 or something was really good. I totally loved the historical aspect of it and it was really interesting in seeing all the neat battles and its relation in history.

But the last 2-3 episodes, I think they went a little overboard with the whole supernatural theme. I guess they had to do something with the Lord's Head, but an insane castle that oddly resembles something out of Lord of the Rings is a little too much. And those old guys in episode 25 that were chanting with the bells or whatever, they were really weird.

And what the hell? Where in the world is Akidzuki going? Jeez, either take your woman with you (who obviously is totally in love with you) or don't go. Psh, seeing the world. That's overrated. :)

But anyway, f it were not for that weird ending sequence, I'd gladly given this series an 8 or 9. But, my final rating is a 6/10.
Dec 7, 2009 8:56 AM

May 2008
I'm pissed XD One more great anime with an awfully written (and made) ending. Well, there are a lot like that so not like it's something new... oh no, not at all >.<
Feb 8, 2010 4:27 AM

Oct 2008
wow.. the last few episodes KILLED it with all the supernatural crap... wayy too much... and I think they were brother and sister LOL.


Feb 27, 2010 4:51 AM

Jun 2007
Like everyone else mentioned, the supernatural stuff was WAY over done. The ending was crap. Tying up loose ends was half assed and wtf was Akidzuki doing leaving Japan and his women/sister? After freeing Japan from evil you just get up and go? WTF? If thats the case then what was the point in doing all that fighting? What a waste! I can understand him wanting to see the world and whatnot but don't try and justify it by saying that's what your mentor would have wanted. What's his face wanted to create a better Japan with his own hands, not travel the world. This ending was a major letdown. Oh and don't just leave us hanging on whether or not Kakunojou and Akidzuki are related!? I mean sure it was heavily hinted (whats he name mentioning they have the same scent, both of them being chosen by a sword, both having the same type of eyes that apparently no one else in the series had, both having similar hair and facial structure...etc) but come on it would have been nice to know for sure at the end....and also how she really felt about him since obviously her emotions are probably all fucked up from finding out.
Mar 1, 2010 8:06 AM

Aug 2009
And then... what was the use of that Sauron's castle? Armies were already too effective, goddammit.

I give it a 6. Good because of the battles and the strategies. Bad because of Kakunojo, basically. I hate her. A lot.

And yes, nobody will understand the end, but hey! There are a lot of other worse ends. This one, at least, doesn't leave any big mistery untold. The true name of Kakunojo? Who cares!
Mar 5, 2010 11:38 AM

Sep 2009
Bit miffed by the ending :\ but he did look cool in western clothes :P
Please join if you love Asian Cinema :)
Nov 7, 2010 3:21 PM

Dec 2008
So, Ibaragi was living out his destiny. Surprisingly, he was glad to die. Was that something that he wanted all along?
Kakunojo made the choice to keep the troupe in Japan, and Akidzuki wants to go out and see the world. I doubt he loves her as much as she loves him. He had an easier time saying goodbye.
Kinda glad I finished this one. I gave it an 8 primarily because of the historical aspect...and the animation was nice.

Yonatay said:
Bit miffed by the ending : but he did look cool in western clothes :P

^ +1
Jan 8, 2012 4:02 AM

Dec 2010
Blah, the ending really ruined it for me too. I so much loved this anime up to episode 23-25, and yet just the last one was enough for me to feel so bad about it (-.-). Kakunojo being Akidzuki's sister? That's possible and I can see it because Kanna was looking so much alike Akidzuki and then again - Kanna is relative to Kakunojo. But enough with this.

1. Characters. +1. There were many great characters. I didn't really like Enomoto(even before he got possessed by the Head) and Kakunojo, but then again Akidzuki, Kanna, Ibaragi - I liked most of them at some point(like Ibaragi until the very last episode) and my most favorite character - Hijikata(f u Kanna..). There were other too.
2. Atmosphere. +1. Perhaps my favorite aspect of this anime. Most of the time I was enjoying Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto just because of the atmosphere.
3. OST. +1. Excluding the ending, I liked the whole OST. There was one exceptionally good theme.
4. Animation. +1. At the start I didn't like it at all, but I got used to it as the episodes passed. Currently I can't imagine other art design for this anime. I'd still like to see Bakumatsu with Blue-Ray quality.
5. Background story. +1. In fact there were many background stories, but I liked every single one.
6. Storyline. +1. Some parts of it weren't that good, but still it was really inspiring to see the revolution rising. All in all it was good one.
7. Ending. I hate to say it, but one aspect of this anime really sucked. Something with that ending was so much off. One thing more - how could Akidzuki go see the world instead of try to build the ideal country? I guess that he didn't want to follow a destiny not forged by him at this point, but still it felt bad.
8. Fight scenes. +1. One of the most realistic-looking samurai-battles I've ever I've ever ever seen.
9. Drama. +1. It had some really great emotional moments.
10. Overall feeling. +1. I started it with somewhat mixed feelings and I ended with bad taste in my mouth, but still... I was feeling really great about watching this anime. For reasons it will not get into my favorites but at certain point I was wondering what to remove from my favorite 5 animes to put Bakumatsu Kikansetsu Irohanihoheto in.

Overall score: 9/10.

I so much wanted Hijikata to succeed in building the republic...
MeritasJan 12, 2013 6:47 AM
Jan 8, 2012 5:13 AM

Aug 2009
Nice post, friend Meritas. You should publish it as a Review. :-D
Jan 20, 2013 7:37 AM
Jan 2013
First of all -I liked ,the ending-it was a happy ending after all.Second -i don't think akizuki and Yuyama were brother and sister,they were related yes,perhaps distant cousins ,but other than that they only met as orphins at Koma village :)
Jan 10, 2014 5:16 PM

Nov 2011
Aww a tearful good bye ;.;, well not tearful level but gets the point across.

6/10. Not too shabby for a historical theme series. This was on my backlog for ages but finally found the time to complete it.
Jan 15, 2014 9:59 AM
Jul 2011
I just remember I watched this long ago and yeah most of the comments here reflect how I feel. I loved the histrotical aspects but the final stretch towards the end and especially ending just took a dump on the whole series as a whole.

6/10 "Fine" but forgettable (since I only remember I watched now because I saw an ad for it recently lol).
Jul 19, 2014 3:56 PM
Mar 2012
Hm, I didn't like the ending much either. But that extended to the last 5 or 10 episodes, really.
What bugged me most about the ending is that she wasn't allowed to fight along him. Two swords, two wielders - shouldn't they fight the big bad evil together to succeed? but I guess that would have been too much teamwork and - eewww - teamwork involving a woman.

Are they brother and sister? Just because of the smell? I don't know. It was mentioned that they came as orphans to the village but not that they came together. The smell could be anything, like being taught how to use the same soap as kids.

Kakunojo not going with Akidzuki - you go girl! Live your own life, stop just following a guy around, especially one that doesn't show any interest in you.
Akidzuki not being very emotional in the goodbye - well, he never showed much emotion to begin with. Not too much towards Kakunojo either, except for saving her a couple of times. I think it's fine that he travels the world, he spent his whole life with this destiny, now he finally has some free time to do what he wants to.

I'm glad Shiranui and the rest are ok, even Kotoha. And she finally forgot aboutt hat awful Ibaragi.

But yeah, Saurons castle was really bad.

(And yes, Seirei no Moribito is awesome!)
Aug 12, 2014 9:34 PM

Dec 2013
I think this is a show that was on the verge of greatness, but didn't quite make it.

I liked the dark tower! I actually think they should have ratcheted up the super natural element sooner. I found the ghost fights a bit lame, and only one character with some sort of ki related attack? come on!!
Love and Peace!!!
Oct 7, 2014 3:01 AM

Apr 2013
I have to agree with the supernatural part.For the majority of the show it was light and then it went full retard in ep 24+.

"My real name is..." horn blows. Fuck that shit. 6/10
Feb 5, 2018 4:38 AM

Jan 2014
Genuinely weird show.

It's obvious the producers wanted to make a historical drama, but figured it wouldn't sell as an anime, so they added the supernatural element, to subsequently go overboard with it the last few episodes, as they didn't really know how to wrap it up.

That said, I quite liked the final episode, and found it to be quite satisfying, against my own expectations. Ibaragi's death and his voice acting were extremely well done. We got a proper happy ending, instead of a melodramatic double suicide, and there was no needless killing off of other cast members either, beside the historic ones.

Some other thoughts on this show:
  • Why is Kakunojo fair haired?
  • Why was she at the orphanage, if the other Troupe members took care of her after the fire and murder of her parents?
  • Why isn't her name revealed, as knowing or not knowing her name seems to hold no significance for either Akizuki or the viewer?
  • What's up with the huge Sakamoto Ryōma tribute in this show?
  • I'm curious as to what the deal is between Tayu and Shiranui. Does he continue to stalk her, or did they get together, and is she simply keeping up the routine? I kinda shipped her with Katsu, though Katsu being a historic figure probably means that's out of the question.
  • What was Ibaragi's 500 year old grudge, who were those accomplices of his?
  • I think Akizuki seeing the world was fitting. Let's not forget he was raised as an assassin since childhood, and never really had a life of his own untill now.
  • I also think it's clear Akizuki and Kakunojo are together. This show just isn't very explicit, just like how Tayu's relationship with Katsu, Ibaragi and Shiranui seems almost platonic, while we know it's not, and she's openly mentioned to be a prostitute (of a higher class though, an [i]'Oiran'[i]).

Finally, it must be said that this show's soundtrack absolutely killed it. Overall 8/10. I'll try and see if I have time to write a review for this one.

Maximilious said:
wow.. the last few episodes KILLED it with all the supernatural crap... wayy too much... and I think they were brother and sister LOL.
Meritas said:
Blah, the ending really ruined it for me too. I so much loved this anime up to episode 23-25, and yet just the last one was enough for me to feel so bad about it (-.-). Kakunojo being Akidzuki's sister? That's possible and I can see it because Kanna was looking so much alike Akidzuki and then again - Kanna is relative to Kakunojo. But enough with this.
vladimir8805 said:
First of all -I liked ,the ending-it was a happy ending after all.Second -i don't think akizuki and Yuyama were brother and sister,they were related yes,perhaps distant cousins ,but other than that they only met as orphins at Koma village :)

Where is all this coming from? If they were siblings, or even relatives, certainly Kakunojo would have known, since she as well as Zagashira clearly remember her life from before the Ansei purge incident.

Also, Kanna just had a massive mother complex as far as I know. He worshipped women who he tought could take her place (partially) and/or looked like or reminded him of her, but he was also a misogynist.

VK11 said:
And what the hell? Where in the world is Akidzuki going? Jeez, either take your woman with you (who obviously is totally in love with you) or don't go. Psh, seeing the world. That's overrated. :)

See my last two points listed above.

ElenirLachlagos said:
Hm, I didn't like the ending much either. But that extended to the last 5 or 10 episodes, really.
What bugged me most about the ending is that she wasn't allowed to fight along him. Two swords, two wielders - shouldn't they fight the big bad evil together to succeed? but I guess that would have been too much teamwork and - eewww - teamwork involving a woman.

Are they brother and sister? Just because of the smell? I don't know. It was mentioned that they came as orphans to the village but not that they came together. The smell could be anything, like being taught how to use the same soap as kids.

Kakunojo not going with Akidzuki - you go girl! Live your own life, stop just following a guy around, especially one that doesn't show any interest in you.
Akidzuki not being very emotional in the goodbye - well, he never showed much emotion to begin with. Not too much towards Kakunojo either, except for saving her a couple of times. I think it's fine that he travels the world, he spent his whole life with this destiny, now he finally has some free time to do what he wants to.

I'm glad Shiranui and the rest are ok, even Kotoha. And she finally forgot aboutt hat awful Ibaragi.

But yeah, Saurons castle was really bad.

(And yes, Seirei no Moribito is awesome!)

Kakunojo wasn't a fighter. Under the influence of the head, she went beserk, but technically, she wouldn't be qualified to participate in the final fight, certainly not after being freed of her possessoin.

The smell thing,.. I took that metaphorically. Never saw that as an actual physical trait.

I do think Akizukui showed interest in her, like how he not killed her and was prepared to be killed by her (if it wasn't for magic blue sparks), right after he supposedly reaffirmed he would kill her with one blow. He just has the most amazing pokerface.

But yeah, Barad-Dûr was bad, and Seirei no Moribito was legendary.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Apr 17, 2018 2:14 PM

Mar 2018
I thought this show was great up to the point where Kakunojo got possessed by the sword. She was my favorite character but after that it just wasn't the same. I was looking forward to seeing her and Yojiro fighting side by side but instead she was turned into a puppet for the remaining episodes.
tokidoki921Apr 17, 2018 2:24 PM
Aug 4, 2023 5:09 PM

Aug 2017
Well it's over, the ending wasn't really that great, I thought Akizuki would've joined the troupe but he left the country LOL,
The best thin is that Tayu is still alive, too bad they did't show what happened to Enomoto after the war,
Ibaragi's final words were bizarre, did he wanted to die from the beginning, and why did he said his 500 years blood destiny, also how in the hell did he summon those dead shamans, LOL I thought it was the conqueror at first but it turned out they were 5 of them, and I forgot about Nakaiya, that laugh before the explosion gave me suspicions about him surviving like before but no they didn't show him again,
I guess I'll give it 8 because historically it was accurate ( excluding the supernatural stuff ), the animation and fight sequences are good, I learned a lot from the series about some of Japan's history, it was a nice experience.
Aug 13, 2023 11:16 PM
Nov 2015
Completed it long time ago! Just updating my list!
Sep 28, 2024 2:31 PM

Dec 2022
Yojiro upping and leaving like that for an undefined amount of time is a bit disappointing, especially considering his personal interactions with Kakunojo and the troupe was already limited by both his personality and plot events.

Besides that, this was a very competent anime, even for someone who doesn't know much of anything about the Edo period.

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Shaded Horizon

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