Mar 25, 2018 4:15 PM
Ever since episode eleven came out yesterday there's been a whole uproar that's all centered around Kokoro and her actions that have labeled her as a slutty bitch. While I don't deny the right that people should angry whenever they want the way they're going about it is both CHILDISH and STUPID. Forgive me if that sounds harsh but it's the truth. Making fan art depicting Futoshi actually hitting Kokoro all because that person hated that scene so much is pathetic no matter what excuse they give it, and they should ashamed of themselves for drawing that picture. It always irritates me when people have these knee jerk reactions followed by them never taking the time to figure why certain things happen and what the reasons are because it's just too damn hard. Now I understand this is MAL, the Internet, and whatever but it's not an excuse for childish behavior. Characters will make bad decisions or, in this case, cold ones. In the end, it boils down a character making a difficult decision, something I don't think the complainers here have ever really faced or done before. Now I have had my gripes about this show so but I felt that this was one of the better character development episodes despite all the teenage melodrama(which I'm really getting tired of) and the lack of an actual plot(THIS needs to change by the second half). Kokoro actually made a very good decision here and that she's the perfect partner for Mitsuru when you look a their characters closely. For this, I ask you all to put aside your feelings and put yourself in the shoes of Kokoro and Mitsuru. In episode eleven we saw how Mitsuru became the bitter person he is. He greatly admired Hiro back during their childhood and had wanted to his partner in piloting a Franxx. That didn't happen because... well, aside from the obvious let's not assume too much. Whatever the case, it caused him to develop a "Trust no one" attitude, even towards himself, and it made him very unlikable toward his comrades. In the beginning we thought he was a self-centered jerk but now we know otherwise. Now look at Kokoro. Here we learn that she isn't the sweet and innocent girl we assumed her to be. She reveals to Mitsuru that she isn't perfect either. She's made mistakes, she didn't keep promises, and she's hurt people because of it. But she's learn to live with it and in the end it's made her better person. This is something Mitsuru hasn't been able to do after so long, and that's why Kokoro chose to be his partner because she sees a part of herself in him. She realized that he needed someone like her to really help him pull himself together. Now I'm sure you're going bring up, "Well, if that was the case well did she break her promise to Futoshi?! Why did she have to hurt his feeling?!" Guys, let's be real here. It doesn't take genius to see Kokoro wasn't serious about that promise Futoshi was asking her to make. She was only trying to be nice to him. She knows he's a sweet guy, but let's serious. Can you really see them developing a real relationship? I couldn't. No matter how much you want to ship it, it just wouldn't work. And no matter how much you want to deny it, they're just not compatible. That was really obvious from the start! If she actually went out with him she would never be truly happy. Now I will agree that what she did was cold, but it wasn't cruel. If she was deliberately trying to hurt Futoshi she would have told him straight up to fuck off. The reason why she did what she did was because she realized that Mitsuru needed help. She was the only who actually cared for him when everyone else had given up. How many girls do you know go out their way to help someone in need, especially no one else will? Not very many. She understands Mitsuru better than anyone else because she was once like him. Mitsuru might be a jerk because he isn't evil. He's been struggling with himself for very long time with seemingly no way out. If he continued like this he probably might have committed suicide, which would have devastated the entire squad because then they would have been asking themselves if they could have, and should have, done something for him. Him accepting that punch Futoshi gave him was him finally acknowledging himself and making a promise he intends to keep even if it kills him. In truth, Kokoro saved his life. She could have given up on him when everyone did but she didn't because she believe in him. Now you could that maybe she's only interested in him because she wants to make a baby due to that book she found earlier but it be just cheap to say that. Let's no get too far ahead of ourselves. What makes Mitsuru's and Kokoro's relationship so natural is that it's depicting them accepting their humanity. They are acknowledging their flaws and turning their weaknesses into strength. This is what part of growing. You accept who you are and you make the most out of your life. You learn from your mistakes instead of trying to deny them. If you spend your entire life thinking that your perfect and can do nothing wrong, then you're going to find out one day just miserable and lonely you really are. TL? DR? Well then that's your problem. I'm not going write short summary of what I just said because you're too lazy to read a thorough explanation of why I think Kokoro is the better girl and why her and Mitsuru are the better couple. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 25, 2018 4:16 PM
Not to be a jerk but do you actually expect anyone to read that novel-lenght rant on a forum? |
Mar 25, 2018 5:05 PM
orario_ said: Not to be a jerk but do you actually expect anyone to read that novel-lenght rant on a forum? Yes, I actually do. Is that a problem? And this is hardly a novel since I've written reviews shorter than this. If you can't be bothered to read a well thought out post on a certain subject then it's your loss, not mine. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 25, 2018 5:32 PM
There’s a glaring mistake you’ve made; Koko did not save bundle of sticks. She saved herself. It could have been anyone else in the cockpit with her, and she would have said anything to get herself out of a dangerous situation. She is a selfish and duplicitous character. She will lie, and say whatever it takes for her to get ahead. Same as when she accepted fatty’s proposal. It’s obvious the only reason she wants bundle of sticks around is to give her a baby. Why did she choose bundle of sticks? Not sure, but probably has to do with his looks. Never, ever, get into a relationship with a person like Koko. They only care about themselves. It’s all about them. The niceness just makes it hurt worse. |
Mar 25, 2018 6:23 PM
Username23489023 said: There’s a glaring mistake you’ve made; Koko did not save bundle of sticks. She saved herself. It could have been anyone else in the cockpit with her, and she would have said anything to get herself out of a dangerous situation. She is a selfish and duplicitous character. She will lie, and say whatever it takes for her to get ahead. Same as when she accepted fatty’s proposal. It’s obvious the only reason she wants bundle of sticks around is to give her a baby. Why did she choose bundle of sticks? Not sure, but probably has to do with his looks. Never, ever, get into a relationship with a person like Koko. They only care about themselves. It’s all about them. The niceness just makes it hurt worse. Dude, did you even read my post? Because I don't think you did. Saved herself instead of another? What the hell are you talking about? She already redeemed herself long before she even became interested in Mitsuru. Selfish? Yeah, volunteering to help another when no one else will is indeed selfish. If anyone's being selfish, it's Futoshi. He doesn't take the time to understand why Kokoro made that decision and is instead throwing a temper tantrum. A liar? She told Mitsuru the truth about herself. What exactly would she gain out of lying to him? Just so she can have his baby? Come on, you can't be that close-minded. Next you're going to tell me that she's a coward. Well, she nearly killed herself trying to pilot the Franxx alone. It was the only way she could get through to Mitsuru. And don't forget that they alone managed to expose the core. I hardly call that cowardice. Mitsuru's looks have nothing to do with it. Sorry, but your little rant here is exactly what I'm talking about. You're having a childish knee-jerk reaction over this whole thing instead of using your head like an adult to look deeper into the subject. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 25, 2018 8:28 PM
Glad to hear someone has some sense. I saw no wrong with what Kokoro did either. I expected an episode of her mulling over the decision to switch or feeling guilty about breaking some promise made in a difficult situation, so I was really impressed that she wasted no time in raising her hand and moving on to aid Mitsuru. I also appreciate that she was so stoic about her decision. She feels bad about it to some extent, but she doesn't let it get to her because she knows her decision is what she wants and what Mitsuru can benefit from. She also saw that Futoshi can pilot with Ikuno, so there's no loss in fighting power. Why was the situation difficult, some may ask? Because Futoshi asked her to make that promise while they were on guard duty in a Franxx, and were already expecting enemy attacks at any time. Why didn't she just say 'no' then? If she rejected him, their synchronisation might permanently be affected and what if they can't pilot together anymore? Anyone remembers what happens when people fail as pilots? They get ditched in the desert and are never seen again. PS. Kokoro is not best girl, but she is damn fine after this episode. |
CrossburnMar 25, 2018 8:33 PM
Mar 25, 2018 8:49 PM
I just like seeing the white knight fatso get blown the hell out. |
Mar 25, 2018 10:34 PM
Yeah, too much people doesn't actually understand why the characters do this and that, and some people even concluded that Futoshi was directly NTR'd, which is downright bullshit. Either people care too much about shipping that they're completely blinded by it or they dislikes seeing characters having depth, and then proceed to blame the characters for being shallow when it was what they had wanted to happened in the first place. |
Arisa_LucifiriaMar 27, 2018 5:20 AM
Mar 25, 2018 10:39 PM
Eanraig said: I just like seeing the white knight fatso get blown the hell out. I mean yeah he was overbearing, but Kokoro wasn't honest? Even after she denied him he still went the extra mile to protect her. At the end of the episode he even accepted the fact that Kokoro was now with Mitsuru. Like legit. Him getting denied isn't even the problem. It's the fact that Kokoro didn't even tell him why or let him down in any way. I'm not gonna deny that I don't like Futoshi's overbearing you're perfect attitude and this will help him grow, but at the same time she kind of dropped him in the most painful way. DirectorK said: Guys, let's be real here. It doesn't take genius to see Kokoro wasn't serious about that promise Futoshi was asking her to make. She was only trying to be nice to him. She knows he's a sweet guy, but let's serious. Can you really see them developing a real relationship? I couldn't. No matter how much you want to ship it, it just wouldn't work. And no matter how much you want to deny it, they're just not compatible. That was really obvious from the start! If she actually went out with him she would never be truly happy. I mean... when Hiro and 02 were becoming close, Kokoro copied 02 on her own and fed Futoshi. She also flirted with him quite often during the beach trip. I honestly don't want Futoshi and Kokoro to end up together. Futoshi was a stagnant character because he was yes-manning for Kokoro and Kokoro was stifled. No doubt about that. The problem is, that unlike Mitsuru and gay glasses who have shit communication problems, Futoshi and Kokoro were actually shown to be REALLY fucking good at it, and they just dropped it? When it matters their 1 strength as a group just stops happening. Just tell him why, or tell him you'll do it or something. Don't just drop him like a sack of bricks and then ignore him. It doesn't make sense. |
Mar 25, 2018 10:40 PM
IMHO, my best or most favourite female character in Franxx, is..... Miku. Why ? Because I like to see her interactions with Zorome. Miku and Zorome make for a best couple, as both of them are outspoken noisy loudmouths, and they fight a lot with each other but cares for each other much. |
I am someone that would like to watch a Harem Anime with 2 male leads that each gets their own harem company of girls from the main cast. For example, 1st male lead gets a company of 4 girls and 2nd male lead gets 2-3 girls etc. |
Mar 25, 2018 11:42 PM
DirectorK said: Now look at Kokoro. Here we learn that she isn't the sweet and innocent girl we assumed her to be. She reveals to Mitsuru that she isn't perfect either. She's made mistakes, she didn't keep promises, and she's hurt people because of it. But she's learn to live with it and in the end it's made her better person. This is something Mitsuru hasn't been able to do after so long, and that's why Kokoro chose to be his partner because she sees a part of herself in him. She realized that he needed someone like her to really help him pull himself together. I think there's a flaw/missing piece in your logic here. And that is the person has to learn from their mistakes and change their ways to be a better person. Knowing you did something wrong doesn't make you a better person. Ex. If I punch you in the face and think... Wow, I shouldn't have done that but i'll live with it. That doesn't make me a better person, in fact i'm still a bad one. Secondly, this change to Kokoro doesn't develop her character more, it completely breaks it. In the span of one episode, we find out this nice girl character breaks her promises and cheats on her pilot. Why? Cause she's a nice girl and wants to help Mitsuru. WHAT? So you're a awful person to be a good person? They have 2 creepy interaction in the garden and on the beach he saves her. Whereas she is flirty with Futoshi on the beach and during the dining hall. Lastly, can we look at the irony of these two characters being together? One character (mitsuru) holds a lifelong grudge against Hiro for breaking/forgetting his promise. And the other (Kokoro) who immediately breaks her promises on a whim. |
Mar 25, 2018 11:55 PM
Mar 26, 2018 12:24 AM
Love you OP. fat virgins are triggered,but no one is considering Kokoros feelings |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Mar 26, 2018 12:43 AM
I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin, but I don't like either of them. Kokoro didn't communicate knowing full well she'd hurt Futoshi's feelings. She was never honest with her feelings. Not even once. Futoshi put Kokoro up on a pedestal and stifled her, so he was being a spaz for sure. The only problem with this, is that Futoshi's problem could've easily just been fixed with communication, which Kokoro has shown she's adept at when it comes to other people's problems. They're both at fault, and hopefully both become better people as a result of their separating. |
Mar 26, 2018 1:06 AM
TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Mar 26, 2018 1:37 AM
FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. |
Mar 26, 2018 1:48 AM
TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. No one forced you to fell for the OBVIOUS bait. I'm just here to trigger FranXX fans,cause I'm bored and there's nothing better to do during my breaks. Ok there is Hope you don't take it personally xD |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Mar 26, 2018 1:55 AM
FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. No one forced you to fell for the OBVIOUS bait. I'm just here to trigger FranXX fans,cause I'm bored and there's nothing better to do during my breaks. Ok there is Hope you don't take it personally xD FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. No one forced you to fell for the OBVIOUS bait. I'm just here to trigger FranXX fans,cause I'm bored and there's nothing better to do during my breaks. Ok there is Hope you don't take it personally xD ... eh but like... there's an actual fun discussion to be had here, where I want to hear other people's opinions on the matter. I mean you must have your own opinion right? Is it fun to just say nothing of value and add nothing to a conversation. I can't understand that. |
Mar 26, 2018 2:14 AM
TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. No one forced you to fell for the OBVIOUS bait. I'm just here to trigger FranXX fans,cause I'm bored and there's nothing better to do during my breaks. Ok there is Hope you don't take it personally xD FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: FMmatron said: TitanAnteus said: I don't know man. I'm neither fat nor a virgin Of course you aren't... of course... Man I should've expected that from MAL. Trying to have a decent discussion in the discussion section of Myanimelist? What was I on. Of course the person I'm talking to will focus on the least important nonsensical parts of my post and ignore everything else. No one forced you to fell for the OBVIOUS bait. I'm just here to trigger FranXX fans,cause I'm bored and there's nothing better to do during my breaks. Ok there is Hope you don't take it personally xD ... eh but like... there's an actual fun discussion to be had here, where I want to hear other people's opinions on the matter. I mean you must have your own opinion right? Is it fun to just say nothing of value and add nothing to a conversation. I can't understand that. But shitposting can be fun too and like I said,nobody forced to react on my post. And it's only fun adding something to a topic I like. |
One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron |
Mar 26, 2018 4:18 AM
DirectorK said: How do you redeem saving yourself? What the hell are you talking about? Everything she has done is to benefit her.Saved herself instead of another? What the hell are you talking about? She already redeemed herself long before she even became interested in Mitsuru. Selfish? Yeah, volunteering to help another when no one else will is indeed selfish. She only did that to further her own agenda. A liar? She told Mitsuru the truth about herself. What exactly would she gain out of lying to him? Just so she can have his baby? Come on, you can't be that close-minded. She lied to the fat guy, and told gay guy what he needed to hear so she didn’t have to bust out of there by herself, which she tried to do to save her own ass. She wants the gay guy to give her a baby. Them probably get fat guy to raise it like the cuck he is. |
Mar 26, 2018 4:21 AM
Pyro said: The blond with big boobs in the big gun mech.I'm 10 episodes in and I don't know who the hell is Kokoro. |
Mar 26, 2018 12:15 PM
Username23489023 said: How do you redeem saving yourself? What the hell are you talking about? Everything she has done is to benefit her. Benefit her? In what way? Please elaborate. She only did that to further her own agenda. What agenda? Again, please elaborate. She lied to the fat guy, and told gay guy what he needed to hear so she didn’t have to bust out of there by herself, which she tried to do to save her own ass. She wants the gay guy to give her a baby. Them probably get fat guy to raise it like the cuck he is. Now you're just pulling shit out of your ass. You say Kokoro'a a lying, slutty bitch and that Mitsuru is gay along with a bunch of other claims yet you've provided no evidence to support it. It's clear to me that you're just pissed off about this because things didn't go the way you wanted and that you're only arguing with me because you can't stand the fact that someone else thinks differently than you do. You'd be doing the same thing right now if Zero Two had done this. So unless you actually have something intelligent to talk about, I suggest you shut up. Stop trying to act like an intelligent human being, it's embarrassing. Cowpies4321 said: I think there's a flaw/missing piece in your logic here. And that is the person has to learn from their mistakes and change their ways to be a better person. Knowing you did something wrong doesn't make you a better person. Ex. If I punch you in the face and think... Wow, I shouldn't have done that but i'll live with it. That doesn't make me a better person, in fact i'm still a bad one. Secondly, this change to Kokoro doesn't develop her character more, it completely breaks it. In the span of one episode, we find out this nice girl character breaks her promises and cheats on her pilot. Why? Cause she's a nice girl and wants to help Mitsuru. WHAT? So you're a awful person to be a good person? They have 2 creepy interaction in the garden and on the beach he saves her. Whereas she is flirty with Futoshi on the beach and during the dining hall. Lastly, can we look at the irony of these two characters being together? One character (mitsuru) holds a lifelong grudge against Hiro for breaking/forgetting his promise. And the other (Kokoro) who immediately breaks her promises on a whim. So you're saying that people can't redeem themselves because they've made mistakes in their lives? That we shouldn't make difficult decisions because it may hurt someone? And that they will always be a bad person no matter what they do? Buddy, that's a very close-minded way of looking at things and it's clear you have no idea just how bad life can get. If Kokoro and Mitsuru really were "evil" trust me, they can do a lot worse. If you want a perfect example of just how badly someone can screw up look no further than Luke Fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss. He made a terrible mistake that cost the lives of thousands of innocent people, followed by him discovering that he wasn't suppose to exist. Think about how that would affect a person. That's not something you can easily cope with. Now you can claim all you want that it was all Master Van fault for using Luke as a tool but the truth is Van provided Luke with the gun, but it was Luke who pulled the trigger. Luke could have avoided that whole disaster if had used his head. Instead, he blindly followed his teacher's orders and he ended up paying for it dearly. Lives were lost and Luke practically lost everything in his life. His friends, family, identity, everything. But instead of sitting there feeling sorry for himself, he decided he was going to do whatever it took redeem himself, as seen here. And he succeeded. Indeed he was forced to kill one man he had looked up to for so long but it was a decision he had to make in order to save the world. And in the end he won the respect of the entire world, the everlasting friendship of his companions, and the love of a young woman who stayed by his side to the very end. She should have left him in the beginning, but she didn't because deep down she believed in him. Anyone one of them could have abandoned Luke at anytime, as they did before, but they didn't because they saw how determined he was to change into a better person and that he needed their support. Now if that isn't the greatest redemption story ever told, I don't know what is. And that's exactly what Kokoro did for Mitsuru. She made the difficult decision of reaching out for another when no one else would, knowing full well she was hurting another. Making difficult decisions is what makes us human. Like Kokoro said, we're not perfect. We all make mistakes. It's how we deal with those mistakes is what defines us as human beings. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 26, 2018 1:12 PM
Going so far to call her a slut or thot I think just shows a lot of immaturity. Calling her best girl is absolutely wrong though. The thing about episode 11 is that they're both wrong. Futoshi's problem was that he was super overbearing. They're all trying to figure out what love is to them, and Kokoro treats him kindly so he was attracted to her in that way. Thing is though... Futoshi's honest, straightforward and completely resolved to never hurt Kokoro. Kokoro doesn't want to be with Futoshi. The reason doesn't even need to be explained. The problem is that she doesn't communicate that with him when she drops him like a brick. What was she scared of? He'd hit her? lol. She'd hurt his feelings? She was already planning on doing that. Just... don't lead him on by the nose and then drop him out of nowhere. It's like common decency. It's not like they were even pressured into acting all flirty and whatnot. No other Franxx pilot group did besides Hiro and 02. They didn't need to join in on that so her reasoning of not being able to go against the grain doesn't even hold water. I don't know. If you put both mistakes side by side. Futoshi not being able to read Kokoro's mind doesn't seem as bad as what Kokoro did to Futoshi. |
Mar 26, 2018 1:14 PM
OP looks like he knows what he talking about. I called Kokoro a bitch but shit you had some good points. wait but hold up. This doesnt make her best girl. Thats reserved for 02 sorry |
Mar 26, 2018 1:17 PM
Kakuja21 said: you do know they talked before the beach EP? It was ep 5 when she saw him taking those pills asking him if he needs help because he never leans on anyoneI pretty much agree with many of OPs points but there are some things i would like to add. First of all Kokoro doesnt deserve that much hate. I kinda get why someone would dislike her but you judge her calling her a thot and so on before thinking about this with a clear mind. She is not forced to love her partner just because they are piloting the franxx together. She has the right to love whoever she wants. Many people think it was obvious she didnt like Futoshi but you cannot be sure about this. They were the only pilots with pretty much perfect communication skills atleast until the beach episode and you kinda see them flirting there too, not to mention the dining room scene where Kokoro feeds Futoshi just like 02 with Hiro. That being said, it doesnt mean she used to love him but you cannot be sure about the opposite either. Imo if she didnt talk to Mitsuru later on the beach episode i could see it working between Kokoro and Futoshi. Now about the “betrayal”. This is what kinda made me a little disappointed in her character. Its not that she did this BUT the way she did it. If she just talked to him sooner she would not make such a mess in the first first place hurting her partner and make herself look like a shitty and heartless character. She literally made him feel like shit infront of the other people and adults for breaking a promise literally 10 minutes later. If she doesnt feel like keeping that promise then she shouldnt agree in the first place. Now you could say that she never though she would get the chance to switch a partner but thats another matter. At last, i wanna say that she wanting to become Mitsuru’s partner doesnt automatically mean that she is in love with him. There were almost zero interactions between them before the beach episode. You could clearly see from the first minute that Ichigo loves Hiro, that Hiro loves 02, the tsundere couple and even Goro loving Ichigo after the 3. episode was kinda obvious too BUT there were zero hints about Kokoro liking Mitsuru atleast not until 3-4 episodes back. What i see in her is finding a way out of the pressure she got from her partner being too clingy and was really interested in Mitsurus character and past not to mention she was the only one who actually gives a shit about him when everyone else ignores him. In other words she felt like she was the only person who could actually help him even if that means “betraying” her partner. There could be some romantic feelings in the future and im completely fine with this “new” ship but who knows whats gonna happen next. Well thats it from me and how i see it but i respect everyones opinion :D |
Mar 26, 2018 1:18 PM
TitanAnteus said: Kokoro doesn't want to be with Futoshi. The reason doesn't even need to be explained. The problem is that she doesn't communicate that with him when she drops him like a brick. What was she scared of? He'd hit her? lol. She'd hurt his feelings? I think it was mostly the idea that without a means of swapping pilots she may have worried that voicing her concerns would either interfere with their performance. The series already had tried to establish her as someone who strives for conflict avoidance so it doesn't seem out of character to me. |
Mar 26, 2018 1:29 PM
Quirkiness101 said: TitanAnteus said: Kokoro doesn't want to be with Futoshi. The reason doesn't even need to be explained. The problem is that she doesn't communicate that with him when she drops him like a brick. What was she scared of? He'd hit her? lol. She'd hurt his feelings? I think it was mostly the idea that without a means of swapping pilots she may have worried that voicing her concerns would either interfere with their performance. The series already had tried to establish her as someone who strives for conflict avoidance so it doesn't seem out of character to me. Very true. Letting it get to that point though, kind of doesn't make much sense. I guess maybe Miku's behavior towards Zorome skewed my viewpoint. I guess I can admit that this was generally well done then. |
Mar 26, 2018 1:35 PM
i think there is no best girl because they are all poorly written characters |
Mar 26, 2018 1:35 PM
bitchassdarius said: i think there is no best girl because they are all poorly written characters This is the actual best post on the whole subject. |
kie_ said: So they concluded the anime with some feminist shit... Markdoka said: The ones hating this anime are MOSTLY SJWs, yaoifags and Narutards. LUCKILY I'M NOT ONE OF THOSE DAMN SJWS, YAOIFAGS AND NARUTARDS bashing the show for being "too edgy" and "too un-PC". |
Mar 26, 2018 1:55 PM
@bitchassdarius @Decibelle Hmmm... I don't think they're poorly written. It's not a VN so they don't have time to instantiate their problems, but they give subtle hints with body language to show how these characters feel. It's only a problem when one character's writing feels so different from another. Zorome is fine. The way he's being characterized and developed makes perfect sense, and then you compare him to Mitsuru and you wonder if it's the same writers. That's the problem. |
Mar 26, 2018 2:02 PM
TitanAnteus said: @bitchassdarius @Decibelle Hmmm... I don't think they're poorly written. It's not a VN so they don't have time to instantiate their problems, but they give subtle hints with body language to show how these characters feel. It's only a problem when one character's writing feels so different from another. Zorome is fine. The way he's being characterized and developed makes perfect sense, and then you compare him to Mitsuru and you wonder if it's the same writers. That's the problem. the characters are only defined in relation to other characters, they don't stand on their own as separate identities |
Mar 26, 2018 2:13 PM
bitchassdarius said: TitanAnteus said: @bitchassdarius @Decibelle Hmmm... I don't think they're poorly written. It's not a VN so they don't have time to instantiate their problems, but they give subtle hints with body language to show how these characters feel. It's only a problem when one character's writing feels so different from another. Zorome is fine. The way he's being characterized and developed makes perfect sense, and then you compare him to Mitsuru and you wonder if it's the same writers. That's the problem. the characters are only defined in relation to other characters, they don't stand on their own as separate identities But they do though? Zorome has his insane devotion and desire to become an adult and earn their respect. Hiro's got a huge fear of being worthless, believing his life is worth nothing if he can't risk it to pilot and protect the plantation. 02 has an insane distrust of the adults and legitimately hates it when people try to get too close to her. Ichigo always thought Hiro would be the leader, but since it's her she's struggling with the responsibilities that brings while trying to keep her own emotions in check. Gobro like Hiro doesn't think much of his own life and his own desires and tries to a fault to make the people he likes happy even if that makes himself unhappy. Like... they really do have characters. Some more than others right now, but they'll all get their development eventually. |
Mar 26, 2018 2:17 PM
Girl gets paired with dude without having any say in it. Said girl is like, what, 16? Girl lies to say dude about being with him forever because she's in an uncomfortable position. Girl dumps him and chooses to pilot with another dude. Girl acknowledges she's not perfect and broke a promise. That's all it happened. Most reactions tell you more about the nature of the anime fandom (The weird fixation with purity and the double standards when it comes to relationships) than the show itself. Which is still awful, but not because muh NTR or whatever people are complaining this week, but because it's really boring and the characters are flat as fuck. |
Jin_uzukiMar 26, 2018 2:28 PM
Mar 26, 2018 2:24 PM
Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Mar 26, 2018 2:27 PM
GangsterCat said: Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though I would agree if the fans are calling her a whore, slut or thot, but acting like she was completely innocent is a disservice to the show as even she admits she's not. |
Mar 26, 2018 2:33 PM
TitanAnteus said: she is completely innocent, she can choose whoever she wants.GangsterCat said: Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though I would agree if the fans are calling her a whore, slut or thot, but acting like she was completely innocent is a disservice to the show as even she admits she's not. |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Mar 26, 2018 2:37 PM
GangsterCat said: TitanAnteus said: she is completely innocent, she can choose whoever she wants.GangsterCat said: Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though I would agree if the fans are calling her a whore, slut or thot, but acting like she was completely innocent is a disservice to the show as even she admits she's not. Yes she can? Futoshi can feel hurt too. I don't get your point. All anyone's saying is that she knowingly hurt Furoshi's feelings in front of everyone out of fear of confronting him since she's a coward. That's it. Not that she committed an actual crime or anything XD. |
Mar 26, 2018 2:46 PM
TitanAnteus said: so what if he get his feeling hurt?GangsterCat said: TitanAnteus said: GangsterCat said: Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though I would agree if the fans are calling her a whore, slut or thot, but acting like she was completely innocent is a disservice to the show as even she admits she's not. Yes she can? Futoshi can feel hurt too. I don't get your point. All anyone's saying is that she knowingly hurt Furoshi's feelings in front of everyone out of fear of confronting him since she's a coward. That's it. Not that she committed an actual crime or anything XD. she is a coward she even said it herself, whats your point? uproar all over internet is just crazy as if she is most evil slutwhore ever exist. I can feel the 'niceguy' aura from all those comments |
Cross Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste) |
Mar 26, 2018 2:54 PM
we live in the day and age where someone has to write an essay over how a certain character in a series is the best |
Edward Elric > your waifu |
Mar 26, 2018 3:07 PM
GangsterCat said: TitanAnteus said: so what if he get his feeling hurt?GangsterCat said: TitanAnteus said: she is completely innocent, she can choose whoever she wants.GangsterCat said: Only fat anime fans are triggered over Kokoro choosing Mitsuru over that creepy neckbeard fat guy though I would agree if the fans are calling her a whore, slut or thot, but acting like she was completely innocent is a disservice to the show as even she admits she's not. Yes she can? Futoshi can feel hurt too. I don't get your point. All anyone's saying is that she knowingly hurt Furoshi's feelings in front of everyone out of fear of confronting him since she's a coward. That's it. Not that she committed an actual crime or anything XD. she is a coward she even said it herself, whats your point? uproar all over internet is just crazy as if she is most evil slutwhore ever exist. I can feel the 'niceguy' aura from all those comments Lol I legit said she's not that. I just said that they're both at fault. Futoshi for being fat and clingy and Kokoro for leading him on and being a coward when it came time to let him go. Dlwuik said: we live in the day and age where someone has to write an essay over how a certain character in a series is the best I know isn't it great. I'd take this over running from Lions any day. |
Mar 26, 2018 3:14 PM
Kakuja21 said: Now about the “betrayal”. This is what kinda made me a little disappointed in her character. Its not that she did this BUT the way she did it. If she just talked to him sooner she would not make such a mess in the first first place hurting her partner and make herself look like a shitty and heartless character. She literally made him feel like shit infront of the other people and adults for breaking a promise literally 10 minutes later. If she doesnt feel like keeping that promise then she shouldnt agree in the first place. Now you could say that she never though she would get the chance to switch a partner but thats another matter. You bring up a good point here since I kept forgetting to mention this whenever I'm here. There should have been a scene where Kokoro was talking to Futoshi about her decision right after she maid but instead the writers decided to have a stupid melodrama scene of Futoshi throwing a temper tantrum. Then again, Futoshi might have been so pissed off he might not have listen to whatever Kokoro had to say so might have been a better idea to ignore him for the time being until things cooled down and he was in a more reasonable mood. |
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 26, 2018 4:36 PM
DirectorK said: You bring up a good point here since I kept forgetting to mention this whenever I'm here. There should have been a scene where Kokoro was talking to Futoshi about her decision right after she maid but instead the writers decided to have a stupid melodrama scene of Futoshi throwing a temper tantrum. Then again, Futoshi might have been so pissed off he might not have listen to whatever Kokoro had to say so might have been a better idea to ignore him for the time being until things cooled down and he was in a more reasonable mood. Honestly, when someone is heartbroken like that, there really isn't much Kokoro could have said to fix things. In the same way, being told "It's not you, it's me" right before a break-up doesn't really mean shit for the person being pushed out. Break-ups can only really be amiable when both parties have already come to the conclusion that a split is for the best. The division generally comes from one side still being invested while the other is ready to bolt (like in this scenario). |
Mar 26, 2018 5:15 PM
TitanAnteus said: bitchassdarius said: TitanAnteus said: @bitchassdarius @Decibelle Hmmm... I don't think they're poorly written. It's not a VN so they don't have time to instantiate their problems, but they give subtle hints with body language to show how these characters feel. It's only a problem when one character's writing feels so different from another. Zorome is fine. The way he's being characterized and developed makes perfect sense, and then you compare him to Mitsuru and you wonder if it's the same writers. That's the problem. the characters are only defined in relation to other characters, they don't stand on their own as separate identities But they do though? Zorome has his insane devotion and desire to become an adult and earn their respect. Hiro's got a huge fear of being worthless, believing his life is worth nothing if he can't risk it to pilot and protect the plantation. 02 has an insane distrust of the adults and legitimately hates it when people try to get too close to her. Ichigo always thought Hiro would be the leader, but since it's her she's struggling with the responsibilities that brings while trying to keep her own emotions in check. Gobro like Hiro doesn't think much of his own life and his own desires and tries to a fault to make the people he likes happy even if that makes himself unhappy. Like... they really do have characters. Some more than others right now, but they'll all get their development eventually. hiro's thing about being worthless was only with respect to the fact that he didn't have a partner, and that whole idea was solved with 02. vice versa, 02's trust thing only existed as a problem to be solved by hiro, in essence they were written to solve each other's problems. your description of ichigo is in relation to hiro and goro only exists as a romantic foil to hiro. zorome is probably the oddball out which is why his solo episode actually explored the world around the characters. notice how everyone else's development was in an episode about the team as a whole. |
Mar 26, 2018 5:49 PM
She got someone to do anything for her. Even defend her after she victimizes them. She got someone to be her partner even though it ruins that person’s relationship with others in the group. How did she not benefit from her actions? What agenda? Again, please elaborate. Switching partners to the male of her choice while still retaining the previous male as backup. She lied to the fat guy, and told gay guy what he needed to hear so she didn’t have to bust out of there by herself, which she tried to do to save her own ass. She wants the gay guy to give her a baby. Them probably get fat guy to raise it like the cuck he is. Now you're just pulling shit out of your ass. [b]So you’re saying she didn’t lie to the fat guy?[/b]You say Kokoro'a a lying, slutty bitch and that Mitsuru is gay along with a bunch of other claims yet you've provided no evidence to support it. [b]how didn’t she lie to the fat guy? I watched it in the episode. How isn’t he gay for wanting to pilot 16’s franxx? To say he isn’t gay, is to deny the innuendo in this series.[/b]It's clear to me that you're just pissed off about this because things didn't go the way you wanted and that you're only arguing with me because you can't stand the fact that someone else thinks differently than you do. You'd be doing the same thing right now if Zero Two had done this.[b] Why do you think I’m pissed? I’m typing in a perfectly rational manner. No exclamation marks, and witty jokes at the characters expense. I didn’t know we were arguing. I thought I was explaining the character flaws of koko of which you’re denying.[/b] So unless you actually have something intelligent to talk about, I suggest you shut up. Stop trying to act like an intelligent human being, it's embarrassing. This sounds more like you’re realizing I have more experience with women, greater vocabulary, and fear that people will see you’re not making sense, so you want to censor me.You’re saying Koko is the best girl in this series to be in a relationship with you. Why would you want someone to vow to be with you forever (a lie), then throw you away the first chance she gets to be with someone better? Maybe you think you’re the step up character? How do you know she isn’t going to do the same to you? |
Username23489023Mar 26, 2018 5:52 PM
Mar 26, 2018 6:40 PM
Nobody cares. I act nice and only act like that if it benefits me irl too. Looks like koko does the same so no hate. |
Yeah right there is no way a doujin about vomit exists. Good song Tsumino account is BigMaraIppo Another Good Song Listen to テスト by mukami #np on #SoundCloud Ashita no Joe and Megalo box are disappointing anime. My reviews: Best Naruto Op: discord name: Chitoge Kirisaki#9564 my discord server for plebs |
Mar 26, 2018 6:53 PM
bitchassdarius said: TitanAnteus said: bitchassdarius said: TitanAnteus said: @bitchassdarius @Decibelle Hmmm... I don't think they're poorly written. It's not a VN so they don't have time to instantiate their problems, but they give subtle hints with body language to show how these characters feel. It's only a problem when one character's writing feels so different from another. Zorome is fine. The way he's being characterized and developed makes perfect sense, and then you compare him to Mitsuru and you wonder if it's the same writers. That's the problem. the characters are only defined in relation to other characters, they don't stand on their own as separate identities But they do though? Zorome has his insane devotion and desire to become an adult and earn their respect. Hiro's got a huge fear of being worthless, believing his life is worth nothing if he can't risk it to pilot and protect the plantation. 02 has an insane distrust of the adults and legitimately hates it when people try to get too close to her. Ichigo always thought Hiro would be the leader, but since it's her she's struggling with the responsibilities that brings while trying to keep her own emotions in check. Gobro like Hiro doesn't think much of his own life and his own desires and tries to a fault to make the people he likes happy even if that makes himself unhappy. Like... they really do have characters. Some more than others right now, but they'll all get their development eventually. hiro's thing about being worthless was only with respect to the fact that he didn't have a partner, and that whole idea was solved with 02. vice versa, 02's trust thing only existed as a problem to be solved by hiro, in essence they were written to solve each other's problems. your description of ichigo is in relation to hiro and goro only exists as a romantic foil to hiro. zorome is probably the oddball out which is why his solo episode actually explored the world around the characters. notice how everyone else's development was in an episode about the team as a whole. I'm saying those are their character traits though. Even when Hiro could die when piloting with 02 he still went with it. That has nothing to do with 02, but his need to be useful. 02's distrust of adults is a defining character trait, written not to just be solved by hiro. With or without hiro, she distrusts the adults. Ichigo's desire to be a competent leader yes does relate to Hiro, but you can replace Hiro with anyone and it'd still be the same. She doesn't want to be leader, but she has to be one and she's trying to deal with that, while dealing with her personal life. The way she handles that predicament is wholly unique to her. Gobro on the surface looks like his problem is related to the other characters, but if you switch out the characters with anyone else, he'd still have that same third-wheel mentality he has. The problem is endemic to him and how he sees his relationship with people so it's a character trait. |
Mar 26, 2018 7:47 PM
Username23489023 said: She got someone to do anything for her. Even defend her after she victimizes them. She got someone to be her partner even though it ruins that person’s relationship with others in the group. How did she not benefit from her actions? You mean she only teamed up with Mitsuru just so she could make him her bitch? That's bullshit and you know it. Mitsuru may be ignorant but he's not stupid. He would have saw through that in an instant if that was her intention. Switching partners to the male of her choice while still retaining the previous male as backup. Has she ever said, "I need a man if my life! Please protect me!" once in this entire series? No, she hasn't and she doesn't need to. You think she's that desperate for a guy when she nearly got herself killed trying to save one or that she's only interested in men just because she happened to pick up a book about human reproduction? Get out of here. So you’re saying she didn’t lie to the fat guy? He was being overbearing and she was only trying to be nice to him. That doesn't make her a bad person. A bad person would have given him a bunch of insults. Not once has she ever done that with him or anyone else. How isn’t he gay for wanting to pilot 16’s franxx? To say he isn’t gay, is to deny the innuendo in this series. He was a KID! He didn't know any better. You're seriously going to try to tell me a kid at that age has homosexual tendencies? Get real. Why do you think I’m pissed? I’m typing in a perfectly rational manner. No exclamation marks, and witty jokes at the characters expense. I didn’t know we were arguing. I thought I was explaining the character flaws of koko of which you’re denying. Perfectly rational manner? Is that suppose to be a joke? Because if it is I'm not laughing. We are arguing because what you're saying is both irrational and immature. I'm defending her because everything you're saying isn't true. You're assuming too much without taking the time to look into the deeper part of the picture. I never said Kokoro didn't have flaws, but I do admire her for being able to admit it instead of trying to deny it. Out of all the characters she the most mature out of the entire group. That's why I say she's the best girl in this series. I don't care if you agree with me or not. I was only expressing my opinion on the object and that alone got you all worked up because my opinion didn't match yours. It would have been easier for you if you'd just ignored what I said and moved on to something else, instead you choose to make an argument out it for no reason whatsoever other than people like me exist. This sounds more like you’re realizing I have more experience with women, greater vocabulary, and fear that people will see you’re not making sense, so you want to censor me. Oh, knock it off. Don't try to play victim here with me. I'm not buying it. You’re saying Koko is the best girl in this series to be in a relationship with you. Why would you want someone to vow to be with you forever (a lie), then throw you away the first chance she gets to be with someone better? Maybe you think you’re the step up character? How do you know she isn’t going to do the same to you? Well, if Kokoro turns out to be what you claims she is, I'll take everything back and you can be on your merry way laughing your ass off. But until she actually does I'm going to continue defending her whether you like it or not. |
DirectorKMar 28, 2018 2:18 PM
"You talk too much. Think too much." "I don't care how justified you think your reasons are. I won't tolerate liars or thieves." "If you're not going to be nice to me, don't expect me to be nice to you." "I'm a soldier, not a superhero. Don't ever think of me as one." "The world doesn't revolve around you. Get that through your thick skull." "People who live by their emotions go nowhere in their lives. They only find misery. "If you don't like the way your life is than do something about it instead of sitting there feeling sorry for yourself." "You want something go get it. Period." |
Mar 26, 2018 10:31 PM
IMO I believe there's still something needs to done about promise itself. I realize futoshi probably tries to probably make kokoro promises to stay with him forever because he realized her compability with him is low so even though I believe he's honest with his feelings towards kokoro that clingyness is a big problem, and kokoro still shouldn't make that promise and just basically tells him what she wants, I also have thoughts that futoshi acts that way all the time towards kokoro before because he believes she likes him that way, which I think is a reasonable believe considering kokoro have never opened up until now |
Mar 26, 2018 11:09 PM
Kinda disgust me to read about it, but hats off for you OP, for being yourself.. Now if i may ask, what kind of evaluation did you use to claim that she is qualified to get the predicate of best girl? If you may, please elaborate... As for my oppinion regarding her act, i think she's unwise... Dumb even... To throw a perfectly stable partner for sickly mitsuru, she almost die if not for futoshi guarding them... It's almost impulsive for her to do that. I don't deny the sexual tension and aware of their pschosexual stage, but shouldn't the officer remind them that in any way this is not a game, i mean it's life and death right? Letting them goes on military operation without following up after testing compatibility 'just once'? Yes, the commanding officer was partly at fault, but still she's dumb... Sure she did not like futoshi, but this is bussiness. They lived sucking on tax money and nobody reminds them of that... Seems to me that this show hasn' t gave any consequence to any bad choices... Well of course except futoshi, and that hiro ex partner... |
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