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Oct 5, 2017 10:22 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm...I feel like the OP song is slightly better than some of the other idol shows this season (probably not Love Live Sunshine :p)

The main guys seems cool, with a sort of badass attitude. Surprisingly catchy music. Not feeling much for the story at the moment though. It's like this anime its putting way more emphasis into music more than anything else. I think i's fine but hoping this anime will also develop more into the storytelling.
Oct 5, 2017 3:20 PM

Jan 2011
it was... bad... i feel like i've wasted 24 minutes of my life im not even joking
Oct 5, 2017 3:35 PM

Jul 2015

I'm really not feeling it. I hate the repetitive scene cuts of the band playing. I think I saw the same scene 5 times.

Music is ok. Plot.... umm.....
Oct 5, 2017 7:44 PM
Oct 2016
I liked it so far! I'm a fan of [rêve parfait]& apple-polisher and overall a fan of the Dynamic Chord otome games. Although it would have been nice, I don't think they could have fit the story of all 4 games into the anime. lol I think it's mostly going to be used as promotion/introduction to the Dynamic Chord universe (bands+songs+games), so I'm not going in with high expectations and expecting some major development in the story~ ^_^
Oct 6, 2017 10:25 PM

Oct 2012
I went in with lowwwww expectations and I wanted to like it... I've been a fan of the songs and the otome games but this anime adaption was honestly disappointing. The art felt like it was from 10 years ago (i felt like i was watching miracle train again lol). And then animation for the song parts... I guess they were trying to copy the style of the music videos, but honestly... it was just weird.......

maybe ill just stick around for the songs and seiyuus....
haineko123Oct 6, 2017 10:29 PM
( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Oct 7, 2017 12:40 AM
Jan 2016
um.. Where did u guys watch it? I couldn't find the English sub version and had a little trouble with the raw version
Oct 7, 2017 2:56 AM
Oct 2016
Monieflorida said:
um.. Where did u guys watch it? I couldn't find the English sub version and had a little trouble with the raw version

I watched the raw version, I have no idea if anyone is going to sub it or by when.
Oct 7, 2017 3:01 AM
Oct 2016
haineko123 said:
I went in with lowwwww expectations and I wanted to like it... I've been a fan of the songs and the otome games but this anime adaption was honestly disappointing. The art felt like it was from 10 years ago (i felt like i was watching miracle train again lol). And then animation for the song parts... I guess they were trying to copy the style of the music videos, but honestly... it was just weird.......

maybe ill just stick around for the songs and seiyuus....

That's actually the main reason why I'm going to stick around lol I agree with you on the animation for the song parts.😅
Oct 7, 2017 4:26 AM

Jun 2014
noirliesl said:
Monieflorida said:
um.. Where did u guys watch it? I couldn't find the English sub version and had a little trouble with the raw version

I watched the raw version, I have no idea if anyone is going to sub it or by when.

Sentai Filmworks did license this show for streaming, but I'm not exactly sure when they'll get the materials. It's supposed to go up on HIDIVE first, and then probably to Anime Strike and all of that stuff.
Oct 7, 2017 12:34 PM

Dec 2015
The subbed episode is already up FYI.

This anime centers around 4 rock bands, so technically not an idol anime, but let's be real, we'd all classify them as at least pseudo-idol anime. I haven't kept up with the games so I'm pretty much clueless when it comes to Dynamic Chord in general.

I'm gonna be honest here and say that I'm really here for the seiyuu because the anime really is lackluster. Episode one happens and leaves us with more questions than answers, and all I know is KYOHSO's vocalist (that red-haired guy who's enough of a madman to drive in the rain, with the top down) is a diva with Issues. Barely any character establishment, especially with the other 2 bands who literally just get an 'MV' in this episode - seriously, why bother? Just introduce them in another episode!

I don't know about anyone else but Dynamic Chord's music is so-so to me; I've heard better music, from both fictional idol groups and fictional bands. And god, the animation. It's just so strange; sometimes you have nice smooth animation, but most of it is just sub-par animation, and then there's that weird jerky animation that dear god, keeps being repeated in frames, and then you have CG animation that sticks out like a sore thumb because of how poorly it's integrated into the anime. A look at the credits at the end shows lots of Korean names, so I'm going out on a limb and say that much of it is outsourced, which explains the messiness of this anime. In most seasons this would already be really bad, but in a season where it's chock-full of idol anime (TsukiPro, Idolmaster Side M, and of course Love Live Sunshine)? If Dynamic Chord wanted to stand out from the rest with bad animation, they've achieved it. Studio Pierrot please. (And I can't believe I complained about TsukiPro's animation, this is way worse.)

I don't know, man. I actually set myself a goal of watching all male idol anime out there because why not, but if I'm seriously thinking of dropping this in episode one... Sigh.

I haven't watched Idolmaster Side M yet, I hope it doesn't disappoint me or this season's gonna look real bad for me...
Oct 7, 2017 12:43 PM

Jun 2014
Now that I've seen the episode subbed, my reaction is a big fat MEH.

It's clear that the writers for this series aren't as experienced because I have no idea what kind of story they're trying to write. If it was a flashy sequence of recycled to tears animated "music videos" and not a lot of meat, they got it. I want to learn more about the boys and their group dynamics, not stare at CG birds robotically flapping their wings or see dramatic piano notes that come on so sharp they make me laugh. Yasuomi Umetsu's character designs shouldn't be wasted like this.

Potential is the only thing keeping this show afloat for me. Hopefully the next episode proves to be better.
Oct 7, 2017 2:10 PM

Aug 2014
generic pretty boy show..
Oct 7, 2017 3:35 PM

Jun 2016
The first 10 seconds or so seemed so promising. I could've been doing almost anything else during those 24 minutes and been more satisfied... What a waste...
People die when they're killed!
Oct 7, 2017 7:35 PM

Jul 2009
God awful.

The angles and cuts, that is. Am I the only one that felt dizzy watching this? STOP WITH THE QUICK CUTS.

Damn was this animated by a 2 year old? ...or is this how the style's supposed to be? It's painful. Bloody painful.

And this show should not have been 24mins. Half the time we're staring a shot of someone's eyes or a bunny doll or something random like the sky. Repeated scenes and what not. Just make it a 13min ep or something -.- Stop wasting our time. It's on the level of Naruto with the damn trees and One Piece everything xD

Im so annoyed. The whole episode kept cutting to Yorito and his angsty expressions. We spend the whole episode wondering wtf is up with this guy. End reveals he's leaving... I swear nothing happened the whole episode. Nothing happened. the story did not move at all. The only significant event is shown at the end and it isnt even surprising or moving because we don't know anything about the dude and he hasn't said one word beside some shit in a recording off the TV. Why do I care he's leaving? I don't. So don't waste a whole episode leading up to that (doesn't even feel like it was "leading" anywhere at all). I know nothing about any of the characters, im attached to no one. Reon sounded better singing for the other band than in his own (that could just be my personal preference but whatever)

Why can't these idol/all-male cast anime be any good. GIVE ME EYECANDY BUT GIVE ME A STORY TOO. I don't wanna be on here complaining about how old anime was better (because I don't truly believe...or want to believe that) but seriously. I don't remember all the details of an anime like Kaikan Phrase or Beck but I swear they was 1000 times better than this modern garbage (Although Beck didn't really have eye candy. i suppose Ray was kinda cute). Utapri is shit. Shounen Hollywood was shit. Idolmaster Side M already looks like shit. And the worst part is that these shit get SEQUELS! Please dish out quality male idol shows. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU. (pleeeeeease)

Ugh I'm probably being too passionate towards a show with low expectations anyways-- BUT that's why this is so painful. LET ME HAVE HIGH HOPES.
InugirlzOct 7, 2017 10:39 PM
Oct 7, 2017 9:27 PM
⚧ | 愛と平和

Oct 2010
Is it just me, or was this trying to see just how many stills they can use and still call it anime instead of a picture drama? And all that time in the beginning with no dialog or even monolog? Weird. Not a good weird. I found myself totally thinking about other things and not even watching what was happening -- that's a bad sign.

I agree with you, @Inugirlz, why can't we have high hopes... or at least moderately reasonable hopes? This was just bad.
✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣ ✣
“The right to think is the beginning of freedom, and speech must be protected
from the government because speech is the beginning of thought.”
  — Ashcroft v.Free Speech Coalition,
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Oct 8, 2017 12:10 AM

Nov 2014
the animation was a little weird, the close up shots reminded me of tom hooper's les mis close ups lol. the music was really good, i love the 2nd and 3rd songs. im not sure about the plot at the moment, but its pretty engaging at least for me. i have high hopes for this now lol
Oct 8, 2017 12:12 AM

Apr 2013

honestly though; this could've been wayyy better if they adapted the games one by one and not put all groups together already in one season.
especially since I really liked how reve parfait picked up tsumugi working together with rio

I also really miss the cute friendship kuon/rio/aki had together - they made the game a lot more fun for me :c also narumi liking rio and reon tryharding to be mean like these dudes were such bitches at the beginning (except for aki, aki is a+++ angel) but they had character development thanks to rio bUT in the anime, they are already at the point after the character development :/

I also really hated the scenes with the music for everyone, it looked p awful
can I at least have reve parfait performing judgement to make it a little bit better, thanks.

deliveries here please
forum set by me

+card permits

Oct 8, 2017 12:40 AM

Jun 2016
What's up with these music shows that involves bishounen that's got horrible usage of CGI? That repetitive use of those shots and movements when they're performing were so distracting and weirded the hell outta me. The studio behind this is so fucking lazy, maaan. It's like watching an animix. Lmfao.

Anyhoo, that was an okay start for our story. At least this time, unlike the other music shows I'm also watching, this got few bishounen, so it won't giving me a hard time telling who is who. Lmao.

So, one member of this band Kyohso left and he's the vocalist. I wonder why.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Oct 8, 2017 7:40 AM

Oct 2008
So many ikemen shows this Fall season huh...
I think I heard Aoi Shouta sing??!?

Oct 8, 2017 9:23 AM

Mar 2016
Didn't really enjoy this. It's just a plain boring idol/singing band anime. Not the best I've seen at all and was bored through out all of the episode. I even skipped some parts (mainly the scenes when the ost plays). I'll stick around for the next episode just to see what's up with the lead singer. and why he resigned.
Oct 8, 2017 9:25 AM

Oct 2012
I was already disappointed from the main visuals and got even more depressed from the previews. My already low expectations were trampled on by whatever the fuck happened in the first episode. Which is almost nothing. This was so bad.. Was their animation budget that low or did they just give it to an amateur??? Like their cheap music scenes remind me of flash animations back from the 2000s. by fans.

And apple-polishers scene came out of nowhere? EVERYTHING CAME OUT OF NOWHERE? This is probably the worst adaptation of an otoge I've seen. Even Diabolik Lovers was better. What a waste of 24 minutes. This show already cannot be saved lol.
Oct 8, 2017 11:49 PM

Jul 2012
What the fuck? How did they mess this kind of show up? Even plotless Anime like Utapri at least are watchable. This was a long 24 minute PV and not even with nice animation.

Honeybee, you could have done better. I had hope for you.
Oct 9, 2017 2:50 AM
Jan 2017
Inugirlz said:
God awful.

The angles and cuts, that is. Am I the only one that felt dizzy watching this? STOP WITH THE QUICK CUTS.

Damn was this animated by a 2 year old? ...or is this how the style's supposed to be? It's painful. Bloody painful.

And this show should not have been 24mins. Half the time we're staring a shot of someone's eyes or a bunny doll or something random like the sky. Repeated scenes and what not. Just make it a 13min ep or something -.- Stop wasting our time. It's on the level of Naruto with the damn trees and One Piece everything xD

Im so annoyed. The whole episode kept cutting to Yorito and his angsty expressions. We spend the whole episode wondering wtf is up with this guy. End reveals he's leaving... I swear nothing happened the whole episode. Nothing happened. the story did not move at all. The only significant event is shown at the end and it isnt even surprising or moving because we don't know anything about the dude and he hasn't said one word beside some shit in a recording off the TV. Why do I care he's leaving? I don't. So don't waste a whole episode leading up to that (doesn't even feel like it was "leading" anywhere at all). I know nothing about any of the characters, im attached to no one. Reon sounded better singing for the other band than in his own (that could just be my personal preference but whatever)

Why can't these idol/all-male cast anime be any good. GIVE ME EYECANDY BUT GIVE ME A STORY TOO. I don't wanna be on here complaining about how old anime was better (because I don't truly believe...or want to believe that) but seriously. I don't remember all the details of an anime like Kaikan Phrase or Beck but I swear they was 1000 times better than this modern garbage (Although Beck didn't really have eye candy. i suppose Ray was kinda cute). Utapri is shit. Shounen Hollywood was shit. Idolmaster Side M already looks like shit. And the worst part is that these shit get SEQUELS! Please dish out quality male idol shows. PLEASE I BEG OF YOU. (pleeeeeease)

Ugh I'm probably being too passionate towards a show with low expectations anyways-- BUT that's why this is so painful. LET ME HAVE HIGH HOPES.

YOU MADE MY DAY OMG, I cried watching how bad this show was.
Oct 9, 2017 6:21 PM

Jul 2009
kazuyaharu said:
Even Diabolik Lovers was better. What a waste of 24 minutes. This show already cannot be saved lol.

I wanna cry because you said Diabolik Lovers was better.

And you're right.


Proof this show is a disaster. I cry.
Oct 11, 2017 4:18 PM
Oct 2015
I am typically someone who enjoys watching idol/band anime, but so far this was not worth watching. The scenes that were supposed to be them performing had far too many quick cuts. Not to be picky, but the lips didn't even match up with the singing, which is the main focus of this anime. Also, by combining all the bands together, it distracts from development. Actually, no one will get enough screen time to actually show any. This is all just from the first 10 minutes. Honestly, I'll keep watching anyways because I really like Yuusei Otoishi's character design and because why not ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Oct 13, 2017 7:51 AM

Jun 2015
Horrible waste of time, it was long time since I saw something with this high boredom level absolutely nothing worth of mention, in fact I couldnt even finish the episode. I guess as positive the art little better than other all guy animes because at least easier to tell apart different charachters.
thats nice...Dropped 2/10.
Oct 16, 2017 1:41 AM
Jul 2012
Another bishonen singing group anime. Not much depth or dialogue. Probably won't watch the rest. I do like the nice animation and handsome characters. I just wish they said and did more.
Oct 20, 2017 10:07 AM
Sep 2015
I'm a hardcore fudanshi but I really can't continue Dynamic Chord. It reminds me of all those ridiculous over the top camera effects found in Indian TV drama. And it makes me really headache right now. So for my health concern I've to stop this.
Oct 21, 2017 8:35 AM

Jan 2008
OMG this show is so bad it's bad
The awful animation and edit made me laugh so hard but I have no idea what they were trying to do
Jan 11, 2018 1:44 PM

May 2014
I watched it on 1.5x speed, and genuinely can't imagine it'd be bearable any other way.
How many lines were in the script for this episode? Like, 15 absolute max? This must've been such a nice break for subbers.
Jan 26, 2018 2:53 AM

Mar 2017
It can't be THAT bad






2018年1月3日3:50 pm

Mar 12, 2018 10:58 AM

Nov 2016
The score doesn't lie..

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Nov 13, 2018 8:26 AM

Jun 2015
I have no idea what's going on. Is this why this anime has such a low score?
If you are going to disagree with me, don't bother talking to me. I will seriously hurt you!
Apr 14, 2023 12:27 PM

Apr 2015
I have no idea what Im watching, but it sure looks pretty. The music is also really good, its a waste they didnt put more thought into properly executing the storyline AND animation
OberonFelsachApr 14, 2023 2:49 PM
May 25, 2023 1:16 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Lol at that MAL score.

Yeah, this seems like a boring show, but oh well. Let's see what's next.

I love that cat. =^_^=

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