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Jul 2, 2017 2:49 PM
Anime Moderator
Grammar Queen

Jun 2008
As expected, this was beautifully animated. I loved the ending. I'm happy this seems like romance will be a big part of the plot.
p r o f i l e 👀
Jul 2, 2017 2:52 PM

Jun 2014
Naruleach said:
As expected, this was beautifully animated. I loved the ending. I'm happy this seems like romance will be a big part of the plot.

I'm so jealous, not only did you get to see Welcome to the Ballroom, but you also got to see this? Let me guess, you're also gonna watch the first 3 episodes of The Ancient Magus' Bride.
Jul 2, 2017 3:03 PM
Jan 2014
anyone know who's the va for Gilbert
Jul 2, 2017 6:41 PM
Sep 2015
Got to see this at AX today. Absolutely gorgeous animation, and a really great romance theme throughout the whole thing. The winter anime season 'bout to be crazy.
Jul 2, 2017 7:19 PM

May 2016
It was stunning. The ending left me wanting more
Jul 3, 2017 12:25 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Don't click if you don't want to be spoiled! Like seriously.

edit: I forgot to say I wanna see more of Benedict and hear Uchiyama Kouki <3
tingyJul 3, 2017 12:40 AM
Jul 3, 2017 3:47 AM

Aug 2016
tingy said:
. I kind of want him to be alive because what a waste of a character who seems to be a good person. But it would be more realistic if he's really dead.

Well they did show her holding his body in the preview...huh
Jul 3, 2017 5:28 PM
Apr 2013
Everyone here is talking about romance, but as someone who has read the novel, let me tell you (so that you don't get disappointed when the anime comes out) that romance is not the main point in this story. Like OP said, this series is more about self-discovery and various forms of love. There will be romance, but for other characters. Violet will be an observer. Also, I see that many are starting to ship her and Gilbert, so I will add a little bit of information here under a cut for those who don't want spoilers.

Jul 3, 2017 7:48 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Dennou said:
Everyone here is talking about romance, but as someone who has read the novel, let me tell you (so that you don't get disappointed when the anime comes out) that romance is not the main point in this story. Like OP said, this series is more about self-discovery and various forms of love. There will be romance, but for other characters. Violet will be an observer. Also, I see that many are starting to ship her and Gilbert, so I will add a little bit of information here under a cut for those who don't want spoilers.

Thanks for the heads up! I think from the first episode alone it can be interpreted either way
. And I suppose that's intended so that the audience will see Violet figuring that out for herself. A lot people in the premiere definitely thought it was the latter type.
Jul 3, 2017 8:26 PM
Apr 2013
tingy said:
Thanks for the heads up! I think from the first episode alone it can be interpreted either way
. And I suppose that's intended so that the audience will see Violet figuring that out for herself. A lot people in the premiere definitely thought it was the latter type.

You're welcome! :> And about that...

Jul 3, 2017 10:15 PM
Apr 2017
tingy said:
Don't click if you don't want to be spoiled! Like seriously.

edit: I forgot to say I wanna see more of Benedict and hear Uchiyama Kouki <3

Wait, so the 1st episode was the Backstory of Violet and Gilbert?! I'm surprised they showed it so early on this adaptation. So we still don't know if this gonna be episodic or not right?
Jul 4, 2017 12:11 AM
Apr 2013
dodgemoto_23 said:

Wait, so the 1st episode was the Backstory of Violet and Gilbert?! I'm surprised they showed it so early on this adaptation. So we still don't know if this gonna be episodic or not right?

It doesn't seem like it was the whole thing, just the last moments of war. This will definitely be episodic.
Jul 4, 2017 1:03 AM
Apr 2017
Dennou said:
dodgemoto_23 said:

Wait, so the 1st episode was the Backstory of Violet and Gilbert?! I'm surprised they showed it so early on this adaptation. So we still don't know if this gonna be episodic or not right?

It doesn't seem like it was the whole thing, just the last moments of war. This will definitely be episodic.

Oh, I was like "damn" for a second there lol. And this being an episodic series is pretty much a given I guess, just from the nature of the novel itself.
Jul 4, 2017 9:00 AM

Sep 2011
Tyrel said:
DatRandomDude said:

Kinda looks like naruleach modified the date of it so she could add it on her watching list today. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
More like 'cause MALs coding is bad. Can't set shows to the watching tab without it having aired, otherwise it gets sent to PTW. Alas, this has now become a "Summer anime" due to the premiere at AX. Yes, I find it retarded too.
Its such a shame we cant just list that it premiered earlier in the info tab or something cause stuff like this completely ruins the top ongoing anime feature on the front page for months.

Immahnoob said:
Jizzy, I know you have no idea how to argue for shit,

tokiyashiro said:

Jizzy as you would call yourself because youre a dick The most butthurt award goes to you And clearly you havent watched that many shows thats why you cant determine if a show is unique or not Or maybe you're just a child who likes common stuffs where hero saves the day and guys gets all the girls. Sad taste you have there kid you came up to me in the first place making you look more like a kid who got slapped without me even knowing it and start crying about it to me

Jul 4, 2017 9:07 PM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Dennou said:
tingy said:
Thanks for the heads up! I think from the first episode alone it can be interpreted either way
. And I suppose that's intended so that the audience will see Violet figuring that out for herself. A lot people in the premiere definitely thought it was the latter type.

You're welcome! :> And about that...

Ah yes that's what I intended to mean :)
Jul 6, 2017 6:21 PM
Dec 2013
Summer 2017.

Hilarious, but I digress. I got to watch this in AX. They managed to capture the rustic European settings that is thriving but still hurting from the effects of the war. At some moments it felt like something from a documentary. Absolutely a huge step up from Ishidate's work in Kyoukai no Kanata.

I guess it goes hand in hand that this time around they picked a decent material this time around. Even though I got to watch this, it's even more excruciating to wait for more. My interest is so much higher now compared to the reveal of the 2 PVs.

These coming 6 months are going to be a pain as nothing much has been able to distract me. I hope they manage to pull this off. I'll definitely be looking forward to buying the BDs once they come up IF the show is excellent.
aiemJul 6, 2017 6:25 PM
Aug 6, 2017 12:10 PM

Mar 2014
Watched today the first episode as well and it was stunning. STUNNING. Not particular a big fan of KyoAni, which means I also don't like quite a few shows from them as well., but... I have high expectations for this series and can't wait to see more of it in a few months. From the very first moment there was tension, there was an unbelievable amount of gorgeous art, well through the whole episode. Ther story seems to be very interesting and I haven't seen such a good episode of a series for a long, long time. I truly love the shown characters already. The premise was outstanding good.

I know, some are quite abit salty, that this anime is listed now for summer, but as it is the first episode actually did air and as it is it is set as airing from the first airing to the last.

MonogatariLSD said:
Dang, I got super excited for a second... still airing in Winter 2018. My heart </3

Oh and if OP sees this, is the romance with Violet or is it more like Violet just observes/helps with the romance?

Reshiram_IX said:
It was stunning. The ending left me wanting more

I know! can't wait for the airing of the other episodes as well! ;__;)/

imlaxolotl said:
Got to see this at AX today. Absolutely gorgeous animation, and a really great romance theme throughout the whole thing. The winter anime season 'bout to be crazy.

TheKillerAngel said:
Mr_Alpaca said:
Its already out?If it is where i can watch it?

At Anime Expo in Los Angeles.

The first episode was also shown twice at the Animagic (Convention) in Mannheim, Germany.

tingy said:
Don't click if you don't want to be spoiled! Like seriously.

edit: I forgot to say I wanna see more of Benedict and hear Uchiyama Kouki <3

Today at the premiere Q&A-Panel at the Animagic Ishidate also said that she will start to learn more about other people while visiting other places. He also said quite a bit about the inspiration of the city, which it is set in (in the first episode). At first they took old English cities as inspiration changed then quite a bit because of violets character. A more warm and welcome "setting" was wished so that the story might be more fitting or let me say less fitting for her so that the story and her development might be more interesting.

I kinda wonder how much of the first episode and the setting was predetermined, though.

someone26 said:
is the animation as good as the PV?

I think the PV didn't show much, but the first episode was REALLY gorgeous and yes the art is outstanding. I really hope the whole series will have such good a quality level.

True <3

OrangeIsLemon71 said:
sunako199 said:
it's not even 2018 yet lol my heart skipped a beat gtfo

Same here. I was so happy for a moment then I read this and checked. Sigh. I'm looking forward to this.

Please do, the first episode was SO(!) good. ^__^)/ I want to see more...

aiem said:
Summer 2017.

Hilarious, but I digress. I got to watch this in AX. They managed to capture the rustic European settings that is thriving but still hurting from the effects of the war. At some moments it felt like something from a documentary. Absolutely a huge step up from Ishidate's work in Kyoukai no Kanata.

I guess it goes hand in hand that this time around they picked a decent material this time around. Even though I got to watch this, it's even more excruciating to wait for more. My interest is so much higher now compared to the reveal of the 2 PVs.

These coming 6 months are going to be a pain as nothing much has been able to distract me. I hope they manage to pull this off. I'll definitely be looking forward to buying the BDs once they come up IF the show is excellent.

I totally agree, if the story set up is going to be as good as the premise in the first episode and the quality of animation will stay on the same level, this is truly a series which is worth to be bought and to be supported. :3

Tyrel said:
Xenocrisi said:
@Tyrel wouldn't it better to lock this thread 'till the first episode airs?
I haven't been told to do so, so idk. There's always a chance for people who did see the episode to post... though unlikely.

Well, quite a few here seem to have seen it, me included. Yes, there are actually people who visit conventions and prescreenings and overall are willed to pay for watching anime. In my opinion, it's incredible that we were already able to watch the first episode and also able to ask the director Ishidate and singer True questions at the Animagic in Mannheim, Germany.

HanCoo said:
Right now this show is listed as a top currently airing show when the only people who have seen it were at anime expo. This is crazy

I know it might seem crazy, but please wait for the worldwide screening, the expectations are set VERY high after watching the first episode today. I would love to continue watching right now. At this very moment. <3

Aug 6, 2017 4:33 PM

Jan 2017
Watched it at the animagic in Mannheim, Germany on Saturday. So far it was great. I hope the following episodes will be as great as the first episode. Animation quality was great too. I hope netlifx will do a 'simulcast' for this show. I love binge watching but i hate to wait, especially when others don't have to wait xD

Can't wait until 2018 ^^
Aug 6, 2017 10:37 PM

Nov 2012
watched the german preairing on saturday and i loved it! even though i didn't expect the first ep to be as dark as it was. art/animation on point as usual from kyoani.
looking forward to seeing more next year!!
Aug 7, 2017 1:51 AM

Jan 2017
You're just making us more curious. I am soo looking forward to it.
Aug 7, 2017 5:07 AM

Sep 2012
Well, there goes Kyoto Animation again. Somehow their series just can't convince me like they can others. For this one, the animation and music was really nice, but storywise it just isn't my thing. We have a scenario after war and a girl who loved his major has to life a "normal" life now. Well, nothing that I would be excited for. It could turn out better, but judging from only one episode is hard. So far, I would give it a 5/10. Anyways, rating this show a 10/10 is defenitely overrated for now.
valoonAug 7, 2017 5:19 AM
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Aug 9, 2017 3:11 PM
Dec 2013
valoon said:
So far, I would give it a 5/10. Anyways, rating this show a 10/10 is defenitely overrated for now.

How could you genuinely decide if it's overrated when you said that it wasn't your cup of tea?

I think for the most part they delivered on the hype. It's a first episode, and it has to build up a world which I think did it fantastically.
Aug 9, 2017 3:14 PM

Mar 2014
Dennou said:
dodgemoto_23 said:

Wait, so the 1st episode was the Backstory of Violet and Gilbert?! I'm surprised they showed it so early on this adaptation. So we still don't know if this gonna be episodic or not right?

It doesn't seem like it was the whole thing, just the last moments of war. This will definitely be episodic.

I think so, too. *thumbs up*
Aug 10, 2017 1:06 PM

Sep 2012
aiem said:
valoon said:
So far, I would give it a 5/10. Anyways, rating this show a 10/10 is defenitely overrated for now.

How could you genuinely decide if it's overrated when you said that it wasn't your cup of tea?

I think for the most part they delivered on the hype. It's a first episode, and it has to build up a world which I think did it fantastically.

I think it IS overrated, when people rate it with 10/10 with only having seen one episode. Let's see if the rest will live up to those expectations.

Mod edit: Removed quote of deleted post
sarroushJan 12, 2018 3:38 PM
Trying to watch all available anime series so you won't have to anymore, the list of anime I can recommend is still in progress, tho
Sep 15, 2017 7:54 PM

Mar 2010
Excellent. 9/10

I might rewatch for the BD-release , who knows if theres an additional scenes.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 28, 2017 12:04 PM

Dec 2011
Watched this episode at MCM Expo today (yes, I know, someone posting in the thread who has actually seen what they're posting about!)

An interesting start to the series. I like Violet's character already, and there's obviously a lot there to be explored, although I'm not quite sure how it's going to get to do that given the way things went. Although I suppose transcribing people's thoughts can bring out quite a lot. If someone as literal minded as she is can actually do a good job of it.

Beautiful art as you'd expect from KyoAni.

A good start to the series that got me wanting more. A shame it will be so long before I get it.
kuuderes_shadowOct 28, 2017 12:08 PM
There is no such thing as shit taste. Only idiots who think everyone should have the same taste as they do.
Oct 28, 2017 3:02 PM
Apr 2017
I saw it today as well. Art is definitely as beautiful as expected.
I really enjoyed the few close in shots of fists at certain points to emphasize when people were actually holding back information from her. It definitely has a lot of potential, depending on how they intertwine the different stories from the transcriptions with the memories from the war.
Also, what happened to the general? It is kind of implied that he actually died, but maybe there's something more to it

I guess we'll just need to wait.

Oct 28, 2017 6:56 PM

Oct 2017
After being in the top 5 for months despite it never aired, imagine if this thing flops completely and the rest of the anime is a total disaster... that'd be some hilarious trolling...

MAL staff, fix it already, please!

Note: screening is not the same as airing on TV
Oct 30, 2017 4:03 AM

Feb 2014
I was lucky enough to see the screening at the MCM Expo in London on Saturday and the entire room that held the screening was literally packed.

As for the episode, it looked jaw-droppingly beautiful. Both the character designs and background art looked crisp and well-detailed.

Violet's interactions was intriguing, but also moving as well, especially when it showed her with the general that had multiple people sitting close to me shocked and almost in tears as well.

At the end, the whole audience applauded, with many satisfied whistles coming from the back of the suite.

This is now, obviously, my most anticipated show for 2018. Looking forward to re-watching the first episode again when it comes out, along with the rest of the series! =D
Oct 30, 2017 10:48 AM

Jan 2017
Saw the episode at Comic Con, now I can't wait for the season. But there is something that is really confusing me.

In the trailer and the summary, Violet Evergarden is whats called an "Auto Memories Doll" which is a robot...but she isn't a robot? She's a girl who grew up in war and now wants to join this "service" to find meaning. So is "Auto Memories Doll" a job title which has been past down from the original Dolls?

(Do love this trailer, its just the last words that have me confused)
Nov 8, 2017 9:48 PM
Apr 2013
tingy said:
Ah yes that's what I intended to mean :)

Wow, MAL didn't notify me of this reply. I'm only seeing this now. @_@

Okay, some of the stuff I said in my previous message might cause a little bit of confusion. I don't know if they have gotten through as I expected them to, so I will elaborate. The translation of the novel's last chapter has been posted, so I guess it's okay to talk about this now.

Kingsman117 said:
Saw the episode at Comic Con, now I can't wait for the season. But there is something that is really confusing me.

In the trailer and the summary, Violet Evergarden is whats called an "Auto Memories Doll" which is a robot...but she isn't a robot? She's a girl who grew up in war and now wants to join this "service" to find meaning. So is "Auto Memories Doll" a job title which has been past down from the original Dolls?

(Do love this trailer, its just the last words that have me confused)

There are two types of Auto-Memories Dolls: those that people actually buy, which are tiny robots that really do look like dolls and register everything said by the voice of their established master, and those who are referred to with the same name but are actual humans. They are people who work for postal agencies by being hired for a certain period to write on others' behalf. In comparison with the first type, they perform additional tasks, like suggesting better sentences to the people they're writing for. So no, Violet isn't a robot.

From what I have seen in the anime synopsis, Violet volunteered to join the postal service in order to find out the meaning of the words "I love you", which Gilbert told her when they were nearly dying at the end of the war's final battle. That's in the anime, though. In the novel, Hodgins had been coaxing her into joining his company for months, and she decided to do so not only to find out the meaning of those words, but also to look for Gilbert. That was actually her main goal, since Auto-Memories Dolls were requested from all corners of the globe, so she'd get to travel everywhere by taking on the job.
Nov 9, 2017 4:25 AM
Site Admin
Aug 2012
Dennou said:
tingy said:
Ah yes that's what I intended to mean :)

Wow, MAL didn't notify me of this reply. I'm only seeing this now. @_@

Okay, some of the stuff I said in my previous message might cause a little bit of confusion. I don't know if they have gotten through as I expected them to, so I will elaborate. The translation of the novel's last chapter has been posted, so I guess it's okay to talk about this now.

Thanks for the detailed clarification haha.
tingyNov 9, 2017 4:28 AM
Nov 9, 2017 10:23 AM
Apr 2013
tingy said:
Thanks for the detailed clarification haha.

Yes, I'd say this story is mainly about living and about the various different forms of love that exist.

Nov 14, 2017 12:05 PM

May 2016
valoon said:
Well, there goes Kyoto Animation again. Somehow their series just can't convince me like they can others. For this one, the animation and music was really nice, but storywise it just isn't my thing. We have a scenario after war and a girl who loved his major has to life a "normal" life now. Well, nothing that I would be excited for. It could turn out better, but judging from only one episode is hard. So far, I would give it a 5/10. Anyways, rating this show a 10/10 is defenitely overrated for now.
I can see why you would give it a 5/10, but for me the first episode was a 9/10 or 10/10. The animation was gorgeous, it’s score was wonderful, and the ending left me in tears. You have to admit that for a first episode it was pretty good.
Nov 25, 2017 1:52 AM

Oct 2015
Holy shit that was a good episode, jesus everyone is so beautiful in the animation. The OP and ED was great too. Looking forward to see ep 2!
Nov 27, 2017 1:12 AM

Nov 2009
Got to watch the first episode over the weekend and it was truly beautiful. I even cried a little at the ending. That's definitely Kyoto Ani for you.
Dec 11, 2017 9:41 PM
Jul 2010
I had the chance to watch the first Episode for Violet Evergarden at the AFA 2017 screening in Singapore.

Voice Acting, Animation and Sound was very high quality.

Jan 10, 2018 7:25 AM

Nov 2011
The animation visual quality is absolutely gorgeous so far for this show.

I like the way Violet Evergarden is protrayed from the first episode as well and bits of character chemistry between her and Gilbert is fairly well done.

The amount of human emotions and body language expressed from this episode was interesting to notice. Really liked how the setting is done so far and the character designs has a serene feel to them. The balance of the lighthearted style with the flashbacks of the war is also pretty interesting (I hope they do more storytelling on the war throughout this show)

Very good first episode. I'm really looking forward to the rest especially for Violet's journey.

Jan 10, 2018 7:31 AM

Jul 2017
Nice first episode in my opinion. Started off nice and slow and ended with a lot of emotion.

Jan 10, 2018 7:32 AM

Apr 2015
Saw the live stream, did not understand a single thing but seems to be such an amazing first episode.

Plus, I believe it has been 8 years since Kyoani included blood in their anime. Lmao such a weird thing to point out.

No op and ed this episode.
Jan 10, 2018 7:33 AM

Apr 2009
Honestly didn't do much for me. Fantastic visuals as always, but I couldn't really get invested in Violet as a character so the ending didn't have much impact.

Also, the way they focused characters in the frame made the backgrounds of shots just feel way too foggy to me. It's preferable to the overboard filters they used in Hibike and the like, but it's still not great.
AmarrezJan 10, 2018 8:03 AM
Jan 10, 2018 7:44 AM

Mar 2013
Came back from watching the stream. Really interesting how they are beginning the series and laying out the stories timeline compared to the novel. Overall really liked the addition of scenes in the anime version where Violet was adjusting to her new life with her trying out being a postman and how she came to wanting try out being a letter writer.

Quite curious if they are going to go chronological order after the initial prologue or not since I really enjoyed the out of order timeline in the original source material. Overall really enjoyed how they adapted the first episode.

Wonder if it will be 1-cour or not since the novels are short but they are adding in scenes so I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up like Hyouka with a 2-cour...

EDIT:I guess its going to be 1-cour with an ova according to some sources online which is doable since its a short novel with 13 chapters and they covered majority of chapter 8 while cutting alot of unnecessary fluff.
SalmonSandwichJan 10, 2018 7:54 AM
Jan 10, 2018 7:55 AM
Feb 2017
Saw the first episode on a Livestream. No subs. I think this is my first post ever here. Visually it was pleasing, the sound effects were nice and kinda made me think I was inside their world. But some of the camera shots were weird, and the use of filters and blues was pretty distracting.I see the bond they're setting up with Violet and her "father"? I really don't have the feeling of keeping track of this show. It was ok.
Jan 10, 2018 8:06 AM

Apr 2010
Honestly this was a beautiful episode not just the drawings but also the story i really loved it.
It was very strong and left a very nice impression.
Judging from the surroundings and setting it looks like WW1 era tho it could be a little bit earlier judging from the steamship that seemed to be new.
So far i think this will be a very nice anime.
Jan 10, 2018 8:20 AM
May 2015
It was an OK first episode, the reveal at the end was expected but serviceable. I'm not really liking Violet (the character) all that much, though. From a novel that's supposed to be award winner I expected better character writing. So far she's just a generic kuudere who doesn't understand social norms, and of course the 'changing infront of male character' scene had to be there because she's just a silly girl oblivious to social etiquette like that.
Jan 10, 2018 8:23 AM

Nov 2011
SalmonSandwich said:
Wonder if it will be 1-cour or not since the novels are short but they are adding in scenes so I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up like Hyouka with a 2-cour...

It's apparently going to be 1 cour according to this source:

14 episodes and probably 1 OVA in there.
(13 TV episodes with 1 OVA)

I'm not surprised. The novel doesn't have enough material for 20+ episodes and it would probably work out this way much more better. Plus, Kyoto Animation has at least two other shows this year: Tsurune and Free Season 3.

Jan 10, 2018 8:28 AM

Mar 2013
Stark700 said:
SalmonSandwich said:
Wonder if it will be 1-cour or not since the novels are short but they are adding in scenes so I wouldn't be surprised if it ends up like Hyouka with a 2-cour...

It's apparently going to be 1 cour according to this source:

14 episodes and probably 1 OVA in there.
(13 TV episodes with 1 OVA)

I'm not surprised. The novel doesn't have enough material for 20+ episodes and it would probably work out this way much more better. Plus, Kyoto Animation has at least two other shows this year: Tsurune and Free Season 3.

Yeah that was the tweet I saw that made me make the edit. It makes sense since there exactly 13 chapters in the 2 volumes of novel they can easily adapt at a ratio of 1 chapter/1 episode. Really can't expect kyoto animation to keep up this quality if it was a two cour with other series in production.
Jan 10, 2018 8:39 AM
Jul 2017
That was a beautiful animation , like for now the Character of Violet , i read the novels i'm looking foward to this for now .
Jan 10, 2018 8:46 AM

Apr 2016
Well we have to admit it Violet's character is nothing really new (basically a kuudere) but everything else in the story conpensates for some of its flaws.

"Le vent se lève!... Il faut tenter de vivre!"
- Paul Valéry, Le Cimetière Marin -

Jan 10, 2018 8:54 AM

Nov 2013
Mohammadalmannai said:
Saw the live stream, did not understand a single thing but seems to be such an amazing first episode.

Plus, I believe it has been 8 years since Kyoani included blood in their anime. Lmao such a weird thing to point out.

No op and ed this episode.

You forgot Kyoukai no Kanata.

Well, technically her sword comes from her blood, so...
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