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Dec 17, 2017 12:04 AM
News Team

Nov 2014
Don't really care about this one personally but here we go.
DatRandomDudeDec 17, 2017 12:07 AM
Dec 17, 2017 1:27 AM
Jul 2018
Look like Ruko will join this season! i wonder if they will show more old cast from Selector

obviously last season wasn't great but i'll wait for staff announcement before decide any further with this season

i still watch it regardless though
Dec 17, 2017 2:07 AM

Oct 2015
Hope we get a better director/script writer this time around. Still though, there's a surprising amount of sequels coming out next year. and a Kanon Wakeshima comeback as well
Dec 17, 2017 6:55 AM

May 2012

I wonder why it took so long
Dec 17, 2017 7:42 AM

Feb 2016
Holy fuck the hype! Spring season is gonna be a blast.

My predictions were correct that Ruko will appear again. The old artstyle was better though.
Now if only Mayu also somehow makes it and we get more info about her and the selectors as a whole. (:
AquamirrorDec 17, 2017 9:41 AM
Dec 17, 2017 8:44 PM

Oct 2016
Ah I'm so excited! I love this series sooooo much!
Dec 23, 2017 8:54 PM

Apr 2012
Seeing Ruko in the poster made me far more hyped than it had any right to, considering how bland I considered her in Selector.

But I do like the idea that this season plans to brig the MCs together to resolve the show, it feels like the right way to end this.
Dec 26, 2017 3:39 AM
Jul 2016
I don't want to get hyped and have high excpectations for this like i did with Incited only to be extremely disappointed in the end, but that key visual looks really good. Grown up Ruuko? Please bring back all the other girls as well. I need more Aki-Lucky in my life. Looks like Piruluk will play an important role once again thankfully. Peeping Analyze adaptation fucking when?

I don't recognize that girl on the left though...
Dec 31, 2017 11:59 AM

Nov 2015
Jan 7, 2018 5:09 PM

Mar 2014
Will somebody sub the Missing Link OVA (or even upload the RAW, it seems even that is missing on the internet...) before the airing of the new season? Maybe there was important information...

Nou-Tan said:

Hell yeah!
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Jan 15, 2018 12:58 AM

Mar 2017
how does this work ?
Jan 21, 2018 4:40 AM
May 2017
Fabris said:
Will somebody sub the Missing Link OVA (or even upload the RAW, it seems even that is missing on the internet...) before the airing of the new season? Maybe there was important information...

Nou-Tan said:

Hell yeah!

I'm searching for it too! It seems like it hasn't even existed, like really, no information anywhere!

I'm struggling :c
Jan 25, 2018 9:17 AM
Jul 2017
Why is she not on the Visual?
Feb 3, 2018 7:04 PM

Sep 2014
Nani the fuck that's Ruko! F*ck yes, my body is ready!
Mar 3, 2018 11:59 PM
News Team

Nov 2014
First PV is out

Mar 4, 2018 12:06 AM

Apr 2016
Nice PV!!! I think i want to arrive yet!!! kekeke
Mar 4, 2018 4:31 AM

Feb 2016
And no one fucking wants to sub the OVA still ._.
PV looks interesting, Tama seems to be back, I wonder if Aki-Lucky will also appear seeing Milulun is there.
AquamirrorMar 4, 2018 5:10 AM
Mar 4, 2018 6:51 AM

Mar 2016
And I thought the studio behind this (not announced yet) already forgot about wixoss for next season...
No tomo malas decisiones, solo me gusta apoyar causas perdidas.
Disfruté Mayoiga, Ou-sama Game, Evil or Live, Mirai Nikki, Big Order, Arifureta, Ex-Arm, Tesla Note, Shuumatsu no Harem y Platinum End
nope les falle con esa, lo siento pero todos tenemos nuestros límites.
Así de jodido es mi gusto en anime, ¡Y estoy pinche orgulloso de ello!

Mar 4, 2018 8:09 AM

Jun 2014
I'm so hyped for this >__<

Hope we get the subbed version of the PV soon. since the overlapping voices make it hard to discern what's being said. So far I can only make out

"the darkness never ends..
I need the strength of strong selectors..
..I won't let you do what you want
unending selector battles...this time I will stop it"

We're finally getting to see Kiyoi shine. Go girl, we have faith in you! xD

It'd be great to have Iona and Akira along for the ride too, but we'll have to see who's going to make the cut.
Also I wonder if Ryuko has gone a bit crazy and is imagining Tama?
And why is Suzuko looking sadly at a photo of Chinatsu?
Is Ulith still lingering about somewhere?
So many questions.
Mar 4, 2018 12:11 PM

Feb 2016
ramenshoujo said:

It'd be great to have Iona and Akira along for the ride too, but we'll have to see who's going to make the cut.
Also I wonder if Ryuko has gone a bit crazy and is imagining Tama?
And why is Suzuko looking sadly at a photo of Chinatsu?
Is Ulith still lingering about somewhere?
So many questions.

Updated key art, damn! Whole of the original cast is back including Aki-Lucky yay! XD (Well, maybe except Iona)
I guess Layla from the OVA would be on Carnival/Satomi's side, so we get 2 villains hmm.

If you have watched the movie, you should know Ruuko met with Tama and she is a real person now. Although she still appears as an LRIG as well.. not sure how that comes.
Remember, Chi-chan lost her memories and Suzuko continued acting as being a new friend with her.. I wonder if she can return them back, but I guess that would kinda ruin the point of Lostorage.
Ulith is definitely dead.

Kinda weird seeing some LRIGs appear again after all these body swaps though, not sure how will they fit that.. But I think they are formed from their memories now, so probably they will appear in a similar way how Piruluk created her LRIG Piruluk..
AquamirrorMar 7, 2018 10:34 AM
Mar 4, 2018 1:17 PM
Jul 2016
Must... not... get... hyped...

This looks amazing and the opening song is really catchy! Seems like the whole cast of Selector is back. I got way too excited when Aki-lucky appeared for a split second. And human Tama. Human Tama. Just please let this be good...

el_morris said:
And I thought the studio behind this (not announced yet) already forgot about Wixoss for next season...

It's JC Staff.

ramenshoujo said:
We're finally getting to see Kiyoi shine. Go girl, we have faith in you! xD

We need a Peeping Analyze anime. Or at the very least 2-3 episodes from this season dedicated to her backstory.

Aquamirror said:
Kinda weird seeing some LRIGs appear again after all these body swaps though, not sure how will they fit that.. But I think they are formed from their memories now, so probably they will appear in a similar way how Piruluk created her LRIG Piruluk..

It will probably have something to do with those new key cards they showed in the pv.
Mar 4, 2018 2:34 PM

Jun 2014
Aquamirror said:

If you have watched the movie, you should know Ruuko met with Tama and she is a real person now. Although she still appears as an LRIG as well.. not sure how that comes.
Remember, Chi-chan lost her memories and Suzuko continued acting as being a new friend with her..

Err, about that I kinda skipped lots of the movie since a lot of it was rehash of seasons 1 & 2, so I can't really say I've watched it properly. I thought the movie was an "alternative" timeline or something. Goes to show I know f*** all. Time to watch it properly I guess.

Also, can't believe I forgot the Chinatsu thing.
Mar 7, 2018 10:26 AM

Feb 2015

after watching the preview
and saw tama and ru together...i watched the movies so i know tama and ru is together. but this..
lol wtf is going on ?!
im not thinking that this will be good rather im still thinking at this as a disappointment but i need to fcking find out how the heck can tama and ru appeared in this thing. and that blue hair girl which was inside the card, is now the main character ? lmao what ?
Mar 7, 2018 10:38 AM

Feb 2016
YizelTro said:

after watching the preview
and saw tama and ru together...i watched the movies so i know tama and ru is together. but this..
lol wtf is going on ?!
im not thinking that this will be good rather im still thinking at this as a disappointment but i need to fcking find out how the heck can tama and ru appeared in this thing. and that blue hair girl which was inside the card, is now the main character ? lmao what ?

All LRIGs were freed into their original human form after season 2.
I guess the LRIG Tama is based on memories of Ruuko, this is how LRIGs are being created now after trading the first coin for memory fragment when becoming selector. Tama should still exist as a human.

I agree it's kinda confusing and opens a huge gate to inconsistency, at this point the only thing I want is some kind of a conclusion/revelation, I don't have high hopes for quality writing either. Wonder who is gonna make the script for this, if it is the same guy from Lostorage my expectations would be pretty low, I honestly miss Okada (come on she handled the original better than Lostorage XD).
AquamirrorMar 7, 2018 10:43 AM
Mar 7, 2018 11:35 AM
Jul 2016
YizelTro said:
That blue hair girl which was inside the card, is now the main character? lmao what?

It makes perfect sense for her to be the MC, she is the only connection between the Selector and Lostorage series, plus she is the only one actively trying to bring an end to the battles.
Mar 8, 2018 10:28 PM

Feb 2015
Aquamirror said:
YizelTro said:

after watching the preview
and saw tama and ru together...i watched the movies so i know tama and ru is together. but this..
lol wtf is going on ?!
im not thinking that this will be good rather im still thinking at this as a disappointment but i need to fcking find out how the heck can tama and ru appeared in this thing. and that blue hair girl which was inside the card, is now the main character ? lmao what ?

All LRIGs were freed into their original human form after season 2.
I guess the LRIG Tama is based on memories of Ruuko, this is how LRIGs are being created now after trading the first coin for memory fragment when becoming selector. Tama should still exist as a human.

I agree it's kinda confusing and opens a huge gate to inconsistency, at this point the only thing I want is some kind of a conclusion/revelation, I don't have high hopes for quality writing either. Wonder who is gonna make the script for this, if it is the same guy from Lostorage my expectations would be pretty low, I honestly miss Okada (come on she handled the original better than Lostorage XD).

i forgot to mention what about iona ?
where is she ?
Mar 9, 2018 7:22 AM

Feb 2016
YizelTro said:
Aquamirror said:

All LRIGs were freed into their original human form after season 2.
I guess the LRIG Tama is based on memories of Ruuko, this is how LRIGs are being created now after trading the first coin for memory fragment when becoming selector. Tama should still exist as a human.

I agree it's kinda confusing and opens a huge gate to inconsistency, at this point the only thing I want is some kind of a conclusion/revelation, I don't have high hopes for quality writing either. Wonder who is gonna make the script for this, if it is the same guy from Lostorage my expectations would be pretty low, I honestly miss Okada (come on she handled the original better than Lostorage XD).

i forgot to mention what about iona ?
where is she ?

Well, I guess she won't appear in Conflated, doesn't seem to be in the key art or the preview either... but if Aki is there she might appear at least briefly. At least from the end of Lostorage we know she is still a model.
Apr 1, 2018 2:40 PM

Mar 2014
Aquamirror said:
YizelTro said:

i forgot to mention what about iona ?
where is she ?

Well, I guess she won't appear in Conflated, doesn't seem to be in the key art or the preview either... but if Aki is there she might appear at least briefly. At least from the end of Lostorage we know she is still a model.

I think he is asking for Kuro/Yuki/card-Iona...not Original!Iona, who is indeed working as model with Akira in the end of season 2.
Like, she fused with Tama to be a Mayu-card in Spread to help Ruuko face Mayu and Ulith, but we never saw her new human-self since them, unlike human-Tama. Would suck if she is forgotten.
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Apr 2, 2018 12:25 AM

Feb 2016
Fabris said:
Aquamirror said:

Well, I guess she won't appear in Conflated, doesn't seem to be in the key art or the preview either... but if Aki is there she might appear at least briefly. At least from the end of Lostorage we know she is still a model.

I think he is asking for Kuro/Yuki/card-Iona...not Original!Iona, who is indeed working as model with Akira in the end of season 2.
Like, she fused with Tama to be a Mayu-card in Spread to help Ruuko face Mayu and Ulith, but we never saw her new human-self since them, unlike human-Tama. Would suck if she is forgotten.

The cast has been revealed at the official site. Yuki/Iona doesn't seem to appear. :(

Interestingly, Remember(the first LRIG of Kiyoi/Piruluk) and Amika(the last selector of Piruluk before Ruuko's wish, who also resembles Ayumi) from the manga Peeping Analyze seem to appear. Even the PV hints at that, and that's also explains why there are 2 Piruluk LRIGs. And Remember is getting a new deck with coin support in the TCG, so she will definitely be another antagonist in the anime which would be very interesting to see.
Mayu is also listed, but she will probably appear only in flashbacks; same as Ayumi(the friend that Kiyoi/Piruluk wanted to save but Remember-Kiyoi killed instead) who is dead.

The rest of the original cast is back, so good Batoru is guaranteed.
AquamirrorApr 2, 2018 9:35 AM
Apr 2, 2018 2:25 AM
Jul 2016
@Fabris @Aquamirror I'm pretty sure Yuki Iona is still fused with Tama, so they are one in the same body of human Tama (since they were two sides of Mayu's personality)

Hopefully they will address that in Conflated, maybe pull some personality/body changing shenanigans with those new key cards.
MouloxasApr 2, 2018 2:29 AM
Apr 2, 2018 2:36 AM

Feb 2016
Mouloxas said:
@Fabris @Aquamirror I'm pretty sure Yuki Iona is still fused with Tama, so they are one in the same body of human Tama (since they were two sides of Mayu's personality)

Hopefully they will address that in Conflated, maybe pull some personality/body changing shenanigans with those new key cards.

It's certainly possible that is the case with the whole white/black talk of Mayu and how human Tama looks more greyish in looks.

There is a key card in the TCG depicting Yuki/Iona and someone speculated that it might appear in the anime in some form and be used to summon her.. although we have no idea how will they play out in the anime, but it seems like a possible idea, at least personality-wise.
Apr 2, 2018 2:56 AM
Jul 2016
There's gonna be a special youtube livestream on April 4 about the new season featuring Hashimoto Chinami (Suzuko) Itou Shizuka (Suzuko's LRIG) and Kakuma Ai (Ruuko)
Apr 2, 2018 5:42 AM

Mar 2014
Mouloxas said:
There's gonna be a special youtube livestream on April 4 about the new season featuring Hashimoto Chinami (Suzuko) Itou Shizuka (Suzuko's LRIG) and Kakuma Ai (Ruuko)


Even if I understand nothing of the interview...
FGO NA Code: 482.072.599

(F2P thug life of savings...)

Ben-to! best nonsensical action anime. Ever.
Apr 5, 2018 8:24 AM

Mar 2013
Why did they added guys in the game again?
Apr 5, 2018 8:17 PM

Feb 2017
hey people i've watched the first season and i haven't bothered with the 2nd because of its poor reviews, do i need to watch Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS before the 3rd season or can i just go into the 3rd season and it wont really matter. I was wondering if anyone who has seen the original materiel could let me know, thanks :)
Apr 5, 2018 8:20 PM
May 2015
Ryuuryota said:
hey people i've watched the first season and i haven't bothered with the 2nd because of its poor reviews, do i need to watch Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS before the 3rd season or can i just go into the 3rd season and it wont really matter. I was wondering if anyone who has seen the original materiel could let me know, thanks :)

Conflated WIXOSS is a continuation from Incited WIXOSS, so I would say yes, watch Incited. Otherwise you may be confused as to what the characters will be doing in Conflated.
Apr 5, 2018 8:25 PM

Feb 2017
YoseiEgg said:
Ryuuryota said:
hey people i've watched the first season and i haven't bothered with the 2nd because of its poor reviews, do i need to watch Lostorage Conflated WIXOSS before the 3rd season or can i just go into the 3rd season and it wont really matter. I was wondering if anyone who has seen the original materiel could let me know, thanks :)

Conflated WIXOSS is a continuation from Incited WIXOSS, so I would say yes, watch Incited. Otherwise you may be confused as to what the characters will be doing in Conflated.
i mean i've seen selector infected and spread so Lostorage Incited WIXOSS is technically the 3rd season and the 4th seasons 1st ep airs tomorrow, i remember alot from infected and spread seasons i was hoping that i wouldn't have to watch the s3 as i heard i was a flop, i don't mind not understanding everything that will happen in this s4 i only notice a couple new characters in s4 that i haven't seen before, you think i'll be okay?
Apr 5, 2018 8:29 PM
May 2015
Ryuuryota said:
YoseiEgg said:

Conflated WIXOSS is a continuation from Incited WIXOSS, so I would say yes, watch Incited. Otherwise you may be confused as to what the characters will be doing in Conflated.
i mean i've seen selector infected and spread so Lostorage Incited WIXOSS is technically the 3rd season and the 4th seasons 1st ep airs tomorrow, i remember alot from infected and spread seasons i was hoping that i wouldn't have to watch the s3 as i heard i was a flop, i don't mind not understanding everything that will happen in this s4 i only notice a couple new characters in s4 that i haven't seen before, you think i'll be okay?

errr more or less. since you watched the first 2 seasons. season 3 was basically the MC finding out the truths of the game and is now fighting to overturn it. Once you keep that general thought then yeah, i think that'll be enough if you don't want to binge ~12 eps
Apr 5, 2018 8:31 PM

Feb 2017
YoseiEgg said:
Ryuuryota said:
i mean i've seen selector infected and spread so Lostorage Incited WIXOSS is technically the 3rd season and the 4th seasons 1st ep airs tomorrow, i remember alot from infected and spread seasons i was hoping that i wouldn't have to watch the s3 as i heard i was a flop, i don't mind not understanding everything that will happen in this s4 i only notice a couple new characters in s4 that i haven't seen before, you think i'll be okay?

errr more or less. since you watched the first 2 seasons. season 3 was basically the MC finding out the truths of the game and is now fighting to overturn it. Once you keep that general thought then yeah, i think that'll be enough if you don't want to binge ~12 eps
Thanks buddy for answering my questions, i'm watching like 54 series at the moment and i don't really have the time to fit in a 12 episode binge if it's not going to be very good :P
Apr 5, 2018 8:47 PM
May 2015
Ryuuryota said:
YoseiEgg said:

errr more or less. since you watched the first 2 seasons. season 3 was basically the MC finding out the truths of the game and is now fighting to overturn it. Once you keep that general thought then yeah, i think that'll be enough if you don't want to binge ~12 eps
Thanks buddy for answering my questions, i'm watching like 54 series at the moment and i don't really have the time to fit in a 12 episode binge if it's not going to be very good :P

Wow that's a lot lol. No problem.
Apr 6, 2018 2:08 AM

Feb 2016
Ryuuryota said:
YoseiEgg said:

errr more or less. since you watched the first 2 seasons. season 3 was basically the MC finding out the truths of the game and is now fighting to overturn it. Once you keep that general thought then yeah, i think that'll be enough if you don't want to binge ~12 eps
Thanks buddy for answering my questions, i'm watching like 54 series at the moment and i don't really have the time to fit in a 12 episode binge if it's not going to be very good :P

Lostorage is quite different from the Selector series, after Mayu the rules of the battles changed (and also new game mechanics) so you might get confused about what happens and why it happens that way in Conflated... and there are new characters, the main conflict between the MCs is somehow important. It wasn't unwatchable, the ending was just too asspullish and some characters weren't that good as the original, but I'd say it would be better if you watch it or else you'd have many questions.
Or if you want to speed up things a bit, you can just read the episode recap summaries from the wiki, although they are very detailed:
AquamirrorApr 6, 2018 2:12 AM
Apr 6, 2018 2:54 AM

Feb 2017
Aquamirror said:
Ryuuryota said:
Thanks buddy for answering my questions, i'm watching like 54 series at the moment and i don't really have the time to fit in a 12 episode binge if it's not going to be very good :P

Lostorage is quite different from the Selector series, after Mayu the rules of the battles changed (and also new game mechanics) so you might get confused about what happens and why it happens that way in Conflated... and there are new characters, the main conflict between the MCs is somehow important. It wasn't unwatchable, the ending was just too asspullish and some characters weren't that good as the original, but I'd say it would be better if you watch it or else you'd have many questions.
Or if you want to speed up things a bit, you can just read the episode recap summaries from the wiki, although they are very detailed:
thanks buddy, i'm reading them now, this should be enough to fill in the gaps between s2 and s4 :D
Apr 6, 2018 8:11 AM
Jul 2016
Crunchyroll just updated their spring lineup, and they have Conflated...

Thank god we're watching Wixoss with subs today!

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