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Dec 18, 2017 8:56 PM

Aug 2009
First of all, obviously I quite liked the show. I thought there was a lot of character growth and progression, specifically from Tatara and the animation was great. The music could have been a little better, but the presentation in general was great.

So I think a lot of people had some misconceptions about the show. Like thinking it was gonna be the new Yuri on Ice.... and then it wasn't. I see a lot of complaints saying essentially it wasn't "gay" enough or like it was too "traditional". I imagine these people came into the show with the wrong expectations, but it general the complaints seem more petty and dismissive than usual.

Also a lot of people didn't seem to like how the characters were kind of dicks to each other... but its a show about a dance competition not a cute girl show about making friends. Idk like I said some people seemed to have strange expectations and maybe this was from other sports anime (which I usually don't watch, except Ippo, Joe and Ping Pong). Yeah just curious about the complaints about why ppl don't like the show. Also I don't plan on arguing with most people, everyone should have their own opinion, but yeah I'm just curious about these strange opinions for the most part.

"The individual has always had to struggle to keep from being overwhelmed by the tribe. If you try it, you will be lonely often, and sometimes frightened. But no price is too high to pay for the privilege of owning yourself."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
Dec 18, 2017 9:10 PM
Nov 2013
Nah, I just didn’t watch it because their necks are too long.
Dec 18, 2017 10:19 PM

May 2010
Blarey said:
Nah, I just didn’t watch it because their necks are too long.

Well good thing I've watched NANA.
Dec 18, 2017 10:36 PM

Nov 2015
Second half was pretty much boring, focusing just on Tatara and Chinatsu, they were honestly boring and felt repetitive, First half was more entertainmenting getting more variety from whole cast.
Dec 19, 2017 12:21 PM

May 2016
It is because they put very specific expectations and close before the different reality.
I like to post in manga forum when I feel it is worth it, so people will think. "Shit, is her again" or something.

People asked me where I read certain thing but the rules say no telling where did you read so maybe I am too boring for not saying? Or salty because you didn't check my profile that says don't ask because I hate people to ghost me after that. I love learning languages so maybe I did not read the manga in English.
Dec 19, 2017 2:02 PM

Apr 2014
Animation? What animation??
Dec 19, 2017 2:07 PM

Apr 2016
I was drawn to this just for the girls and that milf.
Dec 19, 2017 9:26 PM
Jul 2012
Overall I couldn't find a reason to like this minus the soundtrack. I didn't like any of the characters, they barely had any animation for dance scenes and when they did it was usually bad, the poses were ugly, the character designs were terrible, and I could probably think of more if given time.
Dec 20, 2017 3:10 PM

Oct 2017
There was no suspenseful build up to the big final dance.

There was no conflict with rivals.

There was no real choreography, or defining how their routine is different than others.

There was a bunch of flashbacks in the final dance which was for exposition sake not for heightening suspense for the dance.

There was no resolution. They won the tournament, but we did not see the interaction between them and others. there is no, "I’ll get you next time", or "good job buddy, now you’re fit to be my student."
Dec 20, 2017 6:45 PM

Jun 2015
LoneWolf said:
Also a lot of people didn't seem to like how the characters were kind of dicks to each other... but its a show about a dance competition not a cute girl show about making friends.

I see this complaint a lot and I've never understood it. I didn't think the people in this show were unreasonably dickish towards each other. Generally they seemed quite affable towards one another outside of competing, which obviously creates some tension, but they never actively disliked one another at any point. Like, latin dancing has fiery, spirited women in it? Colour me surprised. Not everyone has to be a mouse like Mako (who was adorable still).

Katsu-kun said:
Animation? What animation??

This animation:

Jakerams said:
Overall I couldn't find a reason to like this minus the soundtrack. I didn't like any of the characters, they barely had any animation for dance scenes and when they did it was usually bad, the poses were ugly, the character designs were terrible, and I could probably think of more if given time.

Hmm, why didn't you like the characters? Is it the same as above where you just thought they were dickish? If so, why? I still can't understand what people think they did that was so outrageous towards one another. Maybe you could describe it to me.

Also, in terms of animation, the show certainly had a lot of static scenes, and I would've loved to have seen more dancing animated. That being said, I don't understand calling what they did animate poor... most of the heavily animated dance scenes were absolutely phenomenal, I just wish we had more of them. I'd say the show did alright in the animation department, with some phenomenal moments. The blu-rays touched up should be really pretty tbh. I'll probably pick them up.

Not liking the character designs is a personal thing, so fair enough. Unfortunate. I rather enjoyed the creativity in them and how they stood out a bit from the norm.

Username23489023 said:
There was no suspenseful build up to the big final dance.

There was no conflict with rivals.

There was no real choreography, or defining how their routine is different than others.

There was a bunch of flashbacks in the final dance which was for exposition sake not for heightening suspense for the dance.

There was no resolution. They won the tournament, but we did not see the interaction between them and others. there is no, "I’ll get you next time", or "good job buddy, now you’re fit to be my student."

Mmmm, I mean to each his own. I'd say there was conflict and plenty of suspense in all of the arcs. The final one we had two clearly defined rival dance pairs squaring off. Personally I actually though they were gonna put Tatara and Chinatsu 2nd place and Kag first, so I was certainly a bit surprised and tense. I wasn't on the edge of my seat or anything, but to be honest, I don't think that portraying dance sport is something that can really put you on the edge of your seat in that sense. There's no last minute 3 point shot from the line in dance, just the stress of waiting to hear your named called up to the kiss and cry area.

They didn't show a lot of choreography, that's fair enough. Tho I question how plausible such an idea even is tbh. Dance sport is fairly regimented, it makes the whole "revolutionary" dance thing kind of bunk I would think. Maybe you could argue they danced with a lot more emotion and bolder steps, better musicality than the Kagi pair maybe, but they aren't going to be changing up the moves that much or anything, because there are limits to what the judges will accept. Otherwise, fuck it, just go dance hip hip on the floor and call it a day. Even if they could show much of a difference between dances, I'm betting there would be no point because layman watchers wouldn't have any clue what to look for. I'm doing ballroom myself right now, and I wish they showed more animated dance movement, but I think they actually showed a decent amount. Showing animated foot movement/position in a lot of episodes was really nice, and the stills, while over-used, were alright because it showed their poise/posture and they were generally drawn nicely as well. Too many reused flashbacks though, for sure.

Mmm, not sure I get the complaint about no resolution? We definitely got one, a bit ham-fisted, but there. Chinatsu and Tatara reconciled in a bizarre way, but they did, and we even saw a bit of feelings develop from Chinatsu that were bubbling under the surface for a while. Tatara and Chintsu won, thereby maintaining their partnership and proving to Kagi's pairing and the blonde teacher that they were worthy, which was their goal. We then saw from the aftercredits them all continuing on in their own way and eventually dancing on the same floor even. Sometimes it's better to show than tell.
RealityRushDec 20, 2017 6:49 PM
Dec 20, 2017 7:00 PM

Jul 2013
As much as I like the manga, I doubt i'll check out the anime, it just doesn't look like anything special.

╮ (. ❛ ᴗ ❛.) ╭

Dec 20, 2017 9:12 PM
Jul 2012
@RealityRush The characters were just really plain I couldn't find any reason to like them they look really ugly, they are barely given any development while on the dance floor, we rarely see what goes on outside of the competitions, and supposedly they are just some creepy kids doing weird poses while smiling alot.

As for the dance scenes it was mostly because of the way they are positioned while dancing it looks awkward and we mostly only ever see quicksteps.

Dec 20, 2017 11:31 PM

Apr 2016
Really, there are persons that hate this series!
Impossible, here there is a new thematic, different and this is attractive of this series with the quality of the animation!!
i suppose that taste always does not equal for all ;)
Dec 20, 2017 11:34 PM

Sep 2014
I was about to mention their giraffe necks, but I'm glad the second comment pointed it out.
Dec 21, 2017 6:55 AM

Jun 2015
Jakerams said:
@RealityRush The characters were just really plain I couldn't find any reason to like them they look really ugly, they are barely given any development while on the dance floor, we rarely see what goes on outside of the competitions, and supposedly they are just some creepy kids doing weird poses while smiling alot.

Well uh, that's certainly one take on it. Clearly we see this show very differently. The smiling thing is actually important in competition by the way, the judges look for that :P

Jakerams said:
As for the dance scenes it was mostly because of the way they are positioned while dancing it looks awkward and we mostly only ever see quicksteps.

What was wrong with their positioning? They exaggerated a lot of it, but they had the general idea correct as far as I could tell. We definitely saw a lot of Waltz/Quickstep though, but to be honest that kind of makes sense because Tatara seemed to be competing in just Standard. Most of the standard dances end up using a lot of the same moves/variations to different degrees, but Slow Waltz has a lot of swing to it and Quickstep is the fastest one with a lot of Charleston moves sprinkled in, so I would think those two are going to give you the biggest visual variation. I mean, Standard basically consists of a slow and fast waltz, and a slow and fast foxtrot (quickstep), and then Tango. The Tango is the one that stands out from other Standard dances though, I would've liked to have seen more of that from Tatara and Chinatsu.
RealityRushDec 21, 2017 6:59 AM
Dec 21, 2017 8:48 AM

Nov 2009
Hate this show? I didn't see much hate to speak of: with the exception of certain individuals far and between like some weird folks from ANN, this shows seems well liked - all the more if you take into account its score and reviews here on MAL.
Dec 21, 2017 11:14 AM
Jul 2012
@RealityRush For the positioning it's the odd unnatural ways they were positioned that especially with the huge necks looked like something you'd find in a horror series. I just wish IG put atleast a bit more effort into animating the dances like they did for Mahoujin Guru Guru.

But as for the smiling I understand it's important it's just so weird considering how bad they describe his dancing 24/7 while he's dancing around using his partners as who is bent over at a 120 degree angle. Just imagining that creeps me out.
Dec 21, 2017 11:29 AM

Apr 2014
RealityRush said:

Katsu-kun said:
Animation? What animation??

This animation:

Yep, and that's it.. from almost a 10 hour show.
Dec 21, 2017 12:49 PM
Jul 2018
yes for me at first the giraffe nake was serious issue watching this show from beginning and especially during the dance it could distract me (especially when you pause the video ..) But I see Production I.G. made other better sport anime like Haiykuu or Kukoru Basketball those also have same problem but they have much higher MAL rating & much more popular (I haven't watch those nor I intend to) so I guess relatively few viewer might have reason for hating this show for the long neck problem.

Otherwise it was actually great show and more like character drama show(maybe non sports anime fan will enjoy this show as well). But only problem this show I personally thought when it passed the current manga chapter.. but that problem I think debatable though.
Dec 21, 2017 2:38 PM

Jun 2015
Jakerams said:
@RealityRush For the positioning it's the odd unnatural ways they were positioned that especially with the huge necks looked like something you'd find in a horror series. I just wish IG put atleast a bit more effort into animating the dances like they did for Mahoujin Guru Guru.

But as for the smiling I understand it's important it's just so weird considering how bad they describe his dancing 24/7 while he's dancing around using his partners as who is bent over at a 120 degree angle. Just imagining that creeps me out.

I'm gonna be honest, I don't understand what your second line means at all. The first line just sounds like you don't appreciate the style of the character design, which is fair enough.

Katsu-kun said:
RealityRush said:

This animation:

Yep, and that's it.. from almost a 10 hour show.

Except that isn't it? There are quite a few other scenes that didn't show up in that video, such as Mako's beautiful blooming scene, and most of the scenes weren't completely shown, only snippets. There was quite a bit of nice animation in this show. A lot of stills as well, to be sure (what anime doesn't?), but lots of nice animation.

SkyDrop said:
yes for me at first the giraffe nake was serious issue watching this show from beginning and especially during the dance it could distract me (especially when you pause the video ..) But I see Production I.G. made other better sport anime like Haiykuu or Kukoru Basketball those also have same problem but they have much higher MAL rating & much more popular (I haven't watch those nor I intend to) so I guess relatively few viewer might have reason for hating this show for the long neck problem.

Saying it looks bad when you pause it defeats the entire point of the character designs and animation style. Stretch and squish isn't meant to look good during single frames, it is meant to look good during movement. Notice that on a lot of the static scenes the character designs weren't as strung out, because they weren't moving. It's a common animation technique, Trigger loves to use a heavy amount of stretch and squish.
Dec 21, 2017 2:42 PM
Jul 2012
@RealityRush I was saying the body angles of the characters when they are dancing are very unnatural so it's really hard to look at.
Dec 21, 2017 4:24 PM
Jun 2014
The concept of dancing is new to me in the anime world, so that drew me in. What pulled me out though was that it's typical shoujo garbage with all it's ups and extreme downs. It says "shounen" but that female author ain't fooling nobody!
Dec 21, 2017 4:40 PM
Jan 2015
It's the giraffe necks as the others have mentioned.
Dec 21, 2017 7:46 PM

Oct 2015
Saw a lot of hate due to the dances being mostly stills and not even close to beating YOI and it seems like a lot of people felt like the second half was boring. I bingewatched the 2nd cour overnight and its honestly pretty entertaining. Can't say if it becomes a pain to watch weekly though.
Dec 21, 2017 8:03 PM

Aug 2016
because it needs more salsa, merengue and bachata.
Dec 21, 2017 8:25 PM

Sep 2017
i'd watch the show if it weren't for those fucking necks
Edward Elric > your waifu

Dec 22, 2017 9:13 PM

Nov 2015
The show is great , I think the reason is about their necks , also there was a bit of fanservice in such a show with people with long necks which made the fanservice a but ugly
however , It's one of the best animes that were made so far , at first didn't want to watch it because of the necks but I regret thinking like that xD
Dec 22, 2017 10:03 PM

Nov 2014
I liked this show, I didn't think it was great or anything but it was good enough to get a 7 from me. I think this anime had a ton of flaws, the giraffe neck memes dried up as people got bored or became accustomed to them but the lack of animation in the dancing was the biggest flaw with the series. I watched 24 episodes of people thinking and talking about dancing but I barely saw any actual dancing outside of a few still frames.
I don't think anyone is wrong to not like this anime, just as I don't think anyone is wrong to love this anime, I think that people just have different tastes.
Forum Signature
Feb 16, 2018 11:52 PM

Jun 2016
LoneWolf said:
Reasons why people hate this show
I liked this show, then I watched Baby Steps.

This show is basically a poor mans "Baby Steps" (This title doesn't go well with that idiom).

EDIT: Not sorry for the necro.
Mar 4, 2018 8:02 PM

Mar 2012
Because I read the manga before and I don't like the adaptation.
The manga is far better for me.

But well, Ballroom >>>> Yuri on Ice.

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