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Dec 7, 2017 11:57 AM

Nov 2011
Final episode is out online.

It continues directly from the previous one with Moriko and the shower. She came out fully dressed but there was still some awkward moments between her and Sakurai. I thought the overall tone of this episode was a nice watch especially with they had when they were eating together.

I think Sakurai did in fact try to confess although there was some background interference lul
The ending is funny, Moriko almost slipped on her high heels until Sakurai made the timely save. Overall, a pretty entertaining series that exceeded my original expectations.
Stark700Dec 7, 2017 12:06 PM
Dec 7, 2017 12:05 PM
Jul 2016
Where can I watch it?
Dec 7, 2017 12:36 PM
Jul 2016
I found it!!

The episode was very entertaining and funny, but it’s sad that it finished.

I will miss this show, I loved it.

I really like the relationship between Moriko and Sakurai.
Dec 8, 2017 8:25 AM

Mar 2016
oh my god.

i was so close to tears!!! i am so sad.... i will miss this show so much

theY HELD HANDS MY HEART!!!!!!! also when there was a perfect moment for them to kiss thE DRYER SPEAKS AND IM LAUGHINg

im sad i need more
Dec 8, 2017 8:33 AM

Jan 2008
That's it? What are they, 5? They are fucking adults around 30. Lowered my score to 7. now that the final happened and I reflect back on what has happened, I have to say, while there were good parts, it lacked a more mature atmosphere. I don't mean that in the sense of full-on sex or sexually tinted talk but the way especially Mori and Sakurai acted was something I would expect from 12 or 14 y/o's not 30 somethings.
Dec 8, 2017 8:35 AM

Sep 2015
ah this show is cuuuuuuute, too bad it's only 10 eps ;w;
Dec 8, 2017 8:37 AM

Jun 2015
This was an okay finale. I was expecting more tbh. At least they held hands. Things were quite awkward between Moriko and Sakurai, but it was cute. This was a pretty good show. I like the relationship between them too, but it's a shame we won't get to see how they will grow together. 7/10
Dec 8, 2017 8:37 AM

Apr 2016
And it ended.

Seriously MCs, you're both adults stop being so embarrassed from every god damn thing.

Now just waiting for that special.
Dec 8, 2017 8:41 AM

Apr 2008
They may be both adults but the series made it clear that they are socially awkward so it makes perfect sense that they would be nervous around each other. Hell that doesn't even change for adults IRL. Either way I loved how this ended and I would love a second season with them dating and being more awkward. 9/10 for me. Now to rewatch it this weekend along with episode 11. Crunchyroll will air it next week too.
Dec 8, 2017 8:43 AM

Apr 2016
GundamSoul said:
Now to rewatch it this weekend along with episode 11. Crunchyroll will air it next week too.

Next week ? God, i hope someone will sub it sooner.
Dec 8, 2017 8:49 AM

Apr 2008
Shoshanim said:
I'm not sure if I should cry because it's end or be happy because of how it's end.

But there's the special episode that also supposed to be out today. Although I still haven't found him.

Its out there. I have watched it. Its two mini episodes. One is really cute and will please people. Crunchyroll is airing it next Friday.
Dec 8, 2017 8:54 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Very good show even though the clichés in this final episode were disappointing to me.

These two are made for each other <3

And people don't know what social awkwardness means, they built both of those people up to be like that.
Dec 8, 2017 8:55 AM

Jul 2015
That was a very satisfying conclusion IMO, Net-juu played again with my feelings thinking that the washing machine would cockblock them, but Sakurai delivered once again.

They look so great together, I'm sure they had a great time with the date n_n

I had a blast with this anime, the romance genre is quite a hit or miss to me but I really enjoyed the execution and characters of this one, very solid pacing and I never felt bored watching it at all. 9/10 score and one of my favorite series of this year!
Dec 8, 2017 8:59 AM

Sep 2013
Great finale and it hit all the points that I needed it to other than the two kissing. I just feel a little cuck'd thanks to that damn talking dryer and those little kids. Also, their awkward social interactions was expected in the end. Those two have been like this the entire series so to expecting them to suddenly change who they are for the final episode would've felt wrong.

Holy shit, Morioka is so god damn cute in that hoodie. These two are also very adorable with each other. Morioka is definitely my waifu of the season.

That scene that made Morioka cry was pulling at my heart strings. Sakurai telling Morioka that he accepts her and Hayashi for who they are as Sakurai/Lily was super sweet. Now they're going on dates with each other and holding hands. Ahhhh these two are so damn precious. I also loved that their reflections showed their online persona while they walked together. That was a real nice touch.

4/5- For the episode
9/10- For the series

This series was so damn enjoyable even though the premise/coincidences felt a little too convenient but I can't complain about that. As simple the story was, it was all about the delivery and build up which they did great on. What I love the most is how relatable both Sakurai and Morioka are to myself so there may be a little bias in my score. But damn, those two are practically me mixed in a bottle and all the situations they reacted in is how I would react. Morioka and Sakurai are two main characters that I felt connected to. Special mention to Koiwai for being wingman of the year! Damn that guy's trolling to Sakurai and him manipulating Morioka to meet with Sakurai was great. He's such a good guy.

Anyways, this series is just really fun to watch with two relatable cast members, great OP/ED, interesting but simple story lines. The animation isn't great by any means but during scenes that counted it delivered. The lighting in pivotal scenes were fantastic like the night at the park.

Hey! This is my 800th anime! Awesome.
TehSnawnDec 8, 2017 9:05 AM

Dec 8, 2017 8:59 AM

Mar 2016
Y’all so jumpy ... damn

I thought this was I really fun series... sad that it has to end at 10 episode
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Dec 8, 2017 9:00 AM
Jul 2017
Fuck!!!!! I was soo waiting for a god damned kiss and got nothing! And there were like 5 different times they could and should have done it and yet... not a single time did any f these fucking ADULTS do anythibg that a 14 year old woldbt have! Like yeah, they might be «dating» but there will probably be like 8 fucking years before they actually become a couple. Dissapointed, i just really needed to see them kiss, but when both mcs are teens i really cant expect more can i? Awsome show, really good anime, crappy borderline trollt ending.
Wll be missed
Dec 8, 2017 9:13 AM

Sep 2013
Sakurai avoid raping morimori and they go on a date another day, even holding end at the end :)
Dec 8, 2017 9:13 AM

Nov 2016
Fucking dryer and kids,you ruined everything xD. And Sakurai is right,girls in hoodies are the best.

Nice conclusion overall imo,but I wished for more to happen,like a kiss or something.

Welp anyways,going to miss this show.

Solid 7/10

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Dec 8, 2017 9:14 AM

Sep 2010
such a sweet a bit sad it's over
Dec 8, 2017 9:18 AM

Oct 2016
Confession of love or bust. Still can make it happen in the OVA.
Dec 8, 2017 9:21 AM

Oct 2012
I'm sad that the show is over but it was an extremely cute short series and while I do wish there was more (a kiss scene COUGH*) at the same time I feel holding hands was a good way to end it because of how painfully shy the two are and they are just now starting to express how they feel. I feel a kiss even though it's what I wanted so badly would be a bit rushed.

With that being said I gave this Anime a 9/10 overall I liked it although it had a moment here or there that was a bit eh.. and the art wasn't anything to rave home about it was quite average looking if I'm going to be 100% honest here. I LOVED the intro it's so good! the ending is okay.

I have a few minor complaints like how they didn't explore anyone backstory really but then again being how short this show is I guess I could see why.. and a few characters they added to the story REALLY got shafted for screen time but again this was a very short series so that's probably why. ><
Dec 8, 2017 9:25 AM
May 2017
Wow, this last eps is very good, I wish they will make season 2... and dont worry everyone we still have 1 more OVA (Eps 11), "its sakurai san turn to visit moriokaa san home!!!"
Dec 8, 2017 9:28 AM

Aug 2017
Well, I was right about the fact that we were not going to get a full confession or a kiss, but instead some kind of acknowledgment about their feelings for each other. What did surprise me is that they technically are dating now even without a confession, besides both of them being socially awkward, they are adults and it makes sense that they can get together without having the usual "don´t know how to express my feelings" arc that we see in most school romances.

In general, I think the show, in the end, delivers at least in the romance part, in general, the characters are a bit relatable and it can make you laugh. There are some things that bug me a little like why bother showing me Lilac IRL if you are not gonna use it at all, or who was that girl in these final episodes, but those are all just nitpicks and can be resolved with a second season or with the OVA so it's not a big deal.

I guess the show deserves a positive score, it was worthwhile and I really hope they gave it a new season in the near future.

Dec 8, 2017 9:29 AM

Feb 2016
This being the only show i kept up with this season im feeling kinda sad my friday evening will be without this cute show, well lets just hope the manga translations will speed up from now on.
Dec 8, 2017 9:31 AM

Apr 2016
Cutest episode of the show :)

Her thanking the machine XD

The multiple shivers when they held hands.. :D

Would love to see the specials. :)
Dec 8, 2017 9:34 AM
Sep 2013
I will miss this series.

overall very good show 8/10
Dec 8, 2017 9:38 AM
Dec 2017
Noooo why it's have to end
I love this anime make my Kokoro doki2 desu~
I'll miss them ❤
Dec 8, 2017 9:38 AM
Feb 2014
I was worried for the whole episode that we wouldn't get any conclusion. It would have been so out of ordinary for both of them that I didn't expect a kiss (gotta admit for a second I thought Sakurai will go for it when he wiped her tears) but I wanted a confession at least. That awkward holding hands at the end was hella cute so I'll settle for it.
Dec 8, 2017 9:41 AM
Oct 2017
Last scene : something DID happen !!! Yey ! Let's celebrate everyone
It was cute but I'm somewhat glad it's over. I don't think i could have taken more dragging lol. But I won't be harsh on it, it was an enjoyable show
Dec 8, 2017 9:44 AM

Mar 2016
It was really good, as a guy, I find these couple cute and funny. I don't have any problems with the story at all and it concluded in rational way without forcing the Romance. I like their personality, though there's too much apologizing, either way both personality is the same, supporting each other and caring for each other, and their slow character development is very satisfying.

Dec 8, 2017 9:45 AM

Aug 2014
Wont fool myself into saying it is a master piece of an anime, but to me it was the hidden gem of the season, the one anime I didn't expect but it delivered more than most. I am sad to see it end, yet happy as to how it ended. With a biased rating i will give it 9/10 instead of an 8, solely because I am a sucker for nerdy romances with a conclusion.
Dec 8, 2017 9:46 AM
Oct 2017
Ha now that I think about it, they had this talk about the moon being beautiful, it could count as confession alright
Dec 8, 2017 9:51 AM

Jul 2013
Loved watching the show, but the ending was kiiind of disappointing. Their reactions to the smallest touch was too much, it feels like they got even worse than the beginning of the show. When you think they're going to feel more okay around each other it's the opposite and they can barely look at each other. Felt weird to me. But all in all this show was nice to watch and I enjoyed it.
Anime | Games | Music | Animals

Dec 8, 2017 9:51 AM

Nov 2014
YESSS YESSS. They held hands.
Dec 8, 2017 9:52 AM
Feb 2014
BlackFIFA19 said:
This being the only show i kept up with this season im feeling kinda sad my friday evening will be without this cute show, well lets just hope the manga translations will speed up from now on.

This might not be the place but your comment kinda saddens me. On Fridays there are 2 more awesome shows Kino no Tabi and Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou and Saturdays are like anime fiesta with great shows from all kind of genres. I'm watching 9 of them and I'd say few of them are well above average.
Dec 8, 2017 9:55 AM
Nov 2017
Today's episode was simply amazing........!!!!!

I loved this episode and the whole anime. The relationship between those two have really improved in the last two episode. This was a really cute anime. And they looked a cute couple together when they held hands. Even though they tried I wouldn't mind if they confessed their love to each other. But in the end of the episode it was confirmed that even morioka is also in love with sakurai. It's obvious that they both love each other very much. Because sakurai is accepted her as she is and morioka want to change herself so that he won't be embarrassed to be with her and also that she can proudly stay with him.

Overall this was a great anime. I loved it. And now it's finally finished. I'm feeling very sad coz I wanted more episodes of this anime. But now what can I say. I'm really gonna miss this anime. This was one of my favourite anime. I gave it 9/10. It was a great pleasure to see this couple to grow close.

This was a great anime..........!!!!!
Dec 8, 2017 9:55 AM
Oct 2007

oh god this sweetness overload.
Normal well-adjusted human being
Dec 8, 2017 9:56 AM
Mar 2011
I wished they developed the other characters as well a bit more. I feel like the mmo part moved to the backstaged near the end. It was a ok series. I wonder what the big guy looks like IRL.
Dec 8, 2017 10:03 AM

Feb 2016
mandorallen said:
BlackFIFA19 said:
This being the only show i kept up with this season im feeling kinda sad my friday evening will be without this cute show, well lets just hope the manga translations will speed up from now on.

This might not be the place but your comment kinda saddens me. On Fridays there are 2 more awesome shows Kino no Tabi and Shoujo Shuumatsu Ryokou and Saturdays are like anime fiesta with great shows from all kind of genres. I'm watching 9 of them and I'd say few of them are well above average.

Ive tried quite a few of this seasons Anime but none of them made me want to keep up with them, well besides MMO Junkie, ive just kinda lost interest in Anime.
Dec 8, 2017 10:12 AM

Nov 2007
These two were so incredibly cute in this episode! Props to MAL for finally adding romance tag in the anime. I waited for quite a while for anime like ReLIFE so this was a pleasant surprise. Next time I see a comico romance anime (if MAL does the job properly while tagging an anime), I will look forward to it.

Overall, I really, really loved the anime despite of this being littered with coincidences. I came with the lowest of expectations and it turned out to be one of the better anime of the season. I wish Nao (Lilac) would make an appearance in the final episode as I have been totally rooting for her with Fujimoto (Kanbe).

A-Anyways, I am glad that Mo-Morioka-san and Sa-Sakurai-san are a-almost to-together! ❤ I will look forward to the special episode and hopefully we will get something beyond that as well.


For now I will patiently wait for ReLife: Kanketsu-hen in March next year!
Stay Home and Wash Your Hands.
Protect Yourself. Protect Your Loved Ones.
Protect Your Community and Help Defeat
Dec 8, 2017 10:25 AM
Jun 2017
i'll miss this show :) im happy that there is still have episode 11(OVA) bundled with BD Box on Dec 8th!
alyusri40Dec 8, 2017 11:18 AM
Dec 8, 2017 10:28 AM
Nov 2016
And so it ends.
The show established how socially awkward the two leads were so it didn't bother me when they got flustered at the little things.

It was VERY cute to see them grow closer. They might've even kissed had it not been for that stupid washing machine.

I am glad that they've Finally started dating. I have a urge to read the manga now.
Dec 8, 2017 10:37 AM

Jul 2014
What a great ending, so why do people want to force a kiss if they look perfectly cute together as they are?

At the beginning it wasn't one of my favorite shows of this season but with the course of the episodes, Morioka and Sakurai were growing on me and I ended up loving them and the series.

With all that said ... where is my Lilac x Kanbe? :'(
SkyLETVDec 8, 2017 5:27 PM
Dec 8, 2017 10:39 AM

Oct 2016
I didn't expect much from 10-episode rom-com but this turned out to be one of the better series of fall 2017. Loved it.

Dec 8, 2017 10:58 AM
Nov 2014
It's a shame this show ended, their clumsy relationship was extremely cute. I can only hope for a second season, but I don't think it's going to happen.

And regarding the "not mature" remark, does it really need to be overly realistic for it to be considered as mature? I think both a serious and a lighthearted show can be considered mature, this is entertainment and not reality.
Dec 8, 2017 11:08 AM
Jan 2017
the interactions between Sakurai and Mori never cease to make me laugh, they are just so awkward and cute XD Also, I screamed when they were coCKBLOCKED BY THAT FUCKING DRYER!! >.< THEY COULD OF AT LEAST HUGGED BUT UGGHHHH (눈_눈) *inhale* that damn dryer, i will dismantle it with my bare hands I swear

on a more serious note, Mori's development throughout this whole series was incredibly inspiring and I'm glad she's happier with herself in the real world ^-^

Koiwai-San is the best wingman ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (I wanna know what he said to make Sakurai blush XD) and the scene with their MMO reflections seeing them off at the end was a charming way to end the episode (っ>ω<ς )

my only complaint about the series is that we did not get to see a lot with the other characters both in game and in the real world T-T but despite this, the story fulfilled its main purpose with Mori's character arch and Sakurai/lily's role in such development, so lack of expansion on minor side characters doesn't really affect the quality of this anime imo.

great series; 9/10 in my book, will recommend to a friend and will most definitely watch again!!
not_a_dog_woofDec 8, 2017 11:12 AM
Dec 8, 2017 11:09 AM
May 2012
What about the other guild members? Oh well, at least they got together. Though, I still think that Koiwa was very unnecessary.

Edit: Posts: 6666
Dec 8, 2017 11:11 AM

Oct 2012
A really sweet ending to an entertaining show. I've developed quite a crush on Moriako. Bumping this up to an 8.
Dec 8, 2017 11:11 AM

Dec 2015
Aye, that was okay. Although not amazing, there was lots I liked about this show. Solid 7/10 for me.
Dec 8, 2017 11:12 AM

Feb 2009
This anime was wonderful, I love it. There were side story like Kanbe and Lilac I wish they would have finished, but anyway, such a beautiful anime nonetheless. We never know, maybe they make some OVAs on the future or a second season.

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