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Nov 12, 2017 1:01 PM

Jan 2014
Oh damn I feel really bad for Chinatsu's friend. I've been in her shoes, so I know what it feels like to be totally ignored by someone you look up to. I see her in a different light now. Chinatsu is kind of mean, yet there's something about her that draws people to her; however, you wouldn't say Chinatsu is "just" mean, as there's also more to her. I'm just rambling at this point.

Three things cannot be long hidden..
...the s u n, the m oo n, and the tr u th.

Nov 12, 2017 2:30 PM

Apr 2012
OMG is Aki in love with Chinatsu??? :O That would be so awesome. ^^ Because I see they were BFFs back then and everything but pleeeeease, this isn't just a simple friendship from Aki's side.

Yuri on Floor anyone? xDD No, no? Okay I'll see myself out.
OokamiRisuNov 12, 2017 2:34 PM
Nov 12, 2017 4:29 PM

May 2008
Mmkay....don't care what anyone says, Akira is definitely head over fucking heels in love with Chinatsu. That ain't normal friendship lol.

Nov 12, 2017 4:48 PM

Aug 2014
Anowser said:
The backstory is too long, Akira isn't a major character, no need to take half the episode

Amen, took the words right out of my mouth
Nov 13, 2017 1:13 AM
Oct 2015
Someone's jelly, because this isn't a yuri anime.
Heckle was here...
Nov 13, 2017 7:04 AM

Jul 2016
Glad to know more about aki and chinatsu past. Chubby aki looks adorable. Lmao, aki's irritated face at the last part of episode was damn hilarious xD
Nov 13, 2017 9:29 AM

Mar 2008
nelliecatalina said:
Oh look, we got a backstory from a character that doesn't matter for the plot instead of getting a backstory from a character that does matter for the plot. Why do I read many people being happy with this episode?

For my part, both in the manga and the anime, I didn't care about Akira's reasons for developing an obsessive and dependent love for Chinatsu, instead, I would have liked to see Chinatsu's attraction to dance from her own point of view, as it should be if she's a character that matters for this story, because the lesbian friend disappears from now on, while she will be Tatara's partner for possibly a long time. Akira's past could have been summed up in a few flashbacks, too much time spent on a character that is not likeable.

It's a bit annoying to get a full episode for characters like Akira, that we will not see again but they take away and delete important and not that important moments of the characters such as Shizuku and Kiyoharu. I keep noticing more bad decisions in production, and each time it becomes even more annoying.

I don't know why are you presuming she will never show up again. All dancers seem to be important characters, as they all have different reasons to compete and also motivate each other being rivals.

This episode was important to understand a character and her relationship with another character. It's irrelavent if Akira's likable or not, what matters is that you understand her personality and motivation better, as well as how she perceives Chinatsu. It was interessing to see how she can be selfish and arrogant from the point of view of someone close to her, and how it can distance her from people.

Ballroom is not just about Tatara and Chinatsu. All characters are sharing the same space and deserve a proper background.

Nov 13, 2017 11:53 AM

Feb 2017
@OverkilledRed, Uhm no? The only important dancers are those already presented: Kiyoharu, Shizuku, Gaju and Mako, and we also have Sengoku and Chizuru, with one more approaching in the following episodes if the anime doesn't change that part. Akira is a minor character, and already made the most relevant thing that she could, from here on she doesn't interest anymore, and for manga readers, I doubt very much that we will see her in another competition since her character is unnecessary, she's not even a good dancer, and of course, another reason that is still to come.

And no, it was moderately interesting, and you know what was interesting? Knowing about Chinatsu and know when she was younger as well as her growing interest in dancing, is not because Akira's perspective, and that's what I mean when she seriously doesn't interest for this story. At my eyes she's only a girl with personality problems and frustrated because Chinatsu doesn't really concern about her and/or doesn't take her seriously, again, because she's not a good dancer. How simple.

We go 19 episodes and you think that this story is not about Tatara and Chinatsu? How innocent, are the only ones that have had focus and the only problems that matter, the rest of the protagonists only appear occasionally and are even irrelevant in the animated version because the animation studio has gone so far as to even delete important parts from them.

Again, Akira is not relevant. She could disappear and the story wouldn't change at all.
Nov 13, 2017 1:02 PM

Apr 2016
female loves!!! kekeke a threesome circle, in the dance ;)
Nov 14, 2017 8:52 AM

Oct 2008
Akira & Chinatsu got more bad vibes to each other!
Yuuki Aoi really knows how to act very angry and furious!
We got to see a lot of childhood past flashback of Akita & Chinatsu!

Nov 14, 2017 3:42 PM

Jun 2016
Zelev said:
Oh damn I feel really bad for Chinatsu's friend. I've been in her shoes, so I know what it feels like to be totally ignored by someone you look up to. I see her in a different light now. Chinatsu is kind of mean, yet there's something about her that draws people to her; however, you wouldn't say Chinatsu is "just" mean, as there's also more to her. I'm just rambling at this point.

I felt the same. I don't think Chinatsu was trying to be mean, but she kept hurting Akira with her words and actions.

I think, at least hope, that she realizes that a leader doesn't have to do everything and that they're a pair. I don't think she truly saw Akira as that, but will understand once she gives into Tatara.
Nov 15, 2017 10:46 PM

Aug 2016
Nov 16, 2017 1:35 AM

Jul 2009
Tatara finally noticed that Chi-chan is the prettiest girl in the competition!
Also, Aki and Chi-chan backstory was very interesting, Chi-chan had a great personality since always, no wonder Aki admired her or I can even say, love her.
Nov 16, 2017 7:44 AM
May 2017
I would have much rather watched a show about Chinatsu and Aki dancing together then what we've been given. Asking for gay btw.
Nov 16, 2017 4:01 PM

Nov 2013
nelliecatalina said:
Again, Akira is not relevant. She could disappear and the story wouldn't change at all.
If she disappeared I don't think Chinatsu would have been even close to being as competitive as she was? Wasn't the main driving factor for Chinatsu to take up Tatara as her partner... because of... Akira...? Heck, if we go this far back into the story, without Akira, Chinatsu wouldn't even be dancing.

If you took her out, then all of that would fall apart and the series would end there, since Chinatsu was too stubborn to take up Tatara's offer to be her partner by herself. She needed that push and Akira was that push.

Whilst this anime is no masterpiece, and I haven't read the manga so I can't compare the two, no story is complete without supporting characters. They're called -support- characters for a reason. They're motivating factors for the mains (Chinatsu and Tatara) in order to move forward. That said, characters who're simply there to serve as plot devices are extremely weak, which is why characters need to be developed. Akira was Chinatsu's partner, her friend from a very young age, just throwing her in there with no explanation for her motives is a very, very clear sign of bad writing.

"Why are Chinatsu and Akira at each other's necks?"

That is the question that this episode answered. Whilst the episode was focused on Akira, we also got to see Chinatsu, which explains a lot of her personality and why she is the way she is. If we did not get some background information on Chinatsu's and Akira's relationship, then it'd reflect badly on Chinatsu. It'd make her a weaker character, somebody who's flat-out petty for being so competitive and borderline hostile with somebody for no apparent reason.
Nov 16, 2017 7:05 PM

Feb 2017
Alyxsandre said:
nelliecatalina said:
Again, Akira is not relevant. She could disappear and the story wouldn't change at all.
If she disappeared I don't think Chinatsu would have been even close to being as competitive as she was? Wasn't the main driving factor for Chinatsu to take up Tatara as her partner... because of... Akira...? Heck, if we go this far back into the story, without Akira, Chinatsu wouldn't even be dancing.

If you took her out, then all of that would fall apart and the series would end there, since Chinatsu was too stubborn to take up Tatara's offer to be her partner by herself. She needed that push and Akira was that push.

Whilst this anime is no masterpiece, and I haven't read the manga so I can't compare the two, no story is complete without supporting characters. They're called -support- characters for a reason. They're motivating factors for the mains (Chinatsu and Tatara) in order to move forward. That said, characters who're simply there to serve as plot devices are extremely weak, which is why characters need to be developed. Akira was Chinatsu's partner, her friend from a very young age, just throwing her in there with no explanation for her motives is a very, very clear sign of bad writing.

"Why are Chinatsu and Akira at each other's necks?"

That is the question that this episode answered. Whilst the episode was focused on Akira, we also got to see Chinatsu, which explains a lot of her personality and why she is the way she is. If we did not get some background information on Chinatsu's and Akira's relationship, then it'd reflect badly on Chinatsu. It'd make her a weaker character, somebody who's flat-out petty for being so competitive and borderline hostile with somebody for no apparent reason.

Why do you give such importance to a character who has only made one contribution? And not even one complete, but half. Her only function was to be a way to force Chinatsu into the competition, but it seems that you watch the anime halfway since Tatara and Chinatsu had already met previously and that they ended up as a couple was a matter of time, since both are in the same school and the same class, they knew each other and it's Tatara who really needed to take place in the competition. It seems that you have completely forgotten the reason behind this arc and the whole anime, and it doesn't surprise me, since you give a lot of prominence to an unnecessary character.

And of course it's a support character, one with less importance and relevance, because even these have ways to participate in the story. In the case of Akira, it has only been introduced to know about Chinatsu, not in a natural way but perceptively, which is a mistake right now because we hardly know who Chinatsu really is, what we know about her is minimal, and now the only thing they do is put in front of us a character with an obvious obsession for her, to describe to us how perfect she is? This is not how it works, in the end it does the same as any love interest in a harem anime, making the character look cool. We don't need to see Chinatsu as someone cool, we need her as a character, with vision and personality. That's why Akira doesn't work, she's only being used for the story to make Chinatsu great, what means she has not any other purpose here.

Akira is not even the reason why Chinatsu danced before, it was always Akira following Chinatsu, since this one is not even good at dancing, even in the anime they share this detail. So what's left for Akira?

> It only serves to give Chinatsu a false motivation. A one she doesn't need because Tatara already knew her.
> Akira never encouraged Chinatsu to dance, they only shared a common sport as any other child.
> The motivation behind to win this contest is not Chinatsu, it is Tatara, the protagonist.
> Akira is not even a good dancer or someone stable, so she will disappear or make cameos in the following arcs. Why should we care about her?

Not to mention that making Akira obsessed over Chinatsu is not cool at all, it's very foolish to apply for someone of her age. Being fat is not a psychological problem, what Akira does because she simply can't overcome the fact that Chinatsu has never seen her as an equal or as a love interest. She's immature, she's an uni-dimensional character that lacks deep and makes Chinatsu looks like a goddess we really don't care about since she doesn't have an stable personality to this point. Ironically, Akira makes Chinatsu looks worse in every sense.

There's no question here, Akira is a bland lesbian who can't overcome a failure romance and it makes Chinatsu looks like a brainless character who doesn't care about her friends or any other kind of partnership, which is worse for her. That's all.
Nov 17, 2017 11:47 AM
Jul 2018
Chinatsu with short hair is freakin' adorable.
And that ending scene got me. XD Fabulous.
Nov 17, 2017 12:35 PM

Nov 2013
nelliecatalina said:
Why do you give such importance to a character who has only made one contribution? And not even one complete, but half. Her only function was to be a way to force Chinatsu into the competition, but it seems that you watch the anime halfway since Tatara and Chinatsu had already met previously and that they ended up as a couple was a matter of time, since both are in the same school and the same class, they knew each other and it's Tatara who really needed to take place in the competition. It seems that you have completely forgotten the reason behind this arc and the whole anime, and it doesn't surprise me, since you give a lot of prominence to an unnecessary character.

And of course it's a support character, one with less importance and relevance, because even these have ways to participate in the story. In the case of Akira, it has only been introduced to know about Chinatsu, not in a natural way but perceptively, which is a mistake right now because we hardly know who Chinatsu really is, what we know about her is minimal, and now the only thing they do is put in front of us a character with an obvious obsession for her, to describe to us how perfect she is? This is not how it works, in the end it does the same as any love interest in a harem anime, making the character look cool. We don't need to see Chinatsu as someone cool, we need her as a character, with vision and personality. That's why Akira doesn't work, she's only being used for the story to make Chinatsu great, what means she has not any other purpose here.

Akira is not even the reason why Chinatsu danced before, it was always Akira following Chinatsu

I can at least give you props for being so passionately against a character lol.

Anyways, not sure where you deduced that "I only watched the anime halfway," but it also seems you're doing what you claim I'm doing. Like a horse pulling a carriage, you seem to be wearing blinders due to your distaste for Akira.

Chinatsu was never the one who wanted to do any competitions, it was Tatara. He's our MC, after all.
Chinatsu, if anything, was haphazardly inserted into the story so that Tatara could have a partner for dance. They had met previously, yes, but Chinatsu had no plan to continue dancing, no plans to enter competitively, and Tatara at the state he was in at the time would not have been able to push her into dancing with him. It's the main thing right now in this arc. Tatara doesn't exert himself, so how could he have ever pushed Chinatsu, a stubborn, prideful woman, into dancing with him? The answer: it wouldn't have been able to happen.

What I'm doing here is analyzing the characters, looking at their personality and their motives, their body language and their method of speaking. Using that, anybody can tell that Chinatsu would not have teamed up with Tatara had her rivalry with Akira not sparked it.

But I do agree that Akira AND Chinatsu were both introduced in a rather sloppy way, since the coincidences are just a bit too much to really be considered realistic.

Also I'm not sure how you got that the flashback was to show how great Chinatsu was, because I certainly didn't feel that way.
What the flashback did was explain to us why Akira feels the way she does towards Chinatsu. To her, Chinatsu was a sort of "symbol" of independence and, well, self-love, in a way.
With the flashback, we can see that yes, Chinatsu is a prideful, honest person, but she's also self-absorbed, selfish, and impulsive. "Perfect" is not synonymous with any of those three adjectives, as far as I'm aware. It showed us the flaws Chinatsu has that made Akira give us that gross face at the end of the episode. So I'm not exactly sure where you're getting that "The flashback was meant to make Chinatsu look cool."

Also, I'm pretty sure that in this very episode we saw that Chinatsu prompted to Akira "I want to share a hobby with you." And yeah, Akira followed her around, but again, as we've seen with the current Chinatsu and after analyzing her personality, she needs to be pushed in order to pursue what she wants to do. Without Akira, she wouldn't have gotten into dance because she never would have gotten the push, the motivation. I have a brother who's like this—he won't do anything he really wants to do unless somebody goes with him, unless somebody is there to push him to do what he wants to do.

since this one is not even good at dancing, even in the anime they share this detail. So what's left for Akira?

> It only serves to give Chinatsu a false motivation. A one she doesn't need because Tatara already knew her.

"False" how? If you can explain to me how Chinatsu would have eventually become Tatara with her stubborn, prideful attitude, without Akira, then please do tell me.

> Akira never encouraged Chinatsu to dance, they only shared a common sport as any other child.

Shot to the dance studio.
It's quite clear that Chinatsu hadn't danced before, if she was suggesting sharing a hobby with Akira. I motion back to my point above that Chinatsu is the type of character who needs a push to do what she wants.
She may have had an interest in it before, but let's look a this screenshot:

Look at Chinatsu.
Her shoulders are hunched forwards, her gaze is fixed on the people around her, not in front of her, and she's slouched. This is a natural, physical reaction somebody takes when they're uncomfortable or insecure about something. It's a response to uncertainty and unease.
If Chinatsu had been dancing before she met Akira, then her pose wouldn't be as such. It'd be more similar to Shizuku when we first meet her in the dance studio:

Her shoulders are back and relaxed, her neck and back are both straight. This is a pose that one takes when they're comfortable in a setting, and confident.

> The motivation behind to win this contest is not Chinatsu, it is Tatara, the protagonist.

I'm... not quite sure what you mean by this. Going off how it sounds, you're suggesting Chinatsu's also only a plot device so that Tatara can become better, or something.
The motivation behind this contest is not one character or the other, it's for both. Chinatsu is also receiving a lot of character development in this arc, as we can see that she's finally lowering her stubborn wall in order to try to understand Tatara a little better as well as accept that she can't do everything by herself, and Tatara is also becoming more assertive, pushing himself to show himself in the dance, not just use himself as a pedestal to put the partner on display.
The motivation behind this contest is for them to be able to continue dancing together.

> Akira is not even a good dancer or someone stable, so she will disappear or make cameos in the following arcs. Why should we care about her?

In short, she is somewhat of a plot device. However, going off all my arguments, it's quite clear that she's a necessary ingredient in order to help form a stronger character within Chinatsu. Without her, it's like forgetting to add yeast to a bread mix.

Not to mention that making Akira obsessed over Chinatsu is not cool at all, it's very foolish to apply for someone of her age. Being fat is not a psychological problem, what Akira does because she simply can't overcome the fact that Chinatsu has never seen her as an equal or as a love interest. She's immature, she's an uni-dimensional character that lacks deep and makes Chinatsu looks like a goddess we really don't care about since she doesn't have an stable personality to this point. Ironically, Akira makes Chinatsu looks worse in every sense.

There's no question here, Akira is a bland lesbian who can't overcome a failure romance and it makes Chinatsu looks like a brainless character who doesn't care about her friends or any other kind of partnership, which is worse for her. That's all.

"Very foolish to apply for someone of her age"
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by this. Do you mean that it's foolish for her to apply to contests? Or do you mean that it's foolish to look up to somebody of her same age? Or to have somebody be obsessed at her age? If it's the latter, I assure you that there are various teenagers who're unhealthily obsessed with one thing or another so... I'm not sure what you're getting at. It's completely realistic.

But anyways, being fat isn't a psychological problem, no, but being bullied because of your weight constantly can lead to them, and to anybody at a young, easily-influenced age, when somebody stands up for you after constantly being bullied, it'll mean a lot. Again, it's a very realistic thing.
When somebody's down or depressed, what many people want is somebody to reach out for them, no matter how much they say "it's okay." So when somebody finally does reach out and help them, it's a huge sigh of relief. Not everyone's like this, no, but Akira is this type of person.

Akira's point isn't here to make Chinatsu look like a goddess who's perfect in every way.
She's here to tell us that Chinatsu is just as human as everybody else, that she has her flaws and needs to also grow up, (which, she is, seeing her development after teaming up with Tatara).

"There's no question here" that Akira serves as a factor to show the audience who Chinatsu really was in the past, explaining why their rivalry exists in the first place, and also gives us a glimpse of how Chinatsu was in her past. It shows us she's a prideful, self-centered brat who needs to get off her pedestal in order to be able grow as a character.

That said, we wouldn't have seen this flashback if Akira, herself, wasn't about to receive some sort of development.
AlyxsandreNov 17, 2017 12:42 PM
Nov 17, 2017 5:57 PM

Jul 2012
I was a bit disappointed when the episode went into a flashback, but it was actually pretty good! Seems like Aki has a big case of jealousy.
Nov 19, 2017 4:16 AM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Oh oh, they pushed the yuri vibe way further in these scenes versus the manga, not that I mind at all, yuri is love, but Tatara x Chinatsu is the OTP for the series!

While they are rushing abit as I expected, I m liking the way they are adapting it, the music is great too IMO.
Nov 19, 2017 10:10 AM

Nov 2011
Another beautiful episode, this parenthesis on Chinatsu and Aki's past, has been devastating, now those two, I like them even more. Drawings made really well, fabulous!

duderus said:
LOL This killed me.

Not only you. XD
Nov 23, 2017 6:13 PM

Jun 2007
very interesting episode. so the girl is in love with Chinatsu. poor thing, no chance
see you, space cowperson . . .
Dec 9, 2017 11:40 AM

Mar 2013
I thought there was like an air of queer baiting between those two before, BUT THIS EPISODE WAS AN ACTUAL WIDE OPEN CONFESSION OF LOVE.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Dec 16, 2017 2:02 PM
Jul 2018
This is all because her jealousy and her low efforted life so far, now she is getting angry. I loved how Tatara and Chi discussion and showing her off(not intentionally) because I say JUSTICE PREVAIL!

so-so episode overall. I didn't like aki at all and looking forward to see her losing on next episode :P
Dec 17, 2017 9:57 AM
Jul 2018
Idk, seems to me like Akira has confused her feelings for Chinatsu. I understand her but I don't believe it is love what she feels for her. She only wants a person that will acknowledge her for what she is since she was bullied in school and Chinatsu was the only one to stand up against the bullshit. But obviously Chinatsu was already straightforward with dancing in her child's years back then but Akira couldn't care less about dancing as long as Chinatsu's with her, tightly having her by her side. That's why she's now angry 'cause the person Akira admires the most didn't properly look at her. To sum up Akira: "You're my only friend I have, you're so special to me, I don't wanna share you with anyone, you're mine only." Seems more like an obsession to me than anything.

But my lord, children in this anime are so cute, pretty and adorable. And Chinatsu is probably the most handome female child I've seen in anime. That short hair really fit her.

Dec 25, 2017 12:25 AM
Mar 2017
Meh episode, didn't care much for the entire backstory.
Dec 28, 2017 6:29 PM

May 2013

Didn't expect that mean mug in the end hahaha

Kids are so insensitive because they don't understand much about human feelings at that age and how it's really hurtful to use cruel words :( nothing you can do about it though... I think everyone has to get past that stage of bullying at some early point of their childhood v__v
Feb 17, 2018 9:43 AM

Aug 2016
Thought she was going to stab the kid with the scissors for a moment there
Nanika ga Okashii
Feb 23, 2018 2:37 PM
Aug 2012
I enjoyed this background story told by Akira, all her words all her emotions could be explained that she loved Chinatsu wholeheartedly and seein her working hard with other person of course makes her jealous even now -many years after they was a couple on the competitons
Apr 19, 2018 5:18 PM

Aug 2010
I felt a bit sorry for her in the begging of the backstory but she only got worse the more we learned. It was good to see young Chinatsu though.

Lol at Akira's face at the end. So nice to see her get jealous. Hate this bitch and Couldn't care less about the yuri here.
Oct 4, 2018 10:50 AM

Jun 2011
Cringy episode. So when the guy said that Chinatsu had ugly hairs, her first reaction was to grab a nearby scissors and cut it off? The crying reaction later is appropriate but to cut off your hair just because some dude called it ugly, as a kid? That's kinda psychopathic? Flashback to Akashi

How long does it take to grow out those hair, the flashback timeline fast-forwarded few years and they still have short hair..

I really hate it when kids don't act like kids in anime, and voice acting have been downhill for a while now, a lot of shitty voice actor/actress in the industry today who got by because they look great or have a cute voice.
Honobono Log - best slice of life short
most kawaii loli overlord
Donquixote Doflamingo AMV - Control
Jul 10, 2019 12:50 PM
Jul 2014
UWU when Tatara came to the conclusion that Chi was the most beautiful partner in this competition ^^ you can tell they're falling for each other.

The backstory between Chi and Akira is actually pretty cute. I like how they displayed Akira's love for Chinatsu and how they grew up. I was not expecting Akira's feelings for Chi and I think it's really cool how they added this to the plot. I feel bad though since I don't think Akira will end up with Chi since I think Chi likes Tatara. I wasn't expecting a complex love polygon in this anime either.

Very interesting! I can't wait to see the next one for the competition results! It seems like something clicked with Tatara.

Oct 15, 2019 5:15 AM

Mar 2015
Lmao hopefully some romance starts to blossom!
I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Feb 25, 2020 8:29 PM

Nov 2011
I am glad they make Akira and Kugimiya to be more likable, there are no bad person in this anime after all.
"The Slave is the have-not, the oppressed one with nothing to spare.
But because the Slave is in that despairing situation, having nothing, it can kill the Emperor !"
Sep 6, 2020 6:00 AM

Aug 2014
GangsterCat said:
can tatara gtfo now? he is not needed in the yuri paradise

i like tatara too but he needs to find another partner now (lol)

surprising lot of ppl hating on characters , i watch this to chill and i find every character enjoyable to watch. its not like they're doing anything malicious or offending i don't see what there is to hate about any of them. sports gives fun experiences and this anime reminded me of that. this anime is really pure and genuine and feels nice to watch.
Ako-Sep 6, 2020 6:41 AM
Apr 20, 2021 7:49 PM

Feb 2014
Loli Akira AND Chinatsu, <333
Jun 16, 2021 1:03 PM
Apr 2020
Saw quite a few comments saying that the backstory of Chinatsu and Akira was unnecessary. I personally differ. I think the backstory gave us an understanding on not only what happened between them in the past, but allowed us to see how they grew as a character. It also provided great character development. I believe this made the characters more 3 dimensional and allowed the audience to 'relate to them.' Instead of flat 2-d characters, the backstory provided us with something that is human; this could happen to people/friendship.
Jul 14, 2021 5:50 AM

Mar 2016
the story between Akira and Chinatsu is pretty interesting. their drama is stupid, but life-like.
Oct 4, 2021 3:21 PM

Apr 2017
Aww I really liked this backstory. Now I ship Chinatsu and Koumoto ^^' they were really cute
Nov 29, 2022 10:26 AM
Apr 2021
Oct 24, 2023 3:52 AM

Nov 2022
You know its always fun when we see the happy go lucky characters or those that always smile lose composure
Akira is no different lol.
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