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Land of the Lustrous
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Nov 11, 2017 5:08 AM

Nov 2011
Hmm interesting...Yellow Diamond gets more screen time this episode.

As starnge as this show can get, I did kinda like the action especially in the second half. A cliffhanger though. I'm sure the next episode will follow up with events next time.
Nov 11, 2017 6:14 AM

Apr 2015
GREAT. I'm so curious about the next episode
Nov 11, 2017 6:54 AM
May 2015
Rideontime said:
GREAT. I'm so curious about the next episode

Well, next episode will be great, because one of my favorite characters is coming in the next episode. Also here comes a Game of Thrones reference (Winter is Coming)

Nov 11, 2017 11:56 AM

Mar 2016
i really hope this show gets another season, unless im wrong, it feels like this serise can have much more content than only 6 more episodes can give, hopefully they get another season, dispite not many people talking about the show.
MrCarmichaelNov 11, 2017 7:18 PM
Nov 11, 2017 12:04 PM
Dec 2015
This episode had the best fight scene so far. I think that Sensei's reaction to the word "human" could have been made a bit more dramatic. It didn't really stand out as much as it did in the manga.

Also, I can't wait for next week! The Winter Arc is finally starting! I can't wait to see and hear the winter soldier in action!
Nov 11, 2017 12:09 PM

Jun 2015
Sensei was very shocked when Phos said humans. He's clearly hiding something about them. She paired up with Amethyst to work as patrol. They're interesting twins. The patrol didn't go very well. Amethyst got shattered by the Lunarians. Bort is angry at Phos gain.
Nov 11, 2017 12:44 PM

Jul 2015
Running around at the speed of sound~

Holy shit the final minutes, Phos wanted to show that she can help too but all she did was stay paralyzed in terror at the scene in front of her, I was as shocked as her during the whole scene.

There is also Sensei reacting like that after Phos said humans, he's definitely hiding something.
Nov 11, 2017 12:49 PM
May 2016
MrCarmichael said:
i really hope this show gets another season, unless im wrong, it feels like this serise can have much more content than only 6 more episodes can give, hopefully they get another season, dispite not many people talking about the show.

This show is one of the top airing anime in Japan and other Asian countries. It's also in a similar situation to Ajin: ranked among top 10 manga for male readers, got turned into a CGI anime, etc. As Ajin got 2 seasons, there is a pretty good chance this one will too.
Nov 11, 2017 1:32 PM

Dec 2016
It's hard being the doc, spends all night repairing Phos then wakes up to Zircon needing her head reattached.

Those twins were very impressive, and then all of a sudden that happened, I want them to be alright but I am fearing the worst.

Phos got a hard dose of expectation VS reality in this episode.

As expected of Sensei, he wiped the rest of them out easily.
Nov 11, 2017 2:33 PM

Dec 2012
KaminariNoKage said:
MrCarmichael said:
i really hope this show gets another season, unless im wrong, it feels like this serise can have much more content than only 6 more episodes can give, hopefully they get another season, dispite not many people talking about the show.

This show is one of the top airing anime in Japan and other Asian countries. It's also in a similar situation to Ajin: ranked among top 10 manga for male readers, got turned into a CGI anime, etc. As Ajin got 2 seasons, there is a pretty good chance this one will too.

Ohh it's one of the top shows in Japan and other Asian countries?? I am so glad, so so glad. It deserves the top spot. It's disappointing it's so underrated in western countries at least in my opinion it's underrated here.
I love the episode even though Phos got a power-up, Phos didn't become Op or stuff. I also liked to know about Zircon who is the 2nd youngest of the gems. I would love the anime to elaborate more on the memory loss due to losing their parts and the ''Human'' reaction from sensei.
Nov 11, 2017 2:33 PM

Aug 2013
This show gets better and better
Don't believe the hype.
Nov 11, 2017 2:45 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
Jesus, this show gets more beautiful and fluid by the episodes i feel. That whole last sequence with Amethyst completely cracked in thousands of parts and Bort coming in was incredible.

Sensei being angry and showing what he can do, holy shit.

Also he knows something about the humans judging by his shocked reaction.

Nov 11, 2017 3:08 PM
Jul 2018
Holy shit this episode was just awesome! The production, and the sequences, atmosphere etc actually got so much better as the series progresses, you have no fucking idea.

I'm actually curious about Sensei since I think he's hiding something or he has knowledge when he heard the word "Human." I think he actually knows something based off of his reaction.
MrCarmichael said:
i really hope this show gets another season, unless im wrong, it feels like this serise can have much more content than only 6 more episodes can give, hopefully they get another season, dispite not many people talking about the show.

In Japan's ratings its actually doing quite well (and its received very well as well, to the point where at ONE point it even beated Love Live Sunshine in terms of the day the episode aired). Which I do hope it gets a second season, because with these episodes getting better and better, I actually think there's more content in the manga.
Nov 11, 2017 3:15 PM
Sep 2016
After rewatching I distinctly hear Dia and Phos call Yellow Diamond "onii-sama/elder brother" but it wasn't translated? Is it because they are trying to keep the translation gender neutral even when it isn't? The twins bopping their heads like that is pretty mean. Got me antsy and I'm not a humanoid gem.
Nov 11, 2017 3:39 PM
Oct 2017
aber said:
After rewatching I distinctly hear Dia and Phos call Yellow Diamond "onii-sama/elder brother" but it wasn't translated? Is it because they are trying to keep the translation gender neutral even when it isn't? The twins bopping their heads like that is pretty mean. Got me antsy and I'm not a humanoid gem.

Pretty much. They have been trying to avoid gendered pronouns, though with mixed success.

I was hoping the head banging sound would be more annoying and higher pitched.
Nov 11, 2017 3:44 PM
Oct 2017
My one concern about a second season is that it is an ongoing manga. For someone who has read it, about how much has been covered so far in the six episodes that we have seen?
Nov 11, 2017 3:50 PM

Jul 2017
Zesprit15 said:
My one concern about a second season is that it is an ongoing manga. For someone who has read it, about how much has been covered so far in the six episodes that we have seen?

We have covered up to Chapter 14. The manga is at Chapter 61.
Nov 11, 2017 4:07 PM
Oct 2017
HxHexa said:
Zesprit15 said:
My one concern about a second season is that it is an ongoing manga. For someone who has read it, about how much has been covered so far in the six episodes that we have seen?

We have covered up to Chapter 14. The manga is at Chapter 61.

Hm, okay. So we likely have enough content to get a season two next year, but will be forced to wait probably one or two years after that for a season three, if season two doesn't wrap things up
Nov 11, 2017 4:18 PM

Jul 2009
I don't get the end. At first I was sad because it seemed like the Amethyst sisters (they seem like girls to me) got captured but then Bort came and I thought they were saved? But doesn't seem like it...?

Why is Bort angry at poor Phos? Wtf did he except him to do? He's always telling him to stay back anyway.

Also what is sensei? Is he a gem like them? Human (would have to be immortal then because seems like he's been around for a long time)? Something else?
Nov 11, 2017 4:24 PM

Jul 2017
Inugirlz said:
I don't get the end. At first I was sad because it seemed like the Amethyst sisters (they seem like girls to me) got captured but then Bort came and I thought they were saved? But doesn't seem like it...?

Why is Bort angry at poor Phos? Wtf did he except him to do? He's always telling him to stay back anyway.

Also what is sensei? Is he a gem like them? Human (would have to be immortal then because seems like he's been around for a long time)? Something else?

Bortz is angry at Phos since she did not do anything in that situation. Rather, she was not able to do anything, not even running back to sensei to ask for help with her legs.

Who sensei is will be revealed way later in the manga. Pray for Season 2.
Nov 11, 2017 5:07 PM
Nov 2016
I hope that the twins aren't gone for the rest of the series. It seems wrong to introduce them one second and have them gone in an instant.
Nov 11, 2017 5:20 PM

Jun 2015
MrCarmichael said:
i really hope this show gets another season, unless im wrong, it feels like this serise can have much more content than only 6 more episodes can give, hopefully they get another season, dispite not many people talking about the show.
I really hope so too, it's a pretty well-acclaimed manga so who knows? Maybe it happens.
Nov 11, 2017 5:23 PM

Jun 2015
MetaThPr4h said:
Running around at the speed of sound~

let me ruin your childhood and tell you that the song actually goes "Rolling around at the speed of sound"
Nov 11, 2017 5:24 PM

Jun 2015
Those twins better live on, I fucking love twin characters and I will not accept the death of any.
Nov 11, 2017 5:26 PM
Jul 2018
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?
Nov 11, 2017 5:36 PM

Jan 2013
It makes sense that even though her legs improved, her energy capacity may not have changed much so running and doing all of those tasks is taking a lot out of her.

Inugirlz said:
I don't get the end. At first I was sad because it seemed like the Amethyst sisters (they seem like girls to me) got captured but then Bort came and I thought they were saved? But doesn't seem like it...?

I do believe they were saved. I saw some of the other Gem Girls picking up their pieces to put them back together. It's just that getting all of the pieces will take up a lot of their energy and time, in part because the blast may have sent some into the ocean, and then piecing them together will take up more energy and time too. Phos' lack of help made it all much more tense as well. She may not have had the physical energy or ability to help but in that case she should have let others know she was exhausted.
Mica-Chan10Nov 11, 2017 5:40 PM
Nov 11, 2017 5:49 PM
Jul 2016
This episode was pretty cool. The mystery aspect was maintained and left a good hook for the next. Nothing to complain about! This series is doing very well!
Nov 11, 2017 6:01 PM

Jul 2015
ShadowMonkey said:
MetaThPr4h said:
Running around at the speed of sound~

let me ruin your childhood and tell you that the song actually goes "Rolling around at the speed of sound"


Tbh I never played Sonic as a kid, but looks like I got the meme wrong, thanks for the correction q_q
Nov 11, 2017 6:13 PM

Jun 2015
MetaThPr4h said:
ShadowMonkey said:

let me ruin your childhood and tell you that the song actually goes "Rolling around at the speed of sound"


Tbh I never played Sonic as a kid, but looks like I got the meme wrong, thanks for the correction q_q
I always used to say running as a kid so I felt very betrayed as well FeelsBadMan

you should play SA2 though it's a great game
Nov 11, 2017 6:45 PM

Mar 2016
Excellent camera-work in respect to 3D animation.
I'm never 'lost' visually in the array of colors this show has to offer - absolutely no disconnect.
Lie until what you want to be true becomes truth. Lie until you can't remember what's a lie and what isn't.  Lie until you aren't lying anymore!
Nov 11, 2017 6:56 PM
Nov 2017
anirudhtsuki said:
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?

Uh no, the author already said they're genderless. They used nii-sama or ore because there's no genderless pronouns in Japanese to begin. Please don't bring Tumblr shit into this.
Nov 11, 2017 7:16 PM

Dec 2015
anirudhtsuki said:
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?

I think about them as not genderless, but something like Turner's syndrome in humans, the "by default" gender is female as long as there is not Y chromosome, despite it, there are no males aside sensei, but sensei is sensei for them, I think male pronouns is a reminder of what is lasting from ancient language, only a "by default", but they doesn't even know what is a male
Nov 11, 2017 7:29 PM

Jul 2015
Another fantastic episode, and once again, Phos finds herself in the middle of something dangerous, unable to actually do anything. But at least she got an upgrade, so now she can do nothing at the speed of sound.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Nov 11, 2017 7:38 PM
Jun 2016
I really like this series, I wasn't sure at first, but the more we see pho grow the more I enjoy it.
Nov 11, 2017 7:40 PM

Apr 2009
This show is just a delight to watch. I nearly passed it over, but am glad that I changed my mind. Phos is such a fun trouble maker to look at, lol. Her antics so far were rather fun and amusing.

Unfortunately, sometimes the hard dose of reality can be very difficult to swallow, as shown in this episode. Poor Phos, I feel sorry for her. Bort should stop being so mean, since this was her first battle anyway. What do you expect from someone who can't even properly lift a sword? Only thing she got is her new shiny legs with supah-speed.

Maybe she should have paired up with Sanic teh Hedgehog, to learn the way of teh speed of sound, LOL (I'm just joking).
To be or not to be... that is not the question. ;3
Nov 11, 2017 7:51 PM

Jun 2017
anirudhtsuki said:
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?

nope they are genderless.

in japanese as far as i know, word like "boku", "ore", "watashi" etc are more to personal impression, be it more feminine or masculine.

on the other hand, english word have gender specific that cant really be used well on this kind of case like "he", "him", "she" or "her" thats why on the eng translation manga they were called as "he" just to make it easy.
linuaNov 11, 2017 8:00 PM
Nov 11, 2017 8:05 PM
Oct 2017
By the way, I just realise it now, but has anyone noticed that in this and the previous episode the clouds/smoke when the Lunarian war units dispersed is now black instead of white? Looks like someone in the team finally lack would point out that black makes it look better, which is how we got that gorgeous shot near the end.
Nov 11, 2017 8:11 PM
Oct 2017
madcat_1 said:
anirudhtsuki said:
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?

Uh no, the author already said they're genderless. They used nii-sama or ore because there's no genderless pronouns in Japanese to begin. Please don't bring Tumblr shit into this.

There are genderless pronouns in Japanese, what are you saying?
Nov 11, 2017 11:17 PM

Dec 2016
This was a really beautiful and emotional episode. When Amethyst got pulled back and screamed "No!" I was all sorts of fucked up! Now what really sucks is that Phos was starting to actually become useful in the eyes of the other gems, but following her freezing up and doing nothing her confidence is going to be ruined and she is probably going to be mentally fucked too. Now the only thing she can do is prove herself somehow, someway
“I love heroes, but I don't want to be one. Do you even know what a hero is!? For example, you have some meat. Pirates will feast on the meat, but the hero will distribute it among the people! I want to eat the meat!” - Monkey D. Luffy
Nov 11, 2017 11:47 PM
Nov 2014
Um am I literally the only one who thought Phos was really pathetic to not do anything? not even running? Besides Sensei relations to humans... i find it annoying how Phos isn't much of a character.... not upholding what he said he wants to do... i literally thought Phos would have finally become something amazing..... but looks like i was over-estimating him :(
Nov 12, 2017 2:43 AM

Oct 2017
There’s at least 84 of them, doubtful that quartz is in short supply, should be easy to fix.
Nov 12, 2017 3:16 AM
Jun 2011
i just been reading the arc all the manga readers talking about and wow this is something else
Nov 12, 2017 3:47 AM
Sep 2016
linua said:
anirudhtsuki said:
Confirmed they are males, they refer themselves in male pronoun and use male hounourfics. Is it because sensei is a monk. Then can monks can have gay partners but not female partners?

nope they are genderless.

in japanese as far as i know, word like "boku", "ore", "watashi" etc are more to personal impression, be it more feminine or masculine.

on the other hand, english word have gender specific that cant really be used well on this kind of case like "he", "him", "she" or "her" thats why on the eng translation manga they were called as "he" just to make it easy.

The common English personal pronouns, such as "I", "you", and "they", have no other meanings or connotations. However, most Japanese personal pronouns do. Consider for example two words corresponding to the English pronoun "I": 私 (watashi) also means "private" or "personal". 僕 (boku) carries a masculine impression; it is used by males, especially those in their youth.[6]

And the list on that page goes into depth on which pronouns are used by which gender the most.
They are exclusively using "boku, kare, ore and onii-sama" in the anime so the manga translators aren't taking an easy way out by using what the author does and saying "he". That doesn't mean they aren't genderless, as we can clearly see gemstones have no internal organs or sexual organs. They can be glued back together and they never die. But they exclusively avoid pronouns with female connotation like "watashi" or "onee-san". It's the same with the japanese fanbase. Even for ones like Dia who sound feminine. I assume it's just part of the customs the gems cultivated or they may be born with that perception of themselves. The other races we've seen have distinct differences between addressing male and female but the gems are all homogeneous and refer to each other as brothers/he.
But to the first person, Sensei is a parental figure for them.
Nov 12, 2017 5:28 AM
Nov 2017
I accidentally spoiled myself by reading all of the manga between last week's episode and this week's, but the anime is executed so well that it's just such a joy to watch. The pacing of the anime seems quite quick though? (but in the best way)
Nov 12, 2017 5:55 AM
Oct 2017
Username23489023 said:
There’s at least 84 of them, doubtful that quartz is in short supply, should be easy to fix.

No. Their name are 84 and 33. There is ony two of them. The name is a reference to this.
Nov 12, 2017 10:13 AM
Jul 2016
Inugirlz said:
I don't get the end. At first I was sad because it seemed like the Amethyst sisters (they seem like girls to me) got captured but then Bort came and I thought they were saved? But doesn't seem like it...?

Why is Bort angry at poor Phos? Wtf did he except him to do? He's always telling him to stay back anyway.

Also what is sensei? Is he a gem like them? Human (would have to be immortal then because seems like he's been around for a long time)? Something else?

Bort was being her usual grumpy self, so I don't think her being angry was indicative of anything.
I felt bad for Phos, she got to experience the huge difference between her expectations and reality. And I hope the twins are reconstructed, I saw other gems picking up fragments so it seems they will be back.
(btw, I'll refer to them as she, since gem is feminine in my mother tongue, I see that everyone is having difficulties with this, haha!)

I'm starting to feel that 12 episodes are too short for this fantastic anime. They storytelling is being intriguing and well paced, they are dropping the right amount of information every episode and after episode 6 I'm definitely hooked and want more. I hope this gets a second season, it is the only anime that I'm enjoying this autumn. The story is original and the visuals are a pleasure for the eyes.

Nov 12, 2017 10:20 AM

Nov 2011
The episode in its own way tries to teach us in a fairly effective way. In addition to this task, the plot keeps on leading the story by going through Phos's life story once again, this is what I like very much. Really evocative backgrounds and really nice graphic details this time.
Nov 12, 2017 11:05 AM
Aug 2017
aber said:
linua said:

nope they are genderless.

in japanese as far as i know, word like "boku", "ore", "watashi" etc are more to personal impression, be it more feminine or masculine.

on the other hand, english word have gender specific that cant really be used well on this kind of case like "he", "him", "she" or "her" thats why on the eng translation manga they were called as "he" just to make it easy.

The common English personal pronouns, such as "I", "you", and "they", have no other meanings or connotations. However, most Japanese personal pronouns do. Consider for example two words corresponding to the English pronoun "I": 私 (watashi) also means "private" or "personal". 僕 (boku) carries a masculine impression; it is used by males, especially those in their youth.[6]

And the list on that page goes into depth on which pronouns are used by which gender the most.
They are exclusively using "boku, kare, ore and onii-sama" in the anime so the manga translators aren't taking an easy way out by using what the author does and saying "he". That doesn't mean they aren't genderless, as we can clearly see gemstones have no internal organs or sexual organs. They can be glued back together and they never die. But they exclusively avoid pronouns with female connotation like "watashi" or "onee-san". It's the same with the japanese fanbase. Even for ones like Dia who sound feminine. I assume it's just part of the customs the gems cultivated or they may be born with that perception of themselves. The other races we've seen have distinct differences between addressing male and female but the gems are all homogeneous and refer to each other as brothers/he.
But to the first person, Sensei is a parental figure for them.

Mild manga spoiler and speculation.
Nov 12, 2017 11:46 AM

Nov 2017
I don't understand gender discussions about this show. If there was no male-like characters in the show I can understand, but this is not the case. They all have female bodies, female voices, and female personalties, so they are female regardless of the pronouns they use.
Nov 12, 2017 11:56 AM
Aug 2017
mruize85 said:
I don't understand gender discussions about this show. If there was no male-like characters in the show I can understand, but this is not the case. They all have female bodies, female voices, and female personalties, so they are female regardless of the pronouns they use.

Cus it's fun to speculate?
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