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Nov 8, 2017 1:07 AM

Dec 2014
If the deaths could just break away from the ED's order this show could be so much better. It would never be anything too special, but because of how it's being portrayed it's just... ugh. Entertaining action still but little else in the way of narrative or suspense.
3 deaths in one episode was solid though. Tiger was cracking me up. xD
Can't say I'm sad for Monkey either. She was so condescending to everyone she interacted with. Not fond of that particular trait.
Nov 8, 2017 1:12 AM
Apr 2016
Yeah I guess I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone. Half the viewers are so inferior they FINALLY understand the order in the end shows the order in the process and boom "BaD WrItInG". So all they wanted is to see people die in spectacular way? Have a One Punch Man-level fights every episode? Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials.
Nov 8, 2017 1:20 AM

Aug 2012
poptartnyan said:
Let me just take a moment to gather all of my thoughts for this episode, we have a lot going on with a few twists revealed that I wanted to share my opinions about.

First off, I am very interested to see how the war that's going on in the flashbacks is related to all of these characters. We learned from the last episode that this war is to divide up land between the 12 regions, each of which has it's own zodiac "protector". It's plain to see that every character whose backstory has been shown so far is somehow related to the fighting. Most of them were warriors participating in the war, and I think it's safe to say that everyone will be related to the flashback war. (The flashback war was most likely the old way that the countries decided on how to divvy up the land, with this new "war" the most recent method because it means less people will die.)

I'm curious to see how rat's backstory will play in with this because he is way too young to have participated in this flashback war, since I assume it was years ago and he would have been in middle school/younger. I'm not sure exactly about the timeline of the previous flashback war, so I could be wrong, but I believe he is the youngest on the cast and was not a fighter in it. (I'll probably change my opinion on this as we get more details of his and other characters' pasts.)

Now, let's move on to Rat's fighting style. It seems like what he did most of this episode and last was evade Snake. I believe that he might have a similar ability to Chicken and might be able to switch places with his rats in order to evade people. He didn't see to have much trouble running awake from Snake (who seems to be using vibrations in order to locate his prey.) I would assume that he has some way of slipping into tight or confined places because he so easily appeared as well as disappeared from Horse's "boxed-in" fortress. Him talking about how rats can canoodle their way into pretty much anywhere suggests that he himself is almost like a rat with how he moves/dodges/hides.

I was previously thinking Rat was a time traveler, but it seems that he's just very sneaky and perpetually bored. It could be possible the rats running around town are giving him a head's up, or that he's able to posses them and jump into their bodies. I have not read the source material, so this is just conjecture based on what I've seen of the anime so far. He definitely seems to know more than he is letting on. I still believe he stayed with Monkey because he believed that she would protect him and he would only have to do the bare minimum to survive.

I think that Rat's physical capabilities are very minimal since we have yet to see him fight, as all he does is simply run away when he senses conflict. He's more than likely one of those "kill from the shadows sneakily" kind of characters in my books. I don't even think we saw him throw a punch at Snake even one time in the whole two episodes where he was being chased. He didn't even try to use defensive martial arts like Monkey or defensive fighting against Snake, from what I remember.

I do have to say I feel awfully bad for Sheep. His backstory last week was a real heart-throbber for me, and I can totally respect sacrificing yourself for your family. I wasn't surprised that Tiger disposed of him, but it was very interesting to see her fighting style. I knew that there had to be some reason she was chosen as a warrior, even if her physique wasn't very threatening at all. I'm looking forward to seeing her backstory, especially how she learned that blood made her drunk. (She also looks like a college aged student or high school senior, so I wonder if we will get a confirmed age range on her too.)

I was honestly sad to see Monkey go. I didn't see the think with Snake's head coming, especially since it seemed like Rabbit was a bit surprised by Monkey's martial arts. He must have purposefully moved the fight to where the trees were so he could utilize that trap he set. It seems like his army is growing even larger, and I will be curious to see how they do Snake's episode next week. My guess is that he is going to run into Dragon and they're going to duke it out together.

I feel so bad for Horse though. That was a really brutal death, and I can't even imagine how much breathing in smoke to death would hurt. I think his biggest flaw was his inaction, just like Rat said. If he was more proactive he could have moved to another area before the fire started or even could have taken Snake on. I feel like he was cheated a bit because he just spent most of the episodes running or hiding. (I'm honestly surprised as hell that Snake did not find drunk ol' Tiger first since she was out in the open. Like I figured someone would have found her before this late in the game?)

I guess Dragon's just been hiding out because we haven't heard a peep from him as well. He might be biding his time, waiting for the dust to settle before he strikes. I'm guessing that next week is his time to shine.

But yeah, I'm very interested to see what else will be revealed next week. I hope they talk more about the motive for this war and about what else is at stake. I'm hoping that Rat does more things because I really want to learn his ability before the finale, lol that probably won't happen though. If anyone else wants to shoot out some theories or reply to my guesses, please be my guest. I love talking about shows like this that keep you guessing with certain plot points. :)

Thanks for your time!

You complain he does not fight but rat does not see any reason to fight from the start. Waiting for most of the others to kill each other is a better strategy. Rats are not good at fighting but are best at surviving. In the story of the 12 animals he uses ox to get in the lead and then tricks ox and gets the first place.
Nov 8, 2017 1:20 AM

May 2017
Rat probably has Spacial ability

So if a character's backstory was shown and underestimate his opponent = death

Sheep and Monkey are a disappointment

Sheep was sensed but he didn't think any of it in his calculation and underestimate his opponent, pathetic, glad he was killed lol

And Monkey lol, bloodlust aside, same thing, arrogance killed her

Horse tho, if he could survive Ox, he shouldn't have gave up so easily and I wonder how Ox let him go. he's so big that I can't imagine how he was able to escape Ox
Nov 8, 2017 2:23 AM
Jul 2018
... I knew this show was bad from the start, since those characters were given unrealistic capabilities (that weren't justified) and (thus) implausible achievements.

But like Fate/Apocrypha, it had been providing, with exciting conflicts--but unlike it, it won't last long, so it should be entertaining until the end (especially since they're killing off characters--even if some are being reused).
removed-userNov 8, 2017 2:28 AM
Nov 8, 2017 2:45 AM

Jul 2013
ughhh i'm pissed about monkey dying! and yep, 99% confirmed now that the ep is the death order. i'm surprised tiger made it to the 3rd place if that's the case. rat comes out on top, as i suspected all along... really curious to know what his schtick is.
Nov 8, 2017 3:00 AM

Jul 2013
taynis said:
Other thing I'm trying to figure out is his "killing all" title. What does that mean? He kills by slaughtering everyone? He doesn't seem like the type tho o-o

you know how they say inaction is still a form of action? my theory is that he's "killing all" by doing jack shit and letting them all duke it out lmao. alternatively, though it still mirrors that theory, is that if we go by the info somewhere above^ about each warrior representing a country with a stake in this war, and said warrior having taken part in the 'old' war (in the flashbacks), and rat being too young to have participated in that war....... it's possible rat's country is some kind of neutral zone that either existed pre-war or was established post-war, and in the same fashion is just waiting for everyone to take each other out and then reap the rewards.

whilst typing all that up i actually had an epiphany of sorts. in monkey's flashback there was that area of land that was under dispute and they ended up seceding from both countries fighting over it, right? i know there ended up being in-fighting and whatnot anyway but maaaaybe he's from there. i guess it would also explain the monkey/rat connection.

this is all sleep-deprived tinfoil hat rambling theories at this point tho lmao
Nov 8, 2017 3:02 AM

Feb 2013
Hinata said:
There goes my time travel ability for Rat since he asked where Sheep was but somehow know Monkey died. I'm guessing maybe he could see glimpses of the future or he's super good at predicting or some shit. Rip Monkey now you can't return to your husband/or bf.

Rat might be the one who killed Monkey. Not done the killing blow.
Nov 8, 2017 4:14 AM

Jun 2015
Nezumi is still pursued by a headless corpse then while Shuryuu and Horse are still hanging on. Hitsuji really doesn't leave anything to change does he as he planned for the fact that his opponent would avoid his first strike. Tora's pretty funny in this drunk state. Horse has lost his nerve because of the battle with ox then. Shuryu really is pretty perceptive in determining Bunny's skill with the blade. But man to think that this was all part of bunny's plan though. Guess Hitsuji really underestimated Tora. To think that this contest is what replaced war though. So Horse was a former soldier that chose to transform because of a mistake. Really hope that Monkey really isn't dead though. Interesting episode and one that had a surprising end for three of the strongest fighters.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Nov 8, 2017 4:20 AM

Oct 2017
Daniel_Naumov said:
Yeah I guess I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone. Half the viewers are so inferior they FINALLY understand the order in the end shows the order in the process and boom "BaD WrItInG". So all they wanted is to see people die in spectacular way? Have a One Punch Man-level fights every episode? Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials.

This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

staraniseNov 8, 2017 4:41 AM
Nov 8, 2017 4:24 AM

Jan 2011
I knew Tiger was a drunken fist master. Really hope there's a twist to the Chinese Zodiac order they've been doing.
Nov 8, 2017 4:31 AM

Oct 2008
OMG! Still exactly follows the ED sequence!
Monkey is down, then Sheep also, same with the tough defensive guy!

Nov 8, 2017 4:43 AM
Oct 2017
What bothers me was that Horse said he can stand the heat, so why didn't he just ran towards the entrance instead of making a new way out?

The episode was a meh
Nov 8, 2017 5:20 AM

May 2013
The ending spoiled everything...
Nov 8, 2017 5:58 AM
Apr 2016
Porkypun said:
What bothers me was that Horse said he can stand the heat, so why didn't he just ran towards the entrance instead of making a new way out?

The episode was a meh

nightcrawlercyp said:
poptartnyan said:
Let me just take a moment to gather all of my thoughts for this episode, we have a lot going on with a few twists revealed that I wanted to share my opinions about.

First off, I am very interested to see how the war that's going on in the flashbacks is related to all of these characters. We learned from the last episode that this war is to divide up land between the 12 regions, each of which has it's own zodiac "protector". It's plain to see that every character whose backstory has been shown so far is somehow related to the fighting. Most of them were warriors participating in the war, and I think it's safe to say that everyone will be related to the flashback war. (The flashback war was most likely the old way that the countries decided on how to divvy up the land, with this new "war" the most recent method because it means less people will die.)

I'm curious to see how rat's backstory will play in with this because he is way too young to have participated in this flashback war, since I assume it was years ago and he would have been in middle school/younger. I'm not sure exactly about the timeline of the previous flashback war, so I could be wrong, but I believe he is the youngest on the cast and was not a fighter in it. (I'll probably change my opinion on this as we get more details of his and other characters' pasts.)

Now, let's move on to Rat's fighting style. It seems like what he did most of this episode and last was evade Snake. I believe that he might have a similar ability to Chicken and might be able to switch places with his rats in order to evade people. He didn't see to have much trouble running awake from Snake (who seems to be using vibrations in order to locate his prey.) I would assume that he has some way of slipping into tight or confined places because he so easily appeared as well as disappeared from Horse's "boxed-in" fortress. Him talking about how rats can canoodle their way into pretty much anywhere suggests that he himself is almost like a rat with how he moves/dodges/hides.

I was previously thinking Rat was a time traveler, but it seems that he's just very sneaky and perpetually bored. It could be possible the rats running around town are giving him a head's up, or that he's able to posses them and jump into their bodies. I have not read the source material, so this is just conjecture based on what I've seen of the anime so far. He definitely seems to know more than he is letting on. I still believe he stayed with Monkey because he believed that she would protect him and he would only have to do the bare minimum to survive.

I think that Rat's physical capabilities are very minimal since we have yet to see him fight, as all he does is simply run away when he senses conflict. He's more than likely one of those "kill from the shadows sneakily" kind of characters in my books. I don't even think we saw him throw a punch at Snake even one time in the whole two episodes where he was being chased. He didn't even try to use defensive martial arts like Monkey or defensive fighting against Snake, from what I remember.

I do have to say I feel awfully bad for Sheep. His backstory last week was a real heart-throbber for me, and I can totally respect sacrificing yourself for your family. I wasn't surprised that Tiger disposed of him, but it was very interesting to see her fighting style. I knew that there had to be some reason she was chosen as a warrior, even if her physique wasn't very threatening at all. I'm looking forward to seeing her backstory, especially how she learned that blood made her drunk. (She also looks like a college aged student or high school senior, so I wonder if we will get a confirmed age range on her too.)

I was honestly sad to see Monkey go. I didn't see the think with Snake's head coming, especially since it seemed like Rabbit was a bit surprised by Monkey's martial arts. He must have purposefully moved the fight to where the trees were so he could utilize that trap he set. It seems like his army is growing even larger, and I will be curious to see how they do Snake's episode next week. My guess is that he is going to run into Dragon and they're going to duke it out together.

I feel so bad for Horse though. That was a really brutal death, and I can't even imagine how much breathing in smoke to death would hurt. I think his biggest flaw was his inaction, just like Rat said. If he was more proactive he could have moved to another area before the fire started or even could have taken Snake on. I feel like he was cheated a bit because he just spent most of the episodes running or hiding. (I'm honestly surprised as hell that Snake did not find drunk ol' Tiger first since she was out in the open. Like I figured someone would have found her before this late in the game?)

I guess Dragon's just been hiding out because we haven't heard a peep from him as well. He might be biding his time, waiting for the dust to settle before he strikes. I'm guessing that next week is his time to shine.

But yeah, I'm very interested to see what else will be revealed next week. I hope they talk more about the motive for this war and about what else is at stake. I'm hoping that Rat does more things because I really want to learn his ability before the finale, lol that probably won't happen though. If anyone else wants to shoot out some theories or reply to my guesses, please be my guest. I love talking about shows like this that keep you guessing with certain plot points. :)

Thanks for your time!

You complain he does not fight but rat does not see any reason to fight from the start. Waiting for most of the others to kill each other is a better strategy. Rats are not good at fighting but are best at surviving. In the story of the 12 animals he uses ox to get in the lead and then tricks ox and gets the first place.

This really should be pinned on the main page. Most come in bashing even though they posses no knowledge of actual Zodiac legend this is based upon. Like, wow, educate yourself repugnant grey mass...
Nov 8, 2017 6:08 AM
Jan 2016
staranise said:
This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

It's not the predictability that makes the writing bad. All the predictability does is place a greater onus on the plot and character building to carry the story; however Juuni Taisen doesn't have a plot (beyond what passes for one to qualify it as a battle royale), so everything sits on the shoulders of the character building - and that's exactly what it strives to be: a character-driven drama disguised as a battle royale.

The problem with Juuni Taisen is that the character building is uneven at best; the one thing it focuses on, that it has sacrificed everything else to excel at, isn't consistently giving us interesting characters. Boar and Sheep were the best (though their rookie-ass deaths contradict the narrative that they're highly trained/cautious killers), Monkey was interesting (if lacking a single clue why a hardcore pacifist was even included amongst the world's twelve deadliest), Dog and Rooster were bland (the only memorable thing about them were their designs), and Horse was atrociously bad (one badly animated fight and a training montage for his "story"? Really?).

Though to be fair, I'm guessing this isn't a problem with the writing in the source material, but a problem in adapting it to the 20-minute format of anime.
Nov 8, 2017 6:24 AM

Jul 2016
Tiger really got sheep there!
Nov 8, 2017 6:57 AM

Nov 2014
I had thought they moved away from the revealing backstory meaning certain death. Looks like it still continues. Disappointing.

Predictability isn't really my concern, I'm more worried that this means we will know little to nothing about the remaining characters at any given point in time, which means the show isn't moving forward at all with character development.
If your favourite character is Tsutsukakushi Tsukiko, you are my soul mate.

Been a long time since I've been here, I'll continue expressing myself freely and believe everyone should too.
My MAL Interview
Nov 8, 2017 8:26 AM

Aug 2015
Woah, 3 participants die after 2 episodes with zero death xD
So yeah, i think they still follow the credits pattern =_= Confidence is the important key in this killing game.. Once they get confident, they will be killed in a few minutes lol.. That's happened as well to the 3 participants in this episode. Damn you Usagi, killed one of my favorite characters >:( Nezumi still hasn't killing someone, but he shares his ideology about life with the Horse.. Poor Horse, killed by the headless Snake.. Based on the next episode title (which has part on it), i think we'll having double deaths for Dragon & Snake in episode 8..

EDIT: Just realised that it was my 666th post, on the 6th episode of Juuni Taisen :O Everybody, clap your hands! xD
renzosparkNov 8, 2017 12:06 PM
Nov 8, 2017 9:46 AM

Jun 2016
Goddamnit. The nicest characters all died this episode. Jesus.

Sheep was killed by Tiger.
Monkey was killed by Rabbit.
Horse was killed by the fire Snake started.

Forgodsake. I was honestly rooting for these three because they're all so nice and deserve to live. Goddamn. Goddamn.

Now, I'm rooting for Rat this time. Fuck everyone!

Apparently, Horse used to be a soldier and to make him stronger he tried everything like with the help of science, weird shit, etc. Hehe. Despite of him being strong, he still lost the will to fight because he got scared. :/ I honestly didn't want him to die. Goddamnit. RIP, Horse.

P.S. It's my first time seeing Ox's "full" face and goddamn he's so beautiful, but I still hate him. Haha.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Nov 8, 2017 10:22 AM
May 2015
UrbanJahts said:

Oh also I find tigers voice really cute omggg

Me too XDD And she seems to be the comic relief,hah. Guess I'll be rooting for her. Now that the ones I supported at the beginning (Horse and Dog) are dead. Sigh. Kids,do not get attached to battle royale characters or you will suffer. :((

TheDoggoneGirl said:

Apparently, Horse used to be a soldier and to make him stronger he tried everything like with the help of science, weird shit, etc. Hehe. Despite of him being strong, he still lost the will to fight because he got scared. :/ I honestly didn't want him to die. Goddamnit. RIP, Horse.

He was a coward,but... ARGH,SAME,I didn't want him to die,I kinda liked him. (;-;) And "killing silenty"? I mean,yeah,he really is a man of just few words,but... He didn't even kill anyone,it would have been nice to see him actually fighting,not only defending,lol.
And is it just me,or are the backstories getting shorter almost with the each episode? XD
Nov 8, 2017 10:51 AM

May 2017
Shit! My zodiac died (Sheep)!
Hey, I guess he still counts as a winner since he won a Juuni Taisen in the past.

P.S. For those that read the manga, does it say in it what his wish was? All I know from the anime is that it had something to do with his grandson.
Nov 8, 2017 11:19 AM
Jul 2018
Daniel_Naumov said:
Yeah I guess I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone. Half the viewers are so inferior they FINALLY understand the order in the end shows the order in the process and boom "BaD WrItInG". So all they wanted is to see people die in spectacular way? Have a One Punch Man-level fights every episode? Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials.

Did you read the shit you wrote?

I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone
Congratulations, now you know that people have different tastes and opinions. Must've been hard living under a rock, eh?

Half the viewers are so inferior
You just sounded like one of those retarded Rick & Morty fans with their bullshit that only people with high IQ can understand the humour of the show.

Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials
The one who needs to stop is you, just sayin'

Need I remind you the trainwreck that was the Medaka Box manga ending? Oh Yeah, Nisio Ishin's works always have 10/10 writing /s.

Also, people have caught on to the ED being a huge spoiler since episode 2, what we're complaining about is how they're handling character development and the deaths of the characters. Up until now it has only been "character gets backstory, meets an enemy and dies in a completely uneventful way". It doesn't need to have shounen anime level of battles, just stuff that's on the same level of what happens on the background of the characters.
removed-userNov 8, 2017 11:26 AM
Nov 8, 2017 12:41 PM

Apr 2015
so instead of finding the characters decisions, behavior and similar fashion of dying suspicious, people are saying its bad writing lol. I cant with this simplistic thinking.
Nov 8, 2017 12:51 PM
Jun 2016
Welp those death flags were still legit. Pretty awesome episode though. That Tiger though "Not drunk, Not drunk, just a little drunk" lol
Nov 8, 2017 1:47 PM
Apr 2016
Not_Important said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Yeah I guess I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone. Half the viewers are so inferior they FINALLY understand the order in the end shows the order in the process and boom "BaD WrItInG". So all they wanted is to see people die in spectacular way? Have a One Punch Man-level fights every episode? Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials.

Did you read the shit you wrote?

I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone
Congratulations, now you know that people have different tastes and opinions. Must've been hard living under a rock, eh?

Half the viewers are so inferior
You just sounded like one of those retarded Rick & Morty fans with their bullshit that only people with high IQ can understand the humour of the show.

Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials
The one who needs to stop is you, just sayin'

Need I remind you the trainwreck that was the Medaka Box manga ending? Oh Yeah, Nisio Ishin's works always have 10/10 writing /s.

Also, people have caught on to the ED being a huge spoiler since episode 2, what we're complaining about is how they're handling character development and the deaths of the characters. Up until now it has only been "character gets backstory, meets an enemy and dies in a completely uneventful way". It doesn't need to have shounen anime level of battles, just stuff that's on the same level of what happens on the background of the characters.

Yeah I do not need you telling me that was crap when I know that was crap, but otherwise THIS IS NOT. I mean, he could have evolved. Just get out, babies, make peace. Do not defame this particular decent series. Be above the grey mass.
Nov 8, 2017 1:59 PM
Jul 2018
OberonFelsach said:
so instead of finding the characters decisions, behavior and similar fashion of dying suspicious, people are saying its bad writing lol. I cant with this simplistic thinking.

It's not a question of simplistic thinking, there's nothing suspicious regarding the similar deaths, it really is just poor writing. They're all supposed to be elite soldiers who fought countless wars and are super experienced but here they are fighting like they're a bunch of rookies. Sure, there is all kinds of pressures going on, like the poison time limit, Ox being an unstopable killing machine etc. But all of that should've made them even more cautious and alert to everything, instead they all drop their guards within minutes of a fight and die. There's not other way to explain that other than weak writing or are you gonna come up with some conspiracy theory?
Nov 8, 2017 2:39 PM

Apr 2015
Not_Important said:
OberonFelsach said:
so instead of finding the characters decisions, behavior and similar fashion of dying suspicious, people are saying its bad writing lol. I cant with this simplistic thinking.

It's not a question of simplistic thinking, there's nothing suspicious regarding the similar deaths, it really is just poor writing. They're all supposed to be elite soldiers who fought countless wars and are super experienced but here they are fighting like they're a bunch of rookies. Sure, there is all kinds of pressures going on, like the poison time limit, Ox being an unstopable killing machine etc. But all of that should've made them even more cautious and alert to everything, instead they all drop their guards within minutes of a fight and die. There's not other way to explain that other than weak writing or are you gonna come up with some conspiracy theory?

but this is exactly what makes me wonder. why would elite soldiers die like that? why would Chicken suddenly lost the will to fight, why would Horse suddenly be so cowardly, why would experienced soldier like Sheep underestimate someone so badly? if this all isnt suspicious I dont know what is. I just believe there is some deeper meaning, of course I might be wrong but it doesnt matter because a show when I can speculate and overthink is enjoyable for me.
Nov 8, 2017 2:54 PM

Oct 2017
MysteriousBanana said:
staranise said:
This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

It's not the predictability that makes the writing bad. All the predictability does is place a greater onus on the plot and character building to carry the story; however Juuni Taisen doesn't have a plot (beyond what passes for one to qualify it as a battle royale), so everything sits on the shoulders of the character building - and that's exactly what it strives to be: a character-driven drama disguised as a battle royale.

The problem with Juuni Taisen is that the character building is uneven at best; the one thing it focuses on, that it has sacrificed everything else to excel at, isn't consistently giving us interesting characters. Boar and Sheep were the best (though their rookie-ass deaths contradict the narrative that they're highly trained/cautious killers), Monkey was interesting (if lacking a single clue why a hardcore pacifist was even included amongst the world's twelve deadliest), Dog and Rooster were bland (the only memorable thing about them were their designs), and Horse was atrociously bad (one badly animated fight and a training montage for his "story"? Really?).

Though to be fair, I'm guessing this isn't a problem with the writing in the source material, but a problem in adapting it to the 20-minute format of anime.

I can't argue with the lack of consistency in character building but I guess that's what viewers will immediately conclude if they haven't reach the point where they can look at the series in a wider, or perhaps in this case, a narrower perspective. Perhaps, the author didn't bother building characters if they were going to die anyway. Each character is merely presented in every chapter, or in the case of the anime, in every episode, only to introduce them as participants of this battle royale. I think the problem as well is because they have introduced this as a battle royale which, of course, inevitably raised the expectations of the viewers so I can't blame those complaining that it's anything but. They could have simply tagged this as a killing game.

But as I've said, looking at this in a wider, or rather, narrower perspective, perhaps this was all just about Nezumi, who the Juuni Taisen organizers have dismissed as the weakest, or last among the favorites. (really heavy spoiler beyond)
That being said, you might find it less interesting or may think it is indeed a product of bad writing (to each his own, I guess) so maybe you should drop it at this point.

Nov 8, 2017 4:38 PM
Aug 2017
Holy crap, I just realized, the ending scenes of the people
Nov 8, 2017 5:58 PM

Apr 2015
BOOM!!! 3 Deaths this episode... lol

man, i thought Monkey will survive till the end. And sheep died quickly...
that's why you never underestimate your opponents boys...
feels bad for Horse though...

is it me or Mouse is bad at fighting?? but well, his opponent using a flamethrower though...
Nov 8, 2017 6:11 PM
Mar 2017
Sunaryt said:
best boi sheep is kill
why even bother watching :(((

It makes me so sad, I agree man. Only one Juuni Taisen per customer I suppose.
Nov 8, 2017 9:20 PM

Mar 2014
This would be a lot better if we didin't already know the order of who dies, since it's basically spoiled by the ED.
MAL: A community that thinks every anime is bad, but rates everything a 7/10.
Nov 8, 2017 10:14 PM
Nov 2010
This episode was great. I love how they foreshadowed the broken smartphone screen talk by showing us a broken smartphone screen a couple episodes back. (It's the kind of attention to details I like.) Sheep voluntarily walking into Tiger's trap and dying by Tiger's hands follows the Chinese idiom "Sending a Sheep to a Tiger's Lair/mouth" too, as expected of Nisioisin. I completely expected him to die when Tiger noticed him last episode.

The CCQ in Horse's flashback was pretty good. The irony of how he strengthened his body to max but succumbs to anxiety and dies from inaction.

Saru/Monkey died a bit too quickly to my liking. I guess reverse zodiac order deaths will continue as it is. :/
Nov 8, 2017 10:18 PM

Aug 2013
SirYanako said:
I'm sad my favorite chara Monkey is now dead, BUT DID THEY HAVE TO STAB HER ON THE BOOBS???

You'd think with all that thicc tiddy meat he would've barely caused a flesh wound lol
Nov 8, 2017 10:23 PM

Aug 2013
Kagami said:
Jonesy974 said:
They should've renamed this show "Anti-Climatic Deaths: The Animation" or "Underestimating Your Enemy and Dying Immediately - The Animation"

Monkey was utterly useless. A character who was all big talk and big ambitions and let her cockiness and pacifist nature get the best of her. Her ability was to fucking dematerialize shit Full Metal Alchemist style and she got killed in the most amateur way possible. Really the only thing she brought to the table was her big tiddies and thicc thighs. She was entirely selfish, and she died leaving a husband behind too.

Well...there goes the only other big bewbs thicc thighs girl in the show.

Sheep's death was hilarious. Spent half the episode shit talking in his inner monologue and gets fucking insta-killed because Tiger uses drunken fist. Couldn't even use his secret weapon bomb (which I bet Rat knows about and wants to find which is why he was asking about his whereabouts).

Horse's death was stupid. He became a cowardly idiot and died like a cowardly idiot. He was so pointless they didn't even need to bother giving him a backstory. Seeing how he nearly died and turned into a beast just makes his death all that more cringe-worthy since he turned into a pussy.

I cant wait for the end and see Rat like somehow pull out a win because he was pulling the strings and playing some master game of chess all along. As another thread mentioned, going off the ED, it shows the order all of the characters died in anyway, if that's not spoiler-y enough.
Monkey dying in such an anti climatic way is just more bad writing. She has major build up then dies in a dumb and anti-climatic way.

Its been a long time since I have witnessed writing this bad. Its almost as a 14 year old who likes anime wrote it for a school project and he gets a B+. B+ for a 14 year old project. This is a F since adults wrote it.

Episode 6 was just the official implosion. No going back.

Literally everyone except Chicken and Horse died to over-estimating their opponents, and yet somehow all 6 deaths so far have managed to be equally anti-climatic, boring, and overall just garbage writing. For fucks sake Monkey fighting dead birds was like the only fighting this show has had so far, along with that 15 second scene of Ox against Horse.

I think the biggest shit kicker, and what kind of makes this more aggravating for me, is that the author of this story is Nisio Isin, who wrote/writes the Monogatari series. That entire series is damn good, a near masterpiece if I'm being biased, and whether you love it or hate it, the actual novels for the series have crazy next level writing and story-telling.

And then you sit there and realize this greasy pile of fly covered shit came from the same person. Just wait until you see the asspull ending for this too...if you think it's bad now.
Nov 8, 2017 10:47 PM

Jan 2014
Jonesy974 said:
SirYanako said:
I'm sad my favorite chara Monkey is now dead, BUT DID THEY HAVE TO STAB HER ON THE BOOBS???

You'd think with all that thicc tiddy meat he would've barely caused a flesh wound lol

i almost reported you... why is report button next to quote button...

and yeah at first i actually thought it was weird she died that way, cause it doesn't seem like the blades went all the way through her body, her heart was missed, and the only vital organ that could have been hit were her lungs. she would still die, but that kind of injury would have given her enough time to kill bunny before dying (in my opinion). i mean she didn't even use her powers on anyone! except for that time when she destroyed the floor of the meeting room.

Nov 8, 2017 11:57 PM

Aug 2013
SirYanako said:
Jonesy974 said:

You'd think with all that thicc tiddy meat he would've barely caused a flesh wound lol

i almost reported you... why is report button next to quote button...

and yeah at first i actually thought it was weird she died that way, cause it doesn't seem like the blades went all the way through her body, her heart was missed, and the only vital organ that could have been hit were her lungs. she would still die, but that kind of injury would have given her enough time to kill bunny before dying (in my opinion). i mean she didn't even use her powers on anyone! except for that time when she destroyed the floor of the meeting room.

Yup, just another wasted character. Kind of the recurring theme of this show now.
Nov 9, 2017 2:53 AM

Aug 2012
staranise said:
Daniel_Naumov said:
Yeah I guess I get it now why Nishio Ishin's stories are not for everyone. Half the viewers are so inferior they FINALLY understand the order in the end shows the order in the process and boom "BaD WrItInG". So all they wanted is to see people die in spectacular way? Have a One Punch Man-level fights every episode? Stop it, get yourselves helped, sadistic millenials.

This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

The problem is not being predictable is that the order seems forced. The way monkey died made no sense. Horse should have died when he met ox, again this made little sense to me. Chicken defending monkey. Some deaths were cool like boar's death, sheep's and dog's but some seem really forced just so that the order matches.
Nov 9, 2017 3:37 AM

Oct 2017
nightcrawlercyp said:
staranise said:

This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

The problem is not being predictable is that the order seems forced. The way monkey died made no sense. Horse should have died when he met ox, again this made little sense to me. Chicken defending monkey. Some deaths were cool like boar's death, sheep's and dog's but some seem really forced just so that the order matches.

Why don't you just drop it and stop complaining?
Nov 9, 2017 4:11 AM

Aug 2012
staranise said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
The problem is not being predictable is that the order seems forced. The way monkey died made no sense. Horse should have died when he met ox, again this made little sense to me. Chicken defending monkey. Some deaths were cool like boar's death, sheep's and dog's but some seem really forced just so that the order matches.

Why don't you just drop it and stop complaining?
I am not in the habit of dropping series even bad ones. There are very few anime I found so bad that I dropped them. For instance Tokyo Ghoul.
Nov 9, 2017 9:19 AM

Jan 2016
The horse had undergone heating up inside a hot room during the flash back
so why is it hard now for him
Nov 9, 2017 10:27 AM
Apr 2016
nightcrawlercyp said:
staranise said:

This. Totally agree. And I think people complain more of how predictable it is because of the order of character's death. But so what if it's predictable? Didn't they even realize it wasn't meant to be unpredictable in the first place? Why is it important not to know who dies next? Do they actually know how that character will die? They see a pattern where a character underestimates the opponent then is killed by said opponent. How are they so sure that everyone dies the same way? Six episodes down and they think it's bad writing because it's predictable? Seriously? There are stories that start with the actual ending before taking the readers or viewers are taken to the beginning of the story with the knowledge of how it's going to end. Will that be considered bad writing too?

The problem is not being predictable is that the order seems forced. The way monkey died made no sense. Horse should have died when he met ox, again this made little sense to me. Chicken defending monkey. Some deaths were cool like boar's death, sheep's and dog's but some seem really forced just so that the order matches.
It all makes perfect sense if you posses the power of *CONTEXT* in your being. This is truly not a story for everyone. If you are here to see a fantasy PUBG, well, congratulations, you've played yourself. I have already explained why Monkey ,alas, lost, and it all ties up to "real" world reality, apparently too vast for most fathom because "BaD WrItInG BaD FiGhTiNg". Really, go get educated, silly millenials, and do your own story. There are pathetic shows made by imbecile, deviant japs, and there is sheer ignorance of some third world USA viewer. The case with this series is the latter.
Nov 9, 2017 10:40 AM

Jul 2013
Hydrous said:
The horse had undergone heating up inside a hot room during the flash back
so why is it hard now for him
The heat wasn't the problem, he even mentions it during the scene. What killed him was that the fire who the flamethrower of Snake produced took all the oxygen in the room, thus killing him, since he was unable to breathe.
IllyricusNov 9, 2017 11:36 AM
Nov 9, 2017 11:24 AM

Jul 2015
She was purring. The tiger girl was purring. I like her, but shes most likely gonna die. Monkey is down, Rabbit is down, Horse got his backstory but seems to have died as well from the looks of it, or he is about to.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Nov 9, 2017 1:14 PM

Aug 2012
Daniel_Naumov said:
nightcrawlercyp said:
The problem is not being predictable is that the order seems forced. The way monkey died made no sense. Horse should have died when he met ox, again this made little sense to me. Chicken defending monkey. Some deaths were cool like boar's death, sheep's and dog's but some seem really forced just so that the order matches.
It all makes perfect sense if you posses the power of *CONTEXT* in your being. This is truly not a story for everyone. If you are here to see a fantasy PUBG, well, congratulations, you've played yourself. I have already explained why Monkey ,alas, lost, and it all ties up to "real" world reality, apparently too vast for most fathom because "BaD WrItInG BaD FiGhTiNg". Really, go get educated, silly millenials, and do your own story. There are pathetic shows made by imbecile, deviant japs, and there is sheer ignorance of some third world USA viewer. The case with this series is the latter.
Who said I am a millenial as you say? Regardless of the term meaning something else. But maybe you are right . As a rat I do think more logically than most people. I always tend to forget that.
Nov 9, 2017 1:16 PM

Aug 2012
DuoraDoll said:
She was purring. The tiger girl was purring. I like her, but shes most likely gonna die. Monkey is down, Rabbit is down, Horse got his backstory but seems to have died as well from the looks of it, or he is about to.
Rabbit is not down. Also if you do not mind a spoiler
Nov 9, 2017 2:08 PM

Aug 2013
I'm a bit tired, there's no suspense, since when a character gets a flashback, it means they'll die.

They're literally killed by flashbacks.
Nov 9, 2017 2:38 PM

Jun 2007
froggy25 said:
I'm a bit tired, there's no suspense, since when a character gets a flashback, it means they'll die.

They're literally killed by flashbacks.

Well, it's the combination of having a flashback and underestimating a situation or opponent. AFAIK the latter is even more important. The moment someone is like "this will work out for sure", "I've got this" etc. they're dead.

I get that it's totally popular to kill of characters that seemed to have plot armor just to make a show 'look' like it's aimed at an adult audience without actually investing any effort in producing a plot worthy of such an objective, but seriously:

The combination of this and the fact that basically only assholes remain that I want to see dead ... makes it somewhat tiresome.

Considering rat is rated the lowest among the surviving warriors in the 'betting room' or however you'd call it, judging from the predictability of deaths based on underestimating others in this show: Rat should win.
Well ... I guess that would be too lame even for this stereotypical show. (which IMHO started somewhat promising)
I guess it'd push down my rating into the 5.x region.
UriskNov 9, 2017 2:47 PM
Nov 9, 2017 3:05 PM

Feb 2015
Well I was rooting for Horse and Monkey so that's a shame! Very eventful episode, all I can do is sit back and watch.
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