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Sep 23, 2017 10:40 AM

Nov 2011
Nice episode, it really felt like it's going well with its pacing.

Not to mention, Chinatsu entered the story! I can't wait to see more of her in this anime and I hope the second cour give her a lot of screne time.. New OP song is great, I love it even more than the first cour's.
Stark700Sep 23, 2017 10:47 AM
Sep 23, 2017 10:59 AM

Apr 2014
the new op is just great so much chi chan
finally she appeared looking so forward to the future episodes 😍
forget shizuku, the true heroine of the story is here 😉
AcceleratorAngelSep 23, 2017 11:21 AM
"Even villains have standards"

Sep 23, 2017 11:30 AM

Jul 2017
AcceleratorAngel said:
forget shizuku, the true heroine of the story is here 😉

Chinatsu is currently the main heroine, but you do know that Shizuku is still a massive part of Tatara's character and plays a very active role in his drive to dance in the first place right? I love Chinatsu, but people hype her up waaaay too much.
Sep 23, 2017 11:46 AM
Sep 2015
GreenEmu said:
AcceleratorAngel said:
forget shizuku, the true heroine of the story is here 😉

Chinatsu is currently the main heroine, but you do know that Shizuku is still a massive part of Tatara's character and plays a very active role in his drive to dance in the first place right? I love Chinatsu, but people hype her up waaaay too much.

Hype over Chinatsu is not a thing - many read the manga and know what she is type of character after all. What to expect from her and what she is capable of. Hanaoka is important person for Tatara and he is in love with her. But it will be stupid if Chinatsu is eventually replaced by Hanaoka near the end of the story only because that Tatara are in love with Hanaoka. Ah, whatever...
Sep 23, 2017 12:18 PM

Apr 2016
The OP was nice, but i prefer the first one of the series, the rythm and images was cool, but understand that the series enter in the second half and is necessary change it ;)
Sep 23, 2017 12:20 PM
Jul 2012
I love Chinatsu. But anyways I had a few problems with the episode mainly the fact that they changed the person who sits behind him even though it's not of real importance I did like some of the interactions but considering how the anime pretty much ignored the character i'm not surprised. Another problem I have is that they rearranged the scenes a bit at the end but it's of no real importance yet again.

I really did like the opening and ed themes though. Chinatsu and Tatara pairing is what made me love this series to begin with.
Sep 23, 2017 12:46 PM

Mar 2014
GreenEmu said:
AcceleratorAngel said:
forget shizuku, the true heroine of the story is here 😉

Chinatsu is currently the main heroine, but you do know that Shizuku is still a massive part of Tatara's character and plays a very active role in his drive to dance in the first place right? I love Chinatsu, but people hype her up waaaay too much.

I don't see how people overhype her?
kay91Sep 23, 2017 6:42 PM
Sep 23, 2017 1:11 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
I love Sengoku's partner lol, not only is she gorgeous but her personality fits so well with his and she's great at dancing too...But man, hearing that Sengoku is the only world class dancer in Japan is pretty insane

I wanna know why they always fight now though, so I'm hoping that we get some backstory with them (Also, Tatara is a lucky bastard to get all that love from her) and see how they really feel about each other

I like that Gaju is going to the same school as Tatara as well because now we can get to see their friendship flourish too but the main thing here is this new red haired girl....I laughed when we saw that she was one of the fangirls trying to get at Sengoku lol, hypocrite much xD

Still, based off of the OP (Which is great) I can't wait to see her and Tatara grow together, and also that moment with Shizuku in this episode was too sweet

Sep 23, 2017 1:24 PM
Sep 2017
kay91 said:
I don't see how people overhype her? Chinatsu is indeed the true heroine of the story.

Well I actually do think people have been hyping Chinatsu a little too much like labeling her the best girl. I mean if you're not up with the manga and are just coming off the Mako - Tatara pairing from the anime I totally understand

New OP did a incredible job foreshadowing Tatara future struggles with new partner and what's to come in 2nd cour. New ED gave subtle hint's on what Tatara and new partner are struggling with.
mannuallySep 23, 2017 1:32 PM
Sep 23, 2017 1:47 PM

Mar 2014
great opening almost spoiler everything the manga has currently.
Sep 23, 2017 2:07 PM
Dec 2009
Where is available with subs? cant find in my usual places
Sep 23, 2017 2:25 PM

Mar 2014
mannually said:
kay91 said:
I don't see how people overhype her? Chinatsu is indeed the true heroine of the story.

Well I actually do think people have been hyping Chinatsu a little too much like labeling her the best girl. I mean if you're not up with the manga and are just coming off the Mako - Tatara pairing from the anime I totally understand

kay91Sep 23, 2017 6:41 PM
Sep 23, 2017 3:17 PM
Jul 2018
The new OP looks more dramatic [BUT so many spoiler!!!! I got spoiled :( ]. A new girl enters into the new arc! I am curious to know why she said him "how lame" to him. Also looks like tatara is one step needed to compete against Shizuku. (weird yet interesting to see girl is rivaling against boy :o )
Sep 23, 2017 3:36 PM

Sep 2012
I love the episode, I was almost everytime when Chinatsu appeared fangirling.

Also the new OP is brilliant, we can see all the interaction between Tatara and Chinatsu, but it has a lot of spoilers.

Do you think we're going to have a different ending from the manga? Seeing the opening it looks like is going to catch it.
Sep 23, 2017 3:41 PM

Jun 2014
Gaju's comment about Mako's boobs was kind of creepy......

It was nice to get a chance to see Sengoku dance, he's really impressive. His interactions with his partner were pretty funny as well. I wouldn't mind if she squeezed me to death. The "best girl" has finally been introduced, and it's interesting how she called Tatara lame for ballroom dancing yet she's there at the dance hall trying to fangirl all over Sengoku. It should be fun seeing the relationship between her and Tatara develop.

Also, the new OP and ED are nice.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 23, 2017 4:26 PM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
OP and ED are fantastic. I would say i even prefer the OP to the first one.

Chinatsu looks great with her hair. She seems to be quite petty and smug as well.

The underwater dancing sequence was pretty damn awesome, even the sound deteriorated, nice.
Sep 23, 2017 4:45 PM

Jun 2015
New OP. I like it. The "best girl" is introduced and when Tatara said he likes ballroom dancing, she said that's lame. And yet, she's at Sengoku's competition. It was amusing watching Gaju and Tatara interact at high school. It was great to see Sengoku's dance. His interactions with his partner was funny.
Sep 23, 2017 4:52 PM

Apr 2010
BBLKing said:
Do you think we're going to have a different ending from the manga? Seeing the opening it looks like is going to catch it.

The manga is ongoing so... Open ending or anime original.
Sep 23, 2017 4:58 PM

May 2015
Some Sengoku action, which was awesome. Hongou is so pretty.

And also, Chinatsu finally officially appeared!

Great episode. New OP and ED are decent.

Sep 23, 2017 5:19 PM

Dec 2012
Great episode. Nice to hear Unison Square Garden back for the new OP song. Song is real good & lovely visuals. ED song is nice as well.

Cool to see Chinatsu make her appearance. Gaju is pretty cool. Nice to see him & Tatara as friends.

Sengoku is an amazing dancer. Hongo is beautiful.
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Sep 23, 2017 5:27 PM

Nov 2016
Cool new opening.

Well, it was a good episode again.

Had some funny moments like when Gaju moaned in Front of Tartara about Mako, it sounded like she was pregnant or something. Loved also the chemistry between Sengoku and Chizuru, already like the latter one pretty much and not just because she's yet another knocker.

Haven't seen much from Chinatsu,but guess that happens next week.

The part where Shizuku challenged Tartara was also quite something imo, I honestly can't wait till we will see them going against each other in a competition again, unfortunately it definitely won't happnen in this season.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

Sep 23, 2017 5:28 PM

Apr 2013
Can't believe i forgot to comment on this episode... anyways

I really like the OP and ED, there were plenty of spoilers though but it doesn't give too much away. I really like Chinatsu eyes. They really stand out. Also, some shots make her look really beautiful I think.

Judging from the OP we might actually catch up to the latest scans for ballroom... though I have some doubts about that as well.

Sep 23, 2017 6:38 PM
Sep 2017
Like srs you source readers got to take your stuff off here. This is for anime-only. Why are you ppl discussing anything beyond this episode? I don't care if the opening has spoilers, at least let me figure that out for myself. I don't care about your chinatsu theories, go to the manga discussion section.
Sep 23, 2017 6:48 PM

Dec 2014
Tokoya said:
I love Sengoku's partner lol, not only is she gorgeous but her personality fits so well with his and she's great at dancing too...But man, hearing that Sengoku is the only world class dancer in Japan is pretty insane

I wanna know why they always fight now though, so I'm hoping that we get some backstory with them (Also, Tatara is a lucky bastard to get all that love from her) and see how they really feel about each other

I like that Gaju is going to the same school as Tatara as well because now we can get to see their friendship flourish too but the main thing here is this new red haired girl....I laughed when we saw that she was one of the fangirls trying to get at Sengoku lol, hypocrite much xD

Still, based off of the OP (Which is great) I can't wait to see her and Tatara grow together, and also that moment with Shizuku in this episode was too sweet

Pretty much what I wanted to say. Damn Tatara getting lucky, you traitor! XD
I laughed when I saw the red hair girl at end as well, especially with the way she scoffed at Tatara at school, for a second I wondered if she had a twin sister but then based off the OP and ED that's not possible.

The more I watch this show, the more I'm sure Sengoku and Takamura from Ippo are the exact same person. :3
Sep 23, 2017 7:13 PM
Mar 2015
Loved Chizuru treating Tatara like a puppy. He literally runs into his future partner
Sep 23, 2017 7:59 PM

Jun 2014
They shouldve waited until next week to show the new OP. It kinda ruined the surprise of the redhead girl being Tatara's partner; and they show the new OP immediately after introducing the girl.
Sep 23, 2017 8:05 PM
Dec 2008
OP 2 > OP 1
ED 1 > ED2

The main female heroine makes her official debut. Hair down Chinatsu is divine.
Sep 23, 2017 9:17 PM

Feb 2014
I think I've found my calling!! Chinatsu!!

When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Sep 23, 2017 9:22 PM
Oct 2014
Loved the episode. Felt like the animation stepped up and more "fluid". I agree with the new op and ed. It spoiled way too much it ruined the suspense but at least both ed and op both sound great.
Sep 23, 2017 9:54 PM
Aug 2016
holy shit the animation was actually reeally good in this episode
chinatsu is beautiful (anime's half assed designs don't do her justice) but her busty childhood friend is best girl cuz she's hot af Lmao..

chinatsu and Chizuru's VAs are good.

the last scene was handled better in the manga imo

and they cut out some dialogue here and there

Sep 23, 2017 10:38 PM
Sep 2017
kay91 said:

Well maybe "best girl" and justify aren't the best choice of words by me, but I think spoiling anything ahead can irritate those who are seeing the story unfold for the first time. Yes of course they can form their own opinions as the anime progresses, but that spoiler in your earlier post is one of the reasons people get upset (you're mixing over-hyping with spoilers) Of course their reception can differ from manga readers if the anime doesn't flush the characters as well as the manga and if everyone is hyping her up.

TL; DR Let them see the story unfold with their own eyes, just like you have with the manga. People enjoy the journey not just the destination.
Sep 23, 2017 10:50 PM

Jan 2009
The 『SHEER HEART ATTACK』 and 『BITES THE DUST』 Sengoku unleashed on Tatara at the comp sent me on a trip.

That aside, the fact that they spoil the new character in the opening and ending theme was a poor choice. At least have the decency to add her on later or make a different animation for the opening.
Sep 23, 2017 10:54 PM

Apr 2010
ClickBaitBuster said:
holy shit the animation was actually reeally good in this episode
chinatsu is beautiful (anime's half assed designs don't do her justice) but her busty childhood friend is best girl cuz she's hot af Lmao..

chinatsu and Chizuru's VAs are good.

the last scene was handled better in the manga imo

and they cut out some dialogue here and there

They skipped most of chapter 17. There was a short TataraxShizuku dance scene that was cut because of this for those interested.
Sep 23, 2017 11:21 PM

Dec 2011
Nice new opening and the ending is okay but prefer the first one.
Anyway this episode contain chapter 17 and 18 but the scene order quite isn't the same.
So we get the new girl finally introduce and also we get to meet Sengoku's partner.
I would love to get smooch by Chizuru xD
Sep 24, 2017 12:41 AM

May 2015
Well this was a nice episode to start the second half.

That's right Gaju! Unleash your rage on Tatara! It's his fault for making Mako wear a bra! Wait...You mean Mako is that old and wasn't wearing a bra before?

Shizuku saying she wants to dance against Tatara again. Cool. I'd like to see that. Rivalry is good when aiming for a goal. Also, seeing the video of Tatara seeing himself dance was a good scene. Shows how embarrassing he was and where he can improve.

Huh...out of all the episodes so far, this one had the most choreography and the best animation. And it had to be Sengoku's dance. I hope we see more like this later on.

"It's only the prelims! We can mess around!" - Sengoku once again proving that he's still the best character in the anime.
Lol at Sengoku and Chizuru! Now this is a couple! Beat each other up! I like how the anime shows that despite the women looking like elegant princesses and maidens on the dance floor, they can still be pretty violent in reality! And the funniest part was what the people said right after:

"Sheesh, those two are at it again. Rather, this was what I was waiting for." LMAO! More Sengoku and Chizuru please!

So Chinatsu looks like one of them Tsunderes who says she dislikes Ballroom dancing but she actually does. She's a redhead too. Now is she an experienced dancer, or is she a novice like Tatara used to be? So will that mean that Tatara will have to teach her or something? Alright then, let the second half begin!
TarotistNov 14, 2017 6:23 AM
Sep 24, 2017 12:45 AM

Dec 2015
Lol Sengoku and his partner xD I like her.

Every time there's dance, I find myself hoping it ends soon cuase it's almost always so boring and disappointingly animated.
"At some point, I stopped hoping."
Sep 24, 2017 12:53 AM

Sep 2016
i think sengoku got more dance animation than tenpei cup combined lol

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Sep 24, 2017 12:54 AM

Mar 2014
mannually said:
kay91 said:

Well maybe "best girl" and justify aren't the best choice of words by me, but I think spoiling anything ahead can irritate those who are seeing the story unfold for the first time. Yes of course they can form their own opinions as the anime progresses, but that spoiler in your earlier post is one of the reasons people get upset (you're mixing over-hyping with spoilers) Of course their reception can differ from manga readers if the anime doesn't flush the characters as well as the manga and if everyone is hyping her up.

TL; DR Let them see the story unfold with their own eyes, just like you have with the manga. People enjoy the journey not just the destination.

We were talking about "hyping" a character and now you have changed it to be about spoilers.

What did my comment spoil? That chinatsu is tatara's partner? And she's the main thing? Well, have you seen the new OP and ED? It literally shows them dancing and heavily focuses on the two. Actually a lot of the coming arc is shown or hinted there.

Chinatsu being tatara's dance partner was never supposed to be a surprise, otherwise, the anime won't have teased her in a key art, pv 6, the post credit scene and even the Opening before they became partners. Hyping up a character by saying she's best girl or amazing isn't spoiling anything. The actual spoilers would be mentioning what will happen in the coming arc, what sort of dynamics those two would have, details about chinatsu's character etc.
kay91Sep 24, 2017 1:00 AM
Sep 24, 2017 1:30 AM

Dec 2014
a new arc starts with new possibilities ...truly a good starter
Sep 24, 2017 2:44 AM

Mar 2016
the new OP and ED are great. i prefer the still prefer the old op.

chinatsu seems amazing. im excited aaaaaaaa
Sep 24, 2017 2:50 AM

Jun 2011
Finally, best girl Chinatsu enters the scene, gotta love her, the dynamic she has with Tatara is always so amusing to watch.
Sep 24, 2017 3:24 AM
May 2017
Even though the opening spoiled so much thing, it gave me the impression that I'm going to really love Chinatsu. I laughed so much when we saw she was part of the fanboy/fangrl of Sengoku !

Very funny and enjoyable episode.
Sep 24, 2017 3:37 AM

Jul 2015
Oh boy, here is the girl that the source readers hype!


Sengoku dance was fantastic, Tatara's feeling of inferiority after seeing that is more than justified, that man is a completely different level.

He has quite a "healty relationship" with his dance partner, ayyy.
Sep 24, 2017 4:02 AM

Sep 2012
antonn said:
BBLKing said:
Do you think we're going to have a different ending from the manga? Seeing the opening it looks like is going to catch it.

The manga is ongoing so... Open ending or anime original.

I know, but the current arc looks like it's not going to finish soon. And in the opening we can see part of that arc.
Sep 24, 2017 4:51 AM

Aug 2013
Sengoku and Chizuru are a funny couple. Literally fighting each other. But their great dancers and Tatara is lucky guy.

Tatara and Gaju going to the same school is interesting. Good thing Gaju was there to save Tatara.

Like the new OP and ED.

Sep 24, 2017 5:38 AM

Feb 2014
Sengoku and Chizuru made my day. Dancing beautifully one second, then beating the crap out of each other the next second. It was unexpected, but damn was that scene hilarious! XD

Tatara is starting to grow more as a character now. He wasn't afraid to tell his classmates that he was into ballroom dancing at all and luckily for him, Gaju also goes to the same school as him now and saved him from being beaten up by the bullies. Nicely done Gaju! =)

Looking at the slightly spoilerific OP (great song from Unison Square Gardens again BTW ), Chinatsu will be an interesting character indeed. After Tatara told his class about he love for ballroom dancing, she called it lame to his face. Ironically, she was there to watch Sengoku and awkwardly bumped into Tatara thanks to the massive crowd of Sengoku fans. She has a bit of explaining to do now! =P

All in all, this was a very good episode overall, with Sengoku's dance receiving a lot of fluid dancing choreography and animation too, which is very good. =)
Sep 24, 2017 5:56 AM
Jan 2017
guys can anyone tell me if chintsu will get a big role in the anime or just for couple of episodes

and to anybody who read manga can you tell me if tatara and shiziku will team up one day or not (I dont mind spoiling)
Sep 24, 2017 5:58 AM

Aug 2016
I was at first worried with the opening that all the previous characters would vanish into thin air, so I am very happy that Gaju appeared right away <3 (lol, the part with Mako's bra made me laugh so hard and the kick was AWESOME!)

The dance in the rain from the opening was very, very beautiful (though I didn't warm up to the new girl yet, Mako was just too sweet and the other's first impression was...well..).

This anime stays my highlight for this season for sure, I'm glad I started it on a whim ^^
Sep 24, 2017 6:15 AM

Jan 2017
I have to laugh when people say the OP spoiled the surprise of Tatara's new partner. Not for me, Week after week I've all heard about "best girl" in these threads (thanks a lot) and knew all about her showing up. Personally, I want to see more best boy Hyoudou. ;)

But besides all that it was yet another great episode. I love that Gaju is going to the same school, I had a feeling they'd become friends. I am enjoying their interactions.

Then finally Sengoku and Chizuru, wow! I was so happy to see his partner is a 100% perfect match for him.
Sep 24, 2017 6:33 AM

Dec 2013
Bahahahaha. This was just as great as the manga! Chizuru-nee-sama is the best! Beating up Sengoku one second, and then squeezing Tatara like a little puppy the next! Only a fiery woman like her could ever match up to Sengoku afterall.

And that segways perfectly into Tatara's search for his new partner. Chinatsu you horrible Tsun. I cannot wait until we get to the training camp and the competitions!

Gaju's is such a bro when he's not on the dance floor, but I laughed so hard when he said Mako now needs to wear bras. You closet sis-con. XD
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