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Aug 23, 2017 1:20 PM

Oct 2014
sirwence said:
@Revvie-chan Well I am not 'blaming them' I admit to being disappointed in a group of people who have 8+ years experiences and so little 'think on ones feet' ability - I wasn't saying oppose the Publisher as I very well know they couldnt' . However There were ways in company to make it seem less like a steam roller ; involve her in the process (her art shows she has the skill to be involved) to at least get observational study and co op under Kou and learn and not more or less be sidelined. (just a thought) but getting all that experience from eagle jump to sit at a table and the only one who has an idea; to get her more experience in the field is a 19 year old 'newbie' kinda you know..Bleh ?

that's no good.
Aoba had ample opportunities to work with and observe Kou.
Doing that would be nodiff than what happened. Actually it might even go worse:
It might give Aoba the wrong notion that her company thinks she's not good enough (which clearly isn't the case.)
I think being blatant here is the right call. It makes clear of everyone's standing point (and made clear that it's the publisher's fault lol.)
Aug 23, 2017 2:04 PM

Sep 2015
I hope adding that new girl wont put Hifumi in the backseat as a super side character who rarely appears.
Aug 23, 2017 2:12 PM

Sep 2011
Revvie-chan said:

well, yeah, the steering committee is f***ed up definitely (which is very Japanese business world lol)
But I think we shouldn't blame Shizuku or anyone in Eagle Jump. It's a very competitive industry, and Shizuku knows if she had pressed against the publishers' will, she might lose not only their support for this one PECO game, but also their support towards Eagle Jump in the long run.

What I WOULD blame Eagle Jump for is the way they handled that meeting where they told Aoba and Kou. It was clear that everyone apart from Aoba and Kou had been made aware of the decision and they just blindsided Aoba and Kou. That is a VERY poor way to run a meeting, and a shitty way to manage your staff. What should have happened is before the meeting Aoba and Kou be taken aside and let know this might happen.

It is interesting to note that Kou doing the promo art has already lead to people assuming that she is the character designer for PECO. Aoba calls herself the "internal" character designer to the newbe. I think THAT is the reason why Kou has the momentary dark look when the new character is introduced. She feels once again that she has stolen something from Aoba.
scruffykiwiAug 23, 2017 2:19 PM
Aug 23, 2017 3:37 PM

Oct 2013
Nene looked adorable in her business professional outfit! Even her hairstyle. Her reactions were hilarious. Aoba's reaction to finally being a senpai was cute and funny, but now she has a rival for the admiration of Yagami-san.
Aug 23, 2017 4:23 PM

Nov 2008
Revvie-chan said:
sirwence said:
@Revvie-chan Well I am not 'blaming them' I admit to being disappointed in a group of people who have 8+ years experiences and so little 'think on ones feet' ability - I wasn't saying oppose the Publisher as I very well know they couldnt' . However There were ways in company to make it seem less like a steam roller ; involve her in the process (her art shows she has the skill to be involved) to at least get observational study and co op under Kou and learn and not more or less be sidelined. (just a thought) but getting all that experience from eagle jump to sit at a table and the only one who has an idea; to get her more experience in the field is a 19 year old 'newbie' kinda you know..Bleh ?

that's no good.
Aoba had ample opportunities to work with and observe Kou.
Doing that would be nodiff than what happened. Actually it might even go worse:
It might give Aoba the wrong notion that her company thinks she's not good enough (which clearly isn't the case.)
I think being blatant here is the right call. It makes clear of everyone's standing point (and made clear that it's the publisher's fault lol.)

Aoba has never in the manga nor anime had the chance to ever work directly or observe Key visual or promotional materials creation process, especially whilst being in a main character designer role. Aside from the 'chance to compete in a losing race' which is an opportunity she created for herself and had 'approved'; unless you count her reading a magazine on her own time as such.

Though yeah in general the entire situation was created by the publisher wanting the Yagami Kou name to the KV and PM despite the fact that it wont be her work in the game persay when it comes to the designs etc (though they get her approval etc) ;)

scruffykiwi said:
Revvie-chan said:

well, yeah, the steering committee is f***ed up definitely (which is very Japanese business world lol)
But I think we shouldn't blame Shizuku or anyone in Eagle Jump. It's a very competitive industry, and Shizuku knows if she had pressed against the publishers' will, she might lose not only their support for this one PECO game, but also their support towards Eagle Jump in the long run.

What I WOULD blame Eagle Jump for is the way they handled that meeting where they told Aoba and Kou. It was clear that everyone apart from Aoba and Kou had been made aware of the decision and they just blindsided Aoba and Kou. That is a VERY poor way to run a meeting, and a shitty way to manage your staff. What should have happened is before the meeting Aoba and Kou be taken aside and let know this might happen.

It is interesting to note that Kou doing the promo art has already lead to people assuming that she is the character designer for PECO. Aoba calls herself the "internal" character designer to the newbe. I think THAT is the reason why Kou has the momentary dark look when the new character is introduced. She feels once again that she has stolen something from Aoba.

I agree entirely - though i also at times went into more detail with things eagle jump could have done to mitigate within their own sphere of authority; however they couldn't even handle the meeting correctly. However I am unsure if Ahagon really knew; or if she was just using her usual poker face (she did calm Kou down .. was the only to actually do so)
sirwenceAug 23, 2017 4:33 PM
Aug 23, 2017 4:46 PM

Oct 2014
sirwence said:
Revvie-chan said:

that's no good.
Aoba had ample opportunities to work with and observe Kou.
Doing that would be nodiff than what happened. Actually it might even go worse:
It might give Aoba the wrong notion that her company thinks she's not good enough (which clearly isn't the case.)
I think being blatant here is the right call. It makes clear of everyone's standing point (and made clear that it's the publisher's fault lol.)

Aoba has never in the manga nor anime had the chance to ever work directly or observe Key visual or promotional materials creation process, especially whilst being in a main character designer role. Aside from the 'chance to compete in a losing race' which is an opportunity she created for herself and had 'approved'; unless you count her reading a magazine on her own time as such.

Though yeah in general the entire situation was created by the publisher wanting the Yagami Kou name to the KV and PM despite the fact that it wont be her work in the game persay when it comes to the designs etc (though they get her approval etc) ;)

scruffykiwi said:

What I WOULD blame Eagle Jump for is the way they handled that meeting where they told Aoba and Kou. It was clear that everyone apart from Aoba and Kou had been made aware of the decision and they just blindsided Aoba and Kou. That is a VERY poor way to run a meeting, and a shitty way to manage your staff. What should have happened is before the meeting Aoba and Kou be taken aside and let know this might happen.

It is interesting to note that Kou doing the promo art has already lead to people assuming that she is the character designer for PECO. Aoba calls herself the "internal" character designer to the newbe. I think THAT is the reason why Kou has the momentary dark look when the new character is introduced. She feels once again that she has stolen something from Aoba.

I agree entirely - though i also at times went into more detail with things eagle jump could have done to mitigate within their own sphere of authority; however they couldn't even handle the meeting correctly. However I am unsure if Ahagon really knew; or if she was just using her usual poker face (she did calm Kou down .. was the only to actually do so)

I'd still disagree
I don't think telling them separately in personal would make it better, either. The response wouldn't change. Actually it would have brought back (if not add more) the awkwardness that happened between Kou & Aoba after the chara design contest.
Plus I think they already plotted for the key visual contest before hand, anyway (yeah, they were just baiting Aoba/Kou to mention the plot lol.)
Bcs... you know, it still weights on them (Aoba & Kou.) The contest helped Aoba spoke out of her true feelings.

I think Ahagon knew. Just... not in the way she's supposed to know.
She's (de facto) Shizuku's secretary there, after all lol

tbh the publishers' decision can be considered as a fraud, but well... it happens all the time. ^^;
Aug 23, 2017 4:53 PM

Nov 2008
I tend to still feel any 'awkward' feelings that are in the Aoba/Kou area are less to do with Aoba being the MCD and more to do with Kou's own feelings of 'taking things away' or 'getting false credit' from or for Aobas work. (Aoba seeminly doesn't blame her even openly admiring the work despite the tears it caused.. granted I once again feel those are more from frustration with the entire situation and just kinda boiled over there.. you dont lean on the shoulder of the person you're displeased with); but she (Kou) blames herself Kinda thing. Aoba just seems to kinda do what most anyone would in said situation.. she dislikes the situation as a whole.
Aug 23, 2017 5:48 PM

Nov 2013
HereticHunter said:
scruffykiwi said:

Nothing relevant?? Relevant to what? What "story" are you talking about?? There is no "story" as such in a SOL. A year has passed, a new game is started on. Office roles have changed. Characters are learning new things. Life goes on. That's how "life" works. If you're waiting for some big overarching story then you're watching the wrong show.

lmao, let me point what I mean with a different setting... I.E Saekano (wich premise is quite similar of making a game, but in this case a Visual Novel game) where the first season were just full of ecchi jokes while having slow progression of the main premise, but the second season were different, more serious and the plot was heading somewhere. (yes I know that it might be stupid to compare em)

What I meant on this second season of New Game, is that they are using the same doses of irrelevant moe stuff, which they could easily bundle them with the 1st Season BD, mostly because it makes the progression quite really slow and having the same "cute girls doing cute stuff" formula can get old pretty fast. now, I'm not saying that it makes this show bad or that I don't enjoy it. I'm actually praising it because it is finally doing new stuff and the plot is moving faster, so that definitely doesn't mean that this show isn't for me, I've watched other SoL anime with a really simple plot that manages to accomplish its purpose with a plot that heads somewhere while doing heartwarming scenes and funny moments.

what this anime needed was the past episode, and this one (and very few moments of the other episodes) in order to head somewhere (but I bet that it will be the same as the first season) on the first season, I felt the finale to be quite dull due to the lack of development and build up... at least that is what I felt, maybe I was expecting way too much, maybe you don't feel the same way I did, but there are others that thinks the same as me, there must be a reason for that... anyway, have a good day
Actually there are lots of plots or events happening compared to 1st season. They even increase the pace as 2nd season adapt up to 4 manga chapters per episode, while 1st season only 2 chapters.

Plot so far :
1.Starting a new project or game.
2.New position like Rin as director, Kou as AD, Hifumi as character team leader
3.Character design competition
4.Company decision about key visual
5.character development: Aoba & Kou clash, Hifumi become more open&active, Hajime tried to create ideas for game, Yun got more motivated(by seeing Aoba), Nene interested in programming & made a game, etc
6.Hiring new employee

I won't blame the anime if they happened to be not finishing the game or something by the last episode, cause increasing the pace more would ruin the anime as manga adaptation.

Also, if I'm not mistaken, in real life, making big game project from planning until finishing could take about 2 years? or more? not sure lol.
JJHRTDAug 23, 2017 6:14 PM
Aug 23, 2017 6:25 PM

Sep 2011
Revvie-chan said:
sirwence said:

I agree entirely - though i also at times went into more detail with things eagle jump could have done to mitigate within their own sphere of authority; however they couldn't even handle the meeting correctly. However I am unsure if Ahagon really knew; or if she was just using her usual poker face (she did calm Kou down .. was the only to actually do so)

I'd still disagree
I don't think telling them separately in personal would make it better, either. The response wouldn't change. Actually it would have brought back (if not add more) the awkwardness that happened between Kou & Aoba after the chara design contest.
Plus I think they already plotted for the key visual contest before hand, anyway (yeah, they were just baiting Aoba/Kou to mention the plot lol.)
Bcs... you know, it still weights on them (Aoba & Kou.) The contest helped Aoba spoke out of her true feelings.

I think Ahagon knew. Just... not in the way she's supposed to know.
She's (de facto) Shizuku's secretary there, after all lol

tbh the publishers' decision can be considered as a fraud, but well... it happens all the time. ^^;

I've been working for quite a while and it is considered very bad form to blindside people in a meeting. If there is an item in the agenda that only some of the members are privy to then there is little point having a "meeting" which is supposed to be an exchange of ideas. It is true that pre-warning Aoba and Kou would not have changed the outcome but it would have removed a lot of the bad feeling about the decision.

Aug 23, 2017 6:59 PM
Oct 2015
They should make a couple real minigames relevant to the anime to play like Nene Quest and what Konosuba did.
Aug 23, 2017 8:45 PM

Jul 2015
WELL ITS ABOUT TIME SHE APPLIED. Been waiting for that since she began making her own game, and now I can pretend to be Shulk and say "I can see the future" to my older bro, plus we FINALLY got Pink hair (Mochizuki) and Black hair (Narumi) in. I look forward to the shenanigans, but I'm gonna miss the other outro now.
A Wild and Small Otaku has Appeared!
Aug 23, 2017 9:13 PM

Nov 2011
3 days! 3 DAYS!!!! Still going to school!!!! Why was this allowed? She's a fast learner but not a super great genius. She won't learn in school. Workplace is a better place to learn.

I envy her.
ernstAug 23, 2017 9:16 PM
"Why do I always realize it... when I've already lost it..." -Guts, Berserk
"Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained." -Gilgamesh, Fate/stay night
"We are constantly living in a peaceful world that somebody else won for us. Even if it were only a day of peace, I will be grateful for its value." - Minashiro Tsubaki, FAFNER
"Screw you, future me!" -Makise Kurisu, Steins;Gate
"We used to show off by waging wars and whatnot." -Watashi, Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
"Call me Moses. I'm going to part the sea of students before your eyes." -Moses?, Valvrave
"Time is guilty." -Andō & Tomoyo, INOU-Battle
Aug 24, 2017 8:40 AM

Jun 2017
ernst said:
3 days! 3 DAYS!!!! Still going to school!!!! Why was this allowed? She's a fast learner but not a super great genius. She won't learn in school. Workplace is a better place to learn.

I envy her.

She's attending university, which she can't afford to just drop after investing money and time in it. She also isn't in a programming school, anyway.
Aug 24, 2017 3:30 PM

Jun 2017
So Nene joined, this season is golden now. New girls are alright I guess?
Aug 24, 2017 6:27 PM

Jan 2016
Nene looked so different with that suit xD New girls, how will that affect in the story now? :3
Aug 24, 2017 8:09 PM

Apr 2014
loved Nene's interview not to mention how nice it was to see her dressed up was super cute and on top of that god a nice Nene x Umiko moment as well just so nice

also new character its always nice to get new characters and so far Tsubame and Momiji and already really nice am really liking Momiji is cute

lastly the new ending wow the new ending is even cuter than the last one just loved it

am really looking forward to the next ep will be nice to see Nene's interactions with the Momiji and Tsubame things are getting better and better and im loving it
"one step at a time"
Aug 24, 2017 9:04 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
Nenechi <3

She once again shows why she's best girl. I liked her hair style this episode.

That cat lol
So hilarious to see

Aug 25, 2017 1:34 AM

Aug 2017
finally, nenecchi join the club >_<
let's see, how the new girls make next episode more interesting~
Aug 25, 2017 6:58 AM

Feb 2008
Yay, Nene landed the job. Umiko as an interviewer would definitely send shivers down my spine.

Catnip, eh? Nothing less from a director. Too bad such a stunt didn't earn Shizuku any more sympathy with Christina. The eyecatch was awesome as well.

The company's new employees seem... Interesting. As Kou stated, things will get messy.
Aug 25, 2017 11:17 AM

Sep 2015
Oh boy new characters. I hope the show doesn't get stretched too thin as a result. You know I remember when she was just Aoba's friend. And I found Nene to be annoying. And now I'm genuinely invested in her relationship with Umiko. They're so cute together. And I'm over the moon, that they'll be interacting much more now. Cool little test of character Umiko put together there. Also Aoba telling Nene she "came at the right time" was super sweet.

I'm glad they're expanding more on the Director's friend. I honestly don't remember her role in the company. Is she a representative from the publisher? Anyway the Director's method of pushing her and the character team closer together. While a bit convoluted was amusing. And I'm glad they're expanding on her character and all that. It'd be so easy to just write her as a money grubbing, pencil pushing villain.

I don't know how I feel about the redhead. I really liked them all arguing over who was going to move though. Yun's noncommittal response was a thing of beauty. We'll see how the new character plays out. Right now she's a little cringe to me. But that could easily change. I liked all the call backs to Aoba's first day though.
Aug 26, 2017 8:36 PM

Oct 2008
I knew Nenecchi would eventually apply to EagleJump! since he has connections like Umiko. Good for her! Aoba & Nene is together on the same workplace once again! Umiko has high hopes for Nenecchi!
Nenecchi also assumes! she worries too much! lolz! Nenecchi cried a little bit because she passed! very nice!!
So the high ranking on ther department the producer Yamato has a good side also. And the girls found-out some of her weakness!
Aoba is now a SENPAI! nice!
Great! we now have 2 new additional characters: Momiji & Tsubame
Looks like Momizi looks down a bit and bad vibe against Aoba....she even misspelled the last name of Aoba...lolz Suzumiya...very far from Suzukaze! Just because Aoba's art is quite silly...but she gotta have to accept that because Aoba is also a newbie in art. I hope she accepts her later on cuz for sure Aoba will improve...but I think Nenecchi will be more superior than Aoba...since programmers are more important anywayz.
new ED was also great!

Sep 1, 2017 4:42 AM
Sep 2015
Nenecchi is god tier. I hope we get to see A LOT more of her.
Raito_LawlietSep 1, 2017 4:51 AM
Sep 7, 2017 12:39 AM

Jul 2011
Why I feel like something is missing from this episode?

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Sep 9, 2017 11:32 AM

Jul 2009
Nene in a suit!!! And 2 new girls join the gang...the yuri is getting stronger! haha
Sep 12, 2017 12:23 PM

Nov 2011
I thought the new characters would come from those in the company where Aoba works and not as new entrants. Another thing that amazes me is that Nene is going to work in the Eagle Jump, I figured she would be a character outside of Aoba's workplace. Nene dressed in a formal way is really different from the usual, really surprised me. The new ending is pretty, but the previous one liked me more, because it was more fun.

animefan8800 said:
Fuck yeah! Best-girl Nenecchi's back! XD Nifty new ed too.

Really nice the eyecatch views so far.
Sep 19, 2017 1:36 AM

Mar 2009
Nene looked great in her business attire. And now that she works at the company, this will lead to more Nene and Umiko moments. Good shit.
Sep 28, 2017 10:24 PM

Oct 2014
animefan8800 said:
Fuck yeah! Best-girl Nenecchi's back! XD Nifty new ed too.

Megane = Best Girl

I wonder whats their age? And do they have BF? lol
Oct 4, 2017 12:25 PM

Sep 2011
I hope the new people will be just as good as the ones we have. Though I would have been fine with the current people, as you can never have enough development for them. I hope Momo won't be a tsundere for long, and that she won't be a rival for Aoba :/ That would be really unnecessary.
Oct 10, 2017 5:37 PM

May 2012
Quite nice start with these new recruits as well as the new ED!
Nov 14, 2017 12:29 PM

Sep 2014
Lots of changes happened in this episode that will shape this season's second half. Interesting.
Nenecchi will work for EagleJump again. Nice! Umiko and her are a great team.
A rival appeared! Momiji looks serious and aggressive on first sight, but she's actually Hifumi-tier shy and awkward. Cute! Looks like she respects "Suzumiya" (lol) and considers her a worthy opponent. I hope they'll become good friends.
It was nice to see that Yamato actually disliked delivering the orders against Aoba from last episode and that she's awkwardly trying to be friends with the art team. Cute white-collar women are always welcome! (Same goes for Nenecchi during her interview. Also, dat episode card. :3)
Nov 16, 2017 6:22 PM

Oct 2012
Really nice change of dynamic! I just hope the new girl doesn't overshadow Hifumin because she's still the best! But I guess it would be interesting to have a rival :D

Can't wait to see their future interactions, also, I'm really glad we have Nenecchi onboard too! :)
Nov 17, 2017 7:28 AM

Jun 2016
Omg. That new ED. Aoba is so beautiful throughout and the visuals are so eye-pleasing especially the main girls are all wearing white dress. D'awww. :3

Nervous Nenecchi throughout her interview is cute. Hehe. Omedetou, baby Nene. <3 Now, she's a part of Eagle Jump. Yaaay! I guess she'll be under Umiko. Haha.

Yamato-san thought everyone in Aoba's department hates her. Haha. She's so cute. :3 Naaah they're like the nicest group in the company, gal. :p

Aoba's designs are kinda dumb? What are you talking about, tsundere girl? Haha. Yaay, Aoba is finally a senpai because of the new two interns. Haha. The fact that Momo had to ask Aoba the question "Are school uniforms the company dress code?" made me giggle. Lol. And she's a Yagami fangirl, too, and I guess she sees Aoba as her rival then?

But seriously, Aoba, when are you planning to change your working clothes? Haha.

"Maybe he's trying to take a shit, but the shit just won't come out."
Captain Levi, 2014
Dec 3, 2017 8:13 PM

Sep 2013
Ugh...I don't like the new characters. I hope they don't screw up the chill vibe of this anime by being all antagonistic and whatnot.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Dec 15, 2017 8:59 AM

Apr 2015
They're really forcing Nene to go through the whole interview process again and pretending like they've never seen her before?

...Good. Though I guess it was a given that she got hired since Umiko has a weird big old lesbian crush on her.

"If you want those games to sell, this is also your job." That is called a m a r k e t i n g d e p a r t m e n t...some of the actions of the higher-ups at this video game company are really questionable. I felt a little bad for Christina though..."They really do hate me."

I was afraid of Hajime getting kicked out of their section (best girl deserves better), but I'll be a little sad if we see less of Hifumi as well. Hopefully, we'll still get to see plenty of she said, she's "right around the corner." newbie bitch (do I really wanna memorize her name?) is upsetting me. "Kou is so talented! Oh wait these designs are terrible because Aoba did them lmao"
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Dec 27, 2017 12:13 PM

Nov 2013
I don't like new girls. They are going to steal precious screentime from my beloved Umiko and from the other cool characters. It sucks, i hope they will get fired.
But Christina is sure cute.
GvendolineDec 27, 2017 12:42 PM
Dec 31, 2017 3:26 AM

Mar 2015
Oh no that arch-rival archetype has appeared! She's hot though wut

I'm Bruneian and I like anime. And Manchester United. And fat cats.
Apr 27, 2019 1:09 PM
Jul 2013
I can't believe there are 2 EDs to this series! They are amazing!
Jul 15, 2019 11:15 AM

Apr 2013
Woah, they not only got nenecchi as an additional programmer, but also two new characters as interns. Wanna see the first meeting of Momo and Hifumi now xD
Oct 19, 2019 3:46 PM

May 2018
it still pisses me off that aoba didn't get the proper credit for being the character designer, I understand that the heads of eagle jump would want to promote yagami ko as she is pretty popular and well-known, but they could've still tried to include the fact that it was aoba's designs somehow. it still just seems very unfair to me. just like the new intern everyone thinks it was yagamis doing and while she did help it was mainly aoba. obviously it isnt yagamis fault in the slightest but still it just annoys me because I can really imagine this happening in real life, the shitty thing is that it probably has happened many times ;/

also I really dont like the new interns they seem kinda bitchy (even if the pink haired one is pretty hot) and theyre going to take away screentime from characters I already really like
Apr 29, 2020 10:56 AM

Feb 2018
Welcome new member...
Jun 5, 2022 12:12 PM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Congratulations, Nene! Welcome to the company! :) Her interview was very funny.

Mozuku was still the star of the episode. It was hilarious when she attacked Christina. Of course, she only wanted the catnip. x3

Haha. Shizuku becase jealous when Christina kissed Mozuku.

Very beautiful eyecatcher.

Momo and Narumi are a cute and interesting addition to the show. Momo's reaction was hilarious when she got Aoba's surname wrong.

The new ED looked pretty cute.

SerafosApr 3, 2024 8:38 AM
Sep 1, 2022 6:21 AM

May 2009
Momo looks so like Momo Chiyoda from Machikado Mazoku.
Avatar character is Gabriel from Gabriel DropOut.
Dec 2, 2022 2:50 AM

Oct 2022
Nene in a suit! It's also really sweet to hear her basically summing up her experience from before. It was cool to watch her go through it, but hearing her say it was even better. Also, she correctly realises that Umiko is using Aoba as a test for her, wondering if she'll let her guard down and start goofing around.

I love Umiko. When she first appeared, I wasn't that sure about her, but she's turned out to be so great.

Somehow it was really sad that no one had told Nene that they had high hopes for her before.

After not being keen on Christina before, I do quite like that she turned out to be really bothered by the way everything in the last episode went down.
Oct 28, 2023 1:18 AM

Oct 2022
Nenechii finally landing a job. It is still a part time job, but she seems a lot more professional now,
Apr 6, 2024 7:35 AM
Jan 2023
New hires, fun!

Nene gets hired as a programmer on a 3 month part time contract, and there is also the two interns, one a programmer and one a designer, all very interesting.

The new designer saw right through the promotional material though, realising that those are not Yagami's designs.

Now this show just keeps getting better and better!
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