blinddate she was never awake even with her eyes wide open never where she longed to be and if you’d meet her just know you were on a blind date with a dreamer
blinddate she was never awake even with her eyes wide open never where she longed to be and if you’d meet her just know you were on a blind date with a dreamer
Do as you will, I feel like dividing our posts will pull suspicion in multiple directions.
blinddate she was never awake even with her eyes wide open never where she longed to be and if you’d meet her just know you were on a blind date with a dreamer
Activate Role Cop ability on Suzaku aka Tog's replacement
blinddate she was never awake even with her eyes wide open never where she longed to be and if you’d meet her just know you were on a blind date with a dreamer
blinddate she was never awake even with her eyes wide open never where she longed to be and if you’d meet her just know you were on a blind date with a dreamer
@LastWhisper31 you need to edit your last post in the game thread. After that I'm going to perform a modkill on you. No other way to handle the situation