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Sep 26, 2016 4:35 PM

Nov 2015
Username: Togs
Position: Other - Event Planner
Do you meet the requirements: Yes (and sort of to the bonus I have been staff on another site at one time)

Why do you want to join:

Well let me just start by saying that I’ve really been enjoying this place a lot ever since I came here. I used to be really active in another mafia forum but MS has such a great atmosphere and great people that I’ve been spending most of my time here now XD. Anyways I guess when I’m part of a club I just naturally want to contribute more to it and make it an even cooler place and I feel like I would have a lot of fun doing it too.

Also in the games I’ve played/hosted/have hosted on here I’ve always tried my best to be encouraging to new players and get them addicted to interested in mafia and I this would be a way to further that goal while also helping me to continue to meet new people ^^

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join / Skills that I have that may be beneficial for this position:

I have run some events before on a custom MTG card forum as well as designed several mafia games and I think that what I learned from those can be applicable for this position. First off I often have a lot of ideas and I like to get creative with things, I always try to think of something that will hook people into joining but at the same time game balance is something that I always keep in mind. So you can trust me not to get to get too attached to my own ideas and to speak up when I think that something should be improved or changed in order to make it more enjoyable for the players. I also enjoy working alongside others a lot I have a pretty positive personality and I like to hear other’s ideas and feedback as well.

Additionally I would be able to help out around the club with things such as co-hosting and answering questions as well as more general things as those are things that I really enjoy doing ^_^
Sep 26, 2016 4:36 PM

Jul 2013
@Togs Thank you for applying, you will receive a PM if you've been accepted.
Oct 11, 2016 5:12 PM

May 2013
I always stick my nose everywhere. So here I am.
Username: Mishukax
Position: Newsletter team member
Why do you want to join: I've been in this club since its beginnings (yeah, I'm that amazing), and the reason I never quit is because I support everything this club does. Meaningful miscellaneous games which are often experimental, an environment open to all, and mafia players that are really eager to get better and better at the game, a policy against bigotry and discrimination. I also like how the staff don't really stand above the other members, if you get what I mean. It just appeals to me. I wanna help out. I wanna be a dog for the club. Handing out newsletters sounds like something I can do without a problem.
Do you meet the requirements/what can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Not gonna beat around the bush, I believe I'm a good writer, so if I'm ever required to write something, I can do relatively well. I guess if you're in lack of co-hosts, I can help, but I know there are people with more experience at doing that than me. I will always be glad to help users, anyway.
I wouldn't call myself the most welcoming person, or the one who emanates the most happiness (maybe because of my lack of smiley faces? :O), but I'm never in a bad mood, if that says anything!
Oct 11, 2016 5:25 PM

Jul 2013
@Mishukax thank you for applying, you will be notified shortly about the status of your application.
Jan 5, 2017 12:58 AM

Jan 2016
Username: Crossbell
Position: Game Manager
Do you meet the requirements: Yes

Why do you want to join:

I want to join because I take great pleasure in reviewing mafia games and talking about mafia design theory. I feel like I can learn a lot and share my knowledge of mafia game design if I am allowed to be a game manager. I have hosted over a dozen games and I feel as though I can take lessons learned from each game I host and apply them to the next one. I would like to mentor new hosts who are learning how to design mafia games and teach them the general principles and rules.

(Man there are so many I's in that paragraph, talk about being self-centered)

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:

I've been playing mafia consistently for over five years and I have 80+ games under my belt, most of which have been months long. I've also been involved with several sites in my mafia career and as a result have gotten to experience a lot of different mafia cultures and personalities. In addition, I have reviewed a fair number of setups that I can link if needed. I am very active and have only replaced out of five mafia games voluntarily in my entire mafia career. I feel as though I can bring a fair amount of experience to the table and immediately start looking over/reviewing games in need of development.

My general philosophy on mafia design is to make the game about the players. The host is allowed to show some creativity and innovation, but it shouldn't come at the expense of gameplay. If the players are trying to outguess you or are excessively confused about the mechanics over just playing mafia, then your game is just not mafia. Roles need to be fun to play and skill-intensive.
Jan 19, 2017 8:37 AM

Aug 2016
I'll save you guys some effort and just revoke my application.
Jul 17, 2017 12:56 PM

Jan 2016
Since we have a shortage of staff, I am going to make an executive decision and re-open staff recruitment.

We need some game managers, one event planner, one-two more newsletter people, and one more graphics person.
CrossbellJul 17, 2017 1:01 PM
Jul 17, 2017 1:07 PM

Jun 2009
Apply using the following form:
>>>Application Form<<<

Username: Suzune-chan
Apprentice: Logic340, since I am going to teach him what I know about balancing and helping people

Position: Game Manager

Do you meet the requirements: Yes

Why do you want to join: I am joining to aid in the queue and to keep things moving and games balanced. I am doing this for a couple of reasons, but mostly to help out and to make things continue to flow. I love playing mafia and I would hate to see the place I started playing die. This is my way of giving back and helping out.

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:
I bring:
- Six years of experience playing games, participating both here and on mafiascum
- Ten total hosted games in my experience of running them.
- Patience in balancing
- Ability to talk through and work on problems
- Experience as a former mafia society Supervisor.
- Experience as a former mafia society scum play teacher
- Four years of forum moderating experience.
- A love for mafia.

Former mafia society badge:

Everything is better Italics and Centered
Suzune-chanJul 17, 2017 1:12 PM

Where there is no imagination there is no horror. || Arthur Conan Doyle || Happy Halloween!
Jul 17, 2017 1:32 PM

Jan 2016
Thank you for applying!

You will be notified shortly about the status of your application.
Jul 17, 2017 8:51 PM

May 2015
Username: Ruu
Position: Event Planner and Graphics Designer
Do you meet the requirements: I'm not very active on Skype but apart from that, yes I do. examples of my work ~
Why do you want to join: Cause I love MS and I want to help.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: I have a couple of ideas for events that I want to try and you can count on me if you are missing a co-host or you need help in general.
Jul 18, 2017 12:58 AM

Jan 2016
Thank you for applying, Ruu!

You will be notified shortly about the status of your application.
Jul 18, 2017 1:40 AM

Aug 2012
Username: aa-dono
Position: (Temporary until not needed anymore) Newsletter team member / Any non graphic related job
Why do you want to join: I like this club even with the down. I've been here for almost two years, and this have been the place where I come back after a tiring day, get to know people and make friends. I hate seeing it being disorganized at the moment, and I like to help in any way I can until it's back on track. Honestly, there are some people whose only connection to me is MS, so I don't want it to die out. I want them to strive with their rl and come back to a still operating - good ol' MS community.
Do you meet the requirements/what can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Yes. I can always check the queue :') or help with co-hosting when needed. I could help with basic games, more than that, I need training. I'm pretty good with handling any repetitive tasks like updating the stats thread, or keeping up with replacements reason (?) - iirc correctly this is a thing. I may not be the most creative when it comes to helping with events, but I'm always excited to plan, organize and just keeping everything neat and accessible. (Basically, I'm great at administrative work)/
aa-donoJul 18, 2017 1:43 AM

Jul 18, 2017 1:55 AM

Sep 2012
Username: Labs
Position: Paper boi.
Why do you want to join: I have felt lonely ever since Shiniku-kuun stopped slapping newsletters on my profile on a monthly? basis and feel this would fix the hole in my heart.
I also miss having a reason to have an active presense within the club itself, alongside the seemingly quiet roster as of late.
Not to mention my old stomping grounds, the count to 30 while Lamby isn't online thread and having a bitch-boi badge <.<
Do you meet the requirements/what can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: I would like to believe so, unless it has gotten a lot more precise/intense over the last year and a bit and I'm fine dealing with updating the main page, co-hosting where need be, more specifically during those grey time zones if there is ever a need.
I also have had some experience with the above, a little bit of game managing when others couldn't/off time zones as well as dealing with users, rules and just keeping shit to a minimum of all things ^^
LambtronJul 18, 2017 5:17 AM
Jul 18, 2017 2:18 PM

Jan 2016
Thank you for applying, dono and Lamby!

You will be notified shortly about the status of your application.
Jul 19, 2017 4:13 PM

Jan 2008


Event Planner

Do you meet the requirements:
Yes. Previous experience is updating/checking lists/applications for a giveaway thread on dragon cave.

Why do you want to join:
I want to make Mafia Society great again. Also I am friends with some of the staff so it would make me happy to be able to help.

In previous events I've noticed some things that could use improving/were disorganized- some events not even getting hosted at all despite being in the schedule (?), schedules not being followed, things being done late etc. and I'd love to be able to help correct that and make things more organized. I also would love love to do something like start up regular (weekly/biweekly?) simulwatches and/or game nights (such as pretend you're izzy, and Jackbox games hosted by kaitou- things many can participate in. Or things like Terraria and Don't Starve that many people enjoy). I know the role description refers mostly to seasonal events but I think regular non-seasonal events are good for the community too. I'm also a regular player of the forum game threads so I can help maintain them as well ^^

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:
Strong attention to detail. Fairness, consideration, and reason. Event ideas and free time to host. Adherence to set schedules. Friendliness toward other staff and members. Technical problem solving ability. I can bring in/maintain some scheduling software or data sheets if needed. I can do graphics if someone is desperate enough to ask me.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . anime . manga . updates . ♫♪. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Jul 19, 2017 4:27 PM

Jan 2016
Thank you for applying, Kit!

You will be notified shortly about the status of your application.
Jul 21, 2017 9:54 AM

May 2013
Staff recruitment is now closed
Thank you to all of the applicants.
Aug 8, 2017 9:36 PM

Jan 2010
Username: Logic340
Position: Recruiter/Suzune's Apprentice/Other
Do you meet the requirements:
- Must have at least 100 posts: Yes
- Must be an active user who visits MAL daily: Yes
- Active on both skype and discord: Both
- Can speak English fluently: Yes
- Bonus: Has had experience as a staff: Admin of two clubs on MAL
Why do you want to join: Because I love Mafia and Mafia Society and because I feel like I can be of service.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:
-Be Active
-Help Co-Host
-General Club Admin Stuff
-Recruit More Members
logic340Aug 8, 2017 9:39 PM
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

Jan 4, 2018 3:24 PM

Dec 2013

Username: Shinichi-kun
Position: Event Planner
Do you meet the requirements: Yes to all of them

Why do you want to join:I was originally staff before I left staff for various reasons, I mainly want to come back to the club to help out with the events. I really want to help work on another summer event for the club because when I first joined the club thats what got me connected to all the members and helped me fall in love MS. I think if anyone can help with activity and make Mafia Society a bigger/better place I am positive I can. I also want to take the hassle off of the other event planners, so its not limited to just 3 people having to work and run every event.

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:If there's one thing I can bring to the club its a friendly atmosphere and good worth ethics. I have the experience of staff and I really want to start helping with the events I am sure I can bring some ideas. I already have a past Idea in works that I want to try to implement for those who like playing mafia and to get newcomers to join in on the fun as well. I am very good with schedules something that I am sure ease the pain of the other event planners, I also hope this will help me better myself when it comes to paying attention to detail.

Also, want to do my best to help recruit more active mafia enthusiasts.

Mar 17, 2018 11:52 PM

Jul 2016
>>>Application Form<<<
Username: Osieorb18
Position: Game Manager, Event Planner
Do you meet the requirements: Yes to all of them
Why do you want to join: I'm told I would be good at it, and I wouldn't be surprised given previous experience. Also I'm friendly with a bunch of staff and regular users.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Professional, friendly attitude, years of previous moderator experience, analytical organization skills, critical thinking skills, forum and discord software skills, and potential connections to new, excited players.
Had I the heavens’ embroidered cloths,
Enwrought with golden and silver light,
The blue and the dim and the dark cloths
Of night and light and the half light,
I would spread the cloths under your feet:
But I, being poor, have only my dreams;
I have spread my dreams under your feet;
Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.

- WB Yeats
Apr 1, 2018 11:59 AM

Jun 2015
Staff Recruitment Is Open Again. Please Check the OP.
Apr 1, 2018 4:05 PM

Jan 2010
Position: Recruiter/Game Manager Apprentice/Other
Do you meet the requirements:
- Must have at least 100 posts: Yes
- Must be an active user who visits MAL daily: Yes
- Active on both skype and discord: Both
- Can speak English fluently: Yes
- Bonus: Has had experience as a staff: Admin of two clubs on MAL
Why do you want to join: Because I love Mafia and Mafia Society and because I feel like I can be of service.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join:
-Be Active
-Help Co-Host
-General Club Admin Stuff
-Recruit More/New Members
Proud Administrator of the D Gray Man FC and OnePunch-Man FC

May 7, 2018 1:35 PM

Nov 2008
Username: DenjaX

Position: Game Manager

Do you meat the requirements: I respect that.

Why do you want to join: I have been a member of MS for quite a long time. I have a passion for balanced and fun set-ups. I believe a good set-up contributes to a memorable game. With my experiences as a player and a host, I can apply my knowledge in future set-up planning for those who want to host their own games. Plus, I want more miscellaneous games. Also, Osie put me up to this. xDD

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Set-ups are my specialty. I can review balance and I have a keen eye for possible loopholes/contingencies regarding roles and role interactions developed by the hosts. I can also detect possible issues with the rules/set-up if any. I am a dedicated worker and will get the job done. I am also active, flexible, friendly, helpful, laid back, passionate.

Reference available upon request.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .anime . manga . updates . ♫♪ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
May 11, 2018 7:51 AM

Jan 2015
Username: Sleipnirr or Kasai tend to change between them

Position: Statistics Analyst

Do you meet the requirements: Yes.

Why are you suitable for the role you applied for: Because I noticed that no one keeps the statistics anymore said I can do it and was told to apply here

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Salt and memes but especially a lot of salt and dead memes

What are your skill sets: Speaking turkish english romanian a little bit of japanese and elementary level french. Can use CAT tools ..... oh shit this was for my RL job aplication.

Why do you want to join: I wanna keep the statistics and possibly have something to do in MS when I am not playing mafia
May 13, 2018 7:44 PM

Mar 2014
Username: Riku
Position: Event Planner.
Do you meet the requirements: Yes. I have over 4k posts, am Australian so English is my native language. I visit MAL everyday after a hiatus and am not planning on going on another one. I am active on Discord and can be more active if required. I am one of the admins of , a fan translation site and admin the server there too. I often organise the new features and deal with the complaints about releases.

Why do you want to join: I want to give back to the community which I love.

What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: A personality which is loved and missed. :P I can offer creative ideas, methods which to implement them and I am working on some cool little tidbits which may turn out to be useful. I can definitely help out when needed.

My username on is Rumanshi.
"I am the Bone of my Sword
Steel is my Body and Fire is my Blood
I have created over a Thousand Blades
Unaware of Loss,
Nor aware of Gain.
Withstood Pain to create Weapons, Waiting for one’s Arrival
I have no Regrets. This is the only Path
My whole life was Unlimited Blade Works"
Sep 21, 2018 7:56 AM

Dec 2012
Username: Karote
Position: Newsletter team member
Do you meet the requirements: Yes to all of them, including having beforehand experience of being staff at MS for a decent amount of time.
Why do you want to join: This place is pretty dear to me so I'd like want to be able help Mafia Society as a club whole for people in it enjoy their time here a lot more.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: I can bring you new ideas being a guy who has been member of MS ever since it was created, bring freshly cooked newsletters to every subscribed member and possibly write them myself, my utmost dedication to my position and if it's really needed then make graphics as well as part-time job, I have before made MS club layout and made few card editions.
Oct 14, 2018 11:14 PM

Sep 2016
Username: RE
Position: Graphics Designer
Do you meet the requirements: Yes.
Why do you want to join: I like fiddling with forum/profile sets, and I draw digitally for fun, so I'd like to turn my hobby into art Mafia Society can use.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: I can help with creating/finding renders and take requests for drawings (mascots, logos, lace and other effects, you name it). I mostly use Paint Tool SAI for drawing and editing, but I also use MediBang Paint Pro. I have access to and some experience with Adobe Photoshop as well.

...better to be hated for what you are than loved for something you are not.
Jan 2, 2019 1:40 PM

Jul 2016
>>>Application Form<<<
Username: Albertino Dias
Position: Kit's personal assistant (event planner)
Do you meet the requirements: i think so
Why do you want to join: Chad forced me to 👍
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: depends, if ppl like the events, a lot, if they don't, nothing xD (in all seriousness, i like this kinda of stuff, so i plan to at least take some of the staffs burdens ^^)

Note: i want to be kit's personal assistant pls
Feb 4, 2019 12:37 PM

Jan 2014
Username: roz1roz
Position: Game Manager
Do you meet the requirements: Yes
Why do you want to join: Becouse it's next step in our plan of invading and taking over MS.

But seriously speaking, that's what I did before and since it all looks like merge is going to happen... I would be happy to continue it.
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Cookies?
Sense of humor.
Own knowledge on setups, roles and meta of all people who are joining.
And yeah, cookies, home baked.
Apr 14, 2019 10:18 PM

Aug 2012
Username: aa-dono
Position: Event Planner
Do you meet the requirements: Yes
Why do you want to join: Because ~ well because ~ I want to help. Haha.
And I'm addicted to having something to do. I have free time
What can you bring to Mafia Society if you join: Smiles and rainbows and more fluff

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