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Nov 21, 2015 5:28 AM

Dec 2013
So he had the same day dram twice? You horny bastard!

Damn it Satou! When a girl starts crying in front of you say something! Anything don't just sit there staring!

Inb4 Misaki breaks Satou's legs so she can take care of him.
Dec 11, 2015 8:00 AM

Jan 2014
SacredFactor said:
Escapes me how Satou is able to painfully ignore Misaki like some sort of object in the background at every moment.

Satou is dense, but I do understand how a somewhat dense person could ignore a Misaki. Let's not forget they've been "together" for almost a year now, and she has revealed absolutely NOTHING about herself. Meanwhile Satou has frequently hinted, both to the audience and to Missaki, that their relationship would improve if he actually knew something about her. When he once asked her upfront, she replied with lies.

I felt sorry for her too this episode, but you can't pin it all on Satou. Also, the misunderstading is unfortunate, but the truth is Satou would not have survived out there without Senpai, and he himself in fact proved to be quite the bro, the way he handled her proposition.

TheBuddahman said:
So was Satou daydreaming when Hitomi proposed to have an affair or did i really happen? It the answer to this even clear? Please someone clear things out cause if Hitomi was indeed about to cheat her husband while pregnant with their baby this is way too fucked up?

It did not happen, because it was Satou who realised Senpai was really happy (and an affair would ruin that). Also, I wonder whether Senpai meant she was allready pregnant, or intended to get pregnant. The former would still be pretty fucked up, considering her intentional saké binging.
"I'm a middle schooler bartender!"
- Mishima Hitomi
Dec 19, 2015 6:08 AM

Oct 2015
One of the best eps of the series. I don't think any character was displayed likeably here (Misaki's selfishness ordering Satou to do what she wants, Satou's selfishness in leaving Misaki, Hitomi's selfishness in trying to drag Satou down with her). One of the few episodes in the 2nd half where the story telling was pulled off flawlessly and to great effect - we see Misaki and her grand masterplan starting to unravel.
Dec 20, 2015 6:07 PM

Oct 2012
Hmm.. I see where this is going.

I find it strange how little Satou thinks of Misaki's presence in his life at this stage in the series. He's right to be wary of her after the things she said on episode 13 and with how little she's revealed of herself, but I do think she's revealed enough hints about her past to be concerned for her and not ignore her outright, not to mention the endless compassion and patience she's shown to Satou, but oh well.
KoybzDec 20, 2015 6:13 PM
Jan 8, 2016 7:45 PM

Jul 2014
Hitomi is going to be a psycho mother, lord help that child
Mar 24, 2016 5:20 AM
Jul 2015
Hello, everyone. I was wondering that the discussion on analysis on happy moments in life is based on a real psychological study. I need for a reference.

If there is, I have opened a question on Stackexchange Anime, so you can also answer there to earn reps, or discuss here. This is the question.

Thank you.
May 1, 2016 1:04 PM

Jul 2015
I'm starting to hate Satou, he is being such a piece of shit to Misaki, it infuriate me !
May 22, 2016 12:42 AM

Nov 2014
THIAGO said:
Hitomi is going to be a psycho mother, lord help that child
yeah, probably gonna teach the child about conspiracies and sh*t

On a side note, how much of that "interaction" with Hitomi was real or dream? Misaki was pointing out that she saw Satou and Hitomi leaving the hotel? Am I missing something here? I thought that was all in Satou's mind or sth
May 26, 2016 12:40 PM

Dec 2013
Sato's ringtone kinda grew on me. I wonder where can I download his ringtone lol.

Damn those Sato x Senpai scenes were mindfucking me. Good thing it was just his imagination. Poor Misaki about to snap. Seem like she was the one with the biggest issue.
Stay in yesterday 時を止めて
May 27, 2016 1:46 PM

Jul 2011
My 2nd rewatch, and I can never get enough from this awesome drama.

Misaki is THE ONE who really needs help and Sato's support, she really is just fool girl and not honest with herself. Since they met, and maybe much before that, Misaki already knew "enough" about Sato and his life. She knew awful lot information about Sato, and yet Sato don't know much about her (Misaki lives in that awesome house which is on the hill and that she scare violence, atleast when going for her)

Misaki's obsession "project" continue, atleast for few more episodes,
GaichiMay 27, 2016 1:53 PM

"A half moon, it has a dark half and a bright half, just like me…", Yuno Gasai
Aug 20, 2016 10:59 AM

Jan 2013
Lmao, Satou having a fantasy in the middle of the street there.
I actually thought the second fantasy was real for a second.

Oh cmon... just like Kimi there just has to be a random animal dying close to the end of the show. :(

A great way of showing that Misaki needed the help all along instead of trying to help.
Sure in turn she's helping Satou aswell but Misaki clearly had some terrible youth (flashbacks of a man hitting her? probably father)

Wonder what she meant by captive at the end there.
Sep 11, 2016 1:46 PM

Sep 2013
Satou just keeps screwing things up, doesn't he? Poor Misaki!

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.
Sep 25, 2016 9:47 PM

Jul 2016
The last few episodes have gotten very philosophical... I've been assaulted by existentialism :P
Oct 8, 2016 6:27 PM
Sep 2015
Heavy episode, and those 2 scenes were like moments ripped straight out of a hentai. But I couldn't help laughing at the shot where Misaki runs off from Sato's apartment, the angle she's at along with how it looks like she's walking and they just sped it up. OMG, it had me laughing so hard at a sad scene...thanks animators.
Oct 29, 2016 5:04 PM

Jan 2016
These past few episodes have been really good. Hope they don't fuck up the ending.
Nov 30, 2016 10:22 AM

Mar 2013
Damn, I got trolled even the second time with his delusions XD

Senpai gave a shock to Sato XD

Ah, so Yamazaki's really taking that his family business huh? Really sad to see that :(
Jan 10, 2017 3:56 PM

Jun 2013
Why did Satou not explain the situation to Misaki? Why was he not concerned about her when they got separated in the crowd?

I have a guess: he totally takes her for granted. She probably doesn't even register as an actual person to her, as he barely knows anything about her. Not that he has actually tried to get any answers out of her in the second half of the series. I'm not defending him, I'm just trying to find an explanation.

JolieJoli said:
One of the best eps of the series. I don't think any character was displayed likeably here (Misaki's selfishness ordering Satou to do what she wants, Satou's selfishness in leaving Misaki, Hitomi's selfishness in trying to drag Satou down with her). One of the few episodes in the 2nd half where the story telling was pulled off flawlessly and to great effect - we see Misaki and her grand masterplan starting to unravel.

I like this interpretation, even though I didn't enjoy the episode all that much.

Misaki is finally showing her true colors. Though I think Misaki's development now came a little too late, it's still better than nothing.
LeeTailorJan 10, 2017 4:08 PM
Feb 2, 2017 2:38 AM

Mar 2015
i've rewatched the scene a few times and i still can''t tell for sure if senpai really asked him for an affair or he was just fantasising again...
Feb 17, 2017 7:45 PM
Jan 2012
MikeHunt69 said:
i've rewatched the scene a few times and i still can''t tell for sure if senpai really asked him for an affair or he was just fantasising again...

Just watched this, pretty obvious that the affair line was 100% in Sato's head. He was fantasizing just as he did before about a way to get with Hitomi. But even during his own fantasy, and unlike the 1st time, he realizes that she's as happy as she can be at that moment and that if he ever had a chance with her, that chance is long gone. He even audibly says it, "Senpai, you really are happy now, aren't you?". The transition from "Do you want to like, have an affair?" to that line would make absolutely zero sense, and be completely out of character for Hitomi.
Apr 3, 2017 3:20 AM

Feb 2013
Satou shouldn't lie to Misaki in the first place, it's not like he did something bad with senpai.
Jun 13, 2017 10:02 PM

May 2013
Dis girl jumping to conclusions >.>
Jun 15, 2017 7:34 AM

Jan 2010
Andyis said:
Satou should just try to cheer up misaka by complimenting her or something. I mean wow she's crying in front of you

my thoughts is wrong with this dude? lol

she's almost beggining him to let her into his life jeez

but nooo he is just fantasizing about that senpai bitch, pisses me off

anyway 5/5, don't let my comment fool you i love this anime, extremely interesting stuff going on

"Just how a mirror reflects you,people will also reflect your heart."
~Athena Glory,Aria

"Whatever happens,happens"
~Spike Spiegel's thoughts on dying(Cowboy Bebop)
Jun 25, 2017 4:12 PM

Feb 2015
A sad episode. Misaki is really feeling unneeded by Sato, which is understandable. Senpai's visit was just... Nothing really. She's all ready to be a normal person and that's that. And Yamazki may get his shit together too.

Sato is kind of all out of options, and Misaki has the reveal of her plan next episode. Can't wait!

One bad thing is that the already average animation took a hit this episode. The faces, most visibly Senpai's look a bit off. It could have been to do with the lighting, but I did notice a reduction in quality. And I usually don't notice when this reportedly happens to an anime.
Jul 6, 2017 5:02 PM
Mar 2015
I could see this ending in a few ways -

1) An inconclusive ending - everyone just continues to exist and no one is happy about it.
2) Misaki turns out to be the final antagonist and Sato escapes from her clutches.
3) Misaki ending where they realize their love for each other.

Given how messed up both of them are, I'd actually prefer #1 or #2 over a happy ending, just for the story's sake. It all depends on what kind of message they're getting at.
Jul 10, 2017 1:06 AM
Jun 2014
22 episodes later and this guy is still fucking mentally retarded
Aug 14, 2017 11:13 PM

Mar 2015
Ehhhh Misaki suddenly went full yandere or at least mentally ill?

Sep 9, 2017 9:56 AM
Sep 2016
That was a very good episode but I felt so sorry for Misaki-chan
Nov 15, 2017 9:09 AM

Apr 2015
"Knockers..." And an uncensored pair at that. Second one we've seen in the series. Still don't know why they blue-balled us for 18 episodes before deciding to draw nips.

Sato actually kept himself pretty put together in that large crowd despite being a hikikomori, thanks to his senpai. Misaki was the one freaking out. Though she definitely got the wrong idea about Sato and his senpai.

Though Sato kept fantasizing about getting some with his senpai, this isn't a gal game...she's not going to expose her nips for her old hikikomori friend right before she gets married (and she's pregnant!). There might have been some hope for them to be a good couple in high school, but now Sato needs Misaki.

"If there was a God, he'd probably be too evil to help us out anyway." Wow, Misaki. Legit feel the same way about religion.

Yamazaki's probably getting wasted to drown out his emotions and live with being on the ranch.

"Free milk!"

Misaki: Free...milk? CRAWLING IN MY SKIN

Misaki shouldn't worry; obviously, Sato is going to occasionally want something that isn't milk or cheese. He still needs her. I hate to see her cry and break down like that. :(

"You might not know it, but you're my captive." ?!?!
"No, son, you may not have your body pillow at the dinner table!"
Aug 22, 2018 5:31 PM

Aug 2007
I'm not sure why anyone would be surprised about Misaki when everyone in this show clearly has some major issues lol

Sep 12, 2018 11:00 AM

Mar 2017
Holy tits! So this was a goodbye to senpai, and we got to learn that she and Yamazaki finally start to get a grip on their lifes, even if there's still a long road ahead. It was nice seeing that, even if I wish there'd have been more development for that. But holy fuck, I hate Misaki. And I hate what I'll expect to be the ending to this series. I hope the next two episodes don't ruin this series further for me...
Nov 12, 2018 2:15 PM

May 2010
Could Satou get any dumber? I'm so frustrated >_<

At least FINALLY there's gonna be more screentime for Misaki and her side of the story, that's what I was waiting for all this time.
Apr 26, 2019 8:46 AM

Feb 2019
Really heavy episode. Not really sure where to start even... Probably Kashiwa-senpai.

The imagination scenes really fooled me, I really really thought they went to that hotel and I especially really thought she asked if he wanted to have an affair. While watching I was already thinking "I'm going to need to see myanimelist later to see if that was real", because honestly I thought that line was real and Satou answered with that question about her being happy. With a lot of you people on this discussion, I agree that Satou and Senpai could've had a life together if they had got together in high school (now that I remember, wasn't there a scene on the last days of Senpai at school that she locked the door, took off her vest, and kissed (?) him?). Anyway, as sad as it is (and I am REALLY sad about it), they can't be together anymore. Senpai really seems to have mental problems and needs some stability in her life, which I think Jogasaki and her coming child can give her. Satou is still troubled and can't give her that support. Really sad, and I became even sadder when I realised this episode and that whole event was their parting ways... I hope they do get to meet again in 10 years and they're all happy and stable! ("Sayonara, Senpai.")

Misaki. I hate how Satou didn't even THINK of her when he got lost and then met Senpai. It's like she's not important at all to him, even though fact is without her none of this would have happened and he would still be a real heavy hikikomori. Also, I first thought that her reaction seeing was simply being heartbroken because she misunderstood and she actually had feelings for him. I'm sure that's part of the case, but not fully the reason why she became so depressed, down, and sad. Finally, we see a deeper glimpse into her personality and life. It would seem to me that she had family problems, from the flashes I'd say divorced parents, domestic violence, alcoholism, possibly suicide or at least suicide attempts? Really makes me feel sad for her... Why did Satou have to lie about meeting Senpai? What is wrong with that? Why did he have to go and say it's some middle-aged guy? That doesn't make any damn sense.

Maybe for a lot of people, Misaki seems really selfish and insecure, especially her saying to herself that Satou is way lower than him and trash and all that and that he needs her, which gives her a reason for existing and living. Yeah, it's selfish, but I think it stems from her insecurity. I understand the feeling of being insecure, of feeling like you have no reason to live, to exist. That the world doesn't need you. Nothing, no one needs you. Even if you were gone, there'd be no change. You don't matter. That's what she's feeling. First, it was Senpai. From her eyes, it would seem that Satou doesn't need her as his only companion left. Second, the call with Yamazaki. She thought he still needed her for food, but he doesn't either. When she asked whether that meant he didn't need her anymore, I was CRUSHED.

Then the scene in the park. All her statements about suffering, pain, God, belief. I can really feel her pain, her suffering, what she's thinking, why she's thinking, the sadness, the grief, the depression. It was really heartbreaking. But Satou just sat there, while she was clearly showing for the first time (sincerely) that she NEEDED him, she needed SOMEONE. When I first began watching, I thought it was going to be Satou needing her help. But it turns out, they need each other's help and they help each other. Why did he just sit there? I see parallels with the scene where he was on the rooftop with Senpai in high school. She was crying after she broke up with her boyfriend, and he just sat there (again, sad, since if he had comforted her then, they might have got together). Misaki seems to be losing it. I'm curious and afraid to see what happens next with her and their relationship. I'm disappointed we didn't learn MORE about her, but at least it's starting, and with Senpai and Yamazaki's stories ended, I think we'll focus more on her.

As for Satou himself, can't really say I hate him. Life seems to be looking kind of better for him now, at least slightly. He was really stupid for not remembering Misaki at all during that time, but can't really HATE him. I hope he realises that Misaki is really meaningful to him in his life and that he needs to stop with Senpai and accept that that part is gone.

Overall... one of the best episodes in this series. After some less good episodes, I'm happy to see such a good one! This more serious tone is really the reason why I keep watching this series, and I'm only sad because there are only two episodes left... I really hope the ending isn't a cliffhanger and that it really is meaningful... (kinda hoping it's a happy ending for everyone to be honest). 5/5

P.S. Animation was a little weird. I'm not sure, but it was Senpai's face, especially before they parted ways. I'm not sure if it's because the animation was weird or because I'm just really not used to seeing her smiling.

P.P.S. Wow, this post got really long! Just shows you how much this episode had though.
May 17, 2019 6:41 PM
Jul 2011
Satou's senpai is really a bad influence to him. Poor Misaki, Satou is still clueless and only interested in the food she brings.

2 episodes left!
May 18, 2019 1:32 AM
Jan 2019
I just can't feel anything for Misaki. She dragged herself into this. Satou might be stupid, but he wasn't wrong this episode. I actually like his interaction with Hitomi more than with Misaki even though it's unhealthy af. To be fair, I also don't consider Satou x Misaki a healthy relationship. It's just weird.
Nov 1, 2019 3:23 AM
Jul 2016
So I guess Sato x Misaki isn't going to happen, considering we see no indication of interest or appreciation from Sato.
Jan 6, 2020 12:37 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
Despite all her flaws and limitations, I always liked Hitomi a lot more than I do Misaki. I know Hitomi and Sato's relationship is terribly unhealthy, but there's something about Misaki that always rubbed me the wrong way.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Feb 2, 2020 10:29 AM

Dec 2018
this show has gone steeply downhill in this second half of the season. i hate basically everyone except yamazaki, and the only reason i keep watching is for some kind of fucking silver lining. nope. everything gets worse and each character becomes more and more unlikeable. i'm going to be extremely aggravated unless somehow the creators pull some magic out of their asses and find a decent resolution in the next 2 episodes
Feb 4, 2020 12:58 PM
Absolute Zenith

Mar 2016
Sato's imaginations gave the audience fucking blue balls TWICE! Well, on the other hand, it's nice to know that Sato and Hitomi-Senpai is spending their new year's eve together. They seemed to have a blast there, because ofc they should, considering that Senpai is about to become a mother AND will need her full effort to tend to her family. I just hope that in 10 years time. she let go of all these conspiracies delusions and get to be a brighter and more honsetly-cheerful person who does not fall into despair as easily. This can be said to Sato as well.

Yamazaki has always been right about Misaki since before the 'suicide-incident'. Misaki has only ever cared for Sato, mainly for her own wllbeing. That is to validate her existance as necessary for others, in this case- Sato. Her purpose in life as of now is to do just that and who else need the most support and is the easiest to 'handle' than a hikikomori like Sato. Such selfish ambition is unfortunately, due to her parents' mistratment of her whilst she's growing up.

Feb 18, 2020 3:30 AM

Dec 2018
Senpai can never really be happy because of her fear of losing that happiness at any time, that's why Satou is important to her, he's her last hope. Ever since Highschool, if she hits rock bottom she turns to Satou. After the intimate night in the club room on the last day of high school, senpai doesn't start an affair with Satou because she's afraid that she might even lose him. If she had, their lives would have been soo different.

The request from senpai asking whether they should start an affair isn't part of Satou's fantasy, it was really her letting go of the last hope and excepting her true feelings and that's why Satou responds that they are both falling into another conspiracy. Satou doesn't believe he himself can give senpai a happy life. This is also proven true when senpai says she is going to be a mother at the last possible second, sealing the deal that they will let go of each other and promising to change their futures.

Unlike a lot of people previously on this thread, I love senpai's character and her dynamic with Satou and am hoping that she starts to truly be happy with her husband.

Now I don't know if this is 100% true but I'm sure that farms(grain/cattle) usually have less work in winter compared to the other Yamazaki can actually work on creating games every winter on each and every year, YES!! This jumped into my head when I saw his family ranch filled with snow.[Please people don't change my opinion, let me dream]

So, it was never Satou needs Misaki, it's Misaki needs Satou. I can't wait to find out about her next episode.
Mar 23, 2020 9:03 PM

Oct 2013
Suicide attempt and many disorders are one thing, but being so positive about betraying her fiancee and drinking loads of alcohol while being pregnant were very bad ideas and signs of Hitomi's irresponsibility.

Satou is an idiot as well. Why didn't he tell Misaki the truth? At least he was able to say "farewell" to his Senpai properly. ;p

Misaki, as expected, must've had harsh childhood, that's why she feels so insecure and wants to be neede by someone so badly. Her mindset is wrong, though. Blaming God or Gods for bad things caused by bad people does not lead to happiness and (depending on a beliefs system, of course) has some illogicallity in that kind of thinking.

Also, RIP Cat ;(

In general, very powerful episode and it is still not a finale of this anime.
May 1, 2020 1:34 PM

Mar 2010
Sato did not imagine her offering to have the affair. His fantasy is represented by the music - it starts right after her offer and ends with people celebrating the New Year. Also you can just follow the dialogue - he says that them doing it here would play into the evil organisation's hands. It makes no sense if the last thing she said was about life being painful for her.

Also not quite sure as to why people are saying that characters act as if they are having some mental issues. I thought it was a pretty well established fact that Hitomi has been dealing with this since high school, and Sato would not have ended up as a recluse if he was 100% fine.
Jun 3, 2020 6:10 PM

Sep 2014
Took them 22 episodes to reveal it but now we have it. "You are my captive." I guess her whole behaviour and obsession with satou was more than just an excuse to get the MC in contact with a girl, the anime is way to self aware for that. And it was obvious after the offline meeting that Misaki has serious problems.
Though I would be lying if I said I really expected such a reveal now, while it is also not completely surprising. They really set this up properly.

I always considered senpais and satous relation to be the most interesting and it certainly didnt disappoint now. Sure the naked scenes were probably satous imagination, but the way they talked about it makes me think she actually proposed this to satou. Misaki saying they came out of a hotel fuels the suspision, they were just near one, or were they? Hard to tell.
I want to say Senpais husband is good for her but really I just cant. He is way too obsessed with his work and its obvious Senpai needs more attention than this. She wanted to commit suicide and he leaves her alone on new years eve? I thought he learned something from the events.
Obviously putting two mentally ill persons together isnt exactly a safe choice but I think it would really benefit both of them and help them to grow. Both have obvious feelings for each other and this goodbye is just a way to run away from it. She is about to become a mother and likely will use this as a way to bury all of it, but this doesnt solve the issue. And trying to get the attention from her to be kid wont be healthy for them either.
While Satou is now obviously alone (again) but with a stalker because thats really what Misaki is. Close to yandere level.
Maybe I just hate goodbyes too much.

Wow, crazy good show.
"This emotion is mine alone.
It is for Madoka alone." - Homura
or how I would descripe Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica.
Aug 17, 2020 10:40 AM

Jul 2019
Wasn't expecting a lot of people to hate on this episode...this is probably my favorite so far.

Definitely a much better juxtaposition of comedy and existential drama as compared to that episode with the suicide pact on the remote island
Mar 21, 2021 2:14 AM

Nov 2018
So she is pregnant and she drinks all day long and almost had sex with other guy? Wasn't she supposed to be a character with good morals suffering because of society and her environment?Now that's some true mental issues , poor baby...
I hate everyone equally
Mar 21, 2021 2:15 AM

Nov 2018
Still no info about Misaki , except that her parents are rich , she has some childhood trauma or something and she tries to fuel her ego by taking care of even more messed up trash Satou. Weird girl.
I hate everyone equally
Mar 29, 2021 3:56 AM

Mar 2020
Fuck. Now I'm really hooked on this series.

I first thought that Misaki represented Sato's willingness to better himself and overcome being a hikikomori, but the shoe was clearly on the other foot the entire time. Or perhaps it's shifted.

I really like Misaki as a character because she means multiple things to Sato. She represents security (both positive and negative) and salvation, but also the feeling of hopelessness that comes with having everything given to you. We don't know much about the relationship Sato has with his parents, but it's clear that they've coddled him if they're willing to take care of his living expenses into his twenties. That's why Sato hates himself. He failed at the point in his life where he had to be independent. Yet, the self-loathing and inadequacy he feels is addictive enough for him to not want to change. These feelings haunt Sato as frequently as Misaki visits his apartment. He can feel time slipping between his fingers, yet is too afraid to confide in anyone since all the people in his life have either moved on or given up hope.

Basically what I'm getting at is that I'm glad Misaki's more than a drawing of a buff guy with 'depression' written on his forehead like every webcomic to ever discuss mental illness.
Apr 1, 2021 9:15 AM

Feb 2015
The cat death made me sad. It brought painful memories back to my mind.

On the contrary, even if the characters drama is interesting, I can't really feel anything for them. That's too bad.
Apr 7, 2021 2:58 PM
Aug 2019
Satou my man, I take my words back about punching you. Only a baseball bat can fix you up.
"Anime was a mistake." - Hayao Miyazaki
"Please check my page here •-•" - Me
"No, owomachine. I won't hit you since you don't deserve to live in a nice isekai world" - Truck-kun
Apr 10, 2021 10:56 PM

Aug 2018
The fanservice just made it all the more sad. He is missing out on so much. Sato had better end up happy and with a girl.
Sato and Hitomi should have gotten together when they were in school, honestly this is so sad. At least she is happy and is going to become a mother soon.

Apr 16, 2021 1:13 PM

May 2020
Poor Misaki her life must be in pain with Satou being such a dick adult



“Spring will be here soon.
Spring, the season I met you, is coming.
A spring without you... coming.”
― Kosei Arima

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