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Jun 16, 2017 8:32 PM

May 2015
~ Communication ~ If only after they came to this conclusion told their friend about their motivations, not asking him for his consent their choices were already made and frankly it was Utaha & Eriri... but because he isn’t that kind of person (that would halt their progress) Aki said it himself in the conversation with Iori that he was glad that they found what they were looking... it is about calling their friend to tell him that they are going to move on... come on girls a call, e-mail, letter or a text would have been sufficient to tell a friend of their decision but a month...!? *Sigh*
Jun 16, 2017 8:53 PM

Dec 2010
does season 2 cover most of the LN or is there more content after all this?
Jun 16, 2017 9:25 PM

May 2016
kiza1379 said:
RyoKei-san said:

The fact that people need to, in your own words, 'grow the fuck up and open your eyes' already implies that Utaha and Eri behaved rather unpleasantly. I agree with you that them accepting the proposal and Aki accepting that fact is the right choice since it is a great step ahead in their careers and Aki has no right to hinder that. But pehaps what most of the rational and reasonable people felt betrayed about is the way they left. They do have the obligation to inform Aki of their decision, as members of his circle and ,at the very least, as friends. And that obligation was clearly shown to be felt when Utaha broke down crying in front of Aki as well as during the conversation when Eriri could draw again. They clearly felt like they were betraying Aki and the only reason they did not confront him earlier was out of cowardice to face him. So they kept quiet about it.
Personally, I don't hate either of them. It is not as if it is the first time someone in the series made a mistake and this really contributes to the drama of the show. It is just...kinda heartbreaking to see them fall apart like that. And not really on good terms to boot.


Haha, it is nice to make a new friend with the same view. I keep seeing people claiming that utaha and eriri dont owe tomoya no shit. As if it is perfectly fine to simply disappear without a word in front of people who care about you and whom you obviously care about.
Jun 16, 2017 9:26 PM

Oct 2012
SJ7izm said:
gust11 said:

Praise dem goggles. I'm actually pretty inclined to follow this pairing since Kato x Tomoya has become so prevalent, so why not just let the two others share in their wonderfully developed relationship. And yeah it's a darn shame you didn't get to post screens of the hugs, just glorious stuff this episode. The context makes all these scenes a million times better.
lol Michiru's nonexistent now

A screenshot doesn't even do the hug justice. It is worthy of a gif, which I'm incapable of creating. Lol.
Lol no worries, I've tried and failed many times to create gifs that encapsulate the beauty of the moment. I suppose I'm not cut out for gif work, praise all who produce these sweet gifs for us.
Though yes the hug was amazing, especially seeing how much of a connection and supporting relationship they've developed through their work and rivalry. SSS Rated stuff right there
"If I don't have to do it, I won't. If I have to do it, I'll make it quick."
- Oreki Houtarou
Jun 16, 2017 10:20 PM

Apr 2013
Tokoya said:
Business is business, friendship has no say in the matter and even though they worked together, they weren't officially a team or anything but rather they did that for fun

This was something that they needed to decide on their own

You're right, business is business, and friendship has no real say. That said, they were a dojin team of professionals and they put out a professionally made game which they sold. It was even a pretty good game, if people are to be believed, and it led to better job opportunities for Utaha and Eriri. To say that they were just friends goofing around making it for fun is pretty much an insult to all the effort they put into it.

Utaha and Eriri leaving is understandable but not keeping Aki informed was pretty lame. All that time he spent developing his new project might very well be wasted effort now.
Jun 16, 2017 11:22 PM

Feb 2014
All i could hear in my head for that ending was *Mortal Kombat voice* Kato wins!! Flawless victory!

There was supposed to be a lot of drama for this ep but I just couldnt get behind eriri and utaha because of the glaring betrayal they did. Despite it being better for their career i just cant really forgive them for that.
Around and around the cycle goes.
Jun 17, 2017 12:56 AM

Feb 2015
Megume looked better with long hair. Ffs why do they always pull this shit? Anyway we all know she isn't best girl. That would be Utaha
Jun 17, 2017 1:21 AM

Feb 2010
Next episode would make or break this anime. I hope it's the former
"Your taste is shit cause you like what I hate. Believe me I have 1000 cartoons that I rated with less than 5."

Jun 17, 2017 1:38 AM
Jun 2017
This episode is really worst, i mean they are cutting kato and tomoya moment in light novel, there was many moment that they're not explain in this episode. And also when kato say she wanna have a date with mc, it's really Deviated from the original story in light novel and even manga.

Can someone explain to me why is this happen?
Akira_futabaJun 17, 2017 1:42 AM
Jun 17, 2017 1:42 AM

Jul 2014
It must be hurt mate feeling betrayed especially two times by your Osananajimi.

For me personally, all is good until the part where Utaha and Eriri decided not to inform Tomoya about their decision to switched and joined Akane's group. As a friend who was working in the same circle for months and taking care of you when you was sick, encouraging you when you faced a bottleneck, it's a courtesy to atleast inform Tomoya about your decision and why you joined that group. But keeping it a secret for a month and letting that Tomoya's effort for making a new project to be wasted is cruel and unacceptable. Tomoya also faces the same bottleneck just like you plus the conflict with Kato but he managed to overcome that obstacle. You don't get fired up when someone insulting your artwork unless you're a type of person who gets through by insults which Tomoya would never really want to do to his childhood friend.
Jun 17, 2017 2:50 AM
Oct 2013
RyoKei-san said:
kiza1379 said:


Haha, it is nice to make a new friend with the same view. I keep seeing people claiming that utaha and eriri dont owe tomoya no shit. As if it is perfectly fine to simply disappear without a word in front of people who care about you and whom you obviously care about.

agree's not like they do not understand aki's style of doing things when comes to friends. especially eriri...

i've been through almost same experience like aki when im at elementary school...but not as bad as aki cause i didn't have anyone who are sincere enough to spend time for an asshole like me. so i ended up as a loner which have many 'fake friends' that are good for nothing but fill those boring times in elementary school.probably that's why i see aki in a diff way,wanted to protect those 1 or 2 precious people with all u got. but that's just my thoughts though.

tbh i expect this episode to be a highlight for eriri since there's already one for utaha and kato keep taking the credits somehow.but it turn out to be do i describe this...ermm...awkward but not in the usual awkward you's almost like shock awkward.

PS : every single part of my body are stiff when i watch this episode and i hardly can't breathe. of course also some previous episodes i can't really specific remember which. which makes me so get hung on to this anime. probably it's so deep that's it's picking my heart LOL
Jun 17, 2017 4:34 AM

Sep 2013
Can I just ship the best girls instead?

UtahaxEriri is <3

I really feel bad for Megumi. She'll win the tomoyabowl but that's not winning at all XD And no more long hair? What a waste.
Erika___Jun 17, 2017 4:50 AM
Jun 17, 2017 5:02 AM

Jan 2016
lol best part was when i saw a poster of the anime Rokudenashi Majutsu Koushi to Akashic Records xD
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Jun 17, 2017 5:08 AM

Oct 2012
Felt bad for Tomoya but this was the best I've seen of Eriri and Utaha yet.
Jun 17, 2017 7:18 AM
Feb 2014
I don't understand why people try to defend Eriri and Utaha when they both said it clearly that they are betraying Tomoya. Actually I don't even think it is a betrayal and I do believe it is right choice for them career-wise but the way they did is wrong. If they talked about it with Tomoya before, he'd be upset and hurt inside but on the outside he'd try to encourage them. They are just cowards trying to not say anything to him if they don't have to (maybe even hoping the other one has to tell him) which made Tomoya hurt even more.

I know I didn't say anything that hasn't been said before but the reason I'm writing this is I see some saying they are not pros so they can leave the group however they like or they are pros and it's a professional decision or Tomoya doesn't own them. They are all irrelevant. Letting him know before doesn't mean that he owns them. If you are in a professional group it's the right thing to do, if you are with friends it's common courtesy and because you like them and don't want to blindside them.

PS: I hope this date won't be a real date but something for Tomoya to feel better and heal a bit. I think Megumi is the best girl in the show and I wouldn't expect her to "pounce" while Tomoya is hurt and the field is clear.
mandorallenJun 17, 2017 12:44 PM
Jun 17, 2017 9:05 AM

May 2016
mandorallen said:
I don't understand why people try to defend Eriri and Utaha when they both said it clearly that they are betraying Tomoya. Actually I don't even think it is a betrayal and I do believe it is right choice for them career-wise but the way they did is wrong. If they talked about it with Tomoya before he'd be upset and hurt inside but on the outside he'd try to encourage them. They are just cowards trying to not say anything to him if they don't have to (maybe even hoping the other one has to tell him) which made Tomoya hurt even more.

I know I didn't say anything that's been said before but the reason I'm writing this is I see some saying they are not pros so they can leave the group however they like or they are pros and it's a professional decision or Tomoya doesn't own them. They are all irrelevant. Letting him know before doesn't mean that he owns them. If you are in a professional group it's the right thing to do, if you are with friends it's common courtesy and because you like them and don't want to blindside them.

PS: I hope this date won't be a real date but something for Tomoya to feel better and heal a bit. I think Megumi is the best girl in the show and I wouldn't expect her to "pounce" while Tomoya is hurt and the field is clear.

Nicely said, that really summarizes the whole situation in its essence and I dont understand why others dont see it as such. Maybe people really hate Tomoya..? Or maybe they can see no wrong in their goddesses...
Jun 17, 2017 10:47 AM
Oct 2013
RyoKei-san said:
mandorallen said:
I don't understand why people try to defend Eriri and Utaha when they both said it clearly that they are betraying Tomoya. Actually I don't even think it is a betrayal and I do believe it is right choice for them career-wise but the way they did is wrong. If they talked about it with Tomoya before he'd be upset and hurt inside but on the outside he'd try to encourage them. They are just cowards trying to not say anything to him if they don't have to (maybe even hoping the other one has to tell him) which made Tomoya hurt even more.

I know I didn't say anything that's been said before but the reason I'm writing this is I see some saying they are not pros so they can leave the group however they like or they are pros and it's a professional decision or Tomoya doesn't own them. They are all irrelevant. Letting him know before doesn't mean that he owns them. If you are in a professional group it's the right thing to do, if you are with friends it's common courtesy and because you like them and don't want to blindside them.

PS: I hope this date won't be a real date but something for Tomoya to feel better and heal a bit. I think Megumi is the best girl in the show and I wouldn't expect her to "pounce" while Tomoya is hurt and the field is clear.

Nicely said, that really summarizes the whole situation in its essence and I dont understand why others dont see it as such. Maybe people really hate Tomoya..? Or maybe they can see no wrong in their goddesses...

most of the people think based on the big picture =_=
Jun 17, 2017 4:53 PM

Apr 2009
Ah man with that ending... please not kato ship.. :(
Jun 17, 2017 6:15 PM

Feb 2009
I've been in their shoes before so I understand, besides of course it was going to get messy mixing work with friends with feelings too. Look at what happened with Kato and that was some MINOR shit, that she dragged out for TWO MONTHS! If I was Eriri with the history I had with Tomoya just because I'd be scared to hurt him again I might tell him that I was leaving the group but I understand why she didn't, she knew it would hurt him lots to say that he just doesn't motivate her enough the way she needed AT THAT POINT. (Not saying she needs to be bullied everytime, though some people DO function better this way) She probably assumed that Utaha would do it and Utaha assumed Eriri would do it and that's probably why nothing was said for a month. I doubt either girl would let their supposed love spend a month of wasted time on a new proposal like that.

But I least Tomoya has wife Kato? And he'll probably get knock-off Eriri IZUMI and weird gay vibes Iori and then everyone will be happy. Just predicted the finale.

Jun 17, 2017 7:58 PM

Jan 2008
So in this episode we see the two disloyal bitches going for the bigger dick that is Akane because Tomoya can't satisfy them. Good...those gold-digger hoes aint worth it, when OTP best girl Megumi has stuck by his side since the start. Tomoya doesn't need any side bitches.
Jun 17, 2017 8:27 PM
Mar 2017
The ending saved this episode for me!!! I can tell that the series is ending and truth be told, that's kinda sad, but if it gets the happy ending that it deserves, then I will be able to accept it. Good for you Kato!!!
Jun 18, 2017 12:16 AM

Dec 2012
I enjoyed the first season a lot for both the story and the fine art and character design. I was leery of the second because it looked like it was going to shift focus to one of the girls and to me the 2nd least most interesting, Eriri. Kato came and went thankfully for I found her and still find her repulsive, oportunistic and shallow however she is perfect for the worst character in the series, that failure, guttless, spineless, egotistical and arrogant Tomoya. I think the director and the writers of this were aware of all of this themselves and actually created an anti-harem series under the radar and did it with great style ..for the true heroes of the story are Utaha and Eriri, who finally escaped from their fantasy projections of Tomoya who was nothing at all to care about, yet they were like so many girls, drawn to an aggressive yet avoidance guy who cannot make a commitment and drags things out on and on not making any decision at all.

There was never any real sign that Tomoya was at all talented in any way, just a good manipulator and egotistical enough that he believes his own hype. I am so glad that the two girls saw thru him and dumped him, for he deserved much worse for his constant playing of the five girls off each other, yet pretending he was not doing it.

All of the discussion about art, and directors and producers, and creative a smoke screen that covers up the true fallacy of the story, that Tomoya was ever anyone worth caring about, and Kato is the same, a non person who is elevated by Tomoya's one fantasy glimpse of her on a hill with cherry blossoms and a hat.... it is true ,yes that the creative drive comes and goes. But it is never true that abusive and corrupt and pushy people make good directors or producers. They are nasty and evil people. Using artists like pawns and forcing them to create is no way to make good art.

Artists that need that kind of push are themselves immature and often addicted to abuse to need it. But it is certainly a realistic picture of the industry.

All and all this turned out to be a superb series. I am just hoping that they do not try to rescue Tomoya and give him a happy ending, he deserves to die in an alley unloved and unknown for the way he treated the girls all of them.

So it has been a great show, and i hope for more.

Jun 18, 2017 6:27 AM

Feb 2016
WTF with these shallow drama? I want more satire comedy! I only watch this anime because of the comedy.
Jun 18, 2017 8:29 AM

Dec 2014
well this episode had feels.... as the year is are things are changing
Jun 18, 2017 11:18 PM

Jul 2015
CrisGer_San_AA said:
I enjoyed the first season a lot for both the story and the fine art and character design. I was leery of the second because it looked like it was going to shift focus to one of the girls and to me the 2nd least most interesting, Eriri. Kato came and went thankfully for I found her and still find her repulsive, oportunistic and shallow however she is perfect for the worst character in the series, that failure, guttless, spineless, egotistical and arrogant Tomoya. I think the director and the writers of this were aware of all of this themselves and actually created an anti-harem series under the radar and did it with great style ..for the true heroes of the story are Utaha and Eriri, who finally escaped from their fantasy projections of Tomoya who was nothing at all to care about, yet they were like so many girls, drawn to an aggressive yet avoidance guy who cannot make a commitment and drags things out on and on not making any decision at all.

There was never any real sign that Tomoya was at all talented in any way, just a good manipulator and egotistical enough that he believes his own hype. I am so glad that the two girls saw thru him and dumped him, for he deserved much worse for his constant playing of the five girls off each other, yet pretending he was not doing it.

All of the discussion about art, and directors and producers, and creative a smoke screen that covers up the true fallacy of the story, that Tomoya was ever anyone worth caring about, and Kato is the same, a non person who is elevated by Tomoya's one fantasy glimpse of her on a hill with cherry blossoms and a hat.... it is true ,yes that the creative drive comes and goes. But it is never true that abusive and corrupt and pushy people make good directors or producers. They are nasty and evil people. Using artists like pawns and forcing them to create is no way to make good art.

Artists that need that kind of push are themselves immature and often addicted to abuse to need it. But it is certainly a realistic picture of the industry.

All and all this turned out to be a superb series. I am just hoping that they do not try to rescue Tomoya and give him a happy ending, he deserves to die in an alley unloved and unknown for the way he treated the girls all of them.

So it has been a great show, and i hope for more. exactly was Tomoya like all of this?

I'm really curious as to how some people think that this single-minded, 2D loving, 3D hating otaku had the mindset of an evil genius who kept the girls as his slaves and treated them like shit just to further his own game, and yet the majority of this season was hell bent on putting him in a negative light for being a kind director and for not having a single idea as to how being a creator works, and note, this is his first time doing something like this.

Now, compare this to Akane, who's been at it for years, and is known to be a super hardass leader. Note, this is exactly what Akane is technically doing to them: she has the mindset of an evil genius and is keeping them as her slaves and treating them like shit just to further her own game, but she comes with benefits.

So...really, if Aki is like this, then there's technically no difference as to where they stay at, since the treatment is the same. The major difference is that they get a better oppertunity to further their own careers and talents, as well as a nice payroll, but it's like walking from a hot fire into a hot fire with some protective clothing: it's better than before on the outside, but you're still feeling the heat on the inside.
XaneKudoJun 18, 2017 11:23 PM
Jun 19, 2017 7:19 AM

Dec 2014
okay so this was much feels and thrills in this episode
Jun 19, 2017 8:58 AM

Nov 2016
The few last episodes along with this oen seriously brings my faith back to this anime.
Damn Megumi, you warm my heart whenever you appear!
Jun 19, 2017 8:44 PM

Apr 2013
I'm glad Akane is a girl so them switching teams isn't as painful. Imagine if she was a guy? The NTR feels would be too unbearable LOL.
Jun 21, 2017 5:11 AM

Jul 2014
I dont give a crap about anything that happened this episode besides Katou with short hair at the end asking Aki on a date, best. fucking. girl!
Jun 22, 2017 2:45 PM

Feb 2008
The episode definitely featured some rather enchanting scenes featuring Eriri and Utaha. They seem to be making great strides in terms of their professional career(s). Tomoya, on the other hand... At least Megumi is there for him.
Jun 23, 2017 9:06 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
That was one very good episode. Felt bad for Eriri, how she drew better from mere insults and all. Sometimes it takes stuff like that to push us past our limit.

That ending, Kato does it again. And best of all she has her short hair again, I missed seeing her short hair.

Jun 24, 2017 2:32 PM

Aug 2013
This is (whole season) even better than I expected it will be. Wonderful emotional rollercoaster.
And Katou is being perfect as always.
Jun 25, 2017 12:24 PM

Aug 2010
Dude they should've discussed it with him and being honest now it just leaves a bitter aftertaste damn, i wonder how Tomoya is gonna retaliate...maybe making an even better game than Fields Chronicles? (very unlikely)
Jun 28, 2017 11:21 AM
Jun 2012
Gosh After episode 9 and 10 I really hate this anime right now.
Jun 28, 2017 11:05 PM

May 2013
FGtheMaster said:
Discuss whatever you want.

Jun 30, 2017 9:27 AM

Oct 2014
People's ships have finally sunk xD

That crying part was pretty cringe and overdramatic imo.
Jul 14, 2017 11:23 PM
Jul 2018
This was melodramatic as fuck. I didn't give a shit; Utaha and Eriri completely blindsided Tomoya and it wasn't cool, it wasn't resolved, and tbh I don't like their characters anymore. So this episode was pissing me off. Until...

"Let's go on a date."
Holy shiiiiii-- if she's talking about a DATE date then things just got interesting again. Kato is truly the savior of this anime.

Erika___ said:
Can I just ship the best girls instead?

UtahaxEriri is <3

The "best girls"? You mean the bitchy, unloyal girls? If I was Tomoya, I would tell Utaha and Eriri to fuck off if they ever tried talking to him again. Moving on in your career is fine, but not mentioning a single thing about it to your closest friend and doing it all behind his back, that's fucked.
removed-userJul 14, 2017 11:31 PM
Jul 16, 2017 1:01 AM
Jan 2009
Is it just me or did Tomoya just get NTR'd
Jul 23, 2017 2:56 PM

Feb 2013
Even if Eriri and Utaha go for the gig, it's only 1 year.

And Megumi swoops in for the kill.
Aug 12, 2017 8:40 AM
Jun 2014
I feel there are a lot of self-inserting jackasses who've abandoned friends in equally cruel manners, since they're so adamant about defending this utter lack of common courtesy.

But i also agree that this was presented as a NTR scenario, even though it's not about a couple. Childishly evil villain with crazy eyes, Eririn not being able to paint because aki's not enough, Utaha joining (the only part that didn't feel like part of the NTR scenario).

Now to see what the pity date will be about.
StormenAug 12, 2017 8:43 AM
Aug 15, 2017 10:52 PM
May 2012
oh snap

now there is only one true waifu and that is.......oh no why did you cut your hair :'(
still best waifu in this anime <3

jokes aside, there's nothing wrong with what they did. though, if i was tomoya, my heart would probably cry and break </3
Aug 31, 2017 3:24 PM
Feb 2010
Somehow I just cant help but relate this episode to a Netorare hentai.
1) Female lead going to antagonist's house and want to tell him:" I will not fall into your trap".
2) Female lead got raped
3) Female lead feel mad but at the same time feel good as antagonist easily satisfied something that male lead cant
4) Female lead happily join the dark side
Sep 12, 2017 8:29 AM
Apr 2014
Hmm I can't say I like how this developed. Also there isn't really any way to "fix" it without it being just stupid.

At least Megumi asked Tomoya out at the end but I can hardly imagine that works out either.

I get the bad feeling the final episode of this season is either horribly bad or just sad...
Sep 24, 2017 12:25 PM

Sep 2014
HikariJake said:
Moving on in your career is fine, but not mentioning a single thing about it to your closest friend and doing it all behind his back, that's fucked.
This. Especially when Tomoya was criticised not so many episodes ago for this very reason (not taking your friends into account when you make important decisions).

Tear jerker episode. At least Utaha and Eriri were honest to each other and will work as a team while supporting each other, which is nice. Both overcame their personal problems and seem more motivated than ever. (Akane is still a bitch and this feels like NTR even if Utaha and Eriri feel a bit guilty, though.)
Looks like Iori and Tomoya won't work as a team (which I would have liked at this point). The waitress made me laugh again.
Tomoya just returned to where everything started and he met Katou again (she even cut her hair!). Not sure if they'll be able to keep the doujin going, but at least they have each other now.

Next episode will be some sort of epilogue, I guess? Let's see what happens.
LhasApsSep 24, 2017 12:30 PM
Sep 29, 2017 4:36 PM

Jul 2014
YEEEAAAH! I hope it's a date date, not just-wanted-to-cheer-you-up date
Oct 2, 2017 10:35 AM

Apr 2011
Eriri gone from slump. That's good..

After that betrayal, I don't care about them anymore. Should've at least discuss with him properly.

At least there's Katou and Michiru in the team.
MagitoOct 2, 2017 10:57 AM
Oct 12, 2017 9:00 PM
Dec 2015
Definitely this is my favorite episode on SAEKANO series.
Oct 27, 2017 3:59 AM

Sep 2012
Stormen said:
I feel there are a lot of self-inserting jackasses who've abandoned friends in equally cruel manners, since they're so adamant about defending this utter lack of common courtesy.

But i also agree that this was presented as a NTR scenario, even though it's not about a couple. Childishly evil villain with crazy eyes, Eririn not being able to paint because aki's not enough, Utaha joining (the only part that didn't feel like part of the NTR scenario).

Now to see what the pity date will be about.

Eriri is a masochist yelling & intimidating her motivates, yep its clear sing of being a M XD
Oct 27, 2017 4:02 AM

Sep 2012
Light- said:
People's ships have finally sunk xD

That crying part was pretty cringe and overdramatic imo.

u can also say 2 ships just sailed :D
Nov 19, 2017 10:04 AM

May 2012
Well that was a nice episode I must say, especially that ending! Let's see what the last episode has to offer.
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