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High School DxD (light novel)
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Oct 30, 2016 8:11 PM

Sep 2016
bear33 said:
Issei went berserk because of her after all...

Not exactly. He went berserk because of what happened to her, and the fact that once again, despite all his power he was unable to protect her.

For those that dislike/hate Asia for her character design, dialogue, or VA, that can't be helped.

For those that dislike/hate Asia for being a "cockblock" to any other girl, its not all her fault. Issei is really the first and only guy she's had any romantic feelings for. She's not as "worldly" as some of the other girls, so all she can do is copy them for now. Since Issei hides his true feelings about all the girls, Asia doesn't know just how special she is to him, so all she can do is compete with the others because she doesn't want to lose.

For those that dislike/hate Asia for being a "crybaby" and seeming so helpless, you're in luck... she doesn't stay that way. As things progress, she gains more self-confidence and determination to do her part in combat without always relying on others to bail her out.

For those that dislike/hate Asia just because you like one of the other girls more, keep in mind this is a harem. To a certain extent, they all "cockblock" each other at one point or another.

OT: I don't dislike her, nor do I claim her as best girl. She is/will be a valuable member of the team, and is part of the driving force behind Issei's power.
Older_than_dirtOct 30, 2016 8:14 PM
You're never too old to watch anime.
If I ever stop watching anime, check my pulse I'm likely dead.

I wake up with coffee & anime, I go to sleep with coffee & anime.

Sorry if my sarcasm is bad, it's not my first language.

Nov 2, 2016 5:53 AM

Jul 2012
Anmoly97 said:
Klad said:
Shes the most useless character and I cried over the fact she didn't die in that scene. Still hope she dies in some way or another.

Shes ugly too


Asia better fking die, and what the fk man issei you fk face. nigga u got akeno chan you dont need no one homie cmon

True. Akeno is love - Akeno is life.
Asia is really annoying.
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Mar 28, 2017 6:11 AM
Mar 2017
Ikr.... The most annoying person I ever watched in the whole anime world I mean I have watched a ton of animes but asia is just like the wall of between Rias and Issei which makes me really mad when Rias makes a move she interferes just like the white and red dragon
May 3, 2017 7:21 AM
Apr 2017
Such an annoying girl. My least favorite type of character (not only in anime): kind of shy and innocent but, on the other hand, really clingy and stubborn in a very aggravating way, like a child. Ghrr...
And I agree - such a "cockblock". I know it's harem, but still - she makes me so mad.
Oct 2, 2017 12:33 PM
Jul 2017
She had a reason to be there in season 1 but afterwards she was just annoying
Oct 28, 2017 6:17 PM

Sep 2014
After Binge watching the entirety of High School DxD, It's been a long time since I hated a character this much. She is the very definition of cock-block, she's way too clingy, and she's just so uninteresting. Every time a scene comes where she almost dies, you could hear me screaming out for joy a block away (my parents can confirm that.) The novel has like 20+ volumes, and she still alive, smh. She was the primary reason why it took me so long to even attempt watching this show, and I gave it a shot thinking she was gonna be better, but she disappointed the hell out of me.
Oct 30, 2017 6:09 AM
Oct 2017
I can agree, I have always just found her really fucking annoying.
Jan 2, 2018 7:14 PM
Jul 2017
i hate her so much as well
Jan 19, 2018 8:25 AM

Oct 2017
Asia is cancer, the author needs to kill her off
Jan 30, 2018 1:41 PM
Jan 2018
i've been watch high school dxd season 3 tonight, and to be honest i really really disappointed of the story because Asia is the annoying character between rias and issei. different wirth aneko, this is fun to see aneko between rias and issei. but not with asia, i think asia really want to be issei "girlfriend" or somerthing like that and this is make me so SAD :( why not Rias!! i hope more it will explain about relation of issei ang rias, but ... :(( why creator? why Asia? i hope in the season 4, there more story about rias and issei not with Asia :( honestly im hopeless right now because of Asia, but i relly like High School DxD, so i hope the creator can make the story for rias and issei
Feb 1, 2018 10:15 AM
Oct 2013
And this is why I don't go to forums that much because of people like this. So disappointing.
Mar 24, 2018 6:40 AM

Apr 2013
None can fathom the immensity of animosity i feel towards Asia. I absolutely despise Asia. Hmm where do i start? Should i mention how hideous she looks, and how useless she is in battles, her voice is like a dying squealing hamster (how dreadful), and her constant interference between Rias and Issei absolutely drive me nuts, how despicable. I hope she dies a very painful agonizing death. She won't be missed =)
xiDeliriouSxApr 10, 2018 4:09 AM
Apr 24, 2018 8:32 AM
Jan 2018
I really don't like her too.I mean the desing is ok but her personality really no.She is always in the way
Aug 30, 2018 6:42 PM
Aug 2018
I honestly fucking hate Asia. Not every aspect of her is terrible, but she is a complete cockblock between good shit. Also she ain't got big anime tiddies.
Sep 24, 2018 9:14 AM
Aug 2018
I thought she was ok in the first season but as time went on i understood it would have been far better plot-wise and character developement-wise if she wasnt revived during the episode 6 of first season.

ech, maybe i just expect too much from a harem anime.
Does the Reaper Dream of Darkness Darker than Black?
Dec 20, 2018 11:15 PM
Dec 2018
Kaaviken said:
So I've watched High School DxD season 1 and 2, and Im watching season 3 now, and I cant find it in my heart to like Asia. She is just one of those girls thats just in the way. I don't like her art style (by that I mean her hair), I don't like her voice and the way she acts is just so bothersome. I've never really like High School DxD much mainly because of the overly ecchi scenes as it is just too much for me (cant believe I'm still watching it...), and if that wasn't enough this girl Asia makes me want to punch her, like really fuckin hard. Asia takes the cake as most annoying female character I've ever seen tied with that bitch from Seiken Tsukai no world break. Maybe I'm the only one who thinks this way, thats why I would like to hear your opinion on Asia and what you think of her :) Im open for any hate comments from Asia lovers (if you even exist)

I agree with U bro I too hate her... she's just so annoying to me...I mean everytime if there's any fighting or something like that going she will be first who gets hit and then starts saving her:-[ she is just so weak that she can't eventake care of herself man so annoying...and she looks like issei's sister...and issei's parents admitted it too...though she tries to love issei.
Jan 11, 2019 7:59 PM
Jan 2019
Lol I just searched I hate Asia and this came up I was hoping I wasn't the only one who felt that way she is just to much for me also I only ship Rias and Issei (I guess kinda Akeno too XD)
Jun 12, 2019 6:47 AM
Aug 2015
better question does anyone really like her? ... i mean she has the blond loli being on her side... but koneko is the better loli so its pretty obvious that Asia cant relay on that. now okay she is the good heart of the entire anime.. but good heart often comes with naivete and thats an annoying thing.... also best girl next to koneko is Rias anyway..... also on shalt not forget Gasper ^^
Aug 3, 2019 4:46 AM
Aug 2019
She ruins every single sex scene and she is anoyying and has weird bangs and the dub voice is really high pitched and annoying
Aug 14, 2019 2:53 PM
Nov 2010
I don't know about you guys but IMHO, all of the girls are likable in this anime including Asia. I like how innocent she is and at the same time how she's trying to act dirty to please Issei because she thinks it's right. lol

I kinda pity her though since at this point in the series, Issei doesn't seem to be interested in her romantically. Poor girl.
Feb 3, 2020 5:31 PM
Feb 2020
She just is in the way if she wasn't there he could have all the girls but she is always trying to be everyone else ecpecally rias
May 4, 2020 10:45 AM

Apr 2019
i hate her guts

i cant believe virgin Issei choose to care more for Asia than Rias.

Maybe watching, maybe reading, probably living
Jun 19, 2020 11:32 PM

Feb 2016
This post Screams incels hating on an imaginary character, get a grip guys xD
Aug 5, 2020 6:22 AM
Aug 2020
I fucking hate her
Aug 5, 2020 7:16 AM

Nov 2016
Her voice is pretty annoying and I'm not a fan of how she ruins most lewd scenes, she is definitely my least liked girl and I would've prefered if koneko and akeno were more relevant than her but I wouldn't go as far as hating her.
Sep 9, 2020 3:00 PM
Feb 2020
she is worst because i thing she just gets in the way of isse and rias.
i were the protagonist i would make her my sister in story though i would end up hating her.
Apr 15, 2021 7:56 AM
Apr 2021
Honestly, when I first started watching I didn't dislike Asia at all. I thought she was going to be a side-character first impression, not a good sign. Few episodes later, it felt ridiculously forced that Issei somehow was so distraught and sad that she was taken by Reynare. He only met Asia a short time before this(maybe a week or two), so I found it very very very odd. After this whole incident. In season 2, I kept on seeing this forced behavior, half the time she was basically useless and most of her interactions made me cringe. I came to dislike her thoroughly after seeing her disgusting jealous behavior with Issei, it's really annoying. Issie can't even talk to a girl or be with one... infront of her or she has a temper tantrum. I also realized that most of the scenes that have her primarly in it, aren't even necessary and don't really add anything to the plot or storyline, other then the uncommon few. It felt as though this was just a sad way to keep her relevant. This added with the way she acts made me start to hate her. From then on after this, I even felt as though it got worse, at least her screen time dwindled down, but her terrible personality never once changed. At this point I honestly hope she dies or just disappears(loses screentime). Either that or the creators find a way to make her stop being such a neusance (I highly doubt they will). Some of you may argue that she isn't useless, and that she can heal. BUT the thing is, half the time she ends up either 1 slowing the team down, or 2 getting beat up and getting out of commission right when the big battle comes. She's in most ways if not all, a horrible character.
ExoticSingular22Apr 15, 2021 8:09 AM
Jul 8, 2022 10:19 AM
Jul 2022
She is so annoying i was watching an episode where issei and rias were in isseis room and rias was naked and then asia walks in and says no fair and ruins the whole god damn scene
dasdssdsJul 8, 2022 11:31 AM
Jul 25, 2022 12:23 PM
Cool Guy

Jul 2022
I literally made an account just to vent how much I dislike her. Season 1 and 2 was fine to be honest but in Season 3 she got so annoying the whole episode 8 and 9 thing made me just mad she is so weak and always is in danger needing to be saved. Yes you can say the same about the other characters but the difference here is that they're well written not just a typical damsel in distress always in need of saving unable to stand up for herself. This just makes her so irritating and that's just the beginning of her issues it's as if she's literally there to just be annoying. Also in my opinion took all the depth out of those episodes it would have been so much more meaningful if she actually died and frankly I wish she did. Would've made a good character arc for Issai. I can rant about the other parts of her but her possessiveness or cock blocking at least it can be explained and somewhat justified even if it is annoying. It honestly feels like Issai just likes her as a little sister and is too weak to say no to her but that's just my opinion.
Jan 17, 2023 10:33 AM
Jan 2023
For real like Asia just fuck off like I can tell even issai sometime doesn't like her third wheeling on the climax of this harem like on season 2 ep 10 when president and akano were with issai I was like damnn crazy and they this bitch comes and says you 3 that's not fair like come on stop ruining stuff she is soo useless she can't fight do nothing except heal people and also the fact she is alive passes me off she should have honestly died at that scene it was better for plot anyway abd her voice dint get me started on that her voice in sub and dub are awful (no hate to vc) she shouldn't be this innocent and third wheeling fuck off Asia just fuck off
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