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Feb 4, 2017 4:21 PM

Nov 2011
Holy shit, they got a new OP song for this arc. Epic.

The episode was okay, really lighthearted right now since it's the beginning of the arc. We got the kids (Trunks and Goten) having fun while Goku and Beerus had some shenanigans. Really hope this arc's pacing will be good as I'm hyped to see some of the upcoming battles.
Feb 4, 2017 5:29 PM

Jan 2009
the new song is kinda average but the scenes especially the battle scenes for that song was fucking hype!

gohan is actually seen training to achieve mystic/ultimate gohan form again? hype!
Feb 4, 2017 5:42 PM
Sep 2012
Okay I am going to say it, Goku might be stronger and more nicer, but Vegetta is a better husband and better father than Goku ever was. Compared Vegetta in this episode to what Goku did at the end of Z.
Feb 4, 2017 5:52 PM

Jan 2017
What are your thoughts on the new opening? Was it good? Do you like it more than the original? Personally I thought that the Visuals were better but the song isn't as catchy, but maybe that will change over time.
Feel free to add me as a friend. Always down to talk about anything.
Feb 4, 2017 5:58 PM

Dec 2007
I personally really like the new OP theme. I was getting tired of listening to the same song 70+ episodes. I'm excited for this arc.
Feb 4, 2017 5:58 PM
Jul 2018
I love the new OP. The song is incredibly catchy for me.

And holy shit, when you think about it these two Zenos are terrifying. Goku's reaction to the stakes this arc is gonna be something to see.
Feb 4, 2017 6:02 PM

Jan 2012
Hey, pretty spiffy new opening! Love all the Buu! XD

Bra's about to be born eh? D'aaaaaw, how sweet of Vegeta to stay by Bulma's side. Lookin' forward to the tournament!
Feb 4, 2017 6:04 PM
Luny Tunes

Feb 2012
I like the new OP. It's catchy and the visuals for the new OP were awesome! I also like the new changes they made for the ED with the characters jumping out from the manga panels. :)

I've been so hyped for this new arc ever since it was announced and this has been a really good episode. Bulma is gonna give birth to a new baby (Bra) and Vegeta's going nowhere as he wants to stay beside Bulma, and so does Trunks. I got to see Beerus getting terrified of the Great Priest / Daishinkan. xD And the two Zenos are just terrifying as ever no matter how innocent they are.

The Tournament of Power is about to begin and I can't wait to see the new Gods of Destruction, their Angels, and the new warriors! Goku's fighting one of them in the OP. He must be strong. Oh, and the art & animation feels slightly different for this episode. So far I like it.
Feb 4, 2017 6:15 PM

Oct 2011
no goku-hit rematch hinted in op so Hit gets taken out of tournament by the Alien looking guy?

"When the time is yours,
the future is waiting,
The person you become,
and the people you're creating.
Feb 4, 2017 6:16 PM

Jul 2009
And so all the other Gods hated Goku for starting the Tournament. Good job Goku!
Nothing in this world lasts forever, and it´s time you accept that.
It's better to not cling to these things that you will eventually lose.
Feb 4, 2017 7:00 PM
Jul 2008
I have to admit something, I haven't watched DBS in about a month because I was waiting to get to this point (and I kind of got burned out by the Goku Black arc). But I kept tabs on things and I'm ready for the multiverse tournament start. Like everyone else, when I heard the announcement of this I couldn't wait. There's a few things I'd like to bring up:

1.This episode really shows how much Vegeta has changed through the years. If anyone remembers during the android saga Bulma and Trunks were almost killed by Dr.Gero and Vegeta couldn't give a damn less. Now he wants to stay close to Bulma for when she gives birth instead of training.

2.The stand off between Goku and Beerus was actually pretty cool.

3.The new OP and ED themes and graphics were pretty good. A nice change of pace for the start of this new arc.

I don't know really what to expect out this arc even with new OP and preview. I just hope that will be as entertaining and as awesome the hype leading up to it. On a side note, I've heard rumours that the series will continue even after this arc is done which I hope is false. This would not only the perfect way to end DBS, but the entire franchise IMO.
Feb 4, 2017 7:16 PM

Jun 2016
Amazing Opening, tourney finally coming in the next few eps. Good Ep
Feb 4, 2017 7:22 PM
Jul 2018
arnoldc64 said:
On a side note, I've heard rumours that the series will continue even after this arc is done which I hope is false. This would not only the perfect way to end DBS, but the entire franchise IMO.

If anything the opposite is true. There's nothing indicating it's gonna end soon, ratings are through the roof, the games/other merchandise are making insane money and now they've created the Dragon Ball Room which will be a group of certain people basically acting like a board of directors for the entire franchise going forward.
Feb 4, 2017 7:22 PM

Sep 2014
The title of the next episode hints that the losing universes are going to dissapear o.o. wow, that's too wild. And all this is a direct consequence of goku decision. Beerus was about to kill goku to save the universe, that was intense.
Feb 4, 2017 7:26 PM

Apr 2014
its about time i can be hyped for dragon ball again this is the arc that this series needed

the new opening is amazing the animation is alot better and plus gohan is gonna is coming back to fighting also tons of new characters coming

i am really hyped for this arc and cant wait to see the upcoming battles
"one step at a time"
Feb 4, 2017 7:28 PM

Feb 2013
I will hate to see All these character just diseappear if (When) they lose :/

But maby super dragon balls can restore universes?
Feb 4, 2017 7:31 PM

Sep 2016
YESS!! Finally the time I've been waiting for XP

PS Losers are going to disappear? O3O
Sounds exciting, New OP is awesome as well
Feb 4, 2017 7:48 PM

Jun 2016
draknalor: if I'm not wrong the super dragon ball are spread across U7 and U6 which means that if U6 loses the Super dragon balls will be getting destroyed.

Unless they start collecting them right now and take them to the Omni Knight House which is not getting destroyed. and if they wish for the universes to be restored they might as well return the other 6 universes that Zeno destroyed which will bring new Gods and New characters for upcoming arcs?
Feb 4, 2017 7:53 PM

Dec 2014
nice op and build up for the upcoming arc
Feb 4, 2017 8:03 PM

Sep 2009

I can't wait! Broly is back!

The animation in this episode was above average. That tension between goku and Beerus was good.
It's been so long since I last saw Goku with clouded brow many time in the same episode. His character has been too childish in DBS. I hope he gets more serious now.
Feb 4, 2017 8:17 PM
Bunnies 🍓

Jan 2013
I have a feeling Gohan is training with Picollo because of how good Picollo is at meditating and that perhaps is helping climb back up to his former self and perhaps even stronger than before.

First time Goku actually does a proper job lol.

As for Vegeta, he may be a Saiyan but his life on Earth has really changed how he acts. He's developed a soft side and is more of a father/husband. Android arc Vegeta would have left to go train and not care about Bulma.

And then we have Goku in the 2nd half. My oh my, what has he done. Asking Zeno to hold the tournament. If U7 loses, it'll be because of Goku. And ironically, the Saiyan race would go extinct because of another Saiyan,, what Frieza couldn't do Goku would accomplish and in the end meet his goal of destroying Earth lol

I thought it was pretty funny how he tricked Beerus and pressed the button.

Good start to the arc.

Feb 4, 2017 8:36 PM
Jan 2015
Vegeta's development is really something special and is honestly one of the higher points in the dragon ball franchise.
My Queens

Feb 4, 2017 8:36 PM

Aug 2016
the new opening , while not as good as the DB, DBZ,GT and Final bout openings, its better by far than the first DBS opening, that was a huge improvement.
Feb 4, 2017 8:36 PM

May 2016
Wow this OP was incredible, I hope this arc is better than black arc
『  』
Feb 4, 2017 8:43 PM

Dec 2014
Damn... that staredown between Beerus and Goku
and then Goku pulls a fast one on them lmfao

Losers gets their universe destroyed? Goku you fucked up
Feb 4, 2017 8:46 PM
The Komori

Mar 2013
There's a Beerus alien on the team with the Clown/Hooded Guy and it looks like the Broly-Like female is on that team too
Feb 4, 2017 8:49 PM

Dec 2016
Very pleased with the ep. It delivered. I've got the feeling we'll finally see this series truly taking off.

Idk...but the episode felt so complete and rounded, well-structured and paced.

I love how Goku treats the supreme authority of existence so lightly and unworried XD, while the other Gods piss their pants when they see them...but now it seems his naivety it's finally going to bring many serious consequences...

And finally this series acknowledged the future existence of Bra! I almost died of laughter when Weiss though Vegita was the one to give birth soon XD

I liked a lot the colouring style change. Glad we don't see that plastic toy shine anymore.

-Mahesvara said:
Vegeta's development is really something special and is honestly one of the higher points in the dragon ball franchise.

Gohan had a lot of development too, mostly in Z. That's the reason I've always thought of him as the true MC of Z.
Feb 4, 2017 8:50 PM

Dec 2014
Goku actually doing work, Wow. I'm even more surprised he decided to drive the car instead of just flying with it. xD

Anyway mostly just tournament setup. New OP is pretty cool, looking forward to this arc.
Feb 4, 2017 8:51 PM
Jan 2015
nry said:
Gohan had a lot of development too, mostly in Z. That's the reason I've always thought of him as the true MC of Z.

To bad his development died after the Cell saga.
My Queens

Feb 4, 2017 8:52 PM

Aug 2015
jeffu said:
no goku-hit rematch hinted in op so Hit gets taken out of tournament by the Alien looking guy?

No Hit was there. He in between the scene before Gohan was shown
Feb 4, 2017 9:33 PM

Jul 2016
I am starting to think that Buu, Cell and Frieza are good guys in comparison to Goku. They only destroyed cities and planets. Goku is going to destroy more than one universe (About times infinite of what Buu or the other would have destroyed in their entire lifespan).
Feb 4, 2017 10:35 PM

Aug 2012
Loving this new opening
Feb 4, 2017 10:55 PM

May 2015

Eh!? the looser universe is going to be erased...

Goku needs to take accountability for his selfishness... That explains why Vegeta is going to participate (you know he isn’t going to let Goku have all the glory but beside that he wants to protect Bulma, Trunks and her newborn child, #18 & Krilin are forced(?) to enter the tournament (she wants to protect her child & husband and Krilin want to do the same), Master Roshi (wants to protect his ero magazine collection!? XD), Gohan (Pan & his wife), Piccolo (Gohan, Pan & planet earth), Buu (maybe Mr. Satan force him to join the Z warriors because he doesn’t want to be a dead man. Lol!) and all of the other Z fighters have their own reason.

I can't wait to see Kame Sennin in action, the question is... is he going to participate as his alter ego Jackie Chun or as himself?

-Mahesvara said:
Vegeta's development is really something special and is honestly one of the higher points in the dragon ball franchise.
Feb 4, 2017 11:01 PM

Dec 2011
Goku as always is quite stupid but rarely he can be smart.
The new opening is great. Love it xD and all the tease showing in the opening xD
Goku also just put all universe in extinction with that tournament.
Feb 4, 2017 11:13 PM
Oct 2016
Is it my impression or was the goku half-serious and sadistic in this episode? He's a bit arrogant after he became friends with zeno, is it that power turns evil?
Feb 4, 2017 11:35 PM
Mar 2014
I must agree... Goku really is the final villain of the franchise. His lust for fighting/more power knows no bounds. And he's no longer just a threat to his universe, but now to the ENTIRE multiverse itself... along with some of the Gods.

That fall to his head didn't change him for the better, it's only amplify his ability for destruction.
Feb 5, 2017 12:05 AM

Jan 2009
so the reason for the new look like darker or high contrast coloring of this new arc is because of Toei assigned new directors again lol

im not complaining though since it looks great so far
Feb 5, 2017 1:05 AM
Jul 2014
It has begun,

Feb 5, 2017 1:07 AM

Apr 2012
At some point; Gokou should just grow up. He's starting to annoy me with his carefree attitude.
"Manga readers are annoying, all they do is complain or spoil the anime we discuss in an anime forum.
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Feb 5, 2017 1:12 AM

Jun 2015
Finally a new opening song.

Thank god the arc has finally started.

Lmao vegeta's been doin work xDDDD
Feb 5, 2017 1:13 AM

Jun 2015
Janethan23 said:
At some point; Gokou should just grow up. He's starting to annoy me with his carefree attitude.

True, beerus should really beat the fuck out of him.
Feb 5, 2017 1:34 AM
Aug 2016
I want to know who's the chara when we saw goku in the new op
He's look like deadpool
Feb 5, 2017 2:23 AM
May 2013
man they made goku way too dumb in this episode, i think i may have preferred vegeta for the first time ever. Wish this show was a bit more dbz in terms of tone, goku also came off smarter in dbz for sure
Feb 5, 2017 2:27 AM
Oct 2008
This looks like it could be good. That scene with Beerus and Goku was really good.

Just one complaint... why the hell is Master Roshi there?...
Feb 5, 2017 2:28 AM

Jan 2009
sgs2008 said:
man they made goku way too dumb in this episode, i think i may have preferred vegeta for the first time ever. Wish this show was a bit more dbz in terms of tone, goku also came off smarter in dbz for sure

read the Dragon Ball Super manga since Goku is not dumb there
Feb 5, 2017 2:45 AM

Sep 2016
that moment in the opening when muten roshi taking off his glasses is so damn hype
and congratulation goku for reminding zenchan to destroy universes with tournaments lol

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Feb 5, 2017 2:45 AM
Mar 2010
Stark700 said:
Holy shit, they got a new OP song for this arc. Epic.

The episode was okay, really lighthearted right now since it's the beginning of the arc. We got the kids (Trunks and Goten) having fun while Goku and Beerus had some shenanigans. Really hope this arc's pacing will be good as I'm hyped to see some of the upcoming battles.

Light-hearted my ass, Zeno just destroys world as a game, man that's savage, this episode really showed that Vedgeta is a better family man than Goku will ever be. Also wat to go Goku, gonna feel sorry for the losers.
HELLSATANFeb 5, 2017 2:50 AM
Feb 5, 2017 3:10 AM
Mar 2015

Goku almost alt+f4 by Beerus and wtf at the beginning - Goku technic la Hit?

opening is aweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesommmmmmmmmmmmmeeeeee
Feb 5, 2017 3:20 AM

Sep 2016
just realized Hit is nowhere to be seen in the new opening? let me guess he will become fodder for the alien-looking guy

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Feb 5, 2017 3:22 AM

Jan 2009
GangsterCat said:
just realized Hit is nowhere to be seen in the new opening? let me guess he will become fodder for the alien-looking guy

Hit is shown, his head (right side of the screen) is seen after the scene where Gohan go Mystic/Ultimate form while meditating
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