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Nov 20, 2007 9:19 PM
Sep 2007
Which do you think is better? I honestly think the manga is better, the anime was too slow-paced in comparison to the manga, and I dislike slow-paced anime. It also never really attracted my attention as much as the manga. Not to mention the whole filler arc. :\ However, the ova (Tsuiokuhen) is a different story. I thought that the ova was great and I would rate it above the manga. What is your opinion about this subject?
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Nov 21, 2007 4:20 AM

Aug 2007
Of course the manga is exponentially better in almost every way@_@

A few scenes were really nice to have animated~
Like the farewell scene where Kenshin leaves Kaoru to go to Kyoto (I cry so much everytime I see that scene)~ and the music in that scene was great~ some other scenes look really nice too~ but overall the manga moves at a better pace and gives kenshin a better characterization^.^
Nov 21, 2007 5:25 AM
Oct 2007
Agree there, but the OVA is better than the manga though.
Nov 21, 2007 10:38 AM

Aug 2007
I love the OVA too of course, but I also like the manga better^.^

<.< both Tomoe and kenshin...were just a bit too seriousX_x
They looked a little happier together in teh manga^.^

And of course the OVA kenshin died is = hate >o<
How could they kill poor kenshin off like that...
Nov 21, 2007 1:25 PM

May 2007
Up to episode 62, the anime was phenomenal. I thought the Kyoto arc was done extremely well, and if they had animated the Revenge Arc, I'm sure it would have been done just as well. I think a big part of the great feeling of the anime is the music. Amazing scores that really fit the mood.

But yeah, the manga is better. Just b/c of the Revenge Arc. :)
Nov 21, 2007 3:28 PM
Jun 2007
I like the manga with the exception of the part that covered the OVA. the OVA was just pure drama unlike its counterpart which has some slight humor into it. although that's entirely a bad thing, it just didn't capture the atmosphere of Trust & Betrayal.

I'd pay an arm (and a leg) to see the Jinchuu arc animated. that final encounter between Kenshin and Enishi was epic. Just imagining Enishi's Watou Jutsu against Kenshin's Hiten Mitsurugi Ryu gives me chills.
Dec 4, 2007 3:37 PM

Dec 2007
I love the manga, at the moment i have read up to volume 18 and i have only watched the first episode of the anime series. at the moment i would say the manga is better just because the illustration is beautiful ;P
Dec 4, 2007 5:28 PM
Sep 2007
The OVAs were what brought me into the world of anime. I remember watching them on VHS back in high school and thinking, "Holy crap there's something other than Sailor Moon and DBZ!" Bought the series on eBay when I had the money. Haven't gotten into the manga yet, not enough spare cash lying around.
Dec 5, 2007 1:31 PM

Dec 2007
The anime would've been better...but they didn't get to animate the Jinchuu arc, and the OVAs just can't compare. So, manga. ^^
Jumping in Headfirst - I hear reading it causes immortality. Warning. Reading may not actually cause immortality.
Dec 5, 2007 1:36 PM

Dec 2007
GoldragonCPU said:
The OVAs were what brought me into the world of anime. I remember watching them on VHS back in high school and thinking, "Holy crap there's something other than Sailor Moon and DBZ!" Bought the series on eBay when I had the money. Haven't gotten into the manga yet, not enough spare cash lying around.

haha yeah, before i had the net i thought anime was only Sailor Moon and pokemon etc... when i finally got faster than 56k i found out about loads of new stuff and i was like :O!
Jan 6, 2008 5:45 PM

Sep 2007
I first got into RK because of the anime. But after reading the manga, I decided the anime was a bit too childish what with putting Kenshin in a pink gi, the little girls and all those filler eps!

Out of the animated stuff, I've come to like the Tsuiokuhen OVA best. It's very dark, but since it's set during the war, that's understandable. Seisouhen is a bunch of OOC crap that Watsuki's characters would never do in a million years.
Feb 17, 2008 6:22 PM
Feb 2008
hi, here,.just love the anime'..^^
thanks for d add,.^^
Feb 27, 2008 2:11 PM

Jan 2008
after reading the manga (which was amazing/epic) i was very surprised with the anime. it was very well done for a manga adaption. but... as others pointed out, the missing last arc was just outrageous!!!

Tsuiokuhen plays in a different league of course ^.^
Mar 14, 2008 6:58 AM
Mar 2008
In all honesty, I prefer the animation (until the final arc). The anime has to stretch more stuff out since if they just cut 38 pages or so from the manga, we'd probably see about 5 minutes of animation. It's filler, but it gives more life to the characters than the manga really did. And the two little girls were adorable. XD

That said, though, the fighting scenes were bland in the anime. They were just poses with action lines and screaming, mostly, and the manga lets me get past them more quickly at least.
What is this I don't even
Mar 26, 2008 4:11 AM
Oct 2007
I'm getting the manga now, so I hope it is even better than the anime, if possible. So exited.
May 9, 2008 8:50 PM

May 2008
I saw the anime first, all 95 episodes. Then I read the manga. I liked the filler arc of the anime a lot less than the other two, however, since it... just didn't click with me as much. For the Kyoto arc of the anime, I at first didn't like it because I thought it moved so slowly, but then I read the manga where I loved it. That battle with Shishio was epic. Then I saw the battles with Enishi and his gang in the manga... and then my sense of epic was changed completely. Wow. Manga was much better than the anime, and that's saying something since Rurouni Kenshin is my favorite series.

Never be average...
May 17, 2008 4:56 PM

Apr 2008
I thought the anime was very well done...but the manga is better I especially loved the missing last arc!
Jun 30, 2008 7:08 AM
Jul 2018
Manga, no fillers there. And I loved the Jinchuu arc.
Jul 11, 2008 12:49 PM

Apr 2008
The anime can't even compete with the manga, the manga is so much better that the anime can't reach it for about 1 000 years (or more).

Jul 18, 2008 9:40 AM

Jul 2008
The manga is way better
Jul 20, 2008 8:01 PM

May 2008
I prefer the manga...
the anime is good...but some arches of the story aren´t that the christian saga or the feng-shui saga...
I would have liked to see the Hokkaido saga in the manga...(if anyone didn´t understand: Watsuki wanted to create a saga about seta and his conflits in Hokkaido- that information is in an interview with Watsuki in Kenshin Kaden)
Aug 4, 2008 5:46 AM

May 2007
Like most of you, I also think the manga beats the anime :)
I had first watched the anime, thought the second ova was cool, and I loved the whole story, but then I read the manga, and after that, the anime was disappointing in many ways. The series itself was okay - up to ep. 62, or so, so until the end of the Kyoto Arc - but the two ovas, and the movie was a big 'wtf??' for me ^_^;
I'd love to see Jinchuu Arc animated, though, because there's a huge potential in that arc, but as Watsuki stated, it depends on the fans and Sony...

And Hokkaido Arc - yeah, I've also read about that, would've been interesting, especially because of the characters - Soujirou, Fuji, even Nagakura Shinpachi from Shinsengumi - but I think it was for the better that Watsuki stopped after the Jinchuu Arc :)
'I think of my fellow men from the Shieikan as my lifelong comrades. My most proud and precious good fortune has been to have met all of you, Soji.' [Yamanami Keisuke, vice-commander, Shinsengumi]
Aug 11, 2008 8:48 AM

Aug 2007
i loved the anime, was very entertained by it. missing jinchuu arc, additional not-so-cool arcs, etc, were forgivable. i had no expectations, anyway, since i haven't read the manga at that point. (but damn, the jinchuu arc should have been animated. that was my fave arc of all tsk tsk tsk)

as for the manga... it was just CLASSIC, something that i will always love and will want my children to read as well (that is, if i get married and have kids). although i loved seisou hen (the second ova), the ending in the manga seemed to fit the story better. i did like the idea that kenshin died of a disease rather than defeated in battle (meaning, he remains undefeated).. but it just doesn't seem to match.. so the ending in the manga (well, it was just shown that he and kaoru had a son named kenji) made more sense.

p.s. the tsuioku hen ova was the best. i think it was a great idea to have treated it as a separate story rather than as part of the jinchuu arc (which is kinda pointless for me to say since jinchuu arc was not animated except for some parts in seisou hen...)
Aug 19, 2008 4:11 PM

Jun 2008
I never read the manga version, but I think manga would be better at some points. Merely cause you can use your imagination for some scenes.
On the other hand, the anime does provide the appropriate music sometimes (emotional scenes, action, ...), but I still think manga is better.
Sep 10, 2008 12:12 AM
Sep 2008
anime cause it is moving and i just think its better
manga is ok but not as gud
Sep 21, 2008 2:19 AM
May 2008
i guess for me it's the anime, cuz with sound effects and all that, i think it kinda justifies the manga for me (:
and the ova, the trust betrayal one was really good, was all planned and all that (:
Nov 10, 2008 1:10 AM
Apr 2008
For me, I'll choose the anime.
Mar 23, 2009 6:50 PM
Feb 2009
anime is good
Mar 24, 2009 3:39 PM

Oct 2007
While I think that the Kyoto arc was done very well in the anime, and even a little bit better than in the manga, what with all the drama expressed through the voice acting and music, the fillers in the first season, and especially the third season (which was NOTHING BUT filler episodes), nearly just killed how awesome the series was, otherwise, going for me, personally.

The manga, IMO, is near flawless, and is just really entertaining, with really awesome and memorable characters. Its too bad that I haven't really been able to get into any of Watsuki's other series. Its also funny, because his other stuff seems to be more like the typical shounen, whereas Rurouni Kenshin feels quite different, and very unique, from most other battle-oriented shounen series. Oh well, maybe I will give his other works another chance, someday, but until then, I'll just say that he seems like the type of author who's works are hit or miss, and with the case of Rurouni Kenshin, he definitely made a hit, IMO. ;)

But, anyways, yeah, I would say that the manga is far superior to the anime and OVA's. As for the OVA's, I liked Trust and Betrayal, but Reflection was just pure mellodrama, and therefore, garbage, IMO.
Mar 30, 2009 8:30 PM
Sep 2008
Wow, that Hokkaido arc sounded very interesting. I wanted some more shinsengumi fanservice!!
Apr 8, 2009 6:41 AM

Apr 2009
The manga was probably better. I saw the anime first, but after reading the manga I definitely felt that the anime did a good job representing it well besides that filler arc. It would have been better if jinchu had been covered in more detail in anime. Personally, I didn't care for that last movie. Those earlier ones though!@?@? With his origins and his random farmers life was tense, original, and worth it.
Jul 5, 2009 1:31 AM

Mar 2009
The manga is better, I'd say. It contains every side of the story, az the anime or the OVAs show only parts of it.
<---click ^_^
Jul 23, 2009 11:19 PM
Jun 2009
The manga definantly! I like the way Kenshin talks in the manga better too :3 it's so kawaii! I tried saying "This one" all the time, but I was getting weird looks and death threats from my brother so I had to stop. The way he talks in the anime was cute too, but nowhere near as cute as the manga. The parts with him and Tomoe were really better in the Manga too. Oh, and Kenshins hair is wilder in the Manga too, which is teh sheer awesomeness. So yeah, Manga pwns Anime.
Aug 20, 2009 1:04 AM

Jun 2009
The first manga i read piece of and i like the anime better but that might be because i dont like reading manga just look at my list lol.
Sep 7, 2009 4:02 AM

Feb 2008
Manga wins. That said, I really loved the way the Kyoto arc was animated and it's a pity the final arc of RK didn't make it into the series. I never understood why they couldn't just animate the Jinchuu arc in a series of OVAs rather than produce the abomination that is Seisouhen.
Oct 8, 2009 12:17 PM

May 2007
meridian said:
I never understood why they couldn't just animate the Jinchuu arc in a series of OVAs rather than produce the abomination that is Seisouhen.

Though I know it's just a sweet dream, but Slayers Revolution, FMA Brotherhood and Inuyasha: The Final Act still makes me believe that there might be 0.001% chance of a "Jinchuu-anime"...
I want to believe that Sony will realize that they could actually make a lot of money with a proper ending... (c'mon, the manga and the animes are STILL popular in the whole world)
Though, I have to admit that many people love the the ovas, despite the fact that neither of them were... Watsuki-like...
'I think of my fellow men from the Shieikan as my lifelong comrades. My most proud and precious good fortune has been to have met all of you, Soji.' [Yamanami Keisuke, vice-commander, Shinsengumi]
Nov 10, 2009 3:43 PM

Oct 2009
I prefer the manga.
Mar 10, 2010 5:26 AM

Mar 2009
I first watch the anime,read the manga later,actually I still read ^^ but I choose anime and manga because I like both of them...
Apr 24, 2010 8:37 AM

Feb 2010
ahh it would be so like lovely if they continued and added the Jinchuu arc..i would watch it religiously
But the thing is Rk is older than Fma and Inuyasha...
I prefer the manga, but i still love the anime
unicorn1293Jun 13, 2010 10:53 AM
May 31, 2010 5:18 PM

Jul 2009
I'm a fan of the manga and the OVA's. Trust and Betrayel was pure poetry. I loved every second of it, even when I was crying my eyes out. That was one of the few things in this world that can make me shed a tear.

The anime could have been better if they hadn't tried to milk the series so much with that filler 3rd season, but I did enjoy the arc with the persecution of the Christians.

But I have to say, the RK anime was the best adaptation of a manga series I've ever watched.
Jul 1, 2010 10:45 AM
Jan 2010
Manga>OVA>Anime (Series)
Aug 1, 2015 2:47 PM

Apr 2014
I haven't read the manga, so I can't judge it, but the anime sure is great.
"You don't become Hokage in order to be acknowledged by the village.
The one who is acknowledged by everyone, is the one who becomes Hokage."
Uchiha Itachi, Naruto Shippuden
Jan 23, 2017 4:12 AM

Oct 2015
I prefer the manga and the story is much better.
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