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Dec 7, 2016 8:30 PM
Jul 2016
zoze said:
Helenus said:

I am relieved to see I am not the only one who noticed this. All the BL comments seem to exaggerate Victor and Yuri's relationship and feelings so much. Even after this episode I still view them as friends; there is no chemistry between them just like you said. Oh, and I am so happy you like Otabek. He is the first Kazakh anime character, I still cannot believe he already got such a decent amount of screen time.

There is no chemistry you said?!!??
Are we even watching the same show??

Hhmm, I think no. xD
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Dec 7, 2016 8:34 PM

Jan 2011
Okay this animation quality is becoming unbearable.

Okay this was a good setup episode and was nice to have Victor narrate everything. The ending credits for this epic was epic as fuck.
I haven't updated in years but now I have changed that. I'll be free soon.
Dec 7, 2016 8:42 PM
Jun 2016
Loved loved loved loved this epi....Victors introsepection about his life ...him putting his life and love on hod for 20 years...

Yuri buying that ring and them exchanging it.,...loved loved was them getting married/engaged....loved that to bits

Love the progress in Victor and Yuri's relationship....

Loved the ED alot those pics of his letting lose and him dancing with Victor, Yurino and Pole dancing with Chris...loved it and the best best best part other then the ring thing was the drunk Yuri asking Victor to be his coach after asking him to come to his home...that was just...and the look on Victors face...
Dec 7, 2016 8:57 PM

Jun 2011
This show is unreal and im crying and it's so beautiful!?!? I love how their relationship progressed, I never even imagined anything like this coming until episode 7 happened and just klasjdlkasjdaxlkd I'm so overwhelmed lsajkhdlaskdjsa

Dec 7, 2016 9:18 PM

Dec 2009
holy crap I got spoiled on twitter (i should've known to avoid it before i watch yuri because the trends shoot through the roof everytime a new episode is aired) so i kind of expected but doubted it BUT IT REALLY HAPPENED OH GOD MY LIFE IS COMPLETE I JUST CANNOT............ WHAT...... WHAT JUST HAPPENED... MY HANDS ARE SHAKING.. I HAVE TO TELL SOMEONE ABOUT MY FEELINGS T_____T I WANT TO SCREAM WITH THEM AND HOLD THEIR HANDS AND SPIN IN HAPPY CIRCLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OH GOD!

its so romantic i just cannot believe it.

also the ENDING with the pictures of yuuri dancing and POLE DANCING and THAT BEAUTIFUL DANCE WITH VICTOR HOLY CRAP.
the most hilarious and beautiful thing ever.
and the way victor's eyes sparkled when yuuri asked him (drunkedly indeed) to be his coach.... so that was the start of it all...

hot damn i think i need to rewatch this episode
Dec 7, 2016 9:25 PM

Mar 2014

plz end up being yaoi <3 <3
Dec 7, 2016 9:45 PM
Nov 2016
talewind said:
sooyong said:

Okay. *shrug*

You know what's really absurd? Whenever I say something that suggests that this series is open to multiple interpretations to encompass anyone's idea of love, no one listens.

As soon as I say something in direct disagreement to the popular opinion, suddenly people start responding. I'm glad to get people's attention by saying something trollish.

The fact that Viktor and Yuuri love each other is not an issue to me. I love seeing them together. What really pisses me off is that so many people are completely dismissive of the idea that this relationship carries the capacity to represent something different for someone else. Just because it's a "gay relationship" to one person doesn't mean it's representative as such to someone else.

I still think these two's love is something that encompasses more than just "omg they're dating" or "omg they're engaged." If that's what it looks like to you, that's totally fine! But why can't their bond represent a different kind of intimate relationship? Why does their relationship have to have a label?

And even though we've had one Japanese native in this forum express her opinion, and another Japanese friend of mind expressed the same view, and even though I've even thoroughly explained the complexity of Japanese sexuality and same-sex bonds, no one wants to even consider that maybe this anime that comes from a different country carries with it a culture that's different from our own.

I get how YOI is "making history" by depicting this close relationship and not labelling as BL. And I like that. However, I think it's disappointing that this series had the potential to be recognized for what it is--which is that it's open to multiple interpretations of love--but less popular opinions about Victuuri are still being declared as narrow-minded, homophobic, delusional, etc.

The thing is, people always play the "why can't this just be a special intimate bond between ~true friends~ uwu" card when the possibility of a queer relationship in fiction comes up, let alone the canonical fact of one. For one thing, it carries the implication that same-sex relationships and emotionally intimate friendships are mutually exclusive, and for another, more often than not it's an attempt to erase and invalidate same-sex relationships when they're already severely lacking in popular media. We saw it happen with Korra and Asami after the series finale of The Legend of Korra, and now we're seeing it happen again with Yuri!!! on Ice. But the thing is, emotionally intimate friendships and same-sex relationships aren't and shouldn't be mutually exclusive. It's generally considered a good thing when two people are friends and have some level of closeness before they become a couple. You can appreciate the emotional depth of Victor and Yuuri's relationship while also appreciating the existence of a same-sex couple in a relatively mainstream anime, a medium that's not well-known for featuring same-sex relationships that exist for more than audience titillation.

Thank you. :) Very well said!
Dec 7, 2016 10:00 PM

May 2015
Really cute episode. I'm happy for the both of them.
Dec 7, 2016 10:01 PM

May 2008
samazawa said:
zoze said:

There is no chemistry you said?!!??
Are we even watching the same show??

Hhmm, I think no. xD

Definitely not watching the same show tbh. The fact that after this episode there are still deniers when Victor himself said they were engagement rings, they were getting married, Yuri spent over 700 EUs (about $800+ USD and probably close to $900 CAD) on a ring that 'doesn't mean anything' flabbergasts me. Also that the receipt for the ring Yuri bought clearly says on it 'Wedding Ring'. And mind you..I think that was for ONE ring, so Victor bought the other and gave it to Yuri as a pair.

Let Victuri deniers be salty all they want. Won't get them anywhere. If this isn't their type of show, they can stop watching it. I'm seriously over these sort of denying comments I see everywhere online.

Dec 7, 2016 10:04 PM

Feb 2014
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.

Like............. How much in denial does one have to be to say this? Are you trolling or somethig? o-o
Dec 7, 2016 10:23 PM

Nov 2012
sooo where can i join yuri's angels? lmao
Dec 7, 2016 10:55 PM
Jun 2016
Viktor and Yuri so sweet 😘😚
I love this episode 😙😙
Dec 7, 2016 10:56 PM

Jul 2013
that look victor gave yuri when he was drunk and asking him to be is coach.. was it love at first sight??!?!?
and i spy a yurio x otabek???

this show is good i cry everyday
i don't want it to end
Dec 7, 2016 10:57 PM
Feb 2016
This is like a recap + more background information about some of the finalists of the grand prix competitor. It was a bit of an okay episode for me since there's not much stuff that seems new but the latter half is interesting. One of the plus point of this show is that it can manage to exceed fan's expectation when it comes to Yuuri and Viktor's relationship. I really wonder whether they'll be in a relationship by the end of the show. I do hope that Yuuri can win the gold medal so that Viktor can fulfill his promise of getting married with Yuuri (≧◡≦) ♡

Ooo~~ And that last part it seems that the video of Yuuri that Viktor watch at the 1st episode is just a push button for Viktor to really become Yuuri's coach. It's nice to see that unlike what we thought at first it was actually Yuuri who asks Viktor to become his coach first at the party. Nice job drunk Yuuri (>ω^)
missimperfectDec 7, 2016 11:01 PM
Dec 7, 2016 11:07 PM

Mar 2016
Just random thoughts here.

Okay, the ending drunks and the rings and the dinner was my favorite scenes. The drunk shots and ending really was the best part. They finally told the real reason behind Victor going to Yuri. Yuri should be drunk more often. He has such a nice bod and facial expression while pole dancing.

At first, I thought this episode was going to be a recap episode since Victor was narrating which would be crappy because nobody wants those especially since it's so close to the ending.

And is the anime trying to create a new shipping for Yurio?

I want a manga version for the ins and outs of Yuri and Victor's relationship developments that happens off screen. I want to know more.
Dec 7, 2016 11:11 PM

Mar 2008
Lmao so many idiot naysayers in here. Proposals and rings, nah they're nothing more than friends, clearly. Blind as fuck to be honest.
Dec 7, 2016 11:17 PM
May 2015
KashiBien said:
OfLove111 said:
Am I the only one going through my entire vocabulary, looking for words that begin with "L" in both English and Russian, trying to figure out what Viktor meant?

He meant life and love.

omg he explained the two words like literally after saying it xD
Dec 7, 2016 11:33 PM

Feb 2014
razisgosu said:
Lmao so many idiot naysayers in here. Proposals and rings, nah they're nothing more than friends, clearly. Blind as fuck to be honest.

They could show Victor balls deep in Yuuri on their wedding night and some people here would still say it's just what friends do. Just let them live in their little blind bubble.
Dec 7, 2016 11:49 PM

Oct 2016
Elika said:
I'm still cracking up over the fact that YUURI was the playboy in the Eros story all along. Yuuri is the one that came into Victor’s life, seduced him for a night, and left him behind, smitten and forgotten, leaving Victor with only memories and photos. All that time with Yuuri being like “I can’t play this role,” and Victor’s sitting there like “uh hell yeah you can”, and now we know for certain why he was sure of that.

The ending scene gives so much more meaning to the whole rest of the anime. I'll have to go back and watch them all again now (not that I'm complaining)
Dec 7, 2016 11:56 PM

Dec 2009
thirstyforlemon said:
sooyong said:
Did I watch a backwards video or something? Because I saw them put rings on each other's RIGHT hands, not left. Engagement/wedding rings go on the left hand.

I really think this was a trolling of sorts. I don't doubt that Victor and Yuuri are close, and I enjoyed seeing them make intimate gestures towards each other, but I thought the scene with the rings and the church bells was just too much.

Enjoy the "engagement" but I think it was just another step of fanservice and people are really taking the bait.

I thought in Russia they went on the right hand? I might be wrong on about that, but I did read it somewhere and I could double check with some of my Russian friends to clarify. I did wonder about that but, then again, the rings weren't part of the proposal- they lead to Viktor's proposal at the restaurant.

Yes in Russia they go on the ring finger on the right hand. THEY ARE MARRIED THERE'S NO DENYING IT. (just go google it if you don't believe it)
Dec 7, 2016 11:57 PM
Aug 2012
Wow, what a heart warming episode I loved that it was told by Viktor's point of view and we got to know more about him. And the rings?? I'm done with this show what's next I don't even know. Found it hilarious how when people asked about their rings Yuri's so shy about it and Viktor's just like "Yeah we're engaged" LOL.... Phichit's reaction is all of us right now XD Hilarious ending was NOT expecting that now it makes sense why Viktor and Yuri's relationship seemed weird in the beginning as complete strangers, but they weren't at all.

My only question for the episode was beach scene between Viktor and Yurio. Not sure why he went from nice to being mad again in one episode...maybe he's still upset that Viktor intends on staying with Yuri even after the GPF ends? Viktor also seems to be hiding something from his sad facial expressions and the previews. The suspense is killing me and I can't find any reason as why he seems so down :(
Dec 7, 2016 11:58 PM

Feb 2014

Damn this feels like a deja'vu!!
When someone asks me why I like anime, I'd say Just Because.

Dec 8, 2016 12:14 AM

May 2012

Dec 8, 2016 1:04 AM

Aug 2016
I have never been so amazed by an anime ever, especially after this episode. Like my heart was in my throat the whole time.

The ring thing, like I could NOT believe it was happening? I was in a daze xD. Although, I've been dragged along and left empty by romance animes SO many times that I almost NEED to see a legitimate, solid confession for my own sanity. Viktor saying something along the lines of:

PLEASE let this happen and be the finale. How amazing would that be? I just am struggling to see how Yuri will beat JJ :( I'm absolutely rooting for him though.

Otabek x Yurio =second fave ship.

The ending sequence. Yuri drunk is TOO much, I understand the drinking for confidence at social events, I do exactly that and usually end up like him xD. Its so beautiful to see in Viktors reaction when drunk Yuri was dry humping him and asking him to be his coach, you can see that he was taken back and this was probably the first thing that instilled his desire to coach Yuri. It makes me think of the scene of him watching Yuris performance on his phone, sat on his couch, where he looks deep in thought. It makes me think he hasn't been able to get Yuri off his mind since the party :)

Got damn the feels are real. Can't wait for next ep <3

Dec 8, 2016 1:06 AM

Nov 2013
Yuuri fiance confirmed ♥

Loved the episode, my feels, ah, and the ending was hilarious, love at first sight ♥

Dec 8, 2016 1:10 AM
Nov 2016
R3ficul said:

I am so happy for them <3

SAME THIS EPISODE GAVE ME SO MUCH LIFE until i realised how many episodes were left
Dec 8, 2016 1:11 AM

Aug 2016
minamis said:
razisgosu said:
Lmao so many idiot naysayers in here. Proposals and rings, nah they're nothing more than friends, clearly. Blind as fuck to be honest.

They could show Victor balls deep in Yuuri on their wedding night and some people here would still say it's just what friends do. Just let them live in their little blind bubble.

This. I laughed out loud. So true.

Dec 8, 2016 1:11 AM

Sep 2010
TheExplorer said:
So did Victor fall in love with Yuri at the party?

(Btw, Yuri as a stripper with Chris... my soul was not prepared)

I don't think anyone's soul was prepared for that - who knew Yuri had it in him to be that naughty? Though the pole dance part was probably Chris' idea
Dec 8, 2016 1:39 AM
Jun 2016
I just had a funny thought, if that wasn't really a engagement ring I can see the writers and such suddenly quickly trying to change the ending hheeh
Dec 8, 2016 1:56 AM

Dec 2012
aaaAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhHHHHHH AAHSDGJHKGLJ THEY GOT MARRIED FINALLY but still waiting for the frick frack
I love that Otabek guy so much,lmao the way he clapped when they announced the marriage. So precious
OH MY GOD AND THAT ENDING SERIOUSLY CRACKED ME. I lost when it when Yuri joined Chris in the pole dance
Dec 8, 2016 1:57 AM

Dec 2009

Dec 8, 2016 2:05 AM
Jun 2016
my main concerns is the words outside of vicktor talking about engagement it just looks like friendship :>
Dec 8, 2016 2:09 AM

Sep 2011
Helenus said:
Ok, again I have to be that one person in this thread: there were no romantic feelings involved in this episode. Not at all.

Kudos to the director to be a master of teasing. But no. Just no. This episode was the perfect example to show how they play everything 'romantic' as a joke. Just look how the whole tone changes when they bring the marriage thing up. Even in-universe they don't take it seriously. No gay-marriage, sorry. I totally doubt that there's love involved between Yuri and Victor. The ring is a token of appreciation. The narration made it clear.

Nonetheless it was an interesting episode. I really like Otabek. And the Yuri Plisetsky fangirls are quite an accurate representation of the YOI fandom.


P.S.: I'm convinced Chris is gay. 100%.

While I wouldn't say zero romantic feelings I do agree that there's a strong chance that the whole marriage thing wasn't serious. The way Victor said it made it sound like he was joking and the way everyone reacted made it seem like no one was taking it seriously.
Dec 8, 2016 2:09 AM
Dec 2015
SakurasouBusters said:
Not that i dont find this nice, since its very cool to have a developed gay romance in a mainstream title, but isnt gay marraige still illegal in Japan?

it's not wedding ring , it's lucky charm or engagement ring as Viktor said , and they're currently not in Japan , so ain't it perfect ? Damn just enjoy the moment
Dec 8, 2016 2:21 AM
Mar 2016
I got so excited when they went to buy the rings >_< I could feel it in the episode before that it had to be a ring (also my friend kept on shouting at me that they're gonna get married, which i hope they will). Also at the end when yuri was dancing with chris and the others, it was to funny! And then when he asked Victor to be his coach i felt like a new gate of information opened! I'm looking forward to the next episode very much!!
Dec 8, 2016 2:22 AM
Dec 2015

Just let it sink in , slowly , Viktor has been pining for Yuuri for a year
Dec 8, 2016 2:27 AM
Dec 2015
"You know you're in too deep when you fall for the hot drunk mess dry humping you." :''''))
Dec 8, 2016 2:29 AM

Dec 2015
Holy crap, we were all thinking "nah it can't be rings" last episode... They actually gave us rings. Amazing. And Phichit is adorable, the biggest Viktuuri shipper. This anime is truly making history.

Also that reveal at the end, that was unexpected. So now we know Yuri was really the seducer that left Viktor. Damn, what a plot twist - and yet foreshadowed so well with Chris' first meeting with Yuri this year, and some other little things. The writing in this is great.

The denial of the main pair's relationship in this thread is hilarious. Even if the last episode ended with a hot making out and making love session, I bet people will still find ways to deny it. I'm actually amazed by how some people think.
Dec 8, 2016 2:59 AM

Mar 2010
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?
Dec 8, 2016 3:28 AM

Apr 2016
Girlhinata13 said:
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?
Lol someone actually said that? I'd like to see how that'll turn out haha.
Dec 8, 2016 3:32 AM

Oct 2012
Girlhinata13 said:
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?

He was here. And apparently still in denial.
I wonder where's frigyesur as well..
zozeDec 8, 2016 4:43 AM
Dec 8, 2016 3:39 AM

Nov 2013
Dec 8, 2016 3:41 AM
Jul 2016
Girlhinata13 said:
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?

Maybe he's doing his research to find more proves and facts for more denials... Emm, or maybe he's tired and try to sleep a bit. Idk. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Stop acting so small. You are the universe in ecstatic motion.
Dec 8, 2016 3:44 AM

Nov 2013
Girlhinata13 said:
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?

Probably deleted it already XD
Dec 8, 2016 4:06 AM

Jan 2011
Heh, real life figure skater Oda Nobunari doing the preview. Fun fact, he's a direct descendant of Oda Nobunaga.
Dec 8, 2016 4:28 AM

Mar 2015
what kind of plot twist,,,,,,,,

literally so many things make sense now i cannot!!! w/ yuuri!!! first of all yuuri was the one who invited victor (1) to hasetsu and (2) to be his coach,,,,,, yuuri was the playboy in the eros program all along lmao (also, how does one pole-dance w/ christophe and then forget about it,,,, yuuri pls)

honestly shitfaced yuuri has the best ideas, and we are all blessed

ep 8 (the kiss) > ep 9 ('like a marriage proposal', he said) > ep 10 (engagement rings)

so by way of logic,,,,,, > ep 11&12 (marriage, honeymoon,,, getting a house together,,, me, dead,,, :) can't wait!!!)

Dec 8, 2016 4:30 AM

Jun 2010
About engagement, I still have doubts if this is true.
Dec 8, 2016 4:30 AM

Sep 2010
DenzRui said:
Girlhinata13 said:
Hey where is the guy who said he would delete his mal account if VictorxYuuri became canon?

Probably deleted it already XD

or going back on his promise
Dec 8, 2016 4:55 AM
Sep 2016
This blew me away. Literally.....
It went from a gift to an engagement to a marriage ring.
Dec 8, 2016 5:15 AM

Sep 2015
Too bad there's not a score higher than 10 in MAL. This one is a 20 in my heart, oh gosh.
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