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Nov 13, 2016 12:54 AM

Nov 2011
It's nice to see Reiji dueling this episode with his mass summoning combos.
I think Reira actually did decent in his duel. Didn't expect much from his originally (I mean, he is battling against REIJI).

Regarding Yugo's duel, it's interesting to see the way he tried to counter Yuri's strategy although it's really a struggle with the way the got outplayed in the end. GG Yugo :((
Nov 13, 2016 1:06 AM

Sep 2011
I'll write something after I've grabbed some Yuri pics lol.
I think this episode was:

Press F to pay respects for Yugo, poor banana. That Yuri in the preview though - "oh you two are related? well then, i'l let your son see when I murder you!" - that's some great stuff man. And that's what I've been waiting for: the upcoming Yuya vs Yuri! It's gonna be pretty crazy in the recording room for Onoken lol.

Poor Yuzus disappearing one after another ;__; next time we have Ruri going in. However I think since Ray isn't fully awakened yet, she could be actually mad towards her father - for creating an almost endless loop; if both get revived, Ray will just defeat Zarc and divide the dimensions once again (if it's possible this time, though).
RukaliiniNov 15, 2016 2:20 PM
>tfw Youtube can't let me have nice things

Nov 13, 2016 1:28 AM
Jun 2011
so far reiji vs reira dual is great and i hope they will switch between yusho vs yuri to reiji and reira dual next episode
Nov 13, 2016 2:21 AM
Apr 2013
Reiji vs Reira Duel is great! It also shows how much Reira has grown and becomes independent! Though it still pains me that Reira decides to support Leo's plan of reviving Ray and unite the four dimensions. And Ray...I'm really starting to get disappointed in her because she looks she is also supporting Leo's plan regardless of the means. I really wish they'll prove me wrong in future episodes...

Yuri vs Yugo, on the other be honest I personally not quite satisfied. Not because Yugo lost, but because it doesn't feel like a full Duel. When they started, they got interrupted by Edo and Kaito, and in this episode the first half of the episode is Reiji vs Reira. I wished their Duel would be a full episode Duel. I didn't feel a strong impact when watching Yugo lost like that.

Why the writers spent so much episodes for the Duel against Battle Beast, but didn't do the same for Yugo and Yuri who are definitely more important and connected to the plot? And they are also more likeable characters in my book.
Nov 13, 2016 2:56 AM
Jun 2011
Frost190 said:
Reiji vs Reira Duel is great! It also shows how much Reira has grown and becomes independent! Though it still pains me that Reira decides to support Leo's plan of reviving Ray and unite the four dimensions. And Ray...I'm really starting to get disappointed in her because she looks she is also supporting Leo's plan regardless of the means. I really wish they'll prove me wrong in future episodes...

Yuri vs Yugo, on the other be honest I personally not quite satisfied. Not because Yugo lost, but because it doesn't feel like a full Duel. When they started, they got interrupted by Edo and Kaito, and in this episode the first half of the episode is Reiji vs Reira. I wished their Duel would be a full episode Duel. I didn't feel a strong impact when watching Yugo lost like that.

Why the writers spent so much episodes for the Duel against Battle Beast, but didn't do the same for Yugo and Yuri who are definitely more important and connected to the plot? And they are also more likeable characters in my book.
why you go back to BB dual. i already forgot about this fool. beside they always switch between battles like they did with yugo vs yuri. i wont be suprised if they will switch between yuri vs yusho to reiji vs reira sometimes during the dual
Nov 13, 2016 3:25 AM

Oct 2016
The first duel was nice, but the second one not so much. It felt like it was cut short for some reason, and I would've had more sympathy for it if it continued in some of the next episodes. The moment when Yuri steals Clear Wing's effect and uses it the same way Yugo does against him, would've been more dramatic and shocking if the duel was longer, but now it felt just meh like the rest of the duel... especially after the whole ''Kaito and Edo joining the Duel build-up'' the previous episode.

Going back to Reira vs Reiji... Reiji seemed out of character after Reira survived that turn, probably because he didn't even expect Reira to do anything against him. Also, what's up with Ray, I just can't figure out what she wants.

Next up is Yuri vs Yushou... the way this is going, Yushou isn't going to win honestly, and Yuya will just go mad again after he sees his father getting carded and will duel Yuri, which will lead to Zarc recombining no matter who wins that duel. The only thing I'm interested in now is if Yuri absorbs Yugo, will he use Clear Wing and Tuners?
Nov 13, 2016 3:29 AM
Jun 2011
Tigerdrenalin said:
The first duel was nice, but the second one not so much. It felt like it was cut short for some reason, and I would've had more sympathy for it if it continued in some of the next episodes. The moment when Yuri steals Clear Wing's effect and uses it the same way Yugo does against him, would've been more dramatic and shocking if the duel was longer, but now it felt just meh like the rest of the duel... especially after the whole ''Kaito and Edo joining the Duel build-up'' the previous episode.

Going back to Reira vs Reiji... Reiji seemed out of character after Reira survived that turn, probably because he didn't even expect Reira to do anything against him. Also, what's up with Ray, I just can't figure out what she wants.

Next up is Yuri vs Yushou... the way this is going, Yushou isn't going to win honestly, and Yuya will just go mad again after he sees his father getting carded and will duel Yuri, which will lead to Zarc recombining no matter who wins that duel. The only thing I'm interested in now is if Yuri absorbs Yugo, will he use Clear Wing and Tuners?
also if edo and kaito didnt joined yugo had high chance to win
Nov 13, 2016 3:44 AM

Oct 2016
elior1 said:
also if edo and kaito didnt joined yugo had high chance to win

Yeah, since Yugo had all sorts of cards wasted on Kaito and Edo, especially that Shuriken Hurricane which could've been used to bounce Starve Venom's effect damage back at Yuri.
Nov 13, 2016 5:02 AM
Apr 2013
Tigerdrenalin said:
The first duel was nice, but the second one not so much. It felt like it was cut short for some reason, and I would've had more sympathy for it if it continued in some of the next episodes. The moment when Yuri steals Clear Wing's effect and uses it the same way Yugo does against him, would've been more dramatic and shocking if the duel was longer, but now it felt just meh like the rest of the duel... especially after the whole ''Kaito and Edo joining the Duel build-up'' the previous episode.

The only thing I'm interested in now is if Yuri absorbs Yugo, will he use Clear Wing and Tuners?

Glad to know I'm not the only one who thinks the same about the second Duel. Yugo's lost really lacked impact because they switch between battles in one episode and then continue it in next episode. If it's not possible to be longer, I think at least having one full episode dedicated to their Duel is also good enough.

Now that Yugo lost, I'm asking the same question as you are. When I saw Yugo, Kaito, and Edo's names are in the cast list of next week's episode, I thought this mean the three of them somehow survived. but after watching the PV, looking at the black aura surrounding Yuri, Yusho's statement, and Yugo and the others are not shown in the throne room, the possibility of Yugo being absorbed and Edo, Kaito, and Sora got carded by Yuri are high...
Nov 13, 2016 12:29 PM
Sep 2014
Yuri vs Yugo was pretty much everything you don't do for a hyped up duel between relevant characters. The dumb playing right into their ace dragons with them following that by doing nothing for 3 episodes but stand around chanting and being ignored in favor of less interesting plotlines, to having characters who had no business intruding getting involved and all but ensuring that Yugo would have lost quicker than he would have had they just went ahead with the duel without any Zarc nonsense or legacy character interference. That said the conclusion was good, they messed up a lot about the duel between these two but Yuri winning the way he did was definitely not one of them.

Yuzu and Standard being the first to disappear should have been a lot more emotional than it was, if there was ever a time to show the Standard cast one last time before the finale than here would have been it. As for Akaba vs Reira, I have no real opinion on it in general. The reason for the duel while not the worst lacks weight and feels empty when neither of the two ever even knew about Ray or met her before, which ties into Arc-V's lack of meaningful interactions among most of the cast in general. The animation was top notch though so it was definitely better than last week's episode.

Yuri vs Yusho should be good, especially if it leads to the much anticipated Yuri vs Yuya duel as it should, the writers better go all out with that one. Oh and for the love of Ra can Yuri start playing more fusions than just his dragons? It's embarrassing that the supposed Fusion counterpart has half as many Fusions as Yuya. This is most definitely going to be Yuri's last hoorah so might as well have him shill more Predator Plants before he goes.
Nov 13, 2016 6:04 PM
Feb 2016
Welp Yuri just continues to solidify why he's my favorite character of the show. But DANG IT, Reiji basically lost, he's my SECOND favorite. I really didn't want Reira to win that one...

Still, both Duels were quite good. Yuri beating Yugo with essentially his own card was PERFECT.
Nov 13, 2016 7:02 PM
Sep 2012
We are getting closer and closer to Zarc I can feel it.

Reijiu vs Reria, it is funny Rejiu is mad at Reria going against him, at the same time he is sort of glad he has gained independent mind, when that happens you can gain a disagreements that is the price. Is that really Ray talking to Reria, or some kind of trick, could Zarc playing with people's minds? I am going to give Ray the benefit of the doubt, she wants to comeback, beat Zarc, and than split herself up again. Everything would be easier if people just talked things out, but it wouldn't be Yu Gi Oh, we settle things with duels, not conversation.

I am sure Reijiu is going to win, but Reria might get a moral victory of achieving his objective by buying some time, I am sure what they going to here.

Meanwhile Yugo you give it you all, and I am real impressed, but you are facing a psychopath here in Yuri, Yuri he is just scary. And he is just 1 / 4 of Zarc, heaven how scary how Zarc is, he has a lot to live up to when compared to Yuri, even Leo is scared of him.

Next episode, father vs son's doppleganger, must be tough for Yusho to fight someone with the face of his son, after everything Yuri has done, no holding back.

Anyway I think Yuri and Yugo are merge, and we are one step away from Zarc.
Nov 13, 2016 8:29 PM
Jan 2013
Um, Reiji? Now is the time for you to grab action card like, you know, every other lancers except Gongenzaka? or you'll decide to lose to make room for Yuri and Yusho's duel? OK...

Oh well, at least we have some Yuri and Yusho duel next episode
Nov 14, 2016 3:01 AM

Feb 2013
The most boring duel is one that Reiji starts, we have to wait almost 10 minutes for his summons.
Yuri defeated Yugo.
Nov 14, 2016 3:05 AM

Sep 2016
wow thank you edo and kaito for blowing all yugo's trap cards!
and reiji duel is always waste of time with his all summoning screen time smh

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Nov 14, 2016 1:07 PM

Mar 2014
Yuri is soloing everyone, I love it! xD

Ulquiorra said:
The most boring duel is one that Reiji starts, we have to wait almost 10 minutes for his summons.
Yuri defeated Yugo.

Agreed, almost all Reiji battles are a complete waste of time, the only one that didn't felt refill is the first one vs Yuya (maybe because using the 3 summon methods were unique in that time).
Nov 14, 2016 1:30 PM

Jul 2016
Yuri OP, besides that, this episode was really good, although Reiji vs Reira wasn't as entertaining because Reiji always has to summon his XYZ/Fusion/Synchro and becomes boring as hell (Just like real life :D)
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Nov 14, 2016 6:52 PM

Oct 2011
Reira surpassing Reiji omg
Yugo noooooo
Nov 15, 2016 9:13 AM

Jul 2016
Just like what I thought... Yugo lost... so, is Yugo going to disappear and absorbed by Yuri? Let's find out in the next episode.
Nov 27, 2016 9:34 AM

Jan 2013
I facepalmed so hard when Reira was about to challenge Reiji ... they're literally just trying to find every oppurtunity to let someone fight / have a duel.
Anyhow, still rooting for the revival of Ray, that would mean Zarc will most likely get revived aswell though.
Apr 15, 2019 2:43 AM

Dec 2012
Roll credits!
Roll credits!
Reira dreaming about a naked Ray.
Reira challenges Reiji to a duel?
Roll credits!
Yuzu got transferred.
Roll credits!
Pure Ray.
Ray appears.
Back to Yugo vs Yuri.
Yuri has the same card?
Yugo lost.
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Aug 14, 2020 5:45 PM

Feb 2014
DD Brownie
Reiji does his turn with all forms of summoning again.
Oct 23, 2024 11:34 PM

Sep 2017
i think its a lose lose situation, even if edo and kite didn't interfere. let's say they didn't interfere, Yugo wins, Yugo is possessed and fuses with Yuri if Kite and Edo hasn't interfered.

Yugo would be extremely OP and will probably beat kite and edo after fuse. then goes to yuya and fuses.

but the results looks to be the same if edo and kite has interfered, Yugo loses and Yuri is gana absorb him i think.
either way, Something bad is gana happen to Yugo and probably will fuse with Yuri.

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