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Oct 16, 2016 2:12 AM

Nov 2011
Oh finally, the Professor is going to duel? Of course, I would of expected to see it someday whether it was sooner or later. Decent buildup, pacing feels a little sluggish but I'm pretty excited for the next few episodes.
Oct 16, 2016 3:17 AM
Jun 2011
this was great episode.we finally learned why and how the world and the yuzus was split into 4
Oct 16, 2016 3:36 AM

Oct 2016
Finally, Yuya reunites with Yusho, and also the Doktor gets carded because Leo had enough of him.

It was the earth's natural forces that made up the bracelets (Flowers - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Ice - Rin, Animals - Ruri).

KaibaCorp Duel Disks in Standard... interesting.

The Fusion machine is finally revealed to the public and it contains Arc-V energy necessary for Revival Zero, the revival of the Original Dimension and Ray.

Leo finally acknowledges Reiji, but only so that he can help him destroy Yuya (Zarc). Reiji refuses because of egao.

Can't wait to see what Leo will use in his duel... I always thought it was going to be some A/A/A, or D/D/D just like Reiji, but the next episode's title says "Spirit Deck Force"... so, Spirit monsters?

Also, the Yuzus start fusing next episode, and Yuya and Yuto go Zarc again.
Oct 16, 2016 5:50 AM
Jul 2015
are ruri,rin,serena and yuzu reos daughter since reo confirmed that all of them are ray.i really miss the doctor and leo carding him looks really hilarious to me but i am glad the doctor didnt get egaoed and he suffered the similar fate as roger.if the bracelet girls are leos daughter then that means they are also related to reiji and they could be reijis younger sister.could reiji be ruris true older brother and not shun.shun could be her adopted brother.once the counterparts get married reiji is going to be the uncle to all of the counterparts children
Oct 16, 2016 8:16 AM
Apr 2013
Tigerdrenalin said:
Finally, Yuya reunites with Yusho, and also the Doktor gets carded because Leo had enough of him.

It was the earth's natural forces that made up the bracelets (Flowers - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Ice - Rin, Animals - Ruri).

Correction: Flower - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Wind - Rin, and Bird - Ruri. They are based from Japanese proverb "Kachou Fuugetsu" that represents the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics.

saeryukgki said:
are ruri,rin,serena and yuzu reos daughter since reo confirmed that all of them are ray.i really miss the doctor and leo carding him looks really hilarious to me but i am glad the doctor didnt get egaoed and he suffered the similar fate as roger.if the bracelet girls are leos daughter then that means they are also related to reiji and they could be reijis younger sister.could reiji be ruris true older brother and not shun.shun could be her adopted brother.once the counterparts get married reiji is going to be the uncle to all of the counterparts children

I was hoping the Doctor got sent to the void between dimensions since he can change back to normal if he was simply carded, but I guess I have to be satisfied with the Doctor won't appear again. No, the bracelet girls are not Leo's daughter. Ray is Leo's daughter, but the bracelet girls are not related by blood with Leo in anyway. When Ray and Zarc clashed, both of their souls are split and reborn in the four dimensions. To be precise, it's like reincarnation. Yuya, Yuzu, and the others have Zarc and Ray's souls inside them, but that's just it. They are simply carrying their souls within them, in the end, Yuya, Yuzu and the others are still different people from Zarc and Ray.
Oct 16, 2016 9:17 AM

Oct 2016
Frost190 said:
Tigerdrenalin said:

It was the earth's natural forces that made up the bracelets (Flowers - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Ice - Rin, Animals - Ruri).

Correction: Flower - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Wind - Rin, and Bird - Ruri. They are based from Japanese proverb "Kachou Fuugetsu" that represents the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics.

I've tried looking "Kachou Fuugetsu" up, but the top results are always some yaoi manga with that same name. So sorry about not having the correct info.
Oct 16, 2016 10:02 AM
Apr 2013
Tigerdrenalin said:
Frost190 said:

Correction: Flower - Yuzu, Moon - Serena, Wind - Rin, and Bird - Ruri. They are based from Japanese proverb "Kachou Fuugetsu" that represents the traditional themes of natural beauty in Japanese aesthetics.

I've tried looking "Kachou Fuugetsu" up, but the top results are always some yaoi manga with that same name. So sorry about not having the correct info.

You can see it here. When I searched it for the first time, it also end up the same as you until I searched it in Japanese.
Oct 16, 2016 10:42 AM

Sep 2011
Take a shot every time someone says "hitotsu ni" or "four dimensions!! four copies!!" :D

Anyways I'd say a great episode this time as well. Yuya's reunion was cute (at least it had some meaning too! ...unlike in the last series), and Leo's actually just a sad man who made genocide, destruction and kidnapping young girls happen.

Thank you Arc-V for what you did to doctor!! It was awesome.

"Plz join with me Reiji, do it for your older sister!" haha. Also Reiji reverted to using "boku" for a while instead of the usual "watashi"! Dunno if nobody else catched that, but it was a nice add.
>tfw Youtube can't let me have nice things

Oct 16, 2016 2:30 PM

Feb 2013
Yuya is Zarc and Yuzu is Ray, I wonder how this will end.
Oct 16, 2016 3:08 PM
Dec 2014
Since they explained what arc v stand for,would this mean this is the last arc in the anime?
Oct 16, 2016 5:42 PM
Nov 2012
Watching the doctor get carded was weird, as i was expecting him to actually duel. I wonder what deck the professor will use.
Oct 16, 2016 6:17 PM
Sep 2012
The Doctor got cared come on, he deserved worst, he deserved a butt kicking first. I can at least take in comfort that probably after everyone is un carded, he will go to jail.

I am glad that the brainwashing is gone, the girls have free will again even though they are captive, so no Yuya vs evil Yuzu duel, darn it, I guess the only way they will duel will be for Yuya to be the villain, which looks like it is very possible, I am cool with that.

So we finally get confirmed Ray is Leo's daughter and is Yuzu and the girl combine sort of, while Zarc is Yuya and the boy combined, kind of what I thought.

I understand why Leo was upset losing his daughter and all, but the way he treats her reincarnations is terrible, and yes this is reincarnation we are dealing with, so nope Yuzu is not adapted, Shuzo is still her father, and Shuzgoi deserved to punch Leo in the face, Shun is still Ruri's brother, so the short lived Shun / Ruri ship is dead.

So everyone's memories were erased automatically, but Leo got his memories back slowly. Is Ray, Himika's daughter, or did Leo remarry, Himika and Ray do have similar hair color, so who knows, maybe we will find out.

I am glad Reiji didn't turn on Yuya, first of all it would a bad thing to do for his character and he and Jack are the only duelist to beat Yuya, so it would be a major blow to us.

Why is Leo so scared of Yuya, wants him dead, while he lets Yuri work for him, that is not fair, double standard much, Yuya has shown he is not like Zarc, while Yuri had inherited Zarc's evil personality. I do think down the line, Leo wants Yuri dead as well.

Great episode, can't wait for the next one.
Oct 16, 2016 6:29 PM
Feb 2016
This episode was even better than the last one--and I'd been RIDICULOUSLY hyped for 126. This was just, so great. I'm a bit confused about how Ray and the Akabas are all related (like, I know Reira was adopted by Himika after Leo abandoned her, but is Reiji also adopted and who is Ray's mother?), but other than that I am now very very hyped for my second favorite character in the show FINALLY getting to Duel again.
Oct 16, 2016 7:15 PM

Oct 2011
mind blowing episode. Ray and Zarc reincarnated onfg.

Yusho about pull out Dennis Card!!!????
AnimeFan500Oct 16, 2016 7:22 PM
Oct 16, 2016 9:32 PM
Apr 2013
How can't Yuya be Yusho's son? The timeline doesn't add up.

When Leo just came to standard dimension, he didn't have a wife and son, and he already met Yusho at the time. He only married Himika and have Reiji much later on.
Reiji is certainly much older than Yuya, so Yuya couldn't have been born at the moment when the standard dimension was created, but rather at least more than a decade later. Same thing with Yuzu too.


Why is Yuya in his normal state of mind? Just last episode he was under the influence of Zarc when Yugo and Yuri summoned their dragons. It's weird he's not in berserk mode right now since Yuri and Yugo hasn't finished their duel yet.

And I hope the writers explain Yuya's pendulum soon.


Don't you find it odd that Leo makes Yuri his personal subordinate this entire time? If Yuri is so dangerous, why didn't he card Yuri during sleep? Every one in the academy has to submit to the medical and mental experiments. He has every opportunity to cripple/kill/card Yuri, and yet he did absolutely nothing, and instead he raised Yuri to be the same kind of killer like Zarc was.

It's not rocket science. If the bad guy is split into 4 pieces, you take out 1 and you save the world.
Oct 16, 2016 10:51 PM
Apr 2013
Deathsaurus said:
How can't Yuya be Yusho's son? The timeline doesn't add up.

When Leo just came to standard dimension, he didn't have a wife and son, and he already met Yusho at the time. He only married Himika and have Reiji much later on.
Reiji is certainly much older than Yuya, so Yuya couldn't have been born at the moment when the standard dimension was created, but rather at least more than a decade later. Same thing with Yuzu too.

It was never mentioned that Yuya and the others were born immediately after the dimension got split. Just because Zarc and Ray got split together with the four dimensions, it doesn't mean they were reborn immediately afterwards. When Leo and Yusho met each other and developed Real Solid Vision, I'm sure they were not married yet.
Oct 16, 2016 10:53 PM
Apr 2013
Yeah, Yuya's mom met with Yusho after Yusho already mastered action duel.

I am not sure if it's a translation thing or what not, but when Leo said Yuya is not Yusho's son, that just doesn't make sense to me.
Oct 16, 2016 11:20 PM
Apr 2013
Deathsaurus said:
Yeah, Yuya's mom met with Yusho after Yusho already mastered action duel.

I am not sure if it's a translation thing or what not, but when Leo said Yuya is not Yusho's son, that just doesn't make sense to me.

From my own interpretation, I think Leo said "Yuya is your son but at the same time he is not." I think Leo means to say that Yuya is indeed Yusho's blood-related son, but Zarc within Yuya (and his counterparts) is not.
Oct 17, 2016 2:34 AM
Jan 2013
Finally that doktor gets what he deserves! Is it wrong to wish for worse fate than getting carded?
Speaking of doktor's fate, does that mean carding is irreversible since they'll be used as life energy for dimension merging or something? Except Reiji successing in finding a way to uncard people that is...

It's kinda funny to see Yuya suddenly saying "Ruri! I'll definitely save you!" without anyone wondering why, and the fact that Rin has no one who knows her so she is kinda ignored by almost everyone

Leo, I think you should take note during Yuya's duel against Serena and Ruri that harming the girls in front of him will make him go berserk, you're basically reviving the same demon want to destroy!

Yuya's reunion with Yusho and Yuzu (again) is cute though
Oct 17, 2016 4:32 AM

Mar 2012
Now there are several idea on how final duel will be:

1) Ultimate entertainment battle between Yuya vs Yusho
2) One on one between "Hitotsu ni" Yuya vs "Hitotsu ni" Yuzu
3) Four on one between Yuzu's vs "Hitotsu ni" Yuya
4) Four man brawl between Yuya vs Yuto vs Yuugo vs Yuri
5) Yuya vs Reiji

Now that's a lot of possibility with near equal chance. Personally I'm fond of number third.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Oct 17, 2016 5:41 AM

Sep 2016
lol it's weird that dimension split into 4 and the people acting as if nothing really happened at all

Hey guys check my profile for current airing season anime recommendation (guaranteed best taste)
Oct 17, 2016 6:42 AM
Jan 2014
NeoAnkara said:
Now there are several idea on how final duel will be:

1) Ultimate entertainment battle between Yuya vs Yusho
2) One on one between "Hitotsu ni" Yuya vs "Hitotsu ni" Yuzu
3) Four on one between Yuzu's vs "Hitotsu ni" Yuya
4) Four man brawl between Yuya vs Yuto vs Yuugo vs Yuri
5) Yuya vs Reiji

Now that's a lot of possibility with near equal chance. Personally I'm fond of number third.

I believe the final one will be Ray vs Zarc
Oct 17, 2016 7:05 AM
Apr 2013
GangsterCat said:
lol it's weird that dimension split into 4 and the people acting as if nothing really happened at all

Leo experienced amnesia, so maybe the same also goes for the people when they were reborn in the four dimensions?
Oct 17, 2016 12:17 PM

Jul 2016
Leo's plan has many holes, I don't see it working at any rate, at least the writers explained (vaguely) why he needs so many carded people.
Around the gif~
"It's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car"
- Shiori Takatsuki
Oct 18, 2016 8:02 AM

Jul 2016
woah, it's just get more interesting, I love it.
Oct 18, 2016 4:20 PM
Sep 2012
The more I think about it, the more I want the Akabas to adapt Serena at the end of the series. The Akabas can in a way get what Professor the void in the family filled, though Leo while I think he will be redeemed, I think he will be punished either he will die or be imprisoned for his crimes, perhaps his final wish after he realizes how he screwed up again and what a jerk he was to Serena, to Reji is for them to adapt Serena.

Besides if that had their memories Leo is not the only one who misses Ray, I am sure Reiji and Himika would have missed her to, they loved her just as much as he did. Anyway it seems Serena is the only one of the bracelet girls that has no where to go after this is over, Yuzu and Ruri have families, Rin at the very least has a home to come to, also it would be funny to see Reiji and Serena who is the older sibling. BTW when Reiji gets his memories back, I want to see flashbacks of Ray and little Reiji. Reiji did follow in his big sisters without even knowing.
Oct 18, 2016 8:10 PM
Apr 2013
blfan said:
The more I think about it, the more I want the Akabas to adapt Serena at the end of the series. The Akabas can in a way get what Professor the void in the family filled, though Leo while I think he will be redeemed, I think he will be punished either he will die or be imprisoned for his crimes, perhaps his final wish after he realizes how he screwed up again and what a jerk he was to Serena, to Reji is for them to adapt Serena.

Besides if that had their memories Leo is not the only one who misses Ray, I am sure Reiji and Himika would have missed her to, they loved her just as much as he did. Anyway it seems Serena is the only one of the bracelet girls that has no where to go after this is over, Yuzu and Ruri have families, Rin at the very least has a home to come to, also it would be funny to see Reiji and Serena who is the older sibling. BTW when Reiji gets his memories back, I want to see flashbacks of Ray and little Reiji. Reiji did follow in his big sisters without even knowing.

Leo married Himika AFTER the dimensions were split into four. When Leo and Yusho were developing Real Solid Vision together, I'm sure they're not married yet. So neither Himika nor Reiji know anything about Ray. Plus, if Reiji was already born at Original Dimension, he won't be 16 years old right now, he will be older.
Miya190Oct 18, 2016 8:22 PM
Oct 18, 2016 8:40 PM
Sep 2012
Frost190 said:
blfan said:
The more I think about it, the more I want the Akabas to adapt Serena at the end of the series. The Akabas can in a way get what Professor the void in the family filled, though Leo while I think he will be redeemed, I think he will be punished either he will die or be imprisoned for his crimes, perhaps his final wish after he realizes how he screwed up again and what a jerk he was to Serena, to Reji is for them to adapt Serena.

Besides if that had their memories Leo is not the only one who misses Ray, I am sure Reiji and Himika would have missed her to, they loved her just as much as he did. Anyway it seems Serena is the only one of the bracelet girls that has no where to go after this is over, Yuzu and Ruri have families, Rin at the very least has a home to come to, also it would be funny to see Reiji and Serena who is the older sibling. BTW when Reiji gets his memories back, I want to see flashbacks of Ray and little Reiji. Reiji did follow in his big sisters without even knowing.

Leo married Himika AFTER the dimensions were split into four. When Leo and Yusho were developing Real Solid Vision together, I'm sure they're not married yet. So neither Himika nor Reiji know anything about Ray. Plus, if Reiji was already born at Original Dimension, he won't be 16 years old right now, he will be older.

I don't think so because Reiji is older than Yuya, Yuzu, and all their counterparts. I am pretty sure right after the dimensional split happened Ray and Zarc reincarnation was born shortly their after.

Besides look at Himika and look at Ray, tell me they are not mother / daughter?
Oct 18, 2016 9:21 PM
Apr 2013
blfan said:
Frost190 said:

Leo married Himika AFTER the dimensions were split into four. When Leo and Yusho were developing Real Solid Vision together, I'm sure they're not married yet. So neither Himika nor Reiji know anything about Ray. Plus, if Reiji was already born at Original Dimension, he won't be 16 years old right now, he will be older.

I don't think so because Reiji is older than Yuya, Yuzu, and all their counterparts. I am pretty sure right after the dimensional split happened Ray and Zarc reincarnation was born shortly their after.

Besides look at Himika and look at Ray, tell me they are not mother / daughter?

Reiji is confirmed to be sixteen years old in the official website, only two years difference from Yuya and Yuzu:

Which means in episode 41, that shows the flashback of Reiji going to Academia three years ago, he was 13 years old, and that makes Yuya and Yuzu were 11 years old. And look how young Yusho is when he developed Real Solid Vision technology with Leo in a small lab and the fact that when he first met Yoko Real Solid Vision technology were already used, that means Yusho met Leo and both developed Real Solid Vision before Yusho got married to Yoko. And since there are only two years difference between Reiji and Yuya, that means there's no way Reiji was already born in Original Dimensiona and there's no way Yuya and the others were born shortly after the four dimensions were split. The timeline doesn't add up. They must've been born a few years after the dimensions got split up.
Miya190Oct 18, 2016 9:39 PM
Oct 18, 2016 10:07 PM

Mar 2014
you know things are getting serious when TITLE DROP!!!!!!

Also, glad we're past the BB parts...jeez. Not even ZA KINGU could save that
Oct 19, 2016 11:08 PM

Jan 2014
Wow. Everything actually makes sense now. The only real remaining question is how Yuya sporadically created Pendulums in episode 1.

Not gonna lie, I'm pleasantly surprised. I didn't expect there to be an actually legitimate explanation for everything, considering how inconsistent the show's writing has gotten.

I do have one complaint: the "merging" of the four Yuya's that seemed to be happening at the end of last episode stopped super abruptly, for reasons I can't tell. That was weird.
Oct 20, 2016 12:56 PM
Apr 2013
Here's one thing I don't get about the 3 dimensions beside standard. What makes standard dimension special from synchro, xyz, or fusion?

When the dimensions were split into 4, the other 3 are not supposed to have standard monsters, right? But how can that even be a thing? You have to have standard monsters to synchro, xyz, or fusion. Because standard is so essential, there's nothing special about it. Standard dimension doesn't have its own unique thing from synchro, xyz, or fusion until pendulum summoning showed up.

So are the other dimensions not supposed to be able to tribute summon monsters or something?
Oct 24, 2016 12:21 AM

Mar 2013
This episode's pacing was all but sluggish. In fact it completely exceeded my expectations.
I was beginning to think that we'd be getting another extremely redundant dual that'd also be explaining Leo's ambitions along the dual, which is annoying to say the least considering how much a cop-out it'd be to what is the most crucial information of the show.

Instead, For the first time in who knows how long, we've been given a thorough explanation to something without the use of a dual. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. In fact this makes two episodes straight without a dual, something I thought this show would have never been able to accomplish.

5/5 episode
Happy Halloween
Nov 27, 2016 9:03 AM

Jan 2013
PDot19 said:
This episode's pacing was all but sluggish. In fact it completely exceeded my expectations.
I was beginning to think that we'd be getting another extremely redundant dual that'd also be explaining Leo's ambitions along the dual, which is annoying to say the least considering how much a cop-out it'd be to what is the most crucial information of the show.

Instead, For the first time in who knows how long, we've been given a thorough explanation to something without the use of a dual. I can't tell you how happy that makes me. In fact this makes two episodes straight without a dual, something I thought this show would have never been able to accomplish.

5/5 episode

Took the words out of my mouth, I like the Yugioh series but having a useless fight every single episode is kinda what made the series boring.
Not just Arc-V but the entire series.

Kinda rooting for the professor to be honest, I understand that Yuya, Yuzu etc feel like they're just themselves but the world was originally just 1 dimension.
Dec 14, 2016 5:07 AM

Jul 2010
Great build-up. I didn't expect such good explanation for ygo series. It's getting better and better everytime I watch more.
I wonder if it's going to end soon
Feb 6, 2018 4:34 PM

Jul 2012
張大です for 張大勇督察
Dec 15, 2018 9:51 AM

May 2016

Revival Zero is Divine Temple 2.0
Apr 1, 2019 2:43 AM

Dec 2012
Yuya appears.
Yuya is reunited with Yushou.
Yuya is Yushou's son, but also not his son? Yuya okaasan got some explaining to do.
Ruri! Selena!
Doktor got carded.
4 cards?
She took his cards.
Leo had a daughter? Her name is Ray. Ray. Rei-ji. Oh snap.
Ray confronts Zarc.
4 bracelets.
Ray split into 4.
Dem Battle City Duel Disks.
They are the reincarnation of Ray.
Combine them back into Ray?
Arc-V? He said the name of the show! Roll credits!
They said Arc-V. Roll credits!
Roll credits.
Roll credits.
Revival Zero!
Zarc was reborn as 4 people as well.
Yuya is a version of Zarc.
Dat ending! Reiji and Yuya vs Leo. Duel!
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Aug 12, 2020 5:05 PM

Feb 2014
The doctor was bad, but Leo Akaba is even worse, and transformed him into a card.
But at leas that freed the girls from the mind control.
All this shit just to get his daughter back, that's some fatherly love.
Ah, that's why Yuya goes evil form every now and then.
Apr 15, 2024 2:36 PM

Mar 2020
this was truly our Yu-gi-oh! Arc-V
Oct 20, 2024 3:05 PM

Sep 2017
Reply to Deathsaurus
Here's one thing I don't get about the 3 dimensions beside standard. What makes standard dimension special from synchro, xyz, or fusion?

When the dimensions were split into 4, the other 3 are not supposed to have standard monsters, right? But how can that even be a thing? You have to have standard monsters to synchro, xyz, or fusion. Because standard is so essential, there's nothing special about it. Standard dimension doesn't have its own unique thing from synchro, xyz, or fusion until pendulum summoning showed up.

So are the other dimensions not supposed to be able to tribute summon monsters or something?
just to answer this even though you already finished the series. but as i am watching it at this time: i believe the 3 other worlds can only do 1 sort of special summoning menthods. Xyz dimension = they only have xyz, Synchro only synchro summoning methods, Fusion= GX probably. or just pure fusions.
Standard is more like Yugioh classics with probably Ritual summons, Trubute summon, and (XYZ/Synchro/Fusion because its been shown that only the TOP duelist can do such things). not sure if this was after Leo arrived that they could do that or if before leo came, nobody could do that in standard.

that's what i can think of , and pendulum seems new in standard. it still has mystery.

My take on everything is:
before the split dimension, apparently there was only that united world. where all existed, xyz, synchro, fusion. that world looks to be super futuristic with advance technology. It probably takes place in like 78399 year, maybe .The split was kinda like a big bang, which created alternative universe but when leo arrived and the standard , he probably arrived in their past because it's not advance like his world. things have already taken their course in history in standard. maybe he introduced the new summoning methods in the standard? it never really tells us if there was or wasn't any alternative summonings like fusion before leo came.

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