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Oct 15, 2016 7:20 AM

Nov 2011
Welp, that's pretty much the reality of war. Bloodshed and death among soldiers.
Despite the alternate time setting, there's actual some realism in the series about the war.

Heh, Izetta is badass in this episode. Not surprised although the part where she lifted a tank made my eyes roll. The tearful embrace though.
Oct 15, 2016 9:15 AM

Jul 2014
Stark700 said:
Welp, that's pretty much the reality of war. Bloodshed and death among soldiers.
Despite the alternate time setting, there's actual some realism in the series about the war.
They put a lot of effort into recreating it. Few times it almost felt like a newsreel from WW2.
Oct 15, 2016 9:21 AM

Sep 2015
The first half was incredibly well made, pretty emotional
I prefered the "realism" of the war but I have to admit that Izetta's arrival on the battlefield was majestic
So many people were killed in this episode so I found their smiles at the end weird (but I can truly understand why they smiled tho)

it would have been better with a grey sky or something darker imo
anyway, beautiful episode
xSkipiOct 15, 2016 9:26 AM
Oct 15, 2016 9:24 AM
Former AMQ God

Sep 2014
That was awesome. Definitely the best episode so far, Izetta kicked ass!

The hymn gave me goosebumps, it was not so bad for german (Attack on Titan was way worse on that part).
Oct 15, 2016 9:25 AM

Apr 2014
I gotta admit, that was pretty fucking awesome the way Izetta threw those tanks while riding a gun and controlling flying swords

Oct 15, 2016 9:34 AM

Sep 2014
Guess I was too optimistic about this anime, so far just mediocre war drama imo. This episode has some cool animation in the second half though.

I especially didn't like how it frames the German officers as plain villains, this's as simplistic as you can get for this type of story.
NeromonOct 15, 2016 9:37 AM
Oct 15, 2016 9:39 AM

May 2014
Neromon said:

I especially didn't like how it frames the German officers as plain villains, this's as simplistic as you can get for this type of story.


No relation.
Oct 15, 2016 9:40 AM

Nov 2012
Suddenly this is unlimited blade works,good episode.
Oct 15, 2016 9:48 AM

Apr 2014
This ep was pretty awesome. I really love the music in this anime.
Oct 15, 2016 9:49 AM

Jan 2015
Izetta to the rescue. Though a bit late, at least she can wipe off the air reinforcement and the tank too.
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Oct 15, 2016 9:49 AM

Dec 2014
Great episode.

The Eylstadt soldiers are respectable guys, Each one has a sense of belonging to the nation and the will to lay down their life for it. I especially loved the dialogue in the very beginning where the sergeant said "Each enemy we kill might save a comrade's life"
First half was really well done showcasing the horror of war, Fine's speech was really sad and emotional. Harsh decisions have to be made. :(

The fight scenes in the second half were awesome, Izetta just wrecked the Germanian empire. Flying Lances, Swords with sparkly effects was actually really cool. XD
She's just shooting down planes and throwing around tanks like they're nothing. xD
That butt print on the tank visor though. XD

The final scene with the soldiers rejoicing over victory and singing that anthem was really great.
Oct 15, 2016 9:57 AM

Apr 2011
Izetta slayed this whole episode she was untouchable.
Oct 15, 2016 9:57 AM

Jun 2014
Fantastic episode! This is easily one of the best pleasant surprises of the season! Really epic and emotional. Izetta is the best.
Oct 15, 2016 10:03 AM
Jul 2018
Izetta is so badass in this episode!
Oct 15, 2016 10:07 AM

Aug 2014
Neromon said:
Guess I was too optimistic about this anime, so far just mediocre war drama imo. This episode has some cool animation in the second half though.

I especially didn't like how it frames the German officers as plain villains, this's as simplistic as you can get for this type of story.

You mean like every american war movie about WW2? :P
Oct 15, 2016 10:25 AM

Aug 2016
Great episode, for some reason the scene in the trenches before the battle gave me mad sora no woto vibes. If the rest of the series is as consistent as these 3 episodes then there's no doubt this show will be a joy to watch.
Oct 15, 2016 10:31 AM

Apr 2015
Decent episode. Izetta's made her way in through fighting the enemy soldiers; she has some pretty flashy powers. She also seems to have gained the admiration of a few Elystadt soldiers as well.
Oct 15, 2016 10:31 AM

Sep 2014
Sweanime said:
Neromon said:
Guess I was too optimistic about this anime, so far just mediocre war drama imo. This episode has some cool animation in the second half though.

I especially didn't like how it frames the German officers as plain villains, this's as simplistic as you can get for this type of story.

You mean like every american war movie about WW2? :P

I don't know, but note that I'm not talking about which side is right/wrong, I'm sure the American movies wants the audience to root for their side but do they give screen time to German soldiers and make them look like bad guys or less human? It wasn't that big of a deal this episode but did warrant a question mark from me.
Oct 15, 2016 10:44 AM

Jun 2013
Neromon said:
Sweanime said:

You mean like every american war movie about WW2? :P

I don't know, but note that I'm not talking about which side is right/wrong, I'm sure the American movies wants the audience to root for their side but do they give screen time to German soldiers and make them look like bad guys or less human? It wasn't that big of a deal this episode but did warrant a question mark from me.

Yeah, A lot of American war movies do the same thing.
Oct 15, 2016 10:51 AM
Sep 2015
Stark700 said:

Despite the alternate time setting, there's actual some realism in the series about the war.

Even more so than you may realise.
The tanks being shown are the early marks of the Panzer III (narrow gun with the twin MGs) and the Panzer IV (the stubby-gun), which is actually what Germany was using in the early years of WWII.
The Renault FT (Elystadt tanks) was also the primary tank of Belgium at the start of WWII.
Oct 15, 2016 11:06 AM

May 2015
Great episode! I love Izetta! I can't wait to see more of her in the battlefield. The princess is cool too :)

Can't wait for next week!
Oct 15, 2016 11:18 AM
Jul 2018
Eh, I had my hopes up and they were swiftly crushed...
Izetta is just your typical super OP Mary Sue who just owns everything when she enters the fray. Also, that "Oh yeah, she's the Witch of the legend, let's fight with her boys" scene was just....ugh. There's a limit to how much you can ask for suspension of disbelief and that scene crossed the line. Don't even come with that "but this is a fantasy world" argument, I'm fed up with these bullsh*t anime cliches after more than a decade of watching anime.
This anime just dropped from a 7.5 for a 6 to me. I really hope they touch on the subject of Izetta's powers having peaks again and that she can become a normal human when they're low.
And where in hell are those guys that captured Izetta in the first episode? If they did it once they can do it again and I want to see that.
Oct 15, 2016 11:22 AM

Jun 2014
Learning about World War 2 in history class would have been a lot more interesting if there actually were gun-riding witches flipping tanks over and launching swords everywhere......damn that sounds badass, which is what we got from Izetta in this episode.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Oct 15, 2016 11:23 AM

Sep 2011
Anyone know what Anthem or whatever that was they were singing? It was neither in JP, Dutch, or German.
Oct 15, 2016 11:31 AM
May 2016
The elystadt really had the disadvantage on the war, having no large aircrafts and tanks, unlike the enemy who having these. Well Izetta gone OP on the battlefield, lead them to victory. Fine's father passed away, I guess he's now satisfied that Fine is with Izetta and they win that war.
Prettty good episode, looking forward to next.

The song in the ending was so pleasant to hear, is that a german song?
Oct 15, 2016 11:33 AM

Sep 2015
One would say Gilgamesh wouldn't approve of this episode and would call Izetta a fake :3
Oct 15, 2016 11:38 AM

Sep 2011
Bl4ckR4bbi7 said:
The song in the ending was so pleasant to hear, is that a german song?
No, it's not. If it is, it's some broken German.
Oct 15, 2016 11:48 AM

Jul 2013
In one hand, how they represented the battle was fantastic. They really showed well how death on the battlefield really is, fast, unheroic and coming when you least expect. I am surprised the blonde guy with glasses even survived considering he pulled out the biggest death flag one can pull in an action anime: showing a family photo.
Izetta's entry was also very cool, with the OST making the scene more epic, apart than that UBW looked great.
Also, I loved the scene when the Elyustadt's soldiers starts to sing the anthem at the end, it gave me a feeling of truly being in that early 40s of the WWII.

On the other hand, I really fear the show will end all it's battles with Izetta destroying the Germans in each battle, considering she defeated an entire unit of tanks and planes this episode, without counting how she anhilated those planes in the previous episodes. It would made the show predictable, and I want some surprises.

Fine's dad died at the end... Poor girl, after that victory :(
Oct 15, 2016 12:00 PM

Aug 2016
Illyricus said:

On the other hand, I really fear the show will end all it's battles with Izetta destroying the Germans in each battle, considering she defeated an entire unit of tanks and planes this episode, without counting how she anhilated those planes in the previous episodes. It would made the show predictable, and I want some surprises.

Agreed, this is my #1 concern with the show. Izettas capabilities have be shown and realistically there isn't much that could stop her meaning in the current state it's painfully obvious on the outcome of every battle that will occur in the foreseeable future resulting in a formula that will quickly become stale.

Hopefully the pilot Izetta encountered last episode or the Germanian scientist guy with glasses will come up with something to properly challenge Izetta in the future.
Oct 15, 2016 12:05 PM
May 2016
Tyrel said:
Bl4ckR4bbi7 said:
The song in the ending was so pleasant to hear, is that a german song?
No, it's not. If it is, it's some broken German.
yeah more like a broken language, well thanks
Oct 15, 2016 12:13 PM

Dec 2015
You know this universe kinda reminds of me of Valkyriea Chronicles and their blue uniforms kinda look like Galia's uniforms.
Oct 15, 2016 12:16 PM
Sep 2009
Neromon said:
Sweanime said:

You mean like every american war movie about WW2? :P

I don't know, but note that I'm not talking about which side is right/wrong, I'm sure the American movies wants the audience to root for their side but do they give screen time to German soldiers and make them look like bad guys or less human? It wasn't that big of a deal this episode but did warrant a question mark from me.

You haven't seen enough war films. There are tons of war films that show Nazi side and there rarely is a redeemable character.

That's what Nazi appeared to people back then and that's how they still appear. Nazi are evil, like it or not. Germans over all is a different question. Here they are clearly fighting Nazi side.
Oct 15, 2016 12:27 PM

Sep 2013
Germenia attacks but is defeated by witch :)
Nice war depiction and unlimited blade works,

Oct 15, 2016 12:43 PM

Dec 2015
Best episode so far. Underestimated this. Thought they would focus mainly on the princess and Izetta (but they might get more screentime the next episodes).

This was good pacing and it was nice to see the common soldiers fighting. I guess the Germanians now will use some different tactics and some specialized soldiers to hunt the witch.

Liked this more than the previous episodes because I like the bigger fights between groups/armies. So this is the 1st anime that I'll watch until the and. Scoring it 8 for now. (Episodes 1-2 I would have said 7 only but this 3rd episode improved it a bit.)

I hope they keep this up and show some of the common soldiers in later episodes as well.

I recognized a bit of German at the end at the song ... but it was hard to listen. If then it was really bad/broken pronounciation. (Probably harder for all the voice actors of that minor chars to speak German if it is more than a "Sieg Reich".)

Edit: I guess it is their hymn. Since the country lies in some mountains. At the beginning there was something about "weht unsere Fahne stolz im Wind" (= waves our flag proudly in the wind) + something about mountain/border ... maybe a bit bad grammar ... seemed weird. I think they wanted to say that at the mountain border the flag is proudly waving in the wind. Then after that it really only sounds like mumbling + bad pronounciation mixed which makes it totally incomprehensible. Only the "Oh Eylstadt" is understandable which they repeat at some points in the song.
LuthandoriusOct 15, 2016 1:05 PM
Oct 15, 2016 12:55 PM

Sep 2014
kitten320 said:
Neromon said:

I don't know, but note that I'm not talking about which side is right/wrong, I'm sure the American movies wants the audience to root for their side but do they give screen time to German soldiers and make them look like bad guys or less human? It wasn't that big of a deal this episode but did warrant a question mark from me.

You haven't seen enough war films. There are tons of war films that show Nazi side and there rarely is a redeemable character.

That's what Nazi appeared to people back then and that's how they still appear. Nazi are evil, like it or not. Germans over all is a different question. Here they are clearly fighting Nazi side.

Yes, they are evil... from our point of view. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil, and that they didn't behave like stereotypical villains.
My complaint was that the way the anime portrayed them, from their faces and the way they talked, it was clearly intended to tell the viewer "look, these are the bad guys".
"Yes, unfortunately. The air bombing couldn't finish the job alone... You win this bet" says the Germanian officer to his superior, with a broad smile on his face.
It's a minor issue but so far it seems reflective of the simplistic nature of the narrative.
Oct 15, 2016 1:09 PM

Dec 2015
I guess it's normal to show them only as "bad guys" - cause you have limited screentime and the focus is on the princess and witch. Was nice enough to show some of the common soldiers of Eylstadt. And there are also the other guys from the beginning (I think from intelligence) which probably get some more screentime/personality on the Germanian side so they did not want to waste time to develop those officers wich probably aren't going to be important later in the story.

And that is a bigger nation ... more people and longer chain of command. Of course there it is easier for guys like them to exist where in the smaller nation of Eylstadt less likely for corrupt guys or guys only looking for their own benefit. (Which makes them seem more noble - more people that really fight for their country instead for other benefits.)
Oct 15, 2016 1:25 PM

Jul 2014
So, lots of death and destruction... and then the reality warp appears and everyone forgets how to point a gun at her and pull the trigger. *sigh* At least Brave Witches have force fields.

She's basically Magneto, she should just be stopping bullets like Magneto. Seeing an incoming tank shell then grabbing a bunch of swords and making a wall with them all while the shell is in flight looked ridiculous.
Oct 15, 2016 1:42 PM
Sep 2015
Sokah said:

She's basically Magneto, she should just be stopping bullets like Magneto. Seeing an incoming tank shell then grabbing a bunch of swords and making a wall with them all while the shell is in flight looked ridiculous.

Except for how it seems she has to either touch or get very close to an object for a second or two before it comes under her control. Wouldn't have time to do that with a bullet or a shell. By the time she had control over it, it would have already gone through her.
Oct 15, 2016 1:45 PM
The Shrike

Nov 2009
This show continues to be very entertaining and you can really tell they used their budget well. And I'm loving the soundtrack too.
"Perhaps there is a universal, absolute truth. Perhaps it justifies every question. But that's beyond the reach of these small hands." Mamoru Oshii

There is a cult of ignorance (...) nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that “my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” Isaac Asimov

Oct 15, 2016 1:46 PM

Jul 2014
Neromon said:
I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil

Neither does ISIS, etc. despite obviously being so. In ISIS's case taking sex slaves and murdering anyone that didn't agree with them is exactly what Muhammad, chosen of god did. So if god wants you to do it, well, you better do it because it's the right thing to do.

In the Nazi's case they didn't come together to be Nazis like ISIS members did, the majority were pushed into it, and they did know they were doing wrong and there was a lot of push to keep people doing things they knew to be wrong. When it comes down to it, most Nazi soldiers felt that not fighting would be worse than fighting even if they didn't actually want to kill anyone.

But mostly... this is funny:
Oct 15, 2016 1:52 PM
May 2010
Sokah said:
So, lots of death and destruction... and then the reality warp appears and everyone forgets how to point a gun at her and pull the trigger. *sigh* At least Brave Witches have force fields.

I do think she might have something like a force field or something against small arms up to machine gun, given we saw how a shield seemed to function for one of the lances chasing after one of the stuka's only to fail after quite a few shots.
Oct 15, 2016 1:57 PM

Feb 2013
Another great episode.
Oct 15, 2016 1:58 PM

Aug 2016
Neromon said:

Yes, they are evil... from our point of view. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil, and that they didn't behave like stereotypical villains.
My complaint was that the way the anime portrayed them, from their faces and the way they talked, it was clearly intended to tell the viewer "look, these are the bad guys".
"Yes, unfortunately. The air bombing couldn't finish the job alone... You win this bet" says the Germanian officer to his superior, with a broad smile on his face.
It's a minor issue but so far it seems reflective of the simplistic nature of the narrative.

Not this bs again.

Neromon said:

Yes, they are evil... from our point of view. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil, and that they didn't behave like stereotypical villains.

Im sure Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge didn't think themselves as evil either when they killed 15% of Cambodias population nor Stalin after he ordered the widespread starvation of the USSR resulting in the loss of 20 million people. Fun fact, modern depictions of evil villainous organisations are based off the nazis, it's been that way since 1945, and having the nazis believing that their absurd racist and genocidal political beliefs were not evil and completely justified does not have any bearing on the fact that 95% of the worlds population acknowledges that by our modern day standards the nazis were through and through completely evil.

Neromon said:

My complaint was that the way the anime portrayed them, from their faces and the way they talked, it was clearly intended to tell the viewer "look, these are the bad guys".

What a shocking revelations, the bad guys in the story are the bad guys and even more shockingly! The bad guys are based off real life bad guys! My god how completely shocking.

Germania and it's real life counterpart Nazi Germany are different yes, could the studio have gone a different route and not mimic the nazi's tyrannical and unjustified aggression against it's neighbors? Maybe, but that's not the direction they decided to take. It's clear that Germania are the unjustified aggressors committing seemingly unlawful executions of civilians and unwarranted aggression of neutral countries. Honestly I fail to see what the problem is.

Neromon said:

"Yes, unfortunately. The air bombing couldn't finish the job alone... You win this bet" says the Germanian officer to his superior, with a broad smile on his face.

I don't see how this honestly depicts Germanian commanders any different to the regular snobbish military commander. It's a common stereotype not just limited to 'bad guys'.
Oct 15, 2016 2:14 PM

Jun 2015
Best episode so far. The beginning showed how crude war can be. Making tough decisions must hard for the princess. Izetta was a badass when she was fighting those tanks and planes. The music was awesome as well. I especially loved the part when the soldiers started singing at the end. It was beautiful.
Oct 15, 2016 2:21 PM

May 2015
Fucking amazing episode, hands down.

So far this show's one of my top favorites of this season so far.

Oct 15, 2016 2:44 PM

Apr 2013
Tyrel said:
Bl4ckR4bbi7 said:
The song in the ending was so pleasant to hear, is that a german song?
No, it's not. If it is, it's some broken German.

german with a super heavy japanese accent and probably broken grammar.

...grenzenden Bergen weht unsere Fahne stolz im Wind Oh Eylstadt die xxx der Alpen .... der Ewigkeit .... then later Oh Eylstadt Hüter der Berge....
stark is also in there

Great episode loved how izetta fought but this episode also made me want a new series about war without any magical elements
xSanoxOct 15, 2016 2:51 PM
Oct 15, 2016 2:54 PM

Feb 2008
Episode was fantastic 10/10. That fight scene with Izetta was just amazingly epic, and the music really just seemed perfect for the scene. The music had the epic feel to it, but at the same time it was like saying no need to fear anymore, everything will be fine and we will get through this.

This episode made me tear up a bit.
I am become bunny, fluffing of worlds.
Oct 15, 2016 2:59 PM

Oct 2008
I knew this show will epic, i just hope they won't mess up the ending.
This episode however, was simply amazing.
Oct 15, 2016 3:00 PM

Sep 2011
xSanox said:
Tyrel said:
No, it's not. If it is, it's some broken German.

german with a super heavy japanese accent and probably broken grammar.

...grenzenden Bergen weht unsere Fahne stolz im Wind Oh Eylstadt die xxx der Alpen .... der Ewigkeit .... then later Oh Eylstadt Hüter der Berge....
stark is also in there

Great episode loved how izetta fought but this episode also made me want a new series about war without any magical elements
Yeah... Basically impossible to translate then lol. You could make out some of it but then you'd be missing bits and pieces xD.
Oct 15, 2016 3:17 PM

Sep 2015
HereComesTheSnow said:
Neromon said:

Yes, they are evil... from our point of view. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil, and that they didn't behave like stereotypical villains.
My complaint was that the way the anime portrayed them, from their faces and the way they talked, it was clearly intended to tell the viewer "look, these are the bad guys".
"Yes, unfortunately. The air bombing couldn't finish the job alone... You win this bet" says the Germanian officer to his superior, with a broad smile on his face.
It's a minor issue but so far it seems reflective of the simplistic nature of the narrative.

Not this bs again.

Neromon said:

Yes, they are evil... from our point of view. I'm sure the Nazis didn't think of themselves as evil, and that they didn't behave like stereotypical villains.

Im sure Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge didn't think themselves as evil either when they killed 15% of Cambodias population nor Stalin after he ordered the widespread starvation of the USSR resulting in the loss of 20 million people. Fun fact, modern depictions of evil villainous organisations are based off the nazis, it's been that way since 1945, and having the nazis believing that their absurd racist and genocidal political beliefs were not evil and completely justified does not have any bearing on the fact that 95% of the worlds population acknowledges that by our modern day standards the nazis were through and through completely evil.

Neromon said:

My complaint was that the way the anime portrayed them, from their faces and the way they talked, it was clearly intended to tell the viewer "look, these are the bad guys".

What a shocking revelations, the bad guys in the story are the bad guys and even more shockingly! The bad guys are based off real life bad guys! My god how completely shocking.

Germania and it's real life counterpart Nazi Germany are different yes, could the studio have gone a different route and not mimic the nazi's tyrannical and unjustified aggression against it's neighbors? Maybe, but that's not the direction they decided to take. It's clear that Germania are the unjustified aggressors committing seemingly unlawful executions of civilians and unwarranted aggression of neutral countries. Honestly I fail to see what the problem is.

Neromon said:

"Yes, unfortunately. The air bombing couldn't finish the job alone... You win this bet" says the Germanian officer to his superior, with a broad smile on his face.

I don't see how this honestly depicts Germanian commanders any different to the regular snobbish military commander. It's a common stereotype not just limited to 'bad guys'.

It's not about historical depiction. As someone else said, it shows lack of effort in the narrative. For a story to be good in a series like this, you shouldn't go for a black-and-white depiction. And the incompetency of a commander cliche is a very bad cliche because it gives no suspense.
Same reason why people here fear Izetta is too strong. There won't be suspense.
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