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Oct 12, 2010 10:32 PM

May 2009
kk... stopping at min 7 and coming here to see what other ppl had to say about this show shows that i was greatly displeased with this, i mean, these much colorfullness was what drove me away from shows like Lilpri but i tried this out of curiosity and just from the very first scenes i almost got eye cancer from so many colors...

btw, is this supposed to be a kid's show?? cuz that ED... nak'd villain + lolis in bathing suits doesnt look like kids stuff to me, i guess theyre preparing the future moeblob consumers

lolis r cute though, ill keep watching this for a while until i cant stand it anymore, or at least enough so that my rating counts once i drop this :D not my type of series for sure
Oct 13, 2010 2:58 AM

Nov 2007
GintokiSan said:
Who else here forced themselves to complete this episode?

I did orz.
I try to give a chance to most anime which seem to have potential (even just a little bit), every season and I'm usually not too critical. But this episode, gawd, it was terrible. From the first second to the ending (which theme is actually good, even though sounding a bit too much like other Feylan songs).

I noted it 3/10, because imo that's what the serie deserves so far.
Oct 13, 2010 3:39 AM
Jun 2008
Put this off and watch on impulse and loved it, it's great the animation is good and lolis FTW!
Oct 13, 2010 4:52 AM
May 2009
The voice actors was at the thing I went to. but this anime I don't think is for me. :(
Oct 13, 2010 7:56 PM

Jun 2009
I haven't watched a show like this in a while...guess Ill give it a shot. Its always good to watch something lighthearted every so often.
Oct 14, 2010 12:57 AM
Nov 2009
lol for anyone who says this show is bad. you're all expecting way too much.

this show's target audience is aimed at a younger audience (i'd be far stretched to say grade school kids). albeit the ending has a few short lolilicious scenes.

if you look at it with that mind set, added with the fact that the girls are lolis, you can enjoy this throughly.
you have to like cute little girls ofc ;)
Oct 14, 2010 1:29 PM
Jul 2018
BlackMagic said:
I was pleasantly surprised and I think it has potential. We start off with some spoiled brats who are given special treatment and elite status because of their training under a legendary detective and they over-rely on their toys to solve cases.

Now, their toys are gone, their special treatment is over, and their pedigree of training seems to mean squat. Now I expect that they will focus on what really makes a good detective: skills of observation and deduction. Or at least that would be the direction I expect.

Honestly I see a good theme here as the show seems to be poking fun at all the super-tech policing done nowadays with 'toys' as seen on shows like CSI and the lack of old-fashioned flat-foot or gum-shoe style detective work. Maybe I'm reading a bit deeply into this, but nevertheless I think there's some potential to work with. I'll give it some more episodes and see whether they go in the direction I hope or whether it devolves into the typical moe-blob that everyone here seems to expect.

I agree, if they turn away from the toys a bit more and towards some "real" detecting this series could be fun. Anyway, I liked the cuteness. ^^
Oct 15, 2010 2:07 PM

Oct 2008
Tried to watch it with my best friend... Couldn't pass 10 minutes, yeah it was cute and such but if an anime doesn't strike me in the first 5 to 10 mins it's over.
It was cute. That's all. And just cuz of the cuteness I am too lazy to download the rest. Dropped.
Oct 15, 2010 5:27 PM

Oct 2007
llamaben said:
@EtherSword (off topic so in a spoiler)
To make it simple, you should never put your trust on MAL rating more than 50%.

"A Legend is but a tale of a beautiful lie."
Oct 15, 2010 10:58 PM
Apr 2010
I didn't think it was good. At all. I mean, I guess it's worth watching for the parts where it went insane, but otherwise, it's just not good.

My main problem was some of the plot-related details, like the weird timeskip they did- obviously, Milky Holmes haven't had their powers for a while due to the way the other kids talk about them, but Arsene puts her plan into action as if they just lost them.

Then there's the school itself. Ok, so Milky Holmes is the best "group" in the school. But... what about the other groups? Why is Arsene getting away with all her crimes now? Surely there must be some group of students that's willing to fight her- I mean, they all have Toys, so why don't they do it?

It's things like that that bug me.
Oct 17, 2010 5:46 AM

Oct 2009
Well, for the first episode, it was ok. Though I don't know if I will continue to watch, I think it can get really boring.
Oct 17, 2010 2:44 PM

Nov 2008
GarLogan78 said:
I don't really understand what is going on, but I will keep watching because I want to find out who took their toys/why their toys vanished with the lightning.

And I get this is a kid's show (it is, right?), but it is so unrealistic that all of the villains are posing as Milky Holmes' classmates and teachers. The only difference is clothing or a hat. It is ridiculous they are not recognized. I also don't understand the point of them infiltrating the school at all. Milky Holmes' is already a laughingstock within the school and the detective world, and Lady Arsene and co. can now steal anything they want and not have to worry about being stopped. So I don't see why she is putting in effort to screw or motivate Milky Holmes even after they have been defeated/put out of commission.

I hope this anime ends up being one where with the power of friendship, they end up becoming great detectives despite NOT having powers, and learning they can do anything as long as they try their best and work together. But I really don't know what direction the show will go in.

I had really high expectations for this show (I have no idea why), and this was not what I expected at all.

Pretty much this. This show could go in a direction that would make it interesting, but this first episode doesn't inspire confidence. Am I supposed to feel sorry for the Milky Holmes crew? Because, at the moment, I don't, really. They obviously relied on their "toys" too much to solve crimes, and even after they lost them they expected the royal treatment despite not getting off their butts and doing anything about it. While I'm not really sure why the villain is kicking them while they're down (seriously, you're free to steal stuff all you want and also basically control the school full of people who could possibly stop you, so why should you care?) hopefully this will act as a motivator for them to learn to solve crimes without the use of psychic powers. I'll be pleased if that happens.
confusedmuseOct 17, 2010 8:58 PM
Oct 22, 2010 12:05 AM

Sep 2009
It was kinda messed up how their picture blew up.
Oct 26, 2010 10:32 PM

Dec 2008
I watched it for a laugh.

I ended up enjoying it.

What the....
Will I fall in love someday? I wonder?

Nov 3, 2010 3:58 PM
Mar 2010
I like this epsiode very much...... moe reigns ahahahahaha
This four moe girls seems funny and very nice, first impression is good, however is a light anime, with many clichè but there need these shows sometime.......

next to 2nd ep
Jan 27, 2011 2:25 PM

Sep 2007
Hated the OP. Liked the episode. *_*

Jun 19, 2012 6:56 AM

Jan 2011
A certain review said that I shouldn't have any expectations for this show, so I'm glad I crushed them all before I started to watch this. It seems this will be an average loli comedy show or it could be great because the story has potential. But since it's made by J.C. staff it's probably the first.
I almost never read discussions after I made my post, if you want to reply PM me or post on my profile page.
Aug 5, 2012 10:36 AM
May 2012
XD why did he jiggle his nipples in front of the window? (Think I’m going to enjoy that guy)
O-o I did not like this first episode; the characters come off as a bunch of selfish brats who just happen to have magical toy.
I hope they explain these toys in latter episodes; it would just feel odd if no one ells in the school could use that power.
Sep 23, 2012 10:15 PM

Apr 2012
Well, I am finally getting around to watching this show after having it sit in my PTW list for a long time. There were some bits here and there where I saw the potential for this show to be pretty entertaining but overall this episode was just... average. But, it was mostly set up so I will wait a few more episodes before really judging it.

Also, there was more fanservice than I expected - especially in that ED.
Nov 13, 2012 8:43 PM

Nov 2011
Was kinda boring tbh. There was actual some fan-service which I did not expect from this series with that outfit. Well, whatever, just going to marathon this.
Apr 4, 2013 7:17 PM

Aug 2011
Pretty disappointed by this ep, I expected more slapstick comedy and playfullness. It wasn't as exciting as I thought but I'm optimistic of future episodes.
May 10, 2013 2:41 AM

Mar 2012
saxophone15 said:
It was kinda messed up how their picture blew up.

xDDDD lolololololol
Oct 3, 2013 12:57 PM

May 2012
My two favorite things combined being Loli's and Detective/case solving! Really liking this concept so lets see what this story has to offer us! I do wonder why they lost their powers.
Oct 25, 2014 11:11 PM

Feb 2013
Wasn't as bad as ithought it was going to be. I'll continue watching it. Sucks that they lost their powers and that picture blowing up. Don't really like the OP or the ED.

was that Aria the Animation art at the very end?
Nano1124Oct 25, 2014 11:15 PM
Jan 7, 2015 3:10 PM

Dec 2012
Well after having it at high priority for months it was finally time to give Tantei Loli a shot. The character designs are ridiculously adorable. It wasn't nearly as ridiculous as I imagined based off my impression from the OP, but it's still very much absurd and silly. I felt bad for the girls losing that picture and award, it just felt like a huge slap in the face watching it actually explode.
Mar 15, 2015 12:11 AM

Sep 2013
I did not think it would be this bad.
Jul 29, 2015 7:13 PM

Mar 2012
The stupidity is on par with that twintails one.
Sep 6, 2015 5:49 AM
Jul 2018
I'm so damn late in this that it's not even funny. But I came to watch the show because I randomly played the translated PSP visual novel first. It makes a whole lot of sense when you know the story on that one because that Kobayashi Opera dude? He really did train the girls. In the visual novel...

saxophone15 said:
It was kinda messed up how their picture blew up.

^It was painful for me since I know the back story behind them...savage af.
Oct 13, 2016 1:21 AM
Jul 2016
If this is supposed to be a show about a bunch of girls with super powers called toys then why the hell did the creators think it was a good idea to make them lose them in first 10 minutes of the fucking show?

Also, they sure got over their "precious memories" blowing up in front of their face awfully fast.
Nov 16, 2016 8:41 AM

Aug 2013
Cordelia and Nero are quite the funny duo lol. Elly is just soooo cute her blushing is the best.
It's pretty dumb how they don't give a damn about their blown up picture though. Seems like we care more about it than them.
Henriette in student council form looks much more moe than Arsène mode.. she can turn into a loli her disguise is too good.
Flashing erect nipples.. what more can I say ?
Dec 17, 2018 7:28 PM

Jul 2014
This show is extremely annoying to watch at the first episode already, so that bodes well for the next 11 episodes plus 3 other seasons.
Nov 16, 2019 5:09 PM
Jul 2018
I see old MAL had levels of shit taste that surpass all physical and logical limits scientists have agreed on for centuries. This is a CGDCT show. Why would you complain about "oh no there's no kewl edgy fightz 0/10 dropped"?

Anyway episode was amazing, loved every second.
Jun 12, 2021 11:55 AM
🍅 Tomato 🍅

Feb 2020
Well, it was an okay episode. Nothing amazing. The main characters are pretty cute.

SerafosJun 9, 2024 7:14 AM
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