DarthBob said:Gotrys_Cheslock said:
In this case Nemeios is totally right. LB (especially EX) is Key's second finest. And I don't give a fuck about your opinion, cause it's pretty obvious (hint: your anime list) that you're just an elitist. Anyway, Key's worst is definitely Kanon (with its meh story, dull characters, abysmal design and plain soundtrack). Tomoyo After is right behind it. That's just a betrayal. At least the music is great.
Elitist? Just because I don't like some popular anime, that makes me an elitist? What a load of bullshit.
As for Little Busters, I can go into some detail. Every single route except Rin's was shallow as hell.
Komari was a scatterbrain with absolutely nothing new to bring to the table. The whole aspect about her memories had me facepalming instead of feeling sorry for her.
Yuiko was the template 'hot senior' archetype, who yet again, had nothing new. Her route was better than most, but nothing amazing.
Mio's route was the worst of the lot. Zero explanation for anything, went straight up supernatural without any prior indication. She herself was insanely boring.
Kud, I liked as a character, but her route was just more bullshit. That part about Riki wishing her out of her prison was just ridiculous.
Haruka had a mildly annoying route that was still pretty cliched. Her whole family thing was extremely obvious and didn't invoke any sort of emotion, which I'm pretty sure was supposed to happen.
The only route I really enjoyed was the muscle route, which had me laughing till I ran out of breath. Then again, that was just a joke route.
The final section and Rin's route were alright, since I never actually saw the accident thing coming. That particular reveal caught me by surprise, but the events after that were still pretty cliched.
I never read EX, since I assumed it was the same thing with added sex scenes. I never really cared for the extra routes.
Kanon was certainly bad, but it was still better than the train wreck that was LB. Then again, if I look at it critically, Kanon might be as bad, but I'm a little partial towards it since it was the first VN I ever read.
Key's best was Rewrite, which I enjoyed vastly. Planetarian was their next best, since it was low on melodrama, which is the most common fallacy that Key is prone to. Clannad after that, though I'm not particularly fond of it (Extreme amounts of melodrama). If Key anime were to be considered, I would place Angel Beats over Clannad.
I can't comment on Tomoyo After/Air/Kud Wafter, since I haven't read them.