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Sep 1, 2016 3:08 AM

Sep 2014
I like Crackers design, face reminds me of Bellamy, lol his hairstyle though
So he ate the Biscuit -Biscuit DF.....wondering how he tastes lol xD

The Mirror world looks crazy

Vinsmoke duo appears :D
Poor Sanji is trembling....what happend?

Break next week. D:

Sep 1, 2016 4:51 AM

Nov 2011
I like the design of the mirror world so far, sort of gives its own unique identity.

The Vinsmokes all assembled? Now that's quite something.
Sep 1, 2016 4:58 AM

Dec 2012
Woah Luffy was fighting Cracker's armor the whole time. Even hurting Luffy in Gear 4th.
Cracker ate the Biscuit Fruit. That is some interesting way to use that fruit ability.

Lol Bropper. This mirror world is weird. The Vinsmokes have arrived. Ichiji & Niji look cool.

Break Next Week.
Santoryu_XBurnerSep 1, 2016 5:04 AM
"I’ve set myself to become the King of the Pirates…and if I die trying…then at least I tried!" Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece)

Sep 1, 2016 5:06 AM

Dec 2011
Another good chapter and was expecting a break for next chapter.I knew Cracker had more into him for his bounty..
May be Oda get his idea for mirror world from Doctor Strange which is coming out soon.

CaptainZoro said:
Poor Sanji is trembling....what happend?

I guess Sanji got terrified of his brothers since they mistreated him when they were kids.
kaitonicSep 1, 2016 5:57 AM
Sep 1, 2016 5:07 AM

Feb 2009
Now it's safe to say that Vinsmoke siblings are Power Rangers.
Sep 1, 2016 5:09 AM

Dec 2013
Luffy vs Cracker is surprisingly hype! Cracker's biscuit powers are more useful than I imagined the power to make biscuits would be. Although if Luffy hits him just once the fight is pretty much over.

Bropper LOL

We are already at the day of the wedding? Wut?
Sep 1, 2016 5:14 AM

Nov 2011
Seems like the Vinsmoke got nickname associated with colors, Electric Blue, Sparking Red and Black Leg.

Sep 1, 2016 5:15 AM

Nov 2012
Well if cracker keeps summoning biscuit armors indefinitely than Luffy's time limit will fuck him over.. He'll need to figure out something pretty fast to beat cracker. I like his character design definitely didn't expect that.

Of course we were eventually going to get a break. Oh well. Pretty decent chapter though.
Sep 1, 2016 5:19 AM

Feb 2009
KaiserNazrin said:
Seems like the Vinsmoke got nickname associated with colors, Electric Blue, Sparking Red and Black Leg.

Sanji's a bit different thou, not because of leg part. He's epithet is in japanese while his siblings have english titles written via katakana.
Sep 1, 2016 5:21 AM
Jan 2016
Praise the lord for the cover page. Been waiting for our man Shanks to make an appearance for a long time.(Benn Beckman too!). It says something about a wedding, which is sure to have some major implications on the overall story.

The chapter was loaded af. And I'm glad Cracker isn't down. His DF is fairly amusing(try imagining its awakening xD)

Can't believe Carrot's new nickname for Choppah-aniki is the chapter title.

And enter the Vinsmoke bros. At this point I don't think there is anyway the Vinsmokes can redeem themselves at this point( that includes Reiju and Yonji). And poor Sanji, the dude was shivering.

Great chapter. Too bad Oda's taking a break next week , but its well deserved for an author of his caliber.
Sep 1, 2016 5:24 AM

Aug 2010
Dat cover page was hype!! Shanks so proud :*)

Friggin Cracker tho!! I so didn't see that coming. But this design looks much more savage so I'm glad. Dat Kong Organ tho. This fight is hype!!

Nami creeping the Homies out lol

And Bropper got a keikaku. Dat mirror world tho. Looks interesting.

Vinsmoke assemble
Sep 1, 2016 5:39 AM

Mar 2014

I like it especially being said by Carrot :3
"You can't spell slaughter without laughter".
Sep 1, 2016 5:40 AM

May 2015
This fight is underwhelming, nice comedy and hype for next chapters. Unfortunately it seems this arc might be unnecessarily long zzz
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Sep 1, 2016 5:40 AM

Aug 2010
Oh yeah anyone thinking UBW? (Unlimited Biscuit works) :P
Sep 1, 2016 5:42 AM

Dec 2014
Excellent chapter, Shanks cover :D

Luffy vs Cracker is really awesome, So all that was just armor huh? That's one hell of a way to use a Biscuit-Biscuit fruit xD
I like Cracker's design, Seems quite badass. If he had a more crazy trait to him, It would suit his design even more.

Damn, Cracker just said it to Luffy face. It's taking his all to just fight on par with cracker, Not to mention the drawbacks of G4. Based on everything shown so far I don't think the StrawHats are anywhere close to taking down a Yonkou :(. We might see a different kind of resolution to this arc than Luffy just beating Big Mom unless he has something huge up his sleeve.

Bropper XD , Carrot ftw!
Mirror World has a very nice design and is quite interesting, Lol at Pedro and Brook inside the soldier.
Sanji in captivity :(
Vinsmoke's are all here, Can't wait to see what's gonna happen.
Sep 1, 2016 5:46 AM
Mar 2016
Who is getting married at the ruins, is it shanks,is it one of his crew i want to know so bad.looks like craker tougher than i expected but still i belive luffy can handle him.finally we moving foward from this damm forest to vinsmoke family and big mom things get interesting now
Sep 1, 2016 5:47 AM

Sep 2014
Nice chapter.So Cracker wasn't even fighting himself and forced Luffy to use Gear 4th.No wonder he has a high bounty.So Cracker has buscuit-buscuit fruit and he uses it to create soldiers to fight instead of himself.Carrot and Chopper think how they can use the mirror world to their own advantage.Lol Bropper.All the Vinsmoke family assembled.No chapter next week.
Sep 1, 2016 5:48 AM
Mar 2014
Luffy needs to escape to the mirror world... it's his only hope or reaching sanji :(
Sep 1, 2016 5:51 AM
Sep 2012
Luffy using gear 4 I don't know if it is a good idea. Anyway what a nice twist with Cracker. And Chooper taking the opportunity to be someone's senor, big brother Chooper.

Looks like it is the next day already, so Luffy's fight is going to be off screened, I doubt they are still fighting, so I expect Luffy to defeat Cracker off screen, and than we will see a flashback later on.

So the wedding already, this arc is going faster than I thought, we are the climax already, I expect Luffy and crew to crash the wedding any moment now.
Sep 1, 2016 5:53 AM

Nov 2015
Cracker's real look revealed, he's quite strong with all the armors he has! The Vinsmokes are here, poor Sanji he was trembling.

Sep 1, 2016 5:55 AM

Dec 2011
The10tailedwolf said:
Luffy needs to escape to the mirror world... it's his only hope or reaching sanji :(

You means Chopper since Luffy is in the forest not the mirror world.
Sep 1, 2016 6:03 AM

Jan 2014
Barion-Zara said:
Oh yeah anyone thinking UBW? (Unlimited Biscuit works) :P

LOL, I'm thinking the same. I wonder if there's Fate UBW reference in the near future about biscuit ultimate skill.

I am the only one here thinking that OP released chapter reduces 1 pages every week? this week it's only 14 page ffs.
Sep 1, 2016 6:08 AM

Nov 2013
Good chapter

Nami's face, Bropper and crackers real look
Sep 1, 2016 6:12 AM

Jul 2015
Whoa totally not expecting that. So all this time, Luffy was only fighting Cracker's Biscuit Puppet??
And that very puppet managed to force Luffy to use G4. I knew it, The Strawhats really underestimate The Yonko Army, Zoro speech really makes sense that going against Two Yonko at the same time is very Dangerous.

Cracker design is so badass and his face suited his "Absolutely Despise Pain". Oda really know how to make even biscuit to look so badass....

Cracker managed to cut Luffy's G4 arm, that's a very powerful Haki he got there.

Abyhape said:
Barion-Zara said:
Oh yeah anyone thinking UBW? (Unlimited Biscuit works) :P

LOL, I'm thinking the same. I wonder if there's Fate UBW reference in the near future about biscuit ultimate skill.

I am the only one here thinking that OP released chapter reduces 1 pages every week? this week it's only 14 page ffs.

I think it is because Oda took less break. So he reduce chapter pages instead..

Sep 1, 2016 6:16 AM

Nov 2010
Abyhape said:
Barion-Zara said:
Oh yeah anyone thinking UBW? (Unlimited Biscuit works) :P

LOL, I'm thinking the same. I wonder if there's Fate UBW reference in the near future about biscuit ultimate skill.

I am the only one here thinking that OP released chapter reduces 1 pages every week? this week it's only 14 page ffs.

Double spreads count as two pages you know, so it's 17.
Sep 1, 2016 6:47 AM

Aug 2015
When I see the title "Bropper", i thought it's gonna be a fusion between Brook & Chopper lol

Sanji looks sick.. I wonder what will happen with him in the next chapter..
Sep 1, 2016 7:19 AM

Jan 2013
Is it me or did Oda just get sick of drawing that on guy and just made some shit up to justify making him cooler? :D
Sep 1, 2016 7:36 AM

Jun 2014
Cracker said exactly what I was saying in last week's thread, he's simply a commander and Luffy already has to give it everything he has. And he wasn't even fighting his real form in the first place. How the hell does Luffy plan on defeating not just one, but TWO Yonko?! They're either going to have to fall back and plan some more (doubt Luffy would do that) or Luffy is going to have to over-exert himself by like 500%. I'm interested in the outcome of his match against Cracker though, I doubt they're still fighting after a day, so the result was reached offscreen I guess. Hope we get to see it.

Looks like Nami is scaring the shit out of the "homies," and wow this wedding is already going to take place? That was quick. And Sanji's other brothers have finally been named, even though their names were quite predictable based on the number pattern this family has used. Why was this chapter even titled Bropper? Chopper barely even showed up. It should have been named for Sanji's brothers or something, since there seemed to be more hype around them even though they were also barely in this chapter.
People on MAL refuse to actually enjoy watching anime.

Your taste in anime isn't a personality trait.

MAL is literally just anime Twitter as its own website lol.

Sep 1, 2016 7:37 AM

Jun 2015
I really like Cracker's (new) design, though the biscuit-biscuit fruit is a strange one, I thought this manga couldn't surprise me anymore when it came to new DF powers, but that one caught me off guard, pretty cool idea.

Even though it seems more than likely at this stage, I'm really hoping when all is said and done, Carrot actually joins the SH Crew, such a refreshing addition to this manga.

A solid chapter overall, and some nice progression, hopefully it won't take too long for them to reach Sanji and Big Mom.
"Hurry up with my damn croissants."
Sep 1, 2016 8:16 AM

Jul 2013
Maybe Luffy should just eat all the biscuits that Cracker created :P

So, I'm thinking that Chopper and Carrot are going to break the mirrors from the inside and trap Brulee in the mirror world with the last one left. Or they might use them to travel fast around the island.

Ichiji looks like a strong pokemon trainer.
Sep 1, 2016 8:25 AM
Oct 2015
Interesting chapter. I think cracker's weak point is water though. What happens to wet biscuit?
kkg00Sep 1, 2016 8:29 AM
Sep 1, 2016 8:49 AM
Nov 2015
Dude... if Cracker is THAT strong, then Big Mom has to be at least close to Whitebeard level. I know that might seem like an obvious statement as they are both Yonko, but Whitebeard can create freaking earthquakes, I never would have expected Big Mom to be of the same caliber, especially since they've been hyping up a fight between her and Luffy so much.

All of the Vimsmoke family has gathered... hmm.... I'm wondering how strong these brothers are. If Sanji is the weakest then the strongest one might even be able to hit the strength of Ace.

Sep 1, 2016 9:31 AM
Mar 2009
Even though everyone's hyping the Luffy vs Big Mom fight, I wonder if it isn't going to happen yet, or at all! Maybe the Strawhat's relationship with Lola will get the Big Mom crew on their side and together they can take down Kaido or something...

Maybe this arc is building to Luffy facing against Judge Vinsmoke instead! If the strawhats defeat the Vinsmoke family, Big Mom might want their family to be linked after all because the Strawhats defeated their technology or whatever.

I know it's a long shot theory, but it just randomly occurred to me :)
Sep 1, 2016 10:07 AM

Sep 2013
Shieeeeeet, every single cracker soldier is 860 million, damn :O
But mama doesn't seem concerned even if cracker does fall, the yonkou themselves should be at 10 billion at least, the gap in power is real.

This is basically shrek 2 plot now, I expect someone to splash cracker with milk.
Sep 1, 2016 10:53 AM

Oct 2015
Not sure how I feel about this chapter. I don't like the fact that despite being as secretive as he is, enough so to the point where even the World Government have no clue of his real body, Cracker turns into a monologuing idiot like Brulee. Why'd his personality all of a sudden change? What's more, he just revealed himself to be a glass cannon despite having the hardest Busoshoku Luffy has ever faced, meaning a he'll keel over after a solid hit or two.
Sep 1, 2016 10:54 AM
Jan 2016
Even Doflamingo can only create one clone with his power but Cracker makes 5 clone, damn. I wonder if he is also an awakened devil fruit user, hopefully his awakened techniques are not the same with Doflamingo (changing the environment to attack the enemy) because it will be repetitively boring.

I am also thinking, maybe WB power to tilt Marineford is an awakened technique since it's so peculiar.
Sep 1, 2016 12:03 PM
Mar 2014
Another good/great chapter.

Luffy vs Cracker is getting better & better. Luffy knows he has to do something fast to win, or else Cracker will beat him,(but props to Luffy for doing what none of the others of his generation have seemingly,(key word there), done yet and forced Cracker to reveal his true form.

Carrot & Chopper's interactions are so cute & I love her new name for "Brother Chopper"

Good design for the Mirror World.

Finally all of the Vinsmokes have arrived.

A well deserved break next week.

I can't wait to see what Luffy does to best Cracker & am really curious how they are going to get Sanji & get out. This arc keeps getting better & better.
Sep 1, 2016 3:10 PM

Jul 2016
Germa 66 = Power Rangers

I understand everything now. Big Mom is more mischievous that I thought, that's perfect for me.
Sep 1, 2016 3:49 PM
Sep 2016
Damn I love it. We all knew, we all felt that Luffy shouldn't be ready to face a Yonko. Luffy's struggle to me is great writing, and I think the whole big mom arc will not be an arc where luffy just comes in and defeats everyone.

The thing that gets me about this chapter is Big Mom. It almost feels like she wants the Straw hats to succeed, like she had hope Luffy would be different, the other rookies she's probably faced.

But Luffy is going to need a power up, I wonder without a timeskip, how it will happen.
Sep 1, 2016 7:02 PM
Mar 2014
kaitonic said:
The10tailedwolf said:
Luffy needs to escape to the mirror world... it's his only hope of reaching sanji :(

You means Chopper since Luffy is in the forest not the mirror world.

No... I mean Luffy. Re-read my post again -__- I want Luffy to GO INTO the mirror world (because that's the quickest way to reach and escape with sanji), NOT leave from the mirror world.
Sep 1, 2016 7:32 PM
Feb 2014
"Kong Organ"? that was one hell of an attack!!

Sep 1, 2016 9:16 PM

Jul 2011
break next week..... :C
Sep 1, 2016 11:54 PM

Mar 2015
Finally we can close the discussion of whether Luffy could already beat younko or not. I think it is clear that Luffy is GRAVELY outclassed here.

Honestly, I don't even get why ppl were saying Luffy could, even when me and some others kept saying that Luffy BARELY beat Mingo in a 2 vs. 1 (actually 1000 vs. 1 or so, he would have lost if all those guys didn't stall Luffy), while Mingo was terrified by the younko. the commanders of the younko are stronger than Mingo too, which means Luffy won't even be able to beat those on his own. Perhaps by some miracle he could, like he beat Enel or Crocodile, but that rly was sheer MC luck. I think it won't do justice to One Piece if those commanders could be beaten by mere luck as well.

This being said, the only possible way to get Sanji back is by using the Mirror World. Go find the right mirror, somehow pull him in, escape.
Sep 2, 2016 12:00 AM

Dec 2011
The10tailedwolf said:
kaitonic said:

You means Chopper since Luffy is in the forest not the mirror world.

No... I mean Luffy. Re-read my post again -__- I want Luffy to GO INTO the mirror world (because that's the quickest way to reach and escape with sanji), NOT leave from the mirror world.

Oh yeah but he can't enter the mirror world by his own i think or it has to be Brulée to send him in it.
Sep 2, 2016 1:15 AM

Oct 2015
if Luffy is having a tough time defeating Cracker how would he defeat a Yonko let alone an Admiral.
How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb --- Dr Strangelove

Sep 2, 2016 4:23 AM
Jun 2012
See use all his power (Gear 4) against Cracker show us he can't actually defeat Big Mom, or others Yonko.
I think Luffy will fight against Capone (beacause he's a Supernova) , and Sanji Vs. his brothers.
But after that, Luffy "will flee" in front of Big Mom, to power-up once left the island, after recovering Sanji & Road Poneglyph !
Sep 2, 2016 4:55 AM

Oct 2015
jordan_d_dragon said:
Who is getting married at the ruins, is it shanks,is it one of his crew i want to know so bad.looks like craker tougher than i expected but still i belive luffy can handle him.finally we moving foward from this damm forest to vinsmoke family and big mom things get interesting now

I also wonder about that! Maybe one of Shanks' crew getting married?

This chapter once again reconfirms my belief that Oda is one of the best Manga writers around. "San"-ji , his brothers "ni"-ji and "Ichi"-ji. I dunno how long back he had thought of all this but in a world as vast as the One Piece universe this is mindblowing.

Fake people have an image to maintain. Real people just don’t care.
Sep 2, 2016 7:34 AM
Oct 2013
Hiroyuuki said:
Finally we can close the discussion of whether Luffy could already beat younko or not. I think it is clear that Luffy is GRAVELY outclassed here.

Honestly, I don't even get why ppl were saying Luffy could, even when me and some others kept saying that Luffy BARELY beat Mingo in a 2 vs. 1 (actually 1000 vs. 1 or so, he would have lost if all those guys didn't stall Luffy), while Mingo was terrified by the younko. the commanders of the younko are stronger than Mingo too, which means Luffy won't even be able to beat those on his own. Perhaps by some miracle he could, like he beat Enel or Crocodile, but that rly was sheer MC luck. I think it won't do justice to One Piece if those commanders could be beaten by mere luck as well.

This being said, the only possible way to get Sanji back is by using the Mirror World. Go find the right mirror, somehow pull him in, escape.

Because the 2vs1 match up is an inherent miscalculation as well.
Luffy had to fight a 500 million worthy fighter beforehand,had to get rid of several fodder soldiers, that may have not injured him but depleted his stamina nonetheless. Keep in mind Dressrosa went down on a singular day.

As for Laws contribution. It was crucial, but it was also a singular immediate depletion of the extra life Doffy had in storage. It didn´t have any effect on capabilities after he was healed and the ability itself is worthless against someone capable of immediately finishing him off during his regeneration. He definitely isn´t Yonkou level but this includes the Yonkou´s crew. We are unaware of their offensive or defensive capabilities and Cracker obviously pointed out that his defensive capabilities without his armor are basically 0. Yonkou can have similar attributes attached to them besides Kaido whose defensive capabilities we´ve seen first hand and to an extend Blackbeard.
Sep 2, 2016 10:30 AM

Dec 2012
All the vintsmokes has a good face, especially the sis `v`
Sep 3, 2016 6:27 AM

Sep 2015
Reiji best girl in the arc so far. Not even Carrot can win.
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