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Jul 28, 2016 9:32 PM

Mar 2014

A place to hang out? I guess. I don't know. Lots of shops at least. Have fun?
Central Plaza
Western Gate
Eastern Ship Port
An Acquired Taste Inn
Explorer's Guild
Central Plaza Streets
Ze-LemAug 7, 2016 7:41 PM
RP characters: Freya
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 30, 2016 10:38 AM

Mar 2014

Dawn had just broken over the still sea on Novaj Eden's eastern boarder. This was Emylin's favourite time of day because the majority of the city's population was still snugly asleep in bed, the exceptions being early-birds like Emylin and the shopkeepers who were obliged to be at work. During the market's busier hours, all the races in Sevill would gather around the stalls, and well, Emylin wasn't in a mood to deal with those kinds of people.

As per usual, she darted towards her preferred shop, a humble textile stall ran by an older Numile man. Upon arival, Emylin placed her gun on the counter and squatted down to examine the wares displayed on the lower shelves.

"You could at least say 'good morning', Little Llewyn." The shopkeeper leaned forward to examine his favourite patron.

"Ah, I suppose..." Responded Emylin after a long pause. Another pause followed before she properly stood up to address her friend. "Good morning, Trell. Might I ask what In Sevill compelled you to call me by such a crude name?"

The man, apparently named Trell laughed at her inquiry as if he expected her to ask just that. "Well, when I called you "Emylin", you scolded me for being informal, and when I tried 'Ms. Llewyn" you scolded me for calling you your mother's name. What-" Trell was swiftly cut off before he could finish speaking.

"And I was right on by accounts! After 70 years I'd expect you to know how to address a young lady." Emylin lashed out with a dismissive gesture as if to put the topic to rest.

"I'm 36, Your Grace" Trell added, with an exaggerated bow. "Are you looking to buy anything in particular? I have a shipment coming in soon, and I'd be more than honored to reserve some materials for such a dedicated client."

"No, I drained my saving with my last purchase. Even picking up a bottle of dye would cost me a day's worth of food. I'm considering taking a job in the north actually." Her formal tone seemed to have dropped now, and she spoke casually with a relaxed posture.

The two of them continued to converse as the city around them began to bustle.
RP characters: Freya
Aug 1, 2016 6:01 PM

Mar 2014

"Well, Trell, it has been your pleasure, but I'm afraid I must deprive you of my company for now." Their long conversation came to its conclusion many hours after it had started. The kind shopkeeper had offered Emylin a position at his shop, to which she humbly refused insisting that such pursuit would be selfish, and that she should instead aim to work for the betterment of her people by making the world a safer place. "A pleasure indeed Emylin Llewyn. As always, you are welcome here at any hour." replied her friend. Emylin lifted her gun off the counter, toted it on her shoulder, and took another glance up at the sky to determine the time. "Ciao~" offered Emylin in a sing-song tone that was accompanied by some sort of hand gesture that had no particular meaning.

The area was getting to be very busy as people bargained for various wares peddled at the plethora of shops. Passing through it, Emylin was starting to feel uncomfortable, not due to the volume of people, but instead because of how few Numile there were. From her experience, they were the lease common race in the city, and by extension the known world. This made her a sort of outcast, not that prejudice towards Numile was all that common. Even still, Emylin had picked up a couple of habits such as keeping her mouth shut, and lowering her head so the shadow dulled the vibrancy of her green eyes. Small things like that let her pass through crowds without drawing any glances.

Maybe it really was time to look for another job. Her funds were running dangerously low, and the Guild was offering more for expedition jobs than ever before, likely due to the innate danger of fighting in the north. Turning her attention towards the Explorer's Guild building looming in the distance, Emylin headed to the Central Plaza it was located in.
RP characters: Freya
Aug 7, 2016 6:33 AM

Nov 2015

She was walking over the streets, not bothering to look around her at some of the people that walked there, and only went straight to the areas she needed to go. The Chainsaw on her back was enough for some people to start walking around her with a slight arch, while others just didnt look her in the eye. The ones who did seemed to follow those who didn't a few moments after, her eyes just standing hard and cold, not a hint of emotion on her face. Heading to one of the butcher stores, she ordered a placement for some meat, waited on it and paid for it before leaving, letting some air drop in relief behind her as she did, while venturing on to the next place
Aug 10, 2016 10:04 PM

Jun 2013
Following the exact directions that the maid from earlier gave her, Evalyn found her way to the Central grand market. She walked through the crowds of people, occasionally bumping into some. She looked over at the stalls and all the things that were being sold. Everything you could ever possibly want were all there, lined up for people to buy. Things ranging from jewelry, to gadgets, to the occasional small weapon. But Evalyn wasn't here for those things, she had her eyes set on a stall further down the street. A stall that had a mouthwatering scent coming from it and filling up the streets. Her mouth opened as she smiled. She was almost there! Just a little further down and she would be right in front of all those delicious hanging meats. Slowly but surely, Evalyn made her way down the street. Finally, she was right in front of the stall. She looked at all the meats with a sparkle in her eyes. They all looked so tasty, it would be hard to just choose one kind! She could buy more than one.... If her wallet allowed her. Sadly, her wallet refused to cater to her meat cravings. She would have to choose one, and make it worth it! She eyed the meats until she came up with her answer. She pulled out her notebook and pen and wrote down her order. All she had to do now was show it to the seller! She held up the notebook in front of her and pointed to it, hoping the man would look her way. Unfortunately for her, the man had many customers who were shouting their orders at him keeping him busy. The people around her were getting their orders while she stood there, desperately trying to catch the attention of the man. Finally, after being pushed around by the crowd of people around her, she put her fingers in her lips and let out a loud whistle. This time, she successfully caught the attention of the meat vendor. She gave him a smile and was about to show him her notebook, but she was cut off by him saying "if you don't want to order, don't hold up my line!" Evalyns smile dropped. She shook her head and tried to point at her notebook to show him, but she was pushed to the back of the crowd by the people who were all trying to get ahead of each other for the best meat. She blinked, feeling a little bit dumbfounded at how fast she was pushed to the back of the line. She pouted and stared down at her notebook. If she didn't get back to the front of the line soon, the beef jerky she wanted would surely be sold out! She looked back up and sighed. She would have to try again!
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 10, 2016 10:30 PM

Jul 2014
Ibuki Irelia

Ibuki was frantically running about the market looking for her lost friend. She was sneaky at times, Ibuki couldn't believe that she'd slip away at a place and time like this. Unbelievable! Ibuki bent over, placing her hands on her knees and beads of sweat ran down her face. She inhaled deeply and stood up straight. She was about to take a rest until a whistle pierced her ears.
Her head snapped to her left. And there she was, Evalyn was standing at the back of a long line of hungry customers trying to buy various different meats.
Ibuki rushed over to Evalyn, but didn't say anything. She was looking awfully troubled, Ibuki scratched her head in confusion and then noticed that the store owner probably didn't see her order.
Craaaaaccckkk! Ibuki's knuckles let out an eerie cracking as she loosened her shoulders and stepped forward, grabbing Evalyn by the sleeve of her shirt.
"UHMM!... Did you not see, this young lady here would like to order some meat"
She hissed at the owner of the shop sarcastically. She pulled Evalyn infront of her and pointed at the note pad.
"Or are you blind?"
She threatened, cracking her knuckles once more while glaring at the shop owner.
Sodalicious_Aug 10, 2016 10:46 PM
Aug 10, 2016 11:11 PM

Jun 2013
She didn't notice Ibuki's arrival at all. It was only when she felt herself being dragged back tkt he front of the line did she notice her friend, who didn't look all too happy at the moment. Evalyn was grateful that her friend helped her out, but at the same time, she was a bit scared that she was found this fast. Hopefully Ibuki wouldn't scold her after all of this. After Ibuki got the attention of the meat vendor, he raised his brow at her and leaned forward.
"Listen here little lady, either you speak up and order, or you get out of line. I have no time for people who don't plan on buying."

Evalyn looked back the meat vendor and held up her notebook. I'd like a dozen pieces of that beef jerky please! She gave the man a smile.

He stared at her notebook for a second before huffing and turning around to get the order ready. In less than a minute, he held out a bag with the meat inside to Evalyn. She took it and quickly gave the man the money for it. With that done, she took Ibuki by the wrist and pulled her out of the line so that they wouldn't interfere with the mans business. Once they were in a less crowded area, Evalyn stopped and looked back at Ibuki.
"Now before you start getting mad... Thank you for helping me again!" She moved her hands hastily as she signed to Ibuki. She wanted to cut her off before she would get scolded for running off on her own. "Half of these are for you too!" She quickly added on, before handing her the bag and giving Ibuki her brightest smile. A smile she would always use to try to get out of trouble...
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 11, 2016 3:17 AM

Nov 2015

Having continued her walk over the street while eating one of the cooked chicken wings she had bought, she heard some sort of whistle in front of her. Her eyes got momentarily distracted towards the sound of the whistle, which had seem to come form some girl that was standing there, and was followed by the actions of another girl, as the latter had ran over to the former of the two. Creo kept walking in her usual pace, most people just avoiding her as she continued, her expressionless face staring a bit at the group of two people at the meat place, the blonde seemingly threatening to man behind the stall, which then got followed by the guy getting whatever order they seemed to want. Deciding it wasnt worth the attention anymore, she let her eyes turn back to in front of her as she walked on in her usual pace
Aug 11, 2016 3:58 PM

Jul 2014
Ibuki Irelia

Ibuki waited at the back of the queue once Evalyn had been served, she dug her hands into her pockets and leaned up against the wall of a nearby building.
Before long Evalyn emerged from the crowd with a bag of beef jerky. Disappointment began to show on Ibuki's face the closer Evalyn came. Ibuki's arms crossed across her chest as Evalyn approached.
Evalyn was always thanking her for helping out, sometimes Ibuki wondered why she always got herself into situations like that no matter how many times Ibuki had told her not to stray off on her own in big crowds and that the two of them should stick together whenever possible.
"Well you wouldn't need my help if you'd ju-
She was cut off mid sentence by Evalyn's blur of hand gestures, some people might have thought it strange to be cut off with silence, but Ibuki had gotten used to it.
"Well, thank you I guess... But still you shouldn't wonder off without telling me. You know we're stronger when we're together."
Ibuki snatched a piece of the beef jerky from her friend. Her cheek puffed out in a pouting manner. For the next few seconds the air around them was filled with the sound of hungry Numiles munching on one of their favourite snacks.
Ibuki's jaw crunched down on the jerky, her sharpened teeth digging into the meat and tearing it in two. Before she could even swallow she was shoving the remainder of it into her mouth and chomping it down.
"You always did have good taste Evalyn"
Ibuki's smile was wide as she placed an arm around the shoulders of Evalyn's petite figure.
Aug 11, 2016 4:54 PM

Jun 2013
She grinned with her teeth showing. Her peace offering of dried meat seemed to do the trick for calming her friend down. "Telling you would defeat the purpose of a surprise" She signed to her before taking a piece of the meat for herself. She took a bite of the meat and brought her hand to her cheek and smiled out of bliss. Eating your favorite snack at least once a day should be some sort of law! After having her little moment of savoring the first bite, she quickly munched on the rest of the meat, licking her finger when she finished it off. At Ibukis remark, she lifted her nose in the air and flipped back a lock of her hair. Her signature 'well of course! It's me you're talking about!' pose. She let out an airy giggle and turned to look around at the stalls on the street. "Need anything from here before we go?" She signed to her, then gestured to the stall down the street that had some weapon maintenance products.
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 11, 2016 5:28 PM

Jul 2014
Ibuki Irelia

Ibuki licked her lips in delight finishing off her portion of the beef jerky. A sigh of relief of escaped her lips as her shoulders slumped in relax. She grinned at Evalyn, it was times like this that Ibuki enjoyed having Evalyn around with her. Ibuki often wondered what kind of voice Eavlyn would have if she could talk, maybe it'd be a high pitched pixie voice. Ibuki giggled to herself and looked up at the sun, closing her eyes and soaking in it's warmth.
Ibuki watched as Evalyn's hands waved around in the air, ending in a point towards some other shops.
"Do we even have any money to visit other stalls? Seeing as you went on ahead and bought out your wallet on snacks."
She laughed quietly and the scratched her head, trying to decide on whether or not they should go and browse in case they found something of use.
"I suppose it wouldn't hurt to have a look. Come on! Let's have a look why don't we?"
She pulled Evalyn by her arm and waltzed on down the lane towards the store Evalyn was pointing at.
Aug 11, 2016 5:36 PM

Nov 2013
William Hanzo

William, newly arrived at this city, the first thing he noticed was the massive concentration of people in this place, the Central Grand Market, wich got his attention. He was now looking for some books about magic and some apples so he could explore the rest of the city. This would be a great place to make a show and get some coins...but not yet, I don't want people to think I am some kind of "clown" as he stopped at the book merchant and took a look at the books she was selling, to see if he could find some special tome, or just a good book to read. As he picked up some books he always lighted up a small flame on is index finger so he could easily read the book. Do not worry, ma'am, I will not damage your books, this fire, at this state is totally harmless but he was already getting some unwanted attention, so he kept scouting trough the books, ignoring his surroundings.
Aug 11, 2016 6:04 PM

Jun 2013
Evalyn flinched when Ibuki brought up the subject of her emptying out her wallet on food. She pursed her lips and waved her arms in the air frantically. "I can't help it! It's so good!" After Ibuki agreed to go take a look, Evalyn let herself be pulled along through the densely populated crowd. The crowd had people walking in all directions, making it super easy to get separated in it. At one point, Evalyn was slowly making her way past a stall that was selling all kinds of books. She looked at all the books with a sparkle in her eye and reached forward to pull on Ibukis arm to signal to her to stop for a minute. She grabbed the arm directly in front of her and pointed at the table with books piled on top of it. She eagerly turned her head to look at Ibuki with a big smile. Only the arm she grabbed wasn't Ibukis. The arm she had grabbed belonged to a guy who was reading a book with one hand, and had a small fire in the other. Her smile dissapeared from her face when she realized it wasn't Ibuki whose arm she grabbed. She looked directly at the strangers face and froze. Who was this guy?! Where did Ibuki go?! Just why on Eden was Evalyn so good at getting lost?! She let go of the guys arm and bowed her head twice, a symbol of an apology. She turned back around and darted her eyes around the crowd, trying to look for Ibuki. Ahh, was this some kind of divine punishment for ditching Ibuki earlier?! Evalyn tried to tip toe so she could see over the people, but her short stature prevented her from looking over the heads of the people in the crowd.
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 11, 2016 6:30 PM

Nov 2013
William Hanzo

William, was being absorbed by the books he was reading, there were some really good histories in this small "bookstore" until felt like someone grabbed him while he was reading, the second he felt it, he extinguished the fire and looked at who was grabbing him. It was a girl, he tilted his head has he looked at the girl, she looked very pretty, she looked like a doll. But when she noticed him, she quickly let his arm go and bowed in apology. William, with his and he sign at her and smiled Don't worry., she looked very nervous as she turned around. William was going back to his reading, until he saw that the girl was still around that circle, giving small jumps and tip-toeing around. She was short enough to not be able to see or be seen around this crowd. So he walked to her, leaving the books on the small stand. I'll be back in a bit., when he reached her, he gave her a small poke to the back of her shoulder. name is William... do you need help, you look a bit lostgiving a friendly smile at her, trying to help her out.
Aug 11, 2016 8:12 PM

Jun 2013
She puffed her cheeks in annoyance when she realized that there was no way she could see over all these people. Just why we're all these giants out here today anyways?! Was there some kind of convention for tall people happening today?! She was lost in thought when she felt someone suddenly poke her shoulder. She quickly turned her head back to see who it was, a part of her hoping it was Ibuki who had managed to find her. But it was the guy from before. Right away, she thought that he was angry about the whole arm grabbing thing, so she was reaching for her notebook to apologize to him in writing. But to her relief, he was actually offering his assistance. She looked up at him and her face instantly lit up. He was pretty tall! He could definitely spot her friend in this crowd! She opened her notebook and turned to a fresh page before scribbling away. Once she finished writing, she flipped the book around to show him what she wrote.

Hello William! I'm Evalyn :)
I'm sorry to trouble you, but do you see a pretty girl with long blonde hair in a side pony tail? She's my friend and I lost her in the crowd earlier >.<

She pointed to the right side of her head, showing him which side Ibukis pony tail was on. She gave him a polite smile and waited for his reply.
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 11, 2016 8:43 PM

Nov 2013
William Hanzo

William thought for himseld, that this little girl had the cutest smile he ever saw in these past years, she almost melted his heart with her expressions...but why expressions, he thought, he noticed she was not saying a single word. Or a sound for the case. She then started writing on a book. So he waited has he tried to keep her safe from any person to go against her.
As he read the small text he thought for himself, Don't tell me she can't speak he gave a small sad look to her, wich turned to a smile once again, and nooded at her A girl with blond hair and a pony tail...hmmm..that should be easy he stood up as high as he could, and took a look around, he could see a beutiful blond girl walking to this direction, she even had the pony tail, so he was pretty confidant of it.
With a smile on his face, he turned back to the girl and extended his handHere, take my hand, I think I can see your friend up ahead as he waited for her to hold his hand he made another small flame on his other hand so he could try to make people move out of his way so they could reach her friend without problems.
Aug 11, 2016 9:16 PM

Jul 2014
Ibuki Irelia

"So which store do you want to vi-
Ibuki was about to ask Evalyn until she turned her head and found a frustrating lack of Evalyn anywhere to be seen.
This girl, is the only thing she knows how to do is get lost?
Ibuki turned her head looking for any sign of Evalyn. It was no use, she was too small, all these people around made it too difficult to spot Evalyn's small figure.
Ibuki's eyes continued to dart from left to right, still no sign of Evalyn. Change of plan, Ibuki began to look at all the different stores around the market. Her eyes finally came to a stop at the book store.
That'd probably be where she wanted to go. She's a sucker for books
Ibuki began to trudge over to the book store. Once again disappointment written all over her face.
Upon reaching the book store Ibuki looked around, she saw some guy with flame on his finger. Ibuki wondered what exactly he was trying to prove by waving that fire around without a purpose. Ibuki's head turned from the sight of the flame.
I wish people would quit trying to show off their oh so special magical abilities. Pfft
Ibuki planted herself against the wall of the store and waited, surely if Evalyn wasn't here already then she'd be here soon enough.
Ibuki's face was especially sulky, it wasn't fun having to look around and worry for her best friend all the time.
Aug 11, 2016 9:22 PM

Jun 2013
Years of practice made her quick to read people's expressions, and the look of pity he gave her didn't go unnoticed. She brushed it off though, because that's what everyone's initial reaction to her was. She tucked her notebook and pen back into her satchel and watched him as he easily scanned the crowd. It must be nice to be tall. Evalyn wasn't super short, but she wasn't exactly on the tall side either. William was at least two heads taller than her. She was snapped out of her thoughts when he extended his hand towards her. She looked down at his hand and then looked back up at him. She nodded her head and smiled before taking his hand. She noticed that he made a fire in his other hand, and he used it to give them more space. It was working, because people would walk further away from them in order to avoid the flames. Evalyn looked at the flames with her eyebrows slightly raised and her mouth in an 'o' shape. That was actually a pretty smart idea! She would have to try that next time she get carried away by a crowd! Maybe getting lost this time wasn't too bad. She ended up learning a handy trick! She let out an airy sound as her shoulders shook; which was her way of laughing. She covered her mouth with her other hand and tried to calm herself down. She was imagining what the scene would look like if a petit girl like herself suddenly set herself on fire to run through a crowd. Yes, it was over exaggerated, but that's what made it funny!
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 12, 2016 3:53 AM

Nov 2015

She had commenced her walking through the stores and buying some extra things she had needed, carrying it all in a small pack on her back, underneath the chainsaw that was there, and had started to make her way back, not really having anything to do and thus starting to roam even more than she had already been. On her way back, still getting avoided by people thank's to the way her eyes coldly looked in front of her, see eventually found herself headed straight towards someone coming her way, holding a flame in front of him. Ofcourse, she hadn't planned to walk straight at someone like this, but that didn't mean she was planning to move either. Then again, she also didn't want to bother to have to debate with someone that might get angry at a frontal collision if he didnt step aside himself, make her move slightly to her right. She noticed the girl that was walking with him, recognizing her from earlier, and this time being helped by someone else, making her glare at the girl for a moment, involuntarily, but still, and eventually passed the two, a slight collision of shoulders of the man hadn't moved to the side himself a bit as well. Walking a few steps further, Creo noticed the blonde from earlier, who had previously helped the girl and had seem to known her, at some store that the others came from, having a bothered expression to Creo's opinion. Creo stared at the girl for a while, standing still in the street for what seemed like almost a minute before she merely extended her arm , pointing towards the guy with the flame "She's over there" She plainly said, no real sound to her voice that gave off an emotion, dropping her arm again
Aug 12, 2016 6:21 AM

Nov 2013
William Hanzo

Once Evalyn gave her hand to William, he was able to feel how delicate she was, but she was a strong one. As they walked down in the blond girl direction, he would look at her from time to time, to make sure she was ok, but he noticed that she was happy, or even having a bit of fun, as he saw her make some odd expressions like she was giggling. The flame was working, people would look at me with weird eyes, like they were saying "What the hell is this guy off", but for all the matters, he didn't care, he was used to this kind of looks back on his town, when he used to do little shows to entertain some kids he knew, he was now focused on helping Evalyn. Not long after, he went to someone in the way, an Arvulen, a race known for having animal traits, "I'm sorry, miss" he bowed and tried to keep going. He noticed for a moment, they were walking back to where they were, not long ago, the bookstand, he saw that the Arvulen was pointing to Evalyn, because the Arvulen also noticed the blonde girl. He looked back to Evalyn You are pretty famous around here already. he smiled with a small giggle, as they started walking again to the book stance, he nodded to Arvulen, like he was saying thank you.
When they reached the bookstand once again, he saw the blond girl that fit Evalyn description, standing against a wall, wich she didn't look very "happy", he took the flame out, and trying to keep some distance, not to cause any misunderstanding, I'm not sure, but she looks like the person you described to me. as he pointed to the blond girl.
Aug 12, 2016 9:44 AM

Jul 2011
Lunajin Callante

Now Lunajin had lost track of the quiet girl however it didn't mean he would lose her forever. He had been keeping good track of her after all. He just needed to go after her general direction. It wasn't like she gave out her next location to every one there or anything. Reaching there, the person he was looking for was nowhere to be found. Looking around for her his eyes met with a large piece of metal walking around. It had blades and legs and arms. Then Lunajin thought he was silly as he finally saw that there was a person behind the large piece of metal. Walking up to the large piece of Metal with a smile, He placed his hands on the shoulders of the furry woman and squeezed then slightly. Hello, Hello again, My name is Lunajin Callante, Nice to meet you for the first, second, third time. Are you famous? You look like a role model to children everywhere. Oh, I just remembered, I got something for you. Lunajin would pull out a dusty peppermint that looked to have been in his pocket since his long blue jacket's creation. He held his hand out towards her with his white glove and showed the dust ridden mint to her.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Aug 12, 2016 11:26 AM

Jun 2013
Eventually, she stopped laughing and just followed quietly behind William. At one point, he had bumped into an Arvulen girl and apologized. Seeing as how Evalyn couldn't pull out her book and write with just one hand, she bowed as an apology. She noticed that the Arvulen girl glared at her before heading off on her way. Evalyn brushed it aside. The girl was probably having a bad day or something. Soon after that, William made a comment about how Evalyn seemed to be pretty famous around here. To which she replied with a confused expression and a shake of her head, disagreeing with him.

After walking a little longer, William stopped and pointed at Ibuki. Evalyn looked over at the direction and her face lit up with a bright smile. She looked back at William and nodded her head furiously. She grabbed his hand with both her hands and gave it a little squeeze as she smiled at him. She let go of his hand and quickly went over to where Ibuki was. She tapped her shoulder, successfully getting her attention. She scratched her cheek with one finger and gave Ibuki and apologetic look before moving her hands through the air, explaining what had happened. She explained how she got lost in the crowd, and grabbed a random arm, and how she was shocked to find out it wasn't Ibukis! Then she told her about how people are too tall here and that she would wear heels all the time now. She finally wrapped it all up by signing about how the next time she gets lost, she'll just set herself on fire and run through the crowd to find Ibuki, making her laugh once again. She realized that she left out an important detail in her story! She pointed towards Wiliam and began signing again. "This guy was the one who offered to help me find you.
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Aug 13, 2016 8:06 AM

Nov 2015

She had seen how the two had met up again, just turning around to continue further with her walking when two hands were put on her shoulders, which then got squeezed. Without any real response she turned around to face who had started talking to her now, and who had actually got it into his or her mind, his she found out a splitsecond later, to come up and talk to her. Listening to the words being spoken to her, she indeed already figured this persons mind to be far gone. She looked at him in silence, her eyes as expressionless as ever as she just waited, seeing how he held up a dusty peppermint. She remained standing quiet for a while, but not really deeming any words necessary to be spoken, she had coldly turned around again and had once more started walking further over the street
Sep 3, 2016 10:22 AM

Jul 2011
Lunajin Callante

Seeing her turn back Lunajin popped the mint out his hand. Once the mint hit the ground it would break a bit. Oh no! Raul's only gift has fallen and it can't get up! Whatever shall I do- Hey wait? Where are you going role model among role models? Can I borrow your name? I mean have you name? I would enjoy owning your name. Name please? Or address? Last biggest killing spree? Last partner in bed? Lunajin had followed Creo to where ever she was going not really caring about his surroundings. There hadn't been anyone around anyway.

I'm level on mal-badges. View my badges.

Sep 9, 2016 9:48 PM

Jun 2013

After explaining everything to Ibuki, she realized that she hadn't really thanked William properly. People who have known her for a long time would recognize that hand squeeze gesture as a thank you. But William didnt know that! Evalyn quickly took out her notebook and scribbled on it before going back to William and showing him the page. A big Thank You!! :D was written in the center of the page. The page even had little flowers drawn on it as decorations, as if to emphasize the gratitude she felt. Now that William wasnt leading in front of her, Evalyn actually got a good look at his face. Ah! He was a Numile! Just like her! Which means.... She had a light bulb moment and reached into her bag once again, this time she pulled out a piece of dried meat. It was her last piece.... But Evalyn happily handed it out to him, gesturing for him to take it as a symbol of her thanks. There was nothing that made Evalyn happier than receiving meat as a treat... So she was sure he would appreciate it!

(@Plinius @Sodalicious_ )
RP Characters: Aria Chronis | Lucina
Sep 10, 2016 12:23 PM

Nov 2013
William Hanzo

William stood there, fairly distant from both of them as she was communicating with the blonde girl. He was spacing out, ready to leave, since he was able to help out Evalyn. But before he started to walk away, Evalyn came back with her notebook in hands. He noticed what was written on the book with the little flowers, " thats cute", as he giggled to her "Thank you" he nodded "Don't worry about it.". She looked surprised for a split second, he was started to get worried if he had something on his face. Slightly oblivious to her movements, she approached him with a piece of dried meat in hands, William in a instant moved his eyes to it, the smell was drawing him in as she came closer to handle it to him. William smiled as he received it, being close enough he noticed the big glowing eyes of Evalyn, she was an Numile. Now it all went into place, it would be odd for a person to be having meat on his pockets, so he simply smiled back and riped the piece of dried meat in half and gave the other half to Evalyn. "Thank you....But here, don't let me eat it alone." asking her to enjoy this snack with him.
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» Novaj Eden : Central Plaza (Streets)

Ze-Lem - Aug 7, 2016

23 by Nice-- »»
Sep 2, 2016 11:58 PM

Sticky: » Character Creation

Countenance_Arc - Jul 28, 2016

35 by BlairIsBest7 »»
Aug 28, 2016 10:23 AM

» Mission : Hold the Wall (Corrin & Nao)

Ze-Lem - Aug 17, 2016

9 by BlairIsBest7 »»
Aug 26, 2016 5:41 PM

» Novaj Eden: Western Gate

Nice-- - Jul 28, 2016

8 by BlairIsBest7 »»
Aug 17, 2016 6:05 PM

Sticky: » Novaj Eden: Explorer's Guild

RedPtolemy - Jul 28, 2016

6 by BlairIsBest7 »»
Aug 17, 2016 1:03 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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