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Aug 8, 2016 10:09 AM

Aug 2008
RIP Seiko and chairman. Munakata need to die. Monaca is sure having good time isn't it. I wonder if the secret door lead to Monaca.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Aug 8, 2016 10:12 AM

Nov 2011
Man, if words can't defeat Munakata, how the hell is Naegi gonna be able to remotely do anything against him? His talent is so useless at times like this. Someone need to stop Munakata by force.

Notice how Munakata doesn't wear all white anymore? so evil.

Aug 8, 2016 10:16 AM

Jan 2016
So, Munakata is the killer (he stole both Seiko's drugs and Izayoi's sword), Munakata slashed Tengan's throat, the killer killed Seiko in her sleep, and Izayoi found a secret entrance.

What a crazy, crazy episode.
Courage need not be remembered... For it is never forgotten.
Aug 8, 2016 10:18 AM

Apr 2016
Dammit, I'm gonna miss Tengan and Seiko. Like, the former was a given to die next, but like.......... *sigh*

But what's got me more confused is Narukami taking those drugs and his other eye turning dark. I thought he was gonna be the other protagonist in sync with Naegi, but now I think he's just falling into despair.
All hail the Almighty Funyarinpa!... Wait, what do you mean you don't know what it is?! How DARE you! SAY you're sorry!!! APOLOGIZE TO THE FUNYARINPA!
Aug 8, 2016 10:18 AM

Jul 2014
Munakata still reigning to be my favourite character of this arc, and this latest episode just made me all sorts of confused; in a good way, of course. I can't tell if his intentions are good, or bad. Is he, or is he not the attacker? If he is, why is he so shocked then Tengan talks about Chisa. Actually, why DOES Tengan know who the traitor is?

Urgh, as per usual, I honestly do not know what to expect. Everything is so hectic, I just can't help but be entranced by the current, and future events to occur.

I suspected Ruruka at first, due to her manipulative behavior resembling that slightly of Junko, but as Frag pointed out earlier - the foreshadowing/red herring/hint from Bandai. About the strawberry seeds.

This may further indicate that she may be an antagonist at the very least.
Aug 8, 2016 10:19 AM

Dec 2014
Guys i just realize it now. Munakata was shown in the end. But we already saw that Seiko was killed in the sleeping phase. And Munakata in the end was alive got a new weapon and had Seiko`s drugs.
Also he did first aid himself. It is really likely he is the "Traitor"/Attacker along Monoca. Becasue she killed Great Gozu in the locked room.
Aug 8, 2016 10:19 AM

Oct 2013
Oh boy, this is by far my favourite episode of the show, I loved almost everything.
I'm going to start with the only little thing I disliked: what a BS motive to hate someone, Ruruka. "She didn't eat my sweets"........... seriously? lol

Seems like we finally have our attacker. I'm going to speculate on this, even if I don't have that much of solid proofs, but I want to try. To me, Munakata is the attacker. His long dialogue with Tengan was one of the best moments of the entire show to me and so much interesting things was shown. First of all, we get to know that Tengan cannot answer a question with a lie, so we have to take every answer he gave to him as undeniable truth. I'll take some time to analize other questions he answered in the previous episodes, but for now let's focus on what he said to Munakata. Appearently, Tengan knows very well who is the attacker and even if we don't get to know it, Munakata's reaction is way too forced. Why should one like him be surprised if he gets to know the identity of the traitor? There's only two reasons I can think:

1) It's someone very close to him, that he trustes;
2) It's him.

I think it's him, because it's a natural reaction to be shocked if you get to know that your identity as a traitor has never been totally secret all along. The only problem is the "Is that true?" said by Munakata himself after discovering the truth, that conflicts with my theory, although I just think he said this to confuse Tengan and, why not, we spectators.
The other suspicious thing is that, after knowing Tengan restriction and attacking him, he sais "You know nothing. Not about me, or my plan." Why mentioning he himself or his plan? Probably he's just referring to his method to bring hope, although I love to think he's mentioning the plan of he as a traitor.
Not to mention the fact that he's basically the reason everyone is abandoning more and more to despair, costantly fighting and attempting to kill each other. Hell, he can even easily manipulate Juzo based on how great of a friend he is to him.

The last things that makes me think are the last 30 seconds of the episode, after the ending. We see Munakata awake, attempting to healing his wounds using some strange medicine that turned his eye very similar to Seiko's (probably because the medicine has been stolen from her after ending her life), and after that he said "Time to end this."
Now, we clearly get to see that the it's "rest time" cause everyone looked at the time limit, hell even Munakata himself watched his timer, so why he's awake? There's only one answer to this question...

I don't know if what I just wrote it's all a bunch of bullshits or my guess is right, but the sole fact that I made a theory in the first place shows how well this anime is doing his job to be a very good mystery show. I'm very happy so far, and now I have a tremendous hype for the next one. x)

EDIT: I almost forgot another thing that made me think of Munakata as a traitor: the fact that Tengan keeps repeating to him "why do you have sacrificied Chisa?"
The question is not "why you sacrificed her?" but "why do you know HE sacrificed her?"
Chisa's death should've been unavoidable, almost like a "surprise". If Tengan says so easily that Munakata sacrificed her, it only makes me think more that he's the attacker...
Aug 8, 2016 10:21 AM

Jan 2016

so tengan's death in the opening is just a huge lie, eh?
Aug 8, 2016 10:24 AM
Jun 2015
Yep, I think Munakata is the attacker, I refuse to change my mind until I'm proven wrong
Aug 8, 2016 10:25 AM

Dec 2014
FragOutFire said:

so tengan's death in the opening is just a huge lie, eh?

Not really look at the one object going trough his "throat"
But yes the lighting is confuseing.
Aug 8, 2016 10:26 AM

Dec 2015
mat619 said:
Just realize that Seiko tried to help Asahina with her medicine after she saw her bruises
but she is immediately attacked by Mechagahara

and also what Hagakure role in all this. is he just running around like that until the end. in this case i felt that Kodaka might regret his decision to keeping him alive as survivor in DR1

Wow I didn't even notice that. Man, I feel bad even more now for Seiko. She didn't deserve to die. She only wanted friends, yet died alone. That candy bitch should've been the one to die.
Yep, he's been pretty useless so far. Even Monokuma said that he's outside cuz he nobody likes him. XD
Aug 8, 2016 10:26 AM

May 2016
In the next episode, if I see Ruruka smile or laugh at the sight of Seiko's dead body I'll...UGH!!!

Now, I want to know...How does the killer (if there's only one) decides who to kill next? How did they choose the kill Gozu, and then go for Seiko next? Was it really a coincidence that those two were chosen to be killed in that order, or does the killer have a plan?
You are not your body, you are your brain, the "self" that emerges from within it.
Aug 8, 2016 10:27 AM

Dec 2015
Miaya said:
Oh my god what an amazing episode again! We got to know more about the relationship between Seiko and Ruruka. It's sad because im sure Ruruka dont want to hurt Seiko. All of that just because of one freakin sweet. I wonder where the secret entrance lead,maybe to Monaca or maybe it will permit Hagakure to enter? And Izayoi is starting to be suspicious.
Rip Tengan, he was a good character with amazing skills. I wonder how did he know who the attacker was and who is it. Munakata is starting to going crazy,looks like he took Seiko's syringe.
Seiko seems to be dead? Too bad she was such a sweet character who wanted to save everyone.

If she didn't want to hurt her then she can get over her not eating her fucking sweets. I mean she has to be one of the most self-centered bitchiest chicks I have seen in an anime. She's mad because her friend won't eat her sweets when she said she will die from them. Not to mention she used the hell out of Seiko. If anything Ruruka is completely in the wrong and I doubt she wouldn't mind killing her. She just pisses me off as a character, I just wanted to say get over yourself sweetheart, it wasn't that big of a deal lol.
Aug 8, 2016 10:28 AM
Jun 2015
taynis said:
FragOutFire said:
"Because she wouldn't eat my sweets" might be the worst motivation to hate/bully/kill someone I've ever seen

Right? Especially when the person is going to DIE if they eat it. So it is like "I'm going to kill you because you don't want to eat my sweets and die" XD

IrohaUtsugi said:

Izayoi scene.

Munakata scene.

Hmm, so it is the same sword Izayoi was hiding in that room. But, maybe, Munakata just grabbed it...? Anyway, nice finding!
damn, nice find. gotta look forward to next week to find out more.
Aug 8, 2016 10:30 AM

Jul 2012
EDIT: I never had noticed these ones before in the opening

Big image under the cut

What is happening here? Looks like a security guard and someone's back... @-@

taynisAug 8, 2016 10:45 AM

Aug 8, 2016 10:33 AM

May 2014
After analyze the series, my connclusion in this 5 episodes are:
- Munakata's Forbidden Action: Didn't kill one person every sleep time.
- Monaca Towa is the suspicious person who give poison bracelet to everyone.
- There's a sibling between Izayoi Sounosuke and Munakata Kyousuke.
- The Real Gekkougahara still missing.
IrohaUtsugiAug 8, 2016 10:38 AM
Aug 8, 2016 10:34 AM

Feb 2010
RIP Tengan and Seiko :(

You're both awesome and good person... btw, why Munakata must kill Tengan? is that really neccessary? I think his actions from start till now is nonsense, so emo lol.

Dota 2 Esports Stories are a fuckin Anime IRL Anime Sports

Aug 8, 2016 10:36 AM

May 2014
taynis said:
So, the opening has some interesting things added:

Big image under the cut

What is happening here? Looks like a security guard and someone's back... @-@

I thought that always showed in every episode and with Naegi face in the end.
Aug 8, 2016 10:36 AM

Nov 2012
i'm just waiting for hagakure's epic comeback in all this mess
Aug 8, 2016 10:37 AM
Sep 2015
Man, the thing I've learned with Danganronpa is that, if a few characters get a backstory or big scene, one of them will die following. I think it's the series's way of not having deaths that don't impact the viewer. BUT GAH! Seiko was the one new character who I really wanted to survive. Besides, if she has to die, I wanted her to go out by eating the sweets so Ruruka would realize how much of a douche canoe she was being. Aside from all this, I don't get Monoca's motive in killing Seiko. Wouldn't it have been better for her to kill Mr. Ultimate Boxer? She seems to want to keep Naegi and Asahina alive and he's really threatening that. Hmm.... perhaps she's afraid killing him will blow her cover.
Aug 8, 2016 10:38 AM

Dec 2012
Bloody hell!
Old man still kickass

Aug 8, 2016 10:42 AM

Jul 2012
IrohaUtsugi said:

I thought that always showed in every episode and with Naegi face in the end.

Yeaaah, I never really noticed I guess XD

Aug 8, 2016 10:44 AM

Sep 2015
Dude what is even going on anymore... I dont even know anymore man.
I feel like despair people are much better than this `hope` freaks...
Well most of them at least.
Aug 8, 2016 10:49 AM

Sep 2014
Aslong as Asahina stays alive Im fine, but damn they're dropping like flies now.

Tennouji said:
AzureAceOfficial said:

Byakuya - ??? (Reason why I say this is because he will eventually be included as he is in most of the promotional material for DR3)


(Sorry for caps but yes, I really want to see his arrogant and prideful ass again)

Im inclined to agree, Byakuya is the real MVP.
Aug 8, 2016 10:52 AM

May 2016
All right, I'm almost sure now, Hinata Despair Mode was taking the same shit Seiko made. Their designs are just too similar.

Also, whoever killed her deserves a corrosive acid injection.
Aug 8, 2016 10:56 AM

Dec 2014
taynis said:
EDIT: I never had noticed these ones before in the opening

Big image under the cut

What is happening here? Looks like a security guard and someone's back... @-@

The last picture looks like Munakatas head is there for some reason?
Aug 8, 2016 10:58 AM

Nov 2013
I do think that Ruruka is more sympathetic than people give her credit for. Don't get me wrong, she's a bitch, but not totally unlikable.
The reason she's angry at Seiko is not just not eating her sweets. Seiko helped Ruruka a LOT with her meds. At first that was fine, but they've know each other for years. Ruruka was bitter that Seiko never took an interest in her only talent. It's not just one little thing, it's envy and hate that festered for years. The exam incident was the trigger to change it from bitter to full on hate.
Hopefully next chapter will impact her without letting her fall into despair.

I'm really interested in Izayoi now. He's set up to be an unimportant character, but now I feel that he's going to play a bigger role than it seemed. After all, of all character to find something special like that door, why him?

Kizakura and Mitarai also seem like characters important to the endgame. I feel like we'll see more of them later in despair side.
Too much salt can ruin even the best of meals.
Aug 8, 2016 11:15 AM

Jan 2016

I was really hoping they would escape the building by this episode

also, hakagure and the people inside experiencing the same tremor tells me that they probably are in there

which makes kirigiri's discovery of the missing door damage confusing
FragOutFireAug 8, 2016 12:10 PM
Aug 8, 2016 11:17 AM
Jul 2016
Just want to remind everyone about this.

This can still be true. Seiko was murdered by the attacker and Tengan was killed directly by Munakata, not in the sleep time or by the poison, so that's why he is different than everyone else. I don't want this to be true, because that would mean that Munakata and Miaya will survive and Asahina will die.
Aug 8, 2016 11:17 AM

Oct 2014
Im getting bad vibes from Munakata. He seems like he could be the attacker. I mean, Seiko was killed and right after that we see Munakata using one of her drugs to get a power up kinda thingy. So basically: Kill Seiko-->take her drugs-->get stronger (?)

Kizakura and Chisa are also way too suspicious. Well, Chisa has been suspicious since the very beggining tbh.

I dont even know. This is Danganronpa. Anything can happen
Aug 8, 2016 11:22 AM
May 2015
Kouun said:
I bet 50 bucks that Sakakura was the one riding the bike in the flashback


seriously though, this episode...i've come to really like seiko, and even though it seems unlikely, i hope she turns out to be fine like asahina did. assuming she doesn't, though, then it's probable that munakata is the traitor since the scene after the credits showed him with her supplies. i didn't like him from the beginning, but i thought he was just a little extreme; i certainly wasn't expecting this from him. even disregarding seiko, though, then what tengan said about yukizome is still reason enough to pin munakata as the traitor.

speaking of tengan, he was so cool! definitely a shame that he's out this early, but he put up a good fight against munakata despite being at a huge disadvantage.

it was nice to see more of seiko, ruruka and izayoi; they were adorable as kids! i'd like to know if seiko was being honest about why she couldn't eat ruruka's sweets, too, so hopefully that'll come up in the future.

all in all another super fun episode! ;v;
Aug 8, 2016 11:36 AM
Aug 2016
Cejara said:
Miaya said:
Oh my god what an amazing episode again! We got to know more about the relationship between Seiko and Ruruka. It's sad because im sure Ruruka dont want to hurt Seiko. All of that just because of one freakin sweet. I wonder where the secret entrance lead,maybe to Monaca or maybe it will permit Hagakure to enter? And Izayoi is starting to be suspicious.
Rip Tengan, he was a good character with amazing skills. I wonder how did he know who the attacker was and who is it. Munakata is starting to going crazy,looks like he took Seiko's syringe.
Seiko seems to be dead? Too bad she was such a sweet character who wanted to save everyone.

If she didn't want to hurt her then she can get over her not eating her fucking sweets. I mean she has to be one of the most self-centered bitchiest chicks I have seen in an anime. She's mad because her friend won't eat her sweets when she said she will die from them. Not to mention she used the hell out of Seiko. If anything Ruruka is completely in the wrong and I doubt she wouldn't mind killing her. She just pisses me off as a character, I just wanted to say get over yourself sweetheart, it wasn't that big of a deal lol.

i think for Ruruka case she just want to get praised by Seiko
Seiko always help her with her amazing medicine and show her how great her talent is. and Ruruka in return also wants Seiko to praise her talent by giving her sweets. but Seiko can't eat sweet so Ruruka feel inferior and useless to Seiko. and in order to make herself feel better she started to use Seiko for her own benefit
Aug 8, 2016 11:39 AM

Jul 2013
It seems like a lot of people don't like her, but I actually like Ruruka upon watching this episode. She seems genuinely nice, but she let her sensitivities get the best of her over time (Seiko refusing her sweets made her insecure). I really liked those two inner monologues about trust. Rooting for her and Izayoi to live - I doubt he's the traitor as well.

Was on the edge of my seat when Juzo was facing off against Asahina. Looks like she managed to escape though, and she actually bested him with her weapon which was cool to see. She always has been extremely athletic so it's cool to see it aid her in the series against someone whose special ability is literally fighting. I wonder what the point of this shot was though:

Something tells me Monaca isn't the traitor and she's just a red herring who's actually obeying the rules of the game, much like how Junko was fair about the rules she enforced even up to her death. However I do hope she gets exposed soon as I feel like leaving the viewers with this secret for too long is just not effective writing. I really hope she is in that secret room Izayoi found.

So now Munakata allegedly knows the traitor. I can totally see him pulling a "Tengan's forbidden action revealed to me who the traitor is and it's *blatantly lies* MAKOTO NAEGI!" to further his own agenda. But I wonder when what Tengan actually said will be touched on...

Anyways, as of this episode I'm rooting for Ruruka and Izayaoi in addition to the originals, but as long as Asahina lives I'll be happy.

nagitokomaeda_ said:
Just want to remind everyone about this.


This can still be true. Seiko was murdered by the attacker and Tengan was killed directly by Munakata, not in the sleep time or by the poison, so that's why he is different than everyone else. I don't want this to be true, because that would mean that Munakata and Miaya will survive and Asahina will die.

This seems like a feasible endgame cast, but I personally don't agree because I don't buy Tengan as the traitor. I can buy him as someone who knew what was going to happen, but if Seiko's death tells us anything it's that the attacker is still at large. I also just don't envision Izayoi dying...and to some extent Juzo. And I don't really want to believe it on a personal level either.
ChanaynayAug 8, 2016 11:55 AM
Aug 8, 2016 11:39 AM

Jun 2016
This episode is very good I think Kodaka have something against Me he kill Chzia,Gozu and Seiko all my favourites are dead Fuck this I piss.

I don t get their dead they are still My favourite man watching this is so painful not because It bad Its very good but too many likeable characters dieng.

My High suspect Is Munakata and Juuzuo They are traitors Personally I think Its Munakata Him killing Tengan and something With Tengan saying about him sacrificing Chiza and also Chiza dieng crying must be someone close so Its either Him or Juuzuo Sakakura

Aug 8, 2016 11:41 AM

Feb 2013
Poor Seiko, she is dead.
That Ruruka used her and she was considering that as friendship, I hate her personality and life.
Aug 8, 2016 11:46 AM
Nov 2015
Definitely one of the more interesting episodes. I'm curious as to how Monaca fits into all of this...there's a good chance she's the attacker, but that's seems a little too predictable. I'd guess that the attacker is someone we'd never expect.
As well, Izayoi will most likely play a bigger part in the next episode which I'm looking forward to.
magilouAug 8, 2016 11:55 AM
Aug 8, 2016 11:47 AM
May 2015
Chanaynay said:

Was on the edge of my seat when Juzo was facing off against Asahina. Looks like she managed to escape though, and she actually bested him with her weapon which was cool to see. She always has been extremely athletic so it's cool to see it aid her in the series against someone whose special ability is literally fighting. I wonder what the point of this shot was though:

i think the whole point of showing asahina's injuries was because seiko was concerned over them [i think she wanted to treat her injuries but gekkogahara interrupted...] which was probably just to show the viewers that seiko isn't bad, even when she's all strong ^^ that's my interpretation of it, but then again, this is danganronpa we're talking about, so there's a chance it could be something totally different ORZ
Aug 8, 2016 11:49 AM

Nov 2013
We're almost at the half way point now. I don't think we'll be able to guess the endgame now.

A lot has happend, but I do believe there the biggest twists haven't arrived yet.
Too much salt can ruin even the best of meals.
Aug 8, 2016 11:51 AM
Dec 2015
Scratch on Hina's arm is really suspisious. If her forbidden action is being hit, how she got that scratch and survived? Or it's just meaningless detail to encourage speculations.
Aug 8, 2016 11:53 AM
Aug 2016
Chanaynay said:

Was on the edge of my seat when Juzo was facing off against Asahina. Looks like she managed to escape though, and she actually bested him with her weapon which was cool to see. She always has been extremely athletic so it's cool to see it aid her in the series against someone whose special ability is literally fighting. I wonder what the point of this shot was though:

So now Munakata allegedly knows the traitor. I can totally see him pulling a "Tengan's forbidden action revealed to me who the traitor is and it's *blatantly lies* MAKOTO NAEGI!" to further his own agenda. But I wonder when what Tengan actually said will be touched on...

Anyways, as of this episode I'm rooting for Ruruka and Izayaoi in addition to the originals, but as long as Asahina lives I'll be happy.

I don't know if i should say this. but the purpose of that scene is to make you fell bad even more with Seiko death

Take a look on Saeko right hand. she clearly wants to help Asahina by giving her Cure W potion. but she is attacked by Mechagahara before she can help her

csspec said:
Scratch on Hina's arm is really suspisious. If her forbidden action is being hit, how she got that scratch and survived? Or it's just meaningless detail to encourage speculations.

She was probably get that scratch from Pipe fight with Sakakura. her forbidden action is not to get punch or kick means if get hit byobject or weapon doesn't count
mat619Aug 8, 2016 11:57 AM
Aug 8, 2016 11:54 AM
May 2015
csspec said:
Scratch on Hina's arm is really suspisious. If her forbidden action is being hit, how she got that scratch and survived? Or it's just meaningless detail to encourage speculations.

maybe her FA is getting punched? since sakakura's using a weapon, perhaps it doesn't count if she's injured...either that or it's something that was overlooked ^^;
Aug 8, 2016 11:59 AM

Jul 2013
cxppertone said:
i think the whole point of showing asahina's injuries was because seiko was concerned over them [i think she wanted to treat her injuries but gekkogahara interrupted...] which was probably just to show the viewers that seiko isn't bad, even when she's all strong ^^ that's my interpretation of it, but then again, this is danganronpa we're talking about, so there's a chance it could be something totally different ORZ

mat619 said:
I don't know if i should say this. but the purpose of that scene is to make you fell bad even more with Seiko death

Take a look on Saeko right hand. she clearly wants to help Asahina by giving her Cure W potion. but she is attacked by Mechagahara before she can help her

oh my goodness....

Aug 8, 2016 12:02 PM
Jul 2018
Seiko dies, but Ruruka is still alive? What non sense is this shit? >:(
Aug 8, 2016 12:04 PM
May 2015
Chanaynay said:
cxppertone said:
i think the whole point of showing asahina's injuries was because seiko was concerned over them [i think she wanted to treat her injuries but gekkogahara interrupted...] which was probably just to show the viewers that seiko isn't bad, even when she's all strong ^^ that's my interpretation of it, but then again, this is danganronpa we're talking about, so there's a chance it could be something totally different ORZ

mat619 said:
I don't know if i should say this. but the purpose of that scene is to make you fell bad even more with Seiko death

Take a look on Saeko right hand. she clearly wants to help Asahina by giving her Cure W potion. but she is attacked by Mechagahara before she can help her

oh my goodness....

i relate...but since asahina's thing turned out to be fake, maybe the same can be said for seiko [a little too optimistic, but a girl can hope]
Aug 8, 2016 12:18 PM

Jan 2013
Tobi said:
Seiko dies, but Ruruka is still alive? What non sense is this shit? >:(

"if i eat sweets ill die"
Ruruka: sigh that again...

that selfish bitch will get her just despairserts
Aug 8, 2016 12:20 PM
Jul 2016
While it may seem that Munakata is the attacker, I think that's way too obvious. Keep in mind that this is the same anime that fooled us into thinking that Asahina was dead and the same studios that really love pulling twists on us. I mean, all of the killers in the games are never the most obvious choice. Also, we're not even halfway through the anime. I don't think they'd reveal the true attacker and mastermind this early on. So that's why I strongly don't believe that Munakata's the attacker. He may seem like it's just too obvious! Ugh, I'm so confused :(
Aug 8, 2016 12:22 PM
Apr 2016
I found this text in tumblr

The popular opinion of fans in Japan is that he say:
“しゅうげきしゃ は いれかわる”
“Shugeki-sha wa irekawaru”

in English it would roughly be:
“The attacker alternates”
Aug 8, 2016 12:22 PM

Sep 2015
Sigh... I forgot again that when I have a favorite character in Danganronpa they don't live long. But it was obvious, Seiko was raising death flags since last week's episode. I still feel bad for her she just wanted friends.

I don't hate Ruruka even if she pisses me off most of the time, but if she's happy about Seiko's death and shows no remorse then I'm definitely gonna punch her.

I can't predict the endgame cast but I'm ready to bet my arm that Ultimate Boxer will live till the end. He's annoying af and everyone wants him to die, that's why he's gonna live.
Aug 8, 2016 12:30 PM

Dec 2015
mat619 said:
Cejara said:

If she didn't want to hurt her then she can get over her not eating her fucking sweets. I mean she has to be one of the most self-centered bitchiest chicks I have seen in an anime. She's mad because her friend won't eat her sweets when she said she will die from them. Not to mention she used the hell out of Seiko. If anything Ruruka is completely in the wrong and I doubt she wouldn't mind killing her. She just pisses me off as a character, I just wanted to say get over yourself sweetheart, it wasn't that big of a deal lol.

i think for Ruruka case she just want to get praised by Seiko
Seiko always help her with her amazing medicine and show her how great her talent is. and Ruruka in return also wants Seiko to praise her talent by giving her sweets. but Seiko can't eat sweet so Ruruka feel inferior and useless to Seiko. and in order to make herself feel better she started to use Seiko for her own benefit

Still though, that is some twisted logic. I mean do something else for here, I doubt making sweets is literally the only thing this girl can do. Like maybe buy a present or something lol. Like buy her some new chemistry beakers or some shit, she'd probably love that.
Aug 8, 2016 12:33 PM
Mar 2016
I dont really think that munakata was a traitor. Yeah that grandpa words its quite vague when he said that munakata sacrificed yukizome. But on the last thing many ppl here said that it was munkata based on Forbidden Action that grandpa had (sry i forgot his name, its tengan or tengen ? too lazy to check but i afraid if i misspelled it lol). So back to Forbidden Action, i think with a grandpa body he can hold for last moment after saying that lie. So when he asked who was the traitor, he lied in last moment (?). Yeah this is danganronpa i hoped they give some twist on it, and yeah i guess 3 more episodes its more than enough for this settings, i hoped some ppl will come later on like byakuya or other ppl.
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