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Jul 28, 2016 9:27 PM

Mar 2014

The Central Place located at the heart of the city. The area is a good starting point for anyone. Not too far from most areas of the city itself and the closest spot to the Explorer's Guild building. Also included here seems to be a nice spot to eat at, that everyone seems to be heading towards.... Enjoy!
Western Gate
Grand Market Plaza
Eastern Ship Port
An Acquired Taste Inn
Explorer's Guild
Central Plaza Streets

Ze-LemAug 7, 2016 7:25 PM
RP characters: Freya
Reply Disabled for Non-Club Members
Jul 30, 2016 11:22 AM

Nov 2015

She came walking out of one of the back alleys, walking onto the plaza from its outskirts casually, her tail slightly moving with each step as she walked further among the people. She looked around a bit, her weapons sheathed on her back while she continued to roam around. She got bumped into a bunch of times by several people, some of which she was sure were on purpose, but she wasn't exactly looking for a fight right now. Continuing a bit, she eventually stopped at a food shop, sitting on one of the seats outside and ordering a bowl of pork chop noodles. She paid for it with some money she had just stolen from the guy she had left in between the trashcans in the back alley, waited on her food for a moment until it arrived, thanking the man who made it for her. She let her food cool down for a bit, her tongue being sensitive after all, watching the people go by while she did, until she decided her food was cooled enough, gladly starting to eat her food down, loving its taste as usual
Aug 1, 2016 6:42 PM

Mar 2014

It might have been nervousness, or possibly just laziness, but as Emylin drew closer to the city's center, she felt increasingly less confident about taking on a job as dangerous as fighting in the north. Her pace slowed until she was halted by her own cowardice. At this rate should would just have to settle for another low paying escort job through that insect ridden forest. The pollen there always made her allergies act up. I'm probably just hungry. A bit of nourishment will make me feel better. The though of food made Emylin bare her fangs with a smile for a moment, before she made for a nearby restaurant that sold bowls of meat, well, in addition to less desirable dishes. Emylin sat down at the first available table which happened to be near a green-haired Arvulen, and ordered a bowl of beef. Before long, a large pile of meat was served in front of her, and before the server had turned away, Emylin was already tearing into the meal with her carnivorous fangs.
RP characters: Freya
Aug 1, 2016 9:42 PM

Nov 2015

"Mister, are you interested in hiring a maid to assist you?" Alexandra asks as he steps in front of a man in a trenchcoat, effectively stopping him from walking past her.
"Hahaha! I'd love to, but my hands and pockets are empty. You're looking for a job?"
"I am indeed, You see, I've very recently been freed from my maid duties, and I don't know what I could do for a living."
"Well, quite a lot of courageous souls have been enlisting themselves as adventurers. Y'know, to assist the push of the military through the wilds or something like it. Maybe you should give that a try, if you can keep yourself together in combat."
"An adventurer? That could be a nice change of pace from my maid duties, though it may be too much."
"Well, can you hold yourself in combat?"
"I can," she quickly replied, extending her arm and pointing a finger at a pair of shields leaning against a lamppost. "With those, I can."
"A pair of... shields? Now, color me impressed. You are a strong woman, alright."
"Thank you for both the compliment and the advice. Now, I should trouble you no more."
After a graceful curtsy, Alexandra stepped away and walked towards the lamppost, picking up her shields. She was about to seek refuge from the light rain when the man called out to her.
"Young maid, may I ask your name? You would serve as quite the story to be told in front of a fireplace."
"I was given the name Alexandra, and unless I gain another master, I shall stick with that name."
"True to the word, eh? Well, Alexandra, I wish you good luck. With the adventurer thing and whatnot," the man said as he walked past Alexandra and crossed the street, disappearing from sight just a few seconds later.

Rain gradually picked up in strength, its intensity becoming too much to handle even for an Arvulen. "I guess I'll have to spend time somewhere, at least until the storm passes."

It was then that she noticed a pale blonde Numile walk inside the small building in front of the lamppost, her unnatural green eyes shining against the light. Alexandra decided to follow the girl and seek refuge from the storm inside the nearby building.

As she made her way in, she was greeted by contesting scents and aromas of various dishes. Her stomach grumbled and rumbled in response, giving Alexandra the choice of "eat or eat."

...Which technically wasn't a choice at all.

"A bowl of pork chop noodles, please," she requested, taking out a few coins of silver and gold. She took a seat at a table near the entrance, beside the table taken by the Numile. As she patiently waited for her order, she took off her shields and placed the giant pieces of steel under beside her chair.

"Adventurer, huh..."
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 2, 2016 2:15 AM

Nov 2015

She had continued gladly eating her meal, sometimes looking up at the people that came by around her, some seemed to go to this same restaurant, not much to Tally's surprise, after all, the food here was quite good. Looking at the people who came into the restaurant, the first one came to sit basically next to her table, giving Tally plenty of time to look at her, seeing the blonde hair and green eyes, as well as looking at her weaponry for a moment. After that, a second person had joined as well, who sat just a slight bit further from Tally. Looking at this person gave her view of some dark hair, paired with weaponry as 2 shields. Her eyes went back to the Numile as she quickly started to dig in to her food in a way Tally would say only Numile could, or rather, it would be easier to recognize a Numile that way, if you couldnt get a view of their eyes. Tally decided to take some more bites from her food as she switched her attention back to the other person that had come to sit at the restaurant, inspecting her once again. The lack of view on whether the girl had animalistic traits or not made it harder to distinguish her race, the Numile was sitting in the way a bit as well after all. Deciding neither of the two would make for a good easy target, Tally just continued the meal, having satisfied her interest for now. She let out a sigh of relief after she was done, having had a good meal as she got the last pieces of pork chop out of her teeth, then leaned back a bit in her chair as she ordered a drink to just relax at her table as well
Aug 2, 2016 3:53 PM

Dec 2013

"Oh fuck off already, I'm out alright!?" Varius shouted as he exited out some corner bar in one of the streets of the main plaza.
He grasped his fists that were currently bloodied, turning his head to watch as two men helped some poor bastard with a destroyed face.

This was the typical thing that happened to him every time he would go to some place. Varius would get rowdy from arguing with people who would call him out for being an idiot, for choosing the path of an "advdenturer" as they called that type of work now. The ending results? For the most part, a stranger's face beaten to a bloody pulp, Varius being kicked out and an endless wander for another place to sit in at.

It wasn't that Varius didn't have a place to go to, far from it really. He could have headed back home, eaten food there and slept in comfortable bed, but that wasn't what he wanted. Ever since joining up as "sell sword", as his father would so politely called it, Varius had no intentions on passing by his own home. He was free to what he wanted, and his parents still convinced this was a phase, gave him enough money to support this rather reckless new life style of his.

Spending time taking on minor escort jobs also helped Varius get more money for himself, but he was still fairly inexperienced, not having become a full fledged adventurer who would be seen crossing into highly hostile lands. This of course, was bound to change. He had heard of new missions being posted in a nearby guild, missions that would take him far beyond the woods outside Novaj Eden, and into the lands of hostile enemies. Only then will Varius finally become a full fledged adventurer.

For now, food was on his mind, and he spotted a nearby spot. He stopped at a small fountain in the streets to wish his hand before entering the small place.
Walking in, he ordered himself a bowl of beef stew, waiting for it to be ready, before going to take a seat in some table not that far off from what he was was an odd group of girls in the place. Each one of them alone, each at a table next to the other.

How odd... he thought to himself before he focused his attention on the bowl of food before him.
Aug 3, 2016 9:12 AM

Mar 2014

It was difficult for the young Numile to enjoy her meal with the intrusive stares she was getting from one of the beasts at another table. For a moment Emyline tried to put the unsettling feeling aside as she tore into the last few bites of beef and set her bowl aside. When she looked up again, the Arvulen's attention was elsewhere yet she still had the same...amused look on her face? Emylin was not very skilled with reading people, not to mention Arvulen also made expressions with their ears, and sometimes noses which made it all that much more difficult. In the animal's distraction, Emylin took a moment to assess her properly with an analytical glare. Although the Arvulen's animalistic traits resembled a wolf, she had a sort of ratty look about her, as if she were some sort of back-alley brawler, although Emylin's biased mind might have been dirtying her image. Bah! She probably had to rob some poor human just to pay for her meal. Subconsciously, Emylin let small sparks of electricity leap between her fingetips as her active imagination shook the reality before her.

When Tally placed her order for a drink, Emylin decided to do something irrational and stupid. She waved the same waiter over to her table, and from a pocket she drew a couple coins, which were supposed to be tomorrow's lunch. "Excuse me, waiter." Emylin lowered her voice to whisper that would be difficult to hear even with animal ears. "That girl over there is a friend of mine, you see, and I simply must get back at her for a little prank she played on me earlier. If you spill that drink on her, I believe I can make it worth your while." The waiter took her coins as if she had placed an order, and returned to his work. Meanwhile, Emylin sat quietly at her table with a childish grin on her face, praying that the waiter would follow through.
RP characters: Freya
Aug 4, 2016 1:35 PM

Nov 2015

As Tally waited on her drink, she noticed how yet another person arrived. Looking at the new arrival for a moment, she sighed once again as she didn't deem him a nice next target either. Not really in the mood for big fights lately, it was easier to rob the weaker ones anyway, she was trained enough. As such, once again her eyes shifted to somewhere in front of her, inspecting the building of the shop her while her thoughts went somewhere else, waiting on her drink to arrive. When she did start hearing the sound of liquid in a glass she looked up, seeing the waiter arrive as he was just close, before suddenly seeing how the plate he was holding tilted, ending up with the drink being dumped all over her clothes. She quickly stood up, her chair being shoved backwards as she did so, looking down for a moment, seeing how her entire front of her jacket and her shorts got soaked. She looked up at the waiter for a moment, expecting an apology or the like, but only got directed to Emylin, looking over to the woman sitting there, before looking back at the waiter. She talked a bit to him, talking about how she didnt even know the woman, and getting an apology right after. She got offered a new drink on the house, but turned it down. Watching the waiter leave, she sighed a bit, her tail starting to hand and her ears not active anymore either, laying flat over the sides of her head. She put the chair back in its original place, still dripping a bit from the liquid, before walking a bit over to Emylin's table. She looked at the woman for a moment, before slightly sighing "I hope the misfortune of another brings joy to you, and thanks for ruining my only set of clothes" She only remarked, before starting to leave the store behind her and going out onto the plaza, her tail still hanging in down in between her legs, leaving a slight trail of liquid drops behind until the dripping stopped while she headed into the crowd and beyond
Aug 4, 2016 4:33 PM

Nov 2015

Noticing the little "accident" involving a waiter and an Arvulen with stained clothes, Alexandra couldn't help but wonder why someone would be so willing as to spill a drink someone oh so masterfully crafted. It could be juice from a vivid-colored fruit plucked from a healthy age-old tree, or wine fermented for almost a generation, or even water mixed with medication, but nevertheless was spilled and wasted to fulfill one's selfish desires.

Or perhaps she was just thinking too deep into the equation and that it's just a cheap swill worth a few pieces of copper.

At any case, Alexandra finished up her bowl just minutes before the pork chop turned stale and cold. Her shields in tow, she made her way not towards the exit, but instead towards a lone human enjoying his beef stew.

"Mister, are you interested in hiring a maid to assist you?" she asked the man.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 5, 2016 5:20 PM

Dec 2013

He was peacefully eating his food when the sudden noise of what happened to the Arvulen in one of the tables made him look up. He observed how the scene played out for a bit before returning back to his food.
He had not eaten for long, before the other Arvulen who was dressed in some maid attire walked up to him.

His eyes moved up, from his plate and locked eyes with the girl before him. Her sudden question left him a bit stumped. It wasn't that Varius was surprised by the arvulen girl, since his family had several maids of her kind in their household, it was more surprising from the randomness of her question.
"Umm.. why the interest though? Don't you have someone that you work for already?' He asked instead of giving a yes or no answer.
Aug 6, 2016 7:40 AM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

As Nao reached the central plaza,he realized that he should probably eat something and headed to a restaurant which he had been to before. He was actually rather hungry,but it took him a while to notice this,as he was almost always doing something that distracted him from all other things,and that included his need to consume food. He entered the restaurant and found an available table to sit at,one that was nearby a blonde haired female with green eyes,and saw a couple other people,he didn't really pay too much attention to them though,focusing instead on ordering his meal. Once a waiter arrived,he ordered a bowl of meat,and once it arrived he began eating it which was quite easy for him with his pointed teeth and fangs. With that off his mind now,he noticed a female in a maid outfit carrying two large...shields? It was an interesting sight,but his attention returned to his food quite soon,so he didn't think about that much.
Aug 6, 2016 7:29 PM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" OH DEARIES, HERE I AM TO GRACE YOU WITH MY PRESENCE! " Corrin gallops into the central square, and starts yelling for no reason. " Oh darling Corrin gallivants into a restaurant and sits down at a random table which is Nao's table. " OH hello, darling, how are you? I"m Corrin and I'm going to explore EVERYTHING outside of the borders! What's your name? " Corrin leans over and stares into Nao's eyes.
Aug 6, 2016 10:03 PM

Nov 2015

"I am afraid I have been relieved from duty quite abruptly. It is quite a shock, as I don't know what to do now that I'm jobless and all. Oh, I wasn't fired because of poor performance or anything of the sort."

After offering her explanation, Alexandra repeated her question. "Sir, are you interested in hiring a mai-

"OH hello, darling, how are you? I'm Corrin and I'm going to explore EVERYTHING outside of the borders! What's your name?"

Alexandra's question was abrupted by the ear-shattering shout of a new customer.

"If you'll excuse me for a moment, sir..."

Bowing her head, Alexandra left Varus' table and headed for the loudmouthed guest. Stopping in front of Nao's table, Alexandra tapped at Corrin's back to call the man's attention, her shield tapping against the back of his head. "Dear guest, the customers and I would appreciate it if you refrain from shouting so loudly inside this establishment," she said, her eyes staring directly at Corrin's while being away from arm's reach.
Nice--Aug 7, 2016 2:11 AM
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 6, 2016 10:35 PM

Dec 2013

Before he could continue his conversation with the Arvulen maid before him, the shout of a new customer drew his attention. It also seemed to have interrupted what the girl before him as well, as she quickly excused herself and went over to the table where the current new customer was sitting at.
Well then.. This should be interesting. he thought to himself as he saw how the Arvulen maid seemed to be calling out the new person's abrupt loudness. Perhaps it would be of interest for Varius to hire said maid, after all she may be of service to him if he plans on taking a certain job that he had in mind. Either way, this maid had some sort of ... Charm? Would that be the word?
Perhaps... Just perhaps, I should see how that road may take me.. Should be interesting having a dual wielding shield bearer under my command...., Varius thought again, as he finished up his meal while the Arvulen maid was away from his own table.
Aug 7, 2016 12:47 PM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" Oh, I am SO sorry, I won't do it again. But darling, is there any place in the city where I CAN shout? " Well, it seems that the people here are more sensitive... , Corrin thought to himself as he apologized to the maid. " And honey why on earth do you have two shields? They do NOT match that maid outfit whatsoever. If they have some sort of tactical advantage, then I suppose it would be ok, but I wouldn't know. I'm a marauder. "
Aug 7, 2016 7:00 PM

Nov 2015

"These two shields are my personal favorite weapons, seeing as I don't have any experience with swords or hammers. If these shields appear weird to someone as straightforward as a marauder, then I'm afraid I can't do anything about that."

Straightening her posture again, Alexandra took two steps back, providing some space between her and the table. "Now then, for your other question, I suppose you can shout freely inside a prison cell, your house, or maybe a back-alley pub."

She then bowed with a maid's grace and made her way back to the human male who has just finished his meal. "As I was saying, sir, are you interested in hiring a mai-

Shrapnel and Sulfur Steele


Stretching his arms outward, Shrapnel entered the restaurant with a... resounding presence. His full-beast brother Sulfur followed shortly after, and the pair sat down at a nearby table, just beside Corrin's and Nao's table, and somewhat near Emylin's as well.

"Hey, mister. Two half-filled bowls of pork noodles! Half-filled. We don't have the luxury to buy full bowls," Shrapnel called out, catching the attention of a personnel on standby. Sulfur looked around and noticed the cold dead gaze of a maid from across the restaurant.

"Try to be quiet next time," he said to Shrapnel as he pointed at the maid with one of his sharp claws. "We don't have the luxury of grabbing too much attention as well."

"Oh, don't worry about that, old man. Their problem, not ours," the half-beast replied.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 7, 2016 7:09 PM

Dec 2013

"Ah ... " He let out this small sound in a small whisper, as two new people appeared in the same place. Yet again, another loud one, and it seemed this maid he was talking to was on the verge of losing her patience. Varius stood up, having already finished his plate, he left some money on the table next to the dish to cover for his food.

"Listen, perhaps we should talk outside. I am afraid you may end up causing a murder scene if another person raises their voice in here." Varius told the Arvulen maid in a soft spoken voice, so as to make sure others didn't here him when he mentioned the word murder. Last thing they needed here was for people to assume that the Arvulen maid did such a thing after all.

With that being said, Varius placed one hand on the shoulder of the maid, sort of a way to confirm that he would be outside and not run off. He then walked out the place and on to the streets, walking over to the light of a small lamp post.

[Exit to Central Plaza Streets]
Ze-LemAug 7, 2016 7:30 PM
Aug 7, 2016 7:23 PM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

Nao was quite surprised when an Arvulen male,who introduced himself,loudly,as Corrin aporoached him. Nao had remained silent as the female in the maid outfit with two shields came and went,and when he had thought things were calming down again,another loud Arvulen entered the restaurant. Despite that,Nao answered to Corrin's question of what his name was "My name is Nao. I guess it's nice to meet you",was Nao's answer,with what few social skills he had.
Aug 7, 2016 9:20 PM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" Nao, huh? That's a cute name. Nice to meet you too. I wonder if we can make a good team. What class are you? I can see you have a gun, but guns cant tell you everything. Since you don't have any other physical weapons that I can see, I'm guessing it's Arcane Technician. What kind of Magic do you use? I would guess, but I wouldn't want to steal your thunder! " Corrin laughs at his really bad pun. " Get it?! Because Thunder Magic? "
BlairIsBest7Aug 7, 2016 9:27 PM
Aug 7, 2016 9:40 PM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

With a slightly amused face,Nao answers"I don't have any thunder for you to steal anyways. I use fire magic,and I'm guessing,that you're a marauder,since that is what you told the female in the maid outfit,correct?". He had to restrain himself from answering with a pun,but decided not to. Perhaps when he knew Corrin better,but he decided to wait until then before doing anything that could potentially make himself look stupid. Nao did begin to form an opinion on Corrin though,and while it was too soon for him to be able to usually tell,he could feel it being a good opinion.
Aug 7, 2016 10:04 PM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" Why yes, I am a marauder. I simply love the joy of crashing into something with a hammer, or blowing something up, it's just so... " Corrin takes a deep breath and falls back onto his chair, twirling a fork between his fingers. "...Satisfying. I suppose setting somebody on fire could be fun too, but shooting is too clean. it's just one little shot, and no blood, and they die too quickly. Fire might be fun though. " Corrin contemplates the advantages of fire over explosives while looking Nao over, inspecting every inch of him that he can see. Well, he's quite attractive. Glasses, that's a perk, glasses are always cute. Very nice eyes, cute hair, I like the gun, and ooh I LOVE that coat. Could be a hard-to-get, but I hope not. I'd love to have him. Operation Seduce Nao, Start! Corrin thinks to himself as he stares at Nao.
Aug 7, 2016 10:23 PM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

At first,Nao assumed that Corrin simply loved destroying things. Simple,non-living items that would be considered quite normal to destroy,but when Corrin mentioned blood and dying,Nao realized this was not the case. He had to stop himself from verbally agreeing with Corrin,that damaging things was more satisfying than simply destroying them,as that might lead to Nao revealing something abou himself that he wasn't proud of,but he nonetheless agreed mentally,despite trying not to. He did,though,smile lightly."I see. You do have a point." He said,noticing the staring,but not thinking much of it,simply assuming that it only seems that Corrin is staring because he hasn't had much experience with people.
Aug 7, 2016 11:04 PM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

Oh my god his smile is stellar! Corrin thought as he smiled back and said " This is quite an occasion. Somebody actually agrees with me. And guess what? You get an award for " Corrin does jazz hands " First Person To Not Run Away From Corrin After 3 Minutes! " He's quite nice, and if he doesn't run away, then I'll get him someday. Corrin kept thinking to himself. " I don't have a reward, but I'll get you something later. So where are you going from here? I have absolutely no idea where to go or what to do, so could you maybe show me around? Corrin said with an inquisitive look.
Aug 8, 2016 8:15 AM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

He seems...interesting. I can see why some might think his presence overwhelming though.,Nao thought as Corrin spoke. After he had asked the question of where to go afterwards,Nao answers"You said you wanted to explore outside of the borders,correct? Then perhaps the best place to start would be the explorers guild.",having heard of the place before,as well as recalling that bit of information about Corrin from his loud introduction. There were jobs there,and Nao had been planing on going there anyways.
Aug 8, 2016 9:33 PM
Jun 2016
Ciara Sitara

Ciara strolled through the slightly busy streets of Novaj Eden. I am still not accustomed to being around this many people at once... The sword on her back granted her some leery glances, and a bit more space from the crowd. All the better that they stay away. A tiny bit of electricity buzzed through her right fingertips; she unconsciously shook it out. It seemed to happen often when she was uncomfortable.

It has been quite some time since I have been in the city. Ciara had just returned from a rather long escort job. These jobs suited her well. There were few people to socialize with on these trips, allowing her a chance to work on that sorely lacking skill. She was on her way to the guild, to find a new job, when suddenly her nose and stomach reminded her that it had been a long time since breakfast.

Her stomach protesting, Ciara stepped into the nearby shop. She scanned the room and noticed several interesting individuals. It appears that every patron today is an adventurer, or aspires to be an adventurer. I wonder if the guild is about to post a big job...

Ciara sits at a table alone, but near enough to overhear the conversations of the other tables. She waves the waiter over. "One bowl of beef stew, and a glass of water." She hands the waiter a few coins to pay for the meal, and rests her chin in her hands, with her elbows on the table, as she waits for him to return.
schaladresdanAug 9, 2016 5:14 AM
Aug 9, 2016 7:21 PM

Nov 2015
Shrapnel and Sulfur Steele

"An' that 'as a good meal, that was."

With quite a satisfying burp, Shrapnel agreed with his stomach's statement. Half a bowl did wonders to their bodies, and they seem fired up for another round of the "find a job before we die of starvation" game. They exited the cafeteria with content smiles written on their feline faces, leaving their payment at their table.

The waiter then picked up the few coins and, without paying attention to the amount, gave it to one of the other personnel. Looks like Shrapnel and Sulfur have once again saved some money, only leaving an amount covering the price of half a bowl of noodles.
Forum Set and Profile Picture by aikopotz~
Aug 16, 2016 10:34 AM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" Well, can we go to this Exploration Guild? I am terribly bored. And are you allowed to go on jobs with other people, because if so I don't think I'll find another person like you who won't run away and stuff and I like you so if we can go on a job together. Have you gone on a job before? Let's do a walk-and-talk! " Corrin gets up and pushes his chair in.
Aug 16, 2016 10:42 AM

Jul 2016
Nao Ardridge

Nao,didn't really know a lot about this. He most likely would not have the answers to Corrin's questions,but decided to answer anyways,thinking that it would be rather rude to just ignore him. "I have not been there before,but I assume that multiple people can go on a job together. Well,in that case,let's go there.",Was Nao's answer. He began to walk away,towards it. He had not been there before,but knew how to get there from hearing people talk about it. He walked there,checking to make sure Corrin was with him
<Nao has left the area>
(Next post there?)
Aug 16, 2016 10:48 AM
Jun 2016
Corrin Crimrose

" OK then! "
Time to go on a job. This bonding time shall add to my plan, for I shall have him no matter what! If I die on this job, then I'll just confess as I'm dying like in all the plays I was in!

<Corrin has left the area>
( Sure )
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