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Feb 2, 2008 2:31 PM
Nov 2007
Woah Mao dumps Kai. What a b*tch! lol. Kai's cool!
Feb 2, 2008 3:03 PM

Oct 2007
Looks like my prediction is right on target at least for Mao's final pairing.
Feb 2, 2008 3:52 PM

Mar 2007
radiantfire said:
Woah Mao dumps Kai. What a b*tch! lol. Kai's cool!

For staying true to her heart Mao's a b*tch ?
I admit that she didn't play it really fair for Kai but still .

Also Kouichi kinda pisses me off a bit , I don't know what he really wants anymore .

As for Aihara , this guy is weak willed , because a girl broke his heart suddenly it's the end of the world . They weren't even officially going out so what's his problem ?

(made by MistaCloudStrife ^^)
Feb 2, 2008 8:42 PM
Nov 2007
For staying true to her heart Mao's a b*tch ?
I admit that she didn't play it really fair for Kai but still .

She deceives Kai by asking him to kiss her in the previous episode and then dumps him at the end of this episode. In a sense, you can argue that she was merely using Kai as a medium of distraction. It is because of this that I felt the need to call her a b*tch.
Feb 2, 2008 8:50 PM

Mar 2007
radiantfire said:
For staying true to her heart Mao's a b*tch ?
I admit that she didn't play it really fair for Kai but still .

She deceives Kai by asking him to kiss her in the previous episode and then dumps him at the end of this episode. In a sense, you can argue that she was merely using Kai as a medium of distraction. It is because of this that I felt the need to call her a b*tch.

ah that , right i understand .
also , wtf is the report button doing so close to quote , I pressed it by mistake >_>

(made by MistaCloudStrife ^^)
Feb 3, 2008 6:33 AM

Oct 2007
I really can't blame Kouichi for Mao's indecisiveness, I mean Mao pretty much hooked him up with Hoshino and has not said a word of her feelings to Kouichi yet, not to mention she got a boyfriend, what else is he to think after all that? Sure it's obvious they care for each other and are on the same page but Mao's lack of communication skills (which thankfully seems to be rectifed next episode if certain spoilers are true) is all Mao's fault not Kouchi's.

Anyway supposedly this episode took place over the course of a week, so she was "officially" going out with Kai for that long or something like that. Of course during it she realized that Kai couldn't fill the place in her heart that belongs to Kouichi so she finally puts him out of his misery at the end. She only threw herself at Kai because her emotions were all over the place and seeing Kouichi and Hoshino together as well as doing the movie was just making things worse.
WestloFeb 3, 2008 8:47 AM
Feb 3, 2008 8:43 AM
Nov 2007
Ah the indecisiveness of women. How troublesome :P
Feb 5, 2008 9:53 PM

Oct 2007
Subs are out, now I can actually find out what she says exactly at the end, burn this bridge please MAo and stop being an indecisive bitch!
Feb 5, 2008 10:23 PM

Dec 2007
Fun only begins! ; )
Feb 5, 2008 10:28 PM

Jan 2007
Ah crap, it finally happend. Now I'm not sure where this is gonna head.
Feb 5, 2008 10:50 PM

May 2007
Seriously, I don't know how many more episodes I can watch before I end up hating every female on this show... what is up with them?!?

Mao is totally hung up on Sanada now that he's got a girlfriend so she sulked and wallowed for a while and then used the guy who's been honest with her about his feelings from the beginning as a distraction!?!? ...That whole "Do you like me? Maybe I like you." at the sunset? Gross. Just gross. I can't stand her at all anymore. ...And soccer girl is surprised that Aihara's upset now that Futami left him? Now she feels bad? Are you kidding? What did she think was going to happen?

Every episode recently I've just felt... disgusted with them and I'm having trouble taking the conflict seriously because I don't sympathize with half the characters anymore. Maybe this show just isn't for me. Meh.
Feb 5, 2008 10:56 PM

Jun 2007
Wow...Took her this long to notice her feelings? SLAP!!!!!! Good episode though...Kept me entertained ^.^
Feb 5, 2008 11:55 PM

Aug 2007
I feel bad for Kai, being used and all, but you have to understand where Mao's coming from. Can't say I wouldn't do the same. Definitely picking up.
Feb 6, 2008 12:20 AM

Nov 2004
lowellagain said:
Seriously, I don't know how many more episodes I can watch before I end up hating every female on this show... what is up with them?!?

Mao is totally hung up on Sanada now that he's got a girlfriend so she sulked and wallowed for a while and then used the guy who's been honest with her about his feelings from the beginning as a distraction!?!? ...That whole "Do you like me? Maybe I like you." at the sunset? Gross. Just gross. I can't stand her at all anymore. ...And soccer girl is surprised that Aihara's upset now that Futami left him? Now she feels bad? Are you kidding? What did she think was going to happen?

Every episode recently I've just felt... disgusted with them and I'm having trouble taking the conflict seriously because I don't sympathize with half the characters anymore. Maybe this show just isn't for me. Meh.

Mao did NOT say 'Maybe I like you'. That was a terrible translation error. She says "atashi mo", which translates literally to, "Me too". So, she said to Kai "I like you too". Freakin' BSS, how could they screw that up?

Anyway, about the episode, Mao finally is going to show her true feelings. Yay.
Feb 6, 2008 12:21 AM

Jun 2007
This episode was the first time I felt pretty bad for Kai. Since the start of the series I've been rooting for Mao and Kouichi but this ep clearly made me feel bad for Kai. lol he was so blind sided, he looked like a deer in headlights when Mao said she cant go out with him anymore.

Mao's been the only one indecisive since the start. Kouichi has stuck with what he wanted up until now. Now he's slowly noticing somethings different with Mao but still hasn't fully grasped the reason yet. You can see he still sees her as a sisterly figure in this ep. Hes concerned about why she keeps disappearing and why she seems sad all the time. I still hope Mao and Kouichi end up together in the end but I'm not even sure if thats where this anime is heading now.

The way Aihara feels is understandable. Futami was his first kiss and emotional connection, so obviously hes going to feel a little bit of loss when she ignores him for a few weeks and then basically tells him to screw off without any reason. But I think shes still confused about the feelings she has. Shes not used to them and it seems like she almost wants him to call her again. I'm guessing the next ep will involve Asuka calling or confronting Futami again about Aihara. This ep kind of gave me that impression that she feels sorry for what she did and now understands that he really likes Futami allot.

Relationship change below (post any errors).
Feb 6, 2008 1:25 AM

Oct 2007
You forgot to include Mitsuki's dog with a red arrow pointing at Hiiragi.
Feb 6, 2008 1:29 AM

Jun 2007
pity Kai-kun~~~~~~
Feb 6, 2008 2:21 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Yay for Mao! I do feel sorry for Kai but finally Mao is starting to be honest to herself. I'm sure Kai wouldn't want a Mao that doesn't really love him. Now that she's made up her mind, I wonder if she's going to tell Kouichi about it at some point. Mao wasn't really sure about her own feelings, it's very unfair to say things like 'bitch' or 'slap', you guys make me laugh and hit my desk with my head at the same time.

Everyone else is pretty lost at the moment, looking forward to more.




[H+] ³  
Feb 6, 2008 2:39 AM

Oct 2007
Someone on another forum mentioned that Kouichi might subconsciously love Mao and this is proven by the movie script. Childhood friends falling in love and the "I won't let you cry" thing closely mirrors the Mao and Kouichi situation. Could be a coincidence but he thinks not and I tend to agree....

Anyway I'm looking forward to the last scene of 18... (I already know the basic outline for 18+19...) should be a good one.
Feb 6, 2008 3:06 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Westlo said:
Someone on another forum mentioned that Kouichi might subconsciously love Mao and this is proven by the movie script. Childhood friends falling in love and the "I won't let you cry" thing closely mirrors the Mao and Kouichi situation. Could be a coincidence but he thinks not and I tend to agree....

At the time Kouichi wrote/finished the script for the movie, it wasn't decided that Mao would play the role instead of Yuumi iirc. I don't think that works.




[H+] ³  
Feb 6, 2008 3:11 AM

Oct 2007
I don't think I explained it well enough but it has nothing to do with who is actually playing the two roles. He wrote a love story that resembles his and Mao's situation in many ways, childhood friends, the I won't let you cry scene etc Not exactly the same but enough similarities that it's obviously affected Mao.

Remember he wrote this with Hoshino yet he turns out a childhood friends love story, yeah it's cliche but I definitely think it's another hint from Kouichi to go with the ones from episodes

7 (his reaction on seeing Mao walk out of school with Kai)
8 (Him and Hoshino walking into Mao and Kai)
11 (Thinks of the forehead kiss and wonders what Mao thinks of him, gets caught looking at her lips and an awkward scene occurs)
13 (While looking at Hoshino's lips he thinks back on Mao's forehead kiss, he says something like "Why do I remember this at a time like this)

Obviously Mao's hints completely dwarfed the above ones and she's finally decided to do something but it wasn't a one way street.

Also after this episode I must say that the title for 16 in "Stand In" applied to so many things.

Kai being a stand in member of the band
Mao being a stand in for Hoshino in the movie
Mao using Kai as a stand in for Kouichi
WestloFeb 6, 2008 3:16 AM
Feb 6, 2008 3:21 AM
Anime DB Admin

Jan 2007
Heh, yeah. That makes sense. :)




[H+] ³  
Feb 6, 2008 4:31 AM
Jun 2007
Awesome episode! I knew something like this will happen. And yes, I kinda agree that Kouichi is subconsciously love Mao. Anyway, awesome episode 5/5.
Feb 6, 2008 5:35 AM

Oct 2007
Things are getting a more interesting turn...

I really did not want Mao to leave Kai... but i still like her....
WHAT is going on with Futami-san... I want her back... I want her with Kazuki!!!!
Feb 6, 2008 6:25 AM

Oct 2007
Friendlysoul said:
Things are getting a more interesting turn...

I really did not want Mao to leave Kai... but i still like her....
WHAT is going on with Futami-san... I want her back... I want her with Kazuki!!!!

Yeah Eriko confuses me the most out of all the girl because I thought she genuinely started to like Kazuki but was easily able to break things of with him.

As for the Kai x Mao x Kouichi x Yuumi situation, I seriously have no idea where this is heading as there are a number of options...
1. Mao confesses to and Kouichi and they get together
2. Mao confesses to Kouichi, he acknowledges her feelings but sticks with Yuumi
3. Mao doesn't confess and decides to live a life a celibacy.
4. Other. ^_^
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 6, 2008 8:05 AM

Sep 2007
well i think that Kyouichi really loves Mao but he doesn't just realize it yet coz he's happy being with Yuumi o.o well uhm i'm waiting for the kissing scene in the movie that they make probably it'll be the turning point of something... o.o

Feb 6, 2008 8:43 AM

Oct 2007
I'm looking forward to seeing Hoshino's reaction to the upcoming kiss scene, especially if Mao and Kouichi really get into the "role".
Feb 6, 2008 9:25 AM

Aug 2007
How on earth will the kissing scene go... I'm not happy with Mao! >( Really, why for kami's saké (don't mind this pun) did she went out with Kai if it wasn't her objective at all >.> I came with an idea why she came to Japan and how ''d'uh'': she already wanted to see Kouchi right then? Make up your freakin' mind, Mao! I'm really starting to hate Kouchi right now xD

Dumping Kai... Why isn't there a boy that dumps a girl in here? All the girls dump the boys in here! xD I guess Kai's better of without her, she's only making him feel bad.

Well, I can understand Kazuki, but still, two days staying home and doing nothing? The boys are all like dummies or something in here, they deserve some better roles or at least a better character >.> Sobsob. Come on, guys, be a guy!
Dutch anime blogger with a love for Ikuhara's antics and proper storytelling.
Feb 6, 2008 10:17 AM

Oct 2007
YAY FOR DRAMA!!! this was in desperate need here, also yay for mao x kouichi (even if it is a bit cliched)
Feb 6, 2008 11:53 AM

Jan 2008
Grr. There's not enough Futami~!

Master_M2K said:

2. Mao confesses to Kouichi, he acknowledges her feelings but sticks with Yuumi
3. Mao doesn't confess and decides to live a life a celibacy.

Please^ Mao deserves the pain that Kai must feel, she's so annoying ><
And Hoshina is too sweet ><
I'm surprised there's so much support for MaoxKouichi.

Well the drama is pretty softcore so far. lolz

Feb 6, 2008 12:19 PM

Sep 2007
I like Yuumi but want Mao+Kouichi. Is Mao older than Kouichi? Or are they the same age?

I have been patiently waiting for a Yuumi+Mao conflict for some time now. What will happen and how it will pan out? Considering that Yuumi is rather soft-spoken, will she admit defeat? Will she move away without knowing Mao's feelings?

What about this Kazuki's situation? He doesn't seem to harbor feelings toward Asuka. I'm still on the fence with who Kazuki will end up with because I really like Asuka and Futami. Frankly I don't really see him ending up with anyone.

I can't wrap my head around how everyone will be happy in the end. Will the losers just sigh and admit defeat? Will the pairing in the end be definite. I want to see DEFINITE relationships at the end of this series.

ARGH! Too many questions!
HappyFeb 6, 2008 12:43 PM
Feb 6, 2008 1:15 PM

Sep 2007
At least there are no more games of Mao with Kai. Something... good o_O?

P.S: Oh yeah, Mao is b*tch.
Feb 6, 2008 1:27 PM

Jan 2008
Miina_Miyafuji said:
At least there are no more games of Mao with Kai. Something... good o_O?

P.S: Oh yeah, Mao is b*tch.

True, it was frustrating to watch him getting played. xD
Feb 6, 2008 1:30 PM

Sep 2007
I don't see how Mao was a bit*h. She obviously was confused. From her expression, she also didn't take any pleasure in dumping Kai. I guess my definition of Bitc* is different.
Feb 6, 2008 1:33 PM
Jan 2008
come on people why do you guys want a childhood friend together ending is so lame and out of style. Japanese people focus on childhood friend ending together way too much and is so boring which everyone can guess they will end together. So YumixKouichi is the best. Is really unfair for people like Yumi and Kai. If the childhood friend together ending happens. -_-

Master_M2k, I don't think Futami is that confusing. Futami did started to like Kazuki.The preview for the next episode explained her reason for ending the experiment. On the preview, she said if you seriously cares about someone the more you will get hurt in the end when you break up or something like that. And also she said is better to start alone and stay alone so you won't get hurt.

YumixKouichi!!! i'm with you jaemi
Feb 6, 2008 1:58 PM

Apr 2007
Faust721 said:
Ah crap, it finally happend.

Exactly my thought.
Xinil said:
Mao did NOT say 'Maybe I like you'. That was a terrible translation error. She says "atashi mo", which translates literally to, "Me too". So, she said to Kai "I like you too". Freakin' BSS, how could they screw that up?

I noticed that too, I was like "Wtf" when I read the translation, that was horribly stupid translation.
Feb 6, 2008 4:00 PM

Oct 2007
Seeing how well this series has progressed I have decided to add my review, which I will only edit if something incredibly unexpected happens. ^_^
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Feb 6, 2008 6:51 PM

Aug 2007
At least Kai won't get led on by Mao anymore
Feb 6, 2008 7:09 PM

Oct 2007
I'm really starting to hate Kouchi right now xD

I already covered this like on post 5 or 6 but what did Kouichi do that was wrong? Apart from letting Mao push him into a relationship with Hoshino?

Please^ Mao deserves the pain that Kai must feel, she's so annoying ><

She has been in pain, especially the last few episodes.

Is Mao older than Kouichi? Or are they the same age?

One year older i'm pretty sure.
Feb 6, 2008 7:11 PM
Nov 2007
Kouichi hasn't done anything wrong. He's only worried about Mao because he sees her as his sister. That's a pretty good quality by my standards.
Feb 6, 2008 7:58 PM

Jul 2007
radiantfire said:
Kouichi hasn't done anything wrong. He's only worried about Mao because he sees her as his sister. That's a pretty good quality by my standards.
Yeah, I don't think he's been indecisive or anything... he likes Hoshino so they started dating; all is going well for him aside from her moving away in the future.

I don't like what Mao did, but I can understand it.
Feb 6, 2008 8:01 PM

Aug 2007
_k1_ said:

I don't like what Mao did, but I can understand it.

Feb 6, 2008 10:29 PM

Jun 2007
FINALLY Mao-oneechan
this anime was starting to piss me off
but what Mao did makes up for it now kai can go up a creek for all i care
thank you for you been there for Mao to truly realized her feelings but you are no longer needed
Feb 7, 2008 7:44 AM

Oct 2007
*sigh* I feel really sorry for Kai, really. But who cares? For me, Kai is nothing special. His behavior and style is just too 'plain yogurt', I can't even read his mind. Man I hate the character that are way too plain. Anyway, boo and cheer for Mao for dumping Kai! (I can't really decide it because I'm a man too, I kind'a understand his feeling.) As for our main character Kouichi, I think that Mao deserve him. Yep I know Mao's behave like a ****, but for some reasons I like her more than Yuumi. As for Kazuki...*cough* nothing to say much about him, he have too less screen time in this episode but I think he will eventually choose Eriko, my thoughtless theory anyway. lol Kouchi's mom was watching Korean drama Winter Sonata.
Feb 7, 2008 8:18 AM

Jan 2008
Westlo said:

She has been in pain, especially the last few episodes.

Ohh,, I understand that, but it was still wrong for her to lead him on. Its only very frustrating for me to watch females confused over their feelings for so long o.x ,, I don't hate her tho:D

ghern90 said:
lol Kouchi's mom was watching Korean drama Winter Sonata.

omfg a man who knows Winter Sonata on sight? WUT? I think most people would overlook that:P
Feb 7, 2008 12:53 PM

Sep 2007
Mao is a stupid girl. >_> I thought that in this Anime it won't be that the two teenangers that live in the same house will fall in love because of Kai-kun. X_X He loves her so much, and she dumped him after she went to him and ask him to kiss her? X_X WHAT THE HELL.
Feb 7, 2008 1:27 PM

Sep 2007
I hate 'this' Mao, she's always moping and sulking in these last episodes! It's probably true that she came back for Kouichi but he likes Hoshino now AND she even help set them up. Therefore, she shouldn't be acting like this :( .. Poor kai, he was cool.
Feb 8, 2008 6:37 PM
Cool Story Bro

Dec 2007
Whoa, finally the drama starts =D
Mao finally realizes her true feelings which is great ^^
Although her way of dumping Kai seems pretty cruel and unfair..
Anyways, I still want Kouichi to be with Yuumi ^^
Feb 13, 2008 11:47 PM
Oct 2007
Mao sucks...

I liked Kai
May 10, 2008 6:40 PM

Jan 2008
radiantfire said:
Woah Mao dumps Kai. What a b*tch! lol. Kai's cool!

what are you talking about? HA that last line brought music to my ears
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