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May 2, 2016 9:00 AM
THIS IS A MANGA ONLY DISCUSSION POST. DO NOT DISCUSS ANYTHING BEYOND THIS CHAPTER. ---------------------------------------- The early spoiler turns out to be true. Wowzer, gotta give it to Ashihara to concoct such wonderful story. Copy pasting from spoiler thread. Katori side: - There's some shooting here and there but otherwise a stalemate at Osamu's side. - Katori tells Rokurou to charge, but he can't. Miura timidly comments that Mikumo-kun set up traps against Youko-chan earlier so it's dangerous to move. - Katori rebuts that at this rate, it'll just go as Tamakoma wants. Kakizaki side: - Kakizaki tells Teruya that he'll create opening for her. Kakizaki flashback, 4 years ago: - Border PR event. 3 months after the HQ was completed, new young agents were added, including young Kakizaki and Arashiyama, both 15 and were B-ranked agents back then. - Kakizaki told reporters that he'd do his best to protect the city and its inhabitants. - A reporter asked in the next invasion, which one would they protect, the city inhabitants or their own family? - While Kakizaki though which answer would be the correct one, Arashiyama confidently answered his family. He joined border to protect his family after all. - Arashiyama got promptly attacked the reporter for not willing to protect the city. What a thing to say to people who had lost their families. - Kakizaki was flustered that a "weak/poor answer" would just invite attacks, but Arashiyama just answered that that he'd return to the battles once he confirmed his family was safe. He would protect everyone with the last breath of his life. If he knew his family was safe, he would feel that could fight to the very end. At that time, it'd be heartening to have comrades around, so it'd be great if many people could cheer for Border. Please support Border! - Netsuki was there looking happy with Arashiyama's performance. He told the press that Border was looking for new agents and supporting staff. - Kakizaki was impressed with Arashiyama. Back to present: - Teruya manages to get past Yuuma. She's braving Chika's snipes, taking the route above buildings to avoid wires to get to Chika with the shortest route. - Izumi comments that when rushing a sniper, you need concentrated shield in theory. But this is useless against lead bullets. - Tokieda is surprised that Kakizaki splits his team. His one weakness is that he's always taking responsibilities for everything on his own. He rarely sends his team on his/her own to dangerous situation. He gives strong impression of always having his team together until he can see a winning scenario. He's different today. - Too late though, Izumi comments. Should've done it while Kotarou was still there. It would have been more effective. Kakizaki thoughts (this scene ping-pongs between flashback and thoughts): - He never thinks of himself as a capable person. That's why, when Arashiyama team was appointed as the PR team, he quit. - Flashback: Arashiyama told him that they'd be rivals from then on. Satori was crying. - Arashiyama sent him off with high expectation, but Kakizaki knew that he was just running away. - Flashback: Ui approached him with Ayatsuji-sempai's recommendation, to be the operator of his new team. - Kakizaki was happy that Fumika and Koutarou came when he advertised the opening for teammates. Fumika was a prodigy who had been competing with Narasaka and Utagawa for "rookiof-the-year" award (given to the newbie agent with the highest increase in solo point in 1 season post joining). Koutarou was the only elementary school Border agent back then (man, Kakizaki really held back his teammates, didn't he). - Flashback: Kakizaki asked why such outstanding talents were willing to join his team. As it turns out that they both found Kakizaki's "I'll do my best to protect the city and its inhabitants" answer in the PR event 2 years past to be cool. Back to battle: - Kakizaki is getting overwhelmed with Yuuma's irregular attacks. - Kakizaki thinks that it's such a waste that Fumika, Koutarou, and Madoka become his crew. They are better agents than how they are currently evaluated within Border. - He regrets not fighting with the thoughts of 3 people while remembering that he rejected Teruya and Tomoe's propositions to split off earlier. That they are stuck in low and mid B ranks, that he can't bring the best out of them - those are all his fault. And that Tamakoma is treating them as mere points to be reaped to reach expedition (reminiscing Yuuma telling him that he'll be taking 3 points off Kakizaki's team). - Even if they naturally can't win against this enemy, even if new teams go past them (as in his team) flashily, it doesn't mean that their (as in his teammates) worth disappears. - Yuuma attacks him with scorpion on his right arm but Kakizaki catches his arm and locks it. Yuuma stabs Kakizaki's chest with his left arm... - ... As he cracks, he tells Yuuma that they (as in T-2) are strong, but he doesn't plan to lose. And he pumps Yuuma with bullets. Comments: - As I mentioned in the spoiler thread, this is a the best story I've seen for WT for quite a long time since the dull round 5 started. - The story makes Kakizaki likable. I made fun of Kakizaki before for being coward. But as it turns out, he has cripplingly low self confidence instead. His stat in BBF is not bad, but he thinks that he's no good. - It's good that now Kakizaki sees that he should have let the whole team do the thinking rather than vetoing everything that his teammates propose. This team will grow. Now, that just leaves Katori's.... - Narasaka was a contender for Rookie award. So C-ranked snipers can earn points too. As it turns out, Chippo posted Border joining graph today. So we can see Teruya/Tomoe's batch. They joined just after Katori team members joined. - It seems that Yuuma manages to shield his chest with concentrated shield and limit the damage to his left torso. But with that wound, Yuuma will have limited time (perhaps 1-2 minutes) before BO. Congrats to those who predicted Yuuma will die first this time. Now we can see T-2 struggles, which will make their (still inevitable) victory sweeter. |
p-kunMay 2, 2016 9:06 AM
May 2, 2016 9:19 AM
I too really liked this chapter. Kakizaki really needed something to him to make him interesting and this chapter delivered in spades. That critical hit on Yuma really turns this match on its head, so I'm really curious to see where this will go. And props to Kakizaki on that last move. He sacrificed himself to take advantage of Yuma's opening and it was a pretty slick move and I'm happy to see Yuma take a hit first. |
May 2, 2016 9:30 AM
I really like the back story for Kakizaki and his team but I'm kind of suprised by how the fight developed. From 1v3 (some might say 2v3) where Yuuma was in control and even took out 1 we get to 1v1 (againts only one armed Kakizaki) where he almost trades his life .. With this wound it looks like he won't last long. Even tho we've already heard from Yuuma that it's hard to fight someone who just wants to stall you (that's what was the main goal for Kakizaki imho). It just doesn't fit Yuumas personality to be too careless in fights and I don't think Kakizaki without 1 hand should be able to almost take down Yuuma even tho it was suicidical move... At least we will see how can Osamu and Chika do without him, or if they can finish this fast enough... Overall this chapter is pretty dope tho! |
May 2, 2016 9:31 AM
Sorry for annoying u, but where did u read the 142 cap? thank u |
May 2, 2016 9:45 AM
icelolly said: It just doesn't fit Yuumas personality to be too careless in fights Yuma is pretty reckless sometimes in fights. He charged Ninomiya when he was clearly baiting him, sacrificed his arm to kill Akane, pulled the same grasshopper swerve to try to kill Suwa when he already showed it off against Tsutsumi, and he stayed to fight Viza even though the best option was to retreat in that situation. |
Dues-ajMay 2, 2016 9:50 AM
May 2, 2016 9:49 AM
May 2, 2016 9:55 AM
It's not out yet, but we have the full dialogue and last two pages. Full dialogue link Also the last two pages are on Mangamint |
May 2, 2016 10:28 AM
hmm... I'm surprised that Yuma would get caught by that move considered he earlier defended that exact same style of attack from Katori. That said, it does look legitimately like he takes the full force of that attack, but based on location, doesn't appear like it would be something that could completely defeat Yuma. He would be leaking Trion at an alarming rate for sure however, and that could address the need for them to speed up their attack before he bails out. I'm excited to see what happens in Chapter 143! |
May 2, 2016 11:05 AM
If Yuma survives he shouldn't be able to do much. That's one thing I don't like about the manga is how Yuma never dies, like with the Murakami fight (he was missing an arm for most of the match than lost a leg, kept fighting, killed Murakami and still managed to stay alive until the end of the match and was ready to fight Nasu, its ridiculous, he shouldn't have that much trion). And even if he survives, Fumika as head start with a healthy body so catching up to her would require a lot of grasshopper which would require trion. Yuma better not be able to more a few seconds of distraction or it will just be ludicrous... I read a lot of people who are finding Kakizaki catching Yuma unbeleivale. It sure is surprising but far from unbelivable and it's not just because of "feelings". Yes, Yuma was overwhelming the whole squad earlier and sliced Kaki's arm but that was when he had the wires! Fumika and Tomoe cut most of them in the last chapter and they are in an open area which all reduces Yuma's mobility considerably compared to before. Then, don't forget that Kakizaki as been in Border for a long time so even if he's Mid-B-rank he has a lot of experience and probably fought a lot of other great attackers. Pulling of a move like that isn't unbeleivable, espacially considering Yuma might have been a little overconfident/underestimating since Kaki's wasn't much of a threat before (but that was due to a bad philosophy not of talent). |
May 2, 2016 12:30 PM
And here i thought Power of Feelings only work in WT world when the skill difference is not so much or so Tachikawa said....... What i find hard to believe is that Yuuma got critically damaged (probably..........still haven't seen the raws) from an desperate attack as he is obviously more experienced in fights. I feel this is a bit insulting to the fight between Murakami and Kuma where she didn't manage to deal any damage even after desparately giving her all. I guess we are seeing 2 parallels of Osamu that he could have become but won't..........either someone holding back the Team like Kakizaki or hot-headed Glasses-kun from Katori squad. |
May 2, 2016 12:50 PM
Dragon_Slayer_X said: And here i thought Power of Feelings only work in WT world when the skill difference is not so much or so Tachikawa said....... What i find hard to believe is that Yuuma got critically damaged (probably..........still haven't seen the raws) from an desperate attack as he is obviously more experienced in fights. I feel this is a bit insulting to the fight between Murakami and Kuma where she didn't manage to deal any damage even after desparately giving her all. I guess we are seeing 2 parallels of Osamu that he could have become but won't..........either someone holding back the Team like Kakizaki or hot-headed Glasses-kun from Katori squad. I don't find it hard to believe Kakizaki could pull a move off like that on Yuma. To be fair during Murakami and Kuma's fight most of the commentary was on Kuma's strength trying to fend off the superior Murakami. Here we have comments mostly on Kakizaki's iffy leadership but they don't necessarily putdown his fighting ability, combine that with his history I think Kakizaki is a character who suffered from an inferiority complex despite possessing competent skills deep down. Now, I think this warrants his ability to find a small opening to strike Kuma in those waning moments. Could he ever beat Yuma one on one? Probably not, but just because Yuma has war experience isn't going to give him the plot buff armor to see through every attack. He gets injured today and it isn't because of Kakizaki's feelings, he just clears his head (he seemed mostly reserved up until now). I like how you see T-2's opponents as paths of Osamu's possible leadership. |
"The big secret to breaking the rules is to make it look as though you're following them." - Liebert |
May 2, 2016 1:51 PM
Yuma literally blocked a near identical attack like Kakizaki's from Katori only a couple of chapters ago. I'd be both surprised, and disappointed, if his attack got through completely and caused Yuma to bail out this time. |
May 2, 2016 2:05 PM
Caeless said: Yuma literally blocked a near identical attack like Kakizaki's from Katori only a couple of chapters ago. I'd be both surprised, and disappointed, if his attack got through completely and caused Yuma to bail out this time. It wasn't the same on the grounds that Kakizaki used an assault rifle and Katori used a pistol. |
May 2, 2016 4:59 PM
Dues-aj said: Caeless said: Yuma literally blocked a near identical attack like Kakizaki's from Katori only a couple of chapters ago. I'd be both surprised, and disappointed, if his attack got through completely and caused Yuma to bail out this time. It wasn't the same on the grounds that Kakizaki used an assault rifle and Katori used a pistol. Yeah! Also Kakizaki is much closer than Katori was. |
May 3, 2016 5:19 AM
I'd beg to differ, they are both within arms reach. Chapter 138, page 3 - Yuma strikes Katori with his Scorpion and she blocks with hers and she fires back with a pistol. I'm also not sure what role the "type" of gun plays in terms of a bullets strength, my understanding was that it only applied to the function of how a bullet worked, and not it's power. |
May 3, 2016 5:57 AM
The korean scan is here : |
May 3, 2016 6:34 AM
the last page of the raw shows that yuma manage to cover his trion suply gland but the damage he suffer will make his trion body leak like a water fall |
May 3, 2016 6:52 AM
Caeless said: I'd beg to differ, they are both within arms reach. Chapter 138, page 3 - Yuma strikes Katori with his Scorpion and she blocks with hers and she fires back with a pistol. I'm also not sure what role the "type" of gun plays in terms of a bullets strength, my understanding was that it only applied to the function of how a bullet worked, and not it's power. It plays a very big role in the damage since the body of the gun determines bullet power. Not to mention Kakizaki is shooting way more bullets with an automatic weapon. Why do you think most serious gunners with pistols dual wield? It's because they need to extra firepower to match the output of any serious gunner with heavy weaponry like an assault rifle. |
May 3, 2016 6:58 AM
Isn't only me think one or two teams going to disband/member quit after this match. By the way in last page, 3 or 4 bullets piece though Kuga body, but none hit trion organ so i pretty sure he will be safe. |
May 3, 2016 7:30 AM
Dues-aj said: Caeless said: I'd beg to differ, they are both within arms reach. Chapter 138, page 3 - Yuma strikes Katori with his Scorpion and she blocks with hers and she fires back with a pistol. I'm also not sure what role the "type" of gun plays in terms of a bullets strength, my understanding was that it only applied to the function of how a bullet worked, and not it's power. It plays a very big role in the damage since the body of the gun determines bullet power. Not to mention Kakizaki is shooting way more bullets with an automatic weapon. Why do you think most serious gunners with pistols dual wield? It's because they need to extra firepower to match the output of any serious gunner with heavy weaponry like an assault rifle. To add, Ashihara also mentions in BBF that Suwa's team shotguns trade off range with power. So gun types do matter. Also for those who dislike Kakizaki's "determination" winning over Yuuma. The thing is, in WT, having an opening due to underestimating one's enemy happens regularly and it's regularly a cause of defeat. The much touted Osamu's draw against Kazama is such example. It's less about Kakizaki's determination (although it's a factor, no doubt) and more about Yuuma having a miss, which in WT world means you're dead (unlike in many other shounen, every strike in WT is meant to kill, not to scratch). And if Osamu, who was way lousier than Kakizaki back then, could have a draw against Kazama, who is way ahead of Yuuma with normal trigger, then I don't see any issue if Kakizaki has a draw with Yuuma. Plus, Yuuma may not be defeated yet. EDIT: saw the pics. Past Teruya, with that hairstyle, is super cute. Past Tokieda, with that hairstyle, is weird though. Ayatsuji looks better with short hair, I think. |
p-kunMay 3, 2016 7:38 AM
May 3, 2016 8:06 AM
Good chapter, I'm eager to see how T-2 will deal if Yuuma bails out... about Kakizaki attack, it was tottaly suicide, I guess Yuuma wasn't expecting that, that's why I think he got caught unguarded, you can see his surprised face when Kakizaki caught his arm. |
May 3, 2016 8:42 AM
It wasn't a gang-atk, but a suicide. Still it may cause some damage. It will be good to turn the fight into something more interesting the fact of Yuma be injuried. I mean, Osamu may need to take action. Things may get worse, yuma damaged, chika may have to Osamu will not have cover fire nor reinforcement, against three opponents, even if they are damaged (osamu is already damaged with that low trion hahaha) |
May 3, 2016 9:22 AM
To add, Ashihara also mentions in BBF that Suwa's team shotguns trade off range with power. So gun types do matter. Good to know, I hadn't seen anything within the Manga or Anime (or couldn't recall anything) that stated that specifically. I'd also think that if Kakizaki wanted to get a surefire suicide kill, he should have used Meteora, and not Asteroid. It would be far more effective against Shields and dodging at that close range. I could also see Yuma taking damage as he can be quite reckless (That's how he ended up in his current black trigger state after all), which is maybe something he needs to unlearn. That said, I'm surprised I haven't seen him use Kageura's "whip" style Scorpion during this Ranked War. You'd think with it's range and unpredictability + the unpredictability of Yuma's movement with wires, I'd imagine he could be near unstoppable. |
May 3, 2016 9:34 AM
dat_le_tat said: Isn't only me think one or two teams going to disband/member quit after this match. By the way in last page, 3 or 4 bullets piece though Kuga body, but none hit trion organ so i pretty sure he will be safe. 3 or 4? I count at least 10, if he survives his whole side will be destroyed. |
May 3, 2016 9:43 AM
So Kakizaki was in Arashiyama squad when the squad was still in the B-ranks eh? I've always wondered about this, and good to finally know the answer. I've never thought of him as a coward. He seemed like a good leader (Miles better than Katori), albeit not a paragon. Anyway, I wouldn't be shocked if Yuma blocked his bullet barrage with a shield. It's unlikely that Yuma will bail out. I was looking forward to Osamu vs Katori unit battle more than the Yuma vs Kakizaki unit battle tbh I hope they'll explore Osamu's side next chapter. As much as I like them exploring a character's past, it's kind of redundant of them to dedicate a whole chapter to Kakizaki since he's unlikely to get spotlight in the future. And there's the matter of Teruya hunting Chika as well. Ughh I wanted this match to be over soon, since I was looking forward to what Hyuse and Jin's next action will be, but will likely not see that for the next few chapters. LuzNight said: If Yuma survives he shouldn't be able to do much. That's one thing I don't like about the manga is how Yuma never dies, like with the Murakami fight (he was missing an arm for most of the match than lost a leg, kept fighting, killed Murakami and still managed to stay alive until the end of the match and was ready to fight Nasu, its ridiculous, he shouldn't have that much trion). And even if he survives, Fumika as head start with a healthy body so catching up to her would require a lot of grasshopper which would require trion. Yuma better not be able to more a few seconds of distraction or it will just be ludicrous... I read a lot of people who are finding Kakizaki catching Yuma unbeleivale. It sure is surprising but far from unbelivable and it's not just because of "feelings". Yes, Yuma was overwhelming the whole squad earlier and sliced Kaki's arm but that was when he had the wires! Fumika and Tomoe cut most of them in the last chapter and they are in an open area which all reduces Yuma's mobility considerably compared to before. Then, don't forget that Kakizaki as been in Border for a long time so even if he's Mid-B-rank he has a lot of experience and probably fought a lot of other great attackers. Pulling of a move like that isn't unbeleivable, espacially considering Yuma might have been a little overconfident/underestimating since Kaki's wasn't much of a threat before (but that was due to a bad philosophy not of talent). You are completely ignoring the fact that Yuma has been fighting in the Neighbour world for a long time as well. He was basically caught amidst wars there until his father died and he came to Japan. It's safe to assume that a Neighbour war is much worse and dangerous than the Border rank wars. |
May 3, 2016 10:01 AM
Chapter is out : I don't think it's a very good one to be honest. There are two things not very appealing to me : the speech of arashiyama seems like total nonsense to me, but that could be a translation issue. I will see if the viz version or the chippo is more interesting, but it's a little weak as is. And there is the end : it seems to me that it's a little overplayed, kakizaki will hurt a little yuma, and that's about it. I prefer when ashihara goes on the tactical level rather than the emotional one. The move in itself isn't that great, and I don't think that it will change much of anything. I like Kakizaki characterisation though, and it's going to be cool to see how T-2 will cope with the Teruya offensive. |
May 3, 2016 10:10 AM
Chung2 said: So Kakizaki was in Arashiyama squad when the squad was still in the B-ranks eh? I've always wondered about this, and good to finally know the answer. I've never thought of him as a coward. He seemed like a good leader (Miles better than Katori), albeit not a paragon. Anyway, I wouldn't be shocked if Yuma blocked his bullet barrage with a shield. It's unlikely that Yuma will bail out. I was looking forward to Osamu vs Katori unit battle more than the Yuma vs Kakizaki unit battle tbh I hope they'll explore Osamu's side next chapter. As much as I like them exploring a character's past, it's kind of redundant of them to dedicate a whole chapter to Kakizaki since he's unlikely to get spotlight in the future. And there's the matter of Teruya hunting Chika as well. Ughh I wanted this match to be over soon, since I was looking forward to what Hyuse and Jin's next action will be, but will likely not see that for the next few chapters. LuzNight said: If Yuma survives he shouldn't be able to do much. That's one thing I don't like about the manga is how Yuma never dies, like with the Murakami fight (he was missing an arm for most of the match than lost a leg, kept fighting, killed Murakami and still managed to stay alive until the end of the match and was ready to fight Nasu, its ridiculous, he shouldn't have that much trion). And even if he survives, Fumika as head start with a healthy body so catching up to her would require a lot of grasshopper which would require trion. Yuma better not be able to more a few seconds of distraction or it will just be ludicrous... I read a lot of people who are finding Kakizaki catching Yuma unbeleivale. It sure is surprising but far from unbelivable and it's not just because of "feelings". Yes, Yuma was overwhelming the whole squad earlier and sliced Kaki's arm but that was when he had the wires! Fumika and Tomoe cut most of them in the last chapter and they are in an open area which all reduces Yuma's mobility considerably compared to before. Then, don't forget that Kakizaki as been in Border for a long time so even if he's Mid-B-rank he has a lot of experience and probably fought a lot of other great attackers. Pulling of a move like that isn't unbeleivable, espacially considering Yuma might have been a little overconfident/underestimating since Kaki's wasn't much of a threat before (but that was due to a bad philosophy not of talent). You are completely ignoring the fact that Yuma has been fighting in the Neighbour world for a long time as well. He was basically caught amidst wars there until his father died and he came to Japan. It's safe to assume that a Neighbour war is much worse and dangerous than the Border rank wars. I'm not ignoring anything at all because I never pretended that Kakizaki was stronger than Yuma. Yuma is way stronger than Kakizaki. But like P-kun illustrated with the Osamu/Kazama exemple, being stronger doesn't mean you will ALWAYS win when you are against someone with a minimum of smarts/talent/experience. |
May 3, 2016 10:24 AM
LuzNight said: I'm not ignoring anything at all because I never pretended that Kakizaki was stronger than Yuma. Yuma is way stronger than Kakizaki. But like P-kun illustrated with the Osamu/Kazama exemple, being stronger doesn't mean you will ALWAYS win when you are against someone with a minimum of smarts/talent/experience. I wasn't talking about their talents, I know how the world of WT works. It's less about how talented/powerful someone is and more about how one can come up with spontaneous intricate tactics and use them to win in hard situations. You mentioned Kakizaki catching Yuma is not unbelievable based on his experience and current situation, while if it was another opponent here, I'd wholeheartedly agree with you. But it's Yuma, who has fought much more experienced enemies before and lived all his life until he came to Japan in the war ridden Neighbour world. So you have to admit it'd rather surprising if Kakizaki did cause Yuma to bail out. |
May 3, 2016 10:39 AM
In order to make Kakizaki cool, Ashihara made Yuma quite "uncool!" Ashihara made a very bad move since it doesn't make any sense! Yuma brushed off more severe and sharp attacks previously and yet he couldn't defend against Kakizaki's attack!! Well, some may argue that Yuma was not being serious, he could have taken down Kakizaki with his newly acquired "Whip slash" attack without even going close to Zaki, yet he chose close proximity! Maybe, in the next chapters, we would see a different Yuma. I mean, Yuma would redeem himself by going all out against Katori, Fumika and rest of the opponents though he may bail out like Nasu due to lack of trion and Kakizaki unit would score a point while Katori unit will be nil. |
Uma_double12May 3, 2016 10:54 AM
May 3, 2016 10:41 AM
Chung2 said: LuzNight said: I'm not ignoring anything at all because I never pretended that Kakizaki was stronger than Yuma. Yuma is way stronger than Kakizaki. But like P-kun illustrated with the Osamu/Kazama exemple, being stronger doesn't mean you will ALWAYS win when you are against someone with a minimum of smarts/talent/experience. I wasn't talking about their talents, I know how the world of WT works. It's less about how talented/powerful someone is and more about how one can come up with spontaneous intricate tactics and use them to win in hard situations. You mentioned Kakizaki catching Yuma is not unbelievable based on his experience and current situation, while if it was another opponent here, I'd wholeheartedly agree with you. But it's Yuma, who has fought much more experienced enemies before and lived all his life until he came to Japan in the war ridden Neighbour world. So you have to admit it'd rather surprising if Kakizaki did cause Yuma to bail out. Well for starters Yuma has hardly bailed out yet but thats beside the point... Like I and P-kun said it's not really a question of pulling one over Yuma or at least not just that. Yuma had been dominating Kakizaki for a while in this match and that's why he most likely assumed that Kakizaki was no risk to him in that strike. It's really a case of underestimating Kakizaki (he wasn't holding back) because I agree that Yuma as too much experience for that it's a case where someone abandoning their deep-seated conservative style for a more reckless one. When Yuma attacked he probably thought Kakizaki would either shield or dodge and had no reason to think Kakizaki would go for a suicide move. |
May 3, 2016 10:43 AM
I want to adress something that has been bothering me since the beginning of that round. A lot of you guys compare Katori’s leadership to Kakizaki’s in a very negative way and you assume that Katori team or both team will disband. I think you are missing the point. It’s obvious that choice of team for this match was deliberate in Ashihara’s mind. He his showing us two very different style of leadership: one is very confrontational and aggressive while the other is amiable and conservative. The only thing that is clear is that BOTH don’t really work. You all judge Katori’s attitude so harshly and that is probably because it is so different for the other styles we have seen so far and also different from the a classic Japanese style of leadership. The truth is that it’s not necessarily a completely bad one. Everything is always on the table and they are able to actually debate ideas instead of blindly following their leader. This dynamic also adds a layer of motivation to your training and fighting which is always useful. I doubt that these “problems” started right before the match and yet they have been consistently in the upper bracket while having an identical level of individual skill has Kakizaki squad. You guys see this match as a swan song for these teams but I see the opposite. I think this match is what will improve (not change) their teamwork and make them closer as teams than ever. Kakizaki had a breakthrough in this chapter and will now give more leeway to his talented comrades and I’m sure that the next chapters will also give us an epiphany for Katori squad. I don’t think Katori has to really be nicer, I just think she will have to learn to have more faith in her comrades. |
May 3, 2016 10:54 AM
I'm sure none of these teams will disband. That conclusion is kinda ridiculous. I agree with your sentiment that it'll rather do the opposite and strengthen their teamwork more. Although I don't see any leadership skill in Katori yet, she is impulsive, jumps into things without any cooperation with her teammates. If not for the operator, Katori unit would not even form the temporary truce with Kakizaki unit to eliminate Chika first. She might surprise me in the future chapters though, which echoes my opinion that she'll reform as a leader in the future chapters. LuzNight said: I agree that last move was a huge underestimation on Yuma's part. Although I still maintain my stance about his "I'll take the 3 points" speech, I mean he speaks like that with everyone.Well for starters Yuma has hardly bailed out yet but thats beside the point... Like I and P-kun said it's not really a question of pulling one over Yuma or at least not just that. Yuma had been dominating Kakizaki for a while in this match and that's why he most likely assumed that Kakizaki was no risk to him in that strike. It's really a case of underestimating Kakizaki (he wasn't holding back) because I agree that Yuma as too much experience for that it's a case where someone abandoning their deep-seated conservative style for a more reckless one. When Yuma attacked he probably thought Kakizaki would either shield or dodge and had no reason to think Kakizaki would go for a suicide move. |
C2FlashMay 3, 2016 11:03 AM
May 3, 2016 10:54 AM
Were people this angry when Suwa shot Yuma up at the end of round 2? |
May 3, 2016 11:00 AM
Dues-aj said: Suwa's shot at Yuma was a bait anyway, Yuma was supposed to be shot so that Suwa would concentrate on him and Osamu could shoot him Suwa from behind. And I don't know what do you mean by "angry". People are angry that Yuma was shot at?Were people this angry when Suwa shot Yuma up at the end of round 2? |
May 3, 2016 11:10 AM
Chung2 said: Yuma played bait by going at it serious so he would draw Suwa's full firepower. I just think it's weird that people are claiming experience is a de facto power level when Midorikawa in a serious 10 round match can win 3 out of 7 times against him.Dues-aj said: Suwa's shot at Yuma was a bait anyway, Yuma was supposed to be shot so that Suwa would concentrate on him and Osamu could shoot him Suwa from behind. And I don't know what do you mean by "angry". People are angry that Yuma was shot at?Were people this angry when Suwa shot Yuma up at the end of round 2? |
May 3, 2016 11:17 AM
Dues-aj said: Normal Shonen manga would follow that logic, whoever has the higher power level wins. I guess they are too used to them.Chung2 said: Yuma played bait by going at it serious so he would draw Suwa's full firepower. I just think it's weird that people are claiming experience is a de facto power level when Midorikawa in a serious 10 round match can win 3 out of 7 times against him.Dues-aj said: Were people this angry when Suwa shot Yuma up at the end of round 2? |
May 3, 2016 1:50 PM
Dues-aj said: I was about to say that yeah. Even if Kakizaki has as low chances as 1 in 10 to win against Yuma, it still means he's good enough to at least do damage to him.Midorikawa in a serious 10 round match can win 3 out of 7 times against him. Anyway iirc when P-kun did some math T-2 needed at least 4 points to get into top group. Considering the current situation, I think what will happen is Yuma will take down Teruya and then bail out, giving Zaki the point. Then Osamu, with the help of Chika of course, takes down Wakamura but is defeated, leaving Miura and Katori behind (both have lower range and are missing limbs), Chika then uses lead bullets to keep them at bay until time limit. This way T-2 gets the minimum they need, while the other two squads get one point each. Or Chika can just bail out before they get within 60 meters and give Katori 2 points, they'll have 3 total but that's less than T-2 so T-2 will 'win.' Either that or the last panel will be retconned next chapter. Like, after Zaki saying "I don't plan on losing" Yuma says "me neither" and blocks the full attack somehow or avoids it. Yuma bailing out would be somewhat interesting at this point though, because by letting that happen Yuma practically made his team lose their only chance at a sweep. Maybe getting used to bail out dulled his senses? Edit: Forgot to mention, before anyone brings up what I said in an earlier chapter about T-2 losing if Yuma goes down, the situation now is vastly different. Previously when I said this the match had just started and people were suggesting Yuma will go down fighting Katori, leaving Osamu and Chika on their own while the other two squads are fully intact. But now they only really have to worry about a damaged Katori squad, assuming Yuma manages to take down Teruya. |
BotatoMay 3, 2016 1:56 PM
May 3, 2016 2:48 PM
Well, suddenly the round becomes much harder for T-2 T-2 needs a lot of points, for that, their tactic has a high risk. Yuma and Osamu can be taken down with this tactic, but I don't like much the way how Yuma has been damaged. It is truth that Yuma underestinated Kakizaki squad. But the scene when he was damaged doesn't have much sense for me. First, Kakizaki caught Yuma (not parried and this is more difficult), second, Yuma only attacked once, thirt, Yuma listened all the Kakizaki's words without make anything, and the last, Kakizaki could damage Yuma in a very close situation with a big gun (and this is more difficult to use in that situation than a pistol) It seems that Yuma will have a time limit since now... and this is the worse situation for T-2 My forecast is Kageura unit will finish with around 32 points (now they have 26 and they make 3 point for round). If T-2 want to be second, they need to make 33 points... And this means they need to make 14 points more. Without survival points, they must make 10 kills in two matches. If Ashihara doesn't betray himself, Osamu will not make more than 1 or 2 points, and Chika will be useful for that work. In other side, It would be strange T-2 got more points versus high B-rank teams than middle B-rank teams. If Yuma bails out without make 2-4 kills, It will be better if T-2 begin to think in the next season of B-rank Wars ( and they can begin to forget to go in the next neighborhood expedition with border) Well, I cann't wait to see how Ashihara will develop thi situation. Sorry for my English |
OneCommentaryMay 3, 2016 2:52 PM
May 3, 2016 4:09 PM
I will say though that stabs to the chest seem to be a bad way to deal fatal damage since the enemy dosent die immediately. This happened with Kitora against Yoneya too and she also seemed surprised. Is there some type of disparity between bleed out times that makes it seem viable? |
Dues-ajMay 3, 2016 4:15 PM
May 3, 2016 4:27 PM
Botato said: Dues-aj said: I was about to say that yeah. Even if Kakizaki has as low chances as 1 in 10 to win against Yuma, it still means he's good enough to at least do damage to him.Midorikawa in a serious 10 round match can win 3 out of 7 times against him. Anyway iirc when P-kun did some math T-2 needed at least 4 points to get into top group. Considering the current situation, I think what will happen is Yuma will take down Teruya and then bail out, giving Zaki the point. Then Osamu, with the help of Chika of course, takes down Wakamura but is defeated, leaving Miura and Katori behind (both have lower range and are missing limbs), Chika then uses lead bullets to keep them at bay until time limit. This way T-2 gets the minimum they need, while the other two squads get one point each. Or Chika can just bail out before they get within 60 meters and give Katori 2 points, they'll have 3 total but that's less than T-2 so T-2 will 'win.' Either that or the last panel will be retconned next chapter. Like, after Zaki saying "I don't plan on losing" Yuma says "me neither" and blocks the full attack somehow or avoids it. Yuma bailing out would be somewhat interesting at this point though, because by letting that happen Yuma practically made his team lose their only chance at a sweep. Maybe getting used to bail out dulled his senses? Edit: Forgot to mention, before anyone brings up what I said in an earlier chapter about T-2 losing if Yuma goes down, the situation now is vastly different. Previously when I said this the match had just started and people were suggesting Yuma will go down fighting Katori, leaving Osamu and Chika on their own while the other two squads are fully intact. But now they only really have to worry about a damaged Katori squad, assuming Yuma manages to take down Teruya. I agree with that scenario and at this point I think this or a variation of it is what would be the believable. Yuma doing more than that would be hard to swallow. Of course if they are only able to make 4 or 5 points against mid B-rank it doesn't look that would be able to make it to the top 2 this season but lets not forget that they MOST LIKELY get Hyuse as a bonus. With they will probably be able to get as much point from the upper bracket. |
May 3, 2016 4:32 PM
May 3, 2016 7:28 PM
Even though there's a big possibility that Yuma will bail out and leave the rest to Osamu and Chika, I still believe that Osamu didn't yet reveal his biggest trump card. I think (maybe)he also considered this situation where they will fight wihout Yuma and he tried to come up with a soluion. Here's what he said before this fight (Sorry :( I dom't know how to insert image here.) |
May 3, 2016 11:15 PM
Why does every one think Arashiyama's speech was bad? lol I think it suits him to say that he'll save his family over citizens first. Botato said: How do you suppose he'll take down Teruya as you say, when he is nowhere near her (she has already gone after Chika) and Kakizaki has his holds on him? It's not a possible situation looking at the panels.Dues-aj said: I was about to say that yeah. Even if Kakizaki has as low chances as 1 in 10 to win against Yuma, it still means he's good enough to at least do damage to him.Midorikawa in a serious 10 round match can win 3 out of 7 times against him. Anyway iirc when P-kun did some math T-2 needed at least 4 points to get into top group. Considering the current situation, I think what will happen is Yuma will take down Teruya and then bail out, giving Zaki the point. Then Osamu, with the help of Chika of course, takes down Wakamura but is defeated, leaving Miura and Katori behind (both have lower range and are missing limbs), Chika then uses lead bullets to keep them at bay until time limit. This way T-2 gets the minimum they need, while the other two squads get one point each. Or Chika can just bail out before they get within 60 meters and give Katori 2 points, they'll have 3 total but that's less than T-2 so T-2 will 'win.' Either that or the last panel will be retconned next chapter. Like, after Zaki saying "I don't plan on losing" Yuma says "me neither" and blocks the full attack somehow or avoids it. Yuma bailing out would be somewhat interesting at this point though, because by letting that happen Yuma practically made his team lose their only chance at a sweep. Maybe getting used to bail out dulled his senses? Edit: Forgot to mention, before anyone brings up what I said in an earlier chapter about T-2 losing if Yuma goes down, the situation now is vastly different. Previously when I said this the match had just started and people were suggesting Yuma will go down fighting Katori, leaving Osamu and Chika on their own while the other two squads are fully intact. But now they only really have to worry about a damaged Katori squad, assuming Yuma manages to take down Teruya. |
C2FlashMay 3, 2016 11:19 PM
May 4, 2016 1:29 AM
Hi! First Post here! I have to agree, this was one of the best backstory's so far. So good I think zaki just got on my top most likeable characters. I think it would be really cool If they both bail out in the start of the next chapter, better plot in my opinion. Although zaki squad only has 1 member left it was hiped that Teruya CAN be a hidden OP, (maybe better than Katori?) so it will make things interesting. Just wanna say that this round is exceding my expectations since I tought it woud be a really fast and dull match since we had almost no backstory prior to it. what do you guys think Osamo's trump card is? if he even has one. |
May 4, 2016 6:03 AM
I was really pissed when I saw Yuma fall in Kakizaki's trap (because of Yuma's experience, ...). But right now, I think Kakizaki show something really astonishing: he grab Yuma's arm and directly take the hit. If you try to imagine the same situation as you grab half the arm of someone really smaller than you and you try to fire him with a machine gun (any big gun is fine). Most of the time you will more or less miss if you can't place the gun beforehand on your opponent chest (will never happen with Yuma mobility). When he released Yuma and his opponent try to fall back, he probably push up Yuma to use his momentum against him (that is way, Yuma find himself directly in Kakizaki's line of fire). I wonder if Yuma used Grashopper to run away, Kakizaki would make him bail out instead of just inflict a small wound. |
May 4, 2016 8:05 AM
fatina said: It's a point-blank range. Even with the amount of recoil and without projecting Yuma upwards, the shots will not miss. Unless he directly shot away from Yuma, which he did not.I was really pissed when I saw Yuma fall in Kakizaki's trap (because of Yuma's experience, ...). But right now, I think Kakizaki show something really astonishing: he grab Yuma's arm and directly take the hit. If you try to imagine the same situation as you grab half the arm of someone really smaller than you and you try to fire him with a machine gun (any big gun is fine). Most of the time you will more or less miss if you can't place the gun beforehand on your opponent chest (will never happen with Yuma mobility). When he released Yuma and his opponent try to fall back, he probably push up Yuma to use his momentum against him (that is way, Yuma find himself directly in Kakizaki's line of fire). I wonder if Yuma used Grashopper to run away, Kakizaki would make him bail out instead of just inflict a small wound. |
May 4, 2016 8:56 AM
Also I think he had his rifle slung over his shoulder so that should have helped keep it in place |
May 5, 2016 3:01 AM
Well, I am dissatisfied with that turn of events, like many of you, and because of what Yuma has shown so far. Let’s summarize: in almost all of the battles, Yuma has shown incredible adaptation and creativity in his technique, tactical moves, and judgment. During Round 2, Yuma fought Arafune with Hokari supporting from distance, and Suwa getting dangerously closer. Yuma was surprised by Hokari’s sacrificial snipe… but still managed to deal a critical hit on Arafune. Then, he fought both Sasamori and Suwa with an injured shoulder. And with Chika and Osamu’s support, he managed to cleverly use his positioning, predict Suwa’s reading, and luring him into losing his focus on Osamu. Conclusion: nice technique & moves, advanced battle tactic & coordination with team mates, multiple simultaneous fights, in spite of an injury incapacitating his left arm. During Round 3, again, Yuma had to fight two opponents at the same time (Murakami & Kumagai), with the constant threat of Hiura. The 3 of them ganged up on him, and he managed to survive their combined attack midair, while baiting the sniper. To chase and take her down, loosing one arm in the process. And with the loss of one arm, he evaded Murakami’s fierce attacks (that one was incredible, with nice judgment & execution Conclusion: solid technique, multiple fights, good use of his positioning on the battlefield, interesting try of moves & combination to unbalance Murakami. And again, he had to suffer simultaneous assaults. During Round 4, Yuma took on Kageura while Osamu was busy with Inukai, Tsuji, Okudera and Koarai. After Osamu and Chika’s bailouts, being the only one without any support on the battlefield, he had to survive and fight for points. Again, being targeted as a grasshopper user, he was ganged up by Inukai, Koarai, Tsuji & Azuma. He lost an arm and a leg, but still managed to snatch a point, almost two if it wasn’t for Azuma taking the shot on Tsuji. Then, Yuma held his ground against Kageura with 2 limbs missing, until Ninomiya’s massive bombing. And he was very close to counter Ninomiya with a scorpion whip if not for a few seconds. That move apparently rash was the only remaining option when facing the N°1 shooter, one of the Top attackers, plus the Border’s first sniper & best commander. Conclusion: survival mode against 4 foes without support, two limbs missing, massive disadvantage of being an outnumbered attacker against best-in-class close, mid and long-range fighters. Sorry for that very long introduction. My point is that this Round against Katori and Kakizaki is the only battle with Tamakoma (seemingly) in total control of the game. This time, Yuma is not the victim of multiple opponents. He is taking the initiative. Plus, when facing Kakizaki in the final part of this chapter, it’s a real 1-Vs-1, without external disturbance. He has all of his arms and legs, against an injured Kakizaki. And Yuma, with all the might, battle experience, tactical ability and genius in skills that he has demonstrated before, is being fooled that easily (arm lock + point-blank range shot without reaction)? How is this even possible? I’m waiting for the next chapter, because I can’t believe it. It would have been something like Sasamori’s “chameleon hug” or Murakami’s “thruster-in-your-face-full-with-blowing-meteora”, then why not? But this… is just too simple. |
May 5, 2016 5:49 AM
as a contest tactic, that was a desperate move. but in real combat, it is meaningless if you die in the process of taking down your enemy. sure he took down yuma but now his team is without him even if yuma is a valuable team member. if nothing else, it will force the other two to rely less on yuma but in real combat, it would a bad move to sacrifice yourself like that. |
May 5, 2016 6:19 AM
kisami said: He did not take down Yuma. Why are people jumping to the conclusion that Yuma has bailed out already???as a contest tactic, that was a desperate move. but in real combat, it is meaningless if you die in the process of taking down your enemy. sure he took down yuma but now his team is without him even if yuma is a valuable team member. if nothing else, it will force the other two to rely less on yuma but in real combat, it would a bad move to sacrifice yourself like that. Bandibulle said: Exactly. He is way too experienced to fall for a last resort move like that even if he did underestimate Zaki a lot and went wide open. If Yuma did bail out next chapter, it's major meh writing on the mangaka's part.Well, I am dissatisfied with that turn of events, like many of you, and because of what Yuma has shown so far. Let’s summarize: in almost all of the battles, Yuma has shown incredible adaptation and creativity in his technique, tactical moves, and judgment. During Round 2, Yuma fought Arafune with Hokari supporting from distance, and Suwa getting dangerously closer. Yuma was surprised by Hokari’s sacrificial snipe… but still managed to deal a critical hit on Arafune. Then, he fought both Sasamori and Suwa with an injured shoulder. And with Chika and Osamu’s support, he managed to cleverly use his positioning, predict Suwa’s reading, and luring him into losing his focus on Osamu. Conclusion: nice technique & moves, advanced battle tactic & coordination with team mates, multiple simultaneous fights, in spite of an injury incapacitating his left arm. During Round 3, again, Yuma had to fight two opponents at the same time (Murakami & Kumagai), with the constant threat of Hiura. The 3 of them ganged up on him, and he managed to survive their combined attack midair, while baiting the sniper. To chase and take her down, loosing one arm in the process. And with the loss of one arm, he evaded Murakami’s fierce attacks (that one was incredible, with nice judgment & execution Conclusion: solid technique, multiple fights, good use of his positioning on the battlefield, interesting try of moves & combination to unbalance Murakami. And again, he had to suffer simultaneous assaults. During Round 4, Yuma took on Kageura while Osamu was busy with Inukai, Tsuji, Okudera and Koarai. After Osamu and Chika’s bailouts, being the only one without any support on the battlefield, he had to survive and fight for points. Again, being targeted as a grasshopper user, he was ganged up by Inukai, Koarai, Tsuji & Azuma. He lost an arm and a leg, but still managed to snatch a point, almost two if it wasn’t for Azuma taking the shot on Tsuji. Then, Yuma held his ground against Kageura with 2 limbs missing, until Ninomiya’s massive bombing. And he was very close to counter Ninomiya with a scorpion whip if not for a few seconds. That move apparently rash was the only remaining option when facing the N°1 shooter, one of the Top attackers, plus the Border’s first sniper & best commander. Conclusion: survival mode against 4 foes without support, two limbs missing, massive disadvantage of being an outnumbered attacker against best-in-class close, mid and long-range fighters. Sorry for that very long introduction. My point is that this Round against Katori and Kakizaki is the only battle with Tamakoma (seemingly) in total control of the game. This time, Yuma is not the victim of multiple opponents. He is taking the initiative. Plus, when facing Kakizaki in the final part of this chapter, it’s a real 1-Vs-1, without external disturbance. He has all of his arms and legs, against an injured Kakizaki. And Yuma, with all the might, battle experience, tactical ability and genius in skills that he has demonstrated before, is being fooled that easily (arm lock + point-blank range shot without reaction)? How is this even possible? I’m waiting for the next chapter, because I can’t believe it. It would have been something like Sasamori’s “chameleon hug” or Murakami’s “thruster-in-your-face-full-with-blowing-meteora”, then why not? But this… is just too simple. |
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