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Apr 24, 2016 5:47 AM

Jul 2007
The more I think about it the more it is obvious that so far the whole show has been repeating same pattern:

- Have something happen
- Have MC feel bad and wimp out crying
- Cue forced emotional scene.

I have no idea why this episode took a whole episode - it was already obvious he passed. There was no need for the scene him pathetically crying in his room and all that shit .

This show just feels like it is searching for reasons to have MC cry so somebody else can have an uplifting speech to him so the narrative can shallowly try to tug at viewer emotions with manufactured drama. Removing that saves time and removing all sobbing makes MC more bearable and lets the show get to the point without the forced fluff faster.
AhenshihaelApr 24, 2016 5:51 AM
Apr 24, 2016 5:54 AM

Jan 2016
Fai said:
The more I think about it the more it is obvious that so far the whole show has been repeating same pattern:

- Have something happen
- Have MC feel bad and wimp out crying
- Cue forced emotional scene.

I have no idea why this episode took a whole episode - it was already obvious he passed. There was no need for the scene him pathetically crying in his room and all that shit .

This show just feels like it is searching for reasons to have MC cry so somebody else can have an uplifting speech to him so the narrative can shallowly try to tug at viewer emotions with manufactured drama. Removing that saves time and removing all sobbing makes MC more bearable and lets the show get to the point without the forced fluff faster.

you know i was like, "why are people ragging on this show so much? it's great!" but you're right about this needless pattern

best mom this season
FragOutFireApr 24, 2016 6:00 AM
Apr 24, 2016 5:57 AM

Jan 2014
Waifu that girl right there plain looking whimpy MC-kun...She is too perfect...

Xenocrisi said:
animefan8800 said:
After Episode 2:

After Episode 3:


LOL This guy.

Stop shitposting and drop it already. Or are you doing it on purpose?

not sure about the feels tho,this episode especially was way too predictable...I knew from the ending of last episode that:
-he would score 0 points
-he would run to save someone from the 0 points big monster
-he would think he lost his chance
-all might would console him saying he is in fact a hero
-he would pass

I could've name everything happened this episode without watching except the "nice girl" part so instead of getting "dem feels" i was mostly screaming at the MC,saying "come on,you fuckin destroyed a giant mecha and saved the heroine,ofc you passed hero exam stop the drama"
LoneWizzyApr 24, 2016 6:06 AM
Apr 24, 2016 5:58 AM
Aug 2014
I really love deku he is a very promising character i love his determination he was very epic using all might's quirk
Apr 24, 2016 6:04 AM

Apr 2014
An okay episode. I still wished this had a faster pace though so we could move on to the good stuff.

Apr 24, 2016 6:09 AM

Nov 2011
I may be weird for this... but I loved the way his broken limbs were flailing about.
Also his mom is the cutest mom ever.
Apr 24, 2016 6:09 AM

Mar 2015
Boku no feels academia, Ost is really good, and animation is awesome
Apr 24, 2016 6:10 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Well that was incredibly predictable but still decent I guess
Apr 24, 2016 6:19 AM

Jan 2016
This episode was great. Seeing him reach his goal was very touching. Loving this series so far.
Apr 24, 2016 6:22 AM

Jan 2015
Uravity is my favourite !! Midoriya x Ochako aka Uravity !!! :D
Apr 24, 2016 6:25 AM
Mar 2016
Fai said:
The more I think about it the more it is obvious that so far the whole show has been repeating same pattern:

- Have something happen
- Have MC feel bad and wimp out crying
- Cue forced emotional scene.

I have no idea why this episode took a whole episode - it was already obvious he passed. There was no need for the scene him pathetically crying in his room and all that shit .

This show just feels like it is searching for reasons to have MC cry so somebody else can have an uplifting speech to him so the narrative can shallowly try to tug at viewer emotions with manufactured drama. Removing that saves time and removing all sobbing makes MC more bearable and lets the show get to the point without the forced fluff faster.

Well, up until now, you're probably right about that pattern. But now that he passed the entrance exams, the pattern won't stay the same. Atm there are 4 chapters adapted. What's bad about having a pattern for the first 4 chapters if the pattern could change afterwards. And I personally understand why he is crying. Have you ever been bullied? Probably not, because you would understand how Deku feels if you've been bullied once. Did you ever have a dream you knew you couldn't accomplish? What would you do if someone tells you, that you can accomplish your dream? It's only natural to cry in these situations. And crying doesn't exactly mean he's a wimp. Would a wimp try to save someone even though he knows that he can't do anything (like Deku did in episode 2) or would he try to save Uraraka if he was a wimp? Probably not. You can't compare him to the likes of Yukiteru from Mirai Nikki or other similar characters who really are wimps. And btw this episode was probably the last one with an emotional scene where the MC cries. I reread the chapters that are adapted in the upcoming episodes. If you still don't like the next episode, because of other things, I recommend you to drop it.
Apr 24, 2016 6:28 AM

Jan 2016
oh hey an after-credits scene
Apr 24, 2016 6:30 AM

Jun 2014
Looks like I found another annoying person to block on the forums. Keep up the good work.
Apr 24, 2016 6:31 AM

Jul 2015
The episode was pretty predictable, but an enjoyable ride nontheless. And the soundtrack is just beautiful. It fits the scenes very well and dismantles the "melodrama", which the show currently has.
Re:Zero nice troll ending.
Apr 24, 2016 6:40 AM
Jan 2016
Fai said:
The more I think about it the more it is obvious that so far the whole show has been repeating same pattern:

- Have something happen
- Have MC feel bad and wimp out crying
- Cue forced emotional scene.

I have no idea why this episode took a whole episode - it was already obvious he passed. There was no need for the scene him pathetically crying in his room and all that shit .

This show just feels like it is searching for reasons to have MC cry so somebody else can have an uplifting speech to him so the narrative can shallowly try to tug at viewer emotions with manufactured drama. Removing that saves time and removing all sobbing makes MC more bearable and lets the show get to the point without the forced fluff faster.

The long stretched out drama is just establishing the origin of Izuku gaining his quirk and seat at U.A. His origin spans 4 episodes, and his personality is gonna set a wimpy whiny crybaby, as it is a underdog story in the beginning. If the the story is full of forced drama, maybe the pacing of the story will be much faster, but they took the time to establish his relationship with All Might, and showed how he felt without a quirk.
In the end it is still a Shounen manga and some of the tropes might not appeal to you, but i have continued following it further down and found interesting characters, decent/appealing character designs and a not so Black and White story once the villians shows up.
Apr 24, 2016 6:43 AM

Jul 2014
Fai said:
dedeogbe said:

The irony of all of his bullshit is that RWBY season 1 is just as guilty of all the problems he's keeps citing.

First of all: offtopic
Second of all: I already debunked that lie in previous threads.
third of all: logical fallacies never work during debate

Debunked? That's strange, all that I saw was statements being thrown around. Could you provide evidence for your statements because RWBY is still cliche ridden. Granted I will give it props for the silver eyes foreshadowing. But it is still a pretty bullshit overpowered skill developed to set apart the main character from the fodder. Just give up on BnH, the more anime you've watched the less refreshing it is, and I can tell you have some heavy personal bias on your rating. Take it like this, a lot of things that RWBY has done BnH has done, sometimes better, sometimes (One for all power up) worse. Here's some advice if you want something that implements cliches well, read Medaka Box.
Apr 24, 2016 6:47 AM

Dec 2014
This episode was really good. It was obvious that he was going to pass but the way they did it still made me all tight in the chest with anticipation. I wasn't the biggest fan of the first couple of episodes but this one was great and has me excited for the next.
Apr 24, 2016 6:51 AM

Jul 2012
This episode showed one of my favorite parts in the manga and my god did they do justice to it. Amazing animation and amazing music for this episode.

Apr 24, 2016 6:54 AM
Apr 2014
You people need to learn how to be patient with shonen, this is a long running shonen, it takes a while before you get to the meaty stuff, this isn't another 1 cour anime with no sequels. If you can't then just drop it.
The best example for this would be Hunter x Hunter, although I have to admit 88 chapters deep in Boku Hero and barely anything captivating happening.
Apr 24, 2016 6:56 AM
Dec 2014
The animation was superb, as expected! It was frustrating to see Deku not score any villain points but it was incredibly epic to watch him save that girl! I almost teared up when he got accepted into U.A. :')
Apr 24, 2016 6:57 AM
Apr 2015
Ahh, that was amazing animated. Sure it was obvious that he'll pass through some other way. But still, Deku looked epic pulling off that one punch saving Uraraka.
Apr 24, 2016 7:05 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
Xenocrisi said:
Why do I cry at every fucking episode.

The feels are strong in this one.
That just goes to show how powerful and well directed this series is

I'm with you here lol
Apr 24, 2016 7:08 AM

Jan 2015
Drake1000 said:
You people need to learn how to be patient with shonen, this is a long running shonen, it takes a while before you get to the meaty stuff, this isn't another 1 cour anime with no sequels.

Actually, it is 1 cour, lol.
Apr 24, 2016 7:10 AM

Jul 2013
Xenocrisi said:
Drake1000 said:
You people need to learn how to be patient with shonen, this is a long running shonen, it takes a while before you get to the meaty stuff, this isn't another 1 cour anime with no sequels.

Actually, it is 1 cour, lol.

Read the bolded parts. We all know this will be getting more seasons.

Apr 24, 2016 7:19 AM

May 2015
The arms and legs after saving the girl were way too weird, lol. But great episode again, especially that moment when he went to save the girl. Glad he got accepted into the academy, even though it was no surprise.

Apr 24, 2016 7:26 AM
Dec 2012
Fai said:
This continues to be by-the-book derivative shonen filled with cliches beyond even definition of cringe.

It's unoriginal, that's common sense. But as others have already pointed out is about how it's handled.

Fai said:

thats not a good thing for a show that is supposedly second coming of jesus christ.

Apparently you give more value to what others think than to your own experience.

Fai said:

If this was in anyway good show, we could maybe deal with the idea of destruction that "superheroes" cause and how unrealistically taxing it is for the normal people and the world. We would get actual politics and social commentary about idea of superhero and how nothing is clearcut black and white and how foolish the idea itself is, but nope. Instead we have annoying whiny crybaby trying to git gud for four episodes already. There's nothng even resembling plot or meta-commentary or mystery. Cringe, cringe cringe.

That doesn't make any sense, quality is linked to how good a purpose is accomplished, the purpose itself can't give credit for the writting.

Fai said:

So far this feels like I watched the same episode four times. And there's no real feel or hook that would make this feel like it's own thing. Its hard to drop the show halfway but if next episode does not do anything interesting, this is it for me.

Why don't you value your free-time more? at least you could be doing something remotely fun for you.
Also why bother with anime? There are other media when amidst the uncreative "trash" it's easier and more frequent to find finer works.
Apr 24, 2016 7:26 AM

Jun 2007
vikki7783 said:
I don't even care if they don't animate best arc (festival arc)

Don't go jinxing things here.
- signed, entire Negima manga fanbase
Apr 24, 2016 7:32 AM
Apr 2016
Bobby2Hands said:
Am I the only one who feels like 3 episodes isn't enough time to go from having zero power to destroying a gargantuan mecha in one punch?
And who the hell pays for these training grounds?
Do they have to rebuild all those massive skyscrapers before the next set of students take the test?

Well he destroyed his whole body afterwards so that kind of shows it wasn't enough time
Apr 24, 2016 7:33 AM

Jul 2015
Somebody should add drama tag, because feels are real!

Apr 24, 2016 7:36 AM

Jan 2015
EasyGo-er said:
Xenocrisi said:

Actually, it is 1 cour, lol.

Read the bolded parts. We all know this will be getting more seasons.

Who knows it? Do you? Because I don't.
Apr 24, 2016 7:43 AM

Aug 2010
That SMASH scene was so friggin good! The animation on the punch was awesome!

Iida getting frustrated with himself was a nice scene. And Ochako's such a cute. First with saving Izuku by a bitch slap and then negotiating to give him points <3

The acceptance scene was so much feelz T^T

Deku's MOM is a cute.

DAT PV tho. I can't wait to meet the rest of the cast. And Mineta already staring at Momo's ass lol

PS...Aoyama..ur 2fab4me
Apr 24, 2016 8:09 AM

Jul 2013
Xenocrisi said:
EasyGo-er said:

Read the bolded parts. We all know this will be getting more seasons.

Who knows it? Do you? Because I don't.

Just basing it on WSJ adaptations from these past two years, it's really safe to assume this will at least get a 2nd season, probably within 1.5 years after the end of S1. Even Souma got 2nd season with bad BD/DVD sales and the manga sales isn't really overly spectacular either. I don't see why this series won't, when it seems like they're really pushing it out as their next big shounen.

My/Drake1000 point is, it has a long-running shounen story, with long-running shounen pace. How many cours/seasons it get won't change that.
EasyGo-erApr 24, 2016 8:12 AM

Apr 24, 2016 8:09 AM

Jul 2015
This episode was amazing! Izuku's new quirk is so cool, but it's creepy after he uses it. XD
Loved the part when he saved Ochako, and the end scene was so emotional! I was cheering so much for Izuku to pass the exam! He was very nervous but I knew that he was going to pass. That part when Izuku punched that robot was epic. And Ochako is so cute!
5/5. I'm really enjoying this anime.
Apr 24, 2016 8:16 AM
Apr 2016
EasyGo-er said:
Xenocrisi said:

Who knows it? Do you? Because I don't.

Just basing it on WSJ adaptations from these past two years, it's really safe to assume this will at least get a 2nd season, probably within 1.5 years after the end of S1. Even Souma got 2nd season with bad BD/DVD sales and the manga sales isn't really overly spectacular either. I don't see why this series won't, when it seems like they're really pushing it out as their next big shounen.

Yea the latest volume of MHA sold over 200k on the first week (and only one episode of the anime had aired). And in the second week it sold a bit over 50k. And all of the volumes chatted that week as well. The boost will really be seen near the end of the anime.
Apr 24, 2016 8:20 AM

Jun 2014
Fai said:
If this was in anyway good show, we could maybe deal with the idea of destruction that "superheroes" cause and how unrealistically taxing it is for the normal people and the world. We would get actual politics and social commentary about idea of superhero and how nothing is clearcut black and white and how foolish the idea itself is, but nope.

To be fair, the series does in fact dive into some of these issues later on, but this season will surely not get to these arcs.

Fai said:
This takes the superhero coat and puts it on generic shonen narrative.

Well it is a WSJ Manga after all, so shounen narratives are to be expected to some extent...
Apr 24, 2016 8:30 AM

May 2009
I am looking forward to the Hero Academia highschool. It would be fun to see Almight as a teacher or something. Overall the series is a bit tóó dramatic. The MC keeps on crying and I get that.. but as a viewer I get tired of watching it (it loses its impact).
I really like the girl OvO. She's cute ^^
check out my twitch:
Apr 24, 2016 8:37 AM

Jun 2013
Okay episode, is it just me or are some people upset that others point out the show as being 'generic'? It is, still enjoyable tho.
Apr 24, 2016 8:37 AM
Sep 2014
Fai said:
This continues to be by-the-book derivative shonen filled with cliches beyond even definition of cringe.


2/5 for the episode.

As a manga reader, I can tell you it will remain more or less like this till we get to the Stain arc, which will probably be in the second half of the hypothetical second season since this will end with USJ. If you still hate it as of this episode, the upcoming ones aren't going to endear themselves to you any more than these did. If it's the story you hate, the studio isn't going to be able to change much since they're only in charge of the animation and possibly the direction if the director is with them, and this is an adaptation of a published work.
fatalysticApr 24, 2016 8:43 AM
Apr 24, 2016 8:37 AM

Jan 2014
so cliche yet so moving (ಥ﹏ಥ)
BONES is on a roll this time
You will soon learn that a heart that choose to exist, even in a life filled with pain, will one day allow us to meet again.
With the world's blessings, we will meet again and again, forever returning to the homeworld we've yet to see.
Many, many times.

Apr 24, 2016 8:39 AM
Jul 2012
I think some of the critics are forgetting this is only 4 chapters into the series.
Apr 24, 2016 8:42 AM

Feb 2015
A touch cliche but its premiere is superheroes, what can you expect?

I can't wait for Deku to stop crying so much.
Apr 24, 2016 8:52 AM

Jul 2013
I love how despite being predictably and have a lot of cliches (I predicted Deku wouldn't obtain any point, but would join to the school by doing some heroic action), the series just execute the scenes in a really good manner, thus making you feel moved/surprised with them.

Ochako is pure waifu material, already loving her. I also like muscle glasses guy.

Can't wait for the next episode. This is really good.
Apr 24, 2016 8:53 AM

Apr 2016
Really enjoyed this ep and already can't wait for the next. So many feels!
Apr 24, 2016 8:56 AM

Feb 2012
I like this show but... damn. it is so slow...

There are barely any conversation so far, only the MC mumbling all the time or whining during 3/4 before doing something cool. I know it is his personality and all but damn.
I hope he loses that behavior later on.
Apr 24, 2016 8:57 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
fatalystic said:
Fai said:
This continues to be by-the-book derivative shonen filled with cliches beyond even definition of cringe.


2/5 for the episode.

As a manga reader, I can tell you it will remain more or less like this till we get to the Stain arc, which will probably be in the second half of the hypothetical second season since this will end with USJ. If you still hate it as of this episode, the upcoming ones aren't going to endear themselves to you any more than these did. If it's the story you hate, the studio isn't going to be able to change much since they're only in charge of the animation and possibly the direction if the director is with them, and this is an adaptation of a published work.
Nah, The Sports Festival is when it really starts to change
Apr 24, 2016 9:03 AM
Jan 2014
MC continues to be incredibly unlikable.

Honestly the show is getting difficult just to sit through.

I really don't understand what the author was thinking when he decided "Yeah I'll make the MC of my battle shounen be a constant crying, nervous, shaky mess in literally every scene that he has. That'll make people like him!"

I mean I guess he was hoping that we would sympathize with him and want to see him succeed, but all it's done for me is make it so I can't stand it any time he's on screen, which almost the whole show.

The production values are great and all, but it's really wasted on this source material.
Apr 24, 2016 9:05 AM
Jul 2018
So I think this will be the pacing now, nice. Bones is doing a good job so far adapting it.

Best girl momo is yet to arrive though. XD Looking forward to some aizawa swag next episode lol.

Tokoya said:
fatalystic said:

As a manga reader, I can tell you it will remain more or less like this till we get to the Stain arc, which will probably be in the second half of the hypothetical second season since this will end with USJ. If you still hate it as of this episode, the upcoming ones aren't going to endear themselves to you any more than these did. If it's the story you hate, the studio isn't going to be able to change much since they're only in charge of the animation and possibly the direction if the director is with them, and this is an adaptation of a published work.
Nah, The Sports Festival is when it really starts to change

Agreed, although USJ arc sets the tone of the series I feel.
Apr 24, 2016 9:05 AM

Feb 2015
Does Izuku's power and the effects on his body remind anybody of Shizuo's (Durarara) situation as he grew up?
Apr 24, 2016 9:20 AM

Aug 2013
ItsXolo said:

I really don't understand what the author was thinking when he decided "Yeah I'll make the MC of my battle shounen be a constant crying, nervous, shaky mess in literally every scene that he has. That'll make people like him!"

If by "constant" you mean for the first few chapters, sure. We're only 4 chapters in, which it seems like a lot of people have failed to realize and take into account.
Shradow115Apr 24, 2016 9:24 AM
Apr 24, 2016 9:23 AM
The Komori

Mar 2013
xaos12 said:
So I think this will be the pacing now, nice. Bones is doing a good job so far adapting it.

Best girl momo is yet to arrive though. XD Looking forward to some aizawa swag next episode lol.

Tokoya said:
Nah, The Sports Festival is when it really starts to change

Agreed, although USJ arc sets the tone of the series I feel.
I feel the same way

Also, it's nice to see another fan of best girl Momo lol
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