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Apr 16, 2016 3:03 AM

Nov 2011
Hm so it looks like Cross is alive.

I'm not entirely sure if what Allen saw was an illusion or not but it definitely sounds useful for him to find that one mansion on the surface world. Nice buildup for a return chapter. Interesting to see Road's role in this as well.
Apr 16, 2016 5:36 AM

Jan 2009
Although a short chapter, it is awesome as usual. Art is gorgeous.
Little Allen is cute. Love the Allen and Cross conversation. Allen determination to move forward and Cross give Allen tips is a nice and we have the next destination-former Campbell resident.
Black Timcampy-Kuro campy!!!xD Makes me remember Timcampy! T_T
Bookman is in bad condition and Lavi's fate still unknown!
Apr 16, 2016 8:00 AM

Dec 2015
Loved it. I recall an interview where Hoshino stated Cross would appear in flashbacks with Nea's backstory, and be younger. So I was thinking we were gonna see that 1st while still not knowing his status. I definitely wasn't expecting to see him alive / active again so soon. Though, it has been 54 chapters before this revelation.

The chapters seemed like a good starting point for finding out some big information. An intro chapter basically that may lead into, or foreshadow, an upcoming arc.

I like Allen's resolve. he genuinely seems interested in helping others, and is probably the most selfless character in the manga. But it's nice he's trying to find more answers now and make more choices. In 167, he mentions not caring about the 14th and that he was walking for Mana. now, he seems more aware - he's not living just for Mana anymore. he's finding his own path, remembering promise he made to Lenalee, and now trying to find out what the deal is with Neah instead of blindly living for Mana. So seems he's looking at different sides now.

And loved Cross' speech to Allen where it was a bittersweet moment of him showing he cared, and openly admitting it (sorta) for once. Hoshi did great with his expressions, where he looked a mix or respectful of Allen's resolve, but possibly more hurt that Allen is determined to fight the inevitable (far as he knows) and suffer, rather than living peacefully and out of the war for a bit.
SilverWolf442Jun 11, 2016 6:32 AM
Apr 16, 2016 9:39 AM

Jun 2009
It's been so long i think i forgot what the plot of this was...

Didn't expect Cross to appear.
Apr 16, 2016 1:20 PM

Jun 2015
As always I loved the chapter Hoshino really knows what she is doing... the art is absolutely amazing!
The conversation between Cross and Allen... I honestly cried ;_; Allen you adorable little thing!! Also when Cross offered to stay with Allen until he desappeared was my favourite part... so cute! >o< *V*
Now Allen will go to the mansion... that little girl is so adorable! Cant say the same for the women... but she seems to be one hell of a character, I have a feeling I will like her.
Now that Bookman who is in the mansion, I dont think it is Panda-Jiijii, I mean isnt he with the Noahs along with Lavi? About that I have a theory: what if that 'Bookman' is in fact Cross? I mean it could be possible, no? Maybe before becoming an exorcist he was a bookman and after being shot he was able to go to them and as been unconscious ever since. (please let that be true, I dont want to believe that Cross really is dead)

Anyways cant wait for the next chapter! 3 months is too much ;_;
Apr 16, 2016 2:47 PM

Jan 2012
Wait... did the new girl (Cornelia was it?) just confirm

Ugh... the feels in this chapter...had goosebumps whilst reading....another great chapter perfectly executed. Really cannot wait to see how this develops and see what is the other side to this war.

And a random thought,
Apr 16, 2016 11:11 PM

Aug 2012
A whole lot going on this chapter, a lot of teasing, and a lot of misdirection. Can't believe we saw Cross after all this time. And it looks like he's alive, whether he's the "bookman" at the mansion who just woke up(Road sure made this seem like the case) or not.

And yeah, that girl made it sound like Lavi is no more...and with the Bookman we know with the Noahs alongside Lavi, something is obviously off here. So much misdirection.

My thought is the 'bookman' at the mansion is the old man we've seen just a glimpse of a long long time ago who was said to hold all the answers. In which case, I've no idea what the hell is going with Cross.

Anyway, it was really nice to see a resolve chapter for Allen, it's been a while and it was sorely needed. Cross' inclusion in it made it just perfect, especially when he mentioned his bed-wetting days and clearly expressed how important Allen is to him.
Apr 17, 2016 12:58 AM

Apr 2015
It's good to know that Cross wasn't just killed off-screen but still, next chapter better have 60 pages at least. 30 pages after 3 months...

Also, adding new characters this late in the game, hope they won't take center stage.
Apr 17, 2016 1:57 AM
Mar 2016
Great chapter with awesome art as always, but more questions and theories keep uprising with every 3-4months. The bookman woken up in the mansion might be Cross or an entirely different person like Lavi's dad.
Apr 17, 2016 2:19 AM
Sep 2012
This quarterly serialisation is tough. Gonna have to reread the last 5 chapters every time a new one is released because I just forget everything. And it was only 30 pages this time too! Pretty interesting chapter though, the art was very well done as always.
Apr 17, 2016 4:36 AM

Jul 2012
What a great chapter! So many answers and finally Allen is back, but on the other hand again so many questions! Such a long time without general Cross and he's guiding Allen again, and i hope he is alive. And the memory about Lenalee, OTP =/
Apr 17, 2016 4:53 AM

Jun 2013
Allen...So he is where ever that place is..subconsciousness? Memories? But Now I am personally waiting start of the Counter Attack...or AKA Allan retun to take his body back.

and GENERAL CROSS IS BACK! as Memory tough..wait...O_O HE WAS ACTUALLY HERE!? HE IS ALIVE AFTER ALL!!! Never Doubted it.

HA!! LENALEE IS BEST!!!! Ding DONG ALNALEE IS BEST PAIRING!!! Finally...Comeback Starts!

....Wait...No Longer SUCCESSOR!? LAVI IS DEad!?!
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Apr 17, 2016 7:36 AM

May 2007
First time in a long time that this storyline has finally started to make sense to me since Hoshino went to monthly releases.
Apr 17, 2016 11:43 AM

Apr 2014
It's great seeing Cross in the new art style. Looks really pretty!

ANNNNND....I refuse to believe that Lavi is dead, judging from what that Lucia girl said that Bookman no longer has a successor. He probably lost some sort of qualifications of being a Bookman after his scrimmage with the Noahs, thus being unable to be a successor...I hope. (^_^;)
Apr 17, 2016 1:43 PM

Apr 2011
Onikilla said:
It's been so long i think i forgot what the plot of this was...

Yeah yeah, I know, so it's nice to re-read the previous chapters shortly before the next release. XD

Apr 17, 2016 1:44 PM

Apr 2011
aHHHH....Three months of waiting again...but each chapter is worth the wait.

Apr 17, 2016 6:59 PM
Apr 2016
Solcast59 said:
It's great seeing Cross in the new art style. Looks really pretty!

ANNNNND....I refuse to believe that Lavi is dead, judging from what that Lucia girl said that Bookman no longer has a successor. He probably lost some sort of qualifications of being a Bookman after his scrimmage with the Noahs, thus being unable to be a successor...I hope. (^_^;)

I seriously hope you are right that Lavi just lost his qualifications. If he died, I would seriously scream until I coughed up blood. He just hit the right buttons for me and I loved his character! I told my friend who had a crush on Lavi about that line, and she was seriously upset.
And I can't wait for Allen's come back either, it is really exciting!
Apr 18, 2016 5:05 AM
Jul 2014
VanKeiji said:
Solcast59 said:
It's great seeing Cross in the new art style. Looks really pretty!

ANNNNND....I refuse to believe that Lavi is dead, judging from what that Lucia girl said that Bookman no longer has a successor. He probably lost some sort of qualifications of being a Bookman after his scrimmage with the Noahs, thus being unable to be a successor...I hope. (^_^;)

I seriously hope you are right that Lavi just lost his qualifications. If he died, I would seriously scream until I coughed up blood. He just hit the right buttons for me and I loved his character! I told my friend who had a crush on Lavi about that line, and she was seriously upset.
And I can't wait for Allen's come back either, it is really exciting!

Could Lavi have been Bookman? Having no successor would then make sense.
Apr 18, 2016 8:15 AM

Sep 2015
Finally the plot is moving forward XD

What happened to Bookman and Lavi again?
Apr 18, 2016 11:40 AM

Jul 2009
Wow. This is like the best manga that can go very deep with its secrets and plot twists that it can actually mindfucks you. I'm in awe. Hoshino is the woman I respect the most in this world, seriously ! She has such an amazing mind that I want to have a tour in it lol

Ioryogi-kun said:
Finally the plot is moving forward XD

What happened to Bookman and Lavi again?

Weren't they taken by the Noah family or something ?
Apr 19, 2016 4:48 AM

Sep 2014
It has been too long since we saw poor Lavi :( I seriously doubt he's dead, but I'm dying to know what on earth is going on over there.

On a side note, I was so happy to see Allen again. This chapter reminded me of why I love his character so much. He's one of those "all loving heroes," but isn't a pushover like most of those kinds of characters usually are (not even remotely).

It sucks we have to wait another 4 months, but at least it's now releasing chapters on a regular basis.
Apr 20, 2016 10:40 PM
Apr 2016
I have a theory... two actually. Most likely the "Bookman" in the mansion is a different person since its in their traditions to cast aside their names just like the 49th alias; Lavi. A chapter also mentioned that Bookman had an apprentice before Lavi so I came into two possible conclusions.

1 What if Bookman himself is the lost apprentice and he used Lavi as a front to hide his true identity. Maybe the one in the mansion is Bookman's mentor.

2 The lost apprentice himself maybe the one inside the mansion, it may possibly be Cross. After all;

Great Deal of Pain = Cross' wounds after Apocryphos' assassination attempt.

Sleeping - Road's Statement about Cross; "Sleep until then"

Visiting the Campbell Residence = Cross' disappearance

Knowing our scheming author though, the second is too obvious with the hints so I place my bets on the first. Though it also has its flaws. Sherill said that Bookman had an apprentice before Lavi while they were interrogating both f9r information and its obvious he is referring directly to him as the Bookman Sr. so it may be a bit of a contradiction but who knows what twist would the story put.
True_EmperorApr 20, 2016 10:49 PM
Apr 21, 2016 3:57 AM

Dec 2009
It was nice to see Cross and Road.

I don't care much for lenalee but I was glad to see her as well, I guess.. if anything it makes me realize just how much I miss the other characters since it feels like it's been forever since we've seen them.
Apr 21, 2016 10:01 AM

Jan 2012
Ah Allen is dangerous , it seems road still haven't recovered and Cross Marian is probably still alive.

What chapter is that , i don't remember i have seen that picture b4?

Apr 21, 2016 10:32 AM

Jan 2012
AllenVonStein said:

What chapter is that , i don't remember i have seen that picture b4?

Chapt 58 'the destroyer of time' :)
Apr 26, 2016 3:20 PM

Aug 2014
I'm glad Allen is remaining stubborn until the very end, it would indeed suck if he ends disappearing for good.

Man, stop teasing me with Road and bring her back already >_<

There's no way in hell that Lavi's dead...
Apr 28, 2016 9:58 PM
Apr 2016
Why do I get the feeling that D Gray Man is no longer about killing the Earl but instead stopping Neah. The whole 'Destroyer of Time' seems to be distraction to make us think that Allen must kill the main villain. I'm starting to think that the final chapter will be about Allen fufilling his part and is not actually meant to be the one to finish the Thousand Year Old War, instead, he will be the driving force for the "Chosen One".

Think about it. The Heart, The Order, The Noah, Neah's Third Side, and finally the enigmatic Allen. This is a five sided war. Even the Apocryphos is giving hints that the Heart is working on its own interest. This battle is surely a disaster.
May 4, 2016 1:07 PM
Feb 2016
Everyone talking about cross being alive but..
May 4, 2016 2:58 PM

Dec 2015
Jynfreccs said:
Everyone talking about cross being alive but..

Road was probably connecting Cross to Allen. She says that she can't connect to Allen's dream, no matter how hard she tries. So next best thing is sending Cross to speak to him, possibly.

She also says she wants Cross to keep sleeping. If he were dead, then she wouldn't need to say that. You don't need to worry about dead people waking up lol

So we got confirmation that Cross in alive this chapter.

Now, what's going on with him and Road is questionable.

If it was just some illusion Road could conjure up, then what does she need the real one for? She tells him to stay sleeping until Allen goes to the mansion when he awakens. So, does she want him to stay in there so she can connect him to Allen again if she needs to say anything to him?

Or, it could be an illusion, or manipulated, Cross, and she wants the real Cross to stay asleep so he won't get in the way of her manipulation of Allen.

So either way, the real Cross seems to be around and unconscious, and she needs him to stay that way for a min.

SilverWolf442May 4, 2016 3:53 PM
May 4, 2016 3:43 PM
Feb 2016
I've re-read it and i understand what you mean :)
Thanks for explaning since i'm a bit lost in the new chapters :/ (she's speeding up the revelations)
May 4, 2016 3:54 PM

Dec 2015
Jynfreccs said:
I've re-read it and i understand what you mean :)
Thanks for explaning since i'm a bit lost in the new chapters :/ (she's speeding up the revelations)

If you haven't already, read the mangastream version. Most people wait for MS translations for chapters. So may get a better understanding there. I was confused as well, and had to re-read the chapter a few times.
May 16, 2016 11:38 AM
Jan 2016
When road said that she couldn't connect to Allens world. That meant that his world before he was taken over by neah with the dead trees was the one road couldn't enter not the one with cornelia which is neah dream world, right?
Jun 4, 2016 11:09 AM

Mar 2015
Seems like Lavi is coming back
Jun 11, 2016 12:31 AM
Jun 2016
What happend to lavi!!??
Jul 5, 2016 4:09 PM
Oct 2013
have to agree with some of ya'll . . .

Cross is the Bookman referred to in chapter. He is also the "lost" apprentice who broke protocol by engaging with Neah. He is complicit with Neah's agenda. The only thing that caught Cross off-guard was current Allen's age. Neah implanted his memories in an adult, not a child. So what happened?

Perhaps current Allen is the product of Zu Mei Chang's experiments? Could Neah's host have been a fallen Accommodator whose brain was implanted in a new body? That would make "old" Allen dangerous. It would also make "current" Allen extremely complex and potentially unstable when we factor in his body's genetic make-up, perhaps some predestined melding of chromosomes representing both innocence and dark matter. We have seen innocence expressed through his arm, and dark matter through his pentacle eye. And is the letter "D" in his eye a seal? What would happen if the seal is broken? And the "D" itself may stand for Dharma, meaning "that which holds together or supports" the entire universe. Or in Allen's case, the two opposing principles of innocence and dark matter, yang and yin, life and death. Note also the name Alma "Karma" and the use of the "Om" symbol on the Second Exorcist seals.
Jul 6, 2017 5:59 AM

Feb 2013
So Bookman is still alive, Lavi is gone somewhere, maybe he is still a prisoner of the Noah.
Oct 17, 2021 1:03 PM
Oct 2021
Cross is dead for sure...but I believe somehow Road is keeping his body in her world, and sealed his soul there too. Basically made from his body same soul holder as Akuma skeleton body.
So right now she used Cross to help Allen to understand what he should do, and it seems Cross hate it, case she manipulate him,and he calls "Allen" dangerous.
Nov 14, 2023 11:30 PM
Oct 2014
Loving this series

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