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High School DxD (light novel)
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Apr 7, 2015 8:41 AM

Aug 2013
Lindwurm said:
I gotta say that I loved this 1st episode. I guess is true that TnK is animating 3 volumes (LNs 5-7) instead of 2 volumes like the previous 2 seasons. This is great if they're able to fit the important bits of the story without cutting to much. This episode basically covered ~130 pages or half of LN5 without missing much (sure, we didn't see the door to the underground train nor the Crimson locomotive driver nor the fireworks to welcome Rías nor Velenala Gremory [Rias' mom]) but the episode was fast paced and introduced all new characters via a cameo. I thought that Juggernaut Drive should've been the last episode as it was the most awesome thing to happen before volume 7 (chichigami) but I'm just happy to have the Harem King back.

Also, Issei remembering Raynare isn't weird and He does that in the novels. That's what's holding him back from been in a relationship with Rías. Poor guy is traumatize and just doesn't believe his luck but no worries Akeno, Asia, koneko and Xenovia will help him out. And, I see it as a clear sign that TnK is going to animate a 4th season (LNs 8-10) next year. And, that's awesome because we went far too long without the Harem King.

So I guess episode 2 will setup the rating game (with Issei training and reaching Balance Breaker). Episode 3-4 Sitri vs Rias (with the tv interviews. Oppai Dragon Song!).

Let's hope TnK keeps doing a great job with DxD and Oppai!

There is gonna be another rating game?! Never read the LN but thats awesome. The rating game in S1 was one of the best parts
Apr 7, 2015 8:54 AM

Dec 2014
5/5 great start yayy
Apr 7, 2015 9:17 AM

Nov 2012
B[size=300]( . )( . )sto
Apr 7, 2015 9:36 AM

Sep 2014
Is it just or did HS DxD Born somehow changed a little (e.g. voice, art, character design, etc.)?

Well anyways it the new season has started and right off the bat the first word is "oppai" lol..
Typical High School DxD..

Looking forward to the rest of the EP's..
Apr 7, 2015 1:50 PM

Apr 2014
if u made it this far there should be no need for hate

btw im loving every second of this!!!!!
Apr 7, 2015 2:48 PM
Jul 2013
redrussia said:
Lindwurm said:
I gotta say that I loved this 1st episode. I guess is true that TnK is animating 3 volumes (LNs 5-7) instead of 2 volumes like the previous 2 seasons. This is great if they're able to fit the important bits of the story without cutting to much. This episode basically covered ~130 pages or half of LN5 without missing much (sure, we didn't see the door to the underground train nor the Crimson locomotive driver nor the fireworks to welcome Rías nor Velenala Gremory [Rias' mom]) but the episode was fast paced and introduced all new characters via a cameo. I thought that Juggernaut Drive should've been the last episode as it was the most awesome thing to happen before volume 7 (chichigami) but I'm just happy to have the Harem King back.

Also, Issei remembering Raynare isn't weird and He does that in the novels. That's what's holding him back from been in a relationship with Rías. Poor guy is traumatize and just doesn't believe his luck but no worries Akeno, Asia, koneko and Xenovia will help him out. And, I see it as a clear sign that TnK is going to animate a 4th season (LNs 8-10) next year. And, that's awesome because we went far too long without the Harem King.

So I guess episode 2 will setup the rating game (with Issei training and reaching Balance Breaker). Episode 3-4 Sitri vs Rias (with the tv interviews. Oppai Dragon Song!).

Let's hope TnK keeps doing a great job with DxD and Oppai!

There is gonna be another rating game?! Never read the LN but thats awesome. The rating game in S1 was one of the best parts

Yes, technically we'll see 2 rating games. I spoiled one for you already so I'll withhold my tongue for the next one since it's basically the plot for episodes 5-8 but trust me it's going to be awesome. Whenever they animate season 4 (Probably using LNs 8-10) you'll see the last rating game to date (I've read up to LN 17, Code Zero has taken long with LNs 18-19 and my Japanese ain't good enough to understand half a page without a dictionary on hand) and it'll be a juicy one.

I'd highly recommend you read the fan translation of the Light Novels!
LindwurmApr 7, 2015 2:54 PM
Apr 7, 2015 4:05 PM

Mar 2012
Aside for last chapter volume 8 is short story collection that can fit anywhere..
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Apr 7, 2015 4:08 PM

Sep 2013
I was gonna try counting the tits for gits and shiggles, but after 10 in the 1st 2 seconds alone, I totally gave up :/
Apr 7, 2015 5:41 PM

Jun 2010
yea, that was DxD-ish. don't want to sound like purist, but this felt very meh.
We're talking about DxD here. I expected a serious bidget and some real quality oppai bouncing instead they gave me the shit I get to see on 2-bit harems like fafnir and all that other trash they showed last season.

Gat Damn it FUNimations, treat your cash cows properly.
<--- Who Your Waifus Look Up To --->
Apr 7, 2015 11:57 PM
Apr 2015
s0ck said:
I think the B and N in BorN mean Boobs and Nipples. dk though lol.
it could also mean PorN
Apr 8, 2015 9:21 PM
Feb 2015
They change alot of scenes in the LN but its still ok..specially when ise hugs asia :3
Apr 9, 2015 2:00 PM
Apr 2011
You guys seriously have no imagination. BORN = Breast Oppai Rias' Nipples

Apr 9, 2015 2:54 PM

Oct 2009
Boobs, more boobs, oh a dragon, boobs.
The most important things in life is the people that you care about
Apr 9, 2015 4:28 PM
Supreme Tsundere

Nov 2012
Great episode, being a big fan of the LNs, this is pure enjoyment, TNK is one of the best studios in adapting LN to anime, simply because they respect the pacing of the LN and do things properly.

The OP wasnt bad (s2 OP was better), the ED is the best so far of the series, but nothing really great to mention (yes the previous EDs were really shitty IMO, since I am into the series for the faps).
Apr 9, 2015 5:48 PM

Nov 2008
gotta say they did not disappoint and started off with quite the bang.

Apr 12, 2015 8:10 AM

May 2010
Man the ED and OP are really good. Skimmed through the episode. I think first season was very good but 2nd season was a little meh. Still, the fanservice is wow. Guess I will watch this once it ends.
Apr 12, 2015 10:35 AM

Jul 2012

It has returned to us with oppai for days!

Issei has some growing to do both with his physical level and his harem level.

~Great episode!!!
Apr 13, 2015 5:18 PM
Nov 2012
why can't there be more anime that is so undeniably entertaining? It was so much fun, cant wait to see more.
Apr 14, 2015 1:27 PM

Apr 2015
So much win in just one episode!!!
Apr 14, 2015 5:58 PM

Jan 2011
I hope they change the ED after a few eps like last season, to something better.
Apr 15, 2015 5:15 PM

May 2011
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Apr 19, 2015 8:14 AM

Apr 2014
Kuroka is fucking hot
When I'm fucked up that's the real me
May 5, 2015 4:31 PM
Jul 2018
I'm late to the party, but DAMN I missed this show ;__;
Rias, Issei, Akeno, Asia, Koneko, Xenovia, Kiba... They're back!

And this episode was hilarious, especially the nipple scene xD It's like a doorbell...
May 9, 2015 7:18 AM

Dec 2013
Great start, the OST is as good as I recall and the art is delightful. All the girls reunited in that big ass house, that oughta be fun.

Btw, about the overnight renovation...Issei's parents must've come straight from TLR, to take that kind of stuff at face value xD.
PriestSlayerMay 9, 2015 7:28 AM
FragOutFire said:

Why am I a Berserk fan? All I ever experience is pain.

We are in the eclipse and Miura has sacrificed us
May 9, 2015 8:10 AM
Jul 2018
PriestSlayer said:
Great start, the OST is as good as I recall and the art is delightful. All the girls reunited in that big ass house, that oughta be fun.

Btw, about the overnight renovation...Issei's parents must've come straight from TLR, to take that kind of stuff at face value xD.

Well, in the 2nd episode in the first Season Rias calmed them down with mind controlling magic, so it's not unheard of. lol
May 10, 2015 8:17 PM

Aug 2014
So I tried to wait for season 3 to end so I can storm through it, but I've failed! :D (I hate waiting for new chapter/episode in manga/anime).
I rewatched season 1 and 2 in eng dub and I am so glad that I can hear -
mg021 said:
plenty of "ara ara"s and "issei-kun"s resulting :P
- Japanese VA again (。・ω・)
Kuroka and Bikou sound good.

The episode was great ;) But I don't think there was this fight with Tannin in novel? but that was done nicely so its ok. Some action is good for both anime only fans and a surprise for novel readers - more plz (◕ฺω◕ฺ)

lucidbrandon said:

This show just keep getting better and better, all the "action" just keeps getting more and more improved as the series progresses.

And it will get even better in seasons 4+

But about Stylips... I hoped they will save OP/EP of season 3 after hearing OP first time, but...
My first impression is that: ChouCho OP sounds a little like from some 'cliche' anime (and I don't use that word often :/ ) It does not fit the great DxD series. And StylipS could rescue it, but even though I liked all 3 songs from StudyxStudy this ED is not so good. They both aren't bad songs, but its not DxD style for me...
Larval Stage Planning and ZAQ would do better and should be at least for half of season, one OP and one ED! So I hope one of them will get their song for episodes 7-12 :D
If not then I hope I will start to like this songs more after each episode:|
Playcool said:
The OP wasnt bad (s2 OP was better), the ED is the best so far of the series, but nothing really great to mention (yes the previous EDs were really shitty IMO, since I am into the series for the faps).

The OP/ED should be seen as song not art, but if its art then yes its better ED, if its song then its the worst. I am happy to See Irina there. And how Rossweisse look on hotel price :D

Emotives said:
A little concerning when the premier episode has poor art and animation at times. Downgrade from the past two seasons for sure.

I did not notice that, I even think that it got better art than old episodes, but maybe it is because I rewtched it in poor quality dubbed.

PrimeX said:
yow! so they're bringing Norse and Greek mythology into this? sweeet! and people think this show has no plot...

People are stupid ;D
iNoto-san said:
good to be a LN reader!

PrimeX said:
Waking up finding yourself in the middle of two topless babes with another one on top of you... Damnit I don't care how bad my nightmares will be as long as I wake up to that!

that ^

redrussia said:

There is gonna be another rating game?! Never read the LN but thats awesome. The rating game in S1 was one of the best parts

There will be more than one ;)

thepath said:
This is already 8.36 ! and Owari no Seraph is only 7.96 ! LOL
I'm just struggling to understand how this anime is 8.36 while other harem shows is only rated ~6 !!!

What is Owari no Seraph? ;o
I cannot understand why DxD is not yet 9.0 +++ :D

I also hope as many of you that they don't speed up the pace too much. In next episode I want to see how they greet Rias and the rest of her familly, so off I go to ep 2 ;)
(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ ちゅっ ちゅっ キス (´。✪ω✪。`)

I hate it when anime/manga that I enjoyed ends, especially when there could be much longer plot and when I love main heroine :P

I wish I had magic glasses that let me see real world in anime colors ;)
Jun 17, 2015 1:26 PM

Mar 2015
Jun 22, 2015 5:16 AM

May 2014
LOL, just as retarded and entertaining as always! XD
Jun 24, 2015 12:20 AM

Jan 2011
Time to start the marathon. I'm hoping I can finish it in 24 hours (leaving time to sleep). Since I spent most of the season in Japan and travelling, I didn't get a chance to really see it until now, but this first episode reminds me just how good the LN and series are.
Please don't feed the trolls!
In my next life I want to collide at the corner with the cute transfer student
carrying a piece of toast in her mouth

Jun 25, 2015 12:58 PM

May 2012
The great choice of oppai have returned! Fan service galore from episode one! So let's see what this season will offer us :3
Jul 19, 2015 4:46 PM

Jul 2013
That's how I remember in Highschool DxD :D

Everything uncensored, much oppai, the absolute dream for Otoko. Seems it will be as funny as always >.<

Oh and I really like the OP.

Sep 7, 2015 5:58 AM
May 2012
Aw yis, Oppai <3 High school DxD, never change :3
I wonder why this season has got bad reviews, though. We'll see. First episode isn't bad.
Jan 9, 2016 7:50 AM

Jan 2013
What the hell, suddently the house is a mansion!
Gasper ... you're a man, face it already.

Loki huh ...

Not sure what to think of the show, but first episode was alright, typical highschool dxd.
Feb 21, 2016 1:39 AM

May 2014
Ahhh, it's been such a long time since I saw season 2, so I kinda have to refresh my memories with some of the characters. But the comedy is funny as always. Love it so far :)
Apr 29, 2016 3:03 PM

Jan 2016
Seriously love this begining, really get one pumped up about this whole serie. xD
Like shit i ever learn how to play with oppai by azazel, and just how the music if playing by him learning issei about it is just hilarious!!
Its my 3th time watching it,And op i cant get tired of it, really nice tune and vocal.
cause MAL is doing there job for once.
Jun 23, 2016 12:10 AM

Dec 2012
OH YEAH! So glad to be watching DxD again. Great episode.

What a start. My man Issei got Rias and Asia on the side then #1 waifu, Akeno, appears from under the covers. AHHHHHHH!

Issei keeps remembering his 1st girlfriend. I do, too. Still such a shame that things had to happen that way.

lol Rias was serious when she said she was remodeling the house.

Issei has learned of new ways to please the oppai. Nice.

OP and ED were great. 1st DxD ED is still the best.
RobJun 23, 2016 12:15 AM
If you see that my post is exactly 1 month old (or more) from when it was posted... Don't waste your time, especially when you want to reply with something petty & insignificant. Assume that I've moved on (because I have).
Nov 9, 2016 11:55 AM

Apr 2013
Finally, I missed DxD so much >.<
Great first episode with lots of OPPAI as usual :3
Nov 9, 2016 9:58 PM
Dec 2015
Some new voice actors for Issei and Akeno. I don't mind Issei's new voice. Makes him sound more mature (If that's even possible). Akeno's new voice will take some getting used to though. Her old voice fit her sadistic personality so well.

The fact that Issei says he had a girlfriend makes me so mad. You have multiple girls hanging off you and throwing themselves at you and you don't realize this. Also, they added blood to battle damage. That will make things interesting.

Wasn't expecting that dragon battle/training-ish session right in the first episode. I also found it hilarious the Azazel is boosting Issei's perv mind, don't think it needs any more to add to the imagination.
Nov 10, 2016 12:15 AM

Apr 2013
TTobeck said:
Some new voice actors for Issei and Akeno. I don't mind Issei's new voice. Makes him sound more mature (If that's even possible). Akeno's new voice will take some getting used to though. Her old voice fit her sadistic personality so well.

What new voice actors? Still sound the same to me and I can't find another entry on MAL either.
Nov 10, 2016 12:49 AM
Dec 2015
Gator said:
TTobeck said:
Some new voice actors for Issei and Akeno. I don't mind Issei's new voice. Makes him sound more mature (If that's even possible). Akeno's new voice will take some getting used to though. Her old voice fit her sadistic personality so well.

What new voice actors? Still sound the same to me and I can't find another entry on MAL either.

If you google High School DxD wiki it will give you a wiki on the show and look up the characters they both had new voice actors for this season.
Nov 10, 2016 12:54 AM

Apr 2013
TTobeck said:
Gator said:

What new voice actors? Still sound the same to me and I can't find another entry on MAL either.

If you google High School DxD wiki it will give you a wiki on the show and look up the characters they both had new voice actors for this season.

Wait, you're watching it in English, right?
Nov 10, 2016 9:30 AM

Nov 2015
The English dub changed two voice actors for the characters Issei and Akeno. Issei's VA was changed because of him being convicted of prosessing child pornography. I don't know the reason for Akeno's VA.
Nov 13, 2016 12:02 AM
Dec 2015
Wait, you're watching it in English, right?

Yes I am watching the english dub
Nov 13, 2016 12:04 AM
Dec 2015
Meatfeast said:
The English dub changed two voice actors for the characters Issei and Akeno. Issei's VA was changed because of him being convicted of prosessing child pornography. I don't know the reason for Akeno's VA.

Oh my. I guess I never looked up the reason for the change. I don't mind Issei's new voice but it took a while to get used to Akeno's new voice. Her original VA did so well and fit Akeno's personality so well
Jan 28, 2017 4:23 PM

Nov 2013
Azazel pep talk was a true epicness, well entire episode is full of epicness, you can rewatch every damn moment multiple of times.
Koneko - maybe a little - dies inside :3 and she has potential to grow big boobs too
great dream, I want that dream too (and with Raynare who I like)
Interesting how Xenovia and Rias call him Issei, most intimate way
Best wake up!
Akeno you're sneaky bad girl <3
Rias and Akeno start catfight and Asia gets main prize ;)
that ED is the best DxD ED, harem ending confirmed lol
Issei has huge dick? Well he must, and must use all of his dragon powers to satisfy his harem, especially brutes Xenovia and Koneko ;)
and I think Aika should have sex with Motohama and Matsuda already, poor bastards deserve some reward and it seems she wouldn't mind
Gasper and Issei fight over a bath towel is too cute, beware Issei, IT'S A VERY DANGEROUS TRAP!

how he manages to stay a virgin is beyond me, and don't tell me about his "trauma", this is BS, it would mean his little soldier is dead what is not true since he's still interested, if he had some serious psychological trauma he couldn't sleep with naked babes and play with Akeno in the first place, or turned gay for Gasper or Kiba.
Akeno and Yuma look alike, same eye color, but he has no problems with Akeno after waking up from Yuma dream. Just imagine, he had that nightmare with Yuma and then Akeno looking like Yuma popped out his pants. With a girl like Akeno you always ready to go, trauma or not, plus it's not like Raynare raped him with a huge black dildo, it can't be that serious and it's not like they want him to be their boyfriend, they just want his D and would be satisfied being his dakimakura.

Also Raynare is a great fap material, such a waste they killed her. I still like Yuma, she's one of my favorite girls, I wish she was in his harem, she had potential to kick Akeno and Rias asses a bit :3
tsundereharasserFeb 5, 2017 7:55 AM
Feb 3, 2017 7:22 PM

Jul 2014
Back at it again! Ambush was all part of the training, nipple is a doorbell lmao, and more family member trouble.
Mar 8, 2018 2:14 PM

May 2009
In the Dub Akino says pickup the pace shogun of harlem after he says Sho Nuff! Lmao Im dead!
Apr 11, 2018 1:17 AM

Apr 2016
We want to hear this "Ahhhh"!!! kekekeke
Nice first episode!!!
Jun 11, 2019 10:55 AM

Jun 2019
YEAHAHAHA! Awsome 1st ep, the girls were hawt, the action were great, we had nice, uncensored amounts of OPPAI and BOOOSTOOOO! Everything i love about this series. I hope this season will be more about Rias, sence i care about her the most, but im also hoping for more Koneko and Akeno, and a little bit more Xenovia and Asia as well.
Nov 4, 2019 12:19 PM

Nov 2016
Issei's parents like: Wow, amazing how they were able to build this in a single night xD

And pretty much the same as other seasons, fanservice, boob talk and some fights. Sweet.

One Piece episode 914 & 915 & 1027 were a mistake and 957 brought the salvation - FMmatron

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