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Dec 6, 2015 7:58 AM

Dec 2014
danieltortoisee said:
Seriously, if Todo is that strong and can cut through Shizuku's best attack without even breaking a sweat, how the hell did she not win? How powerful was the "spear guy" that actually won the tournament?

Great fight scene though, and I can't wait to see Ikki fight Todo (assuming that actually happens).

Moroboshi is a brilliant strategist, and very skilled in martial arts too. With his power that can cancel out blazer powers and even chip and destroy devices, he is a formidable foe.

But since Ikki doesn't rely on his powers (more that he doesn't have any, save for strengthening which everybody already have) and the number of tricks Ikki has up his sleeves are immense(even more in the novel like he wielded his intetsu like a kodachi to defend, used a crawling sprinting method to get through some of swordeater's attacks, and even when none of his tricks worked and he was totally on the passive getting hurt, he still managed to waste away swordeater's stamina for a chance to strike), it would be much more difficult for Moroboshi to keep Ikki out like Todo.

It would be an interesting match that restricts to mostly martial arts and not blazer powers, and Todo herself estimated that the matchup would be 4:6, because Ikki is an unconventional case.
Dec 6, 2015 8:20 AM

Apr 2014
DesuTronic said:
Toka wasn't wearing glasses in that fight.
She was literally fighting with her eyes closed.

She got skillz
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Dec 6, 2015 8:28 AM

Dec 2014
NeoAnkara said:
testamentKAISER said:
And a female character in the LNs might be an S.

Her rank is never specified but she isn't called worst criminal for nothing.

BGMaxie said:

I've heard of some things, basically you mean...

I'm not sure how or why Stella is Rank A thought.

The Director and teacher I can understand sort of why, but I'd like to see what kind of power they have to that. Simply put I wanna see some REAL Rank-A level power. Stella vs Ikki did not help in showing as much sadly enough.
The real power of some character will be revealed in volume 4 which is sadly didn't get covered by anime.

Though what I mean S rank is
I just read it on wiki today btw.

And yeah Edelweiss is number 1 blazer in the world but there is no mention of her rank.

That Amane's ranking is confusing.. S or A? Need more info.
Dec 6, 2015 8:41 AM

Nov 2015
Fai said:
jaseanh said:

Sadly yes.
There's enough material for another season though(the source is at Vol9 and this is Vol3). IT will all depend on sales.

More two Season possible.
1 2 3 LN Novel season 1
4 5 6 LN Novel season 2
7 8 9 LN Novel season 3 ...
Dec 6, 2015 9:15 AM
Dec 2011
testamentKAISER said:
That Amane's ranking is confusing.. S or A? Need more info.

Amane is overall A-rank and his luck is S-level.

It would be amazing if they announce another season at the end of this season and it happens around Vol 9 release which is the final volume of the latest arc.
Dec 6, 2015 9:15 AM

Jun 2015
straggy said:
The way they animated that fight was so godly that I got chills.

Nerorex said:
Can we give rakudai a second season instead of asterisk?

Seconded. This is by far the superior of the magical school battle harems this season, though I honestly still can't get over the fact that a subgenre that sounds like it should be niche has at least 1 anime airing at all times lmao.

Dec 6, 2015 10:15 AM

Aug 2013
Great episode, what a great battle between Shizuku and Touka, a great show of power and strength, but I do not like the Touka's character, which has not yet shown its true face, next episode things start to get hectic, I look forward to see the final development of the anime ..
Dec 6, 2015 10:47 AM

Sep 2013
Next episode should be intense.
Dec 6, 2015 12:32 PM

Jul 2014
The animation... was freaking hype! Rakudai by far the best this winter season list.
Dec 6, 2015 1:32 PM
Dec 2014
Nerorex said:
Can we give rakudai a second season instead of asterisk? The animation for the fight was amazing
My Top 5 Anime: (As of March 2020)
1. Fate/Zero
2. Gintama
3. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
4. Shinsekai Yori
5. Hunter x Hunter (2011)

Dec 6, 2015 1:41 PM
Apr 2015
Not going to lie, that Shizuku recollection at the beginning with that typical "shounen dept" as in "MC slaps a girl into liking him" was quite funny rolf. Good thing at least the battle was more than enough to divert my mind.

If the final battle isn't going to be at least half as epic as this one, i'm going to be dissapointed.

It's funny though how Stella once again needs to be the one to give some corny peptalk/yell (call back). Which kinda worked untill Shizuku realises she isn't the main character...
Dec 6, 2015 2:40 PM

Feb 2013
Uwa that was pretty intense.
I thought Toka was gonna be a typical glasses shy girl
But damn she badass as fuck
I mean why bother giving her glasses when she looks sooo much better without them?

When Shizuku went for that last slash and then the screen went like more focused, ohman gave me chills

What a great fight
Dec 6, 2015 2:46 PM
Dec 2015
I actually thought Shizuku was going to win when Toka's feet got binded and also at the part where she decided to go offensive. Great episode tho!

When Ikki was explaining the Trackless Step, I roughly get the idea but wasn't sure of how you actually counter it. If someone could explain it in layman terms to me, that would be helpful!
Can't wait to see Ikki and Toka fight, (assuming that it's a cliche MC win, supported by the fact that Ikki knows Trackless Step very well.) I think at this point, if he can beat Toka, I'm sure he will be able to beat Nene eventually!
Dec 6, 2015 3:11 PM

Jan 2014
That was a pretty intense fight, you could really feel power in those slashes. Too bad that Shuzuku didn't beat Toka.
Dec 6, 2015 5:30 PM

Jul 2015
blazehero said:
Damn student council president wasnt even trying.

that's the terrifying part, who knows what her true potention is....
Dec 6, 2015 5:41 PM

Sep 2014
This was a sick episode! I really like how the fights are long and detailed in this show! This one especially was badass. Shame that the animation in this show is so so, with a better budget this would've looked even more gorgeous! Still 5/5!
Dec 6, 2015 5:48 PM

Mar 2013
Shir0zen said:
This was a sick episode! I really like how the fights are long and detailed in this show! This one especially was badass. Shame that the animation in this show is so so, with a better budget this would've looked even more gorgeous! Still 5/5!

The animation is so so? Were we watching the same anime? The fights look amazing and all the other scenes move smoothly without errors, even this far into the cour. There's nothing to be complaining about, especially considering this is an ecchi.
Dec 6, 2015 6:10 PM

Sep 2015
What a sick fight. Great animation, just... just... Bloody awesome.
Alice, you go brosister(?)!... Always there for Shizuku :)

Fai said:
Nerorex said:
Can we give rakudai a second season instead of asterisk? The animation for the fight was amazing

Yeah. I am still puzzled as to why Asterisk has a second cour lined up.

I 100% agree. But we all know this world ain't fair...
What truly puzzles me is how some people say Asterisk is superior than Rakudai... That's nowhere near reality and to be honest, this episode just leveled up EVEN more the discrepancy between these two anime that started almost with the same settings but, as they progress, only one manages to genuinely exceed expectations...

One did things the right way, and the other... Not so right. IMO
TchamiDec 6, 2015 6:28 PM
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Dec 6, 2015 7:13 PM

Apr 2015
Good intense battle this episode (which was really all the episode was).

But I just realized something strange about this competition: If they are now in round 13 and presumably have a couple more to go, that means we have over 30,000 competitors. Clearly this school is much larger than it seemed from what they've shown (and there should be hundreds of faculty as well). The bigger issue is the time required for all the battles - they'd have to have hundreds every day in multiple arenas, but the show doesn't give the impression that that is what's going on.
Dec 6, 2015 7:19 PM
May 2015
@Memphis: well for starters, while I DO like Asterisk, part of the reason is probably because Asterisk is a harem and this isn't. We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons. Second, remember SL is also doing Anti Magic Academy this season so they have to divide their budget between each anime. Also getting back on Asterisk again, the fact that it's getting a VN/Dating sim for Vita says a LOT about Japan's tastes to begin with.

Though I don't see this as a problem as I'm sure Rakudai will get a second season.
Dec 6, 2015 7:54 PM

Jul 2015
SovereignSky said:
@Memphis: well for starters, while I DO like Asterisk, part of the reason is probably because Asterisk is a harem and this isn't. We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons. Second, remember SL is also doing Anti Magic Academy this season so they have to divide their budget between each anime. Also getting back on Asterisk again, the fact that it's getting a VN/Dating sim for Vita says a LOT about Japan's tastes to begin with.

Though I don't see this as a problem as I'm sure Rakudai will get a second season.

The problem with Asterisk isn't because it is Harem. It is because it's taking a hell lot of time to get its story rolling and the season is almost finished. Split cour with so little story development seems weird. The generic fights against some robots isn't helping either to keep interest.

Maybe in Japan they don't really care since they have all the LNs avaliable to read.
AdrianRubinskyDec 6, 2015 8:04 PM
Dec 6, 2015 8:04 PM
Jul 2011
For previous talk about rank, in case someone forget, Blazer rank only included person ability as Blazer. not as a fighter, which means their device ability and mana supply (or whatever that feed the device). So, Rank is something you born with it. the reason Tohka is so strong while only a B rank is because she is so adept in using her device along her martial arts.
Dec 6, 2015 8:22 PM

Aug 2015
That was a pretty awesome fight!
Dec 6, 2015 8:24 PM

Aug 2013
Wait, that voice at the end... It was Ikki and Shizuku father, right? Or maybe I'm just crazy.

Anyway, that was a badass fight. It sure suck to lose when you were putting all you got in a fight. But the president never seemed not in control of the situation.

I always find it hilarious how Alice ends up in girl shower and girl toilets. I mean, he may be gay, he's nonetheless a dude. Just like I wouldn't want a lesbian going in the same toilet I am going. Would be awkward as fuck.
«Time is passing so quickly. Right now, I feel like complaining to Einstein. Whether time is slow or fast depends on perception. Relativity theory is so romantic. And so sad.»
- Kurisu Makise a.k.a. The Zombie
Dec 7, 2015 12:07 AM
Apr 2015
minouneetzoe said:
Wait, that voice at the end... It was Ikki and Shizuku father, right? Or maybe I'm just crazy.

Anyway, that was a badass fight. It sure suck to lose when you were putting all you got in a fight. But the president never seemed not in control of the situation.

I always find it hilarious how Alice ends up in girl shower and girl toilets. I mean, he may be gay, he's nonetheless a dude. Just like I wouldn't want a lesbian going in the same toilet I am going. Would be awkward as fuck.

He considered himself as a maiden born with the body of a guy... Who ever said he is gay? Transsexual = being gay now?
frenze12Dec 7, 2015 12:27 AM
Dec 7, 2015 12:25 AM
Apr 2015
memphis23 said:
What a sick fight. Great animation, just... just... Bloody awesome.
Alice, you go brosister(?)!... Always there for Shizuku :)

Fai said:

Yeah. I am still puzzled as to why Asterisk has a second cour lined up.

I 100% agree. But we all know this world ain't fair...
What truly puzzles me is how some people say Asterisk is superior than Rakudai... That's nowhere near reality and to be honest, this episode just leveled up EVEN more the discrepancy between these two anime that started almost with the same settings but, as they progress, only one manages to genuinely exceed expectations...

One did things the right way, and the other... Not so right. IMO

The thing that is just your opinion and not a fact. The truth is every series has it own fanbase and logically that means ones hate is another ones like. People have different tastes. Why do you think so many shows tend to have a high score? Because it attracts those who like it. So called "haters" do exist but they ussually have better things to do rather than getting burned by biased fans. It's only when things get out of hand like when SAO was crowned as the number 1 anime that you see all the "haters" making tons of reviews why it sucked so hard and doesn't derserved it's ranking.
Dec 7, 2015 12:34 AM

Mar 2012
stephen5000 said:
Good intense battle this episode (which was really all the episode was).

But I just realized something strange about this competition: If they are now in round 13 and presumably have a couple more to go, that means we have over 30,000 competitors. Clearly this school is much larger than it seemed from what they've shown (and there should be hundreds of faculty as well). The bigger issue is the time required for all the battles - they'd have to have hundreds every day in multiple arenas, but the show doesn't give the impression that that is what's going on.
This isn't elimination tournament though but it is point based. Only 6 candidate is choosen based on the win lose record.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Dec 7, 2015 1:34 AM
Oct 2015
SovereignSky said:
@Memphis: well for starters, while I DO like Asterisk, part of the reason is probably because Asterisk is a harem and this isn't. We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons.
Wrong! Asterisk gets 2 seasons in order to avoid bad cliffhanger. If Asterisk gets only 1 season, it will definitely end right in the middle of Phoenix Festa. Do people love to watch a tournament half way only?
Dec 7, 2015 2:24 AM

Jul 2007
Ryuutobi said:
SovereignSky said:
@Memphis: well for starters, while I DO like Asterisk, part of the reason is probably because Asterisk is a harem and this isn't. We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons.
Wrong! Asterisk gets 2 seasons in order to avoid bad cliffhanger. If Asterisk gets only 1 season, it will definitely end right in the middle of Phoenix Festa. Do people love to watch a tournament half way only?

Considering the said show and action in it has been snooze worthy, no real big deal?
Dec 7, 2015 4:19 AM

May 2010
Dat was amazing! Shizuku scored some big points this episode. You can't hate her anymore.

Todo is too badass, but Shizuku didn't lose in badassery either.
Dec 7, 2015 7:40 AM

Nov 2011
Episode that climax in the clash between Toka and Shizuku, the rest of the narrative is of little importance, if not better define the relationships between Ikki and his sister. Drawings and animations very good, not bad the soundtrack. It's nice the End-card.
Dec 7, 2015 7:51 AM

Sep 2015
SovereignSky said:
well for starters, while I DO like Asterisk, part of the reason is probably because Asterisk is a harem and this isn't. We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons. Second, remember SL is also doing Anti Magic Academy this season so they have to divide their budget between each anime. Also getting back on Asterisk again, the fact that it's getting a VN/Dating sim for Vita says a LOT about Japan's tastes to begin with.

Though I don't see this as a problem as I'm sure Rakudai will get a second season.

Yeah, japanese do love their dating games... And I'm also sure it will get another season. I mean, I guess Rakudai's ratings must be good enough... Aren't they? :(

Fai said:
Ryuutobi said:
Wrong! Asterisk gets 2 seasons in order to avoid bad cliffhanger. If Asterisk gets only 1 season, it will definitely end right in the middle of Phoenix Festa. Do people love to watch a tournament half way only?

Considering the said show and action in it has been snooze worthy, no real big deal?

I definitely agree with you sir.
If Gakusen ends this 1st season like it has been so far (mediocre), I don't think I'll be watching the next one so soon... Even if it ends in the middle of the tournament I probably wouldn't give enough f*cks...
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Dec 7, 2015 11:19 AM

Apr 2011
the fight scene reminds me a lot of the early Naruto fight scenes... which is a good thing ofc.

Confucius said:
This fight was basically Chidori Nagashi vs Hidden Mist Jutsu.

yeah that one..
Dec 7, 2015 11:34 AM
Nov 2010
What an amazing fight. The animation was amazing and beautiful fighting with water and ice. That look in Todo's eyes as she dodged and then closed her eyes for that last iaijutsu was pretty awesome.
Dec 7, 2015 2:30 PM

Sep 2014
So his dad is one of those guys who will behave like the worst shitstain possible during the entire fucking show and be forgiven like he did nothing wrong in the end, right?
Dec 7, 2015 2:51 PM

Aug 2012
Nice fight scene. Stopped everything I was doing to watch it.
Dec 7, 2015 3:21 PM

Jun 2015
memphis23 said:
Yeah, japanese do love their dating games... And I'm also sure it will get another season. I mean, I guess Rakudai's ratings must be good enough... Aren't they? :(

The viewership numbers in Japan for Rakudai have been quite good, it's usually one of the top watched shows of the season on a weekly basis. The LNs got a good bump in sales too.
Dec 7, 2015 4:31 PM

Mar 2012
The_Deceiver said:
So his dad is one of those guys who will behave like the worst shitstain possible during the entire fucking show and be forgiven like he did nothing wrong in the end, right?
Nope because this fqmily in general is really screw up. All of the childern want to cut ties to the family.
Kickstarter for Rokujouma is fully funded. Good work everyone. Lets wait for the result of our hard work together.
Dec 7, 2015 6:39 PM

Jan 2013
Great episode, lucky she didnt get cut in half.
Dec 8, 2015 4:20 AM

Feb 2014
I am pleasantly surprised at how good the fight was.
Dec 8, 2015 7:16 AM

Dec 2014
memphis23 said:
SovereignSky said:
We all know Harems are big in Japan so they probably got more budget to make 2 seasons. Second, remember SL is also doing Anti Magic Academy this season so they have to divide their budget between each anime. Also getting back on Asterisk again, the fact that it's getting a VN/Dating sim for Vita says a LOT about Japan's tastes to begin with.

Yeah, japanese do love their dating games... A

If the Japanese don't have such crap taste there would've been a proper UBW adaptation. This is why we can't have nice things.
Dec 8, 2015 8:12 AM

Nov 2015
GradationAir said:
memphis23 said:

Yeah, japanese do love their dating games... A

If the Japanese don't have such crap taste there would've been a proper UBW adaptation. This is why we can't have nice things.

I don't see the relation between japan taste for dating games and UBW adaptation (the movie or the series ?)
Dec 8, 2015 9:17 AM

Dec 2014
drkurochan said:

I don't see the relation between japan taste for dating games and UBW adaptation (the movie or the series ?)

When they've focused so much on Rin's oh so beautiful thighs&boobs and Saber's super cute eating pose in favour of important plotpoints? Try imagine cutting out Ikki's backstory nearly entirely and reduced it to Ikki running in the snow for 5 seconds and no explanations. Those wasted times would be spent on Shizuku taking a bath naked. Oh and make Ikki lose to Swordeater instead because he's cool.

and I doubt Rakudai is getting a second season.
Dec 8, 2015 6:16 PM

Nov 2015
The fight was so good I fear the next episode will look like shit. It looks like they used all the budget for episode 10.
Dec 8, 2015 8:09 PM

Mar 2011
Intense fight. Toka is truly terrifying with her Raikiri and demeanor. Didn't even look like she was going all out against poor Shizuka. Out of all the fights in this series, I have to say this is my favorite one. Dat animation was top-notch. Too bad there are only more 2 episodes left. I wish this had a second season, and not Asterisk. Bleh
Dec 8, 2015 9:22 PM

Nov 2015
GradationAir said:
drkurochan said:

I don't see the relation between japan taste for dating games and UBW adaptation (the movie or the series ?)

When they've focused so much on Rin's oh so beautiful thighs&boobs and Saber's super cute eating pose in favour of important plotpoints? Try imagine cutting out Ikki's backstory nearly entirely and reduced it to Ikki running in the snow for 5 seconds and no explanations. Those wasted times would be spent on Shizuku taking a bath naked. Oh and make Ikki lose to Swordeater instead because he's cool.

and I doubt Rakudai is getting a second season.

Oh, so you meant they should focus more on Shirou's character development ? I played the VNG 5 or 6 years ago, so I don't remember very well, but I didn't think it was so bad. And, IIRC, Tohsaka wasn't ONLY here for fanservice, though.

For Rakudai, I also doubt it will get a second season. The Akatsuki subject was not even introduced.
Dec 8, 2015 10:21 PM

Oct 2015
RealityRush said:
memphis23 said:
Yeah, japanese do love their dating games... And I'm also sure it will get another season. I mean, I guess Rakudai's ratings must be good enough... Aren't they? :(

The viewership numbers in Japan for Rakudai have been quite good, it's usually one of the top watched shows of the season on a weekly basis. The LNs got a good bump in sales too.

Hopefully, bluray/dvd sales will also be good enough to justify a 2nd season.
Dec 8, 2015 11:18 PM
Dec 2011
BLKWarGreymon said:
RealityRush said:

The viewership numbers in Japan for Rakudai have been quite good, it's usually one of the top watched shows of the season on a weekly basis. The LNs got a good bump in sales too.

Hopefully, bluray/dvd sales will also be good enough to justify a 2nd season.

So far it is predicted to be about 3k based on Amazon stalker/pre-order points. However, Saekano BD/DVD vol 1 was predicted around 4k from the stalker points but ended up selling above 10k. Some other series also ended up selling at least twice of predicted. Saekano sold a lot more than predicted most likely because people chose to buy them from other stores like Animate and Toranoana instead of Amazon because of some goods they wouldn't get if they had bought from Amazon.

Rakudai also has some goods that people can't get if they buy from Amazon. So even if Rakudai vol 1 is predicted around 3k from Amazon stalker points the actual sales may end up at least 6k. We'll just see how it sells at the end of this month. The LN sales are quite good and if the BD/DVD sales are also good then it has a good chance of getting another season.
Dec 9, 2015 4:56 AM

Dec 2014
drkurochan said:

Oh, so you meant they should focus more on Shirou's character development ? I played the VNG 5 or 6 years ago, so I don't remember very well, but I didn't think it was so bad. And, IIRC, Tohsaka wasn't ONLY here for fanservice, though.

Oh it's not just character development... Try reading through UBW thoroughly and come back to the anime once more. It would be a spectacular train wreck, I assure you. Compared to the VN some of the most emotional scenes became absolutely a snoozefest, and Shirou's IQ is less than half of what he is in the VN(Because idiot hero is a trend). Miura also did a terrific job at misinterpreting some of the key themes entirely, because he is just that good.

By the way. the author of the novel just stated that he was so glad that Rakudai got animated after watching EP.10:

Silverlink has its faults but I must say EP.10 was quite something.
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