Sep 6, 2015 10:31 AM
Ok, i start that topic to know your opinion about if you think this couple will happen, if you think yu has feels for her ? And someone here read the manga can tell me please if has happened more scenes of them ? C: thank you |
Sep 11, 2015 4:48 PM
I haven't read the manga but I think Yu and Shiona could end up together. Personally I prefer Yu with Mikka xD |
Sep 23, 2015 8:31 PM
No I feel it's like a brother and sister relationship. i would find it so forced if they go with this pairing. I prefer MikaxYuu their story is so much more tragic and one can clearly see they love one another. I know manga readers have told me that their is more MikaxYuu scenes to come <3 I don't really know if theirs more scenes with Yuu and Shinoa being romantic with one another |
Sep 23, 2015 9:00 PM
Manga has been getting yaoi on us. So many people ship Yuu and Mika now. |
Oct 21, 2015 2:37 AM
I´m shipping Mika x Yuu <3 !! As for Shinoa..She was blushing when Yuu touched her cheek to check her wounds but Yuu was totally oblivious to her feelings. |
Oct 21, 2015 2:38 AM
I don't like either Shinoa X Yuu or Mika X Yuu. |
Nov 11, 2015 12:18 AM
TwilightMystery said: Hints from Yu's side There was one moment in the anime where Yu admitted Shinoa looked good in her combat uniform. He looked like he was blushing a bit around the cheeks but just barely. Hints from Shinoa's side Well, she always teases him and is specifically assigned to watch over him though I think she takes more interest in this job than is required. Also, as strawberryneko mentioned, strawberryneko said: As for Shinoa..She was blushing when Yuu touched her cheek to check her wounds but Yuu was totally oblivious to her feelings. Plus there's the fact that Guren keeps teasing her about "falling for him" him being referred to as Yu. So we have subtle hints from both sides, more so on Shinoa's side than Yu because he's not really into love or romance. That or he's dense. Whatever the case, I don't particularly like the pairing. I don't think the series really needs any romance at the moment but if there has to be any romance it would be between Yu and Shinoa and Guren and his secretary who acts as a substitute teacher. mcs in general tend to be denser than blackholes when it comes to romantic relationship so the author might make some cliché move to strengthen the infatuation between them |
Nov 13, 2015 1:45 PM
Mika and Yu only likes each other as family/brother kind of way. |
Nov 16, 2015 3:30 PM
I totally agree with Yunoa <3 I love Shinoa |
Nov 17, 2015 5:09 AM
I just don't feel like there is any chemistry between them. |
Nov 18, 2015 5:25 AM
But Yuu is that kind of protagonist rather stupid , Shinoa began to realize that feelings for him, then there is still chance . That scene on the hospital, made me have hope. |
Nov 27, 2015 12:24 AM
I think the story goes like this: Because of Mika turned into a vampire, he felt so much pain. He even stop himself from drinking human's blood. So I think Mika will die in final chapter. If he is still alive, he will kept drinking human's blood. So the only option to help him regain peace is to end his life. Knowing that Yuu has a good family, Mika can now rest in peace. So the final chapter must be between Yuu and Shinoa because Shinoa help Yuu to meet Mika. Then feelings of love between them increased |
Dec 6, 2015 9:31 AM
To the people that feel like Yuu and Shinoa have a brother/sister relationship... THEN WHAT ABOUT MIKA AND YUU? THEY'RE LIKE BROTHERS .-. yet they get shipped hard af. this ship is cancerous. Yuu and Shinoa have cuter moments together. And would make more sense than MikaYuu. |
Dec 15, 2015 3:14 PM
gum_drop said: To the people that feel like Yuu and Shinoa have a brother/sister relationship... THEN WHAT ABOUT MIKA AND YUU? THEY'RE LIKE BROTHERS .-. yet they get shipped hard af. this ship is cancerous. Yuu and Shinoa have cuter moments together. And would make more sense than MikaYuu. Neither MikaxYuu nor YuuxShinoa have any kind of sibling relationship. Yuu calls everyone dear to him (Mika, Guren, Shinoa team) as 'family'. If someone chooses to see any Yuu pairing as incest (Mika - Shinoa team) then he doesn't have a valid excuse to defend it's pairing either. Please refrain from using language as 'this X is cancerous'. It doesn't do well for the topic nor the users here, especially you. |
Dec 22, 2015 6:53 PM
I ship MikaxYuu, which is kind of painful for me since I know it won't happen Dx But if Yuu is going to end up with someone, it's probably Shinoa. I personally think they shouldn't make romance happen until the very end otherwise it'll feel forced. |
«【☆】» |
Dec 22, 2015 7:51 PM
At this point, I can't care about who gets together. I just want the characters to come out alive and like not hate each other by the end of the series. OT: They're a cute pairing. There's less Yuu x Shinoa scenes in the manga actually. The anime seems to be kind of leaning towards Yuu x Shinoa while the manga leans towards Yuu x Mika. I personally don't ship Yuunoa (not as much as other pairings, at least) but even I can admit they can be adorable together sometimes. |
Jan 1, 2016 12:09 AM
First of all the target audience is for teenage boys so there will be absolutely no yaoi what's so ever. Fangirls, don't get your panties in a knot. There is such thing called brotherly love (More guys are like this with their friends then they would accept). There is obviously going to be an open love interest between Yu and Shiona since she takes the female role and we often see the male MC converse with the female MC. Mika still has a mindset of a family, not gay-loving. You're turning an innocent brotherly love into a nonexistent yaoi fest. Now I'm sorry but as a dude (Which the anime is meant for) I would like to see Shiona and Yu together. No matter how much you ship a ghost ship it will remain unseen. There are yaoi tags on anime's for a reason. I want to enjoy watching an anime and not be bombarded by these pointless ships. God forbid I can actually watch a normal anime w/o someone shipping straight of the same sex characters. |
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines. |
Jan 2, 2016 9:42 PM
YoBoiWashington said: First of all the target audience is for teenage boys so there will be absolutely no yaoi what's so ever. Fangirls, don't get your panties in a knot. There is such thing called brotherly love (More guys are like this with their friends then they would accept). There is obviously going to be an open love interest between Yu and Shiona since she takes the female role and we often see the male MC converse with the female MC. Mika still has a mindset of a family, not gay-loving. You're turning an innocent brotherly love into a nonexistent yaoi fest. Now I'm sorry but as a dude (Which the anime is meant for) I would like to see Shiona and Yu together. No matter how much you ship a ghost ship it will remain unseen. There are yaoi tags on anime's for a reason. I want to enjoy watching an anime and not be bombarded by these pointless ships. God forbid I can actually watch a normal anime w/o someone shipping straight of the same sex characters. Wow, way to sound homophobic. - By saying it is something to be excluded for boys audience in mainstream. (you are saying that only hetero boys are the target, and that hetero people can't enjoy same sex romance) (your affirmation about the public target is also questionable in these late years) - You say pointless romance between Yuu and Mika, but don't say the same about Yuu and Shinoa (Yuu see both of them as family, from your familial definition point of view, Yuu should be horrified to be marrying someone who he would see as sister just as he sees Mika as brother...) You are also sexist when you say: There is obviously going to be an open love interest between Yu and Shiona since she takes the female role and we often see the male MC converse with the female MC. - You are reducing her as a love interest since one of your reasons is that she is the main heroine I want to enjoy watching an anime and not be bombarded by these pointless ships. I also want to enjoy watching anime and not be bombarded by heteronormative/sexists ideals. But sadly I have LESS options than you. God forbid I can actually watch a normal anime w/o someone shipping straight of the same sex characters. Straight ships can be common, but when you say it's the only normal option, you are being homophobic. Plus.... where does it states that Yuu and Mika are straight? I never saw their sexuality confirmed. That assumption that everyone is straight as standard is called heteronormativity. |
O_________oJan 2, 2016 10:31 PM
Jan 3, 2016 8:47 PM
I feel sorry for soon as they open their mouths, there is finger-pointing and screams of "HOMOPHOBIC BASTARD!!" and whatnot. Can't you guys be a little more tolerant? :/ Yeah, guys don't like yaoi in their animu, biiiiig surprise. Lots of girls don't like yuri in their animu either? |
Jan 3, 2016 9:51 PM
Chiibi said: I feel sorry for soon as they open their mouths, there is finger-pointing and screams of "HOMOPHOBIC BASTARD!!" and whatnot. Can't you guys be a little more tolerant? :/ Yeah, guys don't like yaoi in their animu, biiiiig surprise. Lots of girls don't like yuri in their animu either? He made intolerant comments that are homophobic, I pointed why. You minimize his comment as "MikaYuu-naysayers" complains.... That's called "glossing" homophobia. How about you Tell them to be tolerant and accept non-straight ship as something that should be normal? Tell the society to be more tolerant and don't reflect her intolerant values on media? Tell them to stop being homophobic instead of protecting homophobic opinions? Also why do you exclude people that are not straight from your discourse? People who are not straight can't like anime? Non-binary people can't like anime too? The intolerant and exclusionary one here is you. And straight people should be able to like same sex ship that are the same sex as them without a problem. |
O_________oJan 3, 2016 10:02 PM
Jan 3, 2016 10:15 PM
Tell them to be tolerant and accept non-straight ship as something that should be normal? Have you done any research on what Japan finds acceptable? Like at all? I'll give you a hint: gay marriage is still illegal over there. YoBoiWashington isn't being "homophobic", he's being realistic. Let's add on the fact that a canon yaoi main pairing has never happened in a shounen series EVER. O_________o said: The intolerant and exclusionary one here is you. There's nothing "intolerant" about my post. I thought you were making unnecessary attacks and now look, you are attacking me as well. >_> You need to calm down. And straight people should be able to like same sex ship that are the same sex as them without a problem. Why "should" they? I mean some do but not all of them do and if they don't, that shouldn't matter to you. |
Jan 3, 2016 10:31 PM
Chiibi said: Have you done any research on what Japan finds acceptable? Like at all? I'll give you a hint: gay marriage is still illegal over there. YoBoiWashington isn't being "homophobic", he's being realistic. Let's add on the fact that a canon yaoi main pairing has never happened in a shounen series EVER. A February–March 2015 Wall Street Journal poll found that 59% of Americans favor same-sex marriage.[14] A January–February 2015 Human Rights Campaign poll found that 60% of Americans favor same-sex marriage, while 37% oppose. The same poll also found that 46% of respondents say they know a same-sex couple who have gotten married.[15] A February 12–15, 2015 CNN/ORC poll found that 63% of Americans believe same-sex marriage is a constitutional right, while 36% oppose.[16] A July, 2015 Associated Press-GfK poll found that 42% support same-sex marriage and 40% oppose it. The percentage saying they favor legal same-sex marriage in their state was down slightly from the 48 percent who said so in an April poll. In January, 44 percent were in favor. Asked specifically about the Supreme Court ruling, 39 percent said they approve and 41 percent said they disapprove. [17] A May 2013 Ipsos poll found that out of over a thousand Japanese adult interviewees, 24% of respondents were in favor of same-sex marriage and another 27% supported other forms of recognition for same-sex couples.[14] An April 2014 Ipsos poll found 26% of respondents were in favor of same-sex marriage and 24% were in favor of some other form of recognition for couples.[15] A May 2015 Ipsos poll found 30% of respondents in favour of same-sex marriage and a further 28% in favour of some other form of recognition (meaning that 58% supported recognising same-sex couples in some form).[16] According to a survey by Nihon Yoron Chōsa-ka, conducted on 1 and 2 March 2014, 42.3% of Japanese supported same-sex marriage, while 52.4% opposed it.[17] Another poll conducted by FNN in April 2015 showed that 59% supported same-sex 'partnership certificate' law proposed in Shibuya and 53% supported same-sex marriage.[18][19] An additional poll in November 2015 showed a 51% majority as supporting same-sex marriage.[20] Japan might seems to have a bigger opposition But the percentage of people that supports same sex marriage both in Japan and USA seems to be significant Just because m/m pairing wasn't added yet, is it ok to keep denying? Can't a serie be mainstream and have a gay pairing? I believe United States have some gay pairing in shows, and United States still have a lot of problems with homophobia. Oh, and One Punch Man is Shounen but have a gay character: (you should also stop calling every m/m ship as "yaoi" pairing. Just because it is a m/m pairing, it doesn't means it's yaoi) Chiibi said: There's nothing "intolerant" about my post. I thought you were making unnecessary attacks and now look, you are attacking me as well. >_> You need to calm down. I have a comic for this comment: “No, We Won’t ‘Calm Down’” by Robot Hugs It's about Tone Policing When you defend someone being homophobic, you are defending intolerance. Thus you are being part of the problem of people who promote intolerance. Do you know how absurd is when you say things like: "you are intolerant for not tolerating a homophobic intolerance" Chiibi said: Why "should" they? I mean some do but not all of them do and if they don't, that shouldn't matter to you. Why should they not? The point is, the way you talk exclude the possibility of straight people also enjoying same sex pairing as they are. It's like it isn't even possible. So you automatically don't count them as public. You are arbitrary in generalizing that "guys don't like yaoi and girls don't like yuri" You are also considering only straight people, excluding non-straight people from the public who follow the story. And about the public target(OnS specifically), have you seen some pool checking who are their target? Is it explicit that they exclude some part of their public? Or are you making affirmations over general assumptions? |
O_________oJan 4, 2016 1:43 AM
Jan 4, 2016 4:13 AM
Chiibi said: I feel sorry for soon as they open their mouths, there is finger-pointing and screams of "HOMOPHOBIC BASTARD!!" and whatnot. Can't you guys be a little more tolerant? :/ Yeah, guys don't like yaoi in their animu, biiiiig surprise. Lots of girls don't like yuri in their animu either? Sorry to butt in, but I would like to say something about this. User YoBoiWashington was pretty rude in his post regarding people who like the pairing of MikaxYuu (he kinda said the same in another thread). It's totally fine if he dislikes BL and the certain pairing, not everyone can like homo hints in their 'straight' anime and of course some BL fans who follow the series, don't like the pairing. 'I want to enjoy watching an anime and not be bombarded by these pointless ships. God forbid I can actually watch a normal anime w/o someone shipping straight of the same sex characters.' Well guess what, shippers gonna ship. If you find it annoying, then just don't listen to them and keep moving. You can't stop people for liking something. The best way is to avoid it. And at the end of the day what's a 'normal anime'? Straight characters? Romance that goes according to my preference? Tolerant of what? Rude opinions? I am sorry but when I read from someone 'Hey, I don't like this pairing because it's homo' then they do sound like a homophobic person. People who usually don't care about pairings of the fandom or canon homosexual relationships and characters in anime don't go posting about how 'delusional' the fans are. They ignore or just have a neutral opinion of 'I don't care/I don't see it that way/Whatever'. It doesn't make you instantly a homophobic person because you dislike a homo pairing: What makes you one is when you bring their sexuality (or the fandom interpretation of it) up to defend your opinion. Personally I don't ship some homosexual pairings, not because of their sexuality but because their relationship doesn't appeal to me and that's it. No reason to bring sexuality in first place. And not sure about the majority of the MikaxYuu shippers, but I rarely go out of my way (if ever) to point a finger towards someone because they dislike the pairing for any reason. I know many see them as brothers, others as friends etc. Each to their own at the end of the day. But telling people to wake up from their delusion because 'my animu is straight and your homoshit won't happen hahaha' it's a pretty rude way. I am sure you know that at least in the Japanese fandom even the fans who likes BL pairings don't have any problems with a straight pairing becoming canon. The West fandom is another issue because the cultures are different and since representation of homosexuality from MCs is a thing here, they believe Japan does that as well. @O_________o The thing is that thus far there have been characters in manga/anime that are indeed homosexuals or are in a homosexual relationship. What is rare or doesn't have happen at all thus far is for a MC to have a homosexual relationship. A MC can be homosexual but usually, at least in Shounen, their love is unrequired or it doesn't happen. Japan is still kinda behind with legalization of homosexuality there but I am sure in a few years, they will be more tolerant. Also, this is one of the reasons why the Japanese fandom never throws a fit of rage when MC + Girl becomes canon at the end or throughout the series: Japanese fujoshi don't really care about it. As long as they get hints, homo-vibes, merch, stuff etc from the series they are totally fine with it. If anything they lose interest if something is very close to a canon homosexual pairing (but that's from my experience). Fujoshi just like a lot of pandering which doesn't mean fans should be able to go and say 'its fujoshi-pandering' and nothing else. |
Makise11Jan 4, 2016 4:18 AM
Jan 4, 2016 9:53 AM
O_________o said: You are arbitrary in generalizing that "guys don't like yaoi and girls don't like yuri" Okay............ "Many guys don't like yaoi and many girls don't like yuri." Happy now? lol Anywho, I withdraw from this messy debate. Too many toes being stepped on and I don't like topics where one must walk on eggshells. |
ChiibiJan 4, 2016 10:13 AM
Jan 4, 2016 10:57 PM
@yuyyuka It's not only Japan that is behind and even in USA many states seems to still don't approve it. Many countries also only recently allowed it, and many more still don't. Well, japanese fandom might not trow a fit of rage for being too used with it. (or reasons that I don't know) But is it right that mentality of: "Same-sex relationships don't deserve and will never have space/good_representation in mainstream/normal/general media" I think not. And I doubt it's a good mentality in any place of this world. That mentality itself is treating same sex pairings as something not normal and this is discrimination. Of course I know that the odds are low for a canon m/m ship. But the least I'm hoping is the a minimum respect with lgbtqia+ people. A heteronormative end would be depreciating with lgbtqia+ people considering all queer coding until now that was included in the story. (and of course, I think it's a good thing to see a non-het ship being much more worked than any other het ship in the story, what I think it's not ok is if all of this end being reduced to queer baiting) (If Mika and Yuu romantic possibilities weren't this much worked, they getting involved in a het ship in canon wouldn't be bad and wouldn't feel like denying their development til now) (the biggest problem is really erasing all the development til now between them as nothing that counts to the possibility of what they can be) (people on fandom shipping Mika and Yuu in het ships isn't wrong, since fandom and canon don't have to walk together, but if you have an homophobic motivation... well... your motivation being homophobic is already a problem) In other words, I'm hoping for them to not make a heteronormative end. Because that would make all queer coding into a real queer baiting. That would just be reinforcing the message that non-het ships don't deserve space in general media. It would sounds like: "We can put all this hints, act as it can be a real possibility, trow in your face all the possibilities, but it will never have a chance to be real because it's same sex relationship, so we will make a hetero ship now be canon to confirm that same sex ships can't be real" (Or something like, "it's developed enough to be canon but because it's same sex ship we will now put a hetero ship in it's place") And reinforcing that message is saying non-het relationships shouldn't be accepted as normal. Which is homophobic Plus, it's not uncommon for shounen manga to have no endgame ship. For me, I would be happy to see if they keep promoting non-het ships more than a het ships and end without endgame ship. Because for non-het shippers on mainstream anime, this is the best we can expect for. Much more with all the queer coding and "pandering". (but I can still want to see it be canon) If the most worked ship were a het ship, the best outcome to be expected would be a canon ship ending with a kiss to confirm, each other saying how they love each other, etc. (many times it doesn't even need to be the most worked ship) |
O_________oJan 5, 2016 2:37 AM
Jan 6, 2016 11:48 AM
O_________o said: @yuyyuka It's not only Japan that is behind and even in USA many states seems to still don't approve it. Many countries also only recently allowed it, and many more still don't. Well, japanese fandom might not trow a fit of rage for being too used with it. (or reasons that I don't know) But is it right that mentality of: "Same-sex relationships don't deserve and will never have space/good_representation in mainstream/normal/general media" I think not. And I doubt it's a good mentality in any place of this world. That mentality itself is treating same sex pairings as something not normal and this is discrimination. Of course I know that the odds are low for a canon m/m ship. But the least I'm hoping is the a minimum respect with lgbtqia+ people. A heteronormative end would be depreciating with lgbtqia+ people considering all queer coding until now that was included in the story. (and of course, I think it's a good thing to see a non-het ship being much more worked than any other het ship in the story, what I think it's not ok is if all of this end being reduced to queer baiting) (If Mika and Yuu romantic possibilities weren't this much worked, they getting involved in a het ship in canon wouldn't be bad and wouldn't feel like denying their development til now) (the biggest problem is really erasing all the development til now between them as nothing that counts to the possibility of what they can be) (people on fandom shipping Mika and Yuu in het ships isn't wrong, since fandom and canon don't have to walk together, but if you have an homophobic motivation... well... your motivation being homophobic is already a problem) In other words, I'm hoping for them to not make a heteronormative end. Because that would make all queer coding into a real queer baiting. That would just be reinforcing the message that non-het ships don't deserve space in general media. It would sounds like: "We can put all this hints, act as it can be a real possibility, trow in your face all the possibilities, but it will never have a chance to be real because it's same sex relationship, so we will make a hetero ship now be canon to confirm that same sex ships can't be real" (Or something like, "it's developed enough to be canon but because it's same sex ship we will now put a hetero ship in it's place") And reinforcing that message is saying non-het relationships shouldn't be accepted as normal. Which is homophobic Plus, it's not uncommon for shounen manga to have no endgame ship. For me, I would be happy to see if they keep promoting non-het ships more than a het ships and end without endgame ship. Because for non-het shippers on mainstream anime, this is the best we can expect for. Much more with all the queer coding and "pandering". (but I can still want to see it be canon) If the most worked ship were a het ship, the best outcome to be expected would be a canon ship ending with a kiss to confirm, each other saying how they love each other, etc. (many times it doesn't even need to be the most worked ship) I am putting your reply in a spoiler tag or else there will be a huge wall of text with mine as well. I hope you don't mind. I agree with everything you said. I want to make it clear that your words are something shared by many people. Not only those who like to ship a homosexual pairing but with people who also don't mind them or are comfortable with them. Homosexuality is not THAT big of an issue as it was in the past in the 1st world countries. I am not going to talk about Middle East or some countries in Africa who have punishable by death the 'sin' of homosexuality, but for countries who at least have accepted in terms (not always in legal ways) that homosexuality is natural and it happens with many animal species, including humans. I don't want to turn this into a big discussion but my opinion regarding at least the media in Japan about anime and manga is this: They don't care about represantion of homosexuality as a form of something that should be serious (at least in terms of plot relevance) or something that is natural in the way of 'yeah, we can have not hetero characters'. This of course doesn't always happen as we have seen many homosexual characters in anime/manga. The problem lies in making these courples, especially between two male MCs or very significant characters, canon. It's sad but unless the characters are side characters, it's not going to happen. At least from my experience with anime/manga I haven't seen it yet. Nor have I heard of it. Anyways, while I don't like queerbaiting, it's still a thing. The Japanese fandom doesn't care about it but it's still something awful to do. They are different than us and since the market is targeting them, we can only have our opinions about a canon hetero pairing. The thing with Yuu and Mika is that Kagami uses many so called 'romantic troupes' which in the case one of them was a girl, most wouldn't dislike the pairing or say it was the most possible to go canon. Sure, some would still dislike it or not care as they do now, but the harsh comments would be of a different nature than what there is between their legs. I have said this before in the OnS threads but for me, I really wouldn't mind a hetero ending. As long as Kagami writes it in a good way that it's not rushed and 'because I have to give a conclusion lel' thing, I will be fine. My personal opinion is that the manga will have what most call 'a family ending'. I really can't see Kagami making Yuu and Mika, no matter how much I would like to. |
Jan 6, 2016 4:01 PM
@yuyyuka (no worries, texts are really getting long) Yeah, I know they are a different public and I get it that they have different expectations. (even if this on itself is problematic) But (a info that I have to confirm yet) I heard Kagami were aiming also his comic for non-japanese public, since it would be published on Jump and could gain a bigger public internationally(or at least counting USA). So that was also one of his reason to take vampires as theme. But I'd have to confirm that, but it seems plausible considering Jump target reach all over the world. For sure OnS don't ignore international public, since now and then we see them making tweets in english for international public. So I think, we as international public have to make our opinion on discrimination, homophobia, etc relevant, since to some degree we as a public are relevant. I wouldn't be happy with a heteronormative ending. Much more that if we consider that one full arc, that lasted 3 years and 3~4 months with 41 chapters and two full seasons of animation he obviously gave Yuu and Mika relationship much more weight than any other relationship. It's practically saying: "it's developed enough to be canon but because it's same sex ship we will now put a hetero ship in it's place" if he really make a heteronormative end. And if now he decides to change the focus of the romantic relationships in the story, it would sounds like: "I used a m/m ship just to queer baiting until now(3 years and some months) by making you think it could be a real possibility, now let's go to some straight ship" Seriously, this will be disrespecting to LGBT+ people if he ends imposing a heteronormative end. It will be a slap on the face saying that all that was done have no problem of being erased. It will really be the same as denying that their romantic development can count. By not making a heteronormative end, even if there is no canon couple, it will at least not be a total erasure. Because, seriously, the amount of focus and heavy implications for Yuu and Mika relationship, they being the most focused relationship development with tons of romantic tropes and now considering that it's been so long(3 years and some months since the start of the manga)(2 full seasons), should be enough to not be ok to make Yuu and Mika involved in some canon heteronormative relationship as endgame just so to erase the possibility of a canon m/m ship. The problem of making a heteronormative end is that it will really be a m/m ship possibility erasure to give space for a heteronormative ship. By not even allowing it being possible as post end after ALL the development. So I'm not ok with Yuu or Mika having a heteronormative end. |
O_________oJan 6, 2016 5:13 PM
Jan 10, 2016 10:29 PM
Seriously, this will be disrespecting to LGBT+ people if he ends imposing a heteronormative end. It will be a slap on the face saying that all that was done have no problem of being erased. It will really be the same as denying that their romantic development can count. It will really be the same as denying that their romantic development can count. Erm....but the description of "romantic" is rather subjective. I think Mika and Yuu have a deep, meaningful relationship....but I wouldn't call it "romance". I think even Mikayuu shippers acknowledge that it's not about these two boys being in love with each other; they just like the idea of it. Which "romantic tropes" were you talking about? |
Jan 10, 2016 10:32 PM
strawberryneko said: I´m shipping Mika x Yuu <3 !! As for Shinoa..She was blushing when Yuu touched her cheek to check her wounds but Yuu was totally oblivious to her feelings. Means nothing. That's pretty much common anime anatomy at this point since its been so overused. |
Jan 10, 2016 10:38 PM
QWERTYFish25 said: strawberryneko said: I´m shipping Mika x Yuu <3 !! As for Shinoa..She was blushing when Yuu touched her cheek to check her wounds but Yuu was totally oblivious to her feelings. Means nothing. That's pretty much common anime anatomy at this point since its been so overused. What you mean "means nothing"? Shinoa definitely has a crush on him. |
Jan 11, 2016 12:26 AM
I wasted so much of my life reading this entire thread for some reason and I've forgotten what the OP was... |
Jan 11, 2016 2:59 AM
Chiibi said: Seriously, this will be disrespecting to LGBT+ people if he ends imposing a heteronormative end. It will be a slap on the face saying that all that was done have no problem of being erased. It will really be the same as denying that their romantic development can count. It will really be the same as denying that their romantic development can count. Erm….but the description of “romantic” is rather subjective. I think Mika and Yuu have a deep, meaningful relationship….but I wouldn’t call it “romance”. I think even Mikayuu shippers acknowledge that it’s not about these two boys being in love with each other; they just like the idea of it. Which “romantic tropes” were you talking about? The interpretation can be subjective because there is no canon information to confirm. BUT it doesn’t erase all the implications, queer coding and romantic tropes used from both Yuu side and Mika side. Episode 10 of season 2. That was heavy queer coding. Definition of Queer coding from here: Queercoding is when the characters are intentionally made out to be queer right until the very end and it is never denied, but there is ambiguity due to a variety of issues we have already gone over. Yes, it may also be used as a selling point, but it is not just a selling point like queerbaiting is. The line between queercoding and queerbaiting is very easy to blur! Especially since both rely on ambiguity. In this case we are talking about a queer/gay relationship. (I know not always people are comfortable to use the word “queer” for reclaiming, but with the lack of better word to make reference, I’m making use of this) It’s heavily hinted that they can have a romantic relationship, if they deny the possibilities hinted with all queer coding done, then it will become queer baiting. Which is worse. Here some problems with Queer baiting: Queer coding isn’t the best scenario, because it still don’t confirm the representation hinted. But it’s still better than flat denying it’s representation like queer baiting. Now to explain the romantic tropes. Do you know what tropes means? Tropes are devices and conventions that a writer can reasonably rely on as being present in the audience members’ minds and expectations. from: So as you see, tropes are devices that authors can use to hint something. Romantic tropes are the devices to hint some relationship romantically. If you doubt mikayuu have romantic tropes, you can go on google and search for: “mikayuu romantic tropes”. But the queer coding that most had heavy implications were how touchy Yuu was with Mika on episode 22. In scenes like putting his hand on Mika’s chin and then go for his cheek. Considering the context, it wasn’t a move needed to be done with someone you only met again recently after 4 years apart. Even between siblings doing something like that can be miss interpreted in wrong way. "but I do it with my sibling" ok, but you can be sure that many don’t do it with siblings because this move imply romantic affection for them(me included, I can hug, jump over, etc, but putting a hand under chin the way Yuu did is a no, this act and the context in story that it was done summed with all others acts gets heavy romantic implications). And in Japan, where the culture there isn’t this touchy in general is another point to consider. If they had the gut to animate it this way, their intention is obvious. (they are hinting Yuu's feelings for Mika) On manga: Mika looking at his bite done on Yuu's neck while thinking “Together” There is even info from light novel, fanbook and game that reinforce that: Mika favorite quote being: “Yuu chan” Yuu on game affirming without asking to Mika that he will be with him post war to take care of kids that are orphans. If they deny that there is romantic development between these two it is gonna be awful queer baiting. using lgbtqia+ for baiting with a possible representation to later deny that it was even possible is wrong. It is the same as sticking the heteronormative agenda that anything but hetero relationships is normal. I’m not even expecting for them to confirm mikayuu as canon. I just don’t want them to deny/erase all the development and hints of mikayuu with a heteronormative endgame that involves Yuu or Mika. Chiibi said: QWERTYFish25 said: strawberryneko said: I´m shipping Mika x Yuu <3 !! As for Shinoa..She was blushing when Yuu touched her cheek to check her wounds but Yuu was totally oblivious to her feelings. Means nothing. That’s pretty much common anime anatomy at this point since its been so overused. What you mean “means nothing”? Shinoa definitely has a crush on him. You know that it sounds ironic that you think Mika and Yuu having feelings for each other is only subjective with all that proof above but when it’s just Shinoa blushing it’s proof of her crush when even she is not sure. So it’s not 100% canon, even if we are sure Her blushing could also have other explanations, like, she’s not used with contact in the neck, what Guren said is biting her mind, etc (but even I think she might have a crush on Yuu; just as much as I think Mika have a crush on Yuu; and Yuu have a crush on Mika. (with the difference that Mika and Yuu(or at least Yuu) are oblivious) (plus even Mika blushed for Yuu and Yuu blushed for Mika)) See? Shinoa's blushing is also subjective. Just as all the romantic tropes and queer coding of mikayuu are. (the difference is, one can become queer baiting, the other not) (denying the development of mikayuu so it ends in queer baiting is the problem) And in case some 3rd person ask about mikayuu being also hinted as feeling each other as brothers. That's also subjective since you can interpret this way, you are also free to interpret it that way, but that's NOT canon. And there is no problem to deny that they are brothers in canon. |
O_________oJan 11, 2016 7:17 AM
Jan 11, 2016 8:58 AM
I think Shinoa has a crush on Yuu because it's gotten focused on multiple times. Not just because she blushes. For one thing, when she goes to visit him in the bed, she tries to laugh off the idea of being in love like that can't happen to her. But then she makes an expression like just the opposite is true and grabs his hand and begs him to wake up. I think Mika may have special feelings for Yuu but Yuu is not the same for him. And yes, I know what tropes are. With Yuu touching Mika's face....was that in the manga or an anime-only service? I recall the fans saying the anime "made the scene more gay" than the manga. |
ChiibiJan 11, 2016 9:02 AM
Jan 11, 2016 1:44 PM
Chiibi said: With Yuu touching Mika's face....was that in the manga or an anime-only service? I recall the fans saying the anime "made the scene more gay" than the manga. Nah that was anime-only, though the manga still held 'romantic' scenes. They just did it to keep the fujoshi happy, I mean they also made the anime more 'straight', (when Shinoa touched Yuu's chest and lips - anime only) to keep the Yuunoa shippers happy, and they even made Shinoa say more lines, (in the manga it is Yoichi that recognises Mika (during ep 9) not Shinoa) to make the Shinoa fans happier. (which I didn't like because it just meant Yoichi was pushed even more to the back) It's about what sells, which is one reason for the mass amount of Mikayuu, (valentine posters for example - Mika making Yuu cookies and them sharing heart-shaped chocolates) not just because they are the MCs but because they are the most popular pairing, and giving the fans what they want=money. Although if Kagami turns Mikayuu into queerbait a lot of people are going to be rather upset, (especially if it ends with cliche heteronormativity) since it is erasing a queer* relationship which can be considered healthy and mutual. Chiibi said: I think Mika may have special feelings for Yuu but Yuu is not the same for him Yuu seems too dense to 'love', (i.e blushy-blushy-doki-doki love) I see him as a person who would fall in 'love' through respect, instead of 'omg that person is cute', meaning he could fall in 'love' with anyone. Though I see him warming up to the person he chooses to 'love', and then gaining romantic/sexual attraction to that person (he may be somewhat demisexual), which is a reason I think Yuu is comfortable with the whole touchy-feely-ness with Mika. Since, even though they have just reunited for the first time in 4 years, he has a strong enough bond and emotional connection to Mika that he is able to initiate these touches. |
XemiiX3Jan 11, 2016 2:00 PM
Jan 11, 2016 4:18 PM
Jan 11, 2016 9:07 PM
Chiibi said: I think Shinoa has a crush on Yuu because it's gotten focused on multiple times. Not just because she blushes. For one thing, when she goes to visit him in the bed, she tries to laugh off the idea of being in love like that can't happen to her. But then she makes an expression like just the opposite is true and grabs his hand and begs him to wake up. That could also have other explanations, like it's just platonic(men and women can surely be friends, even if usually they ignore this on stories when events like that happens), even with heavy hints of being romantic, as I said, until they confirm, it's subjective. But yeah, as I said, I also think it's fact that she have a crush on Yuu. Chiibi said: With Yuu touching Mika's face....was that in the manga or an anime-only service? I recall the fans saying the anime "made the scene more gay" than the manga. Tsukkimaru said: Nah that was anime-only, though the manga still held 'romantic' scenes. They just did it to keep the fujoshi happy, I mean they also made the anime more 'straight', (when Shinoa touched Yuu's chest and lips - anime only) to keep the Yuunoa shippers happy, and they even made Shinoa say more lines, (in the manga it is Yoichi that recognises Mika (during ep 9) not Shinoa) to make the Shinoa fans happier. (which I didn't like because it just meant Yoichi was pushed even more to the back) It's about what sells, which is one reason for the mass amount of Mikayuu, (valentine posters for example - Mika making Yuu cookies and them sharing heart-shaped chocolates) not just because they are the MCs but because they are the most popular pairing, and giving the fans what they want=money. Although if Kagami turns Mikayuu into queerbait a lot of people are going to be rather upset, (especially if it ends with cliche heteronormativity) since it is erasing a queer* relationship which can be considered healthy and mutual. If we are gonna exclude the affection Yuu show on anime to Mika as fanservice and all fanservice for any other pairing interaction that was anime only... Yeah, Yuu certainly is the denser type for feelings. But he could also be asexual too, or homosexual too, or demisexual as Tsukkimaru pointed. It wouldn't exclude him being dense but would also explain a lot. He being dense or not, it is still out of character if he blush for anyone due to looks, like happened in anime. In the game(Unmei no Hajimari) he just don't care to see Shinoa and Mitsuba in towel. For him it's more like something casual. In manga: This scene just reinforce how he could care less about those stuffs. Be it because he is oblivious or because he just don't care. It's never hinted that he is heterosexual on manga. Like we see on anime when they make Yuu blush for how the girls looked after bath or Shinoa news uniform. He says to not have time for romance when he receives a letter of confession(his focus is his family revenge, with dreams focused on Mika's death). On fanbook, when asked what attracts him on opposite sex his answer is: "Shut up!" Strengthening that he doesn't even want to think about. There was many touchy moments with Shinoa on anime that also are pure fanservice. That on anime makes Shinoa a character crushing more hard than on manga. Plus the positioning of her with more frequency besides Yuu, pushing the rest of squad aside in many times, or even substitution of scenes like Tsukkimaru pointed. (This is personal opinion and preference, but on manga I think Shinoa is badass, on anime, I don't recognize her as the same badass. She is still a bit badass, but I feel that the anime made her personality lost a lot and she became more pitiable with the changes. She rotates more around her feelings of crush on anime than on manga, and this gives a very different impression of her character for me(and many ppl). It's just not the same impression. She wouldn't be one of my favorite characters if it were to look only the anime.) Mika alive or dead, Yuu's thoughts always go to Mika. Be it for revenge of him and his family(mostly focused on Mika from what we see on dreams), or be it to save Mika. Mika's also his main emotional support even after Yuu believed he died for 4 years. Yuu's seems to be longing Mika less on anime. After finding out Mika was alive, he changed, he become more cheerful. All his reasons of revenge changed because of Mika being alive. (even if the rest of his Hyakuya family was still dead) Manga only, he never showed that amount of affection and blushes to anyone else but Mika(chapter 36, 37). The anime were MINIMIZING this fact by changing scenes and adding scenes of Shinoa extra physical contact with Yuu. Thus the reason to many be upset with the extra scenes focusing on yuunoa. Making it seems like those exchange of physical contact/intensity/amount and extra proximity on manga in chapter 36 and 37 were common or something that wasn't a solely thing for Mika and Yuu relationship. So even if the the scenes added on episode 22(anime) were most fanservice. It at least helped a bit to balance and put in focus how Mika is different when Yuu show affection to someone. He didn't show on manga, affection the same way and intensity(with the intention to be affectionate) he interacts with other characters. Yuu even thought in being thankful to the queen of vampires for Mika being alive. Yuu even blushes when saying: "But if it wasn't for her, I wouldn't have seen you again" And all this don't change the fact that the scene added on anime can be considered official queer coding, that if it ends denied(Yuu's possible feelings for Mika) will become queer baiting. Tsukkimaru said: Yuu seems too dense to 'love', (i.e blushy-blushy-doki-doki love) I see him as a person who would fall in 'love' through respect, instead of 'omg that person is cute', meaning he could fall in 'love' with anyone. Though I see him warming up to the person he chooses to 'love', and then gaining romantic/sexual attraction to that person (he may be somewhat demisexual), which is a reason I think Yuu is comfortable with the whole touchy-feely-ness with Mika. Since, even though they have just reunited for the first time in 4 years, he has a strong enough bond and emotional connection to Mika that he is able to initiate these touches. I think the same, And at 12 years old, I think Yuu already had a big crush on Mika, he just hadn't noticed it yet Chiibi said: Yuu is definitely the dense type. XD It's like if he was on the receiving end of a confession, his response might be, "Really?, let's date then." or something like that. but not to this point :P I think he'd refuse if he doesn't acknowledge he being reciprocate. He even said to have no time for romance after receiving a confession. |
O_________oJan 12, 2016 12:02 AM
Jan 12, 2016 9:29 AM
On fanbook, when asked what attracts him on opposite sex his answer is: "Shut up!" Lol that's adorable. Makes me think he's really sensitive about it. XD but not to this point :P I think he'd refuse if he doesn't acknowledge he being reciprocate. He even said to have no time for romance after receiving a confession. I know. I just think that would be his answer after the whole war is over and he can relax, finally. |
Jan 12, 2016 10:44 AM
O_________o said: Yeah, Yuu certainly is the denser type for feelings. But he could also be asexual too, or homosexual too, or demisexual as Tsukkimaru pointed. It wouldn't exclude him being dense but would also explain a lot. He being dense or not, it is still out of character if he blush for anyone due to looks, like happened in anime. In the game(Unmei no Hajimari) he just don't care to see Shinoa and Mitsuba in towel. For him it's more like something casual. In manga: This scene just reinforce how he could care less about those stuffs. Be it because he is oblivious or because he just don't care. It's never hinted that he is heterosexual on manga. Like we see on anime when they make Yuu blush for how the girls looked after bath or Shinoa news uniform. He says to not have time for romance when he receives a letter of confession(his focus is his family revenge, with dreams focused on Mika's death). On fanbook, when asked what attracts him on opposite sex his answer is: "Shut up!" Strengthening that he doesn't even want to think about. (I put the first quote in a spoiler tab so there wasn't a wall of text, hope you don't mind) I also strongly believe that both Mika and Yuu are not heterosexual, it is my headcanon and belief that they are both demisexual. As you have said, canon (manga) Yuu seems to take no interest or find anything to do with more 'private'/'intimate' things 'embarrassing.' I think that this may be something to do with 'his' demisexuality, since he finds neither Shinoa nor Mitsuba attractive (due to their weaker bond) he simply doesn't find these scenes/information 'intimate'/'attractive'/'embarrassing' etc. Another reason why both Mika and Yuu can be suggested as demi* is because of their childhood(s). Yuu grew up with his parents not wanting him (trying to kill him) and then not allowing the orphanage to be his family (until a desperate time). During this we can infer Mika and Yuu were always together (Akane also asked why Mika wasn't with Yuu) which explains their very close bond and trust, because they were the only people they ever grew to know. However also due to Yuu and Mika growing up in very 'inhumane' settings, they grew to not trust others (Mika mostly), which might explain why Yuu was adamant about gaining friends. Due to this being a possibility in forming 'their demisexuality', it would explain why they are so much closer to each other, because eventhough they were only young, as they both got older their feelings became clearer, perhaps even concluding that they are the only people they have ever fallen 'in love' with. This would also help explain Yuu's 'density', since the only person he's ever had 'romantic' attraction for is Mika, he 's not familiar with the the feelings of 'love', which makes him unable to realise Shinoa's teasy-flirting. However, Yuu may be 'dense' but he is not stupid, Yuu knows what a relationship is and understands the notation of 'love' (as seen in s1 ep3), but just because he understands 'love' doesn't mean he falls 'in love' as 'love' is stereotyped. Linking back to the reasons he may be 'demisexual', and my previous post about Yuu loving out of respect. Mika is an easier/more obvious case for this, Mika grew up knowing Yuu was alive, all his thoughts/actions were for Yuu. (and visa versa) Yuu is the only person Mika has and trusts fully, meaning Yuu would be the only person Mika could feel 'love' for. This can help up understand why Mika was so strongly against human blood, because then he would not be human, he thought Yuu would hate him, and that their bond would break, therefore their 'love' would also break. Also when Yuu and Mika are reunited in ep 22, Yuu had a very pleasured expression when Mika was sucking his blood, we already know it is pleasurable for both parties of the blood sucking, however due to Yuu's 'love' for only Mika, this may have made the experience that much more pleasurable, not just because he was technically having sex with Mika but because of his reserved feelings, their bond had grown even deeper, meaning so had their 'love'. Official image from offcial animations book. This may also explain why Yuu said 'shut up!' in his interview, because he simply doesn't know his preferences for the opposite sex, because he's never been attracted to someone of the opposite sex, because he's only ever been attracted to Mika. Meaning he either thinks he simply isn't attracted to females or because he simply doesn't know. Also due to both Yuu and Mika showing more comfortable personalities/blushes/physical contact around only each other, also helps back up my theory/heacanon, due to the two being 'attracted' to one-another they will obviously be more comfortable with these things, Yuu even ending up blushing at some of the smallest things to do with Mika, whereas not with anyone else. (This is personal opinion and preference, but on manga I think Shinoa is badass, on anime, I don't recognize her as the same badass. She is still a bit badass, but I feel that the anime made her personality lost a lot and she became more pitiable with the changes. She rotates more around her feelings of crush on anime than on manga, and this gives a very different impression of her character for me(and many ppl). It's just not the same impression. She wouldn't be one of my favorite characters if it were to look only the anime.) Although I rather dislike Shinoa (sarcastic, cocky girls aren't my type) I absolutely hate anime Shinoa, they butchered her, turning her from an independent and strong woman into a damsel in distress who just had to fall for the MC, she's now cliched as hell. Chiibi said: Yuu is definitely the dense type. XD It's like if he was on the receiving end of a confession, his response might be, "Really?, let's date then." Please go back to where I said 'Yuu may be 'dense' but he's not stupid'... I know. I just think that would be his answer after the whole war is over and he can relax, finally. Yuu wouldn't say yes if he didn't 'love' them. |
XemiiX3Jan 12, 2016 10:50 AM
Jan 13, 2016 7:49 PM
Tsukkimaru said: [ I absolutely hate anime Shinoa, they butchered her, turning her from an independent and strong woman into a damsel in distress who just had to fall for the MC, she's now cliched as hell. Sorry, what? When was she ever a damsel in the anime, different from the manga? The only time I can think of was when she got held down and Yuu went seraph the first time which happened in the manga as well. But it wasn't because she was weak; the vampires are just too OP. And she likes Yuu in both versions. The anime didn't add that. I've read up to volume 07 and I don't see any "butchering" of her character. If you're talking about when Yuu blocked Kureto's attack on her, remember that Kureto killed the rest of Narumi's squad so easily and they should have been more experienced, being three years older. So no, Shinoa was not ever a "cliche damsel in distress". |
ChiibiJan 13, 2016 10:57 PM
Jan 14, 2016 1:14 AM
Tsukkimaru said: (I put the first quote in a spoiler tab so there wasn't a wall of text, hope you don't mind) I also strongly believe that both Mika and Yuu are not heterosexual, it is my headcanon and belief that they are both demisexual. As you have said, canon (manga) Yuu seems to take no interest or find anything to do with more 'private'/'intimate' things 'embarrassing.' I think that this may be something to do with 'his' demisexuality, since he finds neither Shinoa nor Mitsuba attractive (due to their weaker bond) he simply doesn't find these scenes/information 'intimate'/'attractive'/'embarrassing' etc. Another reason why both Mika and Yuu can be suggested as demi* is because of their childhood(s). Yuu grew up with his parents not wanting him (trying to kill him) and then not allowing the orphanage to be his family (until a desperate time). During this we can infer Mika and Yuu were always together (Akane also asked why Mika wasn't with Yuu) which explains their very close bond and trust, because they were the only people they ever grew to know. However also due to Yuu and Mika growing up in very 'inhumane' settings, they grew to not trust others (Mika mostly), which might explain why Yuu was adamant about gaining friends. Due to this being a possibility in forming 'their demisexuality', it would explain why they are so much closer to each other, because eventhough they were only young, as they both got older their feelings became clearer, perhaps even concluding that they are the only people they have ever fallen 'in love' with. This would also help explain Yuu's 'density', since the only person he's ever had 'romantic' attraction for is Mika, he 's not familiar with the the feelings of 'love', which makes him unable to realise Shinoa's teasy-flirting. However, Yuu may be 'dense' but he is not stupid, Yuu knows what a relationship is and understands the notation of 'love' (as seen in s1 ep3), but just because he understands 'love' doesn't mean he falls 'in love' as 'love' is stereotyped. Linking back to the reasons he may be 'demisexual', and my previous post about Yuu loving out of respect. Mika is an easier/more obvious case for this, Mika grew up knowing Yuu was alive, all his thoughts/actions were for Yuu. (and visa versa) Yuu is the only person Mika has and trusts fully, meaning Yuu would be the only person Mika could feel 'love' for. This can help up understand why Mika was so strongly against human blood, because then he would not be human, he thought Yuu would hate him, and that their bond would break, therefore their 'love' would also break. Also when Yuu and Mika are reunited in ep 22, Yuu had a very pleasured expression when Mika was sucking his blood, we already know it is pleasurable for both parties of the blood sucking, however due to Yuu's 'love' for only Mika, this may have made the experience that much more pleasurable, not just because he was technically having sex with Mika but because of his reserved feelings, their bond had grown even deeper, meaning so had their 'love'. Official image from offcial animations book. This may also explain why Yuu said 'shut up!' in his interview, because he simply doesn't know his preferences for the opposite sex, because he's never been attracted to someone of the opposite sex, because he's only ever been attracted to Mika. Meaning he either thinks he simply isn't attracted to females or because he simply doesn't know. Also due to both Yuu and Mika showing more comfortable personalities/blushes/physical contact around only each other, also helps back up my theory/heacanon, due to the two being 'attracted' to one-another they will obviously be more comfortable with these things, Yuu even ending up blushing at some of the smallest things to do with Mika, whereas not with anyone else. I agree with those points. Tsukkimaru said: Although I rather dislike Shinoa (sarcastic, cocky girls aren't my type) I absolutely hate anime Shinoa, they butchered her, turning her from an independent and strong woman into a damsel in distress who just had to fall for the MC, she's now cliched as hell. Chiibi said: Sorry, what? When was she ever a damsel in the anime, different from the manga? The only time I can think of was when she got held down and Yuu went seraph the first time which happened in the manga as well. But it wasn't because she was weak; the vampires are just too OP. And she likes Yuu in both versions. The anime didn't add that. I've read up to volume 07 and I don't see any "butchering" of her character. If you're talking about when Yuu blocked Kureto's attack on her, remember that Kureto killed the rest of Narumi's squad so easily and they should have been more experienced, being three years older. So no, Shinoa was not ever a "cliche damsel in distress". While I do agree, Shinoa(I’ll add Mitsuba too in one point) isn’t a damsel in distress, there is elements of damsel in distress that was put to her and reinforced on anime that bothers me a lot. (of course it doesn’t necessarily makes her a damsel in distress, but are also elements common for damsel in distress) - Shinoa being show as the most distressed when it’s about Yuu in a scene that everyone should be equally distressed. (equivalent to the trope of the damsel in distress worries being the biggest one show when it’s about the hero) - Shinoa and Mitsuba comparative to princess, as both are daughters of families with prestige. (makes me remember the trope where the love target is a princess in a higher rank than the hero, so the hero can chase after and gets better than her) - Her possible crush on Yuu (trope where the main female character that loves the main male character) - She have reasons that could be excuse as a need to be rescued by the MC (rescued from family, rescued from her abandonment because of how she grew in a wicked family) - Shinoa(action girl) made weak and helpless as individual so there is a excuse for need to rescue by a male character, so it can also works as ship excuse. (Mika, from when Yuu goes berserk 1st time and later the scene where Yuu rescue her from Kureto’s attack) (we could add Mitsuba being rescued by Yuu against the vampires) (there might be more elements that are common but I don’t remember) Of course, there is many common elements from damsel in distress that she breaks, and this is one of the reasons I like her a lot. But it really bothered me to see the anime reinforce some of the elements above that are common for damsel in distress. Even if those points still don't make her a damsel in distress, the fact that those elements that are common for damsel in distress trope were the ones reinforced by the anime still bothers me a lot. What I don’t want to see happen with Shinoa(Mitsuba too, but mostly Shinoa): - Shinoa having a family that oppress her being a reason for a “charming prince” to rescue her (typical element of damsel in distress) - Shinoa having lots of emotional problems. being the reason she needs a “prince” to show her solution to this by her falling in love or loving the main character. (typical element of damsel in distress) - Shinoa end up prisoner as a Heroic Sacrifice; situations where she puts herself in peril so that others can get away are popular, even if her plan ultimately fails. So later she ends needing rescue. (typical element of damsel in distress) - Shinoa as one more in the MC harem - Shinoa as a tool for heteronormativity (being used as excuse for homophobics to follow this show) |
O_________oJan 14, 2016 2:25 AM
Jan 14, 2016 9:16 AM
Jan 14, 2016 9:26 AM
Shinoa may have feelings for him but I don't think he feels the same about her. Same situation with Mika. I don't think Yuu loves someone -romantically- at all. |
Jan 14, 2016 10:35 AM
Chiibi said: Sorry, what? When was she ever a damsel in the anime, different from the manga? The only time I can think of was when she got held down and Yuu went seraph the first time which happened in the manga as well. But it wasn't because she was weak; the vampires are just too OP. And she likes Yuu in both versions. The anime didn't add that. I've read up to volume 07 and I don't see any "butchering" of her character. If you're talking about when Yuu blocked Kureto's attack on her, remember that Kureto killed the rest of Narumi's squad so easily and they should have been more experienced, being three years older. So no, Shinoa was not ever a "cliche damsel in distress". I think I came on a bit too strong, I think I'm more... disappointed with her character, she had so much potential to be a great female MC, she was strong and skilled in the beginning, (her beating Yuu in their sparring session was great) we could have learned actually about her and not the cocky (and somewhat annoying) person she shows herself to be, and she could have been the badass, loyal, well-developed female MC I was hoping for her to be. Then came her crush and my heart sank, once-again a strong-willed, full of potential, female MC was reduced to the love interest. Oh how she could have chipped at the female MC stereotypes of them always falling in love with the MC which then dwindles their development, but instead she fell right into it, now the only things we know about her is her attitude and her crush on Yuu, no backstory, no tragic incidents, no suppressed desires of any kind. How boring. I hope Kagami returns her to the greatness she could have been. (This is most likely the reasons I love Mama Krul, she's a queen who is so strong and is a great leader, she doesn't need a love interest to push her to her goals, and she is so elegant and is a great parent-figure to Mika. I hope she's okay.) |
Jan 14, 2016 1:20 PM
Tsukkimaru said: I think I came on a bit too strong, I think I'm more... disappointed with her character, she had so much potential to be a great female MC, she was strong and skilled in the beginning, (her beating Yuu in their sparring session was great) we could have learned actually about her and not the cocky (and somewhat annoying) person she shows herself to be, and she could have been the badass, loyal, well-developed female MC I was hoping for her to be. Then came her crush and my heart sank, once-again a strong-willed, full of potential, female MC was reduced to the love interest. Oh how she could have chipped at the female MC stereotypes of them always falling in love with the MC which then dwindles their development, but instead she fell right into it, now the only things we know about her is her attitude and her crush on Yuu, no backstory, no tragic incidents, no suppressed desires of any kind. How boring. I hope Kagami returns her to the greatness she could have been. (This is most likely the reasons I love Mama Krul, she's a queen who is so strong and is a great leader, she doesn't need a love interest to push her to her goals, and she is so elegant and is a great parent-figure to Mika. I hope she's okay.) I apologize for butting in but I would like to say that Shinoa having a crush on Yuu or anyone else doesn't make her character any less badass (for me at least). Sure, it would have been great to see a main heroine not crushing after a MC, which rarely happens, but I'm also fine if she has it. It's not a bad character trait and if anything I think it makes her see how someone can become important to her and to try to save that person. She even said that it was her first time she wanted to protect someone and Yuu's resolve and passion to save Mika and bring him back, has taught her how far you can go for someone you love and care about. Also, it's fandom's fault (mainly) if they decide to reduce her to the main heroine who 'only has a crush on MC' type. She is way more than that. Part of the fault it also goes to Kagami, the author, who had both 3 women in Guren's squad have a crush on him and later both Shinoa and Mitsuba towards Yuu turning this into a 'women will like the Alpha male' kind of thing. But you can always excuse that as 'need of survival of humankind' that nature makes humans reproduce. And you have to (unless you already do?) read the Guren LN to know more about Shinoa. Sure, it doesn't focuses a lot in her but we get to see a lot of her past, her relationship with her family (esp. Mahiru) and ofc her feelings. I am still waiting for her part in the manga to come and see more of her. We still don't know Krul's past. And I believe vampires having crushes is not in their nature. Unless they did before they turned into vampires over someone and this 'fixation' still carries and defines them in their vampire state (like Mika's over Yuu). So Krul, might have been in love with someone before, we don't know. And about the anime: I am going to agree that they made her seem more desperate over Yuu or let me word it better, they gave her more screentime/relevance over her natural worry for Yuu instead of the others. I get the feeling that the anime version of the characters are a bit different in some scenes but it doesn't make them OOC or complete different versions. It's how the media of TV/movies works: you will see the version of another person towards the story which this person is usually the director. |
Jan 14, 2016 2:30 PM
yuyyuka said: I apologize for butting in but I would like to say that Shinoa having a crush on Yuu or anyone else doesn't make her character any less badass (for me at least). Sure, it would have been great to see a main heroine not crushing after a MC, which rarely happens, but I'm also fine if she has it. It's not a bad character trait and if anything I think it makes her see how someone can become important to her and to try to save that person. She even said that it was her first time she wanted to protect someone and Yuu's resolve and passion to save Mika and bring him back, has taught her how far you can go for someone you love and care about. Also, it's fandom's fault (mainly) if they decide to reduce her to the main heroine who 'only has a crush on MC' type. She is way more than that. Part of the fault it also goes to Kagami, the author, who had both 3 women in Guren's squad have a crush on him and later both Shinoa and Mitsuba towards Yuu turning this into a 'women will like the Alpha male' kind of thing. But you can always excuse that as 'need of survival of humankind' that nature makes humans reproduce. And you have to (unless you already do?) read the Guren LN to know more about Shinoa. Sure, it doesn't focuses a lot in her but we get to see a lot of her past, her relationship with her family (esp. Mahiru) and ofc her feelings. I am still waiting for her part in the manga to come and see more of her. We still don't know Krul's past. And I believe vampires having crushes is not in their nature. Unless they did before they turned into vampires over someone and this 'fixation' still carries and defines them in their vampire state (like Mika's over Yuu). So Krul, might have been in love with someone before, we don't know. And about the anime: I am going to agree that they made her seem more desperate over Yuu or let me word it better, they gave her more screentime/relevance over her natural worry for Yuu instead of the others. I get the feeling that the anime version of the characters are a bit different in some scenes but it doesn't make them OOC or complete different versions. It's how the media of TV/movies works: you will see the version of another person towards the story which this person is usually the director. Yeah I understand where you're coming from, I guess I just got my hopes up, I'm just sick of the whole 'female MC falls in love with male MC' thing, because it doesn't have to end up like that. Look at Gou in free! she is surrounded by boys yet she doesn't have a crush on any of them, she instead takes her role as their coach/manager very seriously, even brushing off the boys that do have a crush on her, and because of this she is one of my top girl-crushes. Shinoa can still want to protect Yuu without being in love with him, she is the squad leader, it is her duty to make sure her group stays alive, this could have easily been her motivation for protecting Yuu/everyone else, not because she's in love with him. (this would have also made her so much more in my eyes, yaaass girl you show us that you don't need no man) Oh ofcourse I know we no nothing about Krul, but just because vampires are asexual* doesn't mean they can't fall in love (cue Mika, and just before you say 'Mika was a human though', so were all the other vampires) or have sex. (different types of asexuality) Krul just gave so much more impression, from the very get go you could tell she meant business. It was refreshing every time she came on screen. Also, Mitsu has a crush on Yuu (though it is subtle) but Kagami has yet to dwell on it, one of the reasons I actually like her, even though tsunderes aren't my type, the fact that Mitsu hasn't linked any of her actions towards Yuu (unless you count helping Mika escape with him - which was technically initiated by Shinoa/Yoichi) is such a nice thing to see, and Mitsu is pretty much a side characters atm, yet we know more about her than Shinoa, who is the female lead. This is why if it had to end with a heterosexual romance (I hope not, god please) I would want Mitsu and Yuu to end up together, their pasts about losing their family/comrades would help them connect due to the similar feelings, they could comfort each other, Yuu maybe even reassuring Mitsu that she wasn't to blame and that he wasn't going to let her friends/family/comrades die again. (I haven't some what shipped a hetero couple in a while, this is weird) |
XemiiX3Jan 14, 2016 3:54 PM
Jan 14, 2016 6:33 PM
Chiibi said: I still don't think she's weak. I think the vampires are too bloody strong. She was made helpless when they attacked in the first cour but so was everyone. So it's different. Yeah, it's not only she that was rescued, and it doesn't make her more weaker than the manga, but as I said, those are a common elements for a damsel in distress. And the point is the fact that the anime only focused on these point of her to have additions/change. Which by not making it have a equilibrium with her other points, (squad moments, her interaction with other characters without cutting their importance) it makes me feel that the anime is pushing her to that direction. Of course it doesn't means the author will follow this direction. And I really hope he doesn't. But it's the general impression that those changes make her behaviors more near this representation of damsel, while on manga, she rotating less around the crush makes her seems more independent of those feelings, thus far from the damsel representation behavior if we compare with the anime. Explaining better: When you see someone looking like pining too much over a crush you usually feel pity for the person. And when I think that the anime is making Shinoa a more pitiable character than the manga, it makes me sad. (a pitiable character is a strong trait of damsel in distress, and why reinforce only this point?) But this is my impression of the changes of her behaviors done in anime. It isn't something that makes her a damsel in distress as I said. But makes me remember more the damsel in distress behavior. (Plus the context already existent that reminds a damsel in distress context could easily help to reinforce those behaviors) |
O_________oJan 14, 2016 7:11 PM
Jan 14, 2016 7:50 PM
Naw, I've never really pitied her. I don't think the anime tried to make her pitiful or anything. I thought it made her look like a good leader, like someone who keeps her head even in desperate situations. I really liked how she handled things in episode 9. Telling Mika to STFU and escape with Yuu. XD Even when Kureto threatened her group but said he'd spare her, she was like "Meh, f*ck you" and ran for it. She's certainly a headstrong girl. She doesn't let people push her around. |
Jan 15, 2016 1:31 AM
Chiibi said: Naw, I've never really pitied her. I don't think the anime tried to make her pitiful or anything. I thought it made her look like a good leader, like someone who keeps her head even in desperate situations. I really liked how she handled things in episode 9. Telling Mika to STFU and escape with Yuu. XD Even when Kureto threatened her group but said he'd spare her, she was like "Meh, f*ck you" and ran for it. She's certainly a headstrong girl. She doesn't let people push her around. Both scenes you said were the same on manga too, about her saying to Mika take Yuuichiro and run or turning her back to Kureto and refusing to follow him. So both are part of her character on manga too. :p And of course not everyone will feel the same with the anime changes. But for me it felt like the anime made her more pitiful, because unfortunately, what the anime gave focus and extra time of her side where elements that made me remind elements that I commonly meet in damsel in distress. And being headstrong is not enough for a character not fall in damsel in distress trope, proof of this is how we see the "tsundere" trope be manipulated. (She is not tsundere, of course, but tsundere are usually headstrong) In essence it can be the same strong character in many scenes, but those changes and additions also affected how I see and interpret her personality on anime, enough to feel that she was changed. Which made feel that even with the same elements on manga, was enough to change my view of her character on anime. A bit of her change of motivation in one scene were she had personal motivation to act(Mahiru) changed to inquire about Yuu while questioning Guren. Making her feelings for Yuu(her emotions) her main reason to inquire Guren, not her suspicious of Mahiru with her rational side. In another scene(Yuu taking more pills than he should) she's the more overly emotional in distress over Yuu(than the rest of the squad) in a scene when everyone kinda had a equal reaction on manga. Making her less rational type like on manga and more the emotional type on anime. (the emotional one is Mitsuba on squad, not her). With the minimization of her rational side, it made her sarcastic and bully side be erased(toned down) and seems like "a girl just trying to get attention of her crush" trope ~ That aside, I didn't enjoy that all the scenes added for her where only targeted to improve her relationship with only Yuu, cutting even her interaction with the rest of squad and some jokes they had together. It felt like her love interest position were more important than the rest of the cut developments. (in some scenes I felt Yuu a bit ooc too, kinda forced heterosexuality) And it didn't feel ok her substitution on Yoichi scene when spotting Mika just to compensate it. So it felt wrong with the anime reinforcing the context of her as love interest, only adding scenes that counts her as love interest, changing scenes so it focus on her feelings for Yuu, etc. Because it made a difference in her general behavior and perception I had of her. (making me see her crush as something that makes her pitiable on anime, since her own rational reasons got toned down and her reasons turned mainly Yuu) I guess I'd put it as Character Exaggeration for Shinoa, with the exaggeration of her crush(trait): More negatively, subtlety can be lost if Executive Meddling changes the character to establish more broad appeal to some proven demographic. (feels like the changes were with the aim to keep the homophobic public at Shinoa expense) And what happened with Yoichi, Kimizuki and Mitsuba on s2 as: Or maybe in the original their role was much bigger and got cut down in the adaptation, leaving them a little one dimensional. (mostly Kimizuki implied homosexuality) (Shinoa and Mitsuba interactions and bonding to mock around even Yoichi) |
O_________oJan 17, 2016 4:51 AM
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