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Oct 20, 2015 12:49 PM

Jul 2014

Let's start off this thread with a little rundown of what puberty is like:

God, puberty sucks ╥﹏╥
Luckily, I'm past that awkward stage in my life (ง •̀ᴗ•́)ง
My sincerest apologies to those who aren't (⌣_⌣)

But that's why this thread has been created!
Us girls gotta look out for one another ( ゝ◡ ◕)


Products: Garnier Roll-On Spot TreatmentMixa Cleansing Gel
Clean & Clear Moisturizer
Ingredients: Salicylic Acid|Benzoyl Peroxide
Other: L-Lysine|Toothpaste*

• DON'T POP YOUR ZITS! It just leads to nasty marks being left
behind on your face that take that much longer to heal.

• Don't knock store brand products before you try them. Just
because it's store brand doesn't mean it won't work. Try comparing
the ingredients between store brand and name brand products.
Chances are there's not much of a difference at all.

• Make sure you're drinking plenty of water and keeping yourself
hydrated. You might find that it's better to deal with your acne
from the inside out.

• Take a break from using products every now and again. Your face
may not seem like it, but it has very sensitive skin compared to the
rest of your body. Give it time to rest and heal on it's own.

* Putting a very small dab of toothpaste on a zit should help to dry it out 
and clear it up. How long you leave the toothpaste on before washing it off 
is completely up to you. Some might sleep with it on while others might 
only want it on for the duration of homework or chores.


Tylenol/Aleve/etc.|Chamomile Tea|Take A Nap
Hot/Cold Pack|Exercise/Stretch|Vitamin D|Take A Bath
Massage Your Abdomen|Orgasm*|No Caffeine*

• ALWAYS have your preferred feminine product with you
AT ALL TIMES! You never know when Mother Nature will strike!
She can be one sneaky bitch.

• Finished your period? Restock your backpack/purse
IMMEDIATELY! It'll save you from reaching in next month and
coming back empty-handed.

• If you do happen to be forgetful (it happens to the best of us)
and don't have anything with you, don't be afraid to ask a friend
or your school nurse. If you aren't in school anymore and are
out in the real world, I highly recommend getting into the habit
of doing the first two bullet points.

• Keep an extra pair of underwear handy in case you start your
period and don't get to the bathroom in time.

• Coin purses and pencil pouches are a cute and discreet way to
hide your underwear and feminine products.

• A good way to stop your towels from turning into the Japanese
flag after you shower is to fold some toilet paper into an accordion
shape and place it between the lips of your vagina. If you use
tampons then continue using the one you may already have in and
change it after you shower or, if need be, insert a new one before
you shower.

* That's right - orgasm. The website I'm on says, "Before an 
orgasm, the uterus is more relaxed, and at the moment of climax, 
blood flow increases, helping to relieve the cramps. Orgasms relieve 
the pain through the release of endorphins, which help you to feel 
instantly better. They also help to relax your whole body and induce 
sleep so you won't feel any cramping at all."

* Avoid coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, and chocolate. 
You may drink decaf coffee, tea, and soda.

This thread will always be a work in progress, so if any of you fancy
fangirls have more recommendations or advice, post them here and I'll
add them to the list! Feel free to talk to one another about any issues
you might be having as well! And if you'd rather PM me, or any of the lovely
ladies listed in the
Making Everything Better thread, then please don't
hesitate to do so! That's what we're here for! (^ᴗ^) Puberty sucks, but
hopefully we all can help each other make it suck a little less ♥
ohmystarshineDec 18, 2015 10:32 AM
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Oct 26, 2015 6:25 PM

Aug 2014
Quick shower tip: You know when that beautiful towel turns into the Japanese flag? You know when you're trying to dry off as fast as possible before the dam breaks loose once more? Have no fear! Read below with my could-possibly-be-confusing-tutorial~

Oct 27, 2015 2:49 AM

Nov 2013
Acne: I also have a really problematic skin since I was 13 and I still do though I am already 24. So all these years fighting it I regularly buy these products which really helped me and I saw some progress in my skin getting better thanks to them.
[spoiler]Pure Active Roll-On of Garnier, wouldn't recommend using it daily, just if a huge redish pimple appears, roll over it and that's it. Do this once a day and it should be gone soon. The Soapless Purifying Cleansing Gel of Mixa. After using it for more than a week my skin got less red and less pimples are appearing even before period comes. Else there are also contraceptions which are made for women with problematic skin, gentle with less hormones and rarely with side effects.
Then Roaccutane pills, which you only get on prescription from your doctor (at least in my country) and has a lot of feedbacks, both positive sadly negative too. Nonetheless people who are using it on regular basis said their skin was better only after few days of using but once they stop taking it, the pimples came back. It sadly has a lot of side effects, too. It's individual though and one should discuss with his doctor. But it's somekind of a last hope for acne if nothing else would help.

Oct 27, 2015 10:27 AM

Jul 2014
The toilet paper doesn't get wet and start sticking to everything? Also, wearing a tampon while showering can do the trick as well, unless of course you don't wear tampons. Do you have any good methods of removing stains from towels by chance?

OMG! I've been dying to have something that's like a concealer but that will actually help my acne! I don't wear makeup so it really sucks when I have a breakout, but holy crap, I'm going to have to try this now! Does it look funny at all? Like, can you tell you tried to conceal something but it's poorly done, etc.? Especially for someone like me who doesn't wear makeup so I won't be going over my entire face with a concealer or anything and trying to make it all look even. :/

Oct 27, 2015 11:28 AM

Nov 2013
Non of those is a concealer though. If I got it right. Roll-on dries the spot and is completely colorless, then one must avoid touching that spot or washing it after use so it has an effect.
The soapless gel must be rubbed in face, leave it there for max. 5 minutes and then you wash it. It gets all white first, then colorless, after washing your skin is very much smoother by touch.

Other stuff for acne, could help, is 100% cloves, which you get to buy in pharmacy. It's natural, no chemistry and you just spread it over your face.
Then I heard sea water helps, that means thermal baths.
soaruOct 27, 2015 11:36 AM

Oct 27, 2015 11:57 AM

Jul 2014
When I looked it up some were 'tinted' for different skin colors.

Out of everything you have suggested, can you tell me exactly what you have used that works for you? I'd like to add things that people have tried and it works. I don't want to give out a bunch of recommendations that nobody has tried and we don't have any kind of feedback on.
Oct 27, 2015 12:16 PM

Nov 2013

The Roll-on, Soapless Gel work for me. I am using the roll-on for some years already, soapless gel for few months, can see the difference from before and after. Added links of the exact products I have. Going to get the 100% cloves this week I could see some progress in like a month so then I can feedback on that one too.
soaruOct 27, 2015 12:19 PM

Oct 27, 2015 12:55 PM

Jul 2014
Awesome, thank you! Also, HERE is the tinted roll-on I found when looking it up earlier.
Oct 27, 2015 3:51 PM

Aug 2014
Arrilou said:
The toilet paper doesn't get wet and start sticking to everything? Also, wearing a tampon while showering can do the trick as well, unless of course you don't wear tampons. Do you have any good methods of removing stains from towels by chance?

Surprisingly, it doesn't! Tampon is also a great idea, but I know for some people like me, my parents are sorta against "sticking stuff up there." As for blood stains, just watch it as soon as possible with soap and water I guess? That's what I do to my underwear, still have SOME stains, but the sooner I do it, the less there is on it.

Jan 10, 2016 4:07 AM

Jan 2016
Arrilou said:
The toilet paper doesn't get wet and start sticking to everything? Also, wearing a tampon while showering can do the trick as well, unless of course you don't wear tampons. Do you have any good methods of removing stains from towels by chance?

When I get stains during bathing I wash my towel or cloth out immediately with whatever soap I'm using. It usually does the trick. As for underwear stains I usually wear a pantyliner (or 2) along with a tampon during the day and overnight pads with wings to sleep in. In the event I do get blood in my panties, I rinse the soiled area in cold water as soon as possible, put some kind of stain remover on the area, and then soak the undies in cold water with a bit of laundry soap in it. I usually let them soak overnight, but no longer than a day, before washing them regularly. I have found that if you wait too long to wash the panties after soaking the stains will not come all the way out.

As for acne, if anyone is looking for a good astringent you can try good old fashioned witch hazel. It's cheaper than anything else...for the most part. My munchkin is 8 yrs old and is in the beginning stages of puberty (I'm not ready!!!!). She has a forehead full of pimples and also gets them between her shoulder blades on her back. We use alcohol free witch hazel because I don't want it to irritate her skin. I also use it for myself an am pleased with the results.

Another thing I suggest is making sure to wash your hair regularly. The oil and dirt that can build up in your hair contributes to the acne on your face.
Jan 10, 2016 10:02 AM

Jul 2014

What is witch hazel? I don't think I've heard of it before.

I agree with washing hair regularly. My sister seems to get very bad acne around her hairline. Girls also need to wash their pillow cases often since the oil/dirt/hair products as well as any leftover makeup can rub off and sit on the pillow, although it's not a good idea to go to bed with makeup on, it should always be washed off before bed.
Jan 13, 2016 9:54 PM

Jan 2016

Which hazel is a clear liquid you can find in the same aisle as alcohol and peroxide in any store. It's a natural astringent and can also be used to stop minor cuts from bleeding and getting infected.
Jan 13, 2016 11:42 PM

Jul 2014

Do you apply it and leave it or wash it off like you would face wash?
Jan 14, 2016 11:09 AM

Aug 2014
Acne tip: Make sure you use the right cleanser and facial lotion! Depending on the type of skin you have, you need to use accordingly.

As a tip from an Asian, if you are Asian, def. use Asian products! We tend to have combination skin, meaning that we have both oily and dry skin types. It's best to pick up a cleanser that won't dry out your skin, but still keeps it from being too oily. Also, lotion is essential because too dry skin can dry your skin out. If you are not going to use lotion, at least use toner! It replenishes the pH in your skin.

DON'T SCRUB HARD. You should only use either your ring or pinky finger to prevent putting too much pressure and do small circular motions. If you are going to use microbeads/exfoliants, don't do it every day, maybe once every 3 or 4 days. I only use it once a week and it works out fine. Make sure to use a sheet mask or a good amount of lotion afterwards. If you're really worried about your nose pores (they the most disgusting XD), try using pore masks.

Jan 14, 2016 11:16 AM

Jul 2014
TheExplorer said:
DON'T SCRUB HARD. You should only use either your ring or pinky finger to prevent putting too much pressure and do small circular motions. If you are going to use microbeads/exfoliants, don't do it every day, maybe once every 3 or 4 days. I only use it once a week and it works out fine. Make sure to use a sheet mask or a good amount of lotion afterwards. If you're really worried about your nose pores (they the most disgusting XD), try using pore masks.

Some scrubs/exfoliates are gentle enough for every day use, the one I use is. I was using it every other day and using a reg. face wash in between but I've been using the scrub every day recently and I actually feel like it's been helping clear up my acne more to use it daily. Also I heard pore masks/strips are bad and can actually increase the size of your pores. Not sure how much truth there is to that but I've seen it enough to not want to try them out. I'd say try a face wash that helps with blackheads.
Jan 15, 2016 8:31 AM

Jan 2016
Arrilou said:

Do you apply it and leave it or wash it off like you would face wash?

You leave it on. It's best to use witch hazel that doesn't contain alcohol to keep from drying out your skin. I have combination skin. My face is very oily around my nose and forehead. And the munchkin (my daughter) is in the beginning stages of puberty so steer clear of harsh chemicals and things that will completely dry our skin out.
Jan 17, 2016 3:46 PM

Jul 2014

Bought some witch hazel today to test out~

Unfortunately the only one I found at the grocery store contains alcohol but I've had it on for a little while now and I don't feel like it's drying my skin out. I used to use face pads that must've contained quite a bit of alcohol 'cause I could feel my face drying out instantly after using them so this must not contain anywhere near the same amount of alcohol those face pads had. I'll just make sure to only apply it to troublesome spots and not use it daily just in case.

Jan 19, 2016 3:09 PM

Feb 2011
ruckes said:
In the event I do get blood in my panties, I rinse the soiled area in cold water as soon as possible, put some kind of stain remover on the area, and then soak the undies in cold water with a bit of laundry soap in it. I usually let them soak overnight, but no longer than a day, before washing them regularly. I have found that if you wait too long to wash the panties after soaking the stains will not come all the way out.

This has always worked well for me, and not just for panties. It works even better on darker fabrics, since any remaining stain is usually impossible to see. I've also found it works well just washing them immediately in cold water. But check for stains before drying! If they're stained, treat with a stain remover and soak before washing again. Heat from the dryer will set the stain and it'll never come out after that. You have a chance to get it out if you just treat and rewash though! (^‿^)
Jan 19, 2016 8:00 PM

Jan 2016
Let me know how it works for you. The nonalcoholic one was recommended by a friend of mine because in some areas of my face my skin would still dry out badly.
Jan 19, 2016 8:11 PM

Jul 2014

Only been a couple of days and I feel like I've seen some major improvement, and with breakouts like this one it doesn't matter what I do or what I use, the acne just seems to come right back but it's definitely been keeping my acne at bay.
Jan 19, 2016 8:24 PM

Jan 2016

Good. I promise it gets better :)
Feb 13, 2016 10:35 AM

Sep 2008
I tend to have a few days of terribly heavy flows and gushes during my period, and had tried all manner of long, overnight or extra absorbent pads that still never stopped it from spilling over and needing changed every few hours. I finally tried my mom's incontinence pads, she uses one of the higher number large ones, and they work beautifully. They're bulkier than maxis, but cover more of your underwear and seem to be more absorbent more quickly. Instead of needing to change the pad and stained underwear every two hours, I can go half a day or more and keep the underwear cleaner.
Butterflies don't belong in nets.
Mar 20, 2016 12:56 AM

Jan 2016
You don't get a rash wearing them? I don't use pads during the day. I stick with tampons and panty liners for added protection. I only sleep in pads because you could get sick wearing a tampon for too long. The few times I have worn a pad during the day I ended up getting a rash from the blood being on my skin too long.
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