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Oct 16, 2015 8:23 AM

Nov 2011

Finally, the last episode.
I like how the idols got all fired up and the audience is in tune with the anticipating performance. As for the episode itself, it had some fun outfits and stuff. I think the show tried to end everything in a fun style so it captured the point of that. Somehow, I liked the first season better though.

The music was okay.
Oct 16, 2015 8:52 AM

Dec 2014
I need more Rin in my life.
Oct 16, 2015 9:09 AM

Nov 2008
There's was a lot of cameos including a surprise appearance by Wakaba and Layla and it definitely had a solid happy ending, this ending was excellent especially considering how disastrous the direction was. The songs and performances were great with some funny moments like Sachiko's falling and the goofy outfits. I think this episode saved the anime.


Oct 16, 2015 11:01 AM

Feb 2008
Well, nothing much to say that everyone moving forward and try they best and everyone returns and Uzuki, Rin and Mio meeting again like that's so... You know.

Nothing ventured, nothing gained (Girls und Panzer der Film ) / from Nishizumi Miho

Oct 16, 2015 11:04 AM

Mar 2014
A1 needs more animators
Oct 16, 2015 11:42 AM

Aug 2008
A lot more inferior than the original Idol Master.
But it's important to remember that a movie review is subjective;it only gives you one person's opinion.

It doesn't matter if you like LoGH,Monster etc.If you are a jobless or college/school dropout living in your mom basement, you are still an unintelligent loser. Taste in anime does not make you a better person.If elitist don't exist, casual pleb and shit taste also don't exist.
Oct 16, 2015 12:19 PM

Jun 2014
First season was alright. They sure did mess this one up though, showing all the lamest, fake and fickle sides of the idol industry. I like how the next batch of idols are already in the pipeline /sarcasm. Thank god I won't ever have to hear GANBARIMASUU! or EGAOZ! again.
I'll miss Rin, Anzu & Ranko (the Funikura staff was one of the highlights of this episode). Sayonara girls!
Oct 16, 2015 1:37 PM

Aug 2013
It's me, or translation was just awful in this episode?

Btw A1 did MUCH (much is not enough) better job in animation than Sunrise in LoveLive with their shitty 3D performances which caused eyebledding.
I say it again, less (but good) = better.
HidenNinpoOct 16, 2015 1:46 PM
Oct 16, 2015 1:49 PM
Jul 2018
It was nice to see everyone is moving forward!
Oct 16, 2015 1:53 PM

Aug 2013
I watched this show until the end and still don't know how i feel about the cast, the first group of idolm@ster is superior to this group in every way possible.

Maybe was to much fairy-like to my tastes...
Oct 16, 2015 2:00 PM
Dec 2010
rsc-pl said:
It's me, or translation was just awful in this episode?

Certainly was the
Sentences were only half
And not to mention,

Oh well, this season left me without any emotional attachment. The first one was okay, but this one, I don't know, I felt it lacked something. Maybe originality, given how this season went through most tropes of idol animes that are out there.
Oct 16, 2015 2:03 PM

Nov 2014
i can't help but feel like this would be so much better if the main focus wasn't always on new generations. the other girls really don't get enough attention compared to them and maybe i just don't like mio honda

overall this was quite a good series but it's hard to not compare it to the idolm@ster which was just so much better with more memorable characters
Oct 16, 2015 2:18 PM

Nov 2008
baoxiang008 said:
A1 needs more animators

Good luck with that A-1 is pretty much death row for animators. A-1 needs to change animator conditions before we see more animators.

Oct 16, 2015 2:38 PM
Mar 2014
Amount of stills in this episode is utterly ridiculous. A1 needs to switch over to CGI already instead of pushing all of their work on Megumi Kouno..

The way New Generations somehow dropped a glass slipper down a flight of stairs without it shattering to pieces is a pretty good metaphor for the production schedule.

rsc-pl said:
It's me, or translation was just awful in this episode.

It's been awful in every episode.

Gsimp said:

Certainly was the
Sentences were only half
And not to mention,

Watch it legally instead of pirating and you won't experience any problems.
vegetablespiritOct 16, 2015 2:44 PM
Oct 16, 2015 2:43 PM

Aug 2013
Hoppy said:
baoxiang008 said:
A1 needs more animators

Good luck with that A-1 is pretty much death row for animators. A-1 needs to change animator conditions before we see more animators.

In my opinion the problem was much more the script-writing than than animation itself, the story was conducted like the fairy tale of "Cinderella", to me this was a very bad move in terms of pacing and runs away on context of backstage of idol groups with the first idolm@ster showed , the characters are ALL shallow and the cast is too Big to be conducted properly.
Oct 16, 2015 2:47 PM
Mar 2014
Kyruga said:
Hoppy said:

Good luck with that A-1 is pretty much death row for animators. A-1 needs to change animator conditions before we see more animators.

In my opinion the problem was much more the script-writing than than animation itself, the story was conducted like the fairy tale of "Cinderella", to me this was a very bad move in terms of pacing and runs away on context of backstage of idol groups with the first idolm@ster showed , the characters are ALL shallow and the cast is too Big to be conducted properly.

They're commenting on the lack of animation (movement) in the episode. Nobody's denying that the show's writing was mediocre.
Oct 16, 2015 6:39 PM

Jan 2011
That? That was the culmination the the Cinderella Project? Their first concert together had way more impact. This series...sigh.

Can't help but feel this got really really realllllly dragged out.

Never really got into the cast from 346 all really. I'm still sold on the 765 Pro cast and journey.

This started off well enough in season one but again it just got really dragged out and didn't have any impact for me in the end.

Zapredon said:
A lot more inferior than the original Idol Master.


rsc-pl said:
It's me, or translation was just awful in this episode?

Down right awful. Every other line and no signs
IZEROIIOct 16, 2015 6:54 PM
Oct 16, 2015 8:56 PM

Aug 2014
Took long enough for this final episode, and the subs trolled me with those unfinished sentence!

The episode is Ok, nothing special tbh.
Too many good supporting cast that didn't get much focus. Yes, I'm talking about Miho and Kaede. I wished they focused more on other idols too in the 2nd season, but noooo... A1 pls.

(7/10) for this. Overall, CG will never be as as good as the 2011 one, as I enjoyed the latter much more than this. Gloomy/heavy atmosphere in the 2nd cour not make this any better..
Oct 16, 2015 9:59 PM

Apr 2015
I have been looking forward for the episode (Not because the show is good, but to get rid of it) and I find that they did a half-assed translation? I hope they fix the subs soon
Oct 16, 2015 10:33 PM

Jun 2015
I really enjoyed Uzuki's arc so I was expecting more out of the ending, and I was a little disappointed. It was nice seeing Uzuki move on from NGs though. I liked Rin until she joined TriPri, and I don't dislike Mio, but I don't like her either.

Overall I think the show would've been better if certain characters got more screen time (Ranko, Anzu, etc) and maybe more performances would've been nice. (I would've liked to see Miku sing her song "Shall we?")
Oct 16, 2015 11:19 PM

Feb 2011
I guess it was okay. But I felt pretty unsatisfied when I finished the episode... A few things that came to mind were that

1. On the series: there were too many supporting characters which were nice individually but were nothing more than nice given the resources allotted to them. Also divided time and attention away from the main 346 group.
2. On the episode/the series: this might just be me but I felt like going into the series with knowledge of the 765Pro Idolm@ster series really killed the sense of character relations? Like for 765 the character relations were pretty good but were growing thin near the end and that got turned into a plot point but 346 kinda addressed it only within the small groups (and then backtracked). Ex: Love Laika and New Gen semi-splitting up, and in the epilogue it stepped away from the original 346 groups to basically everybody working with a supporting character.
3. On the episode: Still frames and sorta unimportant/irrelevant shots, I take what I said about the dancing back, rather I feel it wasn't as dynamic as it could've been esp in comparison to the opening which I felt had more impact, Onegai! Cinderella (which I think is generally one of the better songs in the show) by the main cast gets a whopping 3 lines. Are the translations/subs the fault of the show? Idk but after HorribleSubs' didn't seem to be complete I went and watched M@GIC's
4. The witch/evil grandmother/chief director or something seemed to exist solely to do or cause everything that nobody wanted and then CONSIDER doing a 180 on her attitude in the last episode of the season. Like any effort towards her felt kinda wasted.
AirToteOct 17, 2015 12:03 AM
Oct 16, 2015 11:26 PM

Feb 2012
Garbage and painful to watch.

There's only one true IDOLM@STER. This was just some cheap, forced drama imitation.
Oct 17, 2015 12:06 AM

Apr 2013
Meh show. The original iDOLM@STER is still the best idol show.

Oct 17, 2015 12:22 AM

Aug 2013
Max said:

Watch it legally instead of pirating and you won't experience any problems.

Stop shit posting. Not everyone are from Murica, you know? There is no point of buying subscription if there is 1/10 available shows. If they stop the region block, I will buy subscription for sure.
Max said:
Amount of stills in this episode is utterly ridiculous. A1 needs to switch over to CGI already instead of pushing all of their work on Megumi Kouno.

Still frames are still MUCH BETTER than any CG, CG is a shit in every possible way. I'm glad that they had done it in this way instead using super ugly CG.
HidenNinpoOct 17, 2015 12:27 AM
Oct 17, 2015 12:30 AM
*hug noises*

May 2013
Worst idol anime I ever had the misery of watching finally done with

That's a load off my back
Oct 17, 2015 1:08 AM

Aug 2008
zerorequiem_ said:
I need more Rin in my life.

Summed up perfectly.

Hmm, normal finale. Decent in that it wasn't fucked up, but other than that, rather plain and underwhelming. Nothing too great, nothing too bland, just normal.

For the season itself, it had it's ups and downs (mostly downs). S1 was better though. Maybe because P-kun featured more in it?
I swear, if it had focused more on P-kun, this show would've been MUCH better. Missed chance I guess. Some stuff felt... manufactured and shallow, mostly, the characters.

Also, like Kyruga said, instead of focusing on the Cinderella motif, they should've focused on the idol theme more. Besides, the whole Cinderella thing is kinda cringey for me, as a guy. Maybe it could've worked out if presented in a unique way, but the way it was presented here was rather shallow.
Oct 17, 2015 1:10 AM
Sep 2015
Pretty mediocre ending for an anime that had so much promise, obviously coming from the fact that I watched this with the high benchmark set by the 765PRO iDOLM@ASTER series. Poor character development and so many excellent supporting characters were underused, like Kaede and Mika (like seriously, every episode she appears in she makes it better for some reason)
Sad to see it end though, really love some of the characters (Ranko, Anastasia and Uzuki to be clear hehe) , but I guess the high expectations set by the original iDOLM@ASTER kinda brought this one down :(
Music wise, loved it :)
*first forum post tho, HAHAHA
Oct 17, 2015 3:38 AM

Apr 2011
Does anyone know the names of all the songs?

Anyway, average last episode. The 2nd season had lots of drama and less songs and performances. I want more Rin, more Uzuki, more Anastasia, and more Ranko.

I can completely say the first im@s is much better, much fun and entertaining than this.
Oct 17, 2015 4:40 AM

Apr 2012
An okay last ep, I still like the first Im@s to this though.

The subs were bad on this one...
"Fortress Maximus has come himself. Okay! Then I shall get Fortress Maximus to fight me, huh huh huh!"

Oct 17, 2015 4:43 AM

Mar 2012
Worst Dramafest i`ve ever watched, one of the worst Idol anime Ever!

765Pro will always be Superior


if Idolm@ster Million Live gets Anime adaptation, please don`t add some Dramafest.
Do you play Azure Lane?
Then please join my fanclub
Oct 17, 2015 4:45 AM

Sep 2015
Really you guys, sometimes give praises sometimes say this is inferior. In the end everyone just make it underated, totally make it out become unwatchable.

As someone who watched idolmaster and others idol anime like aikatsu, pripara, love live and many more - idolmaster cinderella is obviously above average. Everything is not about the dance and CGs, its the story if you guys ever paid any attention to the anime. Too many character, there is a limit in everything if you want more dancing/CGs.

One guy here quote out:
Worst idol anime I ever had the misery of watching finally done with.
That's a load off my back.

Seriously? Then i really must praise you with a medal for finishing every episodes.

Well in the end everyone has their own like and dislike. Personally i like it very much especially Uzuki arc and the sum up of final episode. The philosophy of cinderella between P-kun and the female director is just so good, it makes me open my eyes, focusing on castle or dream.
Oct 17, 2015 6:50 AM

Feb 2014
mediocre ending, the second season/second cour has a lot of forced dramas. I still prefer the original idolm@ster.

I could have dropped this if it wasn't for Rin, Ranko and Anastasia.
Oct 17, 2015 9:04 AM

Jul 2014
watashi, Shimamura Uzuki, gambarimas !
Oct 17, 2015 9:36 AM

Mar 2013
Meh. You know, when seiyuu anime manages to be more interesting idol anime the the idol anime itself, it's clear that there's a problem. I liked Producer, I liked Mishiro, I even liked that old manager. But they were too good for this series. The girs themselves, who are supposed to have focus on are mostly boring or even annoying. There was a few good ones, like Anastasia and Ranko, but there was really not enough of them to save this series. 5/10.
Oct 17, 2015 10:03 AM

Feb 2012
valvravetruth said:
Really you guys, sometimes give praises sometimes say this is inferior. In the end everyone just make it underated, totally make it out become unwatchable.

As someone who watched idolmaster and others idol anime like aikatsu, pripara, love live and many more - idolmaster cinderella is obviously above average. Everything is not about the dance and CGs, its the story if you guys ever paid any attention to the anime. Too many character, there is a limit in everything if you want more dancing/CGs.

One guy here quote out:
Worst idol anime I ever had the misery of watching finally done with.
That's a load off my back.

Seriously? Then i really must praise you with a medal for finishing every episodes.

Well in the end everyone has their own like and dislike. Personally i like it very much especially Uzuki arc and the sum up of final episode. The philosophy of cinderella between P-kun and the female director is just so good, it makes me open my eyes, focusing on castle or dream.
Story? You mean the forced drama bullshit?

I'd rather pick my nose and scratch my ass. You know what? That's exactly what I did while watching this trainwreck.
Oct 17, 2015 3:38 PM

May 2011
Mika and Smile-ducer are bes gurl, and Million Live! when?
Oct 17, 2015 3:53 PM

Jan 2010
While I didn't enjoy Cinderella Girls, I respect it for its intents. Admittedly, my initial approach was wrong. From the producer interviews, if this anime intended to be akin to a shoujo drama, then its overall feel and progression makes sense. At a time, I compared this to an all-girls school drama, but without the school and with male characters present. I feel more than ever that it's an accurate portrayal of Cinderella Girls, but just not to the standard of, say, Maria-sama ga Miteru.

There's a lack of confidence and focus present. Cinderella Girls really hurt itself by trying to balance so many characters. I'm fine with the original iDOLM@STER, as I was fine with something like Negima. With so many characters, certain characters need to be sidelined in order to make way for the more important characters and characters with depth to work off of. Here, I can see the New Generation characters being pseudo-main characters, but they never really stood out. They never felt like the characters that had great potential, significance in the story, nor reason for being.

I mean, these could very well be the intent of the show. They would be the "Cinderellas" that came from nothing and became something greater than themselves. Still, I never understood what the characters were working so hard for, as their reasons for being idols was never apparent. In addition, it's hard to understand the Cinderella stories of so many characters. To reinterpret Mishiro's comment on trying to make every girl successful, trying to make every girl a special snowflake does dilute the overall show. Giving every girl time in the spotlight is a nice sentiment, but while every character is shining, a more talented character wouldn't be able to shine as brilliantly as she could have. It's lost potential for the character and the show itself.

That aside, I do recognize that this visibly looks shinier and smoother than the original. That's to be expected however, as it has been 4 years since then. If things looked the same, or worse even, then I'd have to deem the show a failure in terms of aesthetics. Other than that and the Cinderella theme, nothing else stood out for me. While watching the last episode, I kept thinking of Ookami-san and Her Seven Companions, and how different Cinderella Girls might have been if it was told with narrators. The moments with the book pages flipping was quite eye catching, and I wondered if applying this narrative approach to the whole show would have worked better. Say, each episode narrated by a character telling their own story. Some could be self-aware and break the 4th wall, while others would come across as a fairy tale come to life. With how predominant the clocks and "ordinary girl" motifs are, perhaps going all out with the metaphors instead of doing it halfway would make the show stronger and more poignant.

But, for now, I feel that 765 Pro pulled off the Cinderella story better, as they, from the beginning to the end, had only that crapshack office to work from, spending an entire first season before achieving popularity through hard work. In Cinderella Girls, the initial success of the group came either too easily, such as with Mika's concert first concert, or came without or came without much impact. The groups, upon finally debuting, didn't seem too grateful for their opportunities. Yeah, they waited a long time for their chances, and they seemed to work hard to get those chances, but I suppose things just moved too quickly after the formations of New Generations and Love Laika.

That being said, I did enjoy this second season more than the first. While I don't like overbearing drama, I do appreciate the greater focus. If the show's intent was to be a shoujo drama that referenced the Cinderella story, then by the end, it worked out fair enough. I just wish it didn't have such a reliance on character gimmicks, even if that was the only way to keep characters memorable in a short amount of time.
Oct 17, 2015 7:06 PM

Oct 2012
I know there is a problem with a show for me when I find myself trying so hard to enjoy it. I sense that's how many others felt as well.

As soon as you have to try to find joy in a show, and it's not natural it's already a failure.

I felt the show did way too much bouncing around to get to know any characters well. Even when episodes would fully focus on certain characters it never seemed to developed them in a meaningful way, in fact in the case of a few it make them less likable.

I am really disappointed as I wanted to like this show so much, like many others who are fans of the original iDOLM@STER
Oct 17, 2015 9:21 PM

Aug 2015
Yvese said:
Garbage and painful to watch.

There's only one true IDOLM@STER. This was just some cheap, forced drama imitation.

BlackMalice said:
Meh show. The original iDOLM@STER is still the best idol show.
Oct 17, 2015 11:55 PM

Mar 2008
This episode would have been so much better if they didn't have Mishiro come in & fuck shit up. She introduced unneeded drama by trying to break up some the Cinderella Project units & slandering Uzuki. Not to mention she was a bitch till the end. I am happy the New Gen got to perform but I still hate Rin for the shit she did.

New Gen > Triad Primus

Oct 18, 2015 12:26 AM

Oct 2011
Despite all its' shortcomings, still loved it.
Oct 18, 2015 3:39 AM
Aug 2015
Tl;dr derem@s was more of a workplace anime (not the best, mind you); there were more management lessons here than meets the eye; the drama was unfortunate but understandable given that it was a pre-teen workplace anime; it might have worked better had it not been under iM@s' shadow.

- This last episode confirmed for me what the writers thought the relationship of the characters are: friendly colleagues, but colleagues nonetheless. What seals the deal is how each of the 14 main characters branched out of their subgroups, showing that the group wasn't supposed to be a coherent group, but more of an avenue of common interests, i.e. what AKB48 and other idol groups seem to be in real life. Sure, some pairs would develop deeper relationships (Anya's picture in Minami's phone showed a deeper, er, relationship), but the group wasn't supposed to work as one unit the majority of the time.

Those last few shots also reframes Cinderella Project for me as less like 765PRO and more like AKB48 or America's Next Top Model, with less animosity and no competition. They also linked how Cinderella Project worked to how 346PRO worked. Both were less like cohesive groups and more like divisions in a conglomerate, which served different interests and provided synergies to each other, but were not necessarily "friendly" with each other (though bonds can be made).

- In this light, and in the light of EP Mishiro and TakeP's conversation about the castle and the stars, EP Mishiro's actions as head of a subsidiary make more sense, as she had to justify the division's existence vis-a-vis the other divisions. She really did want to expand internationally, which would cost a lot, and thus she wanted to make every expenditure count. Thus, she was vehement on cutting funding from projects / idols that did not perform, or that she deemed not fit for an international audience. TakeP's strategy, on the other hand, is similar to a company spending R&D on a project that was not within the company's core strategy - or the current CEO's vision. Both methods had their pros and cons, and I felt that the show decided on the side of R&D spending vs cost efficiency. (I just wish the show gave more numbers or indications that EP Mishiro's views made sense. Sales, fan votes, heck, even conversations where idol A did not bring as much dough as idol B. Without this, her actions just seem autocratic and mean.)

- In the end, I felt that derem@s suffered from (a) its legacy, and related to this, (b) pandering to too many audiences.

(a) derem@s is inextricably linked to im@s. The built-in audience is a double-edged sword; on the one hand, you had people familiar with the franchise already, but on the other hand, people had to familiarize themselves with an etirely different context. im@s was about struggling to reach the top and beating external odds - you know, the familiar underdog story. The show benefited from characterization and promoting the qualities of friendship. derem@s, on the other hand, is a story about developing from within - which I would call the story of the favored. Sure, there were moments of underdoggedness (IMO they were unnecessary and served to pander to audiences who yearned for the underdog story), but for the most point, the derem@s girls had it made; TV shows, radio spots, a media empire. The show could have been better if it focused on the management aspects of the show - dealing with multiple schedules and interests, conflicts among similar artists, creative direction, expectations management, etc - and in fact, it is in the shows that dealt with problems in this arena (esp the cour 2 eps on image setting) that the show shone the most. But this would be a problem because...

(b) the show unfortunately tried to pander to pre-set expectations. It had to be a show about friendship and relationships to please those from the im@s and the generic moe anime crowd; the potential management aspects suffered. It had to give meaningful screentime to many characters; focus on main storylines suffered. It had to be happy-happy most of the time, being of the moe anime genre, but it had to show deepness by showing some drama. In the end, the show suffered from going for too many audiences and moving in too many directions.

- I could only speculate what might have happened had derem@s been separate show, without the baggage of having many characters and pre-set expectations. The show could have been a good look at the idol business within a media conglomerate, like how Wake Up, Girls! took a look at the darker side of the idol world (or so I read from reviews). It needn't be dark; it just needed to be focused and serious, with probably some light moments where applicable - but only as moments, and not as an entire theme. (On the other hand, that show would not have gotten the green light if it did not have the backing of a media juggernaut such as im@s. So we may never know.)
me-me-meOct 18, 2015 3:59 AM
Oct 18, 2015 8:58 AM

Sep 2012
so it's end the show is not that bad but i still prefer the 1st idolmaster.

Oct 18, 2015 12:26 PM

Apr 2012
i am pretty satissfied with episode 11 (uzuki arc), yet this final episode is kinda... mediocre. in spite of the tension that has been built from the previous arc

some cons for this episode (IMO)
- unproportional body when they dance the group songs
- the group songs,which supposed be the ultimate song, doesnt have enought enjoyment. i like "Goin" better than the new songs "m@gic". and please do not make me compare it with song like "Rest@rt" or "ready and Change". its uncomparable
- Too much New chara,
- change of directors attitude are too abrupt. too suddent.

the only plus of this time the story is: the clarity of the "continuation of what the idols will do in the future" (or perhaps, the result of "character development" of any character.maybe)

oh and btw,
it seems the word "genre" on the main page should be enlarged so that several people can view the genre of some anime.
Oct 18, 2015 1:03 PM

May 2011
- the group songs,which supposed be the ultimate song, doesnt have enought enjoyment. i like "Goin" better than the new songs "m@gic". and please do not make me compare it with song like "Rest@rt" or "ready and Change". its uncomparable

I really wish they just used Shine! (maybe do a legit Star! Shine! special edition mix) and used m@gic as an insert song in the end. Seriously though, I think Shine is up there with Ready!! and Change!!
Oct 19, 2015 7:00 AM

Jan 2015
Okay I thought there was another episode after this one. Fml.

Thoughts: party is too huge, every episode the anime shifts the focus to another character, which kind of killed it for me. If the show was only about new gen and maybe 3-4 people then it would have retain its magical feeling I got when I watched episode one. I mean, episode one is freaking amazing! Shimamura practising daily and rin with her daily 'mundane' life definitely fits the concept of Cinderella girls. Then comes the huge party and that instantly killed the magical feeling for me. Pushed uzuki's screen time sooooo far back I thought she became a side character. Anddd the uzuki arc almost saved the show but the last episode was just disappointing.

I don't know why people say the first idolm@ster was better then Cinderella girls. Tried the first episode and it was weird though. Its like 20 full mins of introduction. Art style is not as beautiful and Cinderella girls had a perfect first episode IMO in terms of introduction. Don't know if I should continue.. Advice anyone?

I will prob miss Cinderella girls even though I'm giving this a 5/10. My second idol show that I completed. First is wake up girls. I definitely prefer this than wug I guess but I'm starting to think there might be no good idol anime.

Fav idols:
Chieri, Minamura Kanako, Abe Nana, Uzuki, Rin.
Oct 19, 2015 8:00 AM

Jul 2008
I love most of the new outfits in this episode worn by everyone :) The ending with the glass slipper was kinda cheesy though, the show could have done better honestly. Even with the flaws, shows like these are the ones that I loved to slot in between all the other better series during my schedule as it relieves you from burnout :D

Shows with too many characters aren't always going to score a high rating whether it's due to production value, storyline or others but one of the main problem is the screentime of the character as it's hard to balance out the spotlight for everyone. Normally I would recommend shows like this to have a lot more season to keep things less rushing but the problem is profit, the loss would be greater than the budget.
ShanaFlameOct 19, 2015 8:05 AM
Oct 19, 2015 9:42 AM
Mar 2015
TokonatsuYuu said:

I don't know why people say the first idolm@ster was better then Cinderella girls. Tried the first episode and it was weird though. Its like 20 full mins of introduction. Art style is not as beautiful and Cinderella girls had a perfect first episode IMO in terms of introduction. Don't know if I should continue.. Advice anyone?

Yes, keep watching. :) I was kinda put off at first by the first episode as well, but ep. 2 and up you'll start noticing that irresistable charm that made the original so great and enjoyable to watch(imo).
linklnk99Oct 19, 2015 9:45 AM
Oct 19, 2015 2:43 PM

May 2014
Shit anime, shit ending.
Signature removed. Please follow the signature rules, as defined in the Site & Forum Guidelines.
Oct 19, 2015 3:09 PM

May 2011
TokonatsuYuu said:

I don't know why people say the first idolm@ster was better then Cinderella girls. Tried the first episode and it was weird though. Its like 20 full mins of introduction. Art style is not as beautiful and Cinderella girls had a perfect first episode IMO in terms of introduction. Don't know if I should continue.. Advice anyone?

Better story arcs, better characters, and episode 20
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Poll: » The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 2nd Season Episode 11 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Oct 2, 2015

58 by Natdrewathing »»
Jan 30, 2024 12:10 PM

Poll: » The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 2nd Season Episode 10 Discussion

Stark700 - Sep 18, 2015

47 by HibiChika »»
Jan 9, 2024 12:17 PM

Poll: » The iDOLM@STER Cinderella Girls 2nd Season Episode 7 Discussion ( 1 2 )

Stark700 - Aug 28, 2015

77 by HibiChika »»
Jan 8, 2024 12:49 PM
It’s time to ditch the text file.
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