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Oct 14, 2015 10:11 PM

Nov 2011
Hmm, so it looks like Mana, Nea, and the Earl are separate entities. Poor Mana, I can feel the pain there..D:

Good to see more of D Gray Man. I wish more chapters came out often.
Oct 15, 2015 8:33 AM

Mar 2011
well, that was interesting... that mirror part was confusing as hell .____.
took me like half an hour to read the chapter and i didn't quite understand what was going on overall (like who was who at the moment) but i think the english translation will clear the things out a bit.
but they, we got to see our dear boy link!
the colour illustration was also really pretty.
Oct 15, 2015 9:23 AM

Jan 2009
Another epic chapter and awesome art. I feels like this chapter progress quite slow and not much happen. Though mentioned, we know Earl, Nea and Adam are separate entities. Link for now helping 14th to escape, or so it seems. The order has catch up to Allen. And we see how Mana got consumed by Noah memories. Those moment were quite twisted, especially that direct face bomb.
The Millenium Earl is an even more complicated and interesting villain that I already though. Praise to Hoshino sensei.
Oct 15, 2015 2:30 PM

Jul 2014
Didn't expect 220 to come out, that made my day :D

As for the content, the story starts to unfold a bit more around the Earl, Nea and Mana. Liking it so far, especially as i was starting to get sceptical on the plotline's sanity...

Still, will have to read again to understand it all.
Oct 15, 2015 3:23 PM

Aug 2010
Damn! The mirror part was insane. All dem crazy faces that "Mana"/Earl made O_o

So much craziness.

Now to reread a million times during these 3 months T^T
Oct 15, 2015 5:25 PM
May 2015
So let me get his straight:

Mana devoured/killed Nea. Went crazy. Mana and Earl became two separate beings. Nea reincarnated as Allen or became Allen.
So basically, I'm assuming the Mana that raised Allen is the Good Mana. Now there's 4 different personalities sharing 2 bodies (Earl/Mana & Nea/Allen).

Now what I'm very curious about is this:
1. Who the hell is Allen?
2. How did Nea reincarnate if he became one with Mana (I'm asuing thats what devoured means)?
3. How did Mana raise Allen?
Oct 15, 2015 6:57 PM
Mar 2011
Seeing this chapter totally made my day after years of waiting for a continuation.. But I felt like too much going on in one chapter... They are definitely rushing the development of the story, I hope its not getting axed.
Oct 15, 2015 8:41 PM

Oct 2013
Stark700 said:
Hmm, so it looks like Mana, Nea, and the Earl are separate entities. Poor Mana, I can feel the pain there..D:

Good to see more of D Gray Man. I wish more chapters came out often.

I wish was atleast a monthly manga. And only 41 pages for a seried that release every 3 month? But I guess it can't be helped since the mangaka is still not fully recovered.
Oct 15, 2015 8:51 PM

Aug 2012
Ah, pure insanity, the kind of boundary pushing I like to see in my shounen.

I really liked the conflict presented with Link, a great depiction of another Gray-man.

So, I think my fears from the last chapter were fortunately squashed with the whole mirror scene, with a bit that I'd kinda expected and a good bit I didn't.

Mana devouring Nea was a nice surprise, and the perfect explanation for Mana returning to the 'default' Millennium Earl. Gets rid of the 'replicated Earl' theory that felt shaky(still doesn't explain the panel with Mana holding Nea as the Earl attacks him..just symbolism?) And what I really liked was that it took the route I was hoping for, Mana being swallowed by his Noah memories(after devouring Nea), and losing himself to his guilt to the point he subconsciously renounced his name within "The Earl". That guilt allowed what I'm assuming to be the consciousness of Adam within(aware of both Mana/Nea, and every other normal Earl) to take control, reverting "The Earl" to a default,(hinted at last chapter by Wisely) swallowed by Noah memories and blind, insane desire to destroy the Heart and invoke the "Three Days of Darkness". So Adam throws both "Mana" and "Nea" away from "The Earl", which brings us to Allen and the Mana that raised him, a hollow, grief-crippled and confused shell(Which means the Akuma-Mana plothole is filled already, sasuga Hoshino-sensei!)

And even more verification on why The Millennium Earl began to feel strange upon meeting Allen. Not because of Allen/Nea at all(well obviously eventually this is the case) but because "Mana" must have returned to "The Earl" after being resurrected and destroyed by Allen. A perfect silver lining for Allen's character, as well as a nice coincidental slap in the face to Adam and his default Earl.

The shitty side of all this is that it all still points to a bad end for Allen. Unless, somehow when "Mana" becomes fully assimilated with The Earl(whatever that will look like), Allen is able to reach him as his Mana, trumping Nea and Mana's connection. Seems a bit too shounen though.

I could see the remainder of DGM chapters spent simply explaining how all this works...
AlexTheRiotOct 15, 2015 9:01 PM
Oct 15, 2015 8:56 PM

Sep 2014
Could it be possible that when Mana cursed Allen for turning him into an akuma, the curse had something to do with how Nea became a part of Allen? I can't wait to get some more answers in future chapters.
Oct 15, 2015 9:01 PM

Aug 2012
Jake_Kirisuto said:
Could it be possible that when Mana cursed Allen for turning him into an akuma, the curse had something to do with how Nea became a part of Allen? I can't wait to get some more answers in future chapters.
That would be pretty cool, but didn't Cross kind of confirm Nea's pre-existence within Allen by saying that Mana was drawn to him for that reason?
Oct 15, 2015 9:11 PM

Sep 2014
AlexTheRiot said:
Jake_Kirisuto said:
Could it be possible that when Mana cursed Allen for turning him into an akuma, the curse had something to do with how Nea became a part of Allen? I can't wait to get some more answers in future chapters.
That would be pretty cool, but didn't Cross kind of confirm Nea's pre-existence within Allen by saying that Mana was drawn to him for that reason?
That's true. It is possible that Mana could have been attracted to him for some other reason though. I can't think of anything right now, but it'd be very interesting if that were the case.
Oct 15, 2015 9:43 PM
May 2015
Ok, Mana is the Earl, which for the most part I can make sense of, if he was insane he might have raised Allen and been the clown and not even realize it when he was the Earl afterwards, one problem with this though: WHAT THE F*** WAS THE AKUMA THAT CURSED ALLEN'S EYE?!
Seriously thats a pretty big f-in' plot hole right there, hopefully its one that gets explained in later chapters
Oct 15, 2015 10:49 PM

Aug 2012
lp1996 said:
Ok, Mana is the Earl, which for the most part I can make sense of, if he was insane he might have raised Allen and been the clown and not even realize it when he was the Earl afterwards, one problem with this though: WHAT THE F*** WAS THE AKUMA THAT CURSED ALLEN'S EYE?!
Seriously thats a pretty big f-in' plot hole right there, hopefully its one that gets explained in later chapters

Oct 16, 2015 1:10 AM

Sep 2015
I'm confused as hell... but poor Allen, seems like he's really a normal boy unfortunately caught in the midst of Mana-Nea brothers feud, 220 chapters and we're still not getting close to who 'Allen' really is. Even his name isn't his...

Now what to do for the next three months...
Oct 16, 2015 2:01 AM

Jun 2013
...Wow...14th really is Mind-Fucking with Earl by just revealing some facts. "Truth Hurts" huh.

....Oh...Hell....So....Earl, Mana and Nea are different Identities...and Now Earl erased Mana...I say that this is birth of the more Brutal Earl....War will become more bloody from here on.

and Allen was captured chapter will be most interesting

JarjaxleOct 16, 2015 2:11 AM
Victory at all costs, victory in spite of all terror, victory however long and hard the road may be; for without victory, there is no survival.~Winston Churchill

"Fate of the universe will be Decided as it SHOULD be, in MORTAL KOMBAT!" ~Elder Gods

"Justice WILL Prevail?" "But OF COURSE IT WILL!! WHOEVER WINS, BECOMES THE JUSTICE!!!" ~Donquixote Doflamingo (King, Pirate, Shichibukai, Philosopher(?) (One Piece))
Oct 16, 2015 2:13 AM

Jul 2013
I was so happy when I saw the update!
Woah that was really intense. that mirror scene ohmy. Although I kind of understand it, some parts are still confusing and I need to re-read a lot.
the art is so fucking beautiful, thank you Hoshino-sensei.
it's gonna be a long wait again, those three months:( can't wait!

also I want to know how Lavi is doing;-;
Oct 16, 2015 5:39 AM

Oct 2010
Yeahhhhh... I need to re-read this.
"People die when they are killed" - Emiya Shirou
Oct 16, 2015 6:31 AM

Mar 2014
I feel bad for Allen. Caught in the middle of all the craziness. Lol. The part with the mirror was a little confusing to me, but now I'm curious to see what the Order will do now that they caught him.
Oct 16, 2015 7:30 AM

Dec 2008
Holy shit! That was intense!! I knew the Earl was nuts, but now I totally understand why. My eyes grew wider than saucers when he blew his face off.

Damn that cliffhanger!!! Is A.W. even still A.W. anymore?
Oct 16, 2015 4:44 PM

Aug 2014
Still a bit confused but from what i got the fat Earl seems to be a completely different entitie from Mana and is corrupting him (I previously thought it was just a form that Mana took to hide his appearence)
Oct 17, 2015 7:30 AM

Jun 2014
hey man what's up with hoshino being stoned as fuck
the opiate has destroyed her youthful face
is this the end of evangelion or some shit?
Oct 17, 2015 12:28 PM
May 2015
phoe_enix said:
I'm confused as hell... but poor Allen, seems like he's really a normal boy unfortunately caught in the midst of Mana-Nea brothers feud, 220 chapters and we're still not getting close to who 'Allen' really is. Even his name isn't his...

Now what to do for the next three months...

I wouldn't say he's a normal boy just yet. You're forgetting the part where Nea questioned why he doesn't remember him and why he was a boy again.
There's still a big plot gap waiting to be filled around Allen. He's a big mystery right now.
Oct 18, 2015 12:23 PM
Mar 2009
Holy info dump.

But it's finally nice to find out what the Millenium Earl really is. But then the cockblock cliffhanger by the Black Order. Goddammit.
Oct 20, 2015 6:11 AM

Jul 2013
Everything starting to make more sense. I'm really starting to feel a bit more of the Milleimum Earl.
Oct 26, 2015 6:53 AM

Jan 2012
The art is really good in every page.
Mana has forgotten about himself things are getting complicated ,we still don't know who is Allen and black order still fucking up things like always.
Who is Kataraina?

Dec 13, 2015 4:42 PM
Dec 2015
Waiiit. To be clear. Okay so the Millenium Earl is "back to his whole self" after Mana 1 devoured Nea 1.

But then, Nea 1 reincarnated to be Nea 2. So is Allen's Mana like Mana 2?

If so, Nea 2 became Allen right, then the later, Mana 2 Akuma accident happened. After that, Mana 2 also became a part of Allen (due to Akuma Mana 2 as Allen's left eye curse thing)

Then, if Nea 1 + Mana 1= Default Millennium Earl, or Millenium Earl 1.

Isn't (within Allen) Nea 2 + Mana 2 + Allen significant? Like what are they?? Since Nea 1 and Mana 1 fused do they even count as Nea 2 and Mana 2? ALSO WHO IS ALLEN (WHAT EVEN OMG THIS IS MIND BOGGLING AND VERY INTERESTING -- older Allen becoming younger???? HOW O.O).

And there are theories that state (which I also say, I follow) about Nea affiliated somehow with the heart, as even Mana 1 (when "consuming" him) stated (about Nea 1) “I must destroy the heart, which is why… which is why… I devoured Nea.”

Theories continue to state that that is how Nea 2 is able to exist (living on from Nea 1 as his reincarnation).

I just wanted to explore that because GUYS what would it mean Nea and Mana were somehow affiliated with the Heart?!? also adding to how Allen was saved by the innocence when Tyki "killed" him.

The fact that they reincarnated shows how it is indistructable and this idea is so interesting because I'm interested in how Hoshino would play with these plots, I cannot wait for Chapter 221 and so forth!

QUESTIONS THAT I WANT ANSWERED HOSHINO SENSEI (also if anyone wants to discuss theories I'm up and ready >W<):

1) The big Q: WHO IS ALLEN
2) How is Nea related to Allen (before he became a part of him), why was Allen so willing to give up his body for Nea (you know what I mean) like what was their relationship and how did it lead to it
3) How did Allen become younger after Nea became him
4) How/Why did Allen forget everything
5) Why is Cross and everyone else so enthusiastic to help Nea (like how did they come about the realisation that Nea is even trustworthy, did they communicate somehow, if so what did Nea say?)
6) The biggest Q: Where/What is the heart of innocence
Dec 14, 2015 2:08 PM
Dec 2015
My theory it's that I think Allen don't remember his old self and his promesse with Nea because of Apocryphos and his power, like when Kanda was touch by his power and that memories was effaced and recreated.

And we know in the scans Cross said:

"When we first met he wasn't called "Allen" Should've realized that mistake sooner". (chap 203 page 16).

And you know in the novel Allen called himself Red, why Red?
She don't remember the past or that name.

Maybe Apocryphos has transplanted the innocence in the arm of Allen and he recreated his memory.

( When Neah is awakened and he saw his face in the mirror he's shocked to see the innocence in the arm of Allen,and you know that the old - Allen was friend with Neah, Neah must to know that the old Allen don't have a innocence)

But there are something I can't understand if the earl was separated for the first time in two.
There's never was 14th at first so why the memories of Noah reacts to 14th?

I think all we know about D gray man it's WRONG, maybe the "Heart" don't save anything but destroy everything and Exorcists don't save anything BUT the noah save everything

( ALSO what is the " D " in the title of the manga?! we know that the last name of mana and neah is D.CAMPBELL but the title is " D GRAY MAN " maybe Allen is a
" D "
minatsukeDec 14, 2015 2:36 PM
Dec 31, 2015 12:12 PM

Apr 2015
I think Allen was Bookman's first apprentice, it explains how he met Neah and Mana.
Jan 14, 2016 9:43 AM

Dec 2007
It's bean almost 2 years since I read D. Gray-man and for the meantime only 2 chapters were published. I just read 219 and 220....honestly I couldn't remember most of it. There were some vague memories of characters and stuff, however in general the main picture escaped from me, I did not understand those 2 chapters. It's been two years/two chapters after all, as much as I regret it i might follow other users and just drop it. (probably best to re-watch the anime to drown the sorrow of losing this manga)
Jul 6, 2017 5:45 AM

Feb 2013
Right when things were starting to get awesome those bastards interrupted them.
Aug 24, 2024 1:52 PM
Aug 2020
This chapter just had a shocking plot twist i never saw coming.
10/10 masterpiece.

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